
2024-10-09 版权声明 我要投稿


蚁族的奋斗 篇1








9、爱是一种感受,即使苦楚也会觉得幸福。如果我占领了天空和满天的繁星:如果我占领了世界和它无尽 财富,我仍然有更多的请求,但是只要我有了你,即使我在这个世界上没有立锥之地,我也会心满意足。





















4.在被生活的重担压倒之前,我们想要的不过是一块属于自己的立足之地而已。5.“磨了一年多,我已经没有当年进京时的激情了,当时我‘很傻很天真’。” ——蚁族的奋斗









蚁族的奋斗 篇2

In this paper I would like to give my answer to the very beginning question—the title from three aspects:The first is the status quo of Ant Tribe and comparison with middleman minority in Edna Bonacich theory;and secondly how could Ant Tribe conclude sojourning life and enter a seemingly middle-class life?;and the third is resources concentration and Ant Tribe’s choice.

The status quo of Ant Tribe

The media is unanimous on describing the life of Ant Tribe:dwelling together in Beijing’s suburbs, college graduates, low revenue.Besides, most Ant Tribe come from rural areas’ordinary family and most of them are at the age from 22 to 30, notably the80s’.Their jobs are often not stable, so are their rented rooms.Most of them do premier technical and serving jobs such as insurance sales, electronic components sales, after-sales services, broadcasting and restaurants etc.

Ant Tribe life is a magical experience that could carry you to the dream land.There are so many chances in the capital Beijing.Before coming to Beijing, most graduates heard about the story that one of their relative or some name has accomplished a lot in Beijing and you could be better.The dreaming is such alluring that you thought Beijing is the most suitable city for you, no others at all!

Ant Tribe life is also a transparent experience that one could stop to think about is worthiness because most Ant Tribe are too tired with life, work, and all kinds of emotions.

Ant Tribe life is a group of people who live with the future.Al they do and sacrifi ce now is for their dreaming beautiful future.

Ant Tribes life is not easy and even really hard.Among the group of Ant Tribe, there are some green hands of life and work They just graduate from colledge and live together in slams like ants And there are also those who live in narrow and humid basemen like mouse.According to China Daily’s report, “The mouse tribe known as the shuzu, are thought to number about 1 million and are well known for living in some of the 1, 374 civil air defense shelters beneath the city.”Besides mouse tribe, ant tribe mentioned above in this big city Beijing, there are also other kinds of people who live like pendulum clan who communicate between cities, those live like code-copying clan who are fantastic about on-line shopping, those live as pressure-free clan who want to escape the great pressure of big city, those who lost work enthusiasm like over-drained clan and those who can live balanced and shining life like rainbow clan.

Comparison with Middleman Minority

The term middleman minority, coined by Hubert Blalock (1967) refers to minority entrepreneurs who mediate between the dominan and subordinate groups.Their customers are typically members of marginalized racial or ethnic groups that are segregated from the majority group.Edna Bonacich’s article“A Theory of Middleman Minorities” (1973) remains the seminal work on the topic.Bonacich offers an explanation for the development and persistence of middleman minorities as minority groups serving an intermediary position between the majority group and other segregated minority groups.She notes several commonalities among various middleman groups (e.g., Armenians, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, and Jews) in selected occupations (e.g., bankers, barbers, brokers, launderers, and restaurateurs) .A key characteristic for Bonacich is the tendency of middleman minorities to be sojourners—people who intend to return to their country of origin.Because they are sojourners and their migration is economically driven, middleman minorities are thrifty while amassing capital.Moreover, they maintain strong ties withtheir compatriots in the host and origin countries while remaining detached from the host society.In short, middleman minorities have little incentive to develop ties to the host society.Furthermore, they tend toward businesses in which assets are quickly accumulated and liquidated.Due to their sojourner status and their strong ingroup ties, middleman minorities develop a competitive business edge.In particular, these entrepreneurs minimize their labor costs through their reliance on family members and fellow ethnic workers willing to work long hours for little pay.These circumstances allow middleman minorities to establish positions of economic dominance.Their success places middleman minorities in conflict with different sectors of the host society.Entrepreneurs from other groups cannot readily compete with the middleman minorities’cheap labor.Also, workers in the mainstream labor force view the workforce of middleman minorities as a threat to their own ability to negotiate higher wages and better working conditions.Finally, the minority clientele of middleman minorities resent them for not hiring members of their group and for not being vested in their communities.Consequently, their success as entrepreneurs creates a paradox.Middleman minorities sometimes abandon their intentions to return to their country of origin, transitioning from sojourners to settlers.As settlers, they tend to become more integrated into the host society, a fate of many Jews, Chinese, Indians, and Japanese in the United States (Bonacich 1973) .However, due to continued antagonism from the host society some middleman minority groups remain perpetual middlemen, maintaining their sojourner intentions and residential separation.

It is such a lesson for Ant Tribe to learn from middleman minority towards the road of success.Although the background and environment between Ant Tribe and Middleman Minority are totally different, they do have a similar starting point:both of the two groups want to live a better life in the future by working hard in a prosperous environment and have to leave their home;another is that they live a sojourning life before having a home in the dwelling place.But fortunately, Ant Tribe do not have to face hostility of host society.But Ant Tribe’s hometown is not easily to go back.Their dream is a home in capital of China, which is also the dream of their parents and relatives.

Ant Tribe is an normal member of such a big city.Why people choose to live hard here as their society life starting point?There are some generalized explanations:more chances in Beijing, big city’s colorful life, parents’pride of having their son in the capital of Beijing etc.But I want to emphasize the reason of resource distribution.Resources of fund, education, medical care and others are usually united in big cities.It is common that people will fl ow to resourceful places.Although the competition is really tough in big cities, young people still want to have a try with the idea that at least they can study something here.On one of the TV shows of onsite applying for jobs, most participants would like to know training offered by possible companies.In this aspect, Ant Tribe is different from middleman minorities who prefer to earn money as the first goal, while the former prefers studying fi rst in companies and earn money later.During Ant Tribe’s studying process, companies can get the most benefi ts with low salary and insuffi cient welfare.That also can explain to some extent why Ant Tribe are welcomed by companies in Beijing and why more and more pro-Ant Tribe chooseto come here.

How to conclude sojourning life?

The following chart by Edna Bonacich, the author of“A Theory of Middleman Minorities”explains main factors affecting middleman minority’s thinking about sojourning life.

Figure 1.Schematic Representation of the Development and Perpetuation of the Middleman Minority Position.

A sojourner is a person who resides temporarily in a place.The generalization of all the middleman groups:“they begin as sojourners in the territories to which they move.”Edna Bonacich in her paper that:“Sojourning is not a sufficient condition of the middleman form in that there are sojourners who do not become middlemen;but it is a necessary one, with important economic and social consequences directly.

The economic effects Link 1 included a tendency toward thrift, and a concentration in certain occupations.”And“Thrift is the product of a willingness to suffer short-term deprivation to hasten the long-term objective of returning to the homeland.It is shown in excessively long hours of work, an emphasis on saving (often sending part of these savings to the homeland) , and very little time or money spent on consumption.Sojourners are there to make money, not spend it, and this“future time orientation”enables them to accumulate capital.This orientation contrasts with that of settlers and“natives”, who generally wish to live more rounded lives since they do not aim to live elsewhere.

Compared with middleman minorities, Ant Tribe considers much less than them.When they fi rst come to Beijing, the capital, they are often not clear about their future.They just have a try.But most Ant Tribe have prepared another way of living—they can choose to go back at anytime, for the door of home will never be shut.This is the sojourning status of Ant Tribe.When they first arrive in Beijing, they will not rent a room to live but stay with their old friends, classmates or relatives if they have.Beijing is a large city for all, but it is not strange for Ant Tribe who have get nearly all the information about it from TV and internet.Above all Beijing is the capital of their own country.After several months’trail period of working, Ant Tribe will make a longer plan of their sojourning in Beijing, whether to rent a room nearby the office, whether to continue studying in dreamed colleges.

But one thing in common is that both middleman minority and Ant Tribe want to terminate their special status in host society.Achieving success in both living and career is the most important for Ant Tribe.Through this special journey, someone gets his true love and go back to one of their hometown together;someone fi nishes his study and gets a civil servant job in other provinces;and someone gets married in Beijing but still lives a poor life……the most lucky Ant Tribe may gain truly success in both career, family life and economy.Different from sojourners’expect of returning to homeland, most middle-class Ant Tribe would like to let their parents to come living together in Beijing.

Totally different from middleman minorities’relations with members of surrounding host society, Ant Tribe would like very much to build good relation with people around him, especially with those sharing the same homeland, same hobbits, same ages etc.To Ant Tribe, it is much benefi cial to make more friends in Beijing, for in such a big city everyone is so small.But“Union is Power”is the truth is each society.

A survey conducted by Sina Education Chanel, Xin Jing Bao Net and other medias in 2009 had been participated by voted by about 3000 Ant Tribe for one week.According to the survey result most Ant Tribe with jobs once wanted to go back to their hometowns of secondly or third lyimportant cities in China.The data of considering back home nearly reached 80%of those voted Ant Tribe.Over 50%voters want to leave Beijing for the reason that house price here is too high for them to offer.And the reason can really let Ant Tribe make the decision is the temptation of other good chance in their hometown.Beside the high house price, loneliness and work not going on well also force Ant Tribe to leave.

And when there are really good chances in hometown or other second-level cities, according to the survey, over 60%employees of Ant Tribe will choose to leave, less than 20%will say No and over20%will not be sure.

Among those who do not want to leave Beijing or not sure, the main reason for their choice is the new challenge they will face when start fi ght in the new city.There are other reasons such as they do not want to leave their lovers and friends or they do not want to quit the present job.

In the survy there is question:“If there is a similar good chance in your home town, will you choose back home?”Over 80%Ant Tribe voters say yes.

Another question I would like pose is that whether Ant Tribe welcome new members or would they like to offer help if they need?Maybe seldom do they think about this question, for a big city’s sojourner mostly care about his/her own life—the rent fee, the traffi c fee, the meal etc.Most Ant Tribe would like to offer help for any reason.But when you ask a former Ant Tribe who is now a dweller here, he or she may give you suggestions as this:it’s really tough road, and there are both allures and traps everywhere in such a big city.But if you want a travel here, I would like very much to accommodate you.In his eyes, Ant Tribe’s life means working harder, paying more and sacrifi ce both time and health.One day you realized your dream, it is worth all.

Does Ant Tribe feel lonely in Beijing?It is so maybe at the beginning of this everything-not-sure life.Nearly every Ant Tribe already have their own dreams before starting the journey.And few lucky one could realize their dream at one time.Most Ant Tribe will face the contradiction of hard reality and beautiful dream until they fi nd way to go on with the road to success.It is really hard to persist the journey and it is also hard to control all other factors unchanged.

The last question is that whether Ant Tribe will leave the capita and return to their hometowns.It depends.Just as the experience of some sojourners who had returned to their home but fi nd it harder to make a living or cannot live as well as abroad, those sojourners jus chose to come back to be middleman minorities.Maybe Ant Tribe will face the similar situation such as that their parents or relatives do not welcome their son or girl back for their prideness and selfesteem which is quite important for Chinese people, or they canno fi nd a suitable job for quite a long time or maybe they fi nd it lack al kinds of resources to start their own business.Nowadays nationa policies encourage newly graduates to go to countries to practice themselves and make contributions to their home towns and it also encourages newly graduates to create their own business and employ more local labors.From a wider view of point, if a Ant Tribe wants to conclude his fl oating life in Beijing, there is always a way to live better or more comfortable.

How could ant tribe enter middle-class?

Just as I wrote in the beginning of this paper, it is diffi cult to define what middle-class life in China is.Is it high-quality living standard or something else?I am not sure.But most ant tribe members do not want to continue living in slams in suburbs.Now we come to the point of house.Maybe a house in Beijing city can be the symbol of middle-class.Or maybe a manager position in your company can be the symbol of middle-class.My opinion is the chance leading you upper wards, of course with your hard-working.

Resources concentration and Ant Tribe’s choice

Resources are quite concentrated in the capital, not to list here To Ant Tribe, they can encounter nearly all the things that they cannot even hear about in their hometowns.As a member of An Tribe, he may take the tough life also as a learning experience.Why not have a try in the capital?At least you cannot lose something However, time flies by and your original dream becomes just a house in the capital.According to Mr.Lian Si, deputy professor in University of International Business and Economics, who recently gave a report on Ant Tribe, members over 30 age have taken an increasing part from 1.6%in 2009 to 7.2%in 2010.I have to pose a question--what is your dream when you are over 30 years old?Life will teach us to be realistic.But Tribe should not be gloomy abou it.Why not have another choice?Just choose some other places and bring one or two the resources that keep you in Beijing to the place you like.Through several years’working in such a complex environment, ant tribe himself is also a resource for second or third level cities.Create your own career and control your own life rhythm, such a beautiful dream.All is ant tribe’s choice.


If middle-class family will carry on to be middle class, it is a trouble for ant tribe;but if middle-class family goes upper and becomes wealthier, it is a good chance for ant tribe.Although they are not living quite well, it doesn’t mean that ant tribe do not live a happy life.My suggestion is that middleman’s business way is the fastest way to collect and save money.Why not have a try?

摘要:拥有高等教育的学历, 却生活窘迫, 蚁族如何才能通过努力过上宽裕中产生活?本文通过分析蚁族生活现状与少数中间人理论对比、简居生活和蚁族选择三方面探讨蚁族向上人生的可能性。

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《蚁族的奋斗》引80后男女共鸣 篇5

引导语:刚走出校门大学生,无车无钱无房,每天要为了生计而接受自己并不喜欢的工作,为爱而搁置梦想,为金钱而低头妥协,让他们失去了真正的人生方向,张铎 变身“草根情人”上演奋斗版“蜗居”,《蚁族的奋斗》:一个人的草根爱情,一群“蚁族”的追梦故事!引80后男女共鸣。经典语录hold住了!






















