
2024-10-13 版权声明 我要投稿


二年级数学第三单元测试卷 篇1


1、一个角是由( )个顶点和( )条边组成的。

2、一块三角板中,有( )个角,其中有最多有( )个直角。

4、用直角和锐角拼出的角是( )。

3、手帕有( )个角,红领巾有( )个角。


6、钟面上三时整时,时针和分针成( )角


( )个角 ( )个角 ( )个角 ( )个角 ( )个角

8、画角时,先画的这个点,叫做角的( ),两条射线叫做角的( )。

9、右图中,有( )个角,有( )个直角。


1、直角是角中最大的.角。( )

2、三角板上的直角和黑板上的直角一样小。( )

3、角有3个顶点和3条边。( )

4、直角没有顶点。( )

5、两个三角尺上的直角同样大。( )

6、直角不是角。( )

7、一个角两条边越长,这个角就越大。( )

8、角的大小与边的长短没有关系。( )

9、角的两条边张开得大,角就大,角的两得边张开得小,角就小。( )

二年级数学第三单元测试卷 篇2

1. --- How do you usually come to school?

---___________ the school bus.

A. By B. With C. At D. On

2. ---Do you know ____________?

A. how old is Sam B. where he lives C. where is Tom D. how far does he live

3. The students in that village need to ________ a river to school.

A. across B. through C. cross D. crossing

4. We hope our dreams can ____________.

A. come out B. come true C. come up D. come through

5. ---________ does Cindy live from her offi ce?

--- Three kilometers.

A. How long B. How much C. How often D. How far

6. It takes him about 15 minutes _________ there.

A. walk B. walking C. to walk D. walks

7. James has ________ breakfast at home and play _____ guitar every day.

A. /, the B. the, / C. the, the D. a, the

8. We want people who are good _________ children.

A. at B. for C. in D. with

9. ---_________ do people usually eat dinner?

--- In the evening.

A. What time B. When C. What D. How

10. --- Can I borrow your bike?


A. I don’t have one. B. No, you can’t. C. Of course. D. Not at all.

11. Can you tell me what he _________ just now?

A. talked B. told C. spoke D. said

12. ---Must I do the dishes after dinner?

--No, you ______________.

A. can’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. have to

13. Please get up and ___________ your clothes.

A. dress B. put up C. wear D. get dressed

14. Either you or your brother __________ singing very much.

A. likes B. like C. don’t like D. dislike

15. ---How does Jack ___________ the museum?

---By bus.

A. get B. arrive C. arrive in D. reach

16. --- How far is your home from your uncle’s?


A. It’s 20 kilometers far. B. It’s 20 kilometers away.

C. It’s 20 minutes bus ride D. It takes 20 minutes.

17. He wants to fi nd a _______ in a music club.

A. jobs B. work C. works D. job

18. Lucy often ____________to the bus stop.

A. rides a bike B. rides bike C. by bike D. on her bike

19. Sally goes to the park after ________ her homework.

A. doing B. do C. does D. to do

20. ---_____________________?

--- It’s wonderful.

A. What do you think of the football game? B. Do you want to go on a trip?

C. Can you play chess D. What time do you go to bed

二、完形填空。 (10分)

21. A. and B. but C. or D. so

22. A. at B. in C. on D. to

23. A. with B. by C. of D. on

24. A. go B. get C. leave D. getting

25. A. in B. at C. about D. to

26. A. in B. at C. on D. of

27. A. his B. he C. he D. she

28.A. his B. he C. our D. their

29.A. look B. read C. watch D. look at

30. A. go to bed B. goes to bed C. sleeps D. get bed

三、阅读理解 (共20小题, 每小题2分, 共计40分)


I have a cousin. His name is Eric. He is 15. He likes music and he can play the guitar very well. But he doesn’t want to join the music club. He wants to join the art club. He wants to learn to paint. I don’t like music or art, I like sports. I can play tennis. I can also swim but I can’t swim well. I want to join the sports club. My friends are in that club. I want to play sports with them.

31. How old is the writer’s cousin?

A. Five B. Fifteen C. Fifty D. Fourteen

32. What does Eric like?

A. music B. art C. swim D. sports

33. What club does Eric want to join?

A. music club B. art club C. sports club D. chess club

34. What does the writer dislike?

A. sports B. tennis C. swim D. music

35.Why does the writer want to join the sports club?

A. He can play tennis. B. He can swim.

C. He doesn’t like music club. D. His friends are in that club, he wants to play with them.


Sue and Linda usually go to school by car. They drive past a cinema, a supermarket and a food shop. The food shop is next to the supermarket. Jack and Michael usually go to school by bus. They go past a bank and a post offi ce. The bank is next to the post offi ce. Mary usually goes to work by bike. She rides a bike past a police offi ce, a library and a swimming pool.

( ) 36. How many people are there in this passage?

A. Five B. Three C. Four D. Two

( ) 37. Where is the bank?

A. It’s next to a swimming pool. B. It’s on the right.

C. It’s next to a post offi ce. D. It’s on the left.

( ) 38. How does Linda go to school?

A. By bike B. By bus. C. By car. D. On foot.

( ) 39. Where does Sue drive past?

A. A cinema. B. A post offi ce. C. A park. D. A bank.

( ) 40. What do they do?

A. They are singers. B. They are football players.

C. They are students. D. They are reporters.


Hi! My name is Tom. I am a school boy. My school is far from school. I must get up early in the morning. I usually go to school by bus. It takes me half an hour to get there. I have no time to have breakfast at home. I often have some bread for breakfast on the bus. I don’t want to be late for the morning exercise. I have lunch at school. Sometimes I play football with my classmates after school. I often get home at half past six.

( ) 41. Tom lives______.

A. next to his school B. in his school

C. far from his school D. with his friends

( ) 42. Where does Tom eat breakfast?

A. In the school` B. At home C. on the bus D. near the school

( ) 43. Tom gets home______.

A. at 5:30 in the afternoon B. at noon

C. with his classmates D. at 6:30P.M

( ) 44. How long does it take Tom to go to school?

A. one hour B. 5.5 hours C. Half an hour D. A morning

( ) 45.What does Tom sometimes do after school?

A. Does morning exercise. B. Plays football with his classmates.

C. Plays the guitar. D. Does his homework.


Alex’s day

Hello! I’m Alex. I often get up at 6:30 a.m. Half an hour later I have my breakfast. At 7:30 a.m. I take a bus to school. We have Math, Chinese and English classes from 8.00 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. I have lunch and talk with my classmates at school. We have three classes from 1:40 to 4:10 in the afternoon. After school, I often play with my classmates. We often play soccer, tennis and ping-pong. I go home at about 5:00p.m. I usually have dinner at 6:00p.m. Then I do my homework and watch TV. At about 10:30, I go to bed.

( ) 46. Alex goes to school at half past six in the morning.

47. What time does Alex eat breakfast?


48. How long does it take Alex to have breakfast?


49. Where does Alex eat lunch?


50. Alex usually _______ before he goes to bed.

四、词汇 (10分)

51.There is no ___________ ( 桥梁 ) above the rive.

52. _________ the rive to school is dangerous for the students. (横过、越过)

53.What do you_______________ the school trip? (认为…怎么样)

54.The bus ride ___________me about 20 minutes every day. (花费)

55. He _________________ at seven o’clock. (刷牙)

56. Lisa is good at ______________________ ( 讲故事 ) .

57.Peter likes ___________________ ( 拉小提琴 ) .

58.He either does homework or________________ ( 散步 ) after lunch.

59.I want to be ____________________ when I grow up. (音乐家)

60. The school needs help to teach children______________ ( 游泳 ) .

五、连词成句 (10分)

61. does, you, get, how, it, long, take, to, school, to


62. is, a, river, between, there, home, her, and, hospital, the


63. far, he, live, the, how, does, library, from


64. I, take, to, the, usually, subway, park, the


65. club, want, what, to, do, you, join


66. he, play, can, the, or, drums, basketball


67. do, usually, time, get, what, you, up


68. they, bus, take, the, do, work, to


69. knows, she, it, not, is, her, for, good


70. I, clean, sometimes, an, for, my, half, hour, room


六、写作 (10分)


擅长打篮球, 会弹钢琴, 想加入了游泳俱乐部学习游泳。

每天早上7:00起床, 穿好衣服, 吃过早饭后7:45去上学, 下午4点放学回家。

通常花15分钟骑自行车上学, 如果下雨会乘公交车。





1-5 DBCBD 6-10 CADBC 11-15 DBBAD 16-20 BDAAA


21-25ABBCB 26-30AADCA


31-35 BABDC 36-40 ACCAC 41-45 CCDCB

46. F 47. At 7:00 48. 30 minutes

49. At school 50. Does homework and watches TV


51.Bridge 52.Crossing 53.think of 54.takes 55.brushes teeth

56.Telling stories 57.playing the violin 58.takes a walk 59.a musician 60.to swim


61.How long does it take you to get to school?

62.There is a river between her home and the hospital.

63.How far does he live from the library?

64.I usually take the subway to the park..

65.What club do you want to join?

66.Can he play the drums or basketball?

67.What time do you usually get up?

68.Do they take the bus to work?

69.She knows it is not good for her.

70. I sometimes clean my room for half and hour.


二年级语文下册第三单元测试卷 篇3


1.小冬的数(shǔ shù)学考试成绩很不理想,在全班倒数(shǔ shù)第八名。

2.这两个东西差(chā chà)别不大,我差(chā chà)不点儿弄错。

3.屋子里十分闷(mēn mèn)热,让人感觉心里闷(mēn mèn)得慌。

4.这条裤子太长(zhǎng cháng)了,等我长(zhǎng cháng)高一点再穿吧。




吵( )( ) 叹( )( ) 棵( )( ) 洋( )( )



( )——( ) ( )——( ) ( )——( )


又( )又( ) 又( )又( ) 又( )又( )


栽( ) 历( ) 酒( ) 拆( )

裁( ) 厉( ) 洒( ) 折( )















扇(shān shàn)着 乘(chéng chèng)凉 捉(zhuō zuō)住 蜻(qīn qīng)蜓


漂亮( ) 喜欢( )

3.作者在描写小蜻蜓的外形时,具体地写了蜻蜓的( )和( )的特点。(4分)




shù、shǔ;chā、chà;mēn、mèn;cháng 、zhǎng


到(到处) 玩(玩耍) 丝(丝线) 前(前后)

道(道路) 完(完全) 私(私人) 钱(金钱)(其他字词也可以)





又大又红、又白又胖、又大又圆 (其他词也可以)


栽树 历史 喝酒 拆开

裁缝 严厉 洒水 折纸(其他词也可以)














三年级数学上册第三单元测试卷 篇4


1、长方形和正方形都有( )条边,( )个角,它们都是( )角。

长方形( )边相等,正方形四条边都( )。

2、明明围着一个正方形的花坛走了2圈,一共走了96米。这个正方形花坛的周长是( )米。

4、一个长方形长是10米,长是宽的2倍,宽是( )米,周长是( )米。

5、把一根40厘米长的铁丝围成一个正方形(铁丝没有剩余),这个正方形的边长是( )厘米。

6、(如右图)从这块长方形玻璃上裁出一个最大的正方形玻璃,这个正方形玻璃的周长是( )厘米。最多能裁出( )块这样的玻璃。

7、用两个边长为4厘米的小正方形拼成一个长方形,这个长方形的周长是( )厘米。

8、将一张边长16厘米的正方形纸片,对折再对折,展开后得到如右边图形。每一个小长方形的周长是( )厘米。

二、辨一辨,不粗心,在正确答案的□内打“√”或者在( )填字母。(共18分)


28+15+28+15 (28+15)×2 28+15

2、两个边长是1厘米的正方形,拼成一个长方形 。这个长方形的周长是( )厘米。 A、6 B、7 C、8


4、用边长1厘米的小正方形,拼成如下的图形,周长相等的是( )和( )。

A、 B、 C、

5、用12个边长3厘米的正方形拼成一个长方形,有( )种拼法。

A 、2 B 、3 C、4

6、用一根长16厘米的铁丝围成一个长方形或正方形,有( )种围法。

A、3 B、4 C、5 D、6


1、正方形的周长是它的边长的4倍。 ( )

2、 图中有4个正方形。 ( )

3、正方形的周长是4厘米,两个这样的正方形拼成的长方形的周长是8厘米。( )

4、用同一根铁丝,围成一个长方形和正方形,它们的周长是一样的。( )

5、一个长方形的一组邻边的长是10厘米,这个长方形的周长就是20厘米。( )

6、四条边都相等的图形一定是正方形。 ( )

四、1、 算一算,求出下表中的周长、边长。(12分)

长方形 正方形

长 宽 周长 边长 周长

12米 9米 16分米

23厘米 17厘米 36厘米





一年级下册数学第三单元的测试卷 篇5


1、数字38中十位上的3表示( )个十,个位上的8表示( )个( )。

2、79的前一个数是( ),后面一个数是( )。

3、10个一是( ),30里面有( )个十,( )个十是100。

4、一个数从右边数起,第一位是( )位,第二位是( )位,第三位是( )位。

5、4个一和6个十合起来是( ),89是由( )个十和( )个一组成的。

6、99在( )和( )之间。







71、27 、42 、77 、24、79 、84、67 、54 、56





15 、46、78、71 、12




( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( )。


( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( )。


( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( )。


( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( )。


1、77 , 78 ,( ),( ),( ),82 ,( )。

2、92 ,82 ,( ),( ),52 ,( ),( )。

3、34 ,36 ,38 ,( ),( ),( ),( )。
