1. 国庆节那天,妈妈让孩子们穿上了新衣裳。
The mother got her children up in their new clothes on national day.
2. 离国庆节只有十天了。
National Day is only ten days away.
3. 国庆节期间到处挂着彩灯。
Colourful neon lights were hung here and there during National day.
4. 一年一度的国庆节来临了!
The once a year National Day approached!
5. 今年的国庆节马上就要到了。
This years National Day is coming.
6. 去年国庆节,我度过了一个非常愉快的假期。
I had a wonderful National holiday last year.
7. 国庆节我们放了一周的`假。
We had a week off on National Day.
8. 我们要在国庆节举行庆典活动。
We will hold a celebration on National Day.
9. 我有一个很长的假期为国庆节。
I had a long holiday for National Day.
10. 状态有一个家,您有我,我祝愿我亲爱的父母愉快的国庆节!
States have a home, you have me, I wish my dear parents happy National Day!
11. 国庆节那天我们在我们的餐厅里吃了顿大餐。
We had a big meal in our dining room on National Day.
12. 在国庆节那天,我们给女儿订了一个新的衣柜。
We booked a new wardrobe for our daughter on National Day.
13. 国庆节来了,我有七天的假期。我们一家去海南。
National Day is coming, and we can have a seven-day.
14. 就这样我们度过了国庆节七天的假期。
So we had the National Day holiday of seven days.
15. 这是我来中国后的第一个国庆节。
盐酥鸡是台湾街头的平民美食,卖盐酥鸡的摊贩在台湾随处可见。盐酥鸡又称咸酥鸡,虽名为“鸡”,但其油炸的食材早已包罗万象。各摊的菜色少则十余种,多则数十种,除了命名源头的鸡块(chicken nuggets)之外,还可能有豆干、甜不辣、四季豆、薯条、地瓜条、青椒、杏鲍菇、花枝须、鸡皮、鸡屁股、银丝卷、萝卜糕,不一而足。
盐酥鸡的英文怎么说?作为统称的盐酥鸡,事实上就是深具台湾特色的各式油炸食品,因此我觉得大可模仿薯条的英文French fries,把它翻成Taiwanese fries(台式油炸食品)。
“薯条”在美式英文里稱French fries(简称fries,英式英文多用chips),全称为French fried potatoes(法式油炸马铃薯)。英文的fly可作动词亦可作名词,作动词时意为“以热油烹调”,可以是油煎、油炒或油炸,是个笼统的字眼;作名词使用时,相关的意思包括“薯条”、“油炸食品”和“油炸食品派对”。fry常用复数形的flies,因薯条多以大于一的数量出现。
盐酥鸡是种极富台湾风味的油炸食品,内容虽与薯条大异其趣,可是二者的形式与内涵却颇为类似,因此我们不妨把这个意为“油炸食品”的fly借过来,前面冠以Taiwanese修饰,把单数的fly变成复数的fries(盐酥鸡的油炸食品数量也经常大于一),构成Taiwanese fries的崭新词组。这个词组仿French fries加以炮制,符合英文的构词规律,精简传神,浅显易懂,值得推广。
另外,把“盐酥鸡”音译为yan su ji也颇值得一试。音译的做法直截了当,是翻译此类文化特色词最常见的策略。“炒面”常舍中规中矩的flied noodles(油炒面条)不说,反而音译为chow mein:“点心”不用Cantonesesnack(广东[广州]小吃),却依广东(广州)话音译为dim sum。此二例所采取的,就是这种带有异国风味、向异化(foreignization)靠拢的音译策略。
“宫保鸡丁”的英文是kung pao chicken,前一半的“宫保”(kung pao)采用传统的威妥玛(Wade-Giles)音译,后一半的“鸡丁”(chicken)采用意译。“蘑菇鸡片”的英文是moo goo gai pan,四个字全依广东(广州)话音译,“鸡”有现成的chicken不用,却用广东(广州)话的gai。依此看来,谁说“盐酥鸡”的“鸡”一定要用chicken才可以?
那么,盐酥鸡的英文到底该怎么说?保守一点,我建议采取意译,向翻译策略的归化(naturalization)靠拢,把它叫做Taiwanese fries,英文通顺自然,英美人士读来清楚易懂。倘若大胆一点,想要最大限度保留中文的原汁原味,不妨采取偏离英文的异化策略,将之直接音译为yan su ji。
与盐酥鸡性质类似的日本料理“天妇罗”,英文用的也是音译的tempura,自1920年起已通行至今。音译在翻译文化特色词时虽最为常见,然盐酥鸡尚未登上国际舞台,一开始不宜贸然仅以音译孤意行之。推广初期的英文宜走稳健务实之路,以yan su ji彰显特色,结合Taiwaneseflies附加说明,音义兼顾,异化与归化并陈,最后交由英语人士定夺,让使用者决定其最终去留。
I am writing to express my appreciation for the generous help you rendered to me since I entered this university.
On the one hand, it is because of your encouragement and continuous assistance that now I have obtained a splendid academic achievement in my study career, and serve as chairman of Student Union. On the other hand, with your help,Icould get along well with classmates and have good cooperation with other members during work.I will always remember
your kindness and painstaking labor.It is really an honor to be your student, and I will cherish the goodwill you showed to me wherever I go.
In a word, my heartfelt gratitude to you is beyond words. In the years to come, I will study harder to repay your kindness and make more progress.
Yours sincerely,
The International Children‘s Day (ICD) is celebrated in numerous countries, usually (but not always) on June 1 each year.
June 1 has since been observed as the ICD by numerous countries, especially by Communist countries; in the Western world the ICD is usually celebrated on other days of the year (if at all), and there is often little public awareness about these celebrations. (See the section on Germany below for further discussions.) Consequently there is sometimes a misperception that June 1 as the ICD was a Communist invention. Nonetheless, in recent years even some groups within the United States started observing the ICD on June 1.
Most first-tier cities in China are barely suitable for living due to their poor ecological environment, despite rapid economic development and preferential regulations for investment, said a newly released report by a top Chinese think tank on Sunday.
文中的first-tier city就是“一线城市”。一线城市是指对本国的经济和政治具有重要作用的大都市,与之想对应的则是second- and third-tier cities(二、三线城市)。大城市除了不宜居,还面临urban diseases(城市病)。