1.听力部分将在开考30分钟作文完成后开始播放试音,收听调频波段为80兆赫左右,试听音乐为Yesterday Once More,试听时间约两分钟。试音结束后,听力考试正式开始。
3.选择题正确答题法:A ■ C D
麻烦各位老师结课前把此考生注意事项对学生说明,试卷头上也是这样写的但是以免有些学生可能考试时注意不到。并请提醒学生调频波段只是大概80,有些接收器可能调到82才能找到,让学生到时不要焦急,静心慢慢调试。建议各位老师课间给学生播放Yesterday Once More听听,以便于考试时辨认频道。注意事项:1.考试范围为课本1-7单元。
2.课内内容(课本和综合练习册及听力书)不少于50% 考试题型和复习范围
Writing和Practical Writing)
共35题:8个短对话8%;两篇长对话 7%;三篇短文10% ;一篇短文听写10%。(短对话、长对话和短文题目出自听力教材1-7单元)
Section AWordBank5%(课本1-5单元Section A的课后练习)
Section BMultiple Choice Questions10%(出自综合训练册2、5单元)Section C信息匹配题10%(出自课外)
单选题。(主要考察课本1-7单元Section A部分的词汇、搭配和常用语法)
五、翻译汉译英:段落翻译 15%(出自课本2、3、4、6、7单元Section A课
本单元的话题是“Women of Achievement” (取得成就的优秀女性) , 通过介绍几位不同国度、不同时代、不同职业、不同理想与追求、不同经历的杰出女性, 探讨女性对社会、对人类的价值和贡献, 展示女性的风采和她们在社会各个领域的成就。单元结构包括: Warming-up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending, L e a r n i n g a b o u t L a n g u a g e , U s i n g L a n g u a g e , Summing up, Learning Tip, Reading for Fun.
词汇的教学不应该只是意思的展示或用法的讲解, 更重要的是学会正确的使用。只有通过运用, 学生才能掌握所学到的词汇。本节课的整体思路, 就是通过各种有趣的活动, 不断地认识新词汇, 运用新词汇。笔者特别设计了几个小环节, 包括用生动形象的图片展示单词, 系统地、反复地学习单词, 最后的小作文写作设计等等。所有的设计都紧紧围绕着所学的词汇, 真正做到词不离句, 句不离段, 段不离篇。
教学内容分析:本人抽取的是本单元的黑体词汇, 词汇是构成语言的三大要素之一, 是语言的基本材料, 离开了词汇, 学生就无法正确地表达思想。黑体词汇是课程标准要求掌握的, 是教学重点。黑体词汇贯穿于整个单元的教学过程, 不理解和掌握这部分词汇, 就无法准确地理解本单元的两篇阅读话题, 所以黑体词汇的教学是一项艰巨的任务。使学生掌握科学的学习和记忆方法, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 使学生能精确地理解、灵活地运用词汇, 是提高本单元教学效率的必要前提。
学生情况分析:笔者所任教的班级在普通高中, 虽然是年级的重点班, 但是班里学生对基础知识的掌握普遍不扎实。主要表现为:学生词汇量不丰富, 不能准确地记住单词并灵活运用, 许多学生对学英语的热情很高, 但是不愿意下功夫花时间去记单词。本节课是词汇课, 大部分学生能够正确拼读单词, 但在词汇的运用和表达方面还需要有更大的提高。预期在学完本节课后, 学生不仅能正确的读准单词, 记住单词, 还能将单词正确地应用到具体的场景里。
具体的教学目标是:大部分学生能记住所有单词, 会在具体情景下运用这些单词和短语, 能力强一点的学生能运用这些词汇写小短文。教学指导:将知识直观呈现, 从易入手, 使学生容易理解, 容易掌握;通过看图片说词汇、头脑风暴等游戏方式激起学生学习的兴趣; 通过小组合作、竞赛的方式培养学生的自主学习能力、互助合作能力;通过设计梯度练习, 培养学生根据上下文猜词和理解词语的能力。这里可以用学过的单词替换文章中出现的新单词, 也可以为了引出新单词的讲解, 用本单元所学新单词去替换旧单词。同时注意该词在句中的用法, 让学生反复用所学词汇造句、模仿, 记住单词;让学生小组合作, 编句子写短文。这样一来, 学生既掌握了单词又学会了应用, 词汇的运用能力比过去有所提高, 一举两得。
教学重点:能够认读, 拼读, 逐渐掌握本单元的黑体词汇, 并能在特定的句型下, 准确地选择这些黑体词汇。
look down upon, come across, refer to, deliver, behave, observe, intend, argue…
教学难点:学生能准确而灵活地运用这些黑体词汇, 并用这些词汇写一篇小短文。
Step1: Leading-in. (2mins)
T: Show a famous beautiful woman’s picture andask who she is?
Ss: Answer the question; “She is a famousactress: Audrey Hepburn.”
T: Introduce Audrey Hepburn’ famous works, andlead in the class: “We are going to know other greatwomen in different fields in this unit. At first, let uslearn about new words.”
设计意图:通过奥黛丽赫本的图片导入课文, 激起学生学习本单元的兴趣。
Step 2: First impression on the new words. (10mins)
首先让学生给所学的词汇分类, 然后再进行以下活动 :
Classify the words into groups.
n: human being
n&v: campaign, shade, respect, crowd, support
v: behave, observe, argue, intend, deliver
phrases: move off, lead a ..life, refer to, lookdown upon/on, by chance, come across
Activity 1: Guess the meaning of each picture.
T : S h o w s t u d e n t s s o m e p i c t u r e s a n d a s kstudents what it is or what they are doing to lead tothe new words.
设计意图:通过图片引起学生兴趣, 直观形象地引出新单词:human being, crowd, shade, campaign, respect, argue, observe, 给学生留下深刻的印象。
Activity 2: Brainstorming. (系统记忆法)
Dialogue 1:
T: Can you express “respect” using another wordor phrase?
Ss: Look up to.
T: Good, and what is its opposite meaning?
S: Look down upon/on.
T: Well done, can you think of other phrases withthe verb “look”?
Ss: Look at, look for, look into, look through, lookout…
Dialogue 2:
T: I came across Zhang Xue in the street yesterday.That means that I met her unplanned. Do you knowthe meaning of “come across” in this sentence?
Ss: It means“偶然遇见”.
T: Great! You are very clever! Can you think ofmore phrases about “come”?
Ss: come out, come in, come up with, come into, come by…
设计意图:通过已知词汇“respect”, 引出其近义词“look up to”, 又引出新单词“look down upon”。这个动词, 让学生回忆起以前学过的所有关于这个动词的搭配, 既学了新短语, 又巩固了已经学过的短语, 扩充了词汇量。
Activity 3: Give the word correct meaningaccording to the sentences. (情境记忆法)
1. A. 投递, 运送B. 发表 ( 演讲等 ) C. 宣布, 助产, 接生
(1) The mailman delivers the mail twice a day inthis area. ( )
(2) She delivered a healthy baby. ( )
(3) She will deliver a speech about how to studyEnglish tomorrow. ( )
2. A. 参考, 参阅B. 把……称作C. 指…而言
(1) Complete the exercise without referring toyour notes. ( )
(2) When I said someone is stupid I wasn'treferring to you. ( )
(3) Don't refer to your sister as a silly cow. ( )
设计意图:让学生学会在具体的情境下灵活运用词汇, 注意一词多义。
Activity 4: Filling in the blanks. (6mins) (重复记忆法)
(1) 过着幸福的生活lead a ________ life
(2) 过着简朴的生活lead a ________ life
(3) 过着艰苦的生活lead a ________ life
(4) 过着凄惨的生活lead a ________ life
(5) 过着舒适的生活lead a ________ life
设计意图:不同的句子, 相同的短语。通过更改短语前的修辞, 不断地重复, 让学生掌握“lead a…life”这一短语的用法。
Activity 5: Replace the words or phrasesusing new words. (以旧带新法)
(1) The guard waved the f lag and the train got away.
(move off)
(2) It happened quite by accident.
(by chance)
(3) She is in favor of the president’s opinion.
设计意图:以旧带新, 通过近义词帮助学生学会新单词。既复习旧单词, 又掌握新单词及短语。
Step3: Listen to the tape. (5mins)
T: Play the tape and make students pay attentionto the pronunciation of these words.
Ss: Listen to the tape and follow it to read in awhisper.
Ss: Read for each other and correct the mistakesin pronunciation.
设计意图:学生对单词已经有了初步印象, 再放单词录音, 学生更印象深刻。让学生跟着录音读, 同伴互读, 从根本上纠正发音。掌握标准的发音是学习词汇的关键。
Step 4: Some usages of the key words:behave, observe, argue, intend. (8mins)
Group work: Make students look up the usage ofthe following words by referring to their dictionaries.Then ask a speaker of each group to explain a wordto other students. (Each group chose one word toexplain) , students have right to ask questions.
设计意图:学生自己讲解单词能够发挥学生的学习主动性和小组合作精神, 激发其学习兴趣, 让学生真正成为课堂的主人, 注意力更加集中。有不到位的地方, 老师再加以完善和补充。
Step 5: Have a competition. (5mins)
Activity 1: Filling in the blanks.
(1) They were observed _____ (enter) the bank, so someone dialed 110.
(2) We are always arguing _____ each other_____ money.
(3) The book is intende ____ advanced learners.
(4) No matter what you have achieved, you haveno reasons to look down ____ others in your fi led.
(6) The lecturer move ____ before the audiencecould raise any questions to him.
Activity 2: Translate the phrases in English.
(1) 我知道在学校如何 ( 守规矩 ) 。
I knows how to ______________ in school.
(2) 你可以 ( 在字典里查 ) 这个单词的意思。
You can ______________________ to find themeaning of this word.
(3) We show ______________________ ( 非常尊敬 ) our English teacher.
(4) You’re to ___________________ ( 把这些花送到 ) before 10.
(5) 我昨天偶然碰到了一个老朋友。
I _________________________ yesterday.
(6) 我出生的时候, 我的祖父过着穷困潦倒的生活。
When I was born, my grandpa ______________.
(7) In the old days, his father was not able to earn enough money to ______ ( 支撑 ) his family.
设计意图:竞赛的练习题由易到难, 逐步加深。采用小组竞赛的方式, 不仅能够调动学生的积极性, 活跃课堂气氛, 还能帮助学生重复记忆所学词汇, 印象更深刻。
Step6: Try to make a short story using thewords we learnt today. (at least 8 words shouldbe included) (10mins)
T: First make students in groups to write one ortwo even more sentences including the words welearnt in the class. Then try to connect the sentencesusing conjunctions.
设计意图:通过不断的翻译、写句子、写短文, 逐步帮助学生加深对所学单词的印象, 逐步培养学生遣词造句的能力, 培养学生在特定情境下运用词汇的能力, 展示学生作品, 培养学生的小组荣誉感和胜利的自豪感。
1. 小组词汇竞赛
2. 小组合作写出的小作文
Part I
Listening Comprehension(15 minutes)
Section A
Directions: In this section, you will hear ten statements.Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B.Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE.Listen carefully and decide whether each statement is true or false.1.A)T
Script: According to Text A, the college graduate, who came into the author’s office not too long ago looking for a sales job, hadn’t made a good preparation for the interview.正确答案: A
Script: Gift is the secret to success for the best basketball players like Michael Jordan.正确答案: B
Script: Although they didn’t win the tennis match, the author was impressed by his 90-year-old partner who liked to challenge his weak points.正确答案: B
Script: As the saying goes that “never too old to learn”, keep learning is also one of the keys to being employed.正确答案: A
Script: Don’t try to do what the experts have predicted impossible to realize.正确答案: B
Script: To be self-confident is also critical for people to realize their own dreams.正确答案: A
Script: According to Text B, the author applied for a typist in a hospital for the only reason of making money.正确答案: B
Script: The author’s family thought that no one would marry her because of her ordinary looking, and therefore she had to work and live on her own.正确答案: A
Script: The author was so worried and frightened that she couldn’t finish the typing test.正确答案: B
Script: She was lucky to get the opportunity of being interviewed because of her good English in the application letter.正确答案: A
Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard.Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.In America, people are faced with more and more decisions every day, whether it’s picking one of thirty-one ice cream(11)_________________ or deciding whether and when to get married.That sounds like a great thing, but as a recent study has shown, too many choices can make us(12)_________________ , unhappy, even paralyzed with(13)_________________.“That’s(14)_________________ true when it comes to the work place”, says Barry Schwartz, an author of six books about human(15)_________________.Students are graduating with a variety of skills and interests, but often find themselves(16)_________________ when it comes to choosing an(17)_________________ career goal.In a study, Schwartz observed decision-making among college students during their senior year.Based on answers to questions regarding their(18)_________________ and career decisions, he divided the students into two groups: maximizers, who consider every possible option, and satisfiers, who look until they find an option that is good enough.You might expect that the student who had undertaken the most exhausted search would be the most satisfied with their final decision, but it turns out that’s not true.Schwartz found that while maximizers ended up with better-paying jobs than satisfiers on average, they weren’t as happy with their decision.The reason why these people(19)_________________ is that a world of possibilities may also be a world of missed opportunities.When you look at every possible option, you tend to focus more on what was given up than what was gained.After surveying every option, a person is more(20)_________________ the opportunities they had to turn down to pursue just one career.Script:
In America, people are faced with more and more decisions every day, whether it’s picking one of thirty-one ice cream flavors or deciding whether and when to get married.That sounds like a great thing, but as a recent study has shown, too many choices can make us confused, unhappy, even paralyzed with indecision.“That’s particularly true when it comes to the work place”, says Barry Schwartz, an author of six books about human behavior.Students are graduating with a variety of skills and interests, but often find themselves overwhelmed when it comes to choosing an ultimate career goal.In a study, Schwartz observed decision-making among college students during their senior year.Based on answers to questions regarding their job hunting strategies and career decisions, he divided the students into two groups: maximizers, who consider every possible option, and satisfiers, who look until they find an option that is good enough.You might expect that the student who had undertaken the most exhausted search would be the most satisfied with their final decision, but it turns out that’s not true.Schwartz found that while maximizers ended up with better-paying jobs than satisfiers on average, they weren’t as happy with their decision.The reason why these people feel less satisfied is that a world of possibilities may also be a world of missed opportunities.When you look at every possible option, you tend to focus more on what was given up than what was gained.After surveying every option, a person is more acutely aware of the opportunities they had to turn down to pursue just one career.正确答案: flavors
正确答案: confused
正确答案: indecision
正确答案: particularly
正确答案: behavior
正确答案: overwhelmed
正确答案: ultimate
正确答案: job hunting strategies
正确答案: feel less satisfied
正确答案: acutely aware of
Part II
Reading Comprehension(25 minutes)
Section A
Directions: In this section, there is a passage with several blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Prepare to win.“If you miss one day of practice, you notice the difference,” the saying goes among musicians.“If you miss two days of practice, the
notice the difference.If you miss three days of practice, the
notices the difference.”
When we watch a world-class musician or a
athlete, we don’t see the years of preparation that
him or her to become great.The Michael Jordans of the world have
, yes, but they’re also the first ones on and the last ones off the basketball court.The same preparation applies in every form of human
.If you want the job, you have to prepare to win it.When I graduated from college, the
were good that I would have the same job for the rest of my life.And that’s how it
.But getting hired is no longer a once-in-a-lifetime experience.experts believe that today’s graduates could face as many as ten job changes during their
.A)worked out B)talent C)chances D)effort
E)high F)careers G)Development H)endeavor
I)critics J)audience K)odds L)top
M)enabled N)Employment O)figured out
正确答案: I
正确答案: J
正确答案: L
正确答案: M
正确答案: B
正确答案: H
正确答案: K
正确答案: A
正确答案: N
正确答案: F
Section B
Directions: There are several passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D).You should decide on the best choice.Passage One
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.Job sharing refers to the situation in which two people divide the responsibility of one full-time job.The two people willingly act as part-time workers, enough hours between them to fulfill the duties of a full-time worker.If they each work half the job, for example, they each receive 50 percent of the job’s wages, its holidays and its other benefits.Of course, some job sharers take a smaller or larger share of the responsibilities of the position, receiving a lesser or greater share of the benefits.Job sharing differs from conventional part-time work in that it occurs mainly in the more highly skilled and professional areas, which require higher levels of responsibility and employee commitment.Job sharing should not be confused with the term work sharing, which refers to increasing the number of jobs by reducing the number of hours of each existing job, thus offering more positions to the growing number of unemployed people.Job sharing, by contrast, is not designed to address unemployment problems;its focus, rather, is to provide well-paid work for skilled workers and professionals who want more free time for other activities.As would be expected, women constitute the bulk of job sharers.A survey carded out in 1988 by Britain’s Equal Opportunities Commission revealed that 78 per cent of sharers were female, the majority of whom were between 20 and 40 years of age.Subsequent studies have come up with similar results.Many of these women were re-entering the job market after having had children, but they chose not to seek part-time work because it would have meant lower status.Job sharing also offered an acceptable shift back into full-time work after a long absence.The necessity of close cooperation when sharing a job with another person makes the actual work quite different from conventional one-position jobs.However, to ensure a greater chance that the partnership will succeed, each person needs to know the strengths, weaknesses and preferences of his or her partner before applying for a position.Moreover, there must be a fair division of both routine tasks and interesting ones.In sum, for a position to be job-shared well, the two individuals must be well matched and must treat each other as equals.31.“Employee commitment” in Paragraph 2 refers to the employee’s ________.A)loyalty
正确答案: A
32.Work sharing is different from job sharing in that __________.A)it requires more working hours
B)it doesn’t matter with the unemployment problems
C)it creates more job opportunities for the unemployed
D)it offers a more satisfactory salary
正确答案: C
33.Job sharing is popular with young mothers mainly because _________.A)they can take care of both work and family
B)they are over ideal working ages
C)they seek equal opportunities with men
D)they have difficulty finding full-time jobs
正确答案: A
34.In job sharing the partners should __________.A)be social equals
B)know each other very well
C)be intimate friends
D)have similar working experience
正确答案: B
35.The main purpose of the passage is to ___________.A)distinguish between job sharing and work sharing
B)describe job sharing in general
C)criticize job sharing as inefficient
D)discuss a way to tackle unemployment
正确答案: B
Passage Two
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.If you were to examine the birth certificates of every soccer player in 2006’s World Cup tournament you would most likely find a noteworthy quirk: elite soccer players are more likely to have been born in the earlier months of the year than the later months.If you then examined the European national youth teams that feed the World Cup and professional ranks, you would find this strange phenomenon to be even more pronounced.What might account for this strange phenomenon? Here are a few guesses:a)certain astrological signs confer superior soccer skills.b)winter-born babies tend to have higher oxygen capacity which increases soccer stamina.c)soccer mad parents are more likely to conceive children in springtime at the annual peak of soccer mania.d)none of the above.Anders Ericsson, a 58-year-old psychology professor at Florida State University, says he believes strongly in “none of the above.” Ericsson grew up in Sweden, and studied nuclear engineering until he realized he would have more opportunity to conduct his own research if he switched to psychology.His first experiment nearly years ago, involved memory: training a person to hear and then repeat a random series of numbers.“With the first subject, after about 20 hours of training his digit span had risen from 7 to 20,” Ericsson recalls.“He kept improving, and after about 200 hours of training he had risen to over 80 numbers.”
This success coupled with later research showing that memory itself was not genetically determined, led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive one.In other words, whatever inborn differences two people may exhibit in their abilities to memorize those differences are swamped by how well each person “encodes” the information.And the best way to learn how to encode information meaningfully, Ericsson determined, was a process known as deliberate practice.Deliberate practice entails more than simply repeating a task.Rather, it involves setting specific goals, obtaining immediate feedback and concentrating as much on technique as on outcome.Ericsson and his colleagues have thus taken to studying expert performers in a wide range of pursuits, including soccer.They gather all the data they can, not just predominance statistics and biographical details but also the results of their own lavatory experiments with high achievers.Their work makes a rather startling assertion: the trait we commonly call talent is highly overrated.Or, put another way, expert performers whether in memory or surgery, ballet or computer programming are nearly always made, not born.36.The birthday phenomenon found among soccer players is mentioned to _____.A)emphasize the significance of professional training
B)spotlight the soccer superstars in the World Cup
C)introduce the topic of what makes expert performance
D)state the importance of gifts in playing soccer
正确答案: C
37.The word “mania”(Paragraph 2)most probably means _____.A)fun
正确答案: B
38.According to Ericsson, good memory _____.A)depends on meaningful processing of information
B)results from intuitive rather than cognitive exercises
C)is determined by genetic rather than psychological factors
D)requires immediate feedback and a high degree of concentration
正确答案: D
39.Ericsson and his colleagues believe that _____.A)talent plays a dominating role in professional success
B)biographical data provide the key to excellent performance
C)the role of talent tends to be overlooked
D)high achievers owe their success mostly to nurture
正确答案: D
40.Which of the following proverbs is closest to the message the text tries to convey?
A)“Look before you leap.”
B)“One reaps what one sows.”
C)“Practice makes perfect.”
D)“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”
正确答案: C
Part III
Vocabulary and Structure(10 minutes)
Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.41.Journalists who were ________ off about the incident raced to the scene.A)informed
正确答案: B
42.I have never laid ________ to being an expert in this field.A)claim
正确答案: A
43.You can ________ the application with a phone call.A)follow
B)follow through
C)follow on
D)follow up
正确答案: D
44.Don’t get me wrong.It would be ________ foolish to ignore the competition altogether.A)complete
正确答案: C
45.My boss is a keen ______ and always encourages us to do outdoor exercise.A)athlete
正确答案: B
46.My doctor suggest that I ______ yoga.A)have a crack at
B)have a try at
C)take a crack at
D)all of the above
正确答案: D
47.From my ______, this project is practical.A)standpoint
C)point of view
D)all of the above
正确答案: D
48.Please ______ for him before the general manager.A)put a word
B)put out a word
C)put in a word
D)put up a word
正确答案: C
49.She ______ me with a knife.A)came at
B)came to
C)came across
D)came over
正确答案: A
50.______ one time, Manchester was the home of the most productive cotton mills in the world.A)On
正确答案: C
51.It is vital that enough money ______ to fund the project.A)be collected
B)must be collected
C)is collected
D)can be collected
正确答案: A
52.When I caught him ______ me, I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop.A)cheating
C)to cheat
D)to be cheating
正确答案: A
53.The heavily populated area was a breeding place for _____ diseases.A)suspicious
正确答案: C
54.Many people were hurt when the two buses _____ on the corner.A)clashed
正确答案: C
55.Once we have _____ the store, we shall owe money to no one.A)gone out of
B)paid off
C)taken up
D)taken to
正确答案: B
56.I don’t mind ________ the decision as long as it is not too late.A)you to delay making
B)your delaying making
C)your delaying to make
D)you delay to make
正确答案: B
57.She acted on the new policy though she was personally _____ it.A)approved of
B)disagreed to
C)in accordance with
D)at odds with
正确答案: D
58.The dykes and dams have been built or reinforced along the river _____ floods.A)because
B)except for
C)in case of
正确答案: C
59.People are desirous of the result of that vote on which the _____ of their nation depends.A)fortune
正确答案: B
60.The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ________ on benches, chairs or boxes.A)having seated
D)having been seated
正确答案: C
Part IV
Translation(10 minutes)
Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.61.His computer technology is good, but he needs to ____________________(加强与人沟通的技能)to set him apart from his competitors in the job market.正确答案: work on his communication skills
62.The library was enlarged and enriched ____________________(我们想都不敢想).正确答案: beyond our wildest dreams
63.____________________(人们获得成功的可能性很小)in such a bad economic climate.正确答案: There are heavy odds against people succeeding
64.Most British university students are in ____________________(18岁至22岁这个年龄段).正确答案: the 18-22 age bracket
本课是河北教育出版社小学英语Student Book 4第二单元Lesson 12: Rain and Sun 。Lesson
12是关于月份的复习课,在前几课学生已学习和掌握了用英文来表达月份,本课在前面所学的基础上,继续扩大词汇量,学会新单词 sun , cloud , rain ,
wind 和 snow , 再将单词放入旋律动听的歌曲中进行巩固练习。这样的教学安排,有利于学生兴趣的激发和积极性的调动。
1)知识目标:能熟练演唱歌曲《The Month Song 》;能听、说、认读单词sun、rain、wind、cloud和snow。
1) 重点:学生能听懂并熟练演唱歌曲《 The Month Song 》,可以听、说、认读单词sun、rain、wind、cloud和snow。
2)难点:句子 Flowers bloom for us to look、和 I like to play in the snow with
小学四年级的学生仍然爱唱、爱跳,一开始上课就让他们学习语言或者复习语言对他们来说是枯燥的,必须有一个循序渐进的过程,所以在一上课进行简单的师生问候以后,我便带领学生进入了听音动作(Clourand Do )这一环节,结合本册教材内容,我设计了以下动作:Red,Red,Stamp Your Feet;Yellow,Yellow,Close YourEyes;Blue,Blue,Play With Cats。这样既复习了所学语言知识,又调节了学生的情绪,使学生以昂扬的激情参与到教学的下一环节。
本学期是英语学习难度逐渐增加的关键期。尽管学生在上学期学习了字母,已不再陌生,但本学期的语言内容,特别是主要语言结构be doing,对学生来说是新的语言结构,而且有一定的难度。因此,本学期不仅要让学生掌握主要语言结构,还要让学生形成学习英语的基本情感----意志力,以及通过反复实践掌握新的语言结构的策略。
2、能听、说、认读60个单词和词组并能听、说、读、写61个单词和24 个句子并简单运用。
2、巧用实物、头饰、卡片、chant 等来帮助进行单词教学。
6、面向全体,注重个性的发展,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,对学生 进行阶段性、综合性的合理评价。