Cause and Effect matrix 因果图.鱼骨图 Center line 中心线
check 检查Check Sheets 检查表 Common cause 共同原因
Conformity 合格FPY 合格率 Control 控制
Control characteristic 管制特性 Control chart 管制图
Control plan 管制计划
Correction 纠正
Correlation Methods 相关分析法 Cost down 降低成本
Customer 顾客Complaint 投诉 Data 数据Data Collection 数据收集 DCC: Document Control Center 文控中心 Decision 决策.判定
Description 描述
Device 装置
Digital 数字Attribute 计数值 Do 执行
Else 否则
Engineering recbnology 工程技术
Environmental 环境
Equipment 设备Machine 机械
Event 事件
FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect analysis 失效模式与效果分析
FQA: Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证
FQC: Final Quality control 最终品质控制
function 职能
Gauge system 量测系统
Grade 等级
Heat press 冲压粘着
Histogram 直方图
Hi-tech 高科技
Improvement 改善
Initial review 先期审查
Inspection 检验
Internal Failure 内部失效,内部缺陷
IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程品质控制
IQC: Incomming Quality Control 来料品质控制
ISO: International Organization for Standardization 国际标准组织
LCL: Lower Control limit 管制下限
LQC: Line Quality Control 生产线品质控制
LSL: Lower Size Limit 规格下限
Manage 管理
Materials 物料
Measurement 量测
Miss feed 漏送
Module,sub-system,sub-unit 单位
MSA: Measurement System Analysis 量测系统分析
Information 信息
Link 连接
FA: Failure Analysis 坏品分析
Fact control 事实管理
Fatique 疲劳
Element 元素
Entropy 函数
CS: customer Sevice 客户中心
Defects per unit 单位缺点数
Detection 难检度
Approved 承认
Audit 审核
Capability 能力
Concept 新概念
Body 机构
Health meter 体重计
Active 主动
Action 评价.处理
Activity 活动
Add 加(Addition的缩写)Minus 减Multiply 乘Division 除Equal siqn 等号
Addition rule 加法运算规则
Analysis Covariance 协方差分析
Analysis of Variance 方差分析
Appraisal Variation 评价变差
ASQC 美国质量学会
Automatic database recovery 数据库错误自动回复
Balance sheet 资产负债对照表
Binomial 二项分配
Brainstorming Techniques 脑力风暴法
Business Systems Planning 企业系统规划
Cable 电缆
Chi-square Distribution 卡方分布
Clutch spring 离合器弹簧
Coining 压印加工
Compound factor 调合因素
Condenser 聚光镜
Connection 关联
Consumer’s risk 消费者之风险
CPI: continuouse Process Improvement 连续工序改善
Creep 渐变
Cross Tabulation Tables 交叉表
Cushion 缓冲
DSA: Defects Analysis System 缺陷分析系统
Data concentrator 资料集中缓存器
DOE: Design of Experiments 实验设计
Estimated accumulative frequency 计算估计累计数 EV: Equipment Variation 设备变异
External Failure 外部失效,外部缺陷
Full-steer 完全转向
Gum-roll 橡皮滚筒
hypergeometric 超几何分配
hysteresis 磁滞现象
Inductance 电感
Law of large number 大数法则
Median 中位数
Momentum 原动力
Monte garlo method 原子核分裂热运动法 Multiplication rule 乘法运算规则
NIST 美国:标准技术院
Normal 常态分布
ACSI America Customer Satisfaction Indices 美国顾客满意度指数 AM Agile Manufacturing 敏捷制造
ANSI America National Standard Institution 美国标准协会 APEC Asia-pacific Economic Cooperation 亚太经济合作组织 APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning 事先产品品质计划 AQL Acceptable Quality Level 品质允收水准 BB Black Belt 黑带
BMK Benchmarking 同行业最高(标杆)BOM Bill of Material 物料清单
BPR Business Processes Reengineering 业务流程再造 BSC Balanced Score Card平衡记分卡
BSI British Standard Institution 英国标准协会 BVQI(法语缩写)法国船级社
CAP Corrective Action Plan 纠正措施计划 CAR Corrective Action Record 纠正措施要求单 CAS Chinese Academy of Sciences 中国科学院 CBM Cubic Meter(体积)立方米
CCC Customs Cooperation Council 海关合作理事费
CCC(3C)China Compulsory Certification 中国强制性认证
CCSI China Customer Satisfaction Indices 中国顾客满意度指数 CE Concurrent Engineering 并行工程
CEO Chief Execute Officeholder 首席执行官 CH Custom House 海关
CI Consumers International 消费者国际
CIMS Computer Integrated Made Systems 计算机集成制造系统 CL Center Line 中心线
CNC Computer Number Control 计算机数字控制 COP Customer Orientation Process 顾客导向过程 Cp Capability Indices 工程能力质数
CPD Continue Profession Development 持续职业发展 Cpk Capability Indices/Bias 工程能力指数/有偏置 CRM Customer Relation Management 顾客关系管理 D&D Design and Development 设计与开发 DCC Document Control Center 文件控制中心
DE Design Engineering(Engineer)设计工程(师)DIN Deutsches Insitut Fur Normung 德国标准化学会
DMAIC Define Measure Analyze Improve Control 定义/测量/分析/改进/控制 DNV Det Norske Verities 挪威船级社 DOE Design of Experiments 实验设计
DSS Decision Support System 决策支持系统 ECN Engineering Change Note 工程更改通知
ECO Engineering Change Order 工程更改指令(单)EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理
EE Environment Engineering(Engineer)环境工程(师)
EMBA Executive Master of Business Administration 高级工商管理硕士 EMC Electromagnetic Compatible 电磁兼容
EMS Environment Management System 环境管理体系 EMS Efficiency Management System 效率管理体系 ERP Enterprise Resources Planning 企业资源计划
FCC Federal Communications Commission 美国联邦通讯委员会 FDA Food and Drug Administration 美国食品与药品协会 FIFO First In First Out 先进先出
FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 失败模式与效应分析 FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 柔性制造系统
FQA Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证 FQC Final Quality Control 最终品质控制
GAR German Accreditation Council 德国认可委员会 GB Green Belt 绿带
GD&T Geometry Dimension and Tolerance 几何尺寸与公差 GM Green Manufacturing 绿色制造
GRR Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility 量具的重复性和再现性 H.P House-power 马力
h.p.n House-power Nominal 标称马力
IE Industry Engineering(Engineer)工业工程(师)
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission 国际电工委员会 ILO International Labor Organization 国际劳工组织 IM Intelligent Manufacturing 智能制造
IPQA Inprocess Quality Assurance 制程品质保证 IPQC Inprocess Quality Control 制程品质控制 IQA Incoming Quality Assurance 来料品质保证 IQC Incoming Quality Control 来料品质控制 IS International Standard 国际标准
ISO International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织 IT Information Technology 信息技术
JAB Japan Accreditation Board Quality System 日本质量体系认可机构 JIS Japan Industry Standard 日本工业标准 JIT Just in Time 必须时间
KAB Korean Accreditation Board 韩国认可委员会 KFQ Korean Foundation for Quality 韩国质量财团 L/C Letter of Credit 信用证 LCL Low Control Line 下控制线 LP Lean Production 精益生产
LR Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, LR 劳式船级社 LS Locus Sigil(Place of Seal)盖印处 LSL Low Specification Limit 规格下限
MBA Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士 MBB Master Black Belt 黑带大师
MBO Managing by Objectives 目标管理
ME Machine Engineering(Engineer)设备工程(师)MIS Management Information System 管理信息系统 MR Method Research 方法研究
MRB Material Return Bill 返纳物料清单 MRB Material Review Board 材料评价委员会
MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需求计划
MRP Ⅱ Manufacturing Resources Planning 制造资源计划 MSA Measure System Analyze 测量体系分析
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet 物料安全数据表 MTO Make to Order 订货型生产 MTS Make to Stock 备货型生产 NC Number Control 数字控制 NG No Goof 不良
OA Office Automation 办公自动化
ODM Origin Design Manufactory 原设计制造商 OEM Origin Equipment Manufactory 原设备制造商 Off-JT Off Job for Training 脱岗培训 OJT On Job for Training 岗位培训
OQA Outgoing Quality Assurance 出货品质保证 OQC Outgoing Quality Control 出货品质控制 P.P Pilot Production 试验产品 P.S Pilot Sample 试验样品 P/L Part List 物料清单 P/N Part Number 部品号
P/O Purchase Order 采购订单
PDCA Plan-do-check-action 计划-实施-检查-措施
PE Production Engineering(Engineer)生产工程(师)PMC Production Material Control 生产物料控制
PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产件批准程序 PPM Part per Million 百万分率 PSO Process sign-off 过程认定
PVT Production Verification Test 生产验证试验 QA Quality Assurance 品质保证 QC Quality Control 品质控制
QCC Quality Control Circle 品管圈
QE Quality Engineering(Engineer)品质工程(师)QFD Quality Function Development 质量机能展开 QMS Quality Management System 质量管理体系 QS Quality System 质量体系
QSA Quality System Assess 质量体系评定
QSR Quality System Requirement 质量体系要求 QST Quality System Team 质量体系小组 R&D Research and Development 研究与开发
R&R Repeatability and Reproducibility 重复性和再现性 RAB Registrar Accreditation Board 美国认可委员会 RPN Risk Priority Number 风险系数
RVA The Dutch Accreditation Council 荷兰认可委员会 SE Schedule Engineering(Engineer)计划工程(师)
SGS Society Generate de Surveillance S.A.瑞士通用公证行 SPA Statistical Process Analysis 统计过程分析 SPC Statistical Process Control 统计过程控制 SPD Statistical Process Diagnose 统计过程诊断 STD Standard 标准
T、Q、C Time、Quality、Cost 交期、质量、成本 TE Test Engineering(Engineer)测试工程(师)TPM Total Productive Maintenance 全面生产设备保养 TPM Total Productive Management 全面生产管理 TQC Total Quality Control 全面质量管理 TQM Total Quality Management 全面质量经营 TT(T/T)Telegraphic, Transfers 电汇汇票
TUV Technischer uber-wachungsverein Germany 德国技术监督协会 UCL Up Control Line 上控制线
UKAS The United Kingdom Accreditation Service 英国认可服务组织 UL Underwriters Laboratories 美国保险商实验室 UN United Nations 联合国
USL Up Specification Limit 规格上限 VA Value Analysis 价值分析 VE Value Engineering 价值工程 VER Version 版本
VM Virtual Manufacturing 虚拟制造
WHA World Health Assembly 世界卫生大会 WHO World Health Organization 世界卫生组织 WIP Work in Process 在工品
WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization 世界知识产权组织 WMO World Meteorological Organization 世界气象组织 WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织
共轨系统包括以下几个主要的部分: ①低压部分,包含燃油共轨系统组件。
① 曲轴转速和转角; ② 燃油轨道的压力; ③ 进气压力;
④ 进气温度、冷却液温度和燃油温度; ⑤ 进气量; ⑥ 车速等。
① 废气在循环控制; ② 增压控制; ③ 巡航控制;
④ 电子防盗控制系统等。(6)控制单元结构。
由于发动机控制单元通常最多有8个喷油器输出口,所以超过八缸的发动机需要两个控制单元。它们通过内置高速CAN网络的“主/从”接口进行连接,因此也拥有较高的微控制器处理能力。一些功能被 分配给某个特定的控制单元(如燃料平衡控制),其功能根据需求情况(如检测传感器信号)可以动态地分配给一个或多个控制单元。
The Common Rail Calls for lower fuel consumption, reduced exhaust-gas emission, and quiet engines are making greater demands on the engine and fuel-injection system.The demands placed on diesel-engine fuel-injection systems are continuously increasing.Higher pressures, faster switching times, and a variable rate-of-discharge curve modified to the engine operating state have made the diesel engine economical, clean, and powerful.As a result, diesel engines have even entered the realm of luxury-performance sedans.These demands can only be met by a fuel-injection pressure.At the same time the injected fuel quantity must be very precisely metered, and the rate-of-discharge curve must have an exact shape, and pre-injection and secondary injection must be performable.A system that meets these demands is the common-rail fuel-injection system.The main advantage of the common-rail system is its ability to vary injection pressure and timing over a broad scale.This was achieved by separating pressure generation(in the high-pressure pump)from the fuel-injection system(injection).The rail here acts as a pressure accumulator.Principle of the Common Rail The common-rail system consists of the following main component groups: ① The low-pressure stage, comprising the fuel-supply system components;② The high-pressure system, comprising components such as the high-pressure pump, fuel-rail, injector, and high-pressure fuel lines.The electronic diesel control(EDC), consisting of system modules, such as sensors, the electronic control unit, and actuators.The key components of the common-rail system are the injectors.They are fitted with a rapid-action valve(solenoid valve or piezo-triggered actuator)which opens and closes the nozzle.This permits control of the injection process for each cylinder.All the injectors are fed by a common fuel rail, this being the origin of the term “common rail”.In the common-rail fuel-injection system, the function of pressure generation and fuel injection are separate.The injection pressure is generated independent of the engine speed and the injected fuel quantity.The electronic diesel control(EDC)controls each of the components.(1)Pressure Generation.Pressure generation and fuel injection are separated by means of an accumulator volume.Fuel under pressure is supplied to the accumulator volume of the common
rail ready for injection.A continuously operating high-pressure pump driven by the engine produces the desired injection pressure.Pressure in the fuel rail is maintained irrespective of engine speed or injected fuel quantity.Owing to the almost uniform injection pattern, the high-pressure pump design can be much smaller and its drive-system torque can be lower than conventional fuel-injection systems.This results in a much lower load on the pump drive.The high-pressure pump is a radial-piston pump.On commercial vehicles, an in-line fuel-injection pump is sometimes fitted.(2)Pressure Control The pressure control method applied is largely dependent on the system.One way of controlling rail pressure is to control the high-pressure side by a pressure-control valve.Fuel not required for injection flows back to the low-pressure circuit via the pressure-control valve.This type of control loop allows rail pressure to react rapidly to changes in operating point(e.g.in the event of load changes).Control on the high-pressure side was adopted on the first common-rail systems.The pressure-control valve is mounted preferably on the fuel rail.In some applications, however, it is mounted directly on the high-pressure pump.Another way of controlling rail pressure is to control fuel delivery on the suction side.The metering unit flanged on the high-pressure pump makes sure that the pump delivers exactly the right quantity of fuel rail in order to maintain the injection pressure required by the system.In a fault situation, the pressure-relief valve prevents rail pressure from exceeding a maximum.Fuel-delivery control on the suction side reduces the quantity of fuel under high pressure and lowers the power input of the pump.This has a positive impact on fuel consumption.At the same time, the temperature of the fuel flowing back to the fuel tank is reduced in contrast to the control method on the high-pressure side.The two-actuator system is also a way of controlling rail pressure, which combines pressure control on the suction side via the metering unit and control on the high-pressure side via the pressure-control valve, thus marrying the advantages of high-pressure-side control and suction-side fuel-delivery control.(3)Fuel Injection.The injectors spray fuel directly into the engine’s combustion chambers.They are supplied by short high-pressure fuel lines connected to the fuel rail.The engine control unit controls the switching valve integrated in the injector to open and close
the injector nozzle.The injector opening times and system pressure determine the quantity of fuel delivered.At a constant pressure, the fuel quantity delivered is proportional to the switching time of the solenoid valve.This is, therefore, independent of engine or pump speed(time-based fuel injection).(4)Potential Hydraulic Power.Separating the functions of pressure generation and fuel injection opens up future degrees of freedom in the combustion process compared with conventional fuel-injection systems;the injection pressure at pressure at present is 160 MPa;in future this will rise to 180 MPa.The common-rail system allows a future reduction in exhaust-gas emissions by introducing pre-injection events or multiple injection events and also attenuating combustion noise significantly.Multiple injection events of up to five per injection cycle can be generated by triggering the highly rapid-action switching valve several times.The nozzle-needle closing action is hydraulically assisted to ensure that the end of injection is rapid.(5)Control and Regulation.The engine control unit detects the accelerator-pedal position and the current operating states of the engine and vehicle by means of sensors.The data collected includes:
① Crankshaft speed and angle;② Fuel-rail pressure;③ Charge-air pressure:
④ Intake air, coolant temperature, and fuel temperature: ⑤ Air-mass intake: ⑥ Road speed, etc.The electronic control unit evaluates the input signals.In sync with combustion, it calculates the triggering signals for the pressure-control valve or the metering unit, the injectors, and the other actuators(e.g.the EGR valve, exhaust-gas turbocharger actuators, etc.).The injector switching times, which need to be short, are achievable using the optimized high-pressure switching valves and a special control system.The angle/time system compares injection timing, based on data from the crankshaft and camshaft sensors, with the engine state(time control).The electronic diesel control(EDC)permits a precise metering of the injected fuel quantity.In
addition, EDC offers the potential for additional functions that can improve engine response and convenience.The basic functions involve the precise control of diesel-fuel injection timing and fuel quantity at the reference pressure.In this way, they ensure that the diesel engine has low consumption and smooth running characteristics.Additional open-and close-loop control functions perform the tasks of reducing exhaust-gas emissions and fuel consumption, or providing added safely and convenience.Some examples are:
① Control of exhaust-gas recirculation;② Boost-pressure control;③ Cruise control;
1.对外承包工程保函风险专项资金(Outward Guarantee Under Government Special Fund For Overseas Construction)由中央财政出资设立,为符合规定的对外承包工程项目开具的投标、履约、预付款保函提供担保、垫支赔付的专项资金。本专项资金项下的保函业务由财政部、商务部委托我行及授权分行独家承办。
2.对外劳务合作备用金保函(Retention Guarantee For Labor Cooperation)银行根据《对外劳务合作备用金暂行办法》为开展对外劳务合作业务的企业向商务主管部门出具的,保证企业在解决外派劳务人员突发事件中支付一定款项的书面文件。
3.履约保函(Performance Guarantee)银行应客户申请向工程承包项目中的业主或商品买卖中的买方出具的,保证申请人严格履行承包合同或供货合同的书面文件。
4.投标保函(Tender Guarantee/Bid Bond)在以招标方式成交的工程建造和物资采购等项目中,银行应招标方的要求出具的、保证投标人在招标有效期内不撤标、不改标、中标后在规定时间内签定合同或提交履约保函的书面文件。
5.预付款保函(Advance Payment Guarantee)银行应客户申请向工程承包项目中的业主或商品买卖中的买方出具的,保证申请人在业主或买方支付预付款后履行合同义务的书面文件。
6.融资保函(Financing Guarantee)银行应借款人申请向贷款人出具的,保证借款人履行借贷资金偿还义务的书面文件。
7.付款保函(Payment Guarantee)银行应合同买方申请向卖方出具的,保证买方履行因购买商品、技术、专利或劳务合同项下的付款义务面出具的书面文件。
8.为境外投资企业提供的融资性对外担保(Financing Guarantee For Overseas Investment)银行应企业国内母公司的申请,为其境外全资附属企业或参股企业向当地金融机构融资或取得授信额度而出具的担保,保证境外企业履行贷款本息偿还义务或授信额度协议规定的资金偿还义务。
9.海事保函(Marine Guarantee)银行应船东、船公司、船东互保协会或保险公司的申请向海事法院或海事仲裁机构出具的,保证其被扣留的船只或财产被释放后,能够按照法院的判决书或仲裁结果上列明的赔款金额做出赔付的书面文件。
10.预留金保函(Retention Money Guarantee)银行应工程承包方或供货方的申请,向业主或买方出具的保证申请人在提前支取合同价款中的尾款部份后继续履行合同义务的书面文件。
11.关税保函(Customs Guarantee)应申请人要求向海关出具的,保证申请人履行缴纳关税义务的书面文件。
12.诉讼保函(Litigation Guarantee)银行应原告申请向司法部门出具的,保证原告在败诉的情况下履行损失赔偿义务的书面文件。
13.质量/维修保函(Quality/Maintenance Guarantee)银行应工程承包方或供货方的申请,向业主或买方出具的保证申请人履行保修期或维修期内合同义务的书面文件。
14.加工贸易税款保付保函(Taxation Guarantee For Processing Trade)银行应加工贸易企业的要求,向海关出具的保证加工贸易企业在海关核定的加工贸易合同手册有效期内,履行产品出口或按规定缴纳税款的书面保证。
15.网上支付税费担保(E-Taxation Guarantee)根据海关总署2005年第40号公告等有关规定,为满足纳税义务人在海关办理先放行货物后缴纳海关税费的网上支付业务需求,向海关出具的保证纳税义务人在海关规定的期限内向海关缴纳到期应缴税费的书面担保。
16.加工贸易进口料件保证金台账业务(Taxation Guarantee for Processing Trade)经营加工贸易的单位或企业凭主管海关核准的手续,按合同备案料、件金额向主管海关所在地的中国银行申请设立加工贸易进口料件保证金台账,加工成品在规定的加工期限内全部出口,经海关核销合同后,再由中国银行核销保证金台账。若企业在合同规定的加工期内未能及时出口或经批准转内销的,海关将会同税务部门和中国银行对企业进行税款追缴。对于逾期不向海关办理核销手续的加工贸易企业,中国银行不再为其开设新台账。加工贸易企业设立台账时分为“实转”和“空转”两种。
17.租赁保函(Lease Guarantee)银行应承租人的申请向出租人出具的,保证承租人按期支付租金的书面文件。根据租赁方式的不同,可分为融资租赁和经营租赁保函。
酒店管理- 领导品质论11-18