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天津职业大学英文介绍 篇1














天津职业大学英文介绍 篇2


高校网站翻译具有时效性、准确性、对外宣传性。译者在翻译过程中不仅需要遵循“信、达、雅”, 更需遵循外宣翻译“三贴近”原则, 包括“贴近中国发展实际, 贴近国外受众对中国信息的需要, 贴近国外受众的思维习惯” (黄友义, 2004) , 因此要求译者不能完全拘泥于原文字的字面意思, 而要挖掘潜在信息, 将译文以译入语读者的思维方式呈现出来。考虑到校园新闻翻译与诺德文本翻译理论的特点以及受不同翻译文体翻译过程的指导启示, 笔者尝试采用诺德的文本分析理论对天津大学新闻翻译过程进行分析演示。

1 高校新闻翻译研究概况

功能翻译理论、关联理论、语境理论、语域理论以及文化学派等理论都被不同程度地利用到高校新闻翻译中。卢卫中 (2002:15-18) 认为新闻翻译既要受一般翻译语境因素制约, 又受新闻题材本身所具有的特殊语境因素制约。王志娟 (2002:11-15) 认为在翻译过程中译者往往在语域诸多方面如语音、用词和句子结构的选择时会出现主观性, 所以新闻翻译过程中保留原新闻的语域程度十分重要。上述理论主要着眼于翻译过程的局部, 而未将翻译作为一项系统。从接到源语文本到整个翻译工作结束后究竟按照怎样的思路进行翻译, 这是现有新闻翻译理论的不足之处。为此, 笔者采用诺德的文本分析模式为理论依据, 通过对源文本中关联的语言及非语言因素进行系列错综复杂具体分析, 从翻译策略的选择、整个翻译实现过程、原作与译作的翻译目比较、文化传递、译文的遣词造句、谋篇布局等方面进行深入研究, 以达外宣翻译目的。

2 诺德文本分析模式研究概述

诺德在其《翻译的文本分析模式:理论、方法及教学应用》一书中详细阐述了翻译文本分析模式的理论基础, 并说明了源文本分析在翻译中的角色和功能, 继而着重分析了源语文本分析的基本要素, 最后论述了分析模式的应用。该书还提出了“功能加忠诚”设想。诺德重视翻译实践中人际关系的互动, 从而有效避免了为达翻译目的而背离源文本的倾向这一结果。诺德着重分析了影响文本分析的文外因素及文内因素将翻译视为一个循环往复的过程, 即构成环形模式。


诺德提出环形翻译过程, 将翻译过程分为四部分:文本翻译纲要的分析;结合文内因素、文外因素分析源语文本;对比源语文本与目的语翻译纲要;选择翻译策略并生成文本。第一环验证文本翻译的可行性, 第二环确定原文文本与目的语文本相关的成分, 并选择翻译策略, 第三环形成翻译过程, 第四环检验该翻译是否符合翻译纲要的要求。上述四个环形应视为统一整体进行翻译指导。


翻译纲要有以下信息:译文的预期功能、目标读者、传播媒介、译文出版的时间和地点以及动机。译者在翻译之前接受的这些相关信息构成了翻译纲要, 初步确定该文本的可译性。


分析源语文本在整个翻译过程的最为重要, 在分析文本基础上, 译者确定原文风格, 从而在翻译过程中才能恰当取舍原文语言及信息并确定采用何种翻译策略可以使译文符合翻译纲要。诺德在其著作中详细分析了源语文本中的一系列复杂且具有内在关联性的语言和非语言因素并将源语文本所处的交际情景称为“文外因素”:文本发送者、发送者意图、接受者及接受者的期望、文本媒介等;与文本自身相关的因素概括为“文内因素”:主题、内容、前提、构成、非语言因素、词汇、句型结构等。


诺德认为文本具有四大基本功能:即所指功能、表达功能、呼唤功能和寒暄功能。功能者论者也普遍认为文本功能决定翻译手段。继纽马克提出的交际与语义翻译策略后, 诺德提出了文献型翻译和工具型翻译。因此, 根据不同文本类型可采取不同的翻译策略, 以达到有效沟通和良好交际的目的。


选择翻译策略并生成文本是翻译的最后一环, 该环节是分析前三环节基础上确定翻译策略最终进行翻译。在翻译过程中除翻译策略外译者还需考虑语用、语言、文化、文本等其他因素。在确定译文的目标功能后, 译者根据接受者的已有背景知识, 文化习俗、相关预期等因素做必要调整。

3 诺德模式下对天津大学校园新闻翻译过程分析

校园新闻主要报道学校近期的重大会议活动, 重要研究成果, 学术交流合作及留学生活动, 以便传达学校动态, 并宣传高校的形象与声誉吸引更多来华留学生。大多数的校园新闻报道都以表达功能为主, 着重于思想性、报道性和知识性的校园新闻。在下文中, 笔者将从近期天津大学校园新闻网选取的新闻文本作为分析案例, 结合诺德的原文分析模式对其进行翻译过程演示。


5月8日, 天津市第十一届高校大学生校园心理剧大赛天津大学片区决赛在北洋园校区大通学生中心报告厅举行。

随着自媒体时代的全面到来, “网红”凭借着强大的“吸金”与“吸睛”能力受到众多学生网友的追捧。天津大学代表队将“网红”引起的典型事件搬上舞台, 揭示了部分大学生易受外界环境影响, 过分追求外表, 但内心敏感而脆弱、无法接纳自我的状态。演员们用自创自制的精美道具和别出心裁的场景设置, 赢得了在场观众的阵阵喝彩。

适时承接剧情的音乐与恰到好处的歌舞成为天津音乐学院代表队的表演亮点。他们利用专业优势精心编排的故事以舞台剧的手法, 向台下观众娓娓道来:理想与现实纵有差距, 但只要坚持, 生活便不只有眼前的苟且, “还有诗和远方的田野”。

本活动由我校心理健康教育中心和学生心理协会承办, 旨在以舞台为背景, 用学生自编、自导、自演的形式再现大学生群的真实生活和内心世界。多年来, 我校心理剧作品在天津市的比赛中一直名列前茅。故事性强、自发性与创造感十足已成为天大心理剧的特色与标签。

该新闻报道了天津市18余所高校的精彩展示及天津大学取得的优异成绩。由此推断, 译文的预期文本功能是以表达功能为主;其译文接受者为国外读者;传播媒介是学校新闻网站;译文出版的动机是让天津大学外籍学生及有意来天津大学读书的国外学生了解天津大学不仅在学术上名列前茅, 学生课余生活更是异彩纷呈, 从而吸引更多留学生。


(1) 词汇选择方面:一些具有中国特色的表达在校园新闻中出现, 这对于传递信息而言是不可缺少的部分, 因此为提高译文的可读性, 同时减轻译语读者理解负担必须进行增译或减译。

例1:随着自媒体时代的全面到来, “网红”凭借着强大的“吸金”与“吸睛”能力受到众多学生网友的追捧。

“网红”是一个极具中国特色的专有词汇, 若直接译成on⁃line famous people, 就不能形象准确地传达给译语读者“网红”是网络时代的产物, 其投射的性质迎合了网络世界的“审美”或“审丑”心理, 笔者在翻译时考虑到这一词汇应传递中国特色网络文化, 故将其译成“instant online celebrities”;“吸金”一词指明星或名人利用经济活动快速获得金钱, 若将其直译成“gold absorption”读者会产生疑惑, 因此笔者联系实际将其变译为“earn much money overnight”。

参考译文:With the arrival of social media era, by virtual of the strong ability to earn much money overnight and the ability to catch the eye, instant online celebrities have become more and more popular among students.

例2:理想与现实纵有差距, 但只要坚持, 生活便不只有眼前的苟且, “还有诗和远方的田野”。

该句中引用了当前中国流行的歌曲《生活不止眼前的苟且》的歌词, “苟且”一词本身带有强烈的贬义色彩, 但在该文本中感情色彩并没有那么鲜明, 如果译成带有强烈感情色彩的词后译语读者很疑惑, 因此译者将其与前文中“差距”合二为一, 直接译成“the gap between ideals and reality”, 简明扼要地表达了意思。

参考译文:Although there is always a gap between ideals and reality, as long as you stick with it, there should be poetry and faroff scenery.

(2) 句型结构方面:源文本句型长短句相结合, 达意有力, 相比之下, 英语文体讲究客观、具体, 逻辑严密, 因此在翻译时可多采用实词、长句进行翻译。

例3:本次活动由我校心理健康教育中心和学生心理协会承办, 旨在以舞台为背景, 用学生自编、自导、自演的形式再现大学生群的真实生活和内心世界。

该句为汉语典型句型, 句子较长, 修饰成分较多, 长短句结合, 达意有力, 而鉴于英语句式特点, 逻辑性强, 通常用连词连接较长句子, 多采用实词达意。鉴于此, 笔者将其译成一句话, 通过非谓语动词, 现在分词及过去分词结构将其译为以下句子。

参考译文:The activity was hosted by the Center for Mental Health Education and the Students’Psychological Association of Tianjin University, aiming at reproducing real life and the internal worlds of college students by arranging and acting out plays and stories created by the students themselves.

除了分析文内文外因素, 在翻译过程中译者还需考虑语言、文化方面等因素。文化层面的分歧主要来自原语与目标对语文化的差异造成的。源语多用抽象、概括具有情感色彩的词汇, 而目标语则多采用客观具体的词汇, 主要表达的意思都在字面上, 少有言外之意。所以译者在翻译时需考虑这些因素, 必要时进行思维转换, 尽量做到在忠实原文的情况下完成交际目的。


在原语文化中“白衣天使”指医生护士, 译者在翻译过程中, 应考虑怎样用最明确最形象的表达将源语文化传递给目标语读者, 因此在翻译的过程中, “白衣天使”可译成“hospital nurses”也可译成“angels in white”, 在得到西方读者确认后, 笔者将其译成“angels in white”, 因为在西方文化中, 护士也有“白衣天使”之称, 这是东西方文化相似之处。

4 结论

诺德的文本分析模式具有一定的可操作性, 条理清晰, 覆盖面广, 是德国功能派理论的精髓。诺德认为只有详细分析源语文本, 才能准确掌握翻译的目的及文本的交际目的。只有了解各种影响文本分析的文外因素和文内因素, 才能更好地理解源语文本特有功能, 并在此前提下选择与其翻译目的相适应的翻译策略。此外, 笔者从天津大学校园新闻中选取了最新新闻报道当作案例分析, 按照诺德模式的翻译步骤做出了翻译。通过上述分析和翻译可以看出, 诺德的翻译导向的文本分析模式对高校校园新闻翻译实践具有很大启示作用, 可以帮助译者提高翻译质量并增加译作的可读性。


[1]Nord Christiane.Analysis in Translation[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2007.

[2]Nord Christiane.Translation as a Purposeful Activity[M]Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2001.

[3]黄友义.坚持外宣“三贴近”原则, 处理好外宣翻译中的难点问题[J].中国翻译, 2004 (6) :27-28.

[4]袁健兰.文本分析模式指导下的新闻语篇翻译[J].外语研究, 2011:325-326.

[5]卢卫中.语境对报刊新闻翻译的制约作用[J].上海科技翻译, 2002 (2) .

[6]张文英, 刘英.解读诺德影响文本分析的“文外因素”及“文内因素”[J].中国科技教育, 2011:11.

大学英文自我介绍 篇3


My name is xxxx is my English name,which is also the name of my idol.I’m a recommended student from CCFLS,in which I have studied for six years.During the time I stayed there,I’ve learned a lot from the teachers who I must thank sincerely.Another school in my life is my family.1990 witnessed me born in a happy family.I was treated as the apple of my family members’ eyes since childhood.Genuineness,perseverance,conscientiouness,the urge for improvement are the characters my family gives me.Today,but for their support,I would not be this confident.Many thanks to my family.I love them all.I’m an optimistic,energetic,outgoing,active,humorous girl with any amount of hobbies,such as listening to music and writing my blog.What deserves to be introduced is my blog on sina,which takes me a lot of pains.It’s without much gaudy decorations,but many articles which are really worth reading.The website address is here.Your prensence and guidance are requested.Unlike many other girls,I’m quite good at sports.Swimming,skating,basketball,volleyball,badminton,table tennis and etc.are my preferences.In spite of my height,I have a good jumping capacity.Due to this,I’m the captain of the female basketball team and the principal member of the female volleyball team in our school.In addition,I’m fond of playing chess.I’ve got a silver medal when I was a child.Futhermore,I’m a very versatile girl.piano and clarinet are my forte.They all get the ninth level.Besides,I’m a good organizer and leader in the school activities.I organized many English speech contest,also took a part in it and ranked among the best.Especially,I directed an English play called“the sound of music”,which is a gorgeous success,so that every audience spoke highly of it.I’m very proud of that.To conclude,I’m sure I won’t let you down.I hope that you can give me a chance to study in Xiamen University,which is the shrine in my mind, and I’ll give you much glory in return.That’s all.Thank you for your attention.

河南科技大学英文介绍 篇4

Good morning , dear friends!

Welcome to Henan University of Science & Technology.Today I will show you around our school as a guide.Now, we are standing at the gate of our school, and the road before us is called Rixin Road.It’s one of the main roads of our school.Let’s walk long this road;Now you can see the buildings on your right-hand side, and they are the students’ dormitories.Look over there, it’s the place for students to play Ping-pang games.Then, you can see the second students’ canteen in front of the small playground.There are all kinds food, such as noodles bread, rice and so on.So you can eat what you like.Ok let’s move on, on you left-hand side, these are Teaching Buildings where students study there every day.While, on your right-hand side this road is the way to the canteen.Follow me, you can see that the environment around the teaching buildings is very beautiful.There are willows, bridges, peony and other plants.It looks very beautiful and it will make you feel comfortable, especially in Spring.Look the lake, beside the teaching buildings and the bridge across it.Looking from a distance, it’s like an island.Don’t you think it is a good place to relax? While I think it is one of the most beautiful places in our school.Please follow me , now, we are arriving at the square.Sometimes some important activities or ceremonies are held here.Look on both sides of the road the buildings are also teaching buildings.And let’s go ahead, there’s a bridge, after across the bridge ,we can see a tall building on the left-front side.That’s our library and it’s said that it is the largest one in Luoyang.It has been completed last semester, but unfortunately, it isn’t opened to public use until now.but I think it will be opened soon.Ok, we have finished our visiting of our school and I hope it will be helpful for you to know about our school!And I hope you will enjoy it ,thank you!

大学求职英文自我介绍 篇5

dear sir:

thank you for giving me the chance to interview and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you。 my name is…,born in 1980, …city, …province。 i major in ……and i will graduate from the…… medical university in july, 20XX。 hope a chance to work and develop in your department。 during the past three years, under the strict guidance of my tutor, professor ……in college of ………, i have learned systematically the theory of profession and got the basic manipulative skills about ……

with the help of my supervisor, i have successfully finished the subject “……… ” and grasped some experimental skill , such as cell culture, dna extraction and other molecular biology technique; abstraction, separation, …… i passed the cet band 6 test in, after that, i tried my best to learn medical english and mastered a lot of professional vocabulary。

i am good at listening, speaking, reading and writing。 i can manipulate computer proficiently and master microsoft office software, also be familiar with spss and photoshop, etc。 during three—year study in research, i studied hard and strived for excellence in our field。 i benefit from working together with excellent colleague。 i developed quality of diligence, responsibility, kindness and honesty。 my internship in college of 。

could qualify me for this job, and i believe i can be fit for the position quickly。 i am looking forward to working in your department。 if i am admitted, i will be thankful and try my best to work for you。

天津职业大学英文介绍 篇6

11月13日, 2010全国“虚拟现实技术与职业教育”论坛在天津职业技术师范大学隆重召开。本次论坛由中国职业技术教育学会职教师资专业委员会和天津职业技术师范大学共同主办, 由天津职业技术师范大学信息技术工程学院承办, 主题为“虚拟现实技术, 让职业教育更精彩”。

出席论坛的专家有天津市教委科技处处长林列、天津大学孙济洲教授、大连海事大学于双和教授、中国教育电视台技术总监王涛、天津职业技术师范大学校长孟庆国、副校长苗德华等, 与会的还有天津CBE学会全体理事以及来自全国近110所院校的200余名相关学者。会上, 校长孟庆国、副校长苗德华分别致辞讲话, 林列处长也发表重要讲话。

此次论坛内容充实, 共由8个报告组成:孙济州教授的《虚拟现实与增强现实技术及其应用》、于双和教授的《应用虚拟仿真技术加快职教现代化》、孟庆国教授的《虚拟现实技术:提高职业教育质量的新契机》、王涛总监的《果实网 (学习超市) 3D虚拟社区在职业培训中的应用及实践》、曼恒数字科技有限公司高杰经理的《虚拟装配与虚拟训练》、中视典数字科技有限公司黎伟经理的《虚拟现实技术在职业教育中的应用》、卢双盈教授的《职业教育发展与信息化问题》、詹青龙副教授的《基于虚拟现实的培训系统:技术和案例》。参会者踊跃提问, 与专家积极互动, 气氛热烈。

格里菲斯大学英文介绍 篇7



After first opening its doors, Griffith soon became famous for its modern environmental science, Asian studies and international business courses.Griffith now boasts arts, business, science and law schools and will be opening a medicine and dentistry school in 2005.The university‘s motto is “get smarter”, and was listed second in Queensland(after the University of Queensland)in terms of prestige by the Good Universities Guide.Recent Griffith promotions have included such famous names as Kim Phuc, Rubin Hurricane Carter, Ray Charles, Desmond Tutu and Bob Geldof who promoted centres for photojournalism, assisting the wrongly accused, educating blind children and promoting responsible ecological practices, respectively.On 1 March 2004, like nearly all other Australian universities, the university’s administration agreed to raise the tuition fees(except for nursing and education courses)by 25% and accept full-fee-paying domestic students, in line with Federal Government tertiary education reforms.Opponents of the fee-hikes suggested that Griffith University could instead save money on its advertising campaigns.Griffith University is a member of Innovative Research Universities Australia(IRU Australia).

大学生英文自我介绍 篇8

I’m open minded, easy-going, warm hearted with a sunshine smile. I have superb and god features such as honesty and sweet temper. Also, I much enjoy making friends from all walks of life. In my opinion, friendship is one of the most important in my life.

I have lots of hobbies. I often spend my spare time on reading books, especially those about history. Besides, traveling is my favorite hobby. In my mind, traveling is not only relaxed, but experienced.Traveling lets me learn a lot ,which is not existed in textbooks.

大学生应聘英文自我介绍 篇9


good morning,dear teachers. i am very glad to be here for your interview. my name is xx.i am 21 years old. i come from dafang,a small town of guizhou province. my undergraduate period will be accomplished in east china jiaotong university. i major in electrical engineering and automation. i am interesting in computer,especially in program design. i am a hard study student,especially in the things which i interesting in. i am a person with great perseverance. during the days i preparing for the postgraduate examination,i insist on study for more than 10 hours every day. just owing to this,i could pass the first examination finally. i am also a person with great ambition. when i was a little boy,i had a dream of becoming a scientist. i want to realize my dream and make myself to be a well-qualified person. i love my major,i am long for doing research in this filed .however,i think further study is urgent for me to realize my dream. it is necessary to seize any chance to for self-development,especially in this competitive modern world. i think the postgraduate study can enrich my knowledge and make me competent in my future career.

shanghai jiaotong university is one of the most famous university of our country,it provide student with enough room to get further enrichment. there are lots of excellent supervisors and lots of advanced,well-equipped labs in the university. i am looking forward to study here. that is all. thank you for giving me the chance.

大学英文自我介绍作文300字 篇10

Oh, this is me

I am cheerful and lively personality, jieruqiu, see injustice has a tantrum, last year, I found that some students copy writing class, I severely criticized them, scared they no longer dare copy writing.

As for the cheerful, not false, it is precisely because of this, people are more likely to enter my inner world, so I was very popular in the class, there are many good friends

I like reading very much. No, it is a book like life, because of this reason, I have a special feeling of writing, my composition results in the best in the class, a little famous

Here, maybe someone will say, you put yourself into a flower boast, not a disadvantage? Ashamed, ashamed, people eat whole grains which can not disadvantage? My biggest weakness is because these four words be negligent, let me test, repeatedly damaged.

I like Chinese very much, because the language is rich and colorful in the world

I think the world can not become, as long as you work hard, success will be waving to you in the not far place. I will continue to carry forward the advantages and overcome the disadvantages and strive for further improvement.

天津职业大学英文介绍 篇11

Hello,professors.Thank you for providing me with such a chance to do seif-introduktion.I am ***,a boy who has dreamed of entering Qinghua University for many years.The strong desire for knowledge has promoted my progress in subjects.In the past years,I have won several awards in the competions of Biology,Physics and Computer.Of course,not that I am a bookworm.Owning strong organizational ablities is my another advantage.I once served as monitor,announcer and so on.These achievements eanerd me the reputation of”Well arounded Students several times.Now,a broader stage is n front of me.I will meet more challenging competions which requiring great efforts.I will not give up because pursing break throughs is my life goal.If I am lucky enough to be opposed to the unique soirit of this university for four years,I will never let the chance of improving myself slip through my fingers.That is all.Thank you.
