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历年医学英语考博真题 篇1


A Blind Zone in Childr-Nutrition

This article reveals a mistaken idea in child-raising which deserves correcting.Most parents take it for granted that children should eat more animal foods such as chicken, meat and fish than grain food because the former are far more expensive and the more expensive the food is the more nutritious it is.However, this is, in fact, a mistaken idea which has lead to malnutrition among many city kids.This is indicated in a survey recently made in Shanghai.What parents don’t know is that carbohydrate in grains, starch and sugar, the main and most inexpensive nutrient for energy supply, is of equal importance in metabolism.The energy it supplies is the main source of calories in human bodies,about 60% of the total amount of calories.If there is a lack of calories provided by carbohydrate, protein and fat will be used up to provide the heat and thus can’t play their original roles in the body.Consequently, it results in a retarded development in the children and even malnutrition.Apparently, the solution to the problem is to provide kids with a well-balanced food containing protein, carbohydrate and many other nutrients, none of which can be done without.Writing Drill 4(98 FATMD)

In the past several years, many Chinese college students have come to accept psychological consultation(PC)they used to reject.In 1994, many students didn’t care to think about the consultation while in 1996, over 90% of 2132 students in a survey answered the related questionnaires carefully.PC is now gradually accepted by college students in China.Surveys indicate that 70-80% college students have psychological problems and 20.3% have such obstacles.There have been reports on many severe cases resulting from misunderstanding and lack of PC.In view of this, many universities in Nanjing have set up psychological healthcare service for students.Many students have corrected their misunderstanding about PC and bravely asked the consultants for help, which has greatly helped them overcome their mental obstacles.Even some military cadets have begun to consult experts for advice.Experts point out that prompt consultation can prevent mental problems from developing into obstacles, mental illnesses and even suicide.University psychological consultation, young as it is, has made remarkable progress and grown into a unique course in universities.Though it contributed to students’ healthy growth, it still has a long way to go to be fully understood and appreciated by both students and faculties.Writing Drill 5 老年健康饮食为先

Aging usually brings about recession in many bodily functions such indigestion, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and other metabolic dysfunctions.However, scientists find that these hypofunctions are actually caused by irrational diets or eating habits.This article discusses this problem and the solution to it.First, balanced diet with more vegetables than animal food is especially good for the old people.Second, less staple food and less salt in food should be suggested for the aged because overconsumption of these two can lead to cardiovascular diseases.Third, more bean food can replace proteins such as eggs and fat as sources of protein.Fourth, light food should be taken in instead of fat and oily foods which usually contribute to cardiovascular diseases.Fifth, doctors always advise people eat more fruit to regulate their digestion, metabolism and cardiovascular balance.In a word, a balanced diet, more vegetable food instead of fat food are of the first significance to the health of the aged and a long life.Writing Drill 6

Recently, more attention has been paid to a behavioral prescription for various and physical diseases.It includes laughter, sports, dancing and even crying.These methods have different functions.Laughter activates over 80 muscles.In laughing, smooth muscles in organs contract and help improve digestion.Crying can give vent to harmful chemicals in the body accumulated by stress.Sports and dancing can relieve chronic illness such as bronchitis, back pain, diabetes, etc.that medication alone can’t do.2013年医学考博英语正确的复习方法:http:///product/PR000082 2013年医学考博英语协议全程班:http:///product/PR000276

历年医学英语考博真题 篇2


广大考生如何备考英语四、六级考试?巧用历年真题就是最好捷径之一。那么, 该如何利用真题来增强知识积累, 提高作战技巧, 取得最佳复习效果呢?且看:



(一) 权威性与稳定性

真题, 是指真正在历次四、六级考试中出现过的原题。真题是命题组根据全体考生人才培养目标、现有学生知识水平及国际化要求综合研究、斟酌、裁定的结果, 严格意义上讲, “全真模拟题”与真题是有一定差距的, 不能等同于真题。因此, 真题较其他模拟题测试水平相对稳定, 具有最强的权威性。

(二) 针对性与目的性

熟悉历年真题题型与分值分布, 掌握出题思路、方向、重点, 全面把握复习要点, 做到有的放矢, 提高复习效率。做历年真题, 总结错题、检测自己的薄弱环节。更重要的是做完真题后, 先整理和分析错题类型, 然后根据自己整理的错题知识点, 重点强化基础知识的复习。

(三) 检测性与指导性

用真题最能检验考生真实知识水平。真题经典的语法试题、优美的常用句子, 以及整齐的句型都可以作为背诵的题材。比如反复练习听力部分一箭双雕, 一方面迅速提高听力, 另一方面提高口语交际能力。比如词汇, 要弄懂学透, 也许今年出现在阅读中, 明年就能在翻译和完型上见到;比如含金量很高的句式、句型, 可以“转移”使用到写作部分。


若能认真研究历年的考试真题, 了解出题思路、考点、特点, 把基础知识融会贯通, 对提高考试成绩会有立竿见影的效果。那么, 怎样才能使一套真题“物尽其用”呢?可从题型词汇、听力、阅读、完型填空、写作与翻译等方面一一进行研究。

(一) 词汇部分


真题考过的高频词汇, 学习要求是精益求精, 融会贯通, 与四、六级词汇背诵相结合, 每套至少研究半个月, 边记单词边做真题。重点记忆四、六级词汇的核心含义即真题中考过的含义。态度要认真, 做题时遇到不认识的单词和词组先按照考试的情境要求做出自己的答案 (哪怕是有“蒙”的成分) , 最好用圈圈做好标示。事后核对答案, 分析错误的原因。记住典型的例句, 认真总结弄懂弄透, 然后逐个记忆。词汇复习需要艰涩的反复强化过程, 万事开头难, 贵在坚持。

(二) 听力部分

学习目标:学习听力和增进口语表达双管齐下, 齐头并进。

听力部分测试是四、六级的考试重点, 最令考生们头痛。听力备考需要长时间积累。大家要根据自身具体情况, 做完第一遍真题后要在熟悉各个知识点之后, 仔细研究出题的形式, 看老师出题的思路。

听力备考可以分为三个循序渐进的阶段:第一, 将没有听清楚明白或者“蒙”的题目标注出来;第二, 仔细研究没有听懂或听清楚的地方, 仔细分析、核对第一次标注的答案;第三, 对照原文一五一十地查漏补缺, 既可以锻炼听力, 亦可提高口语能力, 一举两得。

(三) 阅读部分

学习目标:多做练习, 掌握出题角度与特点, 提高应试技巧, 做到“无招胜有招”。

第一, 做题。阅读能力的提高是潜移默化的过程, 每天坚持做3~5篇。做第一遍时严格按考试时间要求完成, 以便能掌握自己的做题速度, 感受考试时的压力。全部细读琢磨几轮历年真题, 多朗读、记忆文章内容, 可以增加语感。第二, 认真核对答案。精读文本, 把每个单词、每句话都弄懂。第三, 关注考试细节。题目中时间、地点、人物、数量词等都应该立即做出标记, 这些词都是文章的路标, 很可能就是出题点, 根据这些路标很容易找到题目在文章中对应的答案位置。

(四) 综合和完型填空题型

学习目标:了解和掌握所有选项含义, 培养语感更重要。

综合部分完形填空基本上是考语法和固定搭配的。对历年完形填空常见的语法和搭配进行总结, 近义词进行比较、理解和记忆, 同时要搞清楚选择答案的原因, 错误选项为什么错误。严格按照时间做完练习之后, 反复研究真题, 平均5~6天研究一套, 并且自己要制订计划, 经常复习, 提高语感。

(五) 写作部分

学习目标:了解作文架构, 背诵经典美句。

第一, 注重积累。平时做阅读真题和读一些英文材料的时候, 记住一些比较好的句型和句式, 或是一些关键词的特殊用法。第二, 字体优美。一手字迹清楚、书法优美的英文书法会留给阅卷老师良好的印象。这需要平时多加练习。第三, 审题要认真, 千万不要跑题, 语言也要保持连贯性, 语法层次、段落构思科学准确。

(六) 翻译部分

学习目标:把握考试题眼, 提高猜题率。

2014年医学考博英语听力原文 篇3

Question2 W:Is there anything else I can do to help me sleep at night? M:Don’t worry about so much things about work.I know, I know, easily said thandone.W:Should I stay home from work? M:No, I don’t think that necessary.Just remember to stay calm.Question:What did the doctor suggest the woman do?

Question3 W:How is with your feeling in general? M:No complaints really.Question:What does the man mean?

Question4 W:Our managing director is going to give you a raise.M:Really? Are you kidding me? W:Absolutely!He thinks you would!Question:What does the woman say?

Question5 W:I’ve been so worry about my daughter.She is so different and temperament forme.We are not always on the same wheeling.M:That’s quite common with mothers and daughters.W:She is a further personality and very much on the ball, but she is an excitedball child.Question:What does the woman mean?

Question6 W:Where is your injury? M:Here, my ankle.W:How did it happen? M:I tripped over on the evening and twisted it.It was swollen and very painful.Question:What is true about the woman?

Question7 W:John wants to move upwards and onwards within his new company.M:He is well qualified and the boss was into him.W:So you think he will achieve his goal? M:Year!For a better he will.Question:What did the man mean? Question8 M:Take the slip to the front desk and then arrange an appointment for the tests.W:Thanks doc!Have a nice day!Question:What will the woman do?


M:There is one girl on my school who everybody picks up.W:Why? M:Because she doesn’t wear everybody wears.Question:What can be inferred about the girl in question?

Question10 M:What’s your coming for today, Mrs.Sanderson?

W:I’ve been having some pains in my joints, especially the knees!Question:Where does the conversation most probably take place?

Question11 W:How long does the pain last when you get it? M:It comes and goes!Sometimes I hardly feel anything, other times it can lastfor half an hour or more.W:Is there any type of food that seems to cause the strong pain or other types? M:Um, heavy foods like stake insonnia usually bring it on, I’m trying to avoid those.Question:What kind of food seems to cause strong pain to the man?

Question12 W:Carl, your bicycle is too old, it’s not safe for you to ride.M:Year!I think I need to buy a new one, but it will go with time.Question:What did the man mean?

Question13 M:How long could you have these symptoms? W:Oh, I have the cough for two weeks, but feeling ill just be part a few days.Question:What do we know about the woman’s illness?

Question14 W:I think I could recover the cough at the end of this year.M:I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but the stock index still ranges between 1900 and2900 after every year.Question:What does the man mean?

Question15 M:I just want check to understand which pills to take and when? W:The yellow one in the morning and the others, Oh, I think no, maybe, Ah, you’dbetter to write it down!Then you won’t forget!

M:Here is some paper!The yellow one once a day before breakfast, the large roundone three times a day after meals, the small ones when you need one forsleeping.Question:Which of the following statements is true?

W:Hi, Patrick, how is your feeling today? M:A bit better!W:That’s good to hear!Are your still feeling nausea? M:No, I haven’t feel sick to my stomach since you switched my medication.W:Great!See, your test results come in this morning.M:I’s about time!Is it good news or bad? W:I get it a bit of both!Which do you want first? M:Let’s get the bad news over with it.W:OK, it looks like you are going to need a surgery to remove the tumor from yourleg.After the operation, you are going to have to stay off your feet for atleast 3 weeks, that means no soccer!M:Oh, I’m afraid you are going to say that!

W:Now for the good news!The biopsy shows that the tumor is benign, which meansit’s not cancerous.We are going to take it off any way just to be on the safeside!M:Wow, that’s a load off my mind!Thanks doctor!

W:Don’t get too excited!We still need to get the bottom all this way loss!M:I probably just been so worry about this stupid lump!W:These things often our stressed related.But we are still going to have a fewblood tests just to rule off things out!M:Like what? Cancer? W:Actually I’m thinking more of the line of food allergy!

Question16 Whydid the man have to switch medication? Question17 What’sthe bad news for the man? Question18 Whatmedical procedures has the man already undergone? Question19 Whydid the doctor ask the man to take a few blood tests? Question20 Whichof the following could best describe the man’s feeling in the end?

考研英语历年真题1989 篇4

Section I Close Test

For each numbered blank in the following passage there are four choices labeled [A], [B], [C] and [D].Choose the best one and put your choice in the ANSWER SHEET.Read the whole passage before making your choice.(10 points)

①One day drought may be a thing of the past at least in coastal cities.②Vast areas of desert throughout the world may for the first timeand provide millions of hectares of land where now nothing grows.③By the end of this century this may not be mere2.④Scientists are already looking into the possibility of using some of the available ice in the Arctic and Antarctic.⑤In these regions there are vast ice-caps formed by snow that has fallen over the past 50,000 years.⑥Layerlayer of deep snow means that, when melted, the snow water would be pure, not salty as sea-ice would be.⑦There is so muchpure water here that it would need only a fraction of it to turn much of the desert or poorly irrigated parts of the world into rich farmland.⑧And what useful packages it would come in!⑨It should be possible to cut off a bit of ice and

11They are always transport it!⑩Alternatively perhaps a passing iceberg could be.○

breaking away from the main caps and floating around, pushed by currents, until they eventually melt and are wasted.12Many icebergs are, of course, far too small to be toweddistance, and would melt ○

13It would be necessary to locate one before they reached a country that needed them anywhere.○

14that wasand that was big enough to provide a good supply of ice when it reached us.○

Engineers think that an iceberg up to seven miles long and one and a half miles wide could be

15Even then they would cover only transported if the tug pulling it was as big as a supertanker!○the iceberg was at its destination, more that 7,000 twenty miles every day.○

17That would probably be more than million cubic metres of water could be taken from it!○

18But no doubt a use could be enough for any medium-sized city even in the hottest summer!○

19○20found for it.○

21This is The larger the iceberg, the slower it melts, even if it is towed through the tropics.○

because when the sun has a bigger area to warm , less heat actually gets into the iceberg.22The vast frozen centre would be unaffected.[394 words] ○

1.[A] come to life[B] come into existence

[C] come into activity[D] come round

2.[A] speculation [B] imagination[C] computation[D] expectation

3.[A] above[B] of[C] upon[D] over

4.[A] essential[B] potential[C] claimable[D] obtainable

5.[A] seized[B] snatched[C] grabbed[D] captured

6.[A] much[B] any[C] some[D] certain

7.[A] manageable [B] manipulative [C] operable[D] controllable

8.[A] after[B] while[C] since[D] once

9.[A] Apparently [B] Noticeably[C] Distinctly[D] Notably

历年大学英语六级真题 篇5

Section A

11. M: I need to find a dentist; you said you know Dr. Smith well, do you recommend her?

W: Well, I had to see her a few times, but what impressed me most was the magazines in her waiting room.

Q: What does the woman imply ?

12. W: I’m afraid I can’t show you the apartment at the moment, because the tenant is still living in it. It’s really a lovely place with a big kitchen and a sunny window for only two hundred dollars a month.

M: Sounds good, but we really can’t rent an apartment without seeing it first.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

13. M: So, that’s what’s been keeping you so busy recently!

W: Yes, I’ve been tied up with (被缠住) my studies. You know I’m planning to go to the United States this coming summer, but I’m a bit nervous about my English.

Q: What is the woman busy doing ?

14. W: How did you feel when you found out you had high blood pressure?

M: Shocked! The problem for me was that there no symptoms (症状); it seemed to have sneaked up on (悄悄接近某人然后突然出现) me.

Q: What does the man mean?

15. W: So, you’re just back from a trip to India. What were you doing there?

M: The trip was intended to bring to the world’s attention the fact that AIDS is not just an African disease; it’s also endangering (危及) other countries , notably, India and Thailand.

Q: What was the purpose of the man’s trip to India?

16. M: It’s quite clear from my visit this is a full-size comprehensive (综合性的) university. So why is it still called a college?

W: The College of William and Mary is the second oldest institution of higher learning (高等学府)in this country. We have nurtured (培养,培育) great minds like Thomas Jefferson and we’re proud of our name.

Q: What do we learn from this conversation about the College of William and Mary?

17. M: Have the parts we need for the photocopying machine arrived yet?

W: I ordered them last week, but something is holding them up (耽搁).

Q: What does the woman say about the part needed for the photocopying machine?

18. W: The cafeteria provided many kinds of dishes for us today. Did you notice that?

M: Yes. Kind of (有点) rare, isn’t it?

Q: What does the man imply?

Conversation One

W: Hello, Patrick, is that you?

M: Yeah Jane, what can I do for you ?

W: I was calling about the apple tree that you were trimming (修剪,剪枝) yesterday. (19)

M: That was hard work!

W: I’m sure it was. It sure looked difficult.

M: Yeah, I’m glad it’s finished. Hauling the branches to the front for garbage pickup was no fun either.

W: Well, I don’t think you’re quite finished yet; some of the larger branches fell over into my yard, and I think you should come and get them. (20)

M: Listen Jane, I don’t see why I should do that. You eat all the apples that fall in your yard and you’ve never complained about that before.

W: Well, it’s easier to pick up apples than to drag tree branches all the way to the curb. (20) My kids pick up the apples, and the branches are just too big for them to drag.

M: Well, I guess you’ll just have to do it yourself Jane.

W: Patrick, I wish you would reconsider (斟酌,再考虑). We’ve always gotten along fairly well, but I think you’re out of line here. The branches are your responsibility.

M: Sorry Jane, I disagree! You take the benefits of the apple tree, but refuse to deal with the bad side of it !

W: Get the branches off my property or I’ll have to sue you. (21)

M: Yeah? For what? You’re taking those law classes too seriously (太较真, 太当回事)! (22) I’ll gotta go, I have to pick up my son.

W: You’ll be hearing from me. M: Yeah, yeah. See you in court Jane.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What did the man do yesterday?

20. What did the woman ask the man to do?

21. What did the woman threaten to do?

22. What was the man’s reaction to the woman’s threat?

Conversation Two

M: Did you hear about the air crash that occurred in South America recently? It was quite a tragic accident!

W: No, I didn’t see anything in the news about it. What happened?

M: A foreign airliner was attempting to land at night in a mountainous area of Argentina and flew into a hill!

W: That sounds really terrible! Did anyone survive?

M: No, everyone aboard, including the crew, was killed instantly.

W: What were the circumstances? Was there bad weather, a fire, or an engine failure?

M: Apparently, there were some low clouds in the area, but mostly it was just miscommunication between the pilots and the air traffic controllers.(23)

W: Weren’t they both speaking in English, the official international aviation (航空) language?

M: Yes, they were. But the transmission from poor-quality radios was slightly distorted (歪曲,曲解) and the accents of the Spanish speaking controllers were so strong that the pilots misunderstood a vital instruction.

W: How could a misunderstanding like that cause such a serious accident?

M: The pilots were told “Descend to 2-2, 000 feet.” The instruction actually meant 22,000 feet, but they thought they heard descend to 2,000 feet. That’s a huge difference, and it should have been confirmed, but it was not. Unfortunately, the terrain (地形,地势) of the mountains in that region extends up to 2,000 feet.(24)

W: So the pilots did descend to the wrong altitude (高度,海拔) then, thinking they were following the air controllers instructions.

M: Sadly enough, yes they did. It was a really bad mistake. Many people died as a result of this simple misunderstanding.W: Wow, that’s a powerful lesson in how important it can be to accurately communicate with each other.(25)

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

23. What was the cause of the tragedy?

24. How high are the mountains in the region?

25. What lesson could be drawn from the accident?

Section B

Passage One

Edgar Poe, an American writer, was born in 1809. His parents were actors. Edgar was a baby when his father left the family. He was two years old when his mother died. (26) He was taken into the home of a wealthy business man named John Allen. He then received his new name, Edgar Allen Poe. As a young man, Poe attended the University of Virginia. He was a good student, but he liked to drink alcohol and play card games for money. As an unskilled game player, he often lost money. Since he couldn’t pay his gambling losses, he left university (27) and began working for magazines. He worked hard, yet he was not well-paid, or well-known. A t the age of 27, he got married. For a time it seemed that Poe would find happiness, but his wife was sick for most of their marriage, and died in 1847. Through all his crises, Poe produced many stories and poems which appeared in different publications, yet he didn’t become famous until 1845, when his poem, The Raven, was published. There is a question, however, about Poe’s importance in American literature. Some critics say Poe was one of America’s best writers, but others disagree. They say Poe’s work is difficult to understand (28) and most of his writing describes very unpleasant situations and events. Edgar Allen Poe died in 1849 when he was 40 years old. It is said that he was found dead after days of heavy drinking. (29)

26. What happened to Edgar Allen Poe’s family when he was only two years old?

27.Why did Edgar Allen Poe leave the University of Virginia?

28.What do some critics say about Edgar Allen Poe?

29.How did Edgar Allen Poe’s life come to an end?

Passage Two

More than fifty years ago, the United Nations declared that literacy is a basic human right. It’s very important for improving the lives of individuals. However, it is estimated that 880 million adults around the world are illiterate, that is, they are unable to read or write. A majority of them are women. (30) More than 110 million school age children in the world do not attend school. Many others complete school or fail to finish their studies without learning to read or write. Many countries depend on the efforts of people who offer their time to help illiterate individuals. For example, John Mogger became concerned about the problem of illiteracy three years ago, so he started teaching five prisoners in Brazil. In his teaching, he developed a system with this group of prisoners. He says his way of teaching can help anyone learn how to read and write with about thirty hours of study. (32) To learn his system, people must first know how to write letters of the alphabet (字母表) and learn which sounds they represent. The system divides letters into three groups . The first group of letters can be written between two lines. The second can be written between two lines but part of the letter is above the top line. The third group has letters that are partly written below the lower line. (31) John Mogger taught his students to write simple words from the letters. In this way, his students learned more than seven hundred words. Many of them can now write to family members. They also can read newspapers and magazines.

30. According to the speaker, which group of people make up the illiterate population?

31.What is the most important feature of John Mogger’s method of teaching the alphabet?

32.What does John Mogger say about his teaching method?

Passage Three

Farmers usually use ploughs to prepare their fields for planting crops. Ploughs cut into the ground, and lift up weeds, and other unwanted plants. However, ploughing is blamed for causing severe damage to topsoil by removing the plants that protect the soil from being blown or washed away. (33) Many farmers in South Asia are now trying a process called Low Till Farming. Low Till Farming limits the use of ploughs. (34) in this method of farming seeds and fertilizer are put into the soil through small cuts made in the surface of the ground. Low Till Agriculture leaves much or all the soil and remains of plants on the ground. They serve as a natural fertilizer and help support the roots of future crops. They take in rain and allow it to flow into the soil instead of running off. It has been proved that Low Till Farming increases harvests and reduces water use, and this method reduces the need for chemical products because there are fewer unwanted plants. Scientists say Low Till Farming is becoming popular in South Asia, which is facing a severe water shortage. (35) They say the area will become dependent in imported food unless water is saved through methods like Low Till Farming. Currently, more than 150 million people in South Asia depend on local rice and wheat crops. Farmers grow rice during wet weather. During the dry season they grow wheat in the same fields. Farmers are using the Low Till method to plant wheat after harvesting rice. Scientists say Low Till Agriculture is one of the best examples in the world of technologies working for both people and the environment.

33. What is the main problem caused by the usual way of ploughing?

34.What does the speaker say about Low Till Farming?

35.Where is Low Till Farming becoming popular?

Section C
