British Holidaying Habits
In the late 1970s, air travel became affordable / for the average family in the UK, / and more people started traveling abroad for their summer holidays./ After all, the British weather wasn’t very good, even in summer, / so a lot of people left the country for a vacation./ In the 1980s and 1990s, young people in the UK became wealthier on average./ As a result, they started to go abroad in groups / to places such as Spain and Greece./ Once they arrived at their destination, / they met with other groups of young people, and had one long party./ British holidaying habits have begun to change, however./ Climate change means that the UK now has a hotter climate, / so people do not need to go overseas to find good weather./ Also, going abroad is more expensive./ As a result, more British people are choosing to spend their summer holidays in the UK.PARTⅡ LISTENING COMPREHENSION
1.[C];2.[D];3.[B] 4.[A] 5.[C] 6.[D] 7.[A] 8.[C] 9.[D] 10.[B]
11.[C] 12.[A] 13.[D] 14.[C] 15.[B] 16.[D] 17.[A] 18.[C] 19.[B] 20.[A]
21.[B] 22.[B] 23.[A] 24.[C] 25.[B] 26.[D] 27.[A] 28.[C] 29.[D] 30.[B]
31.[B]32.[D] 33.[A] 34.[C] 35.[B] 36.[D] 37.[A] 38.[C] 39.[B] 40.[D] 41.[C] 42.[A]
43.[B] 44.[D] 45.[A] 46.[C] 47.[B] 48.[A] 49.[D] 50.[B]
51.[D] 52.[C] 53.[A] 54.[B ] 55.[D] 56.[B] 57.[A] 58.[C] 59.[B] 60.[D]
61.[A] 62.[C] 63.[B] 64.[A] 65.[B] 66.[B] 67.[A] 68.[C] 69.[B] 70.[D] 71.[A]
72.[C] 73.[B] 74.[D] 75.[A] 76.[C] 77.[B] 78.[A] 79.[D] 80.[B]
81.[B] 82.[D] 83.[B] 84.[A] 85.[C]
86.[A] 87.[C] 88.[A] 89.[D] 90.[C]
91.[B] 92.[A] 93.[D] 94.[B] 95.[C]
96.[B]97.[C] 98.[A]99.[C] 100.[B]
Should Private Car Owners Be Taxed for Pollution?
Along with the increasing environmental pollution, the measures for protecting environment are widely taken in the world, among which levying environmental taxes is considered to be effective.Since car sales have reached a historic peak these days, the government suggests that private car owners should be taxed for pollution.As far as I’m concerned, it’s not so much a solution as a gesture,because basically it can’t alleviate the pressing environmental issues.To begin with, though large in number, private car is not the only factor causing environmental pollution.If private car owners were taxed for pollution, other public vehicles, including buses and trains, should be taxed as well for the simple reason that they are also not environmental friendly.If not, complaints will accumulate concerning the unfairness, which thus will damage the harmony of our society.Also, taxing the private car owners fails to decrease the number of cars running on the road as expected.For those who are accustomed to it, an extra tax will never stop them from enjoying the convenience and pleasure of car driving.What’s more, levying a tax may make pollution becomes “reasonable”, because they would think they have paid for it.Obviously, it means nothing to protecting environment.As a result, it’s far from a good solution to tax private car owners for pollution, assuming it will solve environmental problems.On the contrary, immediate actions should be taken to develop new energy so as to cut down car pollution as a whole⑨.SECTION B NOTE-WRITING[10 MIN]
April 18th, 2011
首先,从文章题材来看,三篇快速阅读的文章涉及三个不同的内容。三篇文章的标题分别是“School Lunch”(学校午餐)、“Can Digital Textbooks Truly Replace the Print Kind?”(电子版教材能否真正替代印刷版教材?)、“Surviving the Recession”(在萧条中求生)。从标题基本可以看出,第一篇文章涉及饮食和健康,第二篇文章主要讨论新技术对传统教学的冲击,第三篇文章应该与商业经济有关。从题材的角度来看,以上三篇文章可分别归入健康、新技术和商业经济的范畴。
最后,从命题的角度来看,快速阅读的命题方式依然是“7 + 3”的结构,即七道选择题和三道填空题。本次的选择题依然以考查文章细节内容为主,整体难度适中。而填空题则有难有易,所填答案主要是动词性成分和名词性成分。下面笔者重点分析两道比较典型的题目。其中一题是标题为“School Lunch”的快速阅读文章的第8题,其题干是这样的:“Students are advised to stay away from snack foods offered à la carte because their extra fat and sugar will make them ———.”考生可根据题干定位词à la carte将答案信息定位到原文倒数第五段的倒数第三句和倒数第四句:“Stay away from snack foods offered à la carte. They may fill you up now, but the ones that contain a lot of fat and sugar will slow you down later.”该题有一定难度,因为题干中有明显的表示因果关系的词because,而原文中没有出现明显的表示因果关系的词。其实,原文两句之间也暗含因果关系,只是考生需要自行判断出来。对照原文与题干中的这种因果关系,此题空格处应填入动词性成分slow down later。另一题是标题为“Can Digital Textbooks Truly Replace the Print Kind?”的文章的第8题。该题较简单,考生只要通过同义替换就能找到答案。该题题干是这样的:“One of the challenges to build an interactive digital textbook from the ground up is that it takes a great deal of ———.”考生可根据题干定位词interactive和from the ground up将答案信息定位到原文倒数第四段的这句话:“Each interactive textbook is a media-heavy experience built from the ground up, and you can tell that it takes a respectable amount of manpower to put together each one.”考生只要能看出a great deal of和a respectable amount of是同义替换,就能立刻找到答案:manpower (to put together each one)。
最后,从题型来看,往年四级考试的深度阅读部分主要考查三种题型:细节题、词义题和推断题(关于词义题和推断题的介绍请参见本刊2011年4月号和2011年10月号的相关文章)。本次四级考试深度阅读部分出现的题型基本都是细节题。词义题难度相对较大,但并没有出现在目前笔者搜集到的三套题中。在这三套题中,推断题只出现了一道,也算是本次考试深度阅读部分最难的一道题。下面笔者就来重点分析如何解答这道推断题。该题的题干表述是典型的推断题:“We can conclude from the passage that ———.”由于该题出现在最后一题的位置上,因此既有可能是针对最后一段的内容而设置的,也有可能是针对全文内容而设置的主旨性题目。审题之后可知,这道题需要联系全文内容来解答,属于一道全文主旨题。文章内容主要围绕“爱情”和“婚姻”展开论述,甚至上升到了文化的高度,通过论述阐释了婚姻的重要性。虽然文章末段没有直接给出本题的答案,但实际上结合全文主要内容,再结合文章第二段的末句“That’s why historically we see an increase in romantic love as a basis for forming long-term relationships”,考生便可得出答案。本题答案是“Romantic love is becoming increasingly important in family relationships”这一选项。
其次,从解题的角度来看,本次考试的选词填空部分仍侧重考查词性、词义和语法搭配。需要提醒考生的是,选词填空题最难的地方在于选项词经常会出现一词兼有两种词性的情况,如本次考试的三套题中出现的以下几个词:reason (作名词表示“原因”,作动词表示“推理”)、monitor (作名词表示“监视器”,作动词表示“监测”)、maximum (作形容词表示“最大的”,作名词表示“最大值”)、excess (作名词表示“过度,过量”,作形容词表示“过度的,过量的”)等。另外,就语法而言,考生除了要分析句子成分从而确定空格处所缺单词的词性外,还要重点关注名词的形式,因为名词有可数和不可数以及单数和复数之分。本次考试中出现的以下几个名词在选项中就是以复数形式呈现的:results (结果)、symbols (象征,符号)、symptoms (症状)、accidents (事故)、instances (例子,情况)等。此外,副词有时也会给考生造成一定的障碍,因为很多考生对副词不是特别熟悉。本次四级考试中出现的较难的副词有以下几个:consequently (因此)、dramatically (显著地)、briefly (短暂地,简单地说)。
1. 关注改革后的官方样题。改革后的题型没有太多现成的真题可供研究,唯一可以参考的就是官方样题,因此针对这次四级改革,考生应该重点关注官方样题,最好能自己做一做样题,找找做题的感觉(官方四级样题下载地址:http://www.cet.edu.cn/cet4_2013.pdf)。
2. 以真题为核心备考。考生在备考时应该把主要精力集中在真题上。实际上,考生只要能把近五年的真题研究透彻,通过四级考试就是水到渠成的事情。至于市面上那些令人眼花缭乱的模拟题,考生应尽量不接触,因为模拟题毕竟不是命题人出的,所以在题目的难度和考点上或多或少会偏离真题,严重时可能会误导考生的做题思路。
3. 扩大阅读面。阅读的基本功还是很重要的,所以笔者建议考生平时多做阅读训练。当然,这里说的阅读未必是四级真题的阅读文章,也可以是其他阅读内容,比如网络、报纸、杂志上的英语文章都可以作为阅读材料。读得多了,考生就能逐渐熟悉英语的很多用法和表达方式,而这些对于应对四级考试来说都是极有帮助的。
32,中共中央办公厅7月印发了《关于加强市(地、州、盟)党政正职管理的若干规定》,并发出通知,要求各地结合实际认真贯彻执行。,33, 国务院总理温家宝7月27日主持召开国务院常务会议,对“7·23”甬温线特别重大铁路交通事故遇难者表示深切哀悼,对受伤人员和伤亡人员家属表示亲切慰问,决定采取坚决措施,以交通、煤矿、建筑施工、危险化学品等行业领域为重点,全面加
本次四级考试的作文题目为:Due Attention Should Be Given to Spelling。写作提纲如下:
1. 如今不少学生在英语学习中不重视拼写
2. 出现这种现象的原因
3. 为了改变这种状况,我认为……
在做题时,考生还要关注文章上下文的逻辑关系。如51题,通过and,我们可以判断出全句为平行结构,因此51题只能填入与前文cooling一致的-ing结构。在选项中,只有选项H (powering)和选项N (supplying)符合,再通过句意判断,可选出powering为正确答案。
此外,文章还考查了一些英文中常见的短语和习惯搭配,如:replace ... with ... (用……替换……)、in the broadest sense (从最广义的层面上来说)、a vast number of (大量……)、protect ... from ... (保护……免受……)等。因此,熟悉固定搭配和惯用结构也是解题的关键。
第一篇文章难度较低,所涉及的也是常识性的内容,因此考生阅读时即使在部分细节上遇到些困难,凭借对此方面背景知识的了解,也能很好地理解全文。与快速阅读部分相似,第一篇仔细阅读的题目也是以细节题为主。除了57题是考查作者观点外,其余四道题均能快速通过题干中的关键词回原文定位,如:58题的Yemeni airliner、59题的1965、60题的Federal Aviation Authority、61题的Air France Flight 447等。
此外,在阅读文章的过程中,考生要学会把握段落主旨句和结构关联词。如59、60两题均用Why作为开头提问,这就需要考生回到原文定位表示原因的内容,并在定位区域内关注表示因果、目的等逻辑关系的词汇。其中全文第三段末句中的to aid visibility即为目的状语,也就是60题的答案。
在解答阅读理解的题目时,快速找到定位点并不一定能保证做对题目,因为答案很少会照搬原文,而通常都会对原文进行改写、解释或同义替换。如60题的原文答案为to aid visibility,在选项中就被替换成了to make them easily identifiable。因此,在复习阅读理解时,考生们要重点积累同义词、近义词等。
第二篇文章话题抽象,观点比较新颖,谈到了自我激励法,通常人们都认为自我激励很有效,但作者却认为这种方法“can actually have the opposite effect”。整篇文章具有批判性,个别句子结构比较复杂,因此有一定的难度。
本篇文章的各个小题侧重考查考生对段落大意的把握,如62题“What do we learn from the first paragraph ...”和66题“What do we learn from the last paragraph?”因此,在阅读文章的过程中,考生要格外留意段落中的主题句。64题“What does the author mean by ‘… you’re just underlining his faults’ (Line 4, Para. 3)?”属于推测文中词义/句意的题目,要求考生在题目所给出的定位点处推敲词或句子背后的真正意义。虽然64题的题干所给出的出题句中并没有生词,但考生切不可掉以轻心,一定要返回到原文查找,并结合出题句的上下句推测句意。
短对话中所考查的内容依然是常规考点。其中11题、16题、18题均考到了“转折关系”,即对话中but后的内容为答案;12题考查建议句型“Why don’t we …”;另外,本次短对话题目还考查了词语的固定结构,如14题听力材料中的“other than ...”。有趣的是,短对话中的16题完全是对1995年6月一道考题的重复,只是变换了男女朗读的顺序。这种原题复现的情况在以前的考试中也曾经出现过,这足以说明做熟历年考试真题的重要性。
短文理解是很难靠“临阵磨枪”来解决的题目。本次的短文理解题考查了一篇小故事和两篇议论文,均遵循“所听即所得”的原则。在听懂的基础上,做对题目应该难度不大。需要注意的是,此次的英文原文和题目中存在“正话反说”的陷阱,如第三篇听力原文的最后一句:“Tom does not think a babysitter can replace a mother and thinks it’s a bad idea for the children to spend so much time with someone who’s not part of the family.”句子很长,而且句中出现了多个关于是非判断的词,如does not think、bad idea、who’s not part of the family。这就需要考生在听的过程中牢牢抓住作者的态度,不要被复杂的说法混淆了判断。
本次的翻译题不难,依旧考查考生两方面的能力:一是词汇和句型结构的应用,二是语法的应用。其中87题的“have difficulty (in) doing sth.”结构已经是第三次出现在四级的翻译题目中,最近一次是在2009年6月的四级真题中。89题的“look forward to sth./doing sth.”结构在2008年6月的翻译题中也出现过。其余题目的考点,如88题考到的倒装和90题考到的虚拟语气也均在历年四级的完型填空、阅读理解、听力等题目中有所涉及。再次提醒所有考生,历年考过的真题是复习过程中最为权威、最为重要的资料,值得考生们反复研究,反复练习。
11.W: This crazy bus schedule has got me completely confused.I can’t figure out when my bus to Cleveland leaves?
M: Why don’t you just go to the ticket window and ask? Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 【答案】B)Go and ask the staff.【解析】这是一道事实细节题。从对话中可知,女士搞不清楚列车时刻表,男士建议她去售票窗口咨询。ticket window售票窗口。12.W: I really enjoyed the TV special about drafts last night.Did you get home in time to see it? W: Oh, yes, but I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing.Q: What does the man mean? 【答案】A)He fell asleep in the middle of the TV program.【解析】这是道推理判断题,考查男士的言下之意以及虚拟语气。could have done意为本可以做某事,但未做。从对话中可知,男士确实回家看了电视节目,但是他说道:I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing.我真希望自己当时能再晚点睡着,这样我就可以看完整场节目了。说明他没有看完整场节目就睡着了。13.W: Airport, please.I’m running a little late.So just take the fastest way even if it’s not the most direct.M: Sure, but there is a lot of traffic everywhere today because of the football game.Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation? 【答案】B)She is worried about missing her flight.【解析】这是道场景题,略有难度。刚开始,我们还无法很快判断出该对话发生的场景,很多同学一听到airport可能会误以为对话发生在机场,但如果我们继续听下去,就会发现,该对话应该发生在出租车上,因为女士说了句“请选择最快的路”,而男士说“因为有球赛,所以到处都交通拥堵”可以帮助我们再次确认对话发生的场景。选项A不对,原文是说要挑the fastest way哪怕不是the most direct way;选项C也不准确,才刚上车,并没有拥堵,司机只是提前说明因为球赛会碰到拥堵;选项D错误,女士是为了赶去乘飞机的,而不是去看球赛。14.W: May I make a recommendation, sir? Our seafood with this special sauce is very good.M: Thank you, but I don’t eat shellfish.I’m allergic to it.Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place? 【答案】A)At a restaurant 【解析】这是道场景题,较为简单。从对话中可知,女士希望向男士推荐一道菜,从首句中即可推断出该对话最有可能发生在餐馆中,男士说,他过敏,不吃贝壳类海鲜,可以帮助我们再次确认对话发生的场景。15.W: Now one more question if you don’t mind, what position in the company appeals to you most? M: Well, I’d like the position of sales manager if that position is still vacant.Q: What do we learn about the man? 【答案】A)He is being interviewed for a job.【解析】这是较为简单的细节推理题。从position, company这几个关键词中,我们就可以快速判断出此题的场景为面试,因此男士应该正在接受一场面试。C选项错误,他想要销售经理的职位,但并不表示他本身就是销售经理。16.M: I don’t think I want to live in the dormitory next year.I need more privacy.W: I know what you mean.But check out the cost if renting an apartment first.I won’t be surprised if you change your mind.Q: What does the woman imply? 【答案】B)The man is unlikely to move out of the dormitory.【解析】这是推理判断题,询问女士的言下之意。最后一句,女士表示“你改变主意的话,我不会觉得奇怪”,可知,男士不太可能搬出宿舍。A选项是个干扰项,虽然该选项看上去意思和B选项差不多,但对话中并没有提到男士想找一个更安静的地方,他想搬离寝室,是为了更多的个人空间。17.M: You’re on the right track.I just think you need to narrow the topic down.W: Yeah, you’re right.I always start by choosing two boarder topics when I’m doing a research paper.Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 【答案】D)The woman is going to make her topic more focused.【解析】这是推理判断题。从对话中可知,男士希望女士缩小主题的范围,女士回答“你是对的。”说明女士会采纳男士的建议,缩小主题。18.W: This picnic should beat the last one we went to, doesn’t it?
M: Oh, yeah, we had to spend the whole time inside.Good thing, the weather was cooperative this time.Q: What do we learn about the speakers from the conversation? 【答案】B)They didn’t quite enjoy their last picnic.【解析】这是推理判断题。beat一词是个难点,beat本意有“打败”的意思,这次的野餐打败了上次,即这次比上次好,下文中,男士说“上次我们不得不呆在室内,但这次天气不错。”可以再次确认他们不喜欢上次的野餐,因此,正确答案为B。
Conversation One 【听力原文】
M: When I say I live in Sweden, people always want to know about the seasons.W: The seasons? M: Yeah, you know how cold it is in winter? What is it like when the days are so short? W: So what is it like? M: Well, it is cold, very cold in winter.Sometimes it is cold as 26 degrees below centigrade.And of course when you go out, you’ll wrap up warm.But inside in the houses it’s always very warm, much warmer than at home.Swedish people always complain that when they visit England, the houses are cold even in the good winter.W: And what about the darkness? M: Well, yeah, around Christmas time there’s only one hour of daylight, so you really looks forward to the spring.It is sometimes a bit depressing.But you see the summers are amazing, from May to July in the North of Sweden the sun never sets.It’s still light in the midnight.You can walk in the mountains and read a newspaper.W: Oh, yeah, the land of the midnight sun.M: Yeah, that’s right, but it’s wonderful.You want to stay up all night, and the Sweden’s made most of it.Often they started work earlier in summer and then leave at about 2 or 3 in the afternoon, so that they can really enjoy the long summer evenings.They’d like to work hard, but play hard, too.I think Londoners work longer hours, but I’m not sure this is a good thing.【听力材料评析】这篇长对话是围绕瑞典的天气展开,主要谈到瑞典冬天的极寒和夏天的极昼天气。文章一开头即说到人们喜欢询问瑞典的季节情况。接下来对具体情况进行了描述,包括:极寒天气下的气温、室外和室内温度状况,另外,就瑞典室温与英国室温进行了对比,再次强调证明瑞典室温很高;而极昼天气则谈的是瑞典人的工作时间和工作习惯,另外,就瑞典人工作时认真忙、能玩时拼命玩的习惯和英国人工作勤奋、工作时间长进行了对比。这篇对话考查细节信息抓取能力。整体难度不大,并且以男士提供的信息为主。但许多考生可能因为对瑞典(Sweden)和与瑞典相关的一系列名词不熟悉而纠结,因此忽略了真正需要听清的其实并不太难的关键信息。这就提醒大家在做题时,切勿因为个别词语不熟悉,而慌张。19.A)He likes Sweden better than England.B)He prefers hot weather to cold weather.C)He is an English living in Sweden.D)He visits London nearly every winter.19.What do we learn about the man from the conversation? 【答案】B)He prefers hot weather to cold weather.【解析】本题为推断题。根据文章大意可推断得出。整篇文章中,分别有两处暗示信息,一处是男士说,“Swedish people always complain that when they visit England, the houses are cold even in the good winter.”,瑞典人在冬天去拜访英格兰时,会抱怨英格兰室温太冷。另一处是男士在谈到冬天天气时,说道:“It is sometimes a bit depressing.”长时间寒冷的天气令人沮丧。因此可推断得出,男士更喜欢hot weather,热天气。所以,答案为:He prefers hot weather to cold weather.20.A)The bad weather B)The cold houses.C)The gloomy winter.D)The long night.20.What do Swedish people complain about when they visit England in winter? 【答案】B)The cold houses.【解析】对话中,当男士介绍瑞典的极寒天气时,谈到只要穿暖,出门很暖,而室内更暖和,为了强调这一观点,男士继续说道:“Swedish people always complain that when they visit England, the houses are cold even in the good winter.”说是瑞典人在冬天去拜访英格兰时,会抱怨英格兰室温太冷。所以,答案为:The cold houses.21.A)Delightful.B)Painful.C)Depressing.D)Refreshing.21.How does the man describe the short hour of daylight around Christmas in Sweden? 【答案】C)Depressing.【解析】女士问:“And what about the darkness?”男士答道:“around Christmas time there’s only one hour of daylight, so you really looks forward to the spring.”临近圣诞节的时候,每天仅有一小时为白天,所以人们都非常向往春天,希望春天快点到来。然后,进一步强调性地评论道:“It is sometimes a bit depressing.”有时候真有点令人沮丧。因此,本题答案为:Depressing.22.A)They often stay up late reading.B)They work hard and play hard.C)They like to go camping in summer.D)They try to earn more and spend more.22.What does the man say about the Swedish people? 【答案】B)They work hard and play hard.【解析】男士在谈到瑞典的极昼天气时,着重谈了瑞典人在极昼天气的工作情况,并进一步对瑞典人的工作习惯进行了评价。男士说道:“They’d like to work hard, but play hard, too.”瑞典人既能在工作时努力工作,又能在能玩时拼命玩。所以,本题答案为:They work hard and play hard.Conversation Two 【听力原文】
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.W: What kind of training does one need to go into this type of job? M: That’s a very good question.I don’t think there is any, specifically.W: For example, in your case, what was your educational background? M: Well, I did a degree in French at Nottingham.After that, I did careers work in secondary schools like the careers guidance people here is in the university.Then I went into local government because I found I was more interested in the administrative side.Then progressed on to universities.So there wasn’t any plan and there was no specific training.There are plenty of training courses in management techniques and committee work which you can attend now.W: But in the first place, you did a French degree.M: In my time, there wasn’t a degree you could do for administration.I think most of the administrators I’ve come across have degrees and all sorts of things.W: Well, I know in my case, I did an English literature degree and I didn’t really expect to end up doing what I am doing now.M: Quite.W: But you are local to Nottingham, actually? Is there any reason why you went to Nottingham University? M: No, no, I come from the north of England, from west Yorkshire.Nottingham was one of the universities I put on my list.And I like the look of it.The campus is just beautiful.W: Yes, indeed.Let’s see.Were you from the industrial part of Yorkshire? M: Yes, from the Woolen District.【听力材料评析】这篇长对话围绕男士的教育背景和职业发展展开。按顺序分别谈到男士从诺丁汉大学法语专业,毕业之后去了中学和政府工作,然后又进入了大学管理层。这期间,他并没有刻意做过任何的职业发展计划,也没有接受过专门的相关职业培训,主要是因为在他的读书时代,并没有可攻读的管理学学位。对话最后谈到了男士去诺丁汉大学读书的原因是被其校园的优美风景所吸引。
23.A)Management.B)French C)English literature D)Public Administration 23.What was the man’s major at university? 【答案】B)French.【解析】细节题。在第二轮对话中,女士问,“what was your educational background?”你是什么教育背景,男士回答说:“I did a degree in French at Nottingham.” 我在诺丁汉大学攻读了法语学位,所以男士的专业是French。24.A)English teaching.B)Staff training.C)Careers guidance.D)Psychological counseling 24.What was the man’s job in secondary schools? 【答案】C)careers guidance.【解析】细节题。在说完“I did a degree in French at Nottingham.”之后,男士又接着说“After that, I did careers guidance in secondary schools.”因此,此题的答案应为:careers guidance。25.A)Its pleasant environment.B)Its worldwide fame.C)Its generous scholarship.D)Its well-designed courses.25.What attracted the man to Nottingham University? 【答案】B)Its pleasant environment.【解析】细节题。女士问:“Is there any reason why you went to Nottingham University?”你去诺丁汉大学是出于什么原因?男士在回答中说到,诺丁汉是我心中理想大学之一。紧接着他就说道:“And I like the look of it.”还进一步补充说明道:“ The campus is just beautiful.”因此,男士是因被其优雅环境所吸引而选择去诺丁汉大学。所以,本题的答案为:Its pleasant environment.Section B Passage One
While Gail Obcamp, an American artist was giving a speech on the art of Japanese brush painting to an audience that included visitors from Japan, she was confused to see that many of her Japanese listeners have their eyes closed.Were they tuned off because an American had the nerve to instruct Japanese in their own art form? Were they deliberately tried to signal their rejection of her? Obcamp later found out that her listeners were not being disrespectful.Japanese listeners sometimes close their eyes to enhance concentration.Her listeners were showing their respect for her by chewing on her words.Some day you may be either a speaker or a listener in a situation involving people from other countries or members of a minority group in North America.Learning how different cultures signal respect can help you avoid misunderstandings.Here are some examples.In the deaf culture of North America, Many listeners show applause not by clapping their hands but by waving them in the air.In some cultures, both overseas and in some minority groups in North America, listeners are considered disrespectful if they look directly at the speaker.Respect is shown by looking in the general direction but avoiding direct eye contact.In some countries, whistling by listeners is a sign of approval while in other courtiers it is a form of insult.【听力点睛】本文主要介绍不同文化中都是如何表示尊重的,以及如何利用这点来避免跨文化交流中的误会产生。一开始先用一位美国艺术家Gail Obcamp做演讲的故事来举例子,引出对闭上眼睛这样一种动作不同的理解;继而发表了作者的看法:在和不同文化的人交流的时候,如果你懂得其他文化中是如何表达尊重的,可以避免误会;接着又是例子,是关于北美洲聋哑人是如何用动作来交流的。还有一些国家,对同样的手势会有截然不同的理解,进一步验证了作者的观点。
做这篇题目的重点在于能够迅速拎出来作者的观点。Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.26.What did Obcamp’s speech focus on? A)Characteristics of Japanese artists B)Some features of Japanese culture C)The art of Japanese brush painting D)The uniqueness of Japanese art 【答案】C)The art of Japanese brush painting 27.Why do Japanese listeners sometimes close their eyes while listening to a speech? A)To calm themselves down B)To enhance concentration C)To show their impatience D)To signal their lack of interest 【答案】B)To enhance concentration.28.What does the speaker try to explain? A)How listeners in different cultures show respect B)How speakers can win approval from the audience C)How speakers can misunderstand the audience D)How different Western and Eastern art forms are 【答案】A)How listeners in different cultures show respect.Passage Two Chris is in charge of purchasing and maintaining equipment in his Division at Taxlong Company.He is soon going to have an evaluation interview with his supervisor and the personnel director to discuss the work he has done in the past year.Salary, promotion and plans for the coming year will also be discussed at the meeting.Chris has made several changes for his Division in the past year.First, he bought new equipment for one of the departments.He has been particularly happy about the new equipment because many of the employees have told him how much it has helped them.Along with improving the equipment, Chris began a program to train employees to use equipment better and do simple maintenance themselves.The training saved time for the employees and money for the company.Unfortunately, one serious problem developed during the year.Two employees that Chris hired were stealing, and he had to fire them.Chris knows that a new job for a purchasing and maintenance manager for the whole company will be open in a few months, and he would like to be promoted to the job.Chris knows, however, that someone else wants that new job, too.Kim is in charge of purchasing and maintenance in another Division of the company.She has also made several changes over the year.Chris knows that his boss likes Kim’s work, and he expects that his work will be compared with hers.【听力点睛】这篇文章讲述了Chris在职场上的一次经历。Chris在Taxlong公司负责采购和维修设备。他即将要和领导针对过去一年的工作进行一个回顾总结,他心里希望可以得到晋升。在过去这一年里,他也做了不少贡献,买了许多能够提高效率的设备,但是他手下有两个职员因为偷窃而被开除了。除此以外,公司里面还有一个女同事Kim,是他这次晋级的竞争对手,她也一样很优秀。
Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.29.What is Chris’s main responsibility at Taxlong Company? A)Directing personnel evaluation.B)Buying and maintain equipment.C)Drawing up plans for in-service training.D)Interviewing and recruiting employees.【答案】 B)Buying and maintain equipment.30.What problem did Chris encounter in his Division? A)Some of his equipment was damaged in a fire.B)The training program he ran was failure.C)Two of his workers were injured at work.D)Two of his employees committed theft.【答案】D)Two of his employees committed theft.31.What does Chris hope for in the near future? A)A better relationship with his boss.B)Advancement to a higher position C)A better-paying job in another company D)Improvement in the company’s management 【答案】B)Advancement to a higher position.32 What do we learn about Kim from the passage? A)She has more self-confidence than Chris.B)She works with Chris in the same division.C)She has more management experience than Chris.D)She is competing with Chris for the new job.【答案】D)She is competing with Chris for the new job.Passage Three Proverbs, sometimes called sayings, are examples of folk wisdom.They are little lessons which older people of a culture pass down to the younger people to teach them about life.Many proverbs remind people of the values that are important in the culture.Values teach people how to act, what is right, and what is wrong.Because the values of each culture are different, understanding the values of another culture helps explain how people think and act.Understanding your own culture values is important too.If you can accept that people from other cultures act according to their values, not yours, getting along with them will be much easier.Many proverbs are very old.So some of the values they teach may not be as important in the culture as they once were.For example, Americans today do not pay much attention to the proverb “Haste makes waste”, because patience is not important to them.But if you know about past values, it helps you to understand the present and many of the older values are still strong today.Benjamin Franklin, a famous American diplomat, writer and scientist, died in 1790, but his proverb “Time is money” is taken more seriously by Americans of today than ever before.A study of proverbs from around the world shows that some values are shared by many cultures.In many cases though, the same idea is expressed differently.【听力点睛】这篇文章是一篇说明文。从科学客观的角度讲述了Proverb谚语的一些知识。包括它的定义-----是老一辈人传给后代的生活经验,生活价值观。不同国家,不同文化中的谚语往往可以揭示不同的价值观。如果能够理解其他文化的谚语,价值观,那么会在跨文化交际中避免很多麻烦。
作者又提到,一些谚语年代久远。其中包含的价值观随着时代的变迁可能重要性也发生了改变。并且举了Haste makes waste.和Time is money.这样两个例子。