“Reply to all”表示你的回复将发送给每一个收到原始邮件的人,在邮件的地址栏内,“cc” (carbon copy)部分指的是该邮件发给你指定的人,即“抄送),而“bcc”指你可以悄悄的发送邮件而不让其他的人知道,即”密送“, b代表的是“blind”(掩藏的)。如果有人要你“forward”一封邮件,意思是要你通过转发的功能发送邮件,有时侯简写成“fw.”
2. Use the Right Greeting:尽管用“Hey”作为写给朋友的电子邮件开场白没有任何问题,但是最好不要用这种方式给一个潜在的商务伙伴这样写信。另一方面,使用非常正式的传统开场白“Dear Sir” 也已经越来越过时了。最好写成“Dear Mr. / Ms.” 后跟那个人的姓氏。同事之间,通常可直呼其名,如“Dear John”),
3. Keep it Short and Clear: 有些情况下,可能需要用华丽的词藻和复杂的句式来彰显你的聪明才智和教育背景。而在用英语写邮件的时候,清晰、有条理的方式才是最佳选择。在邮件的第一段清楚的表明你写信的.目的,保证每一段中都有代表核心观点的中心句。使用类似“first, second, next, and finally”的词引导读者你所要表述的每一个观点。你不需在邮件中包括所有的详细内容,取而代之的可以是类似“If you have any other questions please feel free to contact me,”这样的短语来结束邮件,这样一来可以为对方创造进一步交流的前提。
4. Be polite and tactful: 懂得谦逊和准确传达信息的重要性。“I want.”之类的词能避免则避免出现,相比之下,“I would like”显得更尊重对方。又如“I am interested in”是提出请求建议或寻求意见的好方法。
With the rapid development of our national economy and deepening of the reform and opening up policy to the outside, communication with foreign countries and multinational companies becomes frequent, which makes cross-cultural business negotiation more and more popular.“Win-win”is the ideal aim of everyone.The language arts play the most important role in the life.In order to reach an agreement which will benefit two parties or even more sides, the negotiator should be good at language skills.Language is a great source of power, whether every negotiation is large or small, important or trivial;it is your spoken words-language arts that will ultimately be the factor that determines whether or not you accomplish your negotiation with success.There are some skills in language arts that should be paid attention.People would like to discuss some important aspects of using language in business negotiation.The arguments are as follows:using language arts on business negotiation makes the negotiation successful.This article will mainly focus on three parts regarding language arts on business negotiation, that is, the use of humor words, euphemism and proverbs.Humor words will help the negotiator create a peaceful climate and break“dead lock”;Euphemism is the key point to establish good relationship with the business partner.And Proverb, which not only shows the generosity of negotiator, but also attracts others’attention.Proverb works in every business negotiation, and negotiation always benefits those who is accomplished in using language arts.
2 Role of Language in Negotiations
The role of language is very important in business negotia tions.Clear-organized narrative, clear-cut proposition, sufficien argument language expression can help to gain the convince so a to reach the consensus of both parties.
2.1 Completion and accuracy
The first thing of both sides of negotiation is to speak clearly accurately and objectively.Negotiators must be accord with the truth when talking about the enterprise’s products, financial statu and so on.Negotiators do not exaggerate so that the other party may feel the sincerity.Negotiators have to present the intention and pur pose briefly and to the point, and have a definite object at the same time.Generally, business negotiations always last for a long time Negotiators just discuss about three to five projects and issues a the meeting because the human brain memory is limited.They need a few meetings to discuss about all the issues and projects People can only remember some key discussion content in a limit ed period of negotiation time.Negotiator is required to have excel lent logical expressive ability and careful thinking.In the proces of communication with the other party, negotiators have to be objec tive.If the negotiators do not speak around the main issue, and use a windbag, vague language to express his attention and purpose in the process of business negotiation, the other side would feel lost and confused.And the negotiator will leave an impression of speaking big words to them.The insincerity performance will cause an obstacle to the negotiation.
2.2 Persuasions to the other party
People often say that business negotiation is actually hardship war.But even the most powerful opponent will have his own weakness.In fact business negotiation is a process of persuading each other to reach an agreement.It is a kind of very effective means to get a favorable result in the process of negotiation.The opponent persuades and convinces the other party through art language expression.To get a satisfied result is the wish of both sides and wants to achieve in the process of negotiations, and it is also very hard to reach such kind of results in the negotiation at the same time.If the negotiators want to persuade the rivals in business negotiations have to listen to the other parties’requirements and ideas in the first place.It is necessary to find the point which both sides can accept.The negotiator has to describe the opinion and put forward questions and explain each other’s doubts.The negotiators have to find the reasonable arguments to communicate with the other party when the two sides have different points of view.Only through these various kinds of use of language that could change the other party’s original opinion and the other party could accept views and opinions whole-heartedly.In the process of negotiations, both sides always conflict with each other for their own respective interests and sakes.But it is an ever-changing situation in the process of negotiations.So it requires people to analyze the function of using the art of language according to different kind of particular case.Only by using different kind of language skills correctly, can the two parties reach agreement in the process of negotiations.Sometimes one also has to consider other party’s interest so as to get a win-win situation in the end.
2.3 Great atmospheres under control
Almost all business negotiations are carried out in a certain kind of atmosphere so the negotiation atmosphere will affect the negotiator's emotions and behavior.A good negotiator should be able to control the atmosphere of negotiations.Reasonable and proper use of language skills could help to ease the atmosphere of negotiations.It is a very important means to ease the tension between the two sides.It is a very important means to use language skills reasonable and proper to adjust and ease the atmosphere of negotiations.At the beginning of commercial negotiations, negotiators should use language skills actively to create harmonious and heated atmosphere in the process of negotiations.A good negotiator will find some interesting things to talk about to eliminate the other party’s tension, and also win each other's favor at the beginning of the negotiation at the same time.It is helpful for the negotiator to relieve the atmosphere of negotiations timely in the process of negotiation.The negotiator could tell some jokes to eliminate the tension so as to get closer to the other party.The negotiator needs to use some appropriate language to dissolve the problem when negotiations cross into a crisis.The negotiator has to ease the tension in negotiations for both sides to go back to the negotiations.
3 The Principles of Applying the Language Skills in Negotiations
Any kind of successful negotiations are the result of using splendid language in the process of negotiations.The art of using language could help both sides to reach an agreement which benefit them all.The negotiator can take advantage of language to win the initiative in the process of negotiation if grasps the principle of using language skills in negotiations.
3.1 Targeted languages in negotiations
The negotiators need to express their wishes and requirements accurately.The language of negotiations should be targeted.When faced with different kind of negotiation content, occasion and negotiation opponent, and negotiator has to use the specific language to improve the chance of success in negotiations.Negotiator should fully consider his opponents’character, emotion, habits, culture and their special interests in negotiate process.Negotiator is required to make use of the targeted language properly and have a definite object.Negotiator has to avoid using ambiguity, blurring and repeating language in their expressions, which may probably cause offence and misunderstanding.And even worse, it will degrade the speaker’s status and lose dignity at the same time.
3.2 Mild and indirect expression in negotiations
Euphemism is defined as:"Euphemism is a good or favorable interpretation of a bad word".Stokes and Hartman compiled the"Language and Linguistics Dictionary"to the Euphemism is defined as:"Euphemism:with a not-ming, and be able to make people happy, or ambiguous statement, instead of with the unpleasant meaning or lack of respect for the way of expression."Euphemism literally means"use of pleasant, mild or indirect words or phrases in place of more accurate or direct ones.The Random House College Dictionary (1979) the euphemism is defined as:the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh or blunt, American scholar Hugh Rawson said:Euphemism so deeply infiltrated our language, as well as no one among us—even those self-proclaimed straight people—can not use euphemisms the case had finished a day.It is hard for a person to accept the stiff way of expression of their opinions and feeling.So negotiators should try to use tactful language with the acceptable manner to put forward their views so as to be accepted easily by the other party in negotiations.In addition, negotiators have to try to put their own opinions with tactful way to transfer into the other side’s opinions in the process of negotiation.This can increase the persuasive power of party by oneself.At the same time, the other party will feel the sense of being respected;hence it is more likely to reach an agreement.British writer George Blunt was during the century from sixteenth to eighteenth.
3.3 Flexible expression in negotiations
Sometimes negotiations are always changeable and unpredictable.Negotiators have to make calmly and scientific decision to handle some unexpected circumstances in the process of negotiations by using flexible expressions.It is very important to grasp the flexibility of language and improve the negotiation strain capacity in negotiations.This kind of flexible language strains capacity general associated with the emergency means of dealing with the situation.It can help negotiators out of the difficult situation and turn the crisis into opportunities in the process of negotiations cleverly.For instance, when the opponent forces to make a choice right away, if responses:"let us think again"or“it is difficult to settle down temporary“such kind of sentence and so on.Then the one side will give the other side an image of lacking own dependent ideas to our performance.And people also could choose another way to deal with this situation.At this time, the other party negotiators can look at the clock and then politely tell the other side of party:"I'm terribly sorry, it is ten o'clock right now, but I agreed with a friend on the phone, please give me five minutes to talk with him."We have won five minutes of thinking through this method.So it is very important to grasp the flexibility of language in the negotiations.
4 The Using of Language Skills in Negotiations
4.1 Ask and answer skills in negotiation
First of all, the questions which required paying attention to the following points:first, the questioner has to be prepared for the problems beforehand.The questioner has to summarize and put forward for the problems with the most refined language.The questioner should take account of the other party’s reaction.Second, the negotiator has to select the appropriate way to ask questions.The negotiator has to choose the suitable manners according to the atmosphere of negotiations.People who are good at negotiation can lead the other side to change their ideas so as to control the direction of negotiations.Third, master the appropriate time to ask question could help negotiations to go on smoothly.Fourth, grasp of the attitude of putting forward the questions.Negotiator has to ask questions with a gentle and polite attitude, and that will make the other side, feel the sincerity of the speaker.Negotiator has to wait for the other side to answer.Always avoid arguments with the other party.Sometimes answering questions is more important than asking question.Therefore, the"answer"should be particular with the skills in the process of negotiations.It mainly has the following points:first, master the speed of answering questions.Negotiators have to leave some time for the other party.Negotiators determine their own mode and range to answer questions only after understanding the real intention of each other.To answer the other side’s doubts after careful consider and forecast the other party's attitude and reaction after knowing our own answers.Second, to answer the question to be reserved and do not answer it completely.Third, if you did not have a very clear map in your mind not to answer the question right away.Negotiators can not answer the other side’s problems in a rush without understand the other side’s problem completely.It is very easy to fall into the trap of other party if the answer the other side’s problems in a rush.The party answer the other side’s problems with rush may say things that should not speak about to cause needless loss.The fourth, don’t give the exact answer to other side’s problem.People often encounter with some problems which are not convenient to give a definite reply at once.At last, be careful not to answer the question if no one mentions it.It is unwise to leave the opportunity for the other side to go on asking for the answers.Don't abuse the words of"no comment"and so on.
4.2 The using of other language skills
In the process of different negotiations, it needs great attention to the using of other skills of language to take the advantage and function of language in the process of negotiations better.
4.2.1 Feasibility and accelerating
Our side could put forward to our claim or offer in the formal negotiations if we are well-prepared for talks.Smart use of proposal can play a valuable role in the process.Generally speaking, proposals and suggestions should use the declarative and interrogative sentences to express.They do not allow using self-centered sentence and have to notice that the tone of sentence should take other party’s interest into consideration.There are two ways to make a suggestion.They are exploratory proposal and conditional offer.Exploratory proposal can induce the other party's reaction.It can determine the purpose of the other’s attitude through further expressions.But conditional offer is easy to win the initiative in negotiations.It should keep in mind that the first proposal not has the using of conditional offer better.The wise way is to use exploratory proposal at first to understand the other party’s real attention.Then put forward to the conditions or proposal which is benefit to the side to accelerate the essence of negotiations.A feasibility study is an evaluation and analysis of the potential of the proposed project which is based on extensive investigation and research to give full comfort to the decisions makers.Feasibility studies aim to objectively and rationally uncover the strengths and weaknesses of an existing business or proposed venture, opportunities and threats as presented by the environment, the resources required to carry through, and ultimately the prospects for success.In its simplest terms, the two criteria to judge feasibility are cost required and value to be attained.As such, a well-designed feasibility study should provide a historical background of the business or project, description of the product or service, accounting statements, details of the operations and management, marketing research and policies, financial data, legal requirements and tax obligations.Generally, feasibility studies precede technical development and project implementation.
4.2.2 The Fuzziness of language
Fuzziness as well as accuracy is the objective attributes of human natural language and natural phenomena.The British philosopher Russell said that every word more or less had a vague semantics.And American philosopher Black has a similar assertion:"fuzziness clearly refers to the fuzzy symbol represented by this series of objective nature.”And vagueness of the language is borrowed from mathematics, which refers to language unit does not have a well defined border.For example, it is difficult to define boundary between"stone"and"rock"in English.The situation of gradual change from A to B has been referred to as"gradient slope"or"grandniece”.The so-called fuzzy language does not mean the language is vague and ambiguous, which causes misleading language.On the contrary, it takes advantage of the vagueness of semantics to accurately reflect the vague concept of life. (丁建忠, 2003)
There is no absolute invariable thing in the world.So it is very important to learn to use fuzzy language.Negotiators proceed or step back freely and handle a butcher's cleaver skill fully by using the fuzzy language in the process of negotiations.The use of fuzzy language can also avoid premature exposure our side’s will and strength.Sometimes the negotiators could not make an accurate judgment immediately for some complicated or unexpected situation.The negotiators can also use fuzzy language to give more elastic answer at this time so as to win more time to make the counter measures for the next step.Using fuzzy language is considerable flexibility.The style of fuzzy language will not make the other side unhappy;instead, it can occupy the initiative in some sudden cases.
4.2.3 Humorous language
Humor, as a part of our life, is a complex dynamic system.In a boarder sense, humor is reflected in all aspects of our social life.In a narrower sense, humor often reveals the general weaknesses of the ordinary person but, with humor, what would offend or cause pity in real life can be ridiculous without harm, since the audience laugh not at a real person but a character who typifies ugliness or baseness.Moreover, humor has its soothing power.It instantly takes us away even if for moments from our troubles and makes them easier to bear and it gives us power and a new perspective.This way we gain a chance to relax our nerves, to readjust our attitudes towards our life and even to ourselves.The close relation between language and logic forms the root of the interaction between humor and logic.The question of the relationship between language and thought has haunted the philosophers ever since the time of ancient Greece and has been a challenge to linguists, psychologists and anthropologists alike.The view that language is the material appearance of thought and thoughts are expressed in a mental language dates back to the time of Plato.It is commonly acknowledged that a speaker's real intention can be known through his own language.There must be some logical principles to guide the expression in each discourse.Logical inconsistency is a key element of humor leading to a laugh. (张国良, 2009)
In the process of negotiations, it is hard to avoid the controversy and deadlock situation.In the heated time, humorous language can often make the strange atmosphere relief down in a moment.Therefore, humorous language could make people relaxed, trailing in low pressure in tension full of fatigue working environment.In the negotiation, if negotiators can use humorous language to break the deadlock or suggestions, then both sides of negotiations can think about each other's advice in a cheerful state of mind.It is good for the both side to reach an agreement. (Stephen Ashcroft, 2004:229-233.)
4.2.4 Silent in the language
The reasonably and properly using of the silent language can often produce a very good effect during the negotiations.The negotiator could use silent language such as posture, gestures, body language, eye-contact, the expression, pronunciation organs and so on to express their opinions and ideas.Sometimes silence and body language is one of the most powerful means of communication, and even more powerful than verbal language.Non-verbal language is quite common is people’s daily communications, as well as in business communications.With cultural differences being considered, it is great to have some similarities in the silence and body language.People can often be wrong about each other, so it is an amazing thing that we should understand each other as well as we do.Not all cultures greet with each other in the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between others.Using silence and body language can always get unexpected good results during the negotiations.Noticing the signals that people send out with their language of silence is a very useful social skill.Some people can read it naturally and some of us are notoriously oblivious.Fortunately, you can learn to read body language with a little extra attentiveness, , and with enough practice it'll become second nature.And it is very helpful to know other party’s attention so as to reach an agreement in the negotiation.
5 Conclusion
As it is previously illustrated, apart from professional knowledge demanded by negotiations, the art and principles of language strategy determine the success of a negotiation.In different stages of negotiating, negotiator has to use different kind of language to grasp the rhythm of negotiations and the effect of progress.Business negotiations are fierce competition which both sides fully display their wisdom and skills to gain more interest and benefits.The result of negotiation directly affects the mutual development and economic benefits of enterprises.Therefore, the result of negotiation is particularly important for both parties.For each negotiator, the basic win-win principle is the ultimate goal.
摘要:As the global economy communication become more and more frequent, business negotiation also become more fre quent than before and the role of business negotiation is becoming more and more prominent.The global business communica tion becomes more and more frequent which attaches great importance to business negotiation. (People who engaged in business trade or business cooperation are familiar with the business negotiation.) That requires interpreters in the business world to be re ally skillful in their business communications.The commercial trade and the commercial cooperation are mostly reached through different kinds of negotiations.In the process of negotiations, the participants communicate with language to clarify their own in terests, thus come to an agreement at last.Language is the link of several parties in negotiations, which may play an important role in the success of negotiations.It will make us get twice the result with half the effort if we are able to size up the situation and to use it reasonable.The language directly affects the success of business negotiations.So it is necessary for business people to study and master the language skills.The decision-making of enterprise is not only have to master the professional knowledge which re lated with negotiation, but also have to possess a solid language foundation and good basic language skills if want to obtain the success in the business negotiations.Interpreters’successful commercial negotiations are the art result of both sides splendid utili zation language in the process of business negotiations.Enterprise executives should not only have a good command of profession al knowledge, but also need to be equipped with good communicative ability, because no successful negotiations can be done without positive attitudes and favorable intercommunications.
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【关键词】初中英文 建立自信 综合教学 树立榜样
山本浩纯:哈伊!多谢!我们这是首次合作,希望我们能合作成功并且建立长期合作关系。 何碧娜:是啊,这需要我们双方共同努力啊!这是我们厂羊毛衫生产的相关资料,请您看一
第三幕 日方请示上级
人物 山本浩纯和山野藤田
场景 山本浩纯打越洋可视电话给老总请求指示,山野杏子之前已将所有的谈判过程也告知
产品数量有限,十分抢手,我们实在是太忙了。刚刚和一个日本老客户就在谈这个问题。 杰克:(不高兴)不管是什么原因,你们必须对迟到这件事作出相应的补偿。这批羊毛衫我
王小姐:(故意高声对何碧娜说)我们还是做点让步吧,得罪了杰克对我们厂的声誉不太好。 何碧娜:唉,谁让我们遇上您这样年轻有为又有远见卓识的合作伙伴呢,这样吧,作为补偿,
王小姐:(小声对何碧娜说)这些条件也太苛刻了吧?我们真不应该那么轻易答应他们。 何碧娜:(小声)没关系,不急。
玛丽:(崇拜地)我们的杰克可是公司的骨干呢,是美国商界最有前途的。。。(夸赞一番) 何碧娜:那好吧,我们接受您提出的这些条款,让我们在谈谈价格问题吧。
第五幕 日方和中方的第二次会谈
地点 内蒙古某著名商务会所
人物 山本浩纯和山野杏子 中方主谈人何碧娜和参谈人王小姐
场景 双方经过休会的时间各自在讨论关于报价的问题,现在进行第二次会谈
山本浩纯:我公司财务部门经过核算,最后报价32美元,不知这个价格中方能接受吗? 何碧娜:基于价格,我方经协商报价38美元,10万件羊毛衫的这笔数目也不是一个小数,
山本浩纯:如果运输和保险费用都有我方来负责的话,您愿意给出的最低价格是多少? 王小姐:(敲电脑,计算,与何碧娜小声商量)
Make it personal.Writing a love letter is a dying art.So if you’re going to say it — mean it!Express your gratitude for the person being in your life.Include any special nicknames that the two of you share.Be specific.What are the things that he/she does to make you starry-eyed? Is it the way he gets a little teary at a sad movie? Is it the way she can’t wake up without her green tea?
Include memories of specific times you spent together.Let him/her know what they meant to you and why.Whether you’re sending it by mail or delivering it to them personally, hand-write it.Typed letters are sterile.If you’re even thinking about e-mail, then do something creative like designing a personalized “home page” love letter.You can get free templates at Colleges.com.Love quotes
people have been writing about love for centuries.Love quotes can capture exactly how you feel about your sweet in just a few words.Make up your own, or borrow a few of these to add to your letter.“Those who love deeply never grow old.”
“Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction.”(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
“For an instant, love can transform the world.”
“It’s not being in love that makes me happy.It’s being in love with YOU that makes me happy.”
“If there is anything better than to be loved, it is loving.”
“Did I tell you today how much I love you?”
Creative expression
Think a letter is too boring? Here are 10 ways to get your message across and have it remembered.1.Write your message in magnetic letters on their refrigerator.2.Create a Letter Hunt.Leave a note on his/her computer telling him/her you have written him/her a love letter, but it has to be found.Give a clue.Clue to clue to clue.Make your lover search for the prize.3.Send your love roses according to how many letters he/she has in their name.On each flower, attach a note that uses the letters of their name, as the first letter of the message.For example: “Sean.” The first rose could say, “Sometimes I get starry-eyed when I look at you.” The second, “Everything you do makes me happy.” And so on.4.Book of Love.put together a book of ten pages — each page for some unique thing you love about him/her.
1. 人员与财产。
2. 井下工具。
3. 业主物品。
4. 污染责任。
5. 油层损害。
6. 井喷控制。
首先体现的是用词的规范正式。此类信函虽有口语化的倾向,但是,此信函毕竟是一种正式的公函语体,所以在词汇的应用方面会多用书面语代替口语化的词汇,例如:以duplicate代替copy,以dispatch代替send,以otherwise代替or,以inview of代替简单的介词for。其次,体现在专业性较强,表达意思较为准确。此特征主要体现在大量使用专业术语、缩略语、行话及一般性词语在国际商务语境中的较为特殊的用法,例如最为常见的L/C(信用证),irrevocable letter of credit(不可撤销信用证),FOB(离岸价格),CIF(到岸价),C,B,D,(付现提货),Proforma Invoice(形式发票),bid(递盘)。另外,还有大量的一般性词汇的例子:名词document在一般语境中翻译为“文件”,而在商务信函中却是“单证”的意思;0f_fer在一般语境中翻译为“提议”,而在商务信函中是“报价,_发盘”的意思。诸如此类的例子层出不穷。商务信函的功能是传递信息,使得双方贸易顺利达成。所以,国际商务英文信函的语言力求明白易懂,朴实无华,直接传意,不拖泥带水地浪费商务活动中宝贵的时间。
(1)Please beinformedthat,on account of the fluctuations offoreign exchanges the quotation is subject to change without previous notice.
(2)We are looking forward to a favorable reply.
英文中有很多词汇除了基本含义外,在特定的环境下有特定的意义,国际商务领域中也是如此。在商务英文信函中经常会出现这样的词汇,他们有其特有的专业意义。只有了解和掌握了这些特殊的词汇,才能准确地进行翻译。例如我们熟知的词汇“market”,既可以表示“市场、销路”,也能够表示,“营销”和“出售”的意思。“the stock market”意为“证券市场”,“market department”意为“营销部门”;还有“confidance”在国际商务信函中就并非“信心,自信”之意了,其意义为“保密”。请看下面的实例:
According to our experience,these handicrafts can fmd aready market in Japan.
Any information you may give us will be held in absolute confidence and will not involve you in any responsibility.
Your claim should be referred to the insurance company.
At present,we cannot entertain your counter offer,as ourpriceis quite reasonable.
功能对等理论是美国人尤金·奈达(Eugene Nida)所提出的,其核心概念是“功能对等”。所谓“功能对等”,就是说翻译时不求文字表面的死板对应,而要在两种语言间达成功能上的对等。为了使源语和目的语之间的转换有一个标准,减少差异,奈达从语言学的角度出发,根据翻译的本质,提出了著名的“动态对等”翻译理论,即“功能对等”。
此外,任何类型的文本汉英互译过程中,我们应该密切关注的是正确理解原文的结构,在理解过程中,注意上下文的语言结构,设法理顺文章的语法结构和内在逻辑关系。对于国际商务英文信函的翻译来说也应如此,我们应该注意其语法结构,从最基本的五种句子类型出发,剖析其句子主干,将其他的定语、状语、补语,以及各种插入语及独立结构排除于句子主干之外。认清句子主要成分之间的逻辑关系,对于准确把握原文意思,正确地翻译出作者的本意有着十分重要的作用。例如:The goods we received contrary to our instzuctions are packedin wooden cases without iron hoops.此句正确的译文应该是:收到的货物是包装在没有铁腰子的木箱里,而这种包装与我们的指示不符。这句话中the goods和contrary to our instructions的位置较近,容易被译为“收到的货物与我们的指示不符”。在完整地分析句子结构和逻辑关系之后,发现说英语国家的人是把最重要的部分放在最前面,而翻译为中文之后我们必须调整语序,要符合我们的中文表达习惯。只要做到这一点,就一定能够确保译文的准确规范,不至于造成误译。