Keys to the exercises
Unit 2
3.(1)We are one of the leading importers dealing in electronic products in the area, and take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations.(2)We have been engaged in handling importing and exporting of machinery and equipment for many years, and our products have enjoyed great popularity in many countries.(3)We owe your name and address to the Commercial Counselor’s office of our Embassy in Beijing.(4)We are given to understand that you are a manufacturer of daily chemicals.One of our clients intends to buy cosmetics from your country.We will appreciate it highly if you can airmail the catalogue and the price list of your products available at present.(5)For our credit standing, please refer to the Bank of China, Shanghai Branch.Unit 3
2.1.Pease quote us your best price CIF Shanghai, inclusive of our 3% commission.2.Should your price be found competitive, we intend to place with you an order for 300,000 yards of Cotton Cloth.3.One of our customers is now interested in the Qingdao Haier Refrigerator made in your country.Please offer CIF London for 400 sets to be delivered in April.4.To enable you to have a better understanding of our products, we are sending you by air 5 copies of our catalogue and 2 sample books.5.In reply to your enquiry dated April 28, we are now sending you our latest price list for your reference.3.Dear Sirs,We learn from a friend in Shenzhen that you are exporting light industrial products, especially electric appliances.There is a steady demand here for the above-mentioned commodities of high quality at moderate prices.Will you please send us a copy of your catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment.We should find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of these goods.Yours faithfully,4.Dear Sirs,RE: Haier Refrigerator
We are in the market for refrigerators.Please send us your latest catalogue and details of your specifications, informing us of your price CIF Guangzhou, please also state your earliest possible delivery date, your terms of payment, and discount for regular purchase.If your prices prove reasonable and satisfactory, we shall soon place a large order with you.Yours faithfully,5.Dear Sirs,We welcome you for your enquiry of May 5 and thank you for your interest in our products.We are enclosing some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list giving the details you ask for.Also under separate cover, we are sending you some samples.Please note that payment should be made by irrevocable L/C payable at sight against presentation of shipping documents.We allow a proper discount in view of this first business between us.We await your acceptance by fax.Yours faithfully,Unit 4
2.(1).We are studying the offer and hope that it will keep open till the end of the month.(2).We believe that you will place a large order with us owing to the high quality and reasonable price of our products.(3).We will allow you 10% discount if you purchase 5000 dozens or more.(4).As to terms of payment, we often require a confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight.(5).You are cordially invited to take advantage of this attractive offer.We are anticipating a large order from the United States, and that will cause a sharp rise in price.(6).We will send you a firm offer with shipment available in the early May if you order reaches us before March 10.(7).Because there is a brisk demand for the goods, the offer will be open only for 5 days.(8).We are giving you a firm offer, subject to your reply here by 5 p.m.our time, Tuesday, July 10.3.Dear sirs,In reply to your letter of May 5, we are giving you a firm offer, subject to your reply here by 5 p.m.our time, Thursday, October 15, 2008, as follows:
Commodity: Boots for ladies
Specifications: more than 20 assortments with new designs of brown or red colors(detailed in catalogue)
Quality: the leather used is of superior quality
Price: CIF Guangzhou US$ 95 to 300 according to various designs
Payment: Confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment.Packing: at the buyer’s option
Shipment: September.Unit 5
3.1).We shall place a trial order with you for 500 sets if you will give us a 5% commission.2).We are working on your Order No.678 at present and please believe that we will effect the
shipment within the time you stipulated.3)Owing to heavy commitments, many orders haven’t been made, we can only accept orders for October shipment.4)Our stock is exhausted and we are not in a position to accept fresh orders.However, we will contact you as soon as new supplies are available.5)Shipment should be made during August to October in three lots, with 100 tons each.4.Dear Sirs:
We are pleased by your prompt reply to our inquiry of July 10, 2008 and now wish to order from you as our Order No.321 enclosed.Yours faithfully,XI’AN INTERNATIONAL
Tel:2365474 Fax: 654789321
Order No.321July 20, 2008
Messrs.JB SIMPSON &CO.LTD.Deansgate Blackpool
Please supply the following items
Description: A: SA-135 Video Recorder
B: VT-462 Video Tape
C: RC-A43 Mini Radio Cassette Recorder
Quantity: A: 1000
B: 1000
C: 5000
Unit Price: FOB Xin Gang inclusive of our 5% commission
A: US$ 600 each
B: US$ 10 each
C: US$ 20 each
Payment: L/C at 90 days’ sight to be opened 30 days before shipment
Package: By standard export cases
Delivery Date: Before the end of August in one/two lots.6.Dear Sirs:
We are pleased to have received your Order by fax dated March 10 for 500 sets of knitting machinery.Thanks.We have immediately contacted the manufacturer.But they refused our request politely since the machines sell well, and there is a great shortage of raw materials and still a large number of orders.After our repeated negotiations, they finally promised to accept the order and to make delivery of 100 sets each month, beginning from next January.We are aware that you are in urgent need of the products, but uncertain whether you will agree on the above delivery date.We are making contact with manufacturers elsewhere and will let you
know as soon as there are any favourable news.Meanwhile, we are enclosing our catalogue covering all the articles available at present.If you are interested in any of the items, please inform us.We will surely give prompt attention to your requirement.Yours faithfully
Unit 8
2.We refer to Contract NO.CT 345 signed on December 1, 2003, under which we decided 5000 M/Ts cotton will be delivered in March, 2004.Up till now we have not heard any news about delivery from you.Our clients are in urgent need for the goods, please see to it that you should deliver the goods within the time stipulated in the contract, or we will have to lodge a claim and reserve the right to cancel the contract.3.We refer to our Purchase Confirmation No.345 for 5000 pieces of “White Rabit” Blanket.We are notifying that we have opened through ** Bank a confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit No.789, totaling US $..., the L/C shall remain in force till 31st August.Please see to it that the above mentioned articles should be shipped before the end of August and the goods should be covered insurance for 130% of the invoice value against all risks.We know that according to your usual practice, you insure the goods only at invoice value plus 10%, therefore, the extra premium will be for our account.Please arrange insurance as per our requirements and we await your advice of shipment.Unit 9
1.The survey report indicates that the damage to the carton and goods was due to rough handling in transit, rather than poor packing as you stated.2.The damage was caused by improper packing, such a big and heavy machine should have been fixed and stuffed in export wooden case.3.Upon examination, we found that there was no sign of poor quality and bad handicraft, and that the dye used is excellent.4.Thank you for your acceptance of the wrongly delivered goods.We will give you a discount of 8% on invoice price.Please agree.5.Please let us know by fax whether you may ship the goods before September 15.If not we shall be compelled to cancel the order.Unit 10
6.﹡﹡Co.We have received your Ls/C No…,...and..., in payment f or Contract No.… covering …goods, and found that some stipulations in your Ls/C are not in conformity with that in the relative contract:
(1)The contract stipulated that the business is done on the basis of net price, with no commission and discount.But in your L/C No.…a commission of 5% is included.THE CONTRACT STUPLATED BIZ DONE NET PRICE BASIS.W/O COMMISSION N DISCOUNT.BUT UR L/C NO… COMMISSION OF 5% INCLUDED.ACDG TO CONTRACT, BIZ ON BASIS OF NET PRC, NO COMM N DISCNT.BUT 5PCT COMM INCLUDED(LISTED)IN UR L/C NO.….(2)As for payment, the contract requires sight L/C, while your three Ls/C all call for times Ls/C.We have specially written you, on May 5, asking you to amend the Ls/C, but haven’t received any news from you up to now.We can’t effect the shipment due to your failure in following the contract and amending the L/C accordingly.AS FR PAYMENT CONTRACT REQUIRES SIGHT L/C WHILE UR LS/C CALL FR TIME LS/C.V’VE WRITTEN MYA5 ASKG U AMEND LS/C BUT NOT RECEIVED NEWS FROM U.CANT EFFECT SHIP DUE TO UR FAILURE IN FOLLOWG CONTRACT N AMENDG L/C ACCORDGLY.ACDG TO CONTRACT, SIGHT LC REQUIRED(NEEDED)BUT ALL YR LS/C R TIMES.V HV INFORMD U OF AMDT TO UR LC.HWEVER U HV NOT DONE.V CAN’T SHP DUE TO YR FAILURE IN FLWG CONTRACT N AMDG LC.At present, fresh orders for …are rushing in and there is a great shortage of stock on the other hand.Therefore, the present prices of all brands are much higher than the contract prices.You are expected to agree on the following purchases prices and immediately amend your Ls/C accordingly so as to make it in accordance with the present prices and the contracted terms of payment.Meanwhile, you should also extend the shipment date and validity to March 30 and April 15 respectively, otherwise, we would not effect shipment.You will be responsible for the consequence.PRESENT FRESH ORDR FR…R RUSHG IN N ZR IS SHORTAGE OF STOCK.THEREFOR ALL BRANDS PRESENT PRICES R HIGHER THAN CONTRACT PRICES.Y R EXPECTED TO AGRREE THE FOLLOWG PURCHASES PRICES N IMMEDIATELY AMEND LS/C ACCORDGLY TO MAKE IT IN ACCORDANCE WZ PRESENT PRICES N CONTRACTED TERMS OF PAYMENT.MEANWHILE EXTEND SHIP DATE N VALIDITY TO MARCH 30 N APRIL 15 RESPECTIVELY.OR V NOT EFFECT SHIP N RESPON FR CONSEQ.MANY ORDRS NOW.STOCK LIMITED, PRESNT PRC MUCH HIGHER THAN THAT IN THE CONTRACT.U SHUD ORDER ON FLWG PRC N AMD UR LC.EXTEND SHPMT TO MAR 30, VALIDITY TO APR 15.OZWS, V CAN’T SHP N U SHUD B RESPONSBL FR CONSEQUENCE.The prices of all the brands are as follows:
补充:Unit 7答案1.(1)包装:用能够很好抵御潮湿和震动的适合于长途海运/包裹邮递/空运和多变天气的坚固的新木箱包装。卖方应承担任何因不当包装引起的货物损失和费用,以及因卖方采取不当的保护措施而造成的任何生锈。应在箱中附寄一整套有关的维护和使用说明书。
10著名的中国漫画家和幽默家丁聪便是一位俏皮话大师。在他的一幅幽默漫画中,一位老师说:“你为什么一字不改地抄别人的作业?”那位年轻的学生回答道:“我没有一字不改地抄。我把作业上的名字改成自己的了。”在丁聪的另一幅经典漫画里,一位生气的父亲问道:“告诉我,1加2等于几?”儿子说:“我不知道。”这位不耐烦的父亲接着说道:“比方说,你、你妈妈和我,我们加起来一共是几个,傻瓜?”儿子得意地回答道:“是三个傻瓜。” 这些故事无论是漫画还是笑话,是由演滑稽剧的喜剧演员说还是由搭档的相声演员讲,都为各地人们所喜爱。人们喜爱这些有趣的故事,因为它们贴近现实生活,而且里面那些出人意料的妙语十分有趣。
12DOUBLE ENTENDRES(法语中的“一语双关”)是双关语的特殊形式,其中的词或短语有双重意思。两个意思往往很不相同,一个比较恰当,另一个往往比较粗俗—但并不总是这样。我喜欢那个关于一位中学教师和校长因看见学生在学校操场上接吻而感到担心的故事。故事并不过火。那位教师对学生们说;“我和校长已经决定停止在学校操场上接吻。”听到笑声,她意识到她没有把意思表达清楚,于是补充说:“我的意思是不能再在我们的鼻子下面发生接吻这样的事了。”当然,这个解释并没有纠正她的第一句话,反而使这个笑话的双重含义变得更加好笑。
Unit 4关于创造力的培养——鼓励孩子思考
2如果1925年迪克•德鲁听从了他老板的意见,也许我们就不会有遮护胶带这种用品 了。现在我们几乎离不开它。德鲁当时就职于“明尼苏达制造和矿业公司”,通常称为3M公司。在工作中,他研制了一种用于胶带有黏性那面的物质,黏性很强,能使物体粘在一起。但是老板却不让他做进一步的研究。最后德鲁只好利用自己的时间改进了这种胶带。这种胶带现已被人们广泛使用。而他原来工作过的3M公司也从自己的失误中吸取了教训:现在该公司鼓励员工抽出15%的工作时间专门用来开动脑筋搞创新。
Unit 6风险与你
The World Heritage Organization: Preserving Our Past
Today many organizations, both local and global, are devoted to preserving works of art, buildings, and even entire cities.The World Heritage Organization(WHO)is one such group.The following is a brief update on what is being done to preserve cultural heritage worldwide.The Tombs of Buganda Kings in Kampala, Uganda
The Buganda are one of eight tribal groups who have lived in Uganda for centuries.By 1750 they had created a well-planned centralized form of government.Their leader, called the Kabaka, was assisted by a prime minister as well as the head of the army and the commander of the navy.Over the years, the tribe has continued to maintain many of their original customs and beliefs.Tribal loyalty remains important to the Bugandans, even as many of them leave the country to make lives for themselves overseas.In 1884, in order to preserve and honor the memory of the former kings, the palace grounds of the Kabaka were turned into a burial ground for them.In 2001, WHO declared the area an officialWorld Heritage Site.The City of Quito, Ecuador
Before Europeans arrived in 1532, Ecuador was part of the great Inca kingdom.The area that is now called Quito became an important political center, and by the end of the 1500s the main streets of the city had been laid out and remain essentially the same today.As part of Quito’s early development, many grand public buildings such as palaces and cathedrals were constructed and decorated with beautiful statues and paintings.A powerfully original form of artwork emerged, combining European and South American Indian influences.This style of art greatly influenced the development of art in Latin America over the next 200 years and resulted in Quito being declared a WHO site in 1978.The Antonine Wall in Scotland, United Kingdom
The Antonine Wall is a 37-mile-long earth and stone barrier built across Scotland by the Romans to protect its lands to the south from invasion by enemy groups.It was begun in A.D.140 and completed two years later.Originally, forts were built every six miles along the wall, but this was later increased to every two miles.Today, the remains of the wall are clearly visible in many areas along its length, and it just recently became an official WHO site.Key:
I.1)Uganda2)burial site3)20014)South America5)Quito6)historic7)1500s
II.1.remains important;even as2.constructed and decorated with3.resulted in
III.1.Many organizations are devoted to preserving works of art, buildings and even entire cities.2.By 1750 they had created a well-planned centralized form of government.3.The tribe has maintained many of their original customs and beliefs.4.This style of art influenced the development of art in Latin America.5.Today, the remains of the wall are clearly visible in many areas along its length.Unit8
Slow Food And More
The Slow Movement is composed of a variety of groups worldwide that advocate paying careful attention to the beauty and pleasure available around us, instead of rushing through life.Slow Food
The Slow Food movement has been growing slowly but steadily since it was started in 1986.It was developed in response to the opening of a hamburger restaurant near the Spanish Steps in Rome, Italy.Today there are several hundred regional groups in over 100 nations worldwide.In 2008, a group in San Francisco sponsored a Slow Food Nation event where 60,000 people convened.In 2004, the organization opened the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Bra, Italy, to promote awareness of good food and nutrition.Slow Cities
Like the Slow Food movement, the Slow Cities movement started in Italy.Its followers believe that cities should retain as much of their originality as possible to preserve their beauty and charm.This involves creating strict rules as to where cars can and can‘t go, and what businesses are allowed to operate in the city.Pedestrians and bicyclists are given priority over motor vehicles, and supermarkets and coffee shops with hundreds of identical stores are not welcome.There are currently 42 Slow Cities in Italy and many more in Germany, Great Britain, Spain, and elsewhere.Slow Homes
Slow Home is a movement founded by John Brown, a professor of architecture at the University of Calgary in Canada.He and his group believe that most new houses are being built cheaply and easily, but are unoriginal and boring.Therefore, the Slow Home movement encourages people to avoid standardized housing.According to Professor Brown, it is important for people to learn about design and construction when building a home, and to become involved with making intelligent decisions about the place where they will spend so much of their lives.Slow Travel
In this age of superhighways and jet planes, some people are talking about slowing down the travel experience.In 2008, two Swedish tour companies offered 8,000 train trips to various destinations in Europe.Typically, if one were to take a plane, the trips would take two hours on average.Alternatively, the train rides take a day or two.Despite the longer time needed, the program was extremely popular and better for the environment, releasing about 20 percent less harmful gas into the atmosphere than the same trip made by car or plane.Key: