
2024-10-26 版权声明 我要投稿


law的形容词 篇1


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人脸识别是最具有发展潜力的生物特征识别技术之一, 也是当前计算机视觉[1]和模式识别[2]领域内的一个热门研究课题。人脸识别研究的重点在于特征提取, 随着人们对人脸识别系统性能要求的提高, 基于局部纹理特征提取算法受到研究者们的关注。

局部中心对称二值模型 (Center Symmetric Local Binary Pattern, CSLBP) [3]是一种基于LBP的改进方法。与LBP算法相比, 它具有维数低、鲁棒性强、运算速度快等优点, 但纹理描述能力下降。因此本文融合纹理分割中经常使用的Laws[4]模板来增强CSLBP对特征的提取能力, 然后为解决使用Laws模板而造成的维数较高问题, 引进了局部保持投影 (Locality Preserving Projections, LPP) [5]。

本文的内容结构安排如下:第一部分, 简单阐述了CSLBP算法原理, 提出了CSLBP算法的不足。第二部分引入了Laws模板的概念, 提出了一种新的算法Laws-CSLBP。第三部分为实验章节, 在ORL与FERET人脸库上分别进行了验证。第四部分为与LPP的算法融合及实验结果分析。

1 CSLBP算法简介

局部中心对称二值模型 (CSLBP) 是基于LBP算法的改进方法, 它的编码方式与LBP一样。区别在于, CSLBP只取中心点外, 中心对称的四个邻域点, 即P值为4, 编码公式如下:

对于邻域点为8的LBP算法来说, 一共存在28种0和1的组合, 对应就是256种特征, 经过一致模式变换也有59维, 而只有维, 计算量较小。

1.1 CSLBP分块

对编码之后的图像, 通常采用统计直方图的方式来表达图像局部信息。T.Ahonen成功将LBP算法引入到人脸识别领域中来, 他提出一种分块方法。即求出各个子块的LBP直方图, 并将子块直方图连接起来作为该人脸图像特征。本文CSLBP提取的纹理也做上述分块处理。如图2所示 (由于CSLBP提取的局部纹理特征维数太低, 肉眼难以分辨, 图像略作处理) 。

人脸图像往往包含多种视觉信息, 而纹理作为其中重要的一种, 能够提供反映图像区域内的平滑、稀疏、各方向的排列规则等信息。针对CSLBP算子提取的纹理特征不够丰富, 下文提出了融合Laws模板的Laws-CSLBP算法。

2 Laws-CSLBP

2.1 Laws模板简介

在图像处理中, 为了获得更多的图像信息, 可以利用局部模板来实现不同纹理的检测。例如Sobel模板可以检测图像的垂直特征, Prewitt模板可以检测图像的水平特征等。为了增强纹理特征间的区别, 改善传统CSLBP算法的纹理提取效果, 本文引进了Laws纹理能量测度。该方法的原理是, 通过属于或依赖于某一点及其邻域灰度分布的某种属性, 进行纹理测量的一阶统计分析。

该方法的首要问题是对于模板的选择, 在这方面Laws进行了深入的研究。首先定义了一组一维Laws纹理向量分别表示灰度特征、边缘特征、点特征、波特征、涟漪特征。向量定义如下:

将上述一维纹理向量两两进行卷积, 可得大小为5×5的25组二维纹理模板, 如表1所示。

将原始人脸图像与每个二维纹理模板进行卷积滤波并归一化, 便得到了相应特征的纹理图像。

2.2 Laws模板的选择

一幅人脸图像在经过25组Laws模板处理之后, 得到25幅纹理图像, 一幅图像如果是M×N维, 那么25幅便是25×M×N如此巨大的数据量, 增加了计算负担, 为此需要对模板进行筛选。

为了选择最有效的模板, 本文将CSLBP算法与不同模板相结合, 并采用最近邻分类器, 在FERET人脸库进行了多组实验。实验结果如表2所示。

经过实验的对比分析, 本文选择识别率均高于CSLBP的三组模板:。模板如下所示:


3 Laws-CSLBP的实验结果及分析

为了验证本算法的有效性, 分别在ORL人脸库与FERET人脸库上进行了实验。并将本文算法Laws-CSLBP与CSLBP、LBP进行比较。

ORL库有40类, 取每类的前5幅作为训练样本, 余下5幅作为测试样本, 实验结果如表1所示。

在FERET库中选择200类人脸, 采用每类的前4幅图像作为训练样本, 余下3幅用于测试。实验结果如表2所示。

实验分析可知:Laws-CSLBP算法在ORL和FERET库中均有较好的识别效果, 其识别率的提高非常显著。

这主要是因为其他算法是在受光照, 姿态等变化较大的人脸图像上进行的单一特征提取, 识别效果受到了明显的影响。而Laws-CSLBP则提取了图像的灰度、水平、垂直等多特征, 因而受图像变化影响较小, 在FERET数据库表现出了更强的鲁棒性。

虽然CSLBP将每块的维数降至16维, 但是经过Laws处理以及分成n×n块后, 每一类样本的特征维数仍高达3×16×n×n。为了降低分类负担, 选择区分能力较强的特征向量, 本文引进LPP对数据进行筛选。

4 Laws-CSLBP与局部保持投影

4.1 LPP简介

人脸图像在含有丰富信息的同时也会夹杂许多冗余数据, 这些数据在特征提取之后也依然存在, 从而给判别分类带来许多不利影响。如果我们将这些数据从特征向量中尽可能地剔除掉, 筛选出最能代表该图像的特征向量, 不仅能为判别分类带来方便, 还能提高人脸识别率。这也是数据降维的目的所在。

本文引进流行算法中的局部保持投影 (LPP) 来对数据进行降维。

设数据集X=[x1, x2, …, xn], xi∈RM, 令其在低维空间RM上的映射数据集为Y=[y1, y2, …, yn], Yi∈RM, m<


首先, 构造相邻无向图。本文选择k近邻方式, 即当且仅当两点中, 一点在另一点最近的k个点中, 两点之间有边相连。

其次, 构造权值矩阵W:

最后, 计算投影矩阵A。

其中, a是变换向量:;D是一个对角矩阵:;L是拉普拉斯矩阵:L=D-W。上式的最优问题可以转换成下面的广义特征值求解问题, 即

求出投影矩阵A以后, 对特征数据进行投影变换, 即可实现对数据的降维。

4.2 引进LPP后的对比实验

本算法结合使用LPP、PCA和LDA在ORL和FERET库中作了一组对比实验, 采用最近邻分类器的实验结果如表5、表6所示。

4.3 实验结果及分析


(1) LPP对数据的处理效果优于PCA和LDA。

(2) 结合使用PCA和LDA后, 识别率有所下降。这是因为, PCA和LDA是线性降维方法, 它破坏了基于局部特征数据之间是非线性结构, 使之不利于数据分类。

(3) LPP是一种有效的流行降维算法, 不仅实现了对维数的约减, 筛选出更具区分能力的特征, 还能保持原有的数据内在结构不变, 再次提高了Laws-CSLBP的人脸识别率。


[1]ZHAO W, CHELLAPPA R, PHILIPS P J, et al.Face recognition:a literature survey[J].ACM Computing Surveys, 2003, 35 (4) :399-458

[2]CAO Zhi-min, YIN Qi, TANG Xiao-cu, et al.Face recognition with learning-based descriptor[C].Proc of IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, SanFrancisco, CA, USA, June 13-18, 2010:2707-2714

[3]LU Jian-yun, HE Zhong-shi, YU Lei.A Face Recognition Method Based on the Fusion of Multi-Level Center-Symmetric Local Binary Pattern Features[J].COMPUTER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE, 2010, 32 (6) :48-51

[4]Shulin FENG, Wei WANG, Huangshui ZHANG.Three-dimensional pursuer convoy by using guidance Laws[J].Journal of Control Science and Engineering, 2013, 11 (3) :442-453

law的形容词 篇2

on March 13, the Second Session of the 12th National Peoples Congress (NPC) concluded in Beijing. At a press conference held right after the closing of the annual parliamentary session, Premier Li Keqiang reiterated that China will show “zero-tolerance” to corrupt officials.

“China is a country under rule of law. No matter who he is, and how senior his position is, if he violates Party discipline and the law of the country, he will be punished to the full extent, because everybody is equal before the law,” Li said.

Before this years NPC session started, China Youth Daily conducted a telephone sur- vey among 65 NPC deputies on topics that they were most concerned with.

The survey showed that the three topics that received the most attention were anti-corruption, reform and peoples livelihood, which accounted for 67.1, 62.4 and 52.9 percent of respondents, respectively.

Legal enhancements

On March 10, while delivering a work report to lawmakers, Cao Jianming, Procurator General of the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate, said that 37,551 corruption cases involving 51,306 per- sons were probed in 2013.

According to Cao, procuratorial departments across the country investigated 2,871 public servants at county levels and above last year, including 253 at city levels and eight at provincial and ministerial levels, in 2,581 cases of graft, bribery, and embezzlement of public funds involving more than 1 million yuan($161,000).

“In the past two years, anticorruption efforts have produced very good results. yet the better the results are, the more the general public worry about whether or not the battle against corruption is sustainable. Hence, many people have called for the establishment of an effective long-term mechanism against corruption,” Wu Qing, an NPC deputy from Guangdong Province and partner of the King& Wood Mellesons law firm, told Beijing Review.

Wu said that legislation against corruption must be strengthened so as to combat corruption in an institutionalized and standardized way.

In his interview with Beijing Review, Chen Xu, an NPC deputy and Procurator General of the Shanghai Municipal Peoples Procuratorate, stressed that a comprehensive anti-corruption law must be made and anti-corruption agencies should be given a greater degree of independence and more power.

Chen said that in China, anti-corruption agencies include procuratorial departments and anti-corruption bureaus, yet there is not a specific law to codify their responsibilities, tasks,as well as work procedures and methods. “These legal rights can only be conferred by law,” he added.endprint

prevention and control

NPC deputy Zhao Kai, an official from the Work Committee of Departments under the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, called for making an anti-corruption law integrating relevant contents in substantive laws, procedural laws, administrative laws and organizational laws so as to boost anticorruption work in accordance with concrete legislation.

When investigating corruption cases, procuratorial departments should thoroughly analyze the process that turns people into criminals, uncover blind spots where power has not been supervised, and inform relevant organizations of these blind spots so as to help them prevent corruption, according to Chi Qiang, Procurator General of the Beijing Municipal Peoples Procuratorate. Chi made the remark during a panel discussion by Beijings NPC deputies on the work reports of the Supreme Peoples Court and the Supreme Peoples Procuratorate on March 11.

Chis opinion was echoed by Chen from Shanghai, who suggests that a special department to prevent corruption should be set up in anti-corruption agencies.

Chen said that Hong Kongs Independent Commission Against Corruption has a corruption prevention division dedicated to preventing graft in the government, public institutions and enterprises. Staff members at the division can attend meetings and read documents of these organizations to identify loopholes and put forward suggestions for improvement.

Wu from Guangdong commented that both punishment and prevention are essential in the fight against corruption. “Prevention should be a key focus in the legal system when it comes to corruption,” she noted.

According to Wu, currently punitive laws against corruption, such as the Criminal Law, the Criminal Procedure Law, the Civil Service Law and the Administrative Supervision Law, outnumber preventive laws. In the meantime, corruption prevention mainly relies on the internal rules of the CPC, such as the CPC Central Committees eight-point rule on fighting bureaucracy and formalism and rejecting extravagance among Party members, as well as the regulations requiring officials to report personal affairs.

“The CPCs internal rules should be enacted into laws,” Wu said. “Laws are legally binding and offenders will receive more severe penalties.”

practical measures

During this years NPC session, deputies have put forward specific proposals on preventing, reporting and punishing corruption.endprint

Cai yi, Director General of the Hong Kong Island Federation, said that anti-corruption reporting through the Internet should be encouraged and corruption will be nipped in the bud through such efforts.

In his work report, Procurator General Cao also pledged to establish a corruption-reporting system based on letters, visits, phone calls and the Internet.

Wu said that while the Internet is an effective tool to report corruption, it should be used appropriately. “If an anti-corruption law can be enacted, it should include provisions on exposing corruption through the Internet,” she said. For instance, Wu said that the law should specify the legal responsibilities of any person fabricating evidence and defaming others for corruption.

Chen Jingying, Dean of the Law School of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, told Beijing Review that now many officials have been punished after being caught for corruption, in fact, preventive measures should be taken before their promotion, for instance, officials should be required to disclose their assets.

Hua Bei, deputy head of the Shanghai Administration of Supervision, said that various organizations should make coordinated efforts to fight against corruption, such as sharing banking and real estate information. “China should strengthen judicial cooperation with other countries in order to capture fleeing corrupt officials and recover stolen money or goods,”she noted.

“International cooperation to prevent corruption is a strong deterrence. It tells corrupt officials that wherever you escape to, you will be caught eventually,” Wu said.

Zhang Xuequn, President of the yunnan Provincial Higher Peoples Court, said that while bribe takers should be severely punished, so should those paying the bribes.

Qiu Guanghe, Board Chairman of the Zhejiang Semir Group, a casual wear manufacturer, proposed increasing penalties to offenders committing commercial bribery and setting up a commercial bribery crime database and social credit system so as to promote the healthy and sustainable development of private businesses.

Dong Mingzhu, Chairwoman of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai in Guangdong, said that a business manager should always keep his or her bottom line in mind, and should not engage in under-the-counter deals with officials to maximize profit.

In addition to punishing bribers, anti-bribery rules should be updated to include new forms of bribing, said Chen Xu, the prosecutor from Shanghai.

“Previously, laws mainly address briberies in the form of money and goods, while leaving out those in the form of job offers, education financing, future transactions and even sex services,” Chen Xu said. “These new forms of briberies should be added into relevant laws.”

“Corruption is a natural enemy of the peoples government,” Premier Li said at the March 13 press conference, “We must put the exercise of power and the use of public money under institutional supervision.”

law的形容词 篇3

China starts to amend the rules relating to court processes

Amendment of China’s three majorprocedural laws—the CriminalProcedure Law, the Civil ProcedureLaw and the AdministrativeProcedure Law—has begun, said theLegislative Affairs Commission of theStanding Committee of the NationalPeople’s Congress (NPC). The work hasbeen placed on the legislative agenda of twoconsecutive NPCs.•••As opposed to substantive laws, whichdefine, describe, regulate and create legalrights and obligations, procedural lawsspecify the processes of court proceedingsand other formal procedures relating to lawenforcement. They provide operational detailsto substantive laws.


law的形容词 篇4

In these years, the Nobel Prize could always make a stir in China. Sorrowfully, very few Chinese could win that prize, especially in the subjects of science. Perhaps for consolation, Chinese media and people like digging up information of the Nobel laureates, hoping to find any connections of them to China from their birthplaces, background, relatives and so on. Those Chinese scientists with American nationality, such as Chen Nin Yang and Tsung-Dao Lee, were never considered Americans when it comes to the Nobel Prize. The Southwest Associated University, where the first two Chinese Nobel laureates in physics graduated, was also a hot topic even though this university no longer exist now.

In 2008, Roger Y. Tsien won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry and Chinese media was excited again because he is the nephew of the famous Chinese scientist Qian Xuesen who contributed greatly to China’s development of nuclear weapons. Brian Kobilka, the winner of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, is married to a woman born in Malaysia but originated from Guangdong, China.

Now, Südhof and his Chinese wife Chen Lu injected new stimulant into those dreaming about Chinese winning Nobel Prizes.

They are excited because they think that even though Chinese people cannot win the Nobel Prize, Chinese sons-in-law and nephews can win the prize, still a proof about Chinese wisdom.

The last expression about “smart Chinese”might not be wrong. But even if that is true, another ironic fact is revealed. China, which has 1.4 billion smart Chinese, cannot foster a Nobel laureate in science and has to look for connections with overseas Chinese educated in foreign countries.

The blind connection and admiration for Nobel laureates could keep Chinese people from seeing to their own problems. Presently, the way of education in China is severely criticized since it killed children’s creativity and independent learning ability. The current system should also be changed to be more compatible for the development of sciences and technologies, which are the foundation for a country’s real prosperity.

The way to treat scientists and scholars is also a menace. Chinese people admire Nobel laureates and any other “successors”, but those who fail to win the prize seem to be worth nothing. Daniel C. Tsui, a Chinese-born American physicist who won the Nobel Prize in 1998, came from Baofeng, Henan. Before his winning of the Nobel Prize, his house in the hometown was broken and ruined. However, after 1998, the local government repaired his house and built it into a display hall to tell the childhood stories of Tsui. This hall even now serves as the education base for patriotism for young students even though Tsui had given up his Chinese identity for long.

law的形容词 篇5

Rao Geping (Director of the Institute of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of the Development Research Center of the State Council): It is unprecedented for a socialist country to allow the existence of capitalism in regions within its boundaries and grant them a high degree of autonomy. The past 18 years since Hong Kongs return have implied that the region will be able to steadily develop as long as the “one country, two systems” principle and the Basic Law are abided by. Deviation from or violation of the aforementioned, however, may lead to setbacks.

As well as being the architect and initiator of this principle, the Central Government is, more importantly, the entity that holds immediate responsibility for its success or failure. It has every reason to play a decisive role throughout the process of the implementation of the principle. In doing this, balancing the relationship between “one country” and “two systems” is vital. The purpose of this principle covers two equally important concerns: safeguarding the states sovereignty, security and development interests, in addition to maintaining the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong. The principle of“one country” comes ahead of “two systems,”however, and will always maintain the predominant role in the relationship.

While the Central Government must ensure a high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong, it must be sufficiently strong-minded and determined to execute the powers stipulated by the Constitution and the Basic Law. As a regional constitutional law, the Basic Law is su- preme among local laws. However, it is not the Constitution. Trying to cut the bonds or confuse the connections between the Constitution and the Basic Law is nothing less than an attempt to make Hong Kong a discrete political entity.

Huang Lanfa (deputy head of the Liaison Office of the Central Peoples Government in the Hong Kong SAR): Since the SAR Government launched the first round of political reform consultation in December 2013, so far, the SAR has finished two of the five steps outlined in the program for Hong Kongs political development. Some salient points have emerged from this process:

First, respecting the rule of law is a fundamental prerequisite for universal suffrage. For Hong Kong to put universal suffrage into practice, the Basic Law and its attendant regulations must be complied with.

Second, its important to seize the opportunity with respect to the practice of universal suffrage. Whether or not its possible to realize universal suffrage in 2017 concerns not only the development of democracy in Hong Kong, but also the regions economic and social development. If it is successful, a better-recognized chief executive enjoying more extensive public support is likely to lead the governance team to devote more energy and resources to improving the economy and quality of life in Hong Kong. If the scheme is rejected, democratic development will stagnate, thus affecting social development. Political factions in Hong Kong should all act in the overall interests of the SAR.

Third, conforming to public opinion is essential to successful implementation. A striking feature of this political reform is its countenance of the explicit public demand for universal suffrage in 2017. Last year, more than 1.8 million residents in Hong Kong signed on a petition to support peace and universal suffrage. Recently, Hong Kongs 18 district councils urged reaching consensus on the matter as soon as possible. As public representatives, Hong Kong lawmakers are expected to respect the publics opinions and support the approval of the political reform scheme, so as to ensure that every voter can vote in 2017.

Lau Siu Kai (an emeritus professor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong): Around 18 years have passed since Hong Kongs return, but still some Hong Kongers hold too simple and biased an understanding of the relationship between the Central Government and the SAR Government. They think the chief executive possesses full authority to appoint and dismiss major officials who answer solely to the chief executive and not to the Central Government. This does not comply with the principle of “one country, two systems” and the spirit of the Basic Law.

Fostering national identity

Priscilla Leung (a member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong): Recent years have seen radical opinions gaining traction in Hong Kong, implying that a number of local residents are still ill-informed as regards the “one country, two systems” policy. Some local people regard“one country, two systems” as a sure thing, but are unaware of the steps needed to make it a reality and its singular status as an innovation unparalleled in the world. Owing to its uniqueness, the Central Government needs to explain not only to the people of Hong Kong but also to the people on the Chinese mainland that this national policy is beneficial to all sides. The fate of Hong Kong is intertwined with that of the whole country.

The government as well as the legislative and judicial bodies of the Hong Kong SAR execute powers authorized by the Central Government in the first instance, which shows the Central Government possesses more comprehensive powers. However, some locals have a weak sense of national identity and gradually, whenever the Central Government executes powers granted by the Constitution and the Basic Law, they attempt to undermine the practice. This is a trend incompatible with the principle of “one country, two systems.”The white paper titled The Practice of the “One Country, Two Systems” Policy in the Hong Kong SAR issued last June explained the successful implementation of the principle, making it clear that the Central Government grants the SAR Government the power of governance, rather than decentralizing central power to it.

Conducting a comprehensive review of the history and practice of the “one country, two systems” principle and the relationship between the Central Government and the SAR Government aimed at informing people in Hong Kong and the international community would go a long way toward smoothing the further implementation of the principle.

Maria Tam (a member of the Hong Kong SAR Basic Law Committee of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress): The Occupy Central campaign broke out last September, with many of its participants being adolescents. The fundamental cause for the eruption of this large-scale movement is a misunderstanding of the principle of“one country, two systems” at the local level, particularly among young people.

The negotiations on Hong Kong between China and Britain started at the beginning of the 1980s. The Sino-British Joint Declaration was signed in 1984, and the drafting of the Basic Law commenced in 1985, with the law being passed by the National Peoples Congress in 1990. Hong Kong was smoothly returned to China in 1997. As they were still very young at that time, those who were born in the 1980s and the 1990s are not au fait with the talks between China and Britain, the drafting of the Basic Law or for that matter, disputes occurring in the transitional period and their roots.

The young are not alone in lacking the basic relevant knowledge. Before Hong Kongs return, the British Hong Kong Government practiced“desinification” in their education policy, avoiding the modern history of China. As a result, most Hong Kong people know little about the hardship and suffering the Chinese nation once experienced. They dont know how the Peoples Republic of China came into being after tough confrontation with countries invading China.
