考生须携带身份证件原件和准考证到考点报到候考。如果在考试日期前考生的报名证件更改、丢失、过期、或由于其他不可抗力原因导致考试当天不能出示报名时使用的证件,请立即联系教育部考试中心雅思考试全国服务热线(电话:010-82345671,电子邮箱:ielts@mail.neea.edu.cn,服务时间:周一到周五:08:30 – 17: 00;周六(笔试日):07:30-13:00)并服从相应安排。
· 在规定的笔试或口试入场截止时间前无法出示有效的身份证件。
· 在考试期间的任何环节出示不被接受的身份证件。
· 在考试当日出示与网上报名不一致的身份证件。
· 其它监考人员认为属于身份无法确认的情况。
在第一和第三部分中,关于work and career方面曾经考过的几道真题有,如:
Do you think salary is only thing that counts in a job?
What do you think of leaflets?
How can we increase the sales profits of a company?
Could you tell me the difference between big and small shops in their service?
How to provide a good service?
Is it important for a shopping center to have good service?
Describe a company that your relative or friend owns.
Describe how to run a business (You should say what you must do and where you run the business)
这道极为日常化的题是这样的:Could you name some famous flowers in China? 在考生自我介绍之后,随之而出的这道题使很多考生考雅思高分的梦想瞬间破灭。
Please tell me some famous birds in your country.
Please tell me some meanings of ships in your country.
第二部分中有:Describe a furniture
因为在上海电视台“舞林大会”节目播出后,口试中随即出现了Please name some kinds of famous dances in China.这样的题目,很多考生都不明所以。
中国文化源远流长,这一内容在历年一直是雅思口试关注的热点,也不例外。近年出现的part 2题:Describe an interesting culture,一直以来就是考生头痛的问题。
在中国文化的运用方面,雅思的经典topic始终有四块,一个是Talk about favorite clothing, 一般建议考生谈谈traditional Chinese clothing,谈中国唐装是个很好的机会,可以让考官了解中国的文化,并对考生产生很好的印象。
另一个是Talk about a kind of traditional building in your country,或者是Describe the emblematic building in your town,这两道题的高分几率一向较低,主要是考生真正能描述成功一个独立中国式建筑的非常少,而描述中国特色的建筑往往是很可能得高分的答题思路。
第三块是关于reading的。很多学生在讲述Describe your favorite book的时候,他们都倾向于描述西方的名著,但是,如果能够换个角度考虑到考官作为外国人对中国文化的兴趣,就能够在内容上出奇制胜,比如可以谈谈中国古典四大名著the four traditional Chinese classical novels。
第一部分相对简单, 话题多涉及姓名、家乡、兴趣爱好、工作学习等。话题贴近生活, 而且题目较为固定, 考官多使用基本句型和基本词汇, 目的是让考官初步了解考生的口语水平, 缓解考生的紧张情绪。因为第一部分时间短, 题目简单, 大多数考生往往会出现两种极端现象:一是, 考生急于给考官留个好印象, 对一个简单的问题, 滔滔不绝, 最终考官不得不打断考生, 造成一种隐性失分。第一部分的答案过于冗长, 被考官打断, 会影响之后两个部分的考试时间, 有时也会影响考生的自信。二是, 考生听到类似于“What would you like to do in the future?”, 只用一个词或者一句话来回答。第一部分的答案过于简短, 会让考官误认为, 考生缺乏陈述问题的能力。因此, 考生应该尽量避免以上两种极端行为, 将自己的答案控制在两到三句话, 即第一句话表明自己的观点, 然后用一两句话对自己的观点稍加解释说明。如果遇到why提问的问题或者优缺点的时候, 考生尽量多给出观点, 每个观点用连接词连接, 但避免将每个观点展开叙述。第一部分需要引起考生的重视, 因为考官在听到考生的答案后, 通常会根据自己的经验, 给考生划定一个等级。
第二个部分, 专题讨论是对考生叙述事情、描述事物等能力的考查。这部分题目的题卡也较为固定, 考生可以在考前着重练习近三个月的题卡, 同第一部分一样, 也属于可以提前准备的题目。第二部分的题卡, 基本可以分为描述建筑物或地点、描述一件事情、描述一个具体事物、描述一个抽象事物、描述一个人这五个部分。描述建筑物或地点的题卡, 考生应按照空间位置进行描述, 运用in front of, beside, near, next to, behind, on the corner of等地点状语的表达方式。描述一件事情的题卡, 考生应按照时间顺序进行描述, 运用at that moment, the following day, while, meanwhile, at the same time等时间状语的表达方式。描述一个抽象事物的题卡, 可以用头脑风暴法描述与此抽象事物的相关信息, 但要着重描述其中的某一方面。例如描述一部电影, 首先定义电影的类型, 用一两句话概括地描述观影后的感受, 然后重点描述剧情, 之后可以指出此电影的其他亮点, 比如导演、演员、主题曲、特效等。描述一个人的题卡, 要结合着与此人相关的某件事情展开描述, 尽量避免泛泛地列举很多事情。遇到此类题卡, 可以先进行简短的外貌描述, 然后通过描述某件事情来突出此人的一两个性格特点, 也就是考生选择描述此人的真正原因所在。无论是哪个类型的题卡, 考生应有“一”的概念, 是描述一个对象, 而非泛泛而谈。另外, 考生应在平时练习题卡的时候, 有意识地控制好时间, 争取在两分钟之内将自己的观点陈述完毕。
第三个部分, 深度讨论实际上是对第二部分的延伸, 是在第二部分的基础上更进一步地检测学生的口语水平。通常考官提出与第二部分话题相关的问题, 考生需要指出原因或给出解决方案等。考生容易在心理上畏惧第三部分, 因为很难预测考官的问题, 无法提前做好复习备考工作。因此这个部分更加考验考生, 是否能灵活地运用英语表达观点和进行交流。由于第三部分没有备考的时间, 考生需要在听到问题后, 在三秒钟之内立即作答, 否则考官会认为考生听懂题目没思路, 或未听懂题目, 然后考官可能会用其他的句型重复题目, 造成考生的隐性失分。在回答第三部分时, 考生可借助一些连接词, 例如firstly, in addition, furthermore, finally等, 使自己的答案逻辑有序。另外考生应该学会分析问题, 例如题目中出现people, 可以在作答时将其分成老人、中年人、青年人和小孩, 或者将people分为男性和女性。如出现restaurant, 可以将其分为快餐店、烧烤店、牛排店、自助餐店等。将题目中的关键词细化后, 考生会豁然开朗, 原本毫无思路的题目, 可以轻松地说出至少三个观点。
本文对雅思口语考试的三个部分分别给出了建议, 希望对考生有所帮助, 但总而言之, 练习地道流利的口语才是“硬道理”, 才是取得优秀雅思成绩的关键所在。
摘要:近些年, 出国热的现象仍在继续升温。而当中的绝大多数人是出国学习或进修, 雅思托福等英语语言测试是进入欧美国家的敲门砖。优秀的雅思托福成绩能帮助出国人员申请到综合实力强、学术气氛浓厚的顶尖大学。很多准备出国留学的都考了两到三个雅思或托福成绩, 再以最好的成绩申请学校。因此, 如何高效地学习英语, 复习雅思托福考试, 争取一次性拿到满意的成绩成了大多数出国人员需要解决的一大难题。尤其是在中国, 缺乏说英语的语言环境, 多数人不敢于开口练习英语口语, 致使雅思托福等考试的口语成绩较低, 成了取得高分的瓶颈。本文将以雅思口语考试为例, 分析考试题型, 提供一些解题技巧, 希望对雅思学习者有所帮助。
Clothes: You like what clothes?
Clothes aren’t only used to keep us warm. It has become a important part of modern civilization. Different nations have different styles clothes. And different styles clothes represent different cultures. All people want their life to be filled with variety, color and comfort by wearing clothes. We will have a good mood when we wear beautiful clothes. I like leisure clothes very much. Because it is not only cheap but also convenient to wear. (In addition, the material of leisure clothes is more environmentally friendly.) But I must wear work clothes when we are working. Otherwise, I will be fined.
1)What’s the pre on clothes when you are working? and just the pre on clothes in school.
We must wear work clothes ( a school uniform ) when we are working (in school). Otherwise, we will be fined..
2)the different between the older and younger people on clothes.
The older people think a lot of style and material. But the youger people would like to follow the fashion. Personality is the first consideration when younger people choose clothes.
很多中国留学生表示,即便以前在国内英语成绩不错,出去后还是会遇到语言障碍。对此,相关专家表示,学生除常规的英文听说读写的学习外,每学期都需要完成一本原版小说的阅读,每周需额外记20个国外大学常用的英语词汇。学生不仅要掌握日常口语交际能力,同时还得掌握国外大学的学习技能,比如怎么演讲(presentation)、写报告(report),进行小组讨论(journal, group discussion)和小组合作(group project)。
1. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。
2. A common danger causes common action. 同舟共济。
3. A contented mind is a continual / perpetual feast. 知足常乐。
4. A fall into the pit, a gain in you r wit. 吃一堑,长一智。
5. A guest should suit the convenience of the host. 客随主便。
6. A letter from home is a priceless treasure. 家书抵万金。
7. All rivers run into the sea. 殊途同归。
8. All time is no time when it is past. 机不可失,时不再来。
9. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一个苹果,身体健康不求医。
10. As heroes think, so thought Bruce. 英雄所见略同。
11. A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。
12. Behind the mountains there are people to be found. 天外有天,山外有山。
13. Bad luck often brings good luck. 塞翁失马,安知非福。
14. Bread is the stall of life. 面包是生命的支柱。
15. Business is business. 公事公办。
16. Clumsy birds have to start flying early. 笨鸟先飞。
1月变题季雅思口语P2预测话题范文:foreign country you would like to work
Topic:Describe a foreign country you would like to work for short time.
You should say:
Where you would like to go
What kind of work you would like to have
When you would like to go
And explain why you want to work in that place.
Sample answer:
The country that I have always wanted to go but have not visited yet is Italy. I’ve been dreaming to visit Italy for more than 2-3 years. I’ll definitely visit the country as soon as my graduation is complete. Italy is in Southern Europe.
Rome, the largest city and the Capital of Italy has been the leading political and religious centre of the western civilization, serving as the capital of the both Roman Empire and the Christianity. I’d like to go there to see the museums, arts, streets, cultural and other attractions. Another reason I want to go there is to visit the Vatican City. I have read and heard about numerous stories and history about this country and witnessing them would be a great joy for me. There are plenty of things to see: arts, museums, Colosseum, Leaning Tower of Pissa, Roman Forum, Florence Cathedral, St. Peter’s Basilica, Milan Cathedral, Sistine Chapel, Piazza SanMarco, Circus Maximux and lots of other places I’d love to visit.
Italy was one of the most advanced territories once and had lots of historically significant places to visit. I’ve read about those places so many times and heard stories from many of my friends that visiting this country has become a major wish for me. And I’m pretty positive about visiting this country in next year.
1月变题季雅思口语P2预测话题范文:a gift you gave to others
Topic:Describe a gift that you recently gave to others
You should say:
When it happened
Who you gave it to
What gift you gave to the person
And explain why you gave this gift to others
The gift I gave to my younger sister recently is the one I would like to talk about. I gave her a cell phone recently. The model of the cell phone is Sony Experia Z and it has Android Operating System. This is a water resistant cell phone manufactured by Sony Mobile and is a hot one in the market. The cells phone cost me around 40 K and I had to save the money for the last 6-7 moths to present her the gift.
I knew that she had been wishing to buy a smart phone for a year but could not do so. I thought to buy her one in her next birthday and started saving the money. I saved almost 7-8 k each month and just before 3-4 days of her birthday, I bought the phone.
I felt really great after I gave the gift to my sister. That was an unexplainable pleasure, amusement, satisfaction that I felt after I saw her bewildering face after she opened the gift. She was so happy that I felt like that was a perfect gift for her. I am sure I would not have felt the same pleasure as I felt giving her the gift doing something else. She had been longing to own a smart phone and after receiving it from me she hugged me.
As I already told, from her conversation I knew that she wished to own a smart phone that she would be able to use internet and take quality photographs. From that day, I promised to myself that I would buy her one. And I wished to buy her a really good one. I could have bought her a phone for 10k but seriously I wanted to give her the best one that I can accommodate.
Tips for answering this Cue Card topic:
While talking about this cue card, keep in mind that you are to talk about a gift/ present you have recently gave to someone recently. So do not talk about a gift that you actually gave someone few years back.
Remember a gift you gave to someone recently and describe that event based on the questions asked in the supporting questions of this cue card topic. The gift can be merely a post card to an expensive one like house/ flat. Following are some gifts we usually give to others to help you plan for this cue card topic:
Mobile Phone
Story book
Fountain pen
Music player
Tabloid PC
Post card
Photo album
Laptop etc.
You can actually think about any gift item which you usually give to others on occasions like birthday, marriage anniversary etc.
For this cue card topic, first mention what was the gift. Then mention whom you gave it (can be a family member, friend, relative, classmate, teacher, neighbor or a colleague). Then mention what was the occasion for that person who received that gift. Was it a birthday or simply a social visiting party, marriage day, celebration of promotion etc.? Also mention how long ago you gave it. You should mention that the occasion was only couple of months ago and this is the latest gift you gave to someone.
Whatever the gift was, you should be very fluent describing the event, gift and occasion of the gift. First mention what was the gift item and then mention to who you gave it to. Also mention if you were planning to give it for a long time or did you instantly bought this gift. After that give an approximate cost idea that you had to spend to buy this gift. Also mention the occasion for the gift. That can be a birthday gift or so or can be a surprise gift.
The final 2 questions require your elaborate discussion on the topic and expect you to talk about how you felt after giving this present. Simply mention that you were very much pleased to be able to give this present to that person and the excitement grew even more when you noticed the happiness about it. For the final question ‘and explain why you chose this gift’ say that you knew that s/he was in need of that/ was eagerly waiting to have one of these items/ would be very excited and happy to receive it. You can also mention, you had no previous preparation for buying a gift and you roamed in a gift shop and chose this one all of a sudden.
Your fluency and coherency in speaking is the most important parts of your speaking exam. Being able to cover the questions asked with the cue card topic in a real life conversational way would ensure a good score in your cue card section.
Since this cue card asks you to talk about a gift you gave to someone recently, you should relate the event to a recent occasion. Mention that you gave this gift only few weeks/ months ago and that you make your speaking exactly what is expected in the cue card topic.
If the gift is for a family member like younger sister, mother or father, mention how eagerly you were expecting to give this gift to him/her. After that mention how you managed to purchase the gift and from where you bought it. For the question “How you felt about it?” Mention that you bought this gift to make this person happy. This might not be an expensive gift but you bought it with good wished and cordial love. Finally say that, the recipient of this gift was very happy to have it and that made you feel really good. A gift is always a souvenir of good wishes and a mark for better relationship and you felt just happy to be able to give it to this person.
The final question “and explain why you choose this gift?” is a tricky one and you are expected give a convincing answer for this question. You have your own reasons and following are some of the helpful hints for you to answer this question:
1. I knew that s/he had a great desire for this and I thought this would be perfect opportunity to give it to him/her.
2. I was suddenly informed about this occasion and I had to pick a gift quickly. I went to the nearby gift shop and this particular gift caught my eyes.
3.This was a gift I was long longing to give her/ him. I knew s/he would be very happy to receive it and that’s why I bought it.
4.The gift was a shared one and three of our friends / colleagues decided that it was a good gift within our budget.
5. I knew that s/he loves this sort of gift and that’s why I decided to give it to her/ him.
1月变题季雅思口语P2预测话题范文:sth you shared with others
Topic:Describe something you have shared with others
-what it is
-when you shared
-how you shared it with others
And explain why you shared it with others
Sample answer:
Well, something I have shared with a couple is my SUV, I bought it last yeas, and it has been my handy commuting tool since I got the hang of it. But several months ago, I saw a PSA on telly saying that the air quality has been deteriorating and the pernicious effect on us would be the serious engulfing smog and devastating respiratory diseases and that was horrible. At the same time I knew the couple living next door who were also my colleagues would want to have a car because of peer pressure, you know, demonstration of one’s social wealth and hierarchy is also a social malaise, but they were worried about the financial constraint after that. So I decided to share my car with them and they just took responsibility of part of gas bill. Every morning they met me at the designated spot and I would drive them to workplace together.
With the reference to why shared my car with them, there are 2 points that I want to make, first, helping others to the best of one’s ability is a kind of Chinese traditional virtue to all strata of society. And luckily, I solved their problems effectively without compromising my quality of life; at most I lost some reins of that car. But it didn’t bother me. And it also saved the husband James from the wife’s nagging. He said he owed me a huge favor. Second, this car-pooling thing might be kind of my effort to protect the environment of the city, because I really got shocked about the levels of pollution in the vehicle-choked cities of China. And this has been exacerbated by people’s ignorance, which is just like the thin end of the wedge. So I take the initiative to reduce the use of my car and call on my colleagues to follow the trend. And I hope this trend would influence a larger population.
2、Care less on expressing their meaning clearly to the listener.
3、No care the reaction of the listener or examiner.
4、Their answer is too good to be real or natural.
5、Copied others answer and pretended they were not copying.
6、Speak with no confidence.
7、Treat speaking test like a speech test.
8、Speak like a computer not like a normal human.
9、Care less about their good manners when speaking.
10、Lack of communicating skills.