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剑桥少儿英语一级全解 篇1

1. hamburger / burger (hamburgers / burgers) 汉堡 2. rice 米饭 3. noodles 面条 4. sausage (sausages) 香肠 5. hot dog (hot dogs) 热狗 6. pizza 比萨饼 7. cake (cakes) 蛋糕 8. French fries / chips 炸薯条 9. meat 肉10. meal (meals) 饭 11. chicken 鸡肉 12. fish 鱼肉 13. lamb 羊肉 14. beef 牛肉 16. steak 牛排17. bread面包 18. popcorn 爆米花 19. pasta 意大利面食(意大利同心粉)20. sandwich (sandwiches) 三明治21. ice cream 冰激凌 22. salad 色拉

Vegetable 蔬菜

1. potato (potatoes) 土豆 2. tomato (tomatoes) 西红柿 3. cucumber (cucumbers) 黄瓜 4. bean (beans) 豆角5. pea (peas) 豌豆 6. carrot (carrots) 胡萝卜 7. egg (an egg / eggs) 鸡蛋 8. onion(an onion / onions) 洋葱

Fruits 水果

1. apple (an apple / apples) 苹果

2. orange (an orange / oranges) 桔子

3. banana (bananas)香蕉

4. pear (pears) 梨

5. pineapple (pineapples) 菠萝

6. watermelon (watermelons) 西瓜 7. lemon (lemons) 柠檬

8. mango (mangoes) 芒果

9. grape (grapes) 葡萄

10. coconut (coconuts) 椰子

11. nut (nuts) 坚果

Human Body 人体

1. head 头

2. neck 脖子

3. shoulder (shoulders) 肩膀

4. forehead 额头

5. nose 鼻子

6. mouth 嘴

7. eye (an eye / eyes)眼睛

8. ear ( an ear / ears) 耳朵

9. tooth (teeth) 牙齿

10. arm (an arm / arms) 胳膊

11. hand (hands) 手

12. leg ( legs ) 腿

13. foot (feet) 脚

14. knee (knees) 膝盖

15. face (faces) 脸

16. finger (fingers) 手指

17. pointer 食指

18. thumb 拇指

19. nail 指甲

20. child (children) 儿童

21. man (men) 男人

22. woman (women) 女人

23. baby (babies) 婴儿

Animals 动物

1. bee (bees)蜜蜂

2. cat (cats)猫

3. dog (dogs)狗

4. bird (birds)鸟

5. rabbit (rabbits) 兔子

6. cow (cows)奶牛

7. tiger (tigers)老虎

8. lion (lions)狮子

9. giraffe (giraffes)长颈鹿

10. snake (snakes) 蛇

11.snail (snails)蜗牛

12. mouse (mice)老鼠

13. chick (chicks) 小鸡

14. sheep (sheep) 绵羊

15. goat (goats) 山羊

16. fish (fish)鱼

17. butterfly (butterflies)蝴蝶

18. dragonfly (dragonflies)蜻蜓

19. fly (flies) 苍蝇

20. whale (whales)鲸鱼

21. shark (sharks)鲨鱼

22. dolphin (dolphins) 海豚

23. hippo (hippos)河马

24. frog (frogs)青蛙

25. elephant (elephants)大象

26. duck (ducks)鸭子

27. horse (horses)马

28. pig (pigs) 猪

29. monkey (monkeys)猴子

30. spider (spiders) 蜘蛛

31. kangaroo (kangaroos) 袋鼠

31. parrot (parrots) 鹦鹉

32. bat (bats) 蝙蝠

School 学校

1. teacher (teachers)老师

2. student (students)学生

3. pupil (pupils)小学生

4. ruler (rulers)尺子

5. eraser (erasers)橡皮

6. book (books)书

7. bag (bags)书包

8. pencil (pencils) 铅笔

9. pen (pens)钢笔

10. pencil-box (pencil-boxes)铅笔盒

11. pencil-case (pencil-cases) 文具

12. classroom (classrooms)教室

13. blackboard (blackboards)黑板

14. chalk 粉笔

15. table (tables)桌子

16. desk (desks) 课桌

17. computer (computers)电脑

18. playground操场

Colors 颜色

1. brown 棕色

2. yellow 黄色

3. orange 橙色

4. green 绿色

6. purple 紫色

7. gray 灰色

9. red 红色

10. white 白色

11. blue 蓝色

12. indigo 青紫色

13. violet 紫罗兰

14. black 黑色


1. car (cars)汽车

2. van (vans) 货车

3. bike (bikes)自行车

4. helicopter (helicopters)直升飞机

5. train (trains)火车

6. plane (planes) 飞机

7. taxi / cab 出租车

8. bus (buses)公共汽车

Family 家庭

1. father 爸爸

2. mother 妈妈

3. sister 姐姐、妹妹

4. brother 哥哥、弟弟

5. son 儿子

6. daughter 女儿

7. aunt 阿姨、婶婶、姑姑

8. uncle 叔、伯

9. nephew 侄子

10. niece 侄女

11. cousin 堂兄妹

12. grandfather / grandpa 爷爷、外公

13. grandmother / grandma / granny 奶奶、外婆

14. study 书房

15. bedroom (bedrooms) 卧室

16. living-room / sitting-room客厅

17. bathroom (bathrooms) 浴室

18. clock (clocks)时钟

19. TV 电视

20. photo (photos) 相片

21. flower (flowers) 花

22. door (doors) 门

23. window (windows) 窗户

24. bed (beds) 床

25. sofa (sofas) 沙发

26. bookcase (bookcases) 书柜

27. wardrobe (wardrobes) 衣柜

Preposition 介词

1. on 在…上面

2. in 在…里面

3. under 在…下面

4. over 垂直上方

5. above 在上方

6. next to 在旁边

7. between 在…之间

8. behind 在后面

9. in front of 在…的前面

10. of …的

11. among 在…之中

12. to 给… 向 往

13. from 从…来

14. off 从…离开

15. up 向上

16. down 向下

17. on top of 在顶上

剑桥少儿英语一级上册教学计划 篇2

Thewords: penpencilpencil-caserulerbookbagerasernewThe letters from Aa--Zz

The sentences: Hello,your name please?I’m(Sam)./ Iam(Sam).What’s your name ?My name is(Sam).This is my new(ruler).(Bill)is my friend./ My friend is(Sam).重难点:1.初步接触人称代词myhis ,可适当拓展heryourourtheir,其后要接名词。



Unit 2

Thewords: horsechickenrabbitcowdogcatsheepfroggoat


The sentences: What’s this / that?It’s a(goat).What is it ?It’s a(sheep).Ilike(dogs).重难点:1.“sheepfish”为不可数名词,单复数同形,后面不需要加“s”。



Unit 3

Thewords: applebananapeargrapemangograpefruitorangepeachwatermelonlemoncoconutfruit

The sentences: What would you like? I want(some apples).Would you like an apple ? Yes, please./ No, thanks.What’ your favourite fruit? I like(apples).重难点: 1.mango 和peach 的复数,在后面应加“es”。


3.I ‘dlike = I would like 而不是“Ilike ”。



The sentences:What’s in my(bag)?It’s a(pen).What’s on my(desk)?It’s a(pen).重难点:1.单词“on / in”的区别 , on 表示在„„上面,in 表示在„„里面。

2.再次强调不定冠词a 和an 的用法。学生能掌握基本的方法。

Unit 5

Thewords: haireyeearnoseneckhandfootheadmouthleg


The sentences:This is my(nose)./These are my(eyes).I’ve got(a mouth ,two eyes and two ears.)

He’s got two legs.Touch your(ears).重难点:1.He’s got =He has got/ I’ve got = I have got

2.了解This 和These在表达时有数量上的区别,因此后面的动词也

会发生变化,This +is+(名词的单数)/ These +are+(名词的复数)。


Unit 6

Thewords: bouncekickcatchthrowpickdrawputhideseek The sentences: Which one do you want to play?I want to(bounce the ball.)Where is Bill ?He must be in the lemon house.重难点:1.掌握本单元的动词词组,学生能听懂并做出动作,灵活运用动词,举一反三。

2.Iwantto +(动词原形)

Words:potato, tomato, bean, lime, pumpkin, vegetables, together, go, away Sentences: Which is(Miss Pear)?

(Miss Pear)with(a blue bag).Which one do you like?

I like(the orange).重难点:1.掌握蔬菜的单词及复习水果

2.了解2个以“Which”开头的提问句型的不同,以及该怎样回答。Unit 8

Words: red, blue, orange, black, white, brown, gray, purple, pink / street, beautiful, nice, people,live, windows

Sentences: The XX(事物)is XX(颜色).What colour is it?

It’s(red).Do you like red?

Yes, I do.重难点: 1.学生掌握怎样描述事物的颜色

2.注意单复数: The XX is XX.The XX are XX.Unit 9

Words: motorbike, jeep, bike, plane, bus, mat, boat, ship, train ,under, in, on, behind, next to, in

front of

Sentences: Where is/are XX(事物)?

It’s/They’re +(方位词)+ 地点.The XX is + 方位词 + 地点

Have you got a XX ?

Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.How much XX do you want?

I want XX.重难点: 本单元单词较多, 主要以方位介词和交通工具为主, 学生需会读和用方位介词造

句。注意”Where„„?” 中单复数前后的一致。



Sentences:What’s(one)plus/and(one)?It’s(two).Howmany(apples)have you got ?I’vegot(two).Takeaway(your bag)./Givemeapencil.重难点: 1.掌握数字1—12,教师拓展13—20。

2.在How many 后面应该接复数形式。

3.学习音标 //。

Unit 11



Sentences:Thisismy(father).Heisreadingabook.I sthatyour(father/mother)?Yes ,he/she is./No, he/she isn’t.重难点: 1.初步接触进行时态,注意进行时态的构成(Be + doing〈动词加ing〉).2.学习音标 //。

Unit 12



Sentences:What’s your hobby ?Ilike(goingshopping).What does A like doing ?A likes flying a kite.(I /You /We / They)often(watchTV).(He / She / It)oftenwatchesTV.重难点: 1.学习了一般时态,注意在第三人称(He / She / It)后的动词要加s/es。

(一般动词后加s,以ch, sh结尾的动词后要加es。)

2.在like后的动词要加ing.3.学习音标 //。

Words:shirtskirtjacketshortstrousersglassessocksT-shirtdressmineyourshisherourspaperclothesSentences:Isthatyourskirt ?Yes, it ‘s mine./ No, it’s not mine.This is my hat./ These are my shoes.Whatisshe/hewearing? She/He is wearing a hat.重难点: 1.掌握名词性物主代词(mine yours his her ours paper clothes)mine = my ××

2.区别“This is ”和“These are”

Unit 14



Sentences:What’she/hedoing?She/Heismoppingthefloor.Wouldyouliketo(listentomystory)? Yes.I’llcleanthekitchen.重难点: 1.掌握本课的动词词组,能熟练操练进行时态句型。2.在“Wouldyouliketo”后应接动词的原形。

3.初步接触将来时态,I’ll=I will,后接动词原形。Unit 15

Words:riddle presentshotguesssingblowballoonanotherpoint wear



What are they doing?They are fishing.重难点: 复习进行时态,并学习一些新的词组,感受中国新年传统文化的氛围。Unit 16

剑桥少儿英语一级下册知识点总结 篇3

Unit1 School opening day.(Ⅰ)1.Words: 21个New: crayon toilet radio lemonade rubber exercise 已学: fruit

colour animal ball paper water glasses book ruler toy car eraser cake pencil-case picture book 2.Text: Hi!Tony.Nice to see you again.Nice to see you ,too.How‟s your holiday ? It‟s great.3.Chant 4.Part 56810 Unit1 School opening day.(Ⅱ)

1.Review Unit1(I): words text chant 2.字母组合ee的发音 3.Phrases: great an old friendhelp your friendintroduce a new friend 4.Part 147 Unit2 Doing English in the classroom.(Ⅰ)

1.Review some animal words :15个

2.Text: What are house animals ? They are dogs and cats.What are zoo animals? They are crocodiles and snakes.What are farm animals ? They are horses and cows.3.字母组合ea的发音

4.Part 1234 Unit2 Doing English in the classroom.(Ⅱ)

1.Review Unit2(I): words text 组合发音

2.Phrases: stand upLook rightLook left Look upBend downCross your arms Put your arms downPut your arms up Put your arms on your headstand on your left legput your hands behind your back sit down 3.Chant 4.Part 567910Unit2 Doing English in the classroom.(Ⅲ)

1.Review all the words 2.Review text 3.Review 发音

4.Review chant5.Test Unit3 Lunch in the garden.(Ⅰ)1.Words: food 32个: New: 8个frieschips

chocolatebeercheesebuttertartpumpkinburger 已学: fruit vegetables pear bread carrot noodles coffee potato milk grape rice onion chicken cookies pizza sandwich hot dog egg juice tomato cake

fish candy sausages ice cream2.Text: What would you like ,Sir? Can I ask have some apples and pears? Sure.Let‟s buy five eggs.No problem.3.Chant 4.Part 36 Unit3 Lunch in the garden.(Ⅱ)1.Review Uint3(I): words text chant

2.Sentences: Do you often eat fish ? Yes, I do.D you often eat chips? Not often, but

sometimes.Do you often eat hot dogs? No, never.3.字母组合ar的发音

4.Part 12457 Unit3 Lunch in the garden.(Ⅲ)1.Review all the words

2.Review text and sentences 3.Review 发音

4.Review chant 5.Part910 Unit4 We are having an English class.(Ⅰ)

1.Review some oppsites: big-small short-tallold-young happy-sad quick-slow long-short 2.Text: Mr li, can I ask you a question ? Yes, please.What‟s the Chinese for eraser ? „Xiangpi‟.Excuse me.What‟s the English for “Qianbihe” ? „pencil-case‟.3.字母组合er的发音

4.Part 247 Unit4 We are having an English class.(Ⅱ)1.Review Unit4(I): words text 发音

2.New sentence: Mrs wang, I‟m sorry.I‟m late.That‟s OK.Don‟t be late next time.Excuse me.May I come in ? Yes, sure.3.Chant 4.Part 356810 Unit4 We are having an English class.(Ⅲ)

1.Review words2.Review text and sentences 3.Review 字母组合的发音

4.Review chant 5.Part1 Review Unit1---4

1.Review words and phrases 2.Review texts and sentences 3.字母组合的发音

4.Review chant and song 5.Test Unit5 Let’s play with letters.(Ⅰ)

1.Review26 letters 2.Words: 19个New:8个act fly hide move

nod iron queue visit 已学: clap drink eat

jump kick listen open sleep read touch bend 3.Text: All the letters are dressed up.Please look carefully and write their names in the boxes.4.绕口令Part4 5.Part 157 Unit5 Let’s play with letters.(Ⅱ)1.Review Unit5(I): letters words texts 绕口


3.Chant 4.Part 236810 Unit6 More fun at word factory.(Ⅰ)

1.Part1 2.Text:(对话)

3.Part 56 Unit6 More fun at word factory.(Ⅱ)1.Review Unit 6(I)text 2.字母组合or的发音

3.chant 4.Part 237891011 Unit7 I like this reading room(Ⅰ)1.Words: animal bookspicture booksstory booksmusic booksChinese book

Cartoons bookmaths bookEnglish book 2.Text: What books do you like reading ? I

like picture books.Which books would you like to read ?I‟d like to read a book on animals.3.Part 12345 Unit7 I like this reading room(Ⅱ)1.Review Unit7(I): words and text

2.balls: hockey badminton basketball tennis football baseball 3.Chant

4.Part 6891011 Unit8Our colour fair.(Ⅰ)

1.Review some colours 2.Text: Which coloured ballon do you want ? Yellow, please.Which coloured parrot do you like ? I like this blue parrot

3.Song 4.Part136 Unit8Our colour fair.(Ⅱ)1.Review Unit8(I): words text chant 2.字母组合ai的发音

3.Sentence: Which colour do you want to see? Red.4.Part 25789 Review Unit5---8 1.Review words

2.Review texts and sentences 3.字母组合的发音

4.Review chant and song 5.Test Review Unit1---8 期中考试 Unit9 Let’s smell the flowers.(Ⅰ)

1.Phrases: riding a bikeplaying on the see-sawcatching a butterflypainting a picturelistening to musicreading a

bookkicking a ballhaving lunchbouncing a balltaking a photosmelling the flowers 2.Text:(part1)3.Part 1245 Unit9 Let’s smell the flowers.(Ⅱ)

1.Review Unit 9(I): phrases text 2.字母组合ou的发音

3.Chant4.Part 368910 Unit10 Numbers in our lives.(Ⅰ)

1.Review numbers: 0---100 2.Text : 四幅图对话

3.Part 13789 Unit10 Numbers in our lives.(Ⅱ)1.Review Unit10(I): numbers text 2.字母组合all的发音

3.Chant 4.Part 56 Unit10 Numbers in our lives.(Ⅲ)

1.Review numbers 2.Review texts 3.Review all的发音 4.Review chant Unit11 A visit to the park of opposites.(Ⅰ)

1.Words:old-younghappy-angry new-oldbig-smalllong-short


left—rightback—frontup—down2.Text: What can you see in the park ? I can see an old man and a young man.3.Part 124711 Unit11 A visit to the park of opposites.(Ⅱ)

1.Review Unit11(I): words text 2.字母组合ow的发音

3.Chant 4.Part 368910 Unit12 I like paper folding lessons.(Ⅰ)

1.Words: shapes:circleringsquaretrianglerectanglestarpentagonline物品:scissors sticky tape 2.Text: May I use the sticky tape ? Here you are!Thank you.You‟re welcome.May I use the scissors ? Here you are.Thank you.Not at all.3.Part 12457 Unit12 I like paper folding lessons.(Ⅱ)

1.Review Unit12(I): words text 2.字母组合are的发音 3.Chant

4.Part38910 Review Unit9---12

1.Review words2.Review texts and sentences 3.字母组合的发音 4.Review chant and song

5.Test Unit13 Happy Children’s Day.(Ⅰ)1.Phrases: 19个: New10个play table tennis pass the ballplay the pianoplay the guitaropen the doorride a horsesee puppet showgo boatingfeed a bird paint your own face已学: go swimming go bike ridingkick the ballplay football bounce a ballfly a kitedraw a picture watch TVplay hide and seek 2.Text: What do you often do on Children‟s Day? I often go swimming.How do you spell turtle ?T-U-R-T-L-E.Who‟s that boy ? Oh, he‟s my best friend.3.Part24578 Unit13 Happy Children’s Day.(Ⅱ)

1.Review Unit13(I): phrases text 2.字母组合ur的发音

3.Chant 4.Part 13610 Unit14 A birthday party.(Ⅰ)

1.Phrases: making a birthday cakelight candlesgive a presentsing a birthday

songmake a wishblow out candles

cut the cakeeat the cake 2.Text: What‟s your mum‟s favourite colour ? My mum‟s favourite colour is red.What‟s your dad‟s favourite animal? My dad‟s favourit animal is a dog.Who‟s your mum‟s favourite person ? My mum‟s favourite person is me.3.Part 123567 Unit14 A birthday party.(Ⅱ)

1.Review Unit 14(I): phrases text 2.Sentences: How many glasses of water should we have a day ? We should have four glasses of water.What should we often eat for lunch ? We should eat vegetables and rice.3.Chant4.Part 481011 Unit15 Fun in the playground.(Ⅰ)1.Phrases: back to back standthrow the shuttlecockbear walkkangaroo walk rabbit hopelephant walkfrog hop Feather racemimic the animal sound three leg runningmusical islands

2.Text: Who can jump highest ? I can jump

highest.Who can run fastest ? She can run fastest.Who can stand on one leg for a minute ? She can stand on one leg for a minute.3.Chant 4.Part 1 5 6

Unit15 Fun in the playground.(Ⅱ)1.Review Unit15(I): phrases text chant 2.字母组合ay的发音 3.Part 234789

Unit16 I can you can everybody can.(Ⅰ)1.Review some words : About animals

numbers clothes fruits foods vegetables colours shapes

2.Text: I can make words with letters,can

you? Yes, I can./ No , I can‟t.3.Chant(part4)4.Part 1235

Unit16 I can you can everybody can.(Ⅱ)1.Review Unit 16(I): words text chant part1 2.字母组合ow的发音 3.Chant(part7)4.Part 689 Review Unit13---16

1.Review words and phrases 2.Review texts and sentences 3.字母组合的发音

4.Review chant and song 5.Test Review Unit9---16Review Unit5---8Review Unit1---4

剑桥一级教案 篇4


剑桥少儿英语一级教案1-5 (-06-25 11:28:48) 标签: 教育 分类: 剑桥英语 剑桥少儿英语一级教案                                          剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit1 What’s your name? Teaching aims and demands: ●Can ask the name of others ●Can ask the age of others ●Can simply introduce the name of yourself and others ●Can count the number1~~10 Important and different point: ●交际句型:Whats your name?    Im ..., You re..., Hes..., Shes..., Its..., Were..., Youre..., They’re… ●交际词汇:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten Teaching procedure: Step1  Greetings Because it is the first class, so the teacher can introduce herself(himself),using the sentence pattern: “Hello, I’m JIQING, nice to meet you!” Ss should answer together: Nice to meet you ,too. Step2  Presentation    Teacher can prepare some name cards before class, write your name and some of your Ss names on the cards. When the class begins, invite a boy and a girl to the platform and give them their name cards, adhibit each card on the coat.     Then begin from you . Point at your name card and say slowly and clearly, “I’m JI QING.”. Repeat it two or three times. Then turn to the boy and ask: “What’s your name?” Imply the boy answer the question like you. Then do the same way to the girl.   Step3  Ask and answer. Let the Ss do the following activity: Ask each pupil to take out a piece of paper and a pen ,then go and ask his or her friend“ What’s your name ?”.Tell the pupils to write down the names of his or her friend in Pinyin .      Check some Ss by asking their names and one or two of their friends’names. So Ss can know how to say “I’m…,He’s…,She’s…” After doing this, the teacher will add something new. Let the Ss listen to you carefully. You say: “my name is JIQING, I’m 25 years old.” Meanwhile,write down the number 25 on the blackboard. Say again “I’m 25 years old.” Then ask one student “How old are you?Are you 7 or 8?” Write 7 and 8 on the blackboard . Ask more Ss the question like this. Step4  Chant Do Part5. We can clap while chanting. First chant together, then in part. Step5  Ask each other    Do the same activity as Step3.But the question is “How old are you?”.Ss will write down the numbers .Then check some Ss to see if they are right . Step6 Drill 1) Ask some student the questions:What’s your name?How old are you? Then let the Ss ask the questions in pairs. Act it out in front of the class.   2)Ask a boy and a girl to the platform,and say: “He is Liu Tong .She is Wang Fang and I’m Ji Qing .Repeat this for some times. Then three Ss form a group ,practice like this:“I’m …,She’s …,He’s ….Act it out in front of the class. Step7  Count it and clap your hands    Teacher claps once while say  “one”,then Ss follow .Claps twice while say “two”. Just do this way until you clap ten times while you say “ten ” . Homework *Listen and read after the tape of Unit 1 *Ask each other the name and age after class . *Write your name in English on a piece of card and bring it to the class next time .                                                    剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit2 What’s this Teaching aims and demands: ●能熟读26个英语字母,会唱字母歌 ●能初步了解元音字母及其读音 ●能认读所给的全部缩写字母 Important and difficult points: ●交际句型:What’s this?   Who’s jumping? ●学习字母:Aa到Zz ●学习音素: 元音字母Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu Teaching procedure Step1  Warm up Review Unit1.Teacher can ask Ss: What’s your name ?How old are you ? What’s his name ? How old is he ? Step 2  Sing the song    Hang the alphabet picture on the blackboard ,teach the Ss sing the alphabetsong ,then teach the Ss to learn the letters . Step3  Jump and say        Prepare some capital letter cards(including these words:BAG ,BEN ,KIM ,DOG, BUS),some small word cards before class.      After Ss sing the song ,ask three Ss to the front ,each one hand a capital letter card and stand in a line .First,three Ss jump together ,then jump one by one ,and then jump together again .At the same time ,other Ss say “bag ,b-a-g,bag ”,then repeat .      After this ,teacher find another six Ss to the front ,each one hand a word card including the letter “A”,such as “cat ,bag ,hand , lamp ,man ,mat .” Teacher first let the first student jump and say “Bag! Bag!bag ,bag ,bag ”.Other Ss repeat . Finish other word cards in this way .        Next ,ask the Ss of group2(BEN )jump and say like what group1 just did . Step4  Presentation Teacher can bring something to the class ,like a cup ,a brush ,an apple ,etc. Then the teacher hand a cup and ask a student “What’s this ?”and “What’s that ?” Step5  Say the vowel sounds     Ask the Ss of each group to stand in front of the blackboard ,just let the vowel sound jump, meanwhile ,teacher points at the sound and asks Ss “What’s this?Who is jumping ?” Step 6  Practise   See Part2 of this unit .Ss can read after the tape ,and then practise in pairs .Act it out in front of the class. Step7  Chant      Before doing this part ,teacher can give each student a letter card in disorder ,one letter can be written more than once on the cards .When chanting ,those Ss should stand up if they hear their letter in hand is chanted. Step8  Find the big and small letters      Give big letters to a part of Ss and small letters to the other part .Let the Ss with small letters run and find the big letters .If success, the big and small letters will stand together in front of the class .At last ,Ss will read these letters . Homework *Listen to the tape of Unit2 and read the alphabet *Make four simple dialogues using “What’s this ?” ,“What”s that ?” *Write down the 26 letters on your homework book .                                             剑桥少儿英语一级上Unit3 What colour do you like The first class                                  Teaching aims and demands : ●能用英语说出10种常用的`颜色 ●会用英语询问别人喜好的颜色 Important and different points: ●交际句型: What colour do you like? I like blue.                                             Do you like black? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.                                                                                  ●学习颜色:black, gray, white, orange, purple, brow, yellow, blue, green ,red ,pink                                           
