1.邀请信一定要写得明确、完整,不可给收信人留下任何疑问。如: “ I’d like you and Tom to come to dinner next Wednesday.” 这样的写法就不够明确,需要加上具体的日期和时间。该句应写成: “I’d like you and Tom to come to dinner on Wednesday, June 14, at seven o’clock.”
4.对于邀请信,在复信时应该明确地说明是接受邀请, 还是不能接受邀请。不能使用模棱两可的话。如: “ I’ll try my best to come.” “ I’ll come if I’m in town.” 等等,那样会使邀请人感到十分不安,应该明确说明去还是不去,以便让邀请人早做安排。
几月几日、星期几、几点钟等等。不应该这样写:“ I’ll be delighted to attend your luncheon…”,而应该写成: “ I’ll be delighted to attend your luncheon on Thursday, May tenth, at one o’clock.” 这样写,可以纠正你或邀请人可能弄错了的日期和时间。
邀请朋友赴宴(Inviting a Friend to Dinner)
Dear Zhang Ning,Will you and Mr.Wang Yi have dinner with us on Tuesday, the fifth of May, at seven o’clock?
It’s a long time since we have had the pleasure of seeing you and we do hope you can come.Sincerely yours,Elizabeth K.Benton ·接受邀请(Acceptance)
Dear Mrs.Benton,Wang Yi and I will be delighted to dine with you on Tuesday, the fifth of May, at seven o’clock.How nice of you to ask us!We are both looking forward with great pleasure to seeing you and Dr.Benton again.Very sincerely yours,Zhang Ning
Dear Mrs.Benton,I’ve been putting off this note until the last possible moment, hoping and hoping Wang Yi would get back from Shanghai in time for your dinner party.But now I must regretfully write that he’ll still be out of town on Tuesday, the fifth;and we therefore cannot accept your kind invitation for dinner on that day.It was sweet of you to ask us;and I know Wang Yi will be as sorry as I am to miss an evening with you and Dr.Benton.We know how delightful such evenings at your house usually are!Sincerely yours,Zhang Ning
Dear Li Ming,We have four tickets for a new movie Brokeback Mountain this Friday, the tenth.Will you and He Yi join us here for dinner at six sharp;and then go on with us later to the movie? We’ll be
looking for you Friday night, so don’t disappoint us!
Affectionately yours,Doris
Dear Doris,Delighted!We’ll be there Friday at six, and go with you
afterward to the cinema.How wonderful of you and Frank to ask us!….Affectionately yours,Li Ming·不能赴约(Regret)
Dear Doris,I think you’d better ask some other couple for Friday.He Yi is in Shanghai and won’t be back for another week.Wait till he hears what a wonderful evening he missed with you and Frank!Thanks for asking us, Doris.I’m certainly sorry we can’t say “yes”!
Affectionately yours,Li Ming
Dear Mrs.Jennings,I have just learned that my son, who is at school in Shanghai, was injured in a basketball game.Although the injury is not very serious, Lin Kai and I feel we must go to him at once;and we are leaving tomorrow morning.Under the circumstances, we must recall our dinner
invitations for Tuesday, the fifth of May… and plan on a later date for our party.I’m sure that you and Mr.Jennings will understand our anxiety, and will forgive this last-minute change in plans.Sincerely yours,Li Li
Dear Mrs.Benton,I’m very sorry to have to write you this letter!After accepting your kind invitation for dinner on Tuesday, May the fifth, I now
find that we cannot be there after all.Li Yong has just been called to Shanghai on business;and although he tried very hard to postpone the trip until after the fifth, he was unable to do so.We had been looking forward with great pleasure to seeing you and Dr.Benton;and we both feel very badly about this unexpected development.We hope you understand, and that you will not be inconvenienced.Sincerely yours,Wang ShanshanWriting Assignment 1:写一封邀请信,要请你的好朋友Elizabeth K.Benton 本周六晚7点到你家赴宴, 然后一起去电影院看新电影《金刚》(KING KONG)(The Eighth Wonder of the World.)。以Elizabeth K.Benton的身份给你写一封表示接受邀请的回信。
为了进一步推动我国公文学科的建设与发展, 经中国公文写作研究会与陕西省人大常委会和陕西煤业化工集团公司协商, 定于2010年8月12日至15日在陕西省西安市召开“全国第十二届公文学术研讨会暨第五届中国公文论著‘陕煤化杯’颁奖大会”。这是2008年10月中国公文写作研究会新一届理事会成立以来组织举办的第一次大型活动, 也是中国公文学研究事业发展进程中一次具有重大历史意义的空前盛会。会议的主题为:解放思想, 团结奋进, 求真务实, 开拓创新, 进一步推动我国公文学研究事业的跨越式发展。主要任务是贯彻落实中共中央办公厅最新发布的《中国共产党机关公文处理条例》, 进一步规范公文运转程序, 提高公文处理水平, 推进研究会的科学发展和公文学科建设的深化。会议的主要议程是:1.以中共中央办公厅发布的《中国共产党机关公文处理条例》为主要议题进行专题学习交流与研讨, 配合最新公文法规的宣传、贯彻与实施。2.举行第五届中国公文论著“陕煤化杯”评选活动, 对获奖者颁发证书和奖金。3.围绕当前公文学研究中的热点、焦点、难点和盲点问题进行专题学术交流与研讨, 开展论文评比, 并对获奖者予以物质奖励。4.研究会发展与组织制度建设。5.进行中国公文学研究所第七批“公文学家”的申报工作, 适时颁发“专家证书”。
热烈欢迎各类大中专院校、党干校从事公文写作教学与研究人员以及党政机关、企事业单位热衷于公文研究并有一定成果的秘书工作者光临会议, 参加学术交流与研讨;积极提交2004年以来出版的公文写作与处理方面的论著、教材和辞书参加评选。有意者请直接与中国公文写作研究会秘书处联系, 索要正式邀请函。
为了配合党和国家最新公文法规的宣传、贯彻与实施, 进一步提高广大秘书工作者的公文处理水平, 促进党政机关公文处理工作的规范化, 中国公文写作研究会定于2010年8月5日至8月9日在湖北省宜昌市举办“全国第十六期党和国家最新公文处理知识讲习班”, 讲习班将着重就党政两大公文法规的新精神以及有关公文文种、格式、运行规则、写作技法以及公文处理中的热点、难点问题等诸多方面内容进行集中研讨, 由中国公文写作研究会的知名专家和中央、国家机关有关部门的负责同志讲学, 并统一组织进行社会考察。诚请各机关、团体、企事业单位的办公室主任和秘书人员以及大中专院校、党干校、行政学院从事公文写作的教学人员报名参加学习, 尤其欢迎各地区、各系统统一组织下属单位以团体名义报名 (可享受适当优惠) 。凡欲参加者 (以个人、团体名义均可) 请直接与中国公文写作研究会秘书处联系, 索要正式邀请函。
联系人:岳海翔 (研究会副会长兼秘书长)
联系电话: (0315) 2533009 (0315) 2226943 (0315) 2045038 (宅) (0) 13832981860 (移)
传真电话: (0315) 2533012
电子邮箱 (E-mail) :zggwxzyjh@163.com
I am ____________________________.句2:
请求:I am writing the letter for the purpose of asking you to help___/applying for___ 邀请:I am writing the letter for the purpose of inviting you to___.第二段 句1 请求:The ___ should amply meet the following requirements./Here are the reasons why___ 邀请:The ___ will take place at ___ on___ I would consider it a great honor if you could come.句2 请求:(1)Firstly, ___.(2)For one thing it will be greatly appreciated if you can___.邀请:After the ___, there will also be a ___at two p.m.句3 请求:(1)Secondly, ___.(2)For another, always miss your wonderful program I the afternoon, so i`d like to know your timetable of the ___ program.邀请:I do hope you will attend too.句4 请求:(1)Finally, ___.(2)if it is convenient for you.Please send a timetable to me.My email is ___.邀请: 第三段
邀请函的写作要求: 第一、“邀请函”三个字写在首行中间位置. 第二、顶格写上称呼; 第三、正文要从第三行开始空两格写,内容包括时间、地点、及邀请的原因。 第四、正文写完可接着写祝福的话; 第五、最后在右下角,写署名和日期。 邀请函范文
邀请函明明同学你好: 我是校广播室,想邀请你参加学生毕业典礼的发言,在,10月10日前来校广播室准备发言稿内容,希望明明同学准时到达校广播室。祝你快乐。 此致 敬礼 校广播室 月1日
邀请书的主要内容类似于通知,但又有几分商量的意思,它不能是行政命令式的态度,所以 在用词上一定要礼貌。有些邀请书在开头还应解释一下自己不能亲自面邀的原因,以免引起 不必要的误会。
邀请书是被邀人进行必要准备的一个依据,所以各种事宜一定要在邀请书上显示出来,使邀 请对象可以有准备而来,也会使活动主办的个人或单位减少一些意想不到的麻烦。