This is to certify that Liang , female,born on August 27, 1995, ID number 11111, has been enrolled as a student majoring in Accounting since September 2013.Her student ID number is 11111 and she is currently studying in School of Accounting of College of Law and Business of HuBei University of Economics.In normal circumstance, she will graduate in June 30,2017.At that time if she complete all the courses for undergraduate program and gain all credits of the courses, she will be awarded the Bachelor Degree in Management.湖北经济学院法商学院教务部
Academic Division
College of Law and Business of
HuBei University of Economics
The judges In Beijing,Jiangsu province and other developed regions in China tend to deem that the college students is the subject qualification of National Labor Law according to recently several judicial case.However,the judges in Hunan province and other inland regions believe that the college students is not the subject qualification of National Labor Law according to recently the author's judicial case.
Why not were there such a unanimous verdicts in Judgments on the Subject Qualification of National Labor Law of Chinese College Students?The root cause Lies in the different understanding on this provision—the Article 12th of“On the Implementation of the'The People’s Republic of China Labor Act'Opinions on Some Issues”promulgated by the former Labor Ministry of P.R.C.Government in 1995.—”It is not start a career or is not regarded as a job,on the work-study college students in their spare time,if not establish labor relations,they could not sign labor contracts.”
Somebody believe that“the Article 12th”means that the Chinese College Students is NOT the Subject Qualification of National Labor Law in China for college students in work-study program is not labor law subject,just like through the provision are provided that can be seen directly:it is not start a career or is not regarded as a job.
However,I deem that this kind of understanding is a basic error.Why they made a subjective mistake by acting illogical notions according to their own literal comprehension?How to accurately understand“the Article 12th”?Firstly,”the Subject Qualification of National Labor Law”is not equal to“start a career or be regarded as a job”—these are two concepts,the former belongs to the exclusive concept of labor law,however,the latter is only a general concept.Secondly,”if not establish labor relations,they could not sign labor contracts.”—this sentence means that this law act“establish labor relations or sign labor contracts”are several kinds of selection,probability and uncertainty.—furthermore there are three probably selective cases,the first case is the college students establish labor relations,they sign labor contracts;the second case is the college students establish labor relations,they do not sign labor contracts;the third case is the college students do not establish labor relations,and they do not sign labor contracts.It is due to the existence of the possibility of this three kinds of cases,we could draw a correct and legitimate conclusion:the college students is the Subject Qualification of National Labor Law in China,or they could not have several selective chances to decide whether to sign labor contract.Liang Zhi lawyer,who is a Labor Law Expert and the Vice Director of Labor and Social Security Law Professional Committee of All China Lawyers Association,analyzed and thought so too.
In additional,on another provision—the Article 4th of“On the Implementation of the'The People’s Republic of China Labor Act'Opinions on Some Issues”promulgated by the former Labor Ministry of P.R.C.Government in 1995.—It is clear to put 5 types of Chinese citizens outside by the protection ruled by the Chinese national Labor Act:(1)the government civil servants or state officials.(2)the staffs of social institutions,social association and so on that compare to the government civil servants relevant regulations.(3)the housemaids.(4)the active duty military.(5)the pure farmers(not include:as the rural labors who enter the rural enterprises and the rural migrant workers or businessmen which move into the city from countrysides).Obviously from this provision,the China Labor Act do not remove the Chinese college students,so that the Chinese college students is the Subject Qualification of National Labor Law!
From the value orientation of labor law judging by the Subject Qualification of National Labor Law,I deem that college students general be at the age of 18 years or above,belonging to a person with full capacity for civil conduct.On the normal premise of their health,intelligence and spiritual status,college students complete with a constitutional right to work and have normal labor ability—with the 4 legal principles supported by theory of law:Age,health,intelligence and freedom of action.
In additional,college students are green or inexperienced,do not fully understand and adapt to the complicated society,and their economic capacity,social status and so on are in weak stratum.In view of the above,it is beneficial to reflect the basic value of our labor legislation which is rescuing the weak,promoting fairness,justice and so on,beneficial to form a status of social stability and social harmony if the Chinese college students is the Subject Qualification of National Labor Law and were protected by our national labor law.
Let us to study Simply the link between“The Theory of Employment”and“The Subject Qualification of National Labor Law Judging by College Students”.Firstly,begin with British Employment Lawor UKLabor Lawfor“The TheoryofEmployment”,what means of employment?Employment is a contract between two parties,one being the employer and the other being the employee.An employee may be defined as:“A person in the service of another under any contract of hire,express or implied,oral or written,where the employer has the power or right to control and direct the employee in the material details of how the work is to be performed”.)[1]
I feel“The Theory of Employment”is simple and complicated,its importance is deeply influence western,east including China and to the whole world within the scope of the labor law,corporate law,commercial law,economic law,and even the basic principles of economics.what means of employment relationship or contracts?A contract of employment is an agreement entered into by an employer References and Bibliography:
[1]Black’s Law Dictionary(5th ed.1979),471.
[2]Tom Harrison.Employment Law.Harrison Law Publishing,1997:45.and an employee under which they have certain mutual obligations[2].
The employment relationship is based on the employment contracts,the both sides of employment contracts are employer and employee.The employee provide services for employer with their occupation skills according to the employer’s instructions,conditions and so on,the same situation,employer pay labor remuneration for employee′s work.
Sometimes,scholars conceptualize the employment relationship in various ways[3].In which,a key assumption is the extent to which the employment relationship necessarily includes conflicts of interests between employers and employees,and the form of such conflicts[4].In my opinion,these theory is not important and let us focus following contrast.
In China,the employer is usually known as the Boss,General Manager,President,Chief Executive Officer,the Chairman of The Board and so on.Generally do not include Government,School and other Institutions and Social groups for there is remarkable difference compared with western countries between“Inside system”and“Outside system”ruling by Chinese Characteristic Socialism Legal System.
However,in western countries,according to The Employment Theory and The Equality Spirit,all the social work role could be incorporated into the employment relationship or contracts,especially,between the government and the civil servants,between the state and the army.The most worthy and valuable advice is that the China government should draw lessons from this western countries′labor or employment system.
There is a little hopeful,promising and optimistic Open is that Shenzhen city in China have begun to reform civil servant or official system.Wang Yukai,who is the Professor and Doctoral Tutor of The National Administration College,and the General Secretary of Reform ResearchAssociationof Chinese Administrative System,said that employee system is civil servant or official system reform trend in future.
Finally,we must learn some lessons from employment theory or employment system of Britain or other western countries.Chinese Government including Labor Department and Education Department should promulgate new regulations on that The Subject Qualification of National Labor Law Judging by Chinese College Students and at the same time abolish the Article 12th of“On the Implementation of the'The People's Republic of China Labor Act'Opinions on Some Issues”promulgated by the former Labor Ministry of P.R.C.Government in 1995.
[3]Kaufman,Bruce E.Theoretical Perspectives on Work and the Employment Relationship:Industrial Relations Research Association,2004[4]Fox,Alan.Beyond Contract:Work,Power and Trust Relations:Farber and Farber,1974.
[1]Black’s Law Dictionary(5th ed.1979),471.
[2]Tom Harrison.Employment Law.Harrison Law Publishing,1997:45.
[3]Kaufman,Bruce E.Theoretical Perspectives on Work and the Employment Relationship:Industrial Relations Research Association,2004.
SEP 17,2007
To whom it may be concern:
This is to certify that LUO JIANHUI(Passport No.:G********)is a student of Grade XXX in our school.She/He is going to have a tour to Europe from 23th Oct 2007 to 30th Oct 2007 with her parents.Her/His parents will pay all the cost of this trip.Hereby we confirm that she/he will obey the local rules.We will remain her/his position after the trip and guarantee she/he will come back to China on schedule.Thank you very much!
Yours Sincerely,学校名称:******