
2024-06-22 版权声明 我要投稿


铁路运输常用英语词汇 篇1



MD(Managing Director): 总局长

DMD(Deputy Managing Director): 副总局长 CS(Corporate Secretary): 公司秘书

MPCA(Manager Planning and Corporate Affairs): 企划部经理 CME(Chief Mechanical Engineer):机辆总工 CCE(Chief Civil Engineer):工务总工 FM(Finance Manager):财务经理 MM(Marketing Manager):市场经理 TM(Traffic Manager):运输经理 SM(Supplies Manager):物资经理 SM(Safety Manager):安全经理 HRM(Human Resources Manager):人事经理 HPR(Head Public Relations):公关部主管 HIT(Head Information Technology):信息部主管 CIA(Chief Internal Auditor):内审主管 Chief Pension Officer:退休金主管 Chief Controller :调度长 2.分局、站段及工厂

RGM(Regional General Manager): 分局总经理 RME(Regional Mechanical Engineer):分局机辆总工 RCE(Regional Civil Engineer):分局工务总工 S&T(Signaling & Telecommunication)Engineer: 电务(信号与通信)工程师 Head Commercial :商业主管

Head Human Resources :人事主管 Chief Administration Officer:行政主管 Area Manager:区域经理

WM(Workshop Manager): 工厂经理 SM(Station Master):站长

Senior Passenger Officer :客运主管

DPC(District Police Commander): 地区警察指挥官

二、部门和组织名词或惯称 Head Office :路局或总部

CRET(Chinese Railway Expert Team):中国铁路专家协调组 Regional Office:分局 Area Office:区域办事处 Workshop:工厂

CSP(concrete Sleeper Plant):轨枕厂 Quarry :采石场

TTC(TAZARA Training Center):坦赞铁路局培训中心 Locomotive Depot:机务段 Rolling Stock Depot:车辆段 Marshalling Yard:编组场 Construction Unit:房建队 Board of Directors:董事会 Board Committee:董事会委员会

Committee meeting: 委员会会议或预备会 Council of Ministers: 部长理事会 Union:工会

三、设备名称 1.机车 Locomotive Mainline/shunting locomotive: 干线/调车 机车 DFH Locomotive:东方红机车 Diesel Engine:柴油机 Traction Motor:牵引电机 Wheel set:轮对 Bogie:转向架

Running Part:走行部 Axle: 车轴 Coupler:车钩 Valve:阀 Bearing: 轴承 Brake shoe:闸瓦 Cow Catcher:排障器 Vacuum horse:真空软管 Air pipe:风管

Control system:控制系统 Battery:蓄电池

DE(Diesel Electric):柴油电传 DH(Diesel Hydraulic):柴油液传 Driver’s Cab:驾驶室 Crank Shaft:曲轴

Locomotive failure:机故 2.Wagon:货车

DSO(Down Side Open wagon): 低帮车

CDSO(Container Down Side Open wagon): 低帮集装箱货车 HSO(High Side Open):高帮车 Co(Covered wagon):棚车 F(Flat wagon):平板车

FT(Flat Tank wagon):平板罐车 JTW(Jumbo Tank wagon):大型罐车 CF(Container Flat wagon):集装箱平车 WW(Well Wagon):井型车 BV(Brake Van):守车

LS(Livestock wagon):牲畜车 B(Ballast wagon):石渣车

R(Refrigeration wagon):冷藏车 3.Coach:客车

1st Class Coach:一等车厢(软卧)2nd Class Coach:二等车厢(硬卧)3rd Class Coach:三等车厢(硬座)MD’s Coach: 总局长专用车 Super Seat:软座车厢 Dining/buffet Car:餐车 Lounge Car:酒吧车 Luggage Van:行李车 4.其它设备 Gantry crane:龙门吊 Trolley:轨道车 Reversing Gear:换向机构 Rescue crane:救援吊车

Re-railing Equipment:复救设备 Forklift:叉车

Mobile crane:汽车吊 Air compressor:空压机 Mono block:轮饼 Coupler knuckle:钩舌 Wooden sleeper:木枕

Concrete sleeper:混凝土轨枕 Bridge sleeper:桥枕 Turnout:道岔

Semaphore signal:臂板信号机 Interlocking equipment: 联锁设备

Semi-automatic block system:半自动闭塞 Head Crane:桥式吊车 Drop Table:落车台

Flaw detection machine:探伤仪 Triple valve:三通阀 Generator:发电机 Shop :车间

Second crusher:二级破碎机


Financial year:财政 Passenger train:客车 Freight train: 货车

Commuter train:通勤车 Up train:上行列车 Down train:下行列车 Fuel:燃油

Locomotive routing:机车交路

Locomotive availability:机车完好率 Timetable:时刻表 Arrival time:抵达时间 Departure time:出发时间 Freight traffic:货运量

Passenger ridership: 客运量 Parcel:行包


turnaround time:周转时间 punctuality:正点率 interchange:过轨

level crossing:平交道口 good shed:货场 weighbridge:轨道衡 copper:铜 manganese:锰 coal:煤

fertilizer:化肥 timber:木材 maize:玉米

wheat flour:面粉 molasses:糖稀 container:集装箱 sulphur:硫磺

general cargo:杂货 accident:事故 derail:脱轨 capsize:倾覆


Ministry of transport: 交通部 Immigration office:移民局 Exemption: 豁免证/工作许可 PS(Permanent Secretary):常秘 cemetery:公墓 Protocol:议定书


Concessionaire:特许经营者/特许经营单位 Manpower position:员工人数 Clearance:清关

Shipping documents:海运文件 Bill of Lading: 提货单 Packing List:装箱单 Insurance:保险

Commercial Invoice: 商务发票 Production meeting:生产交班会 minutes:会议记录

MOU(Memorandum of Understanding):谅解备忘录 Invitation letter:邀请函

Motor vehicle license: 机动车辆证/上路许可 financial statement:财务报表 quarter:季度 Turnover:营业额 Revenue: 收入 Expenditure:支出 Pension:退休金 Rates: 费率

Freight tariff: 货运价格 Passenger fare:客车票价 Permanent way:工务线路

speed restricted area:限速地段 land slide: 滑坡

tamping machine:捣固机

light/heavy motor trolley: 轻型/重型轨道车 ballast:道砟 curve: 曲线 culvert:涵洞 tunnel:隧道 gradient: 坡度 gauge:轨距/限界

motive power:动力(设备)

single locomotive operation:单机牵引 MU(multiple unit)operation:多机牵引 axle load:轴重 Cummins:康明斯

Transmission type:传动类型 Hydraulic transmission:液力传动 Piston:活塞

Air brake: 空气制动

Vacuum brake:真空制动

H.F.(High Frequency)radio: 高频电台 Microwave: 微波 Optic fiber:光纤 Light repair: 小修 Medium repair:中修

Rehabilitation/overhaul:大修 Spare part:零配件

Kilimanjaro passenger train:乞力马扎罗号客车 Mukuba passenger train:姆库巴号客车

铁路运输常用英语词汇 篇2

Debt to equity.A measure of a company's financial leverage calculated by dividing long term debt by shareholders equity.It indicates what proportion of equity and debt the company is using to finance its assets.是指公司长期负债与股东权益的比率。

de facto[银]实际上

A condition or situation treated as standard or official, even if not explicitly stated.即使未明言, 仍被当作标准或正式的条件或情况。

Dead Capital[证]不生息资本、死钱

Dead Money指投资在无利益的事业, 或尚未投资的资金。

dead-end street[房]死路

Also known as“Cul de Sac”.A street which is closed at one end so that traffic cannot flow through it.亦称“Cul de Sac”, 指一头封闭、交通无法穿越的街道。

deal[银]交易, 经营, 协议

1.A proposal for financing a business creation or expansion.2.More generally, any contract or arrangement.1.为建立或扩张企业而融资的提议。2.更常指合同或商定。


Similar to a car dealer, a person who offers a collection of properties for sale to the public.与汽车经销商相似, 向公众提供一系列物业待售的人。


An entity that stands ready and willing to buy a security for its own account (at its bid price) or sell from its own account (at its ask price) .是指对自己的账户进行买卖证券, 并自己承担风险的人。以自营商而非代理人的身份参与证券业务的个人或公司。典型的是﹐证券商为自己的账户买入证券然后将自己的存款卖于顾客。交易商品的利润或者损失就是他买卖证券过程中支付价格和接受价格之间的差额。证券商在确认书中必须向顾客表明他是自营商。同一个人或公司在不同时间可以以经纪人和证券商的不同身份经营业务。

dealer bank[银]交易商银行

1.A bank department which is registered as a municipal securities dealer.2.A commercial bank which buys and sells government and agency securities.1.作为地方政府交易商注册的银行部门。2.是指专门从事政府债券交易和代理证券交易的商业银行。

dealer loan[分]交易商贷款

Overnight, collateralized loan from a money market bank made to a dealer financing his position by borrowing.是指银行对交易商给予隔夜质押的贷款。

dealer market[证]交易商市场

A market in which transactions occur between principals acting as dealers buying and selling for their own accounts, rather than between brokers acting as agents for buyers and sellers.是指专门为交易者设立的从事为其账户买卖特定资产的市场。例如, OTC市场。

death cross[证]死亡交叉

A crossover involving a securities long-term moving average breaking above its short-term moving average or support level.As long-term indicators carry more weight, this trend indicates a bear market on the horizon and is reinforced by high trading volumes.Additionally, the long-term moving average becomes the new resistance level in the rising market.技术分析用语。所谓死亡交叉是指原本多头排列之短、中、长期平均线, 其短期平均线自上方逐渐走平且跌破中、长期平均线, 并带动中、长期平均线同步向下行成空头排列, 意味着将有一波不小之跌幅, 往往代表一个相当强烈的卖出信号。


Unsecured indebtedness, usually long-term.Most common debentures are in the form of bonds.Unsecured debt backed only by the integrity of the borrower, not by collateral, and documented by an agreement called an indenture.This is a type of share issued by a limited company.It is the safest type of share in that it is really a loan to the company and is usually tied to some of the company's assets so should the company fail, the debenture holder will have first call on any assets left after the company has been wound up.无担保债务, 通常为长期。多数普通信用债务是债券的形式。是指公司凭其信誉担保而发行的无抵押长期债券。凭借款人信誉而非抵押品作保的未担保债务, 用协议来为其作书面证明。无抵押债务, 只依赖借方信用质量作为支持, 并无抵押品, 协议属于契约形式。在英国是指有担保的公司债券;在美国是指无担保证券。

英语常用基础词汇 篇3

一、星期(weekday / weekend)

1.周一 Monday

2.周二 Tuesday 3.周三 Wednesday 4.周四 Thursday 5.周五 Friday 6.周六 Saturday 7.周日 Sunday 搭配:on weekdayson Mondayon Monday morningat/ on the weekendin / during a week


1.一月 JanuaryJan

2.二月 FebruaryFeb 3.三月 MarchMar 4.四月 April

Apr 5.五月 MayMay 6.六月 June

June 7.七月 JulyJuly 8.八月 AugustAug 9.九月 September


10.十月 OctoberOct 11.十一月 NovemberNov 12.十二月 DecemberDec 搭配:in January;in a month on January the first / Jan 1st



2.夏天(in)summer 3.秋天(in)autumn 4.冬天(in)winter

搭配:在早春 in early spring 四、一天(a day)的时段

1.黎明 dawn;sunrise(at)2.早上 morning(in the ~)

3.中午 noon(at)

4.下午 afternoon(in the ~)5.黄昏 dusk, sunset(at)6.晚上 evening;night(in the evening, at night)7.午夜 midnight(at)搭配:

at dawn/ noon/ night/ midnight at sunrise/ at sunset

in the morning/ afternoon/ evening on Friday evening in the/ a day

last night/ tomorrow morning /yesterday evening / next week

this afternoon/ weekend,that day today/ tonight


1.元旦节(on)New Year’s Day

2.情人节(on)Valentine’s Day 3.妇女节(on)Women’s Day 4.植树节(on)Arbor Day 5.复活节(at)Easter 6.愚人节(on)Fool’s Day 7.劳动节(on)Labor Day

8.五四青年节(on)Youth Day 9.母亲节(on)Mother’s Day 10.儿童节(on)Children’s Day

11.仲夏节(at)Mid-summer Festival

12.父亲节(on)Father’s Day 13.建党节(on)Party’s Birthday 14.建军节(on)China’s Army Day 15.泼水节(at)Water Festival 16.教师节(on)Teachers’ Day 17.国庆节(on)National Day 18.感恩节(on)Thanksgiving Day 19.圣诞节(on)Christmas Day 20.圣诞(at)Christmas21.春节(at)Spring Festival 22.元宵节(at)Lantern Festival 23.清明节(at)Qing Ming 24.端午节/龙舟节(at)Dragon Boat Festival 25.中秋节

(at)Mid-autumn Festival 26.重阳节(at)Double Ninth Festival


1. 东 east西 west 2. 南 south北 north 3. 向东 eastward(s)4. 向西 westward(s)5. 向南 southward(s)6. 向北 northward(s)7. 向前 forward(s)10.向后 backward(s)11.朝向 toward(s)12.东边/部的 eastern 13.西边/部的 western 14.南边/部的 southern 15.北边/部的 northern 搭配:

1.在…的东部 in the east of

2.在…的东边(搭界处)on the east of

3.在…的东面 to the east of


1.在…旁边 beside / next to 2.在…附近near/ about 3.在…周围 around 4.在…那边 beyond 5.在…里面 in / inside 6.到…里面into 7.在…外面 out of/ outside 8.在…和…的中间

between A and B

9.在…的中间 in the middle of 10.在…的左边 on the left of 11.从左边起第一个 the first on the left 12.从左边起第二/三…个 the second/ third…from the left 13.在…(三个或以上)当中 among

14.在…上面on / upon 15.在…上空/越过 over 16.在…上方above 17.到…上面onto 18.在…下面 under/ below 19.在…下方 beneath

20.在…前面before/ in front of 21.在…前部in the front of 22.在…后面 behind

23.在…后部 at the back of24.在前排 in the front row 25.在后排 in the back row 26.在…顶部 at the top of 27.在…底部 at the bottom of 28.在…脚下 at the foot of 29.在…末尾尽头 at the end of 30.遍及,到处 all over/ throughout

31.在河/窗边by the river/ window

32.在操场on/ in the playground 33.经过past 34.横过across 35.穿过,通过through 36.沿着along 37.沿着,沿…而下 down 38.来自from

常用外贸英语词汇 篇4


(1)FCA(Free Carrier)货交承运人

(2)FAS(Free Alongside Ship)装运港船边交货

(3)FOB(Free on Board)装运港船上交货

(4)CFR(Cost and Freight)成本加运费

(5)CIF(Cost,Insurance and Freight)成本、保险费加运费

(6)CPT(Carriage Paid To)运费付至目的地

(7)CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid To)运费、保险费付至目的地

(8)DAF(Delivered At Frontier)边境交货

(9)DES(Delivered Ex Ship)目的港船上交货

(10)DEQ(Delivered Ex Quay)目的港码头交货

(11)DDU(Delivered Duty Unpaid)未完税交货

(12)DDP(Delivered Duty Paid)完税后交货


(1)ORC(Origen Recevie Charges)本地收货费用(广东省收取)

(2)THC(Terminal Handling Charges)码头操作费(香港收取)

(3)BAF(Bunker Adjustment Factor)燃油附加费

(4)CAF(Currency Adjustment Factor)货币贬值附加费

(5)YAS(Yard Surcharges)码头附加费

(6)EPS(Equipment Position Surcharges)设备位置附加费

(7)DDC(Destination Delivery Charges)目的港交货费

(8)PSS(Peak Season Sucharges)旺季附加费

(9)PCS(Port Congestion Surcharge)港口拥挤附加费

(10)DOC(DOcument charges)文件费

(11)O/F(Ocean Freight)海运费

(12)B/L(Bill of Lading)海运提单

(13)MB/L(Master Bill of Lading)船东单

(14)MTD(Multimodal Transport Document)多式联运单据

(15)L/C(Letter of Credit)信用证

(16)C/O(Certificate of Origin)产地证

(17)S/C(Sales Confirmation)销售确认书(Sales Contract)销售合同

(18)S/O(Shipping Order)装货指示书

(19)W/T(Weight Ton)重量吨(即货物收费以重量计费)

(20)M/T(Measurement Ton)尺码吨(即货物收费以尺码计费)

(21)W/M(Weight or Measurement ton)即以重量吨或者尺码吨中从高收费

(22)CY(Container Yard)集装箱(货柜)堆场

(23)FCL(Full Container Load)整箱货

(24)LCL(Less than Container Load)拼箱货(散货)

(25)CFS(Container Freight Station)集装箱货运站

(26)TEU(Twenty-feet Equivalent Units)20英尺换算单位(用来计算货柜量的多少)

(27)A/W(All Water)全水路(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)

(28)MLB(Mini Land Bridge)迷你大陆桥(主要指由美国西岸中转至东岸或内陆点的货物的运输方式)

高考英语常用词汇考点 篇5

(1)do+名词e.g. mary has done (=has written) an article. 玛丽写了一篇文章。

he will do(=draw) a large portrait of ren changxia.他要为任长霞画一幅大画像。

do computer study=study computer

do the room=clean the room

do the dishes=wash the dishes

do one’s hair=comb one’s hair

do one’s teeth=brush one’s teeth

do the fish=cook the fish

do the puzzle=work out the puzzle

do science=study science

do a comedy=act a comedy

do a concert=hear a concert

do the tower=visit the tower

do japan=visit japan

do 20 miles=travel 20 miles

do one’s guests well=serve one’s guests well


do some reading=read some books, read some pages

do some studying=study something

do some walking=walk for some time

还有do most of the talking, do some morning shopping等。

(2)have+名词 e.g. we had a long talk(=talked for a long time) last sunday. 上星期天我们进行了一次长谈。

they’re having a rest(=resting). 他们在休息。

此类结构常见的还有:have a chat, have a look at…,have a drink, have an interview, have a smoke, have a fight, have a bath, have a dream

名词前可有修饰成分,如have no respect, have no wish, have some good laughs, have one more try等。


have a lesson (class)上一节课

have an x-ray进行x光检查

have a great success取得很大成功

have a small accident出了小事故

have a headache(a flu, cold)得头疼病(流感,感冒)

have a baby生孩子

have one’s advice听从某人的建议

have a telegram收到一封电报

have an answer有了答案


e.g. the police made an examination in her room. 警察检查了她的房间。

the teacher made a clear explanation. 老师清楚地作了解释。

we made a comparison of the two articles. 我们把这两篇文章作了比较。

make an attempt=attempt make a suggest=suggest

还有make a visit参观,make a long stay住了很长时间,make another start又重新开始了,make preparations作准备,make arrangements作安排,make decisions作决定,make a choice作选择,make a map画一张地图,make tea沏茶,make an expression留下印象


e.g. he took a look at(=look at) this book. 他看了一下这本书。

i want to take a nap(=nap). 我想午休一会儿。


take a bath 洗澡

take a walk散步

take exercise进行锻炼

take an action采取行动

take an examination进行考试,进行检查

take a trip旅行

take a vacation度假


take the food, take pills, take medicine, take tea (coffee),take a glass of beer, take sugar, take a breath of fresh air,还有:take a taxi(bus, train…)坐出租车(公共汽车,火车……)

take a room要一个房间,租用一个房间

take one’s advice接受……的建议

take a job承担一项工作

take one’s degree接受……学位

take chemistry选学化学



e.g. he looked at her with respect(=respectfully). 他恭敬地看着她。

she told tom the story with a smile(=smilingly). 她微笑着给汤姆讲了个故事。

he accepted the invitation with pleasure(=pleasurably). 他愉快地接受了邀请。


with calmness=calmly冷静地

with curiosity=curiously好奇地

with surprise=surprisingly惊奇地

with ease=easily轻易地

with difficulty 艰难地

with amazement惊奇地

with sympathy同情地

with disapproval不满地

with fear害怕地

with delight (joy)高兴地

with envy妒忌地

with anger生气地

with efficiency有效地

with one accord voice异口同声地

with tears in one’s eyes含泪地


“how did you come here?”he asked in surprise(=surprisingly).“你是怎么到这儿的?”他惊奇地问。

jack shut his eyes in fear(fearfully). 杰克害怕得闭上了眼睛。

his sister stared at him in amazement(=amazingly). 他的妹妹惊奇地看着他。

he came home in high cheerfulness(=cheerfully). 他兴高采烈地回了家。


in terror害怕地

in astonishment惊奇地

in anxiety焦急地

in amazement惊奇地

in confusion大惑不解地

in alarm惊慌地

in curiosity好奇地

in great happiness非常愉快地

in a hurry急忙地

in a low voice低声地

in hatred and despair满怀仇恨和绝望地

in earnest 认真地[page]


1.murder, kill, massacre

(1)murder是“谋杀,杀害”的意思。英语意思是to kill unlawfully, especially on purpose。

e.g. the bandits murdered the man for his money. 歹徒为了谋取他的钱而杀害了他。

every two hours someone was murdered. 每两个小时就有一人被谋杀。

(2)kill用于因凶器或在非常事故中死亡的场合。英语的意思是cause to die。

e.g. his father was killed in a railway accident. 他父亲在一次火车事故中身亡。

only a few people were killed in the earthquake. 地震中只有少数人死亡。

he killed him with a spear. 他用矛刺死了他。


e.g. my back killed me. 我的背非常难受。

it killed him to admit he is wrong. 承认他错了使他感到极为尴尬。

the joy killed the audience. 这个玩笑让观众笑得要死。

the train was late, so we killed time by playing cards. 火车晚点了,我们就打牌消磨时间。

(3)massacre“大屠杀”,英语意思是to kill a number of people without mercy。

e.g. when the soldiers captured the town, they massacred all the inhabitants. 当敌兵占领这座城市后,他们屠杀了城里的所有居民。


devote one’s life to…

dedicate one’s life to…

give one’s life for…

lay down one’s life for…

lose one’s life for…


(sb.) pass away; one’s heart stop beating forever;

(sb.) sleep peacefully; those who have fallen;

(sth.) cost sb. his life; sb.is dead and gone;

(sb.) be in heaven for some time

2.ask for, require, demand

(1)ask for指要求得到具体的物质的东西,普通用词。也可用ask sb.to do sth.表示“要求某人做某事”,语气较客气。

e.g. he asked for some money. 他让了一些钱。

he asked his mother to wake him at six in the morning. 他让他母亲早上六点叫醒他。

i asked that i (should be) was allowed to see her. 我请求允许我看望她。


e.g. he has done all that was required of him. 凡需要他做的他都做了。

how many days will be required to finish this work? 完成这项工作需要多少天?

(3)demand“要求,需要”,指坚持要得到某物或坚持要做某事,用于人时,通常表示提出要求的一方认为他们有权这样做,语气较强烈,有时带有强制的意味;用于物时,指一般的“需要”,这时可和require, want, need等词互换。

e.g. the iraqi people demanded that the usa soldiers should get out of iraq.


all his life he believed that it was right and necessary to demand changes in society if people did not have their civil rights. 整个一生他都认为如果人民没有权利的话,要求社会变革是正确的,而且是必要的。

the work demands(=requires, wants, needs, etc,) great skill. 这个工作需要熟练的技巧。




(1)they ______ blacks as slaves.

(2)they ______ blacks as slaves.

(3)they ______ blacks as slaves.

(4)they ______ blacks as slaves.

(5)they ______ ______blacks as slaves.

(6)they ______ blacks as slaves.

(7)they ______ blacks ______ ______ slaves.

金融英语——常用词汇(九十五) 篇6

The act of selling and buying stocks almost instantaneously in order to increase or decrease book value.



Computer Security Institute=CTD


Cheapest-to-deliver.The acceptable Treasury security with the highest implied repo rate;the rate that a seller of a futures contract can earn by buying an issue and then delivering it at the settlement date.

由于债券期货常以事实上并不存在的概念性债券为标的资产, 而交割时需要的却是实物形态的债券, 所以, 在期货合同中可以根据列明的实物债券和每一种债券的价格系数来选用那种最便宜可交割的债券, 这对于债券期货的卖方是有利的。

cum dividend附股息

When a buyer of a security is entitled to receive a dividend that has been declared, but not paid.


cum rights附带股权

Buyer has the same rights to purchase new share as the current shareholders.


cumulative adj.累计的

An arrangement in which a payment not made when due is carried over to the following period.


cumulative dividend累积股利

A dividend paid on cumulative preference shares, that the company is liable for in the next payment period if not satisfied in the current payment period (i.e.the dividends accumulate) .

对企业的限制, 旨在确保公司在向普通股股东派息前支付优先股息。是指企业对累积优先股尚未实际支付的红利, 且必须在普通股股利发放之前支付。

cumulative interest累计支付利息

The total amount charged as interest on a loan or mortgage to a certain date.

到某个日期为止, 对某个贷款或抵押贷款收取的利息总额。

cumulative preferred stock累积优先股

Preferred stock on which dividends accrue in the event that the issuer does not make timely dividend payments.Dividends not paid in any year must be made up in a later year before any profits can be distributed to common stocks.

是指股利因企业该年度盈余不足未能按年发放, 则日后若有超额盈余时, 将过去未发的累积股利一并发放的优先股。

cumulative total return累计总回报

Actual, non-annualized performance over a given period of time.


cumulative voting累计投票

This method of voting is intended to create adequate representation of minority shareholders.Cumulative voting allows shareholders to aggregate their votes in favor of fewer candidates than there are slots available.

公司董事投票的程序, 每名股东的投票权相等于每股一票乘以需要选出董事的数目。这个方法有时也称为按比例投票。

curb v.交易控制

A temporary restriction in trading, in a particular security, usually to reduce dramatic price movements.Also called trading curb.

对特定证券贸易的暂时限制, 通常是为了降低价格的剧烈波动。也叫贸易控制。

curb trading场外交易

Trading that occurs outside of general market regulations, commonly through computers or telephones after the official exchanges have closed.

是指在交易所闭市后, 有些期货商品交易发生在交易所的街道上, 因而起名为路边贸易。

curbs in控制开始生效

The term used to describe when trading curbs are in effect.

术语, 用以描述控制开始生效。

curbs out控制停止

The term used to describe when trading curbs are no longer in effect.

术语, 用以描述控制不再有效。

cure period修复期

A provision in a contract allowing a defaulting party to fix the cause of a default, for example a repayment grace period.
