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《杀死一只知更鸟》读后感作文 篇1




《杀死一只知更鸟》读后感作文 篇2

A major trend in the 1960s, structuralism is an approach to lit erary analysis grounded in structural linguistics and the science o language, and its historical roots can be traced to the linguistic writ ings and theories of Ferdinand de Saussure, a Swiss professor in the late 19th and early 20th century.His scientific investigation in to language and language for the study of language provides the ba sis for structuralism’s unique approach to literary analysis.Sau ssure pointed out that binary oppositions are presented in linguistic structural models, such as langue and parole, diachronic and syn chronic, absolute arbitrariness and relative arbitrariness, signified and signifier, and other dichotomies.

Later, in the 1950s and 1960s, anthropologist Claude LeviStrauss was one of the first scholars/researchers to apply Sau ssure’s principles of linguistics to narrative discourse.Research ing and writing in response to Levi-Strauss was his contemporary the eminent French structuralist Roland Barthes.In his book S/Z Barthes notices minimal pairs that function in a relationship of bi nary opposition to endow the text with meaning.According to Barthes, the structuralist can decode the text, thereby explaining its meaning, by finding the binary oppositions within the text and showing how these oppositions are interrelated.

Because oppositional structures greatly determine how the reader interpret the text, the present paper applies the binary oppo sition principle to interpret the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, .semi-autobiographical work by the American female writer Harpe Lee.The unforgettable novel of a childhood in a sleepy Southern town and the crisis of conscience that rocked it, To Kill a Mocking bird became both an instant bestseller and a critical success when it was first published in 1960.It went on to win the Pulitzer Priz in 1961 and was later made into an Academy Award-winning film now also a classic.From the point of view of the protagonist Scout a six-year old child, the novel recalls the injustice of a southern town, Maycomb, in the 1930s.From six to nine years old, the pro tagonist Scout experienced many things in the town, good and bad kind and evil, among which the lawsuit about a kind and hones Black man, Tom Robinson, slandered by the white father and daughter and finally suffering a tragic death.The novel reflects th prejudice towards Black people at that time in America.Compas sionate, dramatic, and deeply moving, To Kill a Mockingbird take reader to the roots of human behavior—to innocence and experi ence, kindness and cruelty, love and hatred, humor and pathos.

2 The Analysis of Binary Oppositions

2.1 Prejudice versus Acceptance

In To kill a Mocking Bird, Aunt Alexandra is a typical repre sentative who follows the tradition of the noble White class with prejudice against Black people in the American South of the US by contrast, Scout represents a more modern or anti-traditional per son.Their attitudes to the maidservant Calpurnia, a Black woman constitute a sharp binary opposition.

As a relic of the old South, Aunt Alexandra strongly believe in the racial hierarchy and considers the Black people to be slaves even after the Civil War.Her attitude towards Calpurnia illustrates her belief:“PUT MY BAG in the front bedroom, Calpurnia, ”was the first thing Aunt Alexandra said when she first appears in the house of Atticus to stay with them“for a while” (Lee 1982:169) .Using the command tone, she draws a clear demarcation line between herself and the Black maidservant, in order to show her nobility and superiority.Besides, she always orders Calpurnia to do numerous things to show her mastership.She warns the family to be cautious of talking in front of Calpurnia, because she is a Black woman.She even tells Atticus that“You’ve got to face it sooner or later and it might as well be tonight.We don’t need her now” (Lee 1982:182) .She blames Cal for the so-called wrong behavior of the two children, so she wants her to go, but in vain.All the actions and beliefs of Aunt Alexandra are the legacy of the old tradition of prejudice, of which she is a firm defender.

Scout, however, represents a sharp contrast to Aunt Alexandra as a supporter of anti-tradition and social acceptance.Although very young, she is not influenced by older people who follow the racism against Black people.Losing her mother at the age of two, Scout has Calpurnia’s company and has“felt her tyrannical presence as long as”she could remember (Lee 1982:7) .In Scout’s eyes, “Calpurnia was something else again.She was all angles and bones;she was nearsighted;she squinted;her hand was wide as a bed slat and twice as hard.She was ordering me out of the kitchen, asking me why I couldn’t behave as well as Jem when she knew he was older, and calling me home when I wasn’t ready to come.Our battles were epic and one-sided.Calpurnia always won, mainly because Atticus always took her side” (Lee 1982:7) .Scout can describe Calpurnia vividly because she is familiar with her.She never sees Calpurnia as an inferior person because she is a Black woman from whom she would never keep a distance;instead, Scout respects Calpurnia, treating her as an important family member, even as the role of mother, to some extent.This can be proved by Atticus’s words when Aunt Alexandra wants to let Calpurnia go out of the family, who says that“I don’t think the children’ve suffered on bit from her having brought them up....she’s never let them get away with anything, she’s never indulged them the way most colored nurses do.She tried to bring them up according to her lights, and Cal’s lights are pretty good, and another thing, the children love her” (Lee 1982:183)

The binary opposition of Aunt Alexandra’s and Scout’s different attitudes towards the black woman Calpurnia shows the kindness and innocence of Scout and prejudice and antipathy of Aunt Alexandra.We have seen a lovely girl who is not contaminated by the prejudice of other people and who discovered the beauty of human nature.

2.2 Justice versus Evil

Apart from the conflict between prejudice and acceptance, there is also a tension between justice and evil, with Atticus, the righteous White lawyer, the reclusive Boo Radley and other White men of the town as the symbols of justice and evil respectively.

Boo Radley, locked in the room by his father, from the beginning of the novel, always fascinates curious children.There is a rumor in the town that he is bad and evil.However, although seldom coming out, he is the embodiment of kindness and justice and focuses the outside world in his own special way.When Scout rolls into the Radley front yard, she“had heard another sound...Someone inside the house was laughing” (Lee 1982:54) .When Miss Maudie’s house is on fire, Scout and Jem stand in front of the Radleys watching people fighting the fire and then go home finding herself clutching a brown woolen blanket she is wearing around her shoulders, squaw-fashion, but does not know who put it there.We readers, however, can discern that it is Boo, who does not help to fight the fire but helps his neighbors in his own way.Also, he sews pants for Jem and places presents in the hole of the tree to the children.Moreover, at the night when Bob Ewell tries to ambush Scout and Jem, Boo saves the children courageously.Until now, he is not a bad or evil man as the rumor goes, but rather a kind and righteous person.

Besides Boo Radley, Atticus is also a person full of the sense of justice.Regardless of the prejudice and ugly talk from other people in the town, he is going to defend Tom Robinson resolutely and determinedly.When her daughter asks him why he did it, he says that“The main one is, if I didn’t I couldn’t hold up my head in town, I couldn’t represent the county in legislature, I couldn’t even tell you or Jem not to do something again” (Lee 1982:100) .As a lawyer, he only remembers justice and evil instead of blackness or whiteness and he chooses to do the right thing at any cost.Even when he receives vicious remarks, indeed harm from other people of the town, he follows his own heart firmly and does not give up.

Along with the justice of Radley and Atticus, the evil of some White people in the town is an inseparable“friend”which cannot be ignored.After Atticus defends Tom Robinson, the evil of words or even actions towards Atticus even his children begins to emerge.Whenever Scout and Jem pass by Mrs.Dubose’s, “we would be raked by her wrathful gaze, subjected to ruthless interrogation regarding our behavior, and given a melancholy prediction on what we would amount to when we grew up.., ”Scout reflects (Lee 1982:134) .When Mrs.Dubose realizes that Atticus defends a“nigger, ”her harsh words were“your father’s no better than the niggers and trash he works for!”goes to the bottom line of the children who becomes“almost accustomed to hearing insults aimed at Atticus” (Lee 1982:135-136) .But this is the first one coming from an adult.The evil of humans blinds her eyes and she cannot see what is right and what is wrong.She even spills the harsh words to two innocent and kind children.

The evil of the White people in town towards Tom Robinson is more astounding.When Tom Robinson is still locked in jail waiting for the trial, a mob of drunken men led by Walter Cunningham come to the jail at night to force Atticus to hand over Tom but in vain, because of Atticus’noncompliance and Scout’s unintentional interference.We all know that their intention is to lynch Tom in the name of so-called dignity and justice, which, actually, is the pretext for their evil.

The evil is most thoroughly embodied by Bob Ewell.Even though he wins the lawsuit, he still bears a grudge against Atticus.He spits at and threatens Atticus and his children.Finally, he ambushes the two children on the way home at night, but dies under his own knife.His actions are not forgivable.

Justice, eventually, overcomes evil.Their binary opposition reveals human nature and suggests that evil cannot defeat justice.

2.3 Black versus White

Although the Civil War had abolished slavery, the status of Black people had not improved.Tom Robinson, a Black man, who“lives in the that little settlement beyond the town dump, ...cleanliving folks” (Lee 1982:100) .In the eyes of Scout, “Tom was a black velvet Negro, not shiny, but soft black velvet.The whites of his eyes shone in his face, and when he spoke we saw flashes of his teeth.If he had been whole, he would have been a fine specimen of a man” (Lee 1982:257) .Kind and honest, he is willing to help others.However, the Ewells represent the opposite:“No economic fluctuations changed their status--people like the Ewells lived a guests of the county in prosperity as well as in the depth of a de pression.No truant officers could keep their numerous offspring in school;no public health officer could free them from congenital de fects, various worms, and the diseases indigenous to filthy sur roundings” (Lee 1982:227) .Even though people of the town know clearly what kinds of person of Tom Robinson and Bob Ewell are Tom is still treated unfairly and becomes the victim of prejudice, al though there is strong evidence proving that Tom is slandered by the White father and daughter Ewell and Mayella.

The members of the jury represent the conflict between Black and White.With the accused Tom as a Black and the accusers a White, the members of the jury who decide the result of the lawsui are all White, which shows that racial discrimination affected the judicial system so that Blacks cannot have the opportunity to be come a member of the jury.Therefore, the result of the lawsuit i expected, which, however, is not the problem of the judicial system but, instead of racial discrimination.As a result, the White Ewell are viewed as much nobler than the kind and hardworking Robin sons.Tom speaks for himself but is buried in racial discrimination and cannot escape the fate of death.

3 Enlightenment from the Author through Binary Op-positions

Binary oppositions are not simply static juxtapositions, but al so conveying important information about the author’s ideals which include abolishing racism.

3.1 The Inherency of Black versus White

The contrast between Black and White is inherent, which can not be eliminated naturally, because both Black and White are de termined by genes.Therefore, the perceived differences between Black and White are permanent, with implications for social status.

3.2 Prejudice versus Acceptance and Justice versus Evil

Unlike Black versus White, prejudice versus acceptance and justice versus evil are not inherent.Though they originate from the former, they also emerge from many other factors.Therefore, they can be defeated through conscious efforts of human beings, which I think, is the author’s most important message.Just like the au thor says in the novel“Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but mak music for us to enjoy.They don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’nest in corncribs, they don’t do one thing but sing their hearts fo us.Why it is a sin to kill a mocking bird” (Lee 1982:119) .The au thor may conclude that if it is a sin to kill an innocent animal when the animal is a completely different species, and if we can live har moniously with mockingbirds, then this is how people should trea each other.That Blacks and Whites, indeed all races, should aban ddoonn pprreejjuuddiiccee aanndd eevviill iiss tthhee mmoosstt iimmppoorrttaanntt mmeessssaaggee ccoonnvveeyyeedd bby the author.

摘要:该文从结构主义的角度来解读哈珀·李的著作《杀死一只知更鸟》。通过分析文本中几组重要的二元对立项, 读者可以探知书中所描绘的20世纪30年代美国南方小镇的社会生活。在矛盾和冲突中, 读者感知主人公的成长历程, 以此来激发人们对社会问题及人性的思考。



[1]Barthes, Roland.Annette Lavers[M].S/Z.Trans.New York:Hill and Wang, 1972.

[2]Harper Lee.To Kill a Mockingbird[M].New York:Boston.Grand Central Publishing, 1982

[3]Li Xi-li.A Structuralist’s Look at A Streetcar Named Desire[J].Overseas English, 2014 (3) .

[4]Wang Ying-hui, Racism and Acceptance:a Clash BetweenAunt Alexandra and Scout in To Kill a Mockingbird[J].Jour-nal of Language and Literature, 2011 (8) .

[5]Wang Zhong-ling.Critique and Rethinking of Formalism andStructuralism (Part I) [J].Academic Exchange, 2011 (5) .

[6]Wang Zhong-ling.Critique and Rethinking of Formalism andStructuralism (Part II) [J].Academic Exchange, 2011 (6) .

[7]Yun De-yu.On the Female Protagoist Scot’s Growth in ToKill a Mockingbird[J].Journal of Henan Institute of Scienceand Technology, 2014 (5) .

《杀死一只知更鸟》 篇3

To Kill a Mockingbird is a coming-of-age story of Scout Finch and her brother, Jem, in 1930's Alabama. Through their neighborhood meanderings1) and the example of their God-like father, Atticus, they grow to understand that the world isn't always fair and that prejudice is a very real aspect of their world no matter how subtle it seems.

Through the events of those two years, Scout learns that no matter their differences or peculiarities2), the people of the world and of Maycomb County are all people. No one is lesser or better than anyone else because they're all people. She realizes that once you get to know them, most people are good and kind no matter what they seem like on the outside.






*Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat up people's gardens, don't nest in corncribs, they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird. 知更鸟只做一件事情,那就是为我们唱歌来供我们欣赏。它们不会吃光人们的花园,不会在玉米仓里筑巢,它们只会做一件事情,那就是用心为我们歌唱。这就是为什么杀死一只知更鸟是一种罪过。

《杀死一只知更鸟》读后感 篇4




《杀死一只知更鸟》读后感 篇5






杀死一只知更鸟读后感 篇6



























《杀死一只知更鸟》读后感作文 篇7









《杀死一只知更鸟》读后感作文 篇8











电影杀死一只知更鸟观后感 篇9





《杀死一只知更鸟》读后感作文 篇10





杀死一只知更鸟读书笔记 篇11




