
2024-09-30 版权声明 我要投稿


时态练习题 篇1

1. He __________ back a month ago. (come)

2. My mother often tells me __________ in bed. (not read)

3. I must take it back the day after tomorrow. You can only __________ it for 24 hours. (keep)

4. Why have you kept me __________ here for so long a time? (wait)

5. Please come to our meeting if you __________ free tomorrow. (be)

6. She __________ to the Great Wall several times. (go)

7. In his letter, he said that he __________ us very much. (miss)

8. The film __________ for nearly fifteen minutes when I got to the cinema. (be)

9. He said he became __________ in physics. (interest)

10. This film is worth __________. (see)

11. He went to school instead of __________ home. (go)

12. In the old days it was difficult for the poor to __________ a job. ( find)

13. Its cold outside, so youd better __________ your coat. (put on)

14. He is hungry. Please give him something __________. (eat)

时态练习题 篇2

在中学英语语法的教学中, 动词的时态语态问题是教学的重点也是难点。在以教为主的传统教学时期, 教师们总是把要掌握的八种时态按照概念、谓语动词的结构、用法及相关时间状语等顺序一个一个讲给学生, 然后再把所有时态的主动形式的动词结构逐一变成被动形式的结构, 列满整块黑板。教师们自认为这种教法很有条理, 学生们也会掌握得很好, 听课教师也觉得讲解细致、全面, 教学效果一定很好。而结果适得其反, 学生们非但没有掌握, 而是更加糊涂、混乱, 练习的准确率较低。之后, 教师们又不厌其烦的一遍又一遍重复以往讲的内容, 期望加深学生们的印象, 同样收效甚微。

以上教学方式实际上就是3-P Model (3P模式) :Presentation, Practice, Production。从师生在课堂教学中所起的作用来看, 我们可以用下列图示表示:

这表明, 在语法教学中教师扮演着非常重要的作用, 而学生学习的主动性和创造性却被忽略, 尽管提供了学生语法练习的机会, 但这些练习主要是机械的模仿和操练, 因此, 活动是枯燥、无意义的, 课堂教学自然是低效的。

随着新一轮课改的推进, 教师的理念正在发生根本的转变, 从过去的教师主导 (teacher-centered) 变成了教师指导 (teacher-guided) , 以学定教的 (student-centered) 教学阶段。为了体现学生参与教学过程, 教师把这八种时态梳理了一下, 设计成表格, 让学生通过对比的方式来归纳出动词时态、语态的结构与正确表达, 再让学生亲自动手填写好表格里的内容, 改变了原来逐一介绍的方式。 (以动词do为例)

学生列完之后, 师生共同讨论纠正, 老师然后再讲解, 效果比以前有了提高, 但仍然还有相当一部分学生掌握不了, 于是有了第三种尝试:以点带面, 分层辐射。找一个万能句子, 发挥学生的小组力量, 通过添加不同的时间, 改变句子结构达到掌握这项语法的目的。具体操作如下:我们选取了一个句子“I do my homework.”作为母句, 然后指导学生变换各种形式。具体句式如下:

一般现在时I often (usually, always, sometimes, seldom…) do my homework./I do my homework every day (once a week…)

My homework is often (usually, always, sometimes, seldom…) done by me.

现在进行时I am doing my homework now.

My homework is being done by me now.

现在完成时I have already (just) done my homework.

I have done my homework for 2 hours.

My homework has already been done by me.

My homework has been done for 2 hours by me.

一般过去时I did my homework just now.

My homework was done by me just now.

过去进行时I was doing my homework at this moment last night.

My homework was being done by me at this moment last night.

过去完成时I had done my homework by the time I went to bed.

My homework had been done by me by the time I went to bed.

过去将来时I promised that I would do my homework soon.

I promised that my homework would be done by me soon.

一般将来时I will do my homework tonight.

My homework will be done by me tonight.

通过这样的体验, 学生们很容易就辨析出了各种时态、语态的动词结构以及典型的时间状语, 收到很好的效果。

以上教学过程体现了语法教学的3-I教学模式的特点。3-I Model:Illustration (演示、说明) , Interaction (互动、交流) , Induction (归纳、总结) , 它们分别体现了师生在课堂教学中的不同作用, 如图:

该教学过程最大的亮点在于生与生、师与生间的讨论、交流与合作。通过互动, 纠正了学生时态表达中的错误;通过交流, 加深和巩固了学生对知识的理解和运用。从课堂教学中师生的作用来看, 教师仍然起着重要的作用, 但教师已从主体变为主导。同时, 教师在教学设计上也做了一些改进, 巧妙地设计出表格和给出“万能”的母句, 以便学生能举一反三, 灵活运用。


同样的教学内容, 在另外一个班级上时, 教师在方法上又做了一些更新, 具体操作如下:

1.教师向学生展示含有各种时态与语态的16个英语句子, 让学生直接理解、感受英语动词的时态与语态。

2.学生先阅读这16句, 然后划出各动词的时态与语态, 最后, 列出表格, 归纳出它们的具体表达形式。

3.学生间相互交流、讨论, 认同或修改它们所归纳的内容并加以展示和讲解。

4.活动 (1) (属机械操练, 但含有竞赛的成份) ———老师利用“I do my homework”作为母句, 让一组学生提供不同的时间状语, 另一组学生将根据不同的时间状语, 写出含有不同时态和语态的句子, 第三组学生做好观察与评价。

5.活动 (2) (属意义型训练) ———老师设计出两组训练题, 让学生分成若干小组后去合作完成。一组是根据不同的语境完成下列各句, 注意使用动词的正确时态与语态;另一组是要求学生根据所给的情景, 用动词的正确时态和语态完成下列4组 (采访) 对话。

6.活动 (3) (属交际型训练, 也含竞赛的成份) ———老师设计出两组竞赛题, 以三人为一小组的活动方式, 比谁说得准又快。一组是看图说话 (观看一段VCD反映一场地震发生后的情景) , 另一组是采访母校校长, 请她介绍该校的历史及今后发展的远景。

课堂反馈:教师除向学生提供精心设计好的各种学习活动和任务, 给予学生活动过程的监控与评价外, 几乎没有解释和传授多少语法知识;学生课堂学习热情高涨, 思维活跃, 时态与语态理解正确, 使用得体, 达到了正确交际的目的。本节课例充分体现教师在教学任务和活动设计、讲解形式和练习方式上的巧妙与科学, 是在原3-I Model的基础上发展到3-E Model, 即:Exploration (探究) , Explanation (解释) , Expression (表达) 。Explanation中又含有Interaction, Expression中含有三个层面上的Production, 既有Mechanical (机械性的) Practice, 又有Meaningful and Communicative (意义性和交际性的) Practice, 如下图所示:

该教学模式特别重视学生的主体性, 注重培养学生的探究能力、独立思考能力、概括能力和创新能力。它通过各种激励性的活动, 提高了学生学习的积极性, 吸引了学生学习的注意力。只有当学生的注意力集中在语法规则与语法结构的表达上的时候, 教师的讲解和训练才具有重要的价值, 学生的注意力才能持久, 教学效果才能得到真正的提高。

摘要:由于教师所采取的教学方式和策略的不同, 英语动词的时态语态教学所产生的课堂教学效果也迥然不同;笔者通过反思自己的课堂教学行为, 分析、对比语法教学中的3-P、3-I和3-E教学模式, 发现了教学中存在的问题, 探索出一种有效教学英语动词时态语态的方法。



[1]曹亚民.英语课程与教学论新编[M].南京:江苏教育出版社, 2010.

[3]肖礼全.英语教学方法论[M].北京:外语教学研究出版社, 2006.

[4]王笃勤.英语教学策略轮[M].北京:外语教学研究出版社, 2002.

动词时态练习 篇3

—I _______ in Hangzhou on business for a week last month.

A. have beenB. wasC. had been D. had gone

2. —Might I use you car?

—Of course you may. My car _______ this morning and its in my garage.

A. repairedB. was being repaired

C. was repairedD. had been repaired

3. Next time you _______ here, lets have lunch together.

A. will beB. wereC. have beenD. are

4.—Jackie Chen _______ the film “The Myth” this June, but I dont know whether he has finished it.

—It has been released.

A. had madeB. made C. has madeD. was making

5.—How soon _______ ready to leave?

—Oh. Im afraid I cant go until it ______ raining.

A. are you; stopsB. will you be; will stop

C. are you, will stopD. will you be; stops

6. —Whats the general attitude to smoking in public places?

—People _______ less tolerate of smoking these days.

A. becomeB. have becomeC. becameD. are becoming

7. —What a hot day!

—We _______ such hot weather for almost ten days.

A. have been havingB. are havingC. have hadD. had had

8.An increasing number of students, year by year, across China _______ hard to realize their dream of studying abroad.

A. are tryingB. have triedC. will tryD. try

9.A nationwide survey found that 51.8 percent of Chinese people who can read do not read any books at all. And this percentage _______ for the past five years.

A. has been increasingB. is increasing

C. had increasedD. had been increasing

10.I thought that these computers cost $850, but the price _________ up $50. Do you know that?

A. wentB. will goC. goesD. has gone

11.—Sleep well last night?

—Far from that! My next-door neighbour ________ music pretty loud.

A. playsB. had playedC. would playD. was playing

12.—You dont have to play that record so loud, do you?

—Im sorry. _______ you?

A. Has it been botheringB. Did it bother

C. Will it botherD. Had it bothered

13. I found my cellphone stolen this morning. I ________ my parents because they will scold me.

A. didnt tellB. hadnt toldC. havent toldD. dont tell

14. We ________ to go to Zhijiang to admire peach flowers, but we are still considering when to go.

A. are decidingB. decidedC. have decidedD. had decided

15. Early to bed and early to rise _______ a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

A. makeB. makes

C. is going to makeD. are going to make

(Key:1~5. BCDDD6~10. DCAAD11~15. DACCB )

过去式过去分词和时态练习 篇4

Since 2004.10.How long _____ you _____(stay)here ? For a year.11.Projec Hope ________(build)schools all over China since 1989.12.In the past 15 years, this project _________(raise)money and _____(pay)for the education.13.Most people ___________(hear)of Project Hope and _____(give)money.14.Betty and Tony ______(be)here for a year.15.----I ______(buy)the book for two days.----Where ____ you ____ it ?----In Yanghuo market.选择

16.----Where is Sam ?

----he _______for a month.A.had left B.has left C.left D.will leave 17.Has the match started ?

Started ? Finished!Gao yue _____.A.is winning B.wins C.will win D.has win!8----______ has his food store been in business ?----Since 2001.A.How long

B.How often

C.how soon 19.----Is your uncle still smoking ?

----Yes.It’s nearly five years _____ he smoke.A.when



D.since 20.Surprised to meet you here.________ since we met last.A.It’s a long time

B.How I miss you

C.I haven’t seen you 21.She and I ______ friends since we met in Guangzhou last summer.A.have made

B.have become

C.have been

D.have turned.-----Where is my little dog ?

-----It ______ the back of the house.A.has gone to

B.had gone to

C.has been to

D.had been to 23.What are you going to do this weekend ?

I _____ yet.A.haven’t decided

B.won’t decide C.have decide D.didn’t decide 24.-----Would you like to see the film Chicken Run this evening ?

-----I’m sorry I _____ it twice.A.see

B.will see C.have seen D.am seeing 25.----Where is Mrs Smith ?

----She isn’t here.She _____ to England.A.has gone

B.has been


D.goes 26.His father _____ the USA for three year.A.has been in

B.has gone to

C.has left

D.went 27.----What a nice bike!How long _____ you _____it?

----Just two weeks.A.will buy

B.did buy

C.are ,having

D.have , had 28.I _______ this book s for two weeks.I have to return it now.A.borrowed

B.have borrowed


D.have kept 29.How long _____ you _____ from the USA.For two days.A.come back


C.got back

D.been back 30.Dongdong has _____ Green China for 2 years.A.joined

B.taken part in


D.been a member of 31.----____you _____ China for a long time ?

----Yes ,I came here three years ago.A.Have ,come to

B.Did ,come to

C.Have ,been in 32.Your bike looks nice.Is it new ?

----No.I ______ it for two months.A.have had

B.has bought

C.would buy 32.The film _____ on for a few minutes.A.has been


C.will be

D.is 33.----Is your father a Party member ?

----Yes.He_____ the Party 3years ago.He ____ A Party Member for 3years.A.joined,has been

B.has joined,has been.C.was joined ,is

D.joined ,was 34----They say there is a new restaurant nearby.-----Yes,and it _____ for no more than a week.A.has been


C.is opening

D.is opened

35.My father ______ on business for two weeks.He’ll return in 3 days.A.left

B.has left

C.has gone

D.has been away 36.There will be a parents’ meeting this afternoon.But my parentscan’t come because they_____ to Harbin.A.has gone B.have gone C.has been D.have been 37.He has _______ ror two years.Two years _______ a long time.A.left home , are B.been away from home ,is C.have home , is D.been away from home ,are 38.Hurry up!The film ______ for ten minutes.A.has been on B.has begin C.begin D.had began 39.-----Jack hasn’t paid for the school things , has he ?

-----_______.His father will pay for him.A.Yes ,he did B.No , he hasn’t C.Yes, he did D.No,he didn’t 40.He has never been to the United States , ______ ? A.isn’t he B.doesn’t he C.hasn’t he D.has he 41.Jim’s never come to school late , ______ ______ ?(改为反意疑问句)42.从我们上次见面已经是个月了。

时态练习题 篇5

. 重难点讲解:

1. 一般现在时: 用法:表示经常发生的事情或经常存在的状态。常与表示频度的时间状语连用。 It often rains in summer. 表示预定的行为/事情;The class begins at 9 a.m.. 描述客观真理/存在;The sun is bigger than the moon. 表内心活动、感情等;I think that’s a good idea. 用于表将来的从句。If it is fine tomorrow, we will go. 注意:(1)第三人称单数。 (2)频度副词的位置及使用。always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never I’ll never forget the day when I met him.

2. 现在进行时: 表达现在正在发生的事情或正在进行的行为 They are having a meeting now. 表示现阶段正在进行的事情。He is writing a book these months. 注意:(1)表示来或去的动词:如go, come, leave, arrive等的现在进行时表示将要发生的动作。Tomorrow I’m leaving for Shanghai. (2)时间状语:now, 具体某一时间点

3. 一般过去时: 表达过去发生的事情、行为或存在状态It was 11 o’ clock when I went to bed last night. 表达过去经常发生的事情。He got up very early when he was in middle school. 注意:动词的过去式 时间状语:yesterday, last week, an hour ago, the other day, in 1982,just now等。 Where did you go just now?

4. 一般将来时: 表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态。She will be 20 next week. 表示将来某一段时间内的经常的动作或状态。He will go to see his mother every Saturday. 注意:(1)两种形式A. will +do 表意愿 B. be going to +do 表计划 (2)时间状语:tomorrow, next week, in a week

5. 时态顺口溜: 动词时态是难关, 时间一定要先看。 主语确定谓语数, 动词变化不算难。 短文会话观全局, 单句无时判一般。

6. 时态复习的思维步骤应是:一时间、二主语、三动词。

【典型例题】 现在进行时

1. Look! The bus ___________(come)

2. —What are the students doing? —They _________ (watch) a basketball match on the playground

3. Listen! Someone _______ (cry)in the room.

4. Wei Fang is ill. She _______ (stay)in bed now.

5. —What ______ they _______(do)now? —They _________(climb) the hill.


1. —________ Tom often(watch)TV on Saturday?

—Yes, he __________.

2. Li Fang __________(be)good at maths.

3. He usually __________(watch)TV in the evening.

4. My sister ___________ (not like)swimming.

5. They often ____________ (play)football after school.


1. I don’t know whether Mother _________ me to Beijing next month. (take)

2. I_______________ (write)to you as soon as I get to Shanghai.

3. I don’t think that it________________(rain)tomorrow.

4. They_____________________ (build)a new bridge over the river next year.

5. The students___________________(clean)their classroom tomorrow.


1. She_____________ on her coat and went out. (put)

2. When they________________(reach the station, the train had already left.

3. The story__________ (happen)long ago.

4. He _________________ (not do)his homework last night.

5. The scientist________________ (give)us a talk yesterday.

【模拟试题】 现在进行时

1. ________ you___________ your homework now? A. Are, do B. Do, do C. Will, do D. Are, doing

2. Look, they __________ a good time. A. has B. have C. are having D. had

3. –I can’t find my pen. Can I use yours? — Sorry, I__________ it now. A. am using B. was using C. have used D. used

4. —____________ you ____________ to the radio? —No, you can turn it off. A. Did, listen B. Have, listened C. Do, listen D. Are, listening

5. Look! Some children _________ games on the playground. A. is playing B. are playing C. are played D. is going to play

6. Don’t go out now. It _________ hard. A. will rain B. is rains C. is raining D. Raining

7. Don’t make any noise. The teachers ___________ a meeting. A. are having B. is having C. have D. will have

8. I must go now. Li Lei _________ for me at the school gate. A. wait B. waiting C. is waiting D. waits

9. It’s eight o’clock. The students __________ an English class. A. have B. having C. is having D. are having

10. Listen! Someone _________ in the next room. A. sings B. is singing C. are singing D. is sing


1. Jim usually __________up at five. A. get B. got C. is getting D. gets

2. —____________ he _________ himself there? —No, I don’t think so. A. Do, enjoy B. Does, enjoies C. Does, enjoys D. Does, enjoy

3. He usually _________ TV on Sunday evening. A. watch B. watches C. watching D. is watching

4. He often ________ school on foot. A. goes B. go to C. go D. goes to

5. Mike _____ TV twice a week. A. watch B. watches C. watched D. has watched

6. I’ll go with you as soon as I __________ my work. A. will finish B. finished C. finish D. would finish

7. He will do better in English if he __________ harder. A. will work B. works C. working D. work

8. The supermarket is far from Lily’s house. So she _________ only once a week. A. goes shopping B. has been there C. was shopping D. has gone there

9. Ask him if he _________ to the party. If he ___________, let me know. A. comes; comes B. will come; comes C. comes, will come D. will come; will come

10. —What did the teacher say just now? —He said that the earth ________ round the sun. A. go B. goes C. going D. will go

11. She will have a holiday as soon as she _________ the work next week. A. finishes B. doesn’t finish C. will finish D. won’t finish

12. ________ your mother ________ some cleaning on Sundays? A. Does, does B. Do, does C. Does, do D. Do, do

13. _________ Tom ________ to work hard to help his family? Yes, he _________. A. Has, X, does B. Has, X, does C. Does, has, has D. Does, have, does

14. Mr. Black often ________ fishing on Sundays. A. go B. goes C. don’t go D. isn’t go

15. We don’t go to play with snow if it _________ tomorrow. A. snow B. snows C. will snow D. snowed

16. Neither I nor he __________ French. A. speak B. doesn’t speak C. speaks D. doesn’t speak

17. _____your father usually go to work early every day? A. Was B. Were C. Do D. Does

18. ________ you ________ English every morning? A. Are, read B. Do, read C. Does, read D. Are, reading

19. I will give the note to him as soon as he _________ back. A. get B. gets C. got D. will get

20. The students will go to the Great Wall if it ________ tomorrow. A. isn’t rain B. doesn’t rain C. don’t rain D. rain


1. They __________ a basketball match next Sunday. A. watch B. will watch C. watched D. are watching

2. The Greens _________________ back in a week.

A. is B. are C. will be D. Was

3. There ____________ a party tonight. A. will have B. is going to be C. is going to have D. was going to be

4. Don’t hurry! We can get to the bus station in time and we_______the early bus. A. don’t miss B. can miss C. will miss D. won’t miss

5. We _____________ a class meeting this November. A. had B. have C. will have D. are having

6. He __________________ in his garden every morning next year. A. will work B. works C. worked D. is working

7. Be careful. The train __________________ A. will come B. come C. comes D. is coming

8. Look at those clouds. It _____________ soon, I’m afraid. A. is going to rain B. is raining C. will rain D. won’t rain

9. The radio says it ________________ the day after tomorrow. A. is going to snow B. is snowing C. will snow D. snows

10. _________ he _________ some shopping tomorrow afternoon ? A. Will, does B. Is, going to do C. Is, doing D. Shall, do

一般过去时 1. We _____________a football match three weeks ago. A. have B. will have C. had D. are having

2. Our teacher________________ English on the radio the day before yesterday. A. teaches B. taught C. will teach D. had taught

3. —_____________ you ____________ out for a walk after supper? —Yes, I _______________. A. Did, went, went B. Did, go, went C. Did, went, did D. Did, go, did

4.____________ Tom and Jim in the classroom just now? A. Was B. Are C. Were D. Is

5. When I ________________ her in the hall, she was playing the piano. A. see B. saw C. will see D. am seeing

6. He turned off the lights and then _______________ the classroom. A. leaves B. will leave C. is leaving D. leh

7. — _______________a sports meeting last Sunday ? —Yes, they___________. A. Did they have, did B. Did they have, had C. Had they, had D. Had they, did

8. Mr. King _______________ China last year. A. visit B. visited C visits D. visiting

9. Our headmaster __________________ here a moment ago. A. is B. was C. are D. were

10. They ___________ the lost child last night. A. finded B. finds C. found D. find

初一英语时态小结 篇6




1、标志:often(经常),usually(通常),sometimes(有时),always(总是),never(从不), on Sundays(在星期天), every day/month/year(每一天/月/年)


(1)主语+连系动词be(am/is/are)+名词/形容词/数词/介词短语/副词等做表语表状态(包括There be +n.)练习:

1.I______(be)a student.My name_____(be)Tom.2.Where _____(be)my shoes? They___(be)here.3.Who ____(be)the girl with long straight hair? I think she ___(be)Kate.4.You and I ___(not be)in Class Six.5.___(be)there a supermarket on the Fifth Avenue? Yes, there_____(be).6.____ her parent tall? No, he____.(2)主语(非第三人称单数)+行为动词原形+其他(用助动词do 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问)

(3)主语(第三人称单数)+行为动词的第三人称单数+其他(用助动词does 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句)


1.-s 2.辅音+y: study-studies

3.以s,x,ch,sh结尾watch-watches teach-teaches

4特殊have-has do-does go-goes.1)His parents _______(watch)TV every night.肯定句 1)My brother _________(do)homework every day.2)His parents _________(not watch)every night.否定句2)My brother________(not do)homework every day.3)_____his parents_____(watch)TV every night?一般疑3)______ your brother _____ homework every day? Yes, they _______.No, they _______.Yes,he______.No,he _________.______________________________________________________________ 以 生 命 激 情 学习以 科 学 方 法 学习

4)When___ his parents _____(watch)TV?


4)When _____ your brother ____(do)homework?

They watch TV every night.He does homework every day.二. 现在进行时:表示说话瞬间或现阶段正在进行的动作。

1、标志: now(现在)listen(看)look(听)

2、结构:主语+助动词be(am/is/are)+行为动词的现在分词(doing)现在分词的构成:1.-ing: eat-eating

2.辅音字母+e: take-taking

3.sit, put, begin, run, swim, stop, get, shop,(双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing.)

练习:1.Jim __________________(take)photos in the park now.2.Jim_________(not take)in the park now.3._______________Jim____________(take)photos in the park now? Yes, he _____.No, he _______.4.Where _________Jim ____________ photos now?

In the park.三、情态动词:


2、主语+ can’t/may not/ mustn’t+动词原形

3、Can/May/Must + 主语+ 动词原形?



1.like+ to do不定式/doing动名词

2.want to do sth.3.love to do


like to do sth.5.enjoy doing sth.6.thanks for doing

7.stop doing sth

8.let sb.do sth.She wants _____(have)a party.Does he like _______(swim)?

Thanks for _______(enjoy)CCTV show.She never stops ____(talk).______________________________________________________________ 2 以 生 命 激 情 学习以 科 学 方 法 学习


Go straight and turn left/ right.Go through Fifth Avenue.Take a taxi(Take a bus,Take a walk……)

六.综合练习:1.Mr Green _____(be)a worker.Now he ____(work)in the field.2.Listen!Who_______(sing)? 3.What time ____ your brother usually _____(do)his homework? 4.You can_______(come)here by bus.5.Who ____(have)a ruler? 6.Are they_____(clean)the room? 7.-____ you____(eat)dinner? – Yes, we are.8.Jack ____(have)a soccer ball, but he ____(not have)a basketball.9._______Jim _______(like)______(run)? 10.They _____(be)from Canada.They______(not speak)Chinese.11.He wants _________________(be)tall.1.我们正在吃晚餐。


We __________________________.We __________________ at six

every day.3.你们在聊天吗?是的。


_______ they _______? Yes, they _____.______ they often ______ ? No,they ________.5、他在做什么?他在做作业。


What ____he ___? He_______.What ___he usually ___ in the evening? He

usually ______.______________________________________________________________ 以 生 命 激 情 学习以 科 学 方 法 学习

答案: 1.are having dinner

2.get up 3.Are , talking , are

4.Do , talk, don’t

5.is doing, is doing homework

6.does, do, does , homework














they 宾格: me







them 形容词性物主代词:

我的 你的 他的 她的它的 我们的你们的 他/她/它们的 my







their 练习:

1.________(我)am a worker._________(你)are a doctor.______(她)is a teacher.2.This is(他的)shirt.3.This is __________(我的)pen.4._________(他们的)trousers are there.5.I like this picture.Please give ________(它)to ________(我).6.People get ________(他们的)money from _________(我).7._____(他们)are new students._____(他们的)names are Lucy and Lily.8.These are _____(我们的)shoes.Can ____(我们)wear ______(它们).9.Thank _______ for _______(你的)help.10._______(他)loves _______(她), and _______(她)loves _______(他),too._______(我)love _________(你), and ________(你)love _______(我),too.八,There be句型 句型转换

1)There is a bank on the street.2)There are some cars in front of

the park.否定句:There _______a bank on the street.否定句:There ______

_______cars in front of the bank.______________________________________________________________ 4 以 生 命 激 情 学习以 科 学 方 法 学习

一般疑问句:_______ ______ a bank on the street? 一般疑问句:____ ______

______cars in front of the bank? 就划线部分提问:________ on the street?

就划线部分提问:_____ _____

in front of the bank?

There’s a bank on the street.There are some cars in front of the bank.同上:____ ______ ______are there on the street? 同上:____ ____ ____ are

there in front of the bank

There’s only one.There’re some.2)将下列句子改为否定句、一般疑问句,并就划线部分提问。

1.We are eating lunch.We eat lunch at

noon.2.He is swimming at a pool.He swims at the

pool every day.3.Jim and Tony are playing basketball at school.Jim and Tony play

basketball on Sundays.______________________________________________________________ 以 生 命 激 情 学习以 科 学 方 法 学习

4.Sandra is running.Sandra likes


两种时态一表通 篇7


1、在时间、条件状语从句中, 可以用一般现在时表示将来的动作。例如:

When you see him, tell him to come to me.当你见到他时, 叫他到我这儿来。

I’ll go to see you tonight if I am free.如果有空, 我今晚将去看你。


1) 判断其是表示经常性动作还是表示暂时性动作:表示现在经常性动作要用一般现在时, 而表示现在暂时性动作则用现在进行时。例如:

He lives in Yangzhou. (经常性动作)

He is living in Yangzhou. (暂时性动作)

2) 判断其是表示短暂动作还是表示持续性动作:表示此刻正在发生的短暂动作, 要用一般现在时;表示此刻正在进行的持续性动作, 要用现在进行时。例如:

The train stops. (指迅速地停住)

The train is stopping. (指渐渐地停下来)

3) 判断是否带有感情色彩:现在进行时与always, forever等状语连用, 往往表达一定的感情色彩;而一般现在时只是说明事实。例如:

Tom is always helping others. (表示赞扬)

Tom always helps others. (说明事实)



1.Where his uncles____________ (work) now?

2. I must___________ (help) my mother do some shopping.

3. Look!The girl___________ (draw) a picture.

4.Who___________ (teach) you English?

5.How much water____________ you______________ (want) ?

6. It’s seven.All the students__________ (read) .

7.What______________ the people____________ (do) in the next room now?

8. My mother____________ (get) up early every morning.

9. _______________you____________ (have) lunch at home every day?

1 0. Listen!The boy_____________ (sing) an English song.

1 1. She_________ (not do) well in maths.

1 2. Kate_____ (have) a brother.He’s six.

1 3. Lucy____________ (study) Chinese very hard.

1 4. Look!Uncle Wang___________ (make) a kite.

1 5.—What______________Ann often______________ (do) on Sundays?—She often______________ (do) her homework.

But now she________________ (watch) TV.

爱情的时态 篇8






























