(1): We do chicken is right?
(2): We do chicken point yeah ~ ~
(3): We are doing chicken.
(4): We have the right to make chicken.
(5): We only do the right half of the chicken
(6): We can do chicken, right! .
(7): We exercised the right of the chickens
(8): We only do the right chicken ... ... (we let the chicken to the right line)
(9): We only do the right (genuine) chicken!
(10): only the right is a good chicken, right!
(11): We have chickens right
(12): We do chicken is very correct
(13): We only do genuine chicken.
(14): Only we can do chicken!
(15): We just make chicken!
(16): Our material is authentic chicken!
(17): We are “doing” is a good chicken ... ...
(18): the right side of the chicken is the best
(19): look right, there are chickens
(20): We only do the right thing
由于传统的价值观念、社会文明文化、消费行为特征、社会角色扮演、以及用语特色等等方面的因素, 在社会活动中男性和女性的社会成员都有其显著的性别特征。男性和女性在消费过程中, 有不同的消费心理特点。
具体来说就是, 首先, 男人希望购买的商品可以显示一个人的男子气概;其次, 男性, 尤其是某些人的经济实力较强时, 往往更加突出消费档次, 向他人展示经济实力;再者, 男性的质量观相当严重, 要求商品质量较好。相比较男性, 女性的消费过程比较感性, 在较大的范围内受到心态的影响。当女性看到一种商品时也许无意购买, 而是在情境力量的巨大影响下, 将很乐意购买。此外, 在产品款式和颜色方式特别能够引起女性的关注。以妇女为主要对象的广告, 应当强调在这方面内容。例如, 大多数女性在辨认颜色方面非常敏感, 在广告语常常会使用到米色、淡紫色、紫红色、天蓝色、青绿色、灰褐色等词语。因此, 许多化妆品、女性品牌其他产品的广告语言的设计, 采用了符合女性心态的浪漫美学标准和用语。.在竞争激烈的现代移动电话市场, 许多商品是针对女性消费者的, 商品广告语出现了“春粉”, “紫夏”, “秋黑”, “冬白”, 并表示美丽的色彩特别的词汇。例如, 某女性手机采用了这样的广告语:每一个女人, 都不能错过了这个胭脂盒。它承载了女人灵巧的心思, 画出女人多彩的生活。它让你不仅完成迷人的妆容, 而且还因为这样特立独行的品质呈现出宝贵的气质。现在, 它在你的手包就像一个神奇的胭脂盒子, 随时妆点你的人生。一个女人应该除了表面的美丽, 更要在任何时候从容的表达优雅的气质, 让透明的质感照亮你更加美丽的精神和信心。这是一个女性专用手机广告语。虽然看上去短短几行, 但有运用了大量的形容词, 大部份词语都很容易让女性怦然心动, 如“迷人”、“美丽”、“优雅”等, 使女性能够产生强烈的购买欲望, 然后付诸行动。
针对不同消费人群的商品, 广告语也将作出适当的调整。例如, 如果商品是以中年和老年消费者为主, 若在广告中的出法“潮”等时髦语, 不仅令消费目标群体产生困惑, 甚至有可能会起到相反的效果。而针对年轻消费者群体的广告则可以选用一些新词、新兴表达方式, 以吸引年轻人的注意。例如, 生产数码产品的索尼是以追求前卫时尚的年轻人为主要消费群体。企业形象的广告语是H, Hi-fun, Hi-fashion.onlyfrom Sony. (高保真, 高乐趣, 高时尚, 只来自索尼。) 在这句话中运用了语言的变体:将”hi”简写成“h”;利用发音相同的特点, 将英文中“high”替换成与“hi”。这样的表达方式, 给人的第一印象就足以吸引到目标年轻人群体的注意。fi, fun, fashion这三个字发声基本相同, 使广告听起来很有趣, 这刺激了年轻人的感官兴趣。在词组组合方面, 体现了年轻时尚的生活方式, 达到了目标群体心理追求, 从而引起了年轻人购买欲望, 同时, 广告语言本身很简单, 非常容易记忆。通过分析我们发现, 这句广告语从视觉、听觉和心理上都牢牢抓住消费者, 堪称AIDMA原则应用的经典之作。
不同的产品针对不同领域的消费人群, 使用的语言和风格也大不相同。例如, 面向大众的广告一般比较直自。所有人都能看懂, 突出产品的优点和特性。在某药品广告中, 提到此药镇痛效果相当于两片普通强度的阿司匹林或扑热息痛。而对胃部的副作用却比阿司匹林要小, 并且提到经很多医生推荐, 也就是临床效果很好, 让患者无法抗拒。而专业性的高端产品广告则不一定是每个人都看得懂, 因为这些广告中往往会加入许多术语以达到显示自己科技含量的效果。例如, 某医疗仪器广告中说到产品采用“独创的免疫磁性技术”对微量细胞进行分析, 让用户对这项专利产生兴趣, 另外“上皮循环癌细胞” (crc) 和“内皮循环细胞” (CEC) 用了缩略语形式, 显得更加专业。
摘要:作为社会语言中一个特殊类型, 广告语受到社会经济、文化、心理和环境的深刻影响。本文尝试从社会语言学的角度来分析中英文广告语特征, 为广告语的制作提供参考借鉴。
[1]赵蓉晖:《社会语言学》, 上海外语教育出版社, 2006年。
Blue bird style, blue bird style! Bluebird brand clothing
Japanese kimono full of national characteristics
Simple and simple and casual casual clothing
New out of fabric, free to wash without deformation
Dual-use clothing, Spring and Autumn Safe
Sewing fine, the election of materials superior
Most of those models in the ad stand? Levi ”sAction Slacks trousers
Only the wife knows the difference between Hanes and her underwear
Soft cotton underwear ---- of course, comfortable choice. San foriced cotton garments
The next five - color cotton, let it always bright
Elegant color, full of charm
Profit Xifu ------ to “hat” from people. Ying Xi Fu hat
Suitable for the public, cheap and good
Rich and flexible, fat and thin Safe
Simple and plain, sports clothing
2. Slim-type watch is the future of the logo Vilasin watch company
3. More than just time. (Hamilton brand watches)
4. You need the right time, you should make the right choice. (Harvard brand watches)
5. “Ingersoll” has long been the mantra of the United States. (Ingersoll brand watches)
6. Long Qin - watch the ruler of the Kingdom. (Langqin brand watches)
7. Time to change everything, only the radar table --- radar table
8. Superstar, classic reproduction --- King table
9. I have a Chinese heart --- seagull
1 广告英文常用修辞手法
1.1 双关 (Pun)
双关语是指在特定的言内语境中用一种文字形式表达出一明一暗双重意义。英语的双关分为词义双关 (homograph) 和谐音双关 (homophone) 。词义双关是一词多义, 谐音双关是同音异议。广告英语中的双关语能引人注意, 富于联想, 给人以丰富的想象余地, 体现了广告英语语言的含蓄美。
1) Ask for More.
2) Start ahead.
以上第一个例句是摩尔香烟的广告语, 使用了谐音双关, 其中的More与more发音相同, 但意义不同。广告在宣传香烟品牌的同时, 也暗示“还要更多”, 起到了宣传和劝购得双重效果。第二个例句是飘柔洗发水的广告语, 使用了词义双关, 其中的ahead即指“洗发从头开始”, 又暗含中国文化的“好的开始等于成功的一半”的观念, 意蕴耐人寻味。
1.2 比喻 (Metaphor)
比喻是一种常见的修辞手法, 包括明喻和暗喻。广告语中使用明喻, 能使广告产品的特征一目了然, 形象生动;使用暗喻则可以使人发挥丰富的想象力, 从而巧妙地增强语言的美感。
1) Its sound is as unique as its shape.Its brakes are as u-nique as its engine.
2) Kodak is Olympic colour.
以上第一句运用的是明喻, 这则广告强调保时捷跑车的声音和它的外形一样帅气独特, 而制动与引擎一样性能优良, 令人产生安全感、信任感。第二句运用的是暗喻, 将柯达色彩喻为奥林匹克的宗旨“更快、更高、更强”, 具有很强的感召力。
1.3 拟人 (Personification)
由于拟人手法是把所宣传的事物人格化, 赋予它们人的品格和言行, 所以广告英语中使用拟人的手法会使所宣传的产品更生动形象, 富有人情味, 使消费者产生一种亲切感, 从而激发消费者的购买欲, 也达到了广告宣传的最终目的。
Flowers by BEAUTY spread from the heart.
以上第一句从人的角度来描写手表, 让人感觉手表像人一样, 之后又指出比人更胜一筹。第二句是鲜花广告, 鲜花被描述为能说会道、像有生命的人一样, 这就使读者产生一种亲近感, 引起人们的兴趣。
1.4 反复 (Repetition)
为了表达的需要, 重复使用同一词语、句子等的修辞手法叫做反复。广告语中使用反复的手法, 在语言形式上有承上启下的作用, 在语气上能渲染气氛, 加深读者或听众的印象, 营造一种特殊的情调, 从而增加消费者对宣传产品的印象。
1) Everything is extraordinary;Everything tempts.
2) Double your pleasure.Double your fun.
例句一是卡地亚饰品的广告, 其中Everything进行了反复, 强调了每一件饰品都是做工独特、品质一流。例句二是绿箭口香糖的广告, 通过反复double, 暗示该产品能给人带来比别的产品更多的快乐与享受。
1.5 押韵 (Rhyme)
押韵是诗歌中常用的修辞手法, 而广告中使用押韵可以使其富有节奏感, 读起来琅琅上口, 听起来悦耳动听, 看起来赏心悦目, 一次这一手法可以使消费者从广告中获得美的享受, 而且容易记住产品的效果, 从而也就加深了对产品的印象。
1) For the woman in you, Stylish, Sexy, Smart.
2) Read, remembered, rushed.
例句一是一本女性杂志的广告, 其中连续使用了三个/s/, 使三个形容词分别压押头韵, 读起来既富于节奏感, 又不失柔和甜美, 使人很容易将这份杂志与聪明、性感、有品位的女性联系在一起。例句二中是一则办公自动化系统广告, 运用了三个/d/, 模拟出办公室特有声效, 给人以动态美感, 富有感染力和说明里。
1.6 夸张 (Hyperbole)
夸张是在客观事实的基础上, 为了表达的需要, 故意言过其实, 用来抒发作者鲜明的感情态度, 从而引起读者的强烈共鸣。英语广告中, 通过这种言过其实的夸张表达, 取得强调、幽默或取笑的效果, 语言的感染力得到充分发挥。
Years from now you may have to replace the laces.
这是关于鞋子的广告。其中运用夸张的手法, “不用换鞋, 只须换鞋带”体现了鞋子经久耐穿的品质, 获得了强调、幽默的效果。
2 结束语
为了使广告新颖别致、形象生动、引人入胜, 英语广告常常使用各种修辞手法来增强广告的效果, 唤起人们的审美情趣。广告英语语言修辞美集中表现在广告英语充分使用了英语语言文学的各种修辞手法, 如双关、比喻、拟人、反复、押韵、夸张等, 在实现广告劝购功能的同时, 获得高尚的情趣和精神上的享受。
[1]王春梅.广告英语的修辞魅力[J].安徽工业大学学报:社会科学版, 2005 (6) .
[2]张雨, 王舒雅.广告用语的语用特点[J].安徽文学:下半月, 2009 (6) .
[3]王奕君.英语广告中修辞手法的运用[J].湖北广播电视大学学报, 2009 (9) .
[4]张磊.广告英语的修辞特色与翻译策略[J].黑龙江科技信息, 2008 (36) .
[5]刘海舟.英语广告中的修辞与翻译[J].中国科技信息, 2008 (22) .
2.Dressed in rosy, is to make his girlfriend; dressed in blue, is to make a boyfriend. Levis jeans
3. Just do it (although do it)! Nike Women to men shoes, men teach women to walk. Nike
5. You can faster than you Nike
6. Every master, every height, every game, must win. Adidas
7. Halfway through life, or Adidas. Adidas
8. Do not take the unusual way! Metersbonwe
9. Casle sportswear is sewn in the stadium. Casle sportswear brand
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11. warm the world! Ordos cashmere sweater
12. You quietly put on a “general to have”, and then quietly go to date it!
13. Switzerland fur coat only drawback is - will make you have to reluctantly throw away the previously purchased underwear. Swiss fur coat
2, I believe East Field fantasy, you are the star!
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8, whether it is your beauty or your lips, East fields are tailored for you, East Field fantasy lipstick, your exclusive. - Author: Deng Yan
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11, six colors six life, your lips, their master!
所谓辞格(figure of speech)也可以被称为修辞格,指的是语言文字中的各种表现手法、修辞手段。辞格的运用可以起到加强语气、美化词句、增强气势、制造幽默效果等作用。
辞格是人类社会千百年来在使用语言过程中所积累下来的精华,很多辞格的运用为我们带来了一些传诵千古的名句。比如尤利西斯·凯撒曾经说过:“I came,I saw,I conquered.”在这句话里面就应用了“层进”(Climax)这个辞格。就是将一系列的陈述或者概念,按照内容由低到高、由小到大的顺序排列出来。而“突降”(Anticlimax)这一辞格则恰好相反,不是语气渐强,而是从伟大或者重要的内容,突然转入了平庸或者普通的事情。比如这样一个句子:The duties of a soldier are to protect his country and peel potatoes.(战士的职责就是保卫祖国和削土豆皮)。这个句子中,从战士的使命、保家卫国等神圣崇高的概念,急转直下突然就进入了削土豆皮这种居家琐事当中。产生了一种让人意想不到的讽刺和幽默效果。
夸张(Hyperbole)是指刻意夸张的陈述或者描写。通常夸张这一辞格的运用,可以强调描写对象的某一特点,并且给读者留下深刻的印象。比如:I could eat a horse.(我饿得可以吃下一匹马)。上面这个句子中作者并不是真的可以吃下一匹马,而是在向读者们强调他自己非常饿。很多英文广告词都运用了这一辞格。
押韵(Rhyme)是指两个或两个以上的词,词尾的音节相同或者相似的一种辞格。例如:CCTV Nine,see space of mine.这是中央电视台第九频道自我宣传的一句广告词。由于“mine”和“nine”这两个单词尾部的音节相同,因此可以相互回应,读起来琅琅上口,听起来具有很强的节奏感。同样的表现手法也被用在了一条汽车的广告词中:Yesterday's sharper,today,s brighter.昨日锋芒,今日辉煌(保时捷汽车)。在强调保时捷公司强盛的同时,“sharper”和“brighter”两个押韵的单词,使得这条广告词本身也具有声音上的美感。
双关(Pun)是指一个词的使用可以向读者暗示两种意思,或者两个读音一样的词向读者暗示两种意思。我们看这个句子:Tom has just graduated from college,and is not married,so his friends call him bachelor.在英语中“bachelor”同时具有“单身汉”和“学士”两个意思,在这个例子中的Tom,刚刚取得学士学位又尚未结婚,所以会被朋友们称为“bachelor”。
[1]秦秀白.文体学概论[M].长沙:湖南教育出版社, 1986.
[4]邓吉勇.广告韵律学与商业广告[J].山东外语教学, 2002,(2).
[5]何江胜.英语韵律学与商业广告[J].山东外语教学, 1999,(2).
Newyork纽约: ILoveNewyork 我爱纽约
Pennsylvania宾西法尼亚: America Starts Here 美国从这里开始
Hershey,Pennsylvania:The Sweetest Place on Earth 地球上最甜的地方Detroit,Michigan 底特律(密西根州):The Renaissance City 再生的城市Boston,Massachusetts 波士顿(麻省):The Bicentennial City 两百年的城市Quebec 魁北克:It Feels So Different 感觉如此不同
2.Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)
3.Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)
4.Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)
5.Come to where the flavour is. marlboro country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟)
6.To me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.....对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却多姿多彩(轩尼诗酒)
7.Just do it. 只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)
8.Ask for more. 渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)
9.The taste is great. 味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)
10.Feel the new space. 感受新境界。(三星电子)
11.Intelligence everywhere. 智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)
12.The choice of a new generation. 新一代的选择。(百事可乐)
1.Causes of problem by mechanically literal translation
As anintegrant part of the translation, beyond several common ways of translation that can be applied to it, more non-language factors should be taken into consideration. Mechanical translation indeed overlooks such kinds of factors and thus causes quite a lot of problems in the process of promoting goods and services.
(1) Differences in cultures and values
Different languages, cultures and values would cause a vast difference in people’s understanding and expression. Different cultural background will, to a large extent, have an effect on people’s understanding of certain phrases and sentences as well as simple concepts. People with different cultural background will produce different objective feelings towards the same information. In different culture groups, some phenomena, even similar to each other, are probably expressed in different ways, especially when feelings are conveyed, for feelings with different cultural background can be showed poles apart.
(2) The phenomenon of polysemy in language
People, especially language masters like Shakespeare can choose limited woods to expressing unlimited thought and feelings. However, it also brings about certain difficulties or obstacles for foreigners to understand the language correctly. Another problem is that in some European countries, their languages are alphabetic, which means some of the words in these countries are quite similar or even same in their appearances. In daily life, such problem can produce misunderstand between foreigners when communicating with each other if they do not notice the phenomenon of polysemy. However, it would totally another story while such kind of problem could occur in business activities. Under some circumstances, it will even lead to profit loss if the problem is not settled properly. Taking advertising translation as an example, if a translator is not very careful about this problem, the result would be beyond imagination. Translating a piece of advertising mechanically will easily ignore the phenomenon of polysemy and lead to miscomprehension, eventually causing a loss.
(3) Poor knowledge of the functions and features of the products advertised
Poor knowledge of the functions and features of the products advertised is also one of the three main causes that lead to false translation. This problem, though occasionally happens, may also have a disastrous result once it happens. Moreover, in recent years, cases of such problem appear to be increasing in number. Many companies and factories entrust advertising companies to design advertising for them. With the rapid development of global economy, lots of advertising companies have sprung up like mushrooms around the world. Most of them fare very well, while some of them are not qualified to do such work. The most common situation is that they are only in pursuit of quantity and proficiency at the expense of quality. Often they only emphasize the surface of a new product instead of its inner quality and real usage. They design the advertising and translate it mechanically into a foreign language. Such irresponsible way of working will actually exert a bad influence on products and services' sales.
2. Problems raised by translating advertising mechanically
In modern life, we can see a large number of successful advertising translations-such translations not only describe exterior features of the advertised products but also unveil the interior characteristics of them.
The following pieces of English advertising and their Chinese translations can both be called classical. The former teem with creativity and originality, which are quite unforgettable by readers. The latter areas authentic and smooth as they are without any trail of translation left.
The first is an advertising of IBM.
No business too small, no problem too big.
没有不做的小生意, 没有解决不了的大问题。
This advertising reflects business concept of IBM. In the eyes of IBM, every customer, no matter whether small or big, is his god. Therefore, IBM will handle each of his customers equally. “No problem too big” shows IBM’s attitude and determination towards the problems encountered. The Chinese translation does not use the literal translation as the above example. It adds two adjectives “不做的” and “解决不了的”, which makes the translation read more natural and fluent. Moreover, the Chinese translation as well as the English advertising seems to be symmetrical. If translated mechanically such as “没有小生意, 没有大问题”, readers will feel puzzled and do not know what it is intended to talk about.
The second is an advertising of a wine HENNESSY.
To me, the past is black and white, the future isalways color.
对我而言, 过去平淡无奇;而未来绚丽多姿。
This is another successful English advertising and Chinese translation.“Black and white” literally means “黑和白” in Chinese. But the translator, instead of choosing their denotative meanings, prefers their connotative meanings ”平淡无奇”, which much fit usual Chinese expression.
We can see from above two examples that a good adverting helps a product or service sell well in its own country while a good adverting translation helps a product or service sell well in a foreign country. The author here only wants to illustrate the latter one and analyze it with ample examples. Generally speaking, just as mentioned above, mechanical literal translation of advertising has three manifestations, namely ignoring the differences in cultures and values from one country to anther, neglecting the phenomenon of polysemy in English language, and poor knowledge of the functions and features of the products advertised.
3. Solutions to the problem of the mistranslation
How to solve the problem of mistranslation or improper translation as presented above is another important issue to discuss. According to the three common problems mentioned, there are mainly three ways to overcome these problems respectively.
(1) Understanding cultures, values and customs in various countries
Every country or nation has its own taboos.We must show high respect to other’s national customs formed during hundreds and even thousands of years. Translators have to be accustomed to adapting themselves from culture to culture. Knowledge of differing symbolisms of colors is the basic part of the translator's encyclopedia. There are kinds of taboos existing in various countries. For instance, British people prefer panda to elephant; Italian and Spanish like rose and dislike chrysanthemum; Japanese would like cherry blossom, tortoise and duck rather than lotus, fox and badger; Russian believe that yellow rosebush stands for breaking off friendly relation and bad luck; French and Belgian hold walnut, peacock and chrysanthemum are ominous; some countries in north Africa taboo dog pattern; countries that are in worship of Islam taboo trademark painted with dog and pig.
(2) Being Concerned about the phenomenon of polysemy in language
The basic meaning of a word is core of word-meaning called the central meaning.The derive meaning, no matter how many, are secondary in comparison. This does not necessarily mean that the secondary meanings are secondary in importance. There are cases where the central meaning has gradually diminished in currency with the changes that have taken place in culture and society, and one of the deprived meanings has become dominant. Therefore, translators must highlight the phenomenon of polysemy in the process of translating advertising so as to avoid misunderstand and taboos.
(3) Knowing about the products advertised and improving translator’s cultural quality
It is extremely vital to conduct an all round investigation of the product, including its appearance, features and target consumer group because it is the first step to design and translate a fine advertising. Besides, it requires the translator to possess considerable cultural quality and several translating skills. Considering differences among countries in cultures, languages and national psychology, translating advertising never means transforming word by word. Instead, it needs to re-arrange the structure of the original information. Translator should also pay special attention to combining the advertising with local culture due to the new trend of international advertising, which is shifting from “Global” to “Glocal”, so advertising translation must keep the spirit of national culture. Moreover, translator is also required to employ some rhetorical devices to color the advertising and make it more attractive for consumers.
Affected and restricted by various factors, mechanical literal translation is not always considered to be the best way in international advertising translation. The sole aim of international advertising is to increase the product’s sale, so a qualified translator should choose, according to different occasions, different ways of translation. The author hopes, through this study, international marketing advertising and translators attach more importance to this problem.
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