在初中教学中, 大部分教材是以单元为基本组成形式的, 英语教材也不例外。人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材在单元内设置了性质相同、形式相异的学习活动, 教材的编排体系遵循传授知识、巩固知识、运用知识的规律。教师在单元教学的过程中, 需要在一定的连续时间内完成多种具有内在联系的教学活动, 从而使教学目标得以实现 (张华2000) 。人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材主要围绕英语语言、英语思想以及英语文化等内容组成不同的单元, 不同单元具有一定的递进性, 从而使学生通过系统性的学习获取一定的语言知识, 并不断增强学生的综合语言运用能力。人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材的每个单元都设置了单元标题句, 学生通过单元标题句可以了解该单元的主要教学目标以及主要内容。因此, 在人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材的教学过程中, 教师需要正确解读和拓展单元标题句, 只有这样, 才能更好地领悟教学目标, 对教学活动进行更合理的安排 (李晓蓉2013) 。
一、人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材的基本结构
人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材一共有5册, 其中, 七年级、八年级教材被分为上、下两册, 九年级教材为一册。全套初中英语教材共设置了78个话题, 每个单元的话题都是由标题句引入的, 大部分话题与学生的实际生活相联系, 大多数的单元标题句包含某一功能项以及与该功能项相关的多个句式, 同时还包括实践该话题的必要策略 (宋运来2009) 。以人教版《英语 (新目标) 》八年级上册教材为例, 八年级上册第一单元的标题句为“How often do you exercise?”, 该单元的话题为“Free Time Activities”, 语言功能为“描述你在日常生活中常做的事情”, 要求学生掌握多种句式, 如how often以及why引导的句式, 同时也要求学生掌握多种频率副词的用法, 最后指出具体的学习策略。
二、人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材编排的理论依据
人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材是以长期以来的英语教学为事实依据的, 以句子为单位的英语“听说法”是有效的教学方式之一 (姚小鸽2014) 。根据“听说法”的相关理论, 在学生刚开始学习英语语言时, 教师可以采用句式操练的方式, 帮助学生完善英语语言知识系统, 培养学生的英语语言习惯和英语语言意识 (薛晓玲2011) 。
在20世纪末, 我国教育界提出了“结构+功能”的教学理论, 认为任何一种语言从本质上看都是一种社会符号。因此, 在进行英语教学过程中, 应将英语看成一种系统性的符号进行教学, 注重提高学生的语言运用能力与语言交际能力。现阶段人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材在结构安排方面遵循了“结构+功能”的相关理论, 在编写的过程当中, 不仅重视语言培养的目标, 同时强化语言规律的习得与养成。人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材的每个单元都为话题设置了对应的语境, 同时选取对应的语言结构来实现语境功能, 将英语的交际功能以及词汇的语用意义嫁接到句子中, 使语言具有多重效应。
在我国现阶段的初中英语教学中, 从教学资源研发、教材编写、课堂教学到教学评价都必须以《英语课程标准》 (以下简称《标准》) 为基本依据, 体现该课程的学习目标以及性质。因此, 初中英语教师必须深入研究《标准》, 了解其所包含的教学目标以及相关理念 (丁振月2011) 。现行的《标准》明确规定, 初中英语教学以培养学生的综合语言运用能力为目的, 提倡通过体验、交流、合作等方式学习相关知识。同时, 《标准》制订了分等级的培养目标, 其中所规定的第三、四、五级的口语教学目标分别为:能与他人沟通自己较为熟悉的话题;能与他人沟通生活中常见的话题并给出简单的点评;能与他人交流自己生活中的各种话题并能清晰地陈述自己的观点。人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材在《标准》的指导下安排具体内容, 所有的话题都是通过一种概念性的单元标题句呈现的, 在单元标题句后安排一些具有一定功能的语言项目以及语言结构。
教师在教学时, 可以按照人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材的基本结构, 从单元标题句出发, 以小组为单位组织学生进行交流与沟通, 从而使学生在使用英语进行信息交流的过程中获取必要的语言知识 (韩刚2009) 。
因此, 教师在教学人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材的不同单元时, 需要从解读单元标题句出发, 根据解读过程中所获取的信息设计单元教学。以教授人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材八年级 (上) Unit 1H ow often do you e xercise?为例, 教师可以从四个不同的层面对该单元标题句进行解读:第一, 在该单元标题句中所出现的频率副词often与frequency存在一定的关联性, 可以促进学生回忆已经学习过的频率副词;第二, 从句式角度来看, 该句的时态是一般现在时, 教师在授课时可以组织学生讨论日常生活中的活动, 并与一般现在时进行联系;第三, 针对该标题句, 教师可以要求学生结合自身实际用英语进行表达, 使英语教学的语用目标得以顺利实现, 这与《标准》要求有高度的一致性;第四, 教师可以创设逼真的场景, 增强学生对此句的理解。
人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材在编写的过程中, 遵循以单元标题句为核心的基本思想。因此, 教师有必要正确理解教材的编写思想, 以单元标题句为基础拓展教学, 实现《标准》中所规定的语言运用能力目标。
传统的初中英语教材的编写以“结构+功能”为基础, 课堂教学以句式操练为主。随着教育的不断发展以及研究的不断深入, 教育界逐渐认识到以对话形式模拟实际交际对提高英语教学效果具有非常积极的意义。这种教学思想在我国初中英语教学中不断发展, 并取得了较好的应用效果。上文中提到的“结构+功能”的教材编写思想应运而生, 同时成为人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材编写的主要思想。人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材突破传统的英语实践观念, 重视我国现阶段初中英语教学的实际状况, 强调语言的社会功能 (邵燕楠、黄燕宁2013) 。
在人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材中, 各单元都是以标题句为基础的, 通过标题句可以明确英语的语用功能, 提高学生的英语能力。语言功能可以传递事物的相关信息, 同时检验信息的真实性, 例如, 在Unit 6 I’m more outgoing than my sister中, 该标题句可以被用来陈述个人的特征。学生在学习该标题句后, 就可以根据已经学习的词汇对自己的个性特征进行表述, 并向他人传达某些观点或者对某事的态度。另外, 当该标题句被用于不同的语境时, 必然产生不同的语意。一般情况下, 初中生在使用英语表达信息的过程中都倾向于表达自己的经历与情感。例如, Unit 10的单元标题句为I’m going to be a basketball player, 该句充分说明了说话者的喜好。
总之, 人教版《英语 (新目标) 》教材的编写以科学的实践观为支撑, 以标题句为单元话题, 同时在教材目录中明确可能涉及的话题内容, 对该话题结构以及语言结构进行了必要的处理, 指明话题相关的词汇以及相关的执行准则, 从而使教材重点一目了然。
大部分初中英语教材是以单元为基本形式组织相关内容的, 教师在教学过程中, 必须深入解读与拓展单元标题句, 这对提高初中英语的教学质量具有非常重要的意义。
邵燕楠, 黄燕宁.2013.学情分析:教学研究的重要生长点[J].中国教育学刊, (2) :60-63.
薛晓玲.2011.人教版与外研社版高中英语教材比较[J].聊城大学学报 (社会科学版) , (2) :217-218.
第一部分 听力部分。(共两节,总分25分)
第一节 听力选择。(共15小题,每小题1分,总分15分)
( )1. What does the girl want to borrow?
A. B. C.
( )2. Which would the boy want to drink?
A. B. C.
( )3. What does the woman think of the dress?
A. Its large. B. Its small. C. Its dirty.
( )4. Where did they go?
A. To the beach. B. To Disneyland. C. To the zoo.
( )5. How will Tom come to the party?
A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By car.
( )6. What colour does Lingling like best?
A. Green. B. Purple. C. Yellow.
( )7. Where did Lingling buy it?
A. In Hong Kong. B. In Taiwan. C. In Guangzhou.
( )8. How often does Peter exercise?
A. Every day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.
( )9. Who plays basketball best?
A. John. B. Tony. C. Peter.
( )10. When will they watch the film?
A. At 6:25 p.m. B. At 6:35 p.m. C. At 6:45 p.m.
( )11. How soon will they get there?
A. In 20 minutes. B. In 25 minutes. C. In 30 minutes.
( )12. How far is it from their home to the cinema?
A. Three kilometers. B. Four kilometers. C. Five kilometers.
( )13. What day is coming soon?
A. Mothers Day. B. Fathers Day. C. The boys birthday.
( )14. What does the boy want at first?
A. A mobile phone. B. A computer. C. A motor.
( )15. Why doesnt the woman agree to buy a motor for the boy?
A. Because its dangerous to ride.
B. Because its expensive.
C. Because its meaningless.
第二节 笔录要点。(共5小题,每小题2分,总分10分)
Wonderful 16. _______ Display
第二部分 笔试部分
( )21. Recently people care more about the safety of ________. Everyone wants to eat
A. foods B. clothes C. buildings
( )22. —Would you like _______? —Good idea. Lets go!
A. going swimming B. go to swim C. to go swimming
( )23. —________ will you finish your homework, Kate?
—In an hour.
A. How soon B. How often C. How long
( )24. —Why are you late again? —_______ my car broke down on the way here.
A. Because B. Because of C. However
( )25. Li Jun always makes his little sister ________.
A. crying B. to cry C. cry
( )26. —_______ did you buy in Brazil?
—I bought some World Cup gifts. I _______ give them to my friends.
A. What; am going to B. When; will C. Which; was to
( )27. —Is Mary _______ outgoing than Peter? —No. She is as _______ as him.
A. more; hardworking B. more; quiet C. much more; quieter
( )28. —Is your father at home _______? —No, he is arriving home _______.
A. then; quickly B. yet; fast C. now; soon
( )29. —Sunny Beach is a _______ place for holiday.
—Yes. During the May Day, _______ people go there and have a good time.
A. wonderful; thousands B. nice; thousands of C. good; five thousands
( )30. —Whose is the dictionary?
—It ________ be Alices. Look at her name on the cover.
A. must B. can C. may
阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
A robot will play an important part in our future life. The robot will be friendly and 31 to people. At home the robot can do the cleaning and play with you. It can be your friend. It can help you with your homework 32 you meet a difficult problem. It can have a 33 with you when you are alone. It knows what you say.
In the hospital, a mini robot can help doctors 34 operations. When an old patient has blood sickness and he needs to have an operation, the mini robot will go into his blood vessel (血管) and make it clean. This is an advantage 35 mini robot to do a doctors job.
At the restaurant, a robot can make customers 36 their dinner. For example, when you come to a restaurant, the robot welcomes you and 37 hands with you. Maybe it will give you a beautiful flower. You must be 38 . The robot will ask you what you want to eat or what you want to drink.
Also, they can take the 39 of humans to work in some dangerous places. Some robots can search survivors (幸存者) when an earthquake happens. In the army, robots can also do a dangerous job. They know where the bombs (炸弹) are and how deep the bombs are 40 the earth.
( )31. A. helpful B. useless C. careful
( )32. A. while B. until C. when
( )33. A. walk B. talk C. joke
( )34. A. put out B. take out C. carry out
( )35. A. for B. from C. to
( )36. A. enjoyed B. enjoy C. to enjoy
( )37. A. shaking B. shake C. shakes
( )38. A. happy B. angry C. unhappy
( )39. A. job B. place C. business
( )40. A. in B. above C. under
American country music is famous all over the world, such as the songs of John Denver. Many people enjoy listening to the music in their free time. But still some people dont know where it began.
Country music comes from folk music of the Appalachian Mountains (阿巴拉契亚山脉) in the east of America. There, people sing while playing the guitar and violin. They sing about everyday life, love and their problems. So the songs are sometimes a little sad.
John Denver is one of the most popular country music singers. He is also quite famous to the Chinese. For John Denver, music is a language that could bring the world together. He says music can bring people together. They will understand each other through music. People are different in color and they may speak different languages, but people are the same in mind and body. All of them love music and can understand music.
The world lost a great man when John Denver died in 1997. But his words and music will still live on.
( )41. American country music usually tells us about ________.
A. folk songs B. sad stories C. love and problems
( )42. “Music is a language that could bring the world together.” means people ________.
A. can sing songs together
B. from all over the world sing the same songs
C. can show feelings by music and understand each other better
( )43. From the passage we know that John Denver ________.
A. is an American country music singer
B. can bring people to get together
C. is good at playing the guitar and violin
( )44. People from different countries ________.
A. must be the same in mind and body
B. should speak the same language through music
C. can understand each other through music
( )45. Which of the following is RIGHT?
A. Everybody knows where country music began.
B. John Denvers music will live on in peoples hearts.
C. Country music comes from all kinds of music.
Im a thirteen-year-old girl. My classmates say that Im too fat. I worry about myself and feel very sad. What should I do to lose weight? I dont want to be heavy. I got an idea from the Internet and then I made a plan to lose weight.
Do exercise for about one hour every day. The exercise should be something like running, biking, dancing, or swimming. After that do some special exercise for thirty minutes, such as for the legs or for the waist.
I think its not bad to have a good eating habit. Eating less or no eating is not good for health. I will eat bread without butter; only a little beef or pork; eat more vegetables and fruits; and stay away from junk food.
I will drink water or soup before each meal. This will help me feel full sooner. I will try to have four or five meals a day. So that I can eat less at each meal but not feel hungry. Breakfast is very important, and so is lunch.
After three months, I think I will become much thinner and healthier than before. I am very happy with my weight-loss plan.
( )46. What sport doesnt the writer do?
A. Swimming. B. Climbing. C. Dancing.
( )47. What does the writer look like?
A. Thin. B. Tall. C. Heavy.
( )48. Why does the writer drink soup before meal?
A. Because it makes her feel happy.
B. Because it makes her feel full.
C. Because it make her feel hungry.
( )49. Which sentence below has the same meaning of the underlined sentence?
A. Both breakfast and lunch are important.
B. Either breakfast or lunch is important.
C. Neither breakfast nor lunch is important.
( )50. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. She will not eat junk food in her plan.
B. She has strong mind to lose weight.
C. She thinks it good to eat nothing.
第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共35分)
Dear Henry,
I would like to invite you to watch the magic show at the City Theater. 51. City Theater is the best theater, isnt it? The magic show will start on the afternoon of Saturday, July 12th at 4:00. I have two tickets. 52. 一张票是你的,另一张票是我的。
After the magic show, we will come back to my house. Today is my birthday. 53. I moved here last week. I am new here. 54. 在这个新城市你是我的第一个朋友。 My parents will cook a big meal for us. You said you could make an apple milk shake. How often do you make an apple milk shake? Could you make an apple milk shake for me tonight?
55. Remember not to be late.
Yours friendly,
51. __________________________________52. __________________________________
53. __________________________________54. __________________________________
55. __________________________________
Peter: Hi, Sally. Come and have a look at my photos.
Sally: Are these the photos you took in Africa, Peter?
Peter: 56. ____________________________. Look, this is a wild beast. Its an animal in Africa.
Sally: Does it eat meat?
Peter: 57. _____________________________. It only eats grass.
Sally: Are there a lot of animals in Africa?
Peter: 58. _____________________________.
Sally: Wow, this photo looks interesting. 59. _____________________________?
Peter: I was riding the elephant.
Sally: 60. _____________________________?
Peter: Yes, of course. I really enjoyed myself.
Dear Dad and Mum,
Hows it going? I got my report card today. ______________________________________
Your daughter,
Period Period 1 Main teacher
Assistant Class teacher
Content Section A 1a-1c
Aims Language and Ability Key vocabulary. Target language. Oral Practice.
Process and method To understand the target language by listening, speaking and reading English.
Emotion and attitude Learn to play a musical instrument.
Points Target language:
Is that Sam?
No, that’s Tom. He has shorter hair than Sam.
And He’s calmer than Sam.
Is that Tina?
No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tara’s shorter than Tina.
Difficult Points Grasp the target language:
Methods Task-based language teaching
Aids a tape recorder , some pictures Revision and perfection
Step 1 Greet the class as usual and check the homework.
Step 2 I Make a simple drawing of a boy and a girl on the blackboard.
Judy is tall. Judy is taller than Bobby.
Then bring out two rules of different length. Say:
This is ruler. It’s Bobby’s ruler.(longer)
This is Judy’s ruler.(long)
Bobby’s ruler is longer than Judy’s.
Step 3 Show some new words on the blackboard.
Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat.
Step 4 1a
Ask students to do this activity individually. Then check and answers.
Tall-shortlong hair-short hair thin-heavy calm-wild
Step 5 1b
First tell students what the twins are. Twins are children born at the same time to the same parents, but not always.
Step 6 1c Pairwork
Ask two students to read the sample conversation to the class.
A: Is that Tara?
B: No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tara’s shorter than Tina..
Then have students work with a partner.
Make conversation work with a partner.
Step 7 Summary and Homework
Today we’ve leant the twins are having a concert. We’ve leant how to compare people.
Blackboard design Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.
- Is that Sam?
No, that’s Tom. He has shorter hair than Sam.
And He’s calmer than Sam.
Is that Tina?
No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tara’s shorter than Tina.
Homework Use the key vocabulary and the target language in this period to make up your own conversations in pairs.
Reflection after class
八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计
Period Period 2 Main teacher
Assistant Class teacher
Content Section A 2a-2d
Aims Language and Ability Key vocabulary. Target language. Oral Practice. Grammar Focus.
Process and method To understand the target language by listening, speaking and reading English.
Emotion and attitude Handsome is that handsome does.
Points Oral practice.
Difficult Points Grammar Focus.
Methods Task-based language teaching
Aids a tape recorder , some pictures Revision and perfection
Step 1 Greet the class as usual and check the homework.
Step 2 2a
Read the words in the box to students.
funny 有趣的 serious 严肃的
outgoing (性格)外向的 quiet 安静的
Tell students smart and athletic are new words. Explain the new words and tell students what they mean.
Step3 2b
Ask students to look at the boxes with the headings. Tina is …, Tara is …
Listen to the recording again. This time write how Tina and Tara are different. Please write words in the boxes.
Step 4 2c Pair work
Let students look at the chart in Activity 2c. Ask two students to read it. Tell students ***means Sam is taller than Tom.
Have students know they will talk about Sam and Tom in this activity.
Step 5 2d
Role-play the conversation
Step 6 Grammar Focus
Review the grammar box. Ask a student to read the sentences to the class.
Step 7 Show some dialogue on the blackboard
Step 8 Summary and Homework
Today we’ve leant some words and learnt how to compare people. I hope you can study harder than ever. You can learn more knowledge and make more progress.
Blackboard design Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.
A: Is that Mary?
B: No, it isn’t. It’s Peter. Peter is more carful than Mary.
A: Yes, Mary is more careless than Peter.
(No, it isn’t. It’s Tina. Tara’s shorter than Tina.)
Homework Read the key vocabulary and learn them by heart.
Reflection after class
八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计
Period Period 3 Main teacher
Assistant Class teacher
Content Section A 3a-3c
Aims Language and Ability Target language. Listening, speaking and writing practice.
Process and method To understand the target language by listening, speaking and reading English.
Emotion and attitude To be a brave and hardworking man
Points Listening, speaking and writing practice.
Difficult Points Listening, speaking and writing practice.
Methods Task-based language teaching
Aids a tape recorder , some pictures Revision and perfection
Step 1 Greet the class as usual and check the homework.
Step 2 3a
Use the words to write questions and answers.
For exemple: Julie / tall/ you
Q: Is Julie as tall as you?
A: No ,she isn’t. she’s taller than me.
Step3 3b
Think of yourself two years ago. Write about how you are different now.
1. Discuss in groups.
2. Act out in front of the class.
3. Finish the questions.
4. Check the answers.
Step 4 3c Group work
Group of four students discuss their parents,then finish the blanks.
Step 5 Pair work
Role-play the conversation according to 3c.
Step 6 Do some exercises.
Blackboard design Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.
For exemple: Julie / tall/ you
Q: Is Julie as tall as you?
A: No ,she isn’t. she’s taller than me.
Homework 1. Read the letter again.
2. Finish off the exercises of workbook.
Reflection after class
八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计
Period Period 4 Main teacher
Assistant Class teacher
Content Section B 1a-1e
Aims Language and Ability Key vocabulary. Target language. Oral practice. Listening practice.
Process and method To understand the target language by listening, speaking and reading English.
Emotion and attitude A friend in need is a friend indeed. Wish you to find your real friends
Points Oral practice.
Difficult Points Listening practice.
Methods Task-based language teaching
Aids a tape recorder , some pictures Revision and perfection
Step 1 Greet the class as usual and check the homework.
Step 2 Show the new words on the blackboard.
Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat.
Step 3 Section B 1a
1.What kinds of things are important in a friend? Rank the things below (1-7)
2.Check the answers.
Step 4 Section B 1b
Talk about what you think a good friend should be like.
Step 5 Section B 1c
1.Listen to the tape,then fill in the first column of chart.
2.Listen to the tape again,then fill in the rest column of chart.
3.Check the answers.
Step 6 1e
Talk about Molly and Mary and their best friend.
Ask students to work in small groups. Each and writes down as many sentences as they can to describe him or her.
Step 7 Summary
Today we’ve recycled some key vocabulary and learnt some new words. And we’ve learnt to talk about our best friends.
After class write down five statements about what is important in a best friend. Please remember you can write a false statement among the five statements. Next class we’ll do a game.
Blackboard design Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.
The same …as..
Be good at
Make sb. Adj.
Homework 1. Remember the new words.
2. Do some exercises.
Reflection after class
八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计
Period Period 5 Main teacher
Assistant Class teacher
Content Section B 2a-2b
Aims Language and Ability Key vocabulary. Target language. Reading practice.
Process and method To understand the target language by listening, speaking and reading English.
Emotion and attitude A friend in need is a friend indeed. Wish you to find your real friends
Points Reading practice.
Difficult Points Reading practice.
Methods Task-based language teaching
Aids a tape recorder , some pictures Revision and perfection
Step 1 Revision and Lead-in
1. Check the homework.
2. Have a small dictation.
Step 2 Do 2a
1. Rank these activities according to how often you think your classmates do them..
2. Check tne answers.
Step 3 Reading (Section B: 2b)
1.Deal with the reading article. Give them some questions aobut the article.
1) as you can see 正如你所看到的
as, conj. 以……方式,像……那样
e.g. As you can see, the British like football very much.
2) in some ways 在某些方面
e.g. He is better than me in some ways.
3) both pron. 两者都……
We both have black eyes = Both of us have black eyes.
e.g. We are both quiet.
Both girls go to lots of parties.
conj. 常与and 连用
e.g. He can speak both English and Spanish.
4. We both enjoy going to parties.
enjoy + doing 喜欢做……
e.g. My sister enjoys going shopping very much.
5. She is a little more outgoing than me.
I am a little taller than her.
A. 形容词比较级前可以加修饰语表示程度或差别大小。
a little (a bit) 表示更……一点
much, even, far, still, any, a lot表示更……的多
B. 若句中有 “of the two” 时,形容词比较级前必须带 “the”。
e.g. She is the quieter one of the two.
6. Liu Ying talks more than Liu Li. (=LiuYing talks much.)
7. LiuYing is not as good at sports as her sister. (=Liu Ying is not good at sports; her sister is good at sports.)
A + not as/so + adj原形 + as + B 表示A不如B A + as + adj原形 + as + B表示A和B情况相同 e.g. Tom is not as smart as Jack.
Blackboard design Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.
as you can see, in some ways , both pron. 两者都……
We both enjoy going to parties.
Homework 1. Remember the new words.
2. Do some exercises.
Reflection after class
八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计
Period Period 6 Main teacher
Assistant Class teacher
Content Section B 2c-2e
Aims Language and Ability Key vocabulary. Reading passage. Oral practice. Reading and writing practice.
Process and method To understand the target language by listening, speaking, writing and reading English.
Emotion and attitude Take an activity part in all kinds of social activities. Get a chance to train your integrating skills.
Points Oral practice.
Difficult Points Writing and speaking practice
Methods Task-based language teaching
Aids a tape recorder , some pictures Revision and perfection
Step 1 Greet the class as usual and check the homework.
Step 2 Show the new words on the blackboard.
Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat.
Step 3 2c
In this activity first read the article to students. Then answer any questions students on page 22.
Step 4 2d Writing
In this step, students will do some writing practice using the target language.
A sample passage:
Mary’s best friend is Peter. He likes to do the same things as Mary does. Mary is quieter than Peter, Peter is funnier and more athletic. They are both pretty outgoing.
Tona’s best friend is Vera. They look alike. Tona is more outgoing. But Vera is much quieter, and she is also smarter than Mary.
Task 2: Write a small passage to compare you and your best friend. Step 5 Pairwork (Section B: 2e)
Talk about your best friends.
Step 6 Do some exercises.
Choose the best answers.
1. My cousin is good _____ Japanese.
A. speaking B. at speak C. at speaking
2. _____ he is a little boy, he plays soccer very well.
A. And B. But C. Though
3. Isabel and her sister ______.
A. look like B. are look the same
C. look the same
4. -Which of the two girls is Jack’s sister?
A. Taller B. Taller one C. The taller one
5. Lee is badly ill, _____ he still goes to work every day.
A. because B. however C. though
Blackboard design Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.
原级 比较级 最高级
good better best
bad, ill worse worst
many, much more most
little less least
Homework 1. Remember the new words.
2. Do some exercises.
Reflection after class
八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计
Period Period 7 Main teacher
Assistant Class teacher
Content Section B 3a-4
Aims Language and Ability Key vocabulary. Target language. Oral practice. Writing practice.
Process and method To understand the target language by listening, speaking and reading English.
Emotion and attitude Help students learn how to talk about the same and the different between two people with the target language.
Points Writing practice.
Difficult Points Writing practice.
Methods Task-based language teaching
Aids a tape recorder , some pictures Revision and perfection
Step 1 Greet the class as usual and check the homework.
Step 2 Show the new words on the blackboard.
Read the new words to students and ask them to repeat.
Step 3 Section B 3a
1.Wang Lingling ang Liu Lili are best friends. Look at the chart below and compare them.
Wang Lingling Liu Lili
tall tall
long straight hair short straight hair
likes reading likes sports
popular popular
outgoing outgoing
2.Check the answers.
Step 4 Section B 3b
Make notes about two of your friends.one friend should be similar to you ;the other friend should be different.
Step 5 Section B 3c
1. Write two paragraphs describing your friends.
2. Share their paragraphs
Step 6 4
Read the job ad. Then compare two of your classmates. Decide which classmate is better for the job.
Step 7 Do some exercises.
1. Tommy has _____ (curly) hair than Bob.
2. Most of kids are very _____ (love).
3. A thief runs away as _____ (quick) as he can.
4. Tom is much _____ (quiet) than his friend.
5. He is a little _____ (calm) than me when we meet terrible things.
Blackboard design Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.
1. view: what you think about something, opinion
2. difference (s): something different
3. It’s not necessary to be the same. =
4. though: conj. although 虽然,即使,纵然
e.g. Though it was late, he went on working. = It was late, but he went on working.
Though he is poor, he is happy. = He is poor, but he is happy.
5. beat is different from win
6. I don’t really care. = I don’t mind.
Homework 1. Remember the new words.
2. Do some exercises.
Reflection after class
八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计
Period Period 8 Main teacher
Assistant Class teacher
Content Self Check
Aims Language and Ability Review the key vocabulary and target language.
Process and method To understand the target language by listening, speaking and reading English.
Emotion and attitude Train the students’ interest of English
Points Review the key vocabulary and target language.
Difficult Points Hoe to use key vocabulary and target language.
Methods Task-based language teaching
Aids a tape recorder , some pictures Revision and perfection
Step 1 Greet the class as usual and check the homework.
Step 2 The comparative degrees of adjectives
1. (add -er) tall-taller. Tina is taller than Tara.
2. (add -r) nice-nicer. This dress is nicer than that one.
3. (change y to i, then add -er) funny-funnier. Pedro is funnier than Paul.
4. (first, double; then add -er) thin-thinner. Paul is thinner than Pedro.
5. (use more)outgoing-more outgoing. I’m more outgoing than my sister.
6. 不规则变化
7. 相同程度(as ... as ...)
Step 3 Do 1
1. Put the words in the correct columns in the chart.
2. Check the answers.
Step 4 Do 2
1. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the words in brackets.
2. Check the answers.
Step 5 Do 3
Write a friend. Talk about which you are similar and which you are different.
Step 6 Do some exercises.
Blackboard design Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.
The comparative degrees of adjectives
1. (add -er) tall-taller. Tina is taller than Tara.
2. (add -r) nice-nicer. This dress is nicer than that one.
3. (change y to i, then add -er) funny-funnier. Pedro is funnier than Paul.
4. (first, double; then add -er) thin-thinner. Paul is thinner than Pedro.
5. (use more)outgoing-more outgoing. I’m more outgoing than my sister.
6. 不规则变化
7. 相同程度(as ... as ...)
He has as many apples as I do.
She is not as good at sports as her sister.
Homework 1. Remember the new words.
2. Do some exercises.
1. half the class 一半的同学 2. too... to... 太……而不能
3. order food 订购食物 4. in the end 最后
5. make mistakes犯错误 6. give sb. some advice 给某人提一些建议
7. have a problem with... 有问题,有困难 8. make money赚钱
9. travel around the world 环游世界 10. make careless mistakes 犯粗心的错误
11. share my problems 分享我的问题 12. keep... to oneself 保守秘密
13. in life 在生活中 14. be angry at/ about sth. 因某事生气
15. be angry with sb. 生某人的气 16. in the future 在将来
17. run away 逃避;逃跑 18. the first step 第一步
19. in half 分成两半 20. solve a problem 解决问题
1. What will happen if they have the party today? 如果他们今天开派对的话会怎么样呢?
2. Theyll just bring potato chips and chocolate because theyll be too lazy to cook. 他们只是带来了薯条和巧克力,因为他们懒得做饭。
3. Do you think we should give people some small gifts if they win? 你认为如果他们获胜的话我们就应该给他们一些小礼物吗?
4. Unless we talk to someone, well certainly feel worse. 除非我们找个人聊聊,不然我们一定会感觉更糟糕。
5. I will always remember to share my problems in the future. 我会一直记住将来要去分享问题。
6. Robert Hunt advises students about common problems. Robert Hunt针对一些寻常的问题给同学们提了意见。
7. This person doesnt need to be an expert like himself. 这位不需要成为和他一样的专家。
新目标九年级英语下Unit 4教案07-23