Weahter a large family is a good thing or not is a very popular topic which is often talked about not only by city residents but by farners as well.
2.There is no denying the fact that…
There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extemerely serious problem:the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it.
3.As is known to all,…
As is known to all,fake and inferior commodities harm the interests of consumers.(=do a lot of harm to the interests of comsumers)
4.More and more people are realing the importance of …
Tody an increaasing number of people have realized that law education is of great importance .In order to keep law and order,very one of us is supposed to get(=receive)a law education.
【真题链接】Sorry, I am too busy now.If Ihad time, I would certainly go for an outing with you.
【句型解读】该句型表示与现在、过去, 及将来事实可能相反的假设。其if从句的谓语形式分别为“过去时 (be用were) ”“had+过去分词”和“动词的过去时”/“should+动词原形”或“were to+动词原形”;主句谓语形式分别为“would/should/might/could+动词原形”“would/should/might/could+have+过去分词”和“would/should/might/could+动词原形”。
●“If it were not for…I/they…would...”句型意为“如果不是……/如果没有……/要不是……, 我/他 (它) 们……就会……”。其中, “If it were not for...”是表示与现在事实相反的虚拟条件句, were不能用was来代替。主句用“would+动词原形”表示虚拟语气。
●“If it had not been for…I/they…would/should/might/could+have+过去分词”句型意为“ (过去) 如果不是……/ (过去) 如果没有……/要不是 (过去) ……, 我/他 (它) 们……就 (可能) 会已经……”。其中, “If it had not been for...”是表示与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句。主句用“would/should/might/could+have+过去分词”表示虚拟语气。
【即时演练】根据汉语提示, 完成句子。
1.如果不是因为她不会唱歌, 我将会邀请她来参加聚会。
If___________the fact that she can'tsing, I would invite her to the party.
2.如果我的汽车性能更可靠些, 去年夏天我就会开车去拉萨而不是坐飞机去了。
If my car___________more reliable, I____________to Lhasa instead of flying last summer.
Keys:1.it were not for 2.had been;wouldhave driven
【句型解读】在英语中, 除了用if从句表示虚拟的情景外, 还可以用but for“要不是”和without“没有”等介词 (短语) 来表达虚拟的条件, 相当于条件状语从句。
【即时演练】根据汉语提示, 完成句子。
没有你的慷慨帮忙, 我不可能熬过那段痛苦的日子。
I couldnt have gone through that bitterperiod_____________your generous help.
Key:without/but for
【句型解读】表示“建议 (suggest, advice, propose, recommend) 、要求 (demand, request, re-quire) 、命令 (order, command) ”等主观意向的动词后的宾语从句使用虚拟语气, 其谓语动词由“should+动词原形”构成, 其中的should可以省略。
●动词wish后接宾语从句时, 从句谓语动词可以根据对现在、将来、过去的虚拟愿望分别采用过去式 (be动词用were) 、“would/could+动词原形”“had+动词过去分词或could/would+have+动词过去分词”等形式。
【即时演练】根据汉语提示, 完成句子。
They demanded that the right to vote__________ to every adult man.
2.彼得希望他读大学时学的是法律, 而不是文学。
Peter wishes that he__________lawinstead of literature when he was in college.
Keys:1. (should) be given 2.had studied
句式四、“it be+adj.+for/of sb.+to dosth.”句型
【真题链接】I thought it would be useful forrhim to learn Chinese at an early age.
【句型解读】结构中, 如果不定式前面的形容词说明不定式的特性, 其逻辑主语一般由for引出;若形容词是描写人的品德、素质的, 说明逻辑主语的特征, 如kind, honest, clever, wise, sensible, nice, thoughtful, brave, bold, foolish, stupid, wrong, cruel等, 则不定式的逻辑主语就用of引出。
●有时不定式的动作执行者不是句子的主语, 此时就需要在不定式前面加一个名词或代词来充当其逻辑主语, 构成不定式的复合结构。
【即时演练】根据汉语提示, 完成句子。
1.我打算在大学学习艺术史, 因此访问法国对我来说是很重要的。
I plan to study history of art at university soit is important___________France.
We think it impolite___________thelady her age.
Keys:1.for me to visit 2.of him to ask
【真题链接】Wewere astonished to findthe temple still in its original condition.
【句型解读】该句型中, 不定式位于作表语、表示心理活动或情绪的形容词后面, 作原因状语。
●这样的形容词主要有:happy, kind, surprised, frightened, angry, shocked, glad, delighted, disappointed, sorry, anxious, proud, clever, safe, dangerous, lucky, pleased, fortunate, right, astonished等。
【即时演练】根据汉语提示, 完成句子。
虽然看到我们很惊讶, 但是教授给了我们一个热烈的欢迎。
Though____________us, the professorgave us a warm welcome.
Key:surprised to see
句式六、“动词+it+宾语补足语 (adj./n) . (+for sb.) +不定式 (动名词或从句) ”句型
【真题链接】The fact that she was foreignmade it difficult for her to geta job in thatcountry.
【句型解读】当不定式、动名词、从句等复杂成分用作宾语且其后跟有宾语补足语时, 通常会在宾语补足语前使用形式宾语it, 而将真正的宾语移至句末, 构成该句型。
●该句型中的动词通常是think, find, feel, believe, take, consider, make, suppose等。
【即时演练】根据汉语提示, 完成句子。
We____________our country a betterrplace.
2.这两个女孩长得很相似, 不熟悉的人很难将她俩区分开来。
The two girls are so alike that strangers_________ one from the other.
Keys:1.feel it our duty to make 2.find itdifficult to tell
句式七、“动词 (have, take, put, like等) +it+that/when (if) 从句”句型
【真题链接】Legend has it that the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is to recall the soul of Qu Yuan. (江苏卷)
【句型解读】“动词 (have, take, put, like等) +it+that从句”“动词 (enjoy, hate, love, like, dislike, appreciate, prefer等) +it+when (if) 从句”“动词 (see to, look to, insist on, stick to, depend on, answer for, rely on等) +it+that从句”三类结构中的形式宾语it无实际意义, 由于英文句法结构的需要, 其后没有宾语补足语。
●“动词 (take it for granted, bring it tosb.’s attention, owe it to sb.等) +that从句”结构中的形式宾语it也无实际意义, 其后也没有宾语补足语。
【即时演练】根据汉语提示, 完成句子。
I’d____________you would like to teachme how to use the computer.
2.你放心, 他会来接你的。
You may____________he’ll come to meetyou.
Keys:1.appreciate it if 2.rely on it that
句式八、“状语 (方向、地点、时间副词或表示方位、地点的介词短语) +不及物动词+主语 (名词) ”句型
【真题链接】There remainsa certain doubtamong the people as to the practical value of theproject.
【句型解读】主语是名词、谓语动词是be, remain, live, come, stand, lie, exist, go, run, rush, flee, walk等不及物动词时, here, there, out, in, on, up, down, away, back, now, then等表示方向、地点、时间的副词放在句子的开头, 引起全部倒装, 描述一个生动的情景。
●当谓语动词为be, come, sit, live, stand, lie, exist等不及物动词, 表示方位、地点的介词短语作状语置于句首时, 或当主系表结构中由表地点的介词短语所作的表语置于句首时, 也使用该句型
【即时演练】根据汉语提示, 完成句子。
1.有一会儿什么也没发生, 接着就有一阵欢呼声。
For a moment nothing happened, ____________all shouting together.
_____________a village.
Keys:1.then came voices 2.At the foot of the mountain lies
【句型解读】当only位于句首, 修饰、强调状语 (副词、介词短语、从句) 时, 句子的主体部分要用部分倒装语序, 即把其中的助动词或者情态动词提到主语的前面。
●在强调句中, 被强调部分是only所修饰的状语时, 句子的主体部分不用倒装。例如:
It wasonly when I reread his poems recent-ly thatI began to appreciate their beauty.只是在最近我重读了他的诗, 我才开始欣赏他们的美。
●如果only修饰的是句子的其他成分, 则句子的主体部分也不用倒装。例如:
Only Cinderella’s foot fitperfectly and sothe prince chose to marry her.只有灰姑娘的脚完全吻合, 于是王子娶她。
【即时演练】根据汉语提示, 完成句子。
____________I truly begin to appreciate Dad and his faith.
Key:Only then did
句式十、“It is/was+强调部分+who/that+其他成分”句型
【真题链接】It was in New Zealand thatElizabeth first met Mr.Smith.
【句型解读】该句式是强调句型。其中, it, that/who无词汇意义, it为强调词, 引出强调成分, that/who只起语法连接作用。
●如果被强调的部分在句子中作主语且指人时, 用who或that来连接都可以, 如果是其他成分, 则一律用that来连接。
【即时演练】根据汉语提示, 完成句子。
_______________first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends.
Key:It was my sister that/who
根据汉语提示, 完成句子。
1.事实上, 如果我们今天听到的话, 我们当然不能理解。
2.要不是约翰最近受伤了, 我们昨天就把他的名字填在比赛名单里了。
We would have put Johns name on the racelist yesterday___________his recent injury.
3.简苍白的脸色表明她生病了, 她父母建议她做一次体检。
Janes pale face suggested that she___________ ill, and her parents suggested that she ____________a medical examination.
The doctor thought it would be good_________a holiday.
We think it possible__________their production plan within a few weeks.
6.当她1960年来到贡贝时, 对女性来说住进大森林是件罕见的事情。
When she first arrived in Gombe in 1960, itwas unusual___________in the forest.
I_________people talk with their mouthsfull.
I__________in the autumn_________theweather is clear and bright.
10.重要的不是谁是对的, 而是什么才是对的。
read read read 读
put put put 放下
2. A—B—A型(现在式和过去分词同形)
become became become 变
come came come 来
3. A—A—B型(現在式和过去式同形)
beat beat beaten 打
4. A —B—B型
hear heard heard 听见
burn burnt burnt 燃烧
(2)把动词原形的最后一个辅音字母“d”改为“t” 构成过去式或过去分词。
build built built 建筑
lend lent lent 借给
pay paid paid付
lay laid laid 下蛋
5. A—B—C型(现在式、过去式和过去分词都不相同)
eat ate eaten 吃
fall fell fallen 落下
speak spoke spoken 说话
break broke broken 破碎,折断
begin began begun 开始
ring rang rung 按铃
be(am, is) was/ were been 是
2.This garden is twice larger than that one.This garden is three times as large as that one
This gargen is three times the size of that one.这座花园比那座花园大两倍。
3.A is different from BA不同于B
The fact is different from what she said.事实与她所说的不一样。
4.There+ be+ difference(s)+between A and B(在„„之间)有„„差异)
There are many differences between the two languages.这两种语言之间有许多差异。
5.It doesn’t matter + wh-clause做„„并不重要,无关紧要,没个么不同
It doesn’t matter whether he will come or not.他来不来无关紧要
6.Not all/both/every…=all/both/every …not并不是所有的„„
Not everyone likes this film.=Everyone doesn’t like this film并不是人人都喜欢这部电影。否定转移I don’t think you are right.我认为他不正确.adj./adv.(比较级)+ and +adj./adv.(比较级),越来越„„
People are getting more and more excited.人们越发兴奋起来as…as…/not so …as 和„„(不)一样
John plays football as well as, if not better than, David.约翰足球如果没有大卫好看话也和他踢得一样好。
10.be about to do sth.… when …正要做„„,恰好
I was about to go out, when the telephone rang.我正要出去时,正在这时电话铃响了。
11.with + 宾语+非谓语动词
She sat there, with her arms folded.她双手交叉,静静地坐在那里。
12.with +宾语+介词短语
They left with their daughter at home.把女儿留在家,他们走了。
13.with + 宾语+形容词/副词
Don’t sleep with the door and windows open.不要开着门准备睡觉。
14.be of + 抽象名词= be +抽象名词的形容词
该句型中常见的抽象名词+ value, importance, use, interest, significance,且在抽象名词前面可以加little, some, any, no, great等副词。如:
This invention is of great value to mankind.这项发明对人类很有价值。
Start early, or you will miss the early bus.=If you don’t start early, you will miss the early bus.早点出发,要不然你就赶不上早班车。
16.Do/Would you mind + one/one’s + v.-ing…?用来请求允许,或请求别人做某事。
Do you mind shutting the door?请你关上门好吗?
Would you mind me/ my taking your dictionary?我拿你的字典你介意吗?
17.feel/find/think it+形容词/名词+to do
I find it difficult to work with him.我发现和他地块工作很困难。
18.feel like + doing sth/would like to do.意欲做某事
I feel like going to a museum.我想去博物馆。
You’d better have that bad tooth pulled out.你最好把坏牙拔掉。
20.have some trouble/difficulty(in)dong sth.在„„有困难
Do you have any difficulty(in)translating this sentence into English?你把这句了翻译成英语有困难吗?
21.Hardly+ had+主语+p.p.+ when +主语+过去时/No sooner + had + 主语+p.p.+ than +主语+ 过去时一„就„
No sooner had I taken a quick breakfast than I ran out of my home to the school.我一吃完早餐就冲出家门向学校跑去。
Hardly had the thief seen the policeman when he ran away.小偷一看见警察就逃开了。
22.How+ adj./adv.+主语+谓语和What +n.+主语+谓语!
How clever a boy he is!=What a clever boy he is!他是一个多么聪明的男孩啊!
23.It’s one’s turn to do sth.轮到„干„
It’s your turn to be on duty today.今天轮到你值日了。
24.It is said/reported… that…据说……
It is said that China is going to send up a spaceship.据说中国打算发射宇宙飞船。
25.It is +adj.+of sb.to do sth.用来表示对某人做某事的评价,侧重评价“人”;句型中的形容词描述人的性质征,且与介词of后的名词有逻辑上的主系表关系。这类形容词有:kind, nice, good, right, wrong, stupid, silly, wise, clever, polite, bad, brave等。该句型可以改写为“sb.is + adj.+ to do sth.”。
It’s right of you to do so.你这样做是对的。
You are wrong to say so.你这样说就不对了。
26.It is +adj.+ for sb.to do sth.也用来表示对某人做某事的评价,但侧重于评价“事”;句型中的形容词描述是整个for sb.to do sth.。
I think it is impossible for you to come.我认为你不可能来。
27.It’s time for sth.„„是„„的时候了
It’s time for class.是上课的时候了。
28.It’s time(for sb.)to do… 是„的时候了
It’s time for you to go home.是你回家的时候了。
29.It’s(high/about)time + that clause是„„的时候了
It’s time that we went home.是我们回家的时候。(从句中谓语动词用过去式形式)
30.It is the first(second, third…)that + 主语+ have + done
---Do you know our town at all?---你知道我们镇吗?
---No, this is the first time that I have been here.---不,这是我第一次来这里。
31.It is +时间+ since…自从„„以来多久
It is ten years since he left here.他在这里工作10年了。
32.It is +被强调成分+ that / who…强调句式
I feel it is your husband who is to blame for the spoiled child.我觉得孩子被娇惯了,要受责备的是你丈夫 It was not until the game was over that they left.直到比赛马结束,他们才离去。
33.It looks as if…好像„„
It looks as if it is going to rain.天好像要下雨。
34.It seems +(to sb.)+(that)…(在某人看来)好像,似乎
It seems that he is lying.好像他在撒谎。
35.It seems + as if(as though)看样子似乎是„„
It seems as if he has been at the seem of the crime.看样子他好像到过犯罪现场。
36.It takes sb.some time to do sth.花„时间做„„
It took him two hours to do his homework.他花了两个小时做家庭作业。
37.cost sb.sth.(使)花费(金钱、时间、劳动等);值(多少钱);(使)付出(代价)。其主语通常为事物。The invention cost him a lot of time.这项发明花了他大量时间。
38.pay(sb.)money to do sth./for sth.花/付钱;给„„报酬
I paid ten yuan for the dictionary.我花了十元钱习这本字典。
39.spend…(in)doing sth.花„„做„„
They spent much time(in)reviewing English.他们花了很多时间复习英语。
He doesn’t spend much time on his homework.他没花多少时间做家庭作业。
41.It is will(won’t)be +时间+ before clause…„„多少时间以后才„„
It will be two days before he comes back.他要两天以后才回来。
They didn’t leave until the game was over.直到比赛结束,他们才离开。
---Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?---你知道吉姆跟他弟弟争吵了吗?
---I don’t know, nor do I care.---我不知道,我也不在意。
44.So +助动词+主语,用于肯定句中,表示另一个人也怎么样。
If he goes there, so will I.如果他去,我也去。
45.So it is with sb.表示“另一个人也一样”,既可用于肯定句中,也可用于否定句中,用来陈述两种或两种以上复杂情况。
Mary is clever but she doesn’t work hard.So it is with Tom.玛丽很聪明但学习不努力,汤姆也是这样。
46.prefer sth.(to sth.)更喜欢„„/宁愿要„„而不愿做„„
He prefers basketball to football.他比较喜欢篮球而不喜欢足球。
47.prefer to do sth.(rather than sth.)更喜欢/宁愿做„„而不愿做„„
Many people prefer to send e-mails rather than write letters to their friends.许多人宁愿发电子邮件,而不愿打电话给他们的朋友。
48.Prefer doing sth.(to doing)宁愿干什么„„而不愿做„„
She prefers singing and dancing.她比较喜欢唱歌、跳舞。
49.would rather…than…= would… rather than…宁愿这样做„„而不愿那样做„„
I would go to school by bike rather than by bus.我宁愿骑自行车而不愿坐公共汽车去上学。
The soldiers would rather die than give in.战士们宁死也不投降。
50.would rather +从句,宁愿某人做„„,从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气
I would rather you didn’t tell a lie.我宁愿你没有说谎。
51.so that…以便,为了,使能够
He got up early so that he could catch the first bus.他起床早以便赶上头班车。
52.so + adj./adv.+ that…如此„„以致„„,that引导的是结果状语从句
Tom is so young that he can’t join the army.汤姆太小不能参军。
53.such + a/an + adj.n.(单数)+that…如此„„以至于„„
He s such an honest boy that he never tells a lie.他很诚实,从来不说谎。
54.such +(adj.)+ n.(可数名词复数或不可数名词)+that…如此„„以至于„„
He made such rapid progress that the teacher praised him.他取得了的进步,老师表扬了他。
55.S(主语)+be + 数词+(长、宽、高的)形容词(long, wide, high)„„多长、宽、高
Our class room is 12 metres long.我们的教室有12米长。
56.S(主语)+be+数词+in +(长、宽、高的)名(length, width, height)多长、宽、高
The meeting hall is 10 metres in width.这个会议厅有10米宽。
57.(长、宽、高的)名词+ of + sth.+ be +数词„„多长、宽、高
What is the height of the mountain?这座山有多高?
58.suggest + that clause(should + do)建议做„„
who do you suggest(should)be sent to work there?你认为应派谁去那儿工作?
59.It is suggested that + 主语(should)+ 动词原形有人建议„„
It is suggested that the meeting(should)be put off.有人建议推迟会议。
I can’t tell Tom from his twin brother.我分不清汤姆和他的双胞胎哥哥。
61.There/ Here is … for sb.有„„给某人
Here is a letter for you.这里有封你的信。
62.The +比较级(从句),the + 比较级(主句),越„„越„„;愈„„就愈„„
The busier she is, the happier she feels.她越是忙,越是感受到快乐。
63.There is no need(for sb.)to do…没有必要
We have plenty of time.There is no need to hurry.我们有足够的时间,没有必要这么着急。
64.There is some/no doubt of/about/ as to + n./ wh-clause(没)有疑问
There is some doubt(as to, about, of)whether he will come on time.说不准他是否会按时来。
There is no doubt that he will succeed.毫无疑问,他会成功的。
65.There is something/ nothing wrong with…„„有(没有)故障
There is nothing wrong with my bike.我的自行车没有故障。
66.the same…as/that… 与„„相同
This is the same pen as I bought yesterday.这与我昨天买的钢笔相同。(不指同一支钢笔)
This is the same pen that I bought yesterday.这是我昨天买的那支笔。(指同一支钢笔)
67.too… to…= not…enough to…太„„而不能„„
The child is too young to go to school.=The child is not old enough to go to school.68.can’t(can never)… too/ enough…怎么„„也不过分
You can’t be careful enough.你无论怎么细心也不过分。
69.Would you please…?表地问对方是否愿意做某事的客气说法。
Would you please lend me a bike?请你借给我一辆自行车好吗/
70.Why don’t you+ 动词原形„?是一个表示忠告和建议的句型,其省略结构为:Why not +动词原形„„? Why don’t you go out for a walk?=Why not go out for a walk?为何不去散散步呢?
(1)What/How about(doing)sth.?
(2)You’d better do sth
(3)I suggest that you(should)do…
(4)I advise you to do…
(5)I advise that you(should)do…
(6)Have you considered doing sth.…?
(7)Have you thought of doing sth.…?
(8)I wonder if you’d like to do…?
(9)Shall we…?
(10)Let’s do sth, shall we?
I’ve got a job interview Igotta get ready for.Make a good first impression Don’tGet your hopes up(不要抱希望)Trying too hard, making jokes, you come off a little needy.Micro-manage I don’t shy away from delegating.That’s good to know.Create an atmosphere of support for the people working with me.Sidestep on the do do thing by the way Hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life.Fight all your natural instinct and you’ll be great.We’ll have a definite answer for you on Monday, but I think I can say with some confidence, you’ll be fit in well here.Topic:聊工作的networking,讨论工作 Where do you work? When do you get off work?-Are you doing overtime tonight?-I am staying for two hours of OT.(BE DOING 的用法补充:)be doing 表示近期的将来动作,从:how are you going on your vacation?(假期怎么样)
转化为:what are you going on your vacation?
区别:be going to do & will的区别 be going to do:近期计划做某事
will: 将来可能做某事
I work day shift.I am on nights.Working like a dog Take a day off Call in sick I need a vacation.Topic: 接打电话
Who is that speaking , please?(电话问人)This is mia speaking.Hold on please.I’ll put you through peter’s direct line(专线)The lines were full.I couldn’t get through.The signal was too bad, I had to hang up.Hi, I am looking for peter in the engineering department.(直接表明目的)I’ll connect you to that apartment.Peter is out of the office at the moment.If you dial extension 221 next time, you will go through directly.Is there any thing else I can help you? No, that’s fine.Thanks a lot.Goodbye.*(电话结束用语)
we’re going to begin our meeting with a roll call.Delay(迟到)-Sorry, I am late.-no need to apologize, we’re still waiting for a couple of people to log in.Take a roll call I heard a beep, is some one just get online?
-How has Donna fit into your region?-she’s working out well.Let’s get started.(补充get的用法:文库教育已收藏)
除了表示被动以外,“get + 过去分词”结构还可用于谈论为自己做的事,表示主动的行为而不是被动的行为,即起到了强调主语、加重语气的作用。Joe was dressed [by someone] Joe got dressed.电话回访: I am calling on behalf of liulishuo.(先自我介绍)
-Hello, am I speaking to Max-speaking.(是的,是我本人)-I understand(知道)you recently bought a new course on our app.-However on completion,(一旦完成)we’d like to gift you another paid course, does that sound good?-sure, go ahead.(继续)
-Hello, Idon’t think we’ve met.-you must be tom, I am angela, I’ve just joined the team.-nice to meet you, have you worked here long?-please could I ask you some advice?-I know you are busy but could spare me a few minutes of your time please? I would be most grateful if you could give me some help.July 21的在工作里面总结了 July 19
机场check in checked luggage?
One suitcase to check in, one carry on bag.Place your suitcase on the scale.Boarding pass and baggage claim You have a layover of three hours in Toronto.Your flight leaves from gate A51.机场安检:airplane please take off your shoes and belt use the bin for small objects take my digital camera out of the bag have your bag been your possession all the time I have kept them since I packed them.Walk through the metal detector I forge to take out my keys.You are all set.机场转机:
I have connecting flight to Chicago.I need to transfer in Toronto.Do I need to pick up my luggage here? Your luggage will go straight to Chicago.Onward boarding pass Follow the directional signs to the departure level.Are there any places to take a rest while waiting? There are resting lounges near international departures, level 3, Gate E77.旅行计划:
The ambience(氛围)here is great.I am a big fan of Japanese food.You’re the boss.Here comes the tempura.How does the idea of trip to japan grab you? As beautiful as a fairy tale.The lavender(薰衣草)in Hokkaido(北海道)will be in blossom in July.Have you noticed that you, A and I never have had a trip together? You reminded me of that? Go on an excursion(去短途旅行)We go to a place neither freezing nor scorching(很热的).I am dying to experience the intriguing world of Tokyo.Alternative suggestion?
July18 Tuesday)(复习)
Be situated next to the shopping mall 5 minutes away kind of small did you stay up late last night? facial mask(hydrating or smoothing)clam your skin having my facial treatment why should I take it off?(rinse off清洗掉)flip flops they’re convenient and comfortable my toes hurts.You’ll need some time before you get used to them.Prefer doing to doing sth Safety pants underneath Avoid showing too much Heat up faster 美剧: TV SHOW The new season is coming out this weekend.Character(人物)Spoiler(剧透)Enough chichat Go asap
1. …is a very popular topic which is much talked about not only by …but also by …
Weahter a large family is a good thing or not is a very popular topic which is often talked about not only by city residents but by farners as well.
2.There is no denying the fact that…
There is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extemerely serious problem:the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it.
3.As is known to all,…
As is known to all,fake and inferior commodities harm the interests of consumers.(=do a lot of harm to the interests of comsumers)
4.More and more people are realing the importance of …
Tody an increaasing number of people have realized that law education is of great importance .In order to keep law and order,very one of us is supposed to get(=receive)a law education.
From what I have mentoned above,we can see clearly that violence on TV has great influence on young adults’behaviour.(或 teenagers’behavior 或 youngsters’behavior)
1.There are some good reasons for…(分析原因)
two possible
There are two reasons for the improvement in people’s living conditions.Inthefirst place,we have been carrying out the reform and opening-up policy.Secondly,there has been a rapid expansion of our national economy .Further-more,the birth rate has been put under control.
2.My suggestions to deal with the problem are as follows.In the first place,… Secondly,…Finally… solve
relieve (提出建议)
My suggestions to deal with the problem are as follows .To begin with,it is urgent to create nature reserves.Secondly,certain rare wild animals that are goingtobeextinct should be collected,fed and reproduced artificially.Finally ,those who hunter them must be punished severely.
3.Different people have different opinions on this question.Some people believe that …