一、认真备课,讲究教法,使学生轻松愉快、积极主动地学习。教英语字母是最枯燥无味的,我没有死板地从头到尾教、念、背、而让学生分别充当A,B,C…..,然后用Who is A? Who is B?这个句型来提问,学生回答I’m A.I’m B.再就是利用字母卡片和What’s this? What’s that? 的句型来提问,学生回答It’s A.It’s B.这样教学生有兴趣,学得快记得牢。创设情景,让学生在具体语言环境中去掌握知识。例如,教Stand up!Sit down!这一用语,我就让学生轮流当班长,指挥全班同学“起立坐下”,个个同学兴致勃勃,争着当班长。又如,教Good morning 这一用语时,我又让同学轮流当老师,到讲台上来向全班学生问好,并提出要求。当老师就得把英语说得准确、流利,像当老师的样子。同学一听个个精神振奋,用心学习,把小手举得高高的,要求当老师,在极大的兴趣中学习和运用语言。
二、用儿歌形式巩固新知识。平时,我非常注意收集报刊杂志上的英语儿歌,自己也编一些英语儿歌,在课内外或给每个班的英语墙报上教学生记、诵。如教系动词的用法,我编了一组儿歌:系词am,is,are,如何正确使用它?我用am,你用are,is用于它,他,她。以上主语是单数,复数主语全用are。指示代词做主语,this,that用is,these,those要用are。教师教读练习“颜色”的一组儿歌: black黑,黑如煤,white白,白似雪,green绿,绿如茵,blue蓝,蓝似天,red红,像灯笼。念完儿歌后,要求全班同学依座位次序说出自己身上所穿衣服的颜色,说不出的同学就表演或唱。由于儿歌琅琅上口,好记易背,很受欢迎。
三、把游戏、竞赛引入课堂,做到寓教于乐。例如,猜字母游戏: 三合一(打一大写字母)(Y),一条曲折的人生之路(打一字母)(S),半把剪刀(打两个小写字母)(d p),幼苗初绽(打一小写字母)(r),永远走不完的路(打一字母)(O)。我常用“击鼓传花”的游戏末巩固句型。“鼓”则用录音机放英语歌曲,“花”改用教学图片。音乐一起,图片被依次传递,音乐一停,图片传到哪里,那张书桌的两位同学就得站起来问答(图片一再更换)。他们问What’s this? What color is it? 同学们对游戏很感兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛。在每次妙趣横生的英语游戏中,学生的兴趣很浓,情绪高涨。课堂上既有紧张的思考,激烈的竞争,又有开心的欢笑,愉悦的享受。
(三)、培养书写整洁的习惯。对学生们的书写,我也是从他们开始学习英语就给予重视的。例如从26个字母学起,从一笔一画抓起,从笔顺到标点符号,都要求规范,书写速度很慢,要求书写漂亮。我认为,要求学生书写规范和整洁美观,不仅能培养学生学习英语的兴趣,而且对于培养学生严肃认真和一丝不苟 的学风也是很有作用的。这样使学生养成了书写规范,整洁,正确使用标点符号的良好习惯,同时也激发了学生学习英语的兴趣。
(四)、培养运用语言的习惯。在日常学习生活和教学中,我努力为学生创造比较好的英语环境,尽可能用英语组织教学,在讲解单词及句子和对话时配以动作表情使学生明白意思。在讲解单词时尽量用英语解释,如short—not tall。这样老师给同学们做了表率,不论何时何地都应该把所学过的单词句子运用说出来,鼓励学生在放学、上学的路上,甚至在家里都应该说一些学过的句子运用到日常生活当中。有一位家长对我说:“孩子回家后就指这指那地说英语,还常考我。早晨起来还唱一首英语歌(Good Morning)。”由此可见学生学习兴趣得到了强化的体现。因为他们更有机会再学习英语,发展了语言能力和运用语言的能力,他们学习英语的干劲更足了,使他们获得了很多英语知识,他们有了成就感,更有了信心,英语学习进步很快很大,家长们高兴得说:“我们的孩子爱学英语,爱说英语,水平提高了。”常言道:兴趣是最好的老师。学生一旦对学习有了较浓厚的兴趣,就会产一种极大的学习热情和动力。只有当教师激发起学生的兴趣时,他们才能想尽一切办法去学、去记、去探索,而这正是培养和发展学生学习能力和创造能力的基础。学生对学习有了兴趣,教和学才不是一种负担,而是一种乐趣。
元旦小长假 健康不放假
亲爱的家长朋友: 您好!
温馨元旦——给亲人送去元旦祝福 或发送祝福短信,或电话问候,或亲手绘制祝福贺卡,或为亲人做一件力所能及的事……用自己的实际行动迎来崭新的一年。
以往英语视听说课程在高职专业的教学过程中会遇到一个很大的问题, 就是教育缺乏渐进性。大多数高职学生在收听、收看视听文件时, 往往感觉教材的难度超过他们的基础水准, 通篇都是“生词”, 一小时只能听很少的一段, 学生很容易丧失学习兴趣, 最终变为frustration level (感到沮丧) 。
朗文交互英语网络学习平台是由朗文团队创立的交互式教学课程。它最大的特点在于学生可以在任何有网络的地方参与教学, 学生只需登录在线网站, 在老师的指导下收听、收看教学视频。老师也可以采取在线方式, 上传教学文件、视频、音频;在线提问、检查学生的学习效果;布置作业等。该平台具有时效性强、操作简便、使用更为机动灵活等特色。老师可以使用平台将学生的学习分成不同级别, 实现针对不同学生不同级别的分层次教学。
语言学家们教研的结果是:最令学生有兴趣的是那些难度适中以及词汇量能够不影响学生学习持续性的材料。这样, 学生们才能更好地学会语言, 成绩也会提高更快。而朗文交互平台如果能够良性地与视听说课程相结合, 就能为学生更有效吸收课堂内容创造可能。
所谓良性设计, 是指以因材施教为基础去设计教学平台、收集教学材料、设计考查方法以及作业布置。
(1) 网站设计与在线教学——高职英语专业学生普遍对计算机操作不专业, 甚至有人有畏难情绪。因此网站应该易于上手, 操作简便。同时教师应该将平台上的视听材料进行整合, 选取恰当的难度来进行教学, 让学生能大略听懂, 并进一步加以知识点的灌输与讲解;并且应该上传能激发学生学习兴趣、难度适中的教辅材料, 便于学生选择。同时, 可以适当选取材料来进行文化背景的注解, 帮助学生了解中西方的文化差异, 在不同的社会背景下, 学英语、了解语言差异, 以便使知识点的讲解更为生动、有趣, 开阔学生的视野, 提高学习兴趣。
(2) 视频、音频——可以教师一对多进行播放, 让学生集体学习;也可以将成绩不同的学生分组, 使用难度不同视频。建议:选择视频的词汇量和语速可参考英语等级考试A级、四级、六级词汇量和听力的语速要求。朗文网络互动平台上的材料主要包括英式发音、美式发音两种, 教师教学时应提醒学生注意分辨, 并配合文化差异进一步解释。另外可以选取英语歌曲、影视片段辅助教学, 培养学生主动去听、模仿、练习口语的兴趣, 增强他们的自信心。
(3) 练习题——可以选取平台提供的练习题, 对知识点进行强化, 也可以自行设计练习题辅助教学。但在选题的同时应做好规划, 循序渐进, 并且让学生“自我约束”去做。例如, 可以明确地指出哪些题是培养学生的听力、阅读理解能力或在线写作能力, 并列出细化的评分标准。
(3) 作业——可以针对教学内容和能力培养目标, 给学生留口头作业, 或者让其在线答题。可以利用系统单独生成不同题目给学生, 也可以让学生分组完成。可以是当堂完成, 也可以是课后完成。为了防止出现小组成员“能者多劳”而个别成绩差的组员被忽略的现象和对自创内容时学生随意编造现象, 笔者对分组作业给一点建议:
例如, 可以选取难度适中的topic (话题) , 规定小组自编内容完成现实对话场景。如果是5 个人的小组角色扮演 (role-play) , 则表演不能少于10~15 分钟, 单个组员的展示时间不能少于2~3 分钟。内容里必须包含课堂上所讲述的知识要点或语言点 (key pointslanguage points) 。学生表演时, 教师应随时记录其小组+ 个人的表现。如果利用平台的发音功能和动画来提升小组对单词、句子的重音和语音语调, 则要求教师根据学生的表现从语音、语调、语法以及创新能力等各方面给予评价, 清楚地记录并指出学生这些方面的错误和问题, 令学生清楚以后创作应该规避的语音问题, 同时认可老师是公平、公正地在评分。如果是在线写作, 则需要学生集体讨论之后再完成。教师要在用词是否地道、恰当、语法是否正确等方面给予评判。可以恰当运用平台上的动画语法解释功能说明语法规则, 令学生从听觉、视觉等多方面感知语法的实际意义, 破除其认为英语是语法概念“模模糊糊”的语言这样的误解。
注意:当堂完成的作业要求教师严格遵守与学生的约定, 控制排演的时间和质量。不能因为个别学生能力不足而拖延或搅乱整套作业, 也不能因为个别学生能力强完成快而“临时加码”。要树立教师威信, 适当给予学生压力, 令大部分学生能够完成作业的同时, 使教学任务保质保量。
(4) 实践和反馈——个性化的实施教学, 是朗文交互英语网络平台最大优势。但是, 教师应审慎思考对它的运用。大多数高职英语专业的学生只能用简单的英语来阐释某些特定情境, 而且几乎无法顺利地参与学术问题的探讨、进行顺畅的贸易谈判等更高层次的交流。朗文英语互动网络学习平台, 令教师有机会及时、准确地发现学生的表达问题, 从而给予指导。因为平台可以为教师提供详细的进度报告、单元和模块学习成绩测验、级别测试以及作业, 能够对学生最终听懂英文原著、视频音频材料提供一个阶梯式的教学过程。教学初期:先让学生能够简单听懂。安排学生观看fundamental words2000 个左右常用单词组成的视听材料。并对这2000 个常用单词加以强化训练, 让学生多听、多练、多背, 牢牢记住这些词以及他们的基本用法和口语发音。“基础第一关”过了之后, 可以让学生去观看简易原声影视, 词汇量在3300~3500 之间, 同时要求学生模仿其发音方法、掌握重点句型, 能够表演出主要角色的部分台词。这里需要从学生的实际出发, 根据不同学生的学习成绩和实际交际能力来对学生分层。而且要随时接受反馈, 敏锐地发现学生的变化和学习过程中发生的困难。这需要教师在平台上进行不断的试验——包括教学方法、教学内容的选择, 设计完善的随堂测验。这就是“简易原声关”。最后, 是“原汁原味”关。让学生学习由5000 左右单词组成的视听材料, 最大程度上保持英语的基本特色, 让学生学习到地道的英语, 同时可以有一定的自我阐述能力。在这三个阶段, 如果学生的成绩有起伏, 教师还要给予客观、严谨的评判, 加强对学生的心理建设与辅导。因为该平台最关键的设计理念, 是要调动学生的主观能动性, 才能发挥其随时随地可以让他们更大程度参与的特点。要令学生理解老师是对他的成绩负责任、为了提高成绩而采取不同措施, 心服口服地接受老师的建议, 并以更积极的态度参与平台的教学, 反馈自己的学习情况, 以免学生产生被区别对待的误解从而影响学习积极性。
教师应该做到在线服务和帮助的准确性和及时性。首先, 教师本人应该提高个人修养和文化素质, 熟练掌握朗文交互英语学习平台的各个功能, 对教学的视听文件了如指掌;并对材料进行有效的筛选和整合, 要选用经典的材料 (即能够提高英语能力、涉及西方文化和说英语的世界情况的材料) 。学生自己也要事先多听多练, 实现发音准确、语言地道。这样才能根据学生的不同特点, 进行有针对性的教学, 更好地为学生提供在线服务和帮助, 发现问题和解决问题应该及时。鼓励优秀学生在完成教学规定内容之外, 自主在平台上参与其他学习 (可以给予评分上的鼓励) 。对有困难的学生要不放弃指导, 一旦学生学习进步应及时给予肯定和鼓励。应耐心回答学生问题, 同时鼓励学生继续提问, 求真务实地完成教育教学计划的同时能扩展知识面。
摘要:本文主要论述如何将朗文教育英语网络学习平台与《大学英语视听说》课程良性结合的方法与教学建议。笔者从该课程如何有效对高职英语专业学生的听说能力培养为基础, 延伸至阅读、写作等其他能力的综合训练, 为高职专业英语视听说课程的教育教学提供新的教学观点和方法。
[1]蒋丽萍.基于英语学习网站的大学英语自主学习模式研究[J].外语教学与研究, 2006 (3) :39-41.
Plan Ⅰ.Teaching content: Chapter 1.Starting school Ⅱ.Teaching goals: 1.Basic language goals: Ss could master the usage of all the words and expressions.Words: afternoon
children Miss Sir
thank Expressions: Good morning/afternoon.Hello.I am Mary.Good bye.What is your name?
2.Ability goal:
To improve the Ss’ ability of listening and speaking.Students can make dialogues by themselves.3.Emotion goal: Cultivate the Ss’ ability of group cooperation further.Stimulate the Ss’ interest.Ⅲ.Main and difficult points 1.Words and expressions: The basic language point of Chapter 1.2.Grammar focus: Moral and Civic Education;good manners.Ⅳ.Teaching aids: Pictures
Ⅴ.Time allotment:
The 1st.Period Ⅰ.Teaching task: Chapter 1 PartA Ⅱ.Teaching steps:
Step 1.Warm-up(Greeting the class)T: Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls.I am Jacky,your Englishteacher.Can you greet me?Say “Hello,Jacky.”
who would you like to greet me? You’re
.Do you know my name?Can you greet me? P:Hello,Jacky./Good morning/afternoon,Jacky.T:Very good.Step 2.Presentation 1.Write your name on the board.2.put on a name card(on a string arond your neck.)Keeping repeating My name is...T:What is your name?Do you have an English name? Who has already got an English name?Hands up!What is your English name? P1:My English name is Mary.T:Hello,Mary.Anybody else? P2:I am...T:Good morning,...3.Write some common English names on the board.Then speak to pupils who don’t have an English name.T:Look at these names.You can choose one you like.You can use it in the classroom.You can write the name.then you can take it home and show your parents.you’re...How about Kevin or Kelvin? Step 3.Practice
Make a short dialogue.The 2nd Period Ⅰ.Teaching task: Chapter 1 Part B Ⅱ.Teaching steps:
Step 1.Warm-up(Greeting the class)T: Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls.I am Jacky,your Englishteacher.Can you greet me?Say “Hello,Jacky.”
who would you like to greet me? You’re
.Do you know my name?Can you greet me? P:Hello,Jacky./Good morning/afternoon,Jacky.T:Very good.Step 2.Presentation 1.Try adressing different pupils,greeting them and getting them to introduce themselves.Less able pupils can do this in groups to build up confidence.T: Good morning/afternoon,Group B.P: Good morning/afternoon,Jacky.2.Write Good morning/afternoon on board.Keep practising this and other expressions around the class.3.Write key words and expressions on the board.4.Encourage pupils to repeat the phrases and sentences after you,acting roles.Step 3.Practice Listen to the tape.what can you say?
The 3rd.Period Ⅰ.Teaching task: Chapter 1 PartC Ⅱ.Teaching steps: Step 1.Warm-up(Greeting the class)T: Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls.I am Jacky.Say “Hello,Jacky.”
who would you like to greet me? You’re
.Do you know my name?Can you greet me? P:Hello,Jacky./Good morning/afternoon,Jacky.T:Very good.Step 2.Presentation 1.Arouse pupils’ interest in reading by asking one or two questions about the story.T:Do you know who Beeno is?
Can you point to Beeno? 2.Pre-teach the key words and give the classroom language for teaching them,eg:spell,present.3.Tell pupils to read the story once silently.4.Ask question about the story.①Who is the teacher?(peter)②In picture one is it morning or afternoon? ③There are four children.do you know their name?Can you tell me one name? ④How do you know?Tell me a girl’s/boy’s name.Step 3.Practice 1.Get pupils to act the story in groups,changing names where appropriate.ask one or two groups with lively intonation and reasonably accurate pronunciation to come to the front to perform.2.Ask pupils to spell their names.3.Check pupils answers to Part D
The 4th.Period Ⅰ.Teaching task: Chapter 1 PartD Ⅱ.Teaching steps:
Step 1.Warm-up(Greeting the class)T: Good morning/afternoon,boys and girls.Say “Hello,Jacky.”
who would you like to greet me? You’re
.Do you know my name?Can you greet me? 2.Review the story.Get pupils to act the story in groups,changing names where appropriate.ask one or two groups with lively intonation and reasonably accurate pronunciation to come to the front to perform.Step 2.Presentation(Phonics)1.Get pupils to look at my mouth while you pronounce the/g/sound or play the video in the Super E-Book.Lool at my mouth.Say after me.2.Play the phonic game in the Super E-Book.3.Ask the pupils to look for anther word with the same sound(goodbye.)4.Suggest English names that pupils can use in the class beginning with the same sound.T:Does everyone have a name beginning with a/g/sound?Can you tell me who has a name beginning with /g/? Here are some names:Gary,Gilbert,Gordon,Grace【Write them on the board.】
Step 3.Practice
Ask pupils to say other known words with the same sound.The 9th.Period
Ⅰ.Teaching task: Chapter 1 Part E Ⅱ.Teaching steps:
Step 1.Warm-up Daily greeting.T: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello, Lucia.T: What’s your name ? Ss: My name is Mary.Step 2.Presentation 1.Revise learnt expressions by greeting different pupils and getting them to introduce themselves.T: What is your name ? S1: My name is _______.T: Good afternoon,________.S1: Good afternoon, Lucia.2.Lead pupils to do pair work like the above mentioned.3.Go round the class to check pupils’ understanding.4.Make a name card for your partner.Step 3.Practice
Make a short dialogue.Teaching
Plan Ⅰ.Teaching content: Chapter 2.Nice to meet you Ⅱ.Teaching goals: 2.Basic language goals: Ss could master the usage of all the words and expressions.Words: my father
my mother
my classmate
my brother
my sister
my friend Expressions: This is ______.Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you, too.How are you? I am fine, thank you.How are you ? I am fine, too.2.Ability goal:
To improve the Ss’ ability of listening and speaking.Students can make dialogues by themselves.4.Emotion goal: Cultivate the Ss’ ability of group cooperation further.Stimulate the Ss’ interest.Ⅲ.Main and difficult points 3.Words and expressions: The basic language point of Chapter 2.4.Grammar focus: Customary greetings.Ⅳ.Teaching aids: Pictures
Ⅴ.Time allotment:
Ⅰ.Teaching task: Chapter 2.Part A(1)
Ⅱ.Teaching steps:
Daily greeting:
T: Hello, children.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: What is your name?
Ss: My name is _______.Step 2.Presentation 1.Play a game: T says, Ss do.2.T shows the pictures and lead the Ss to read the words.(T writes the words on the blackboard.)3.Ask Ss to read the words group by group to see which group is the best.4.Teach Ss how to act the different roles.As a teacher reads the words, the Ss do the action, then ask some students to be a little teacher.5.T points the words, Ss read them out.Step3.Practice 1.T shows the pictures, Ss read the words.2.Ask Ss to read the words by themselves.The
Period Ⅰ.Teaching task: Chapter 2.Part A(2)Ⅱ.Teaching steps:
Daily greeting:
T: Hello, children.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: What is your name?
Ss: My name is _______.Step2.Presentation 1.Sing a song together.2.Review the words of family members.(father mother brother sister me)3.T shows the pictures, Ss say the words.4.T says the words, Ss catch the pictures.5.Teach Ss how to introduce people with the pattern “This is _____” 6.Lead Ss to read the above pattern.7.Ask Ss to introduce their friends to all the classmates in the front.Step3.Practice 1.Ask Ss to read the words and sentences.2.T shows other photos of pupils, Ss say “This is______”
Period Ⅰ.Teaching task: Chapter 2.Part A(3)Ⅱ.Teaching steps:
Daily greeting:
T: Hello, children.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: What is your name?
Ss: My name is _______.Step2.Presentation 1.Teach “he” and “she”.Through the pictures to be clear about these two words.2.Give examples to introduce others with the two words.Eg: He is my classmate.She is my sister.3.Ask Ss to introduce their partners with this pattern: This is Peter.He is my brother.This is Cherry.She is my sister.Step3.Practice 1.Lead Ss to read the sentences on the blackboard.2.Listen to the CD and read the dialogue in Part A.Step4.Homework
Ask Ss to draw a picture about their families and describe.The
Period Ⅰ.Teaching task: Chapter 2.Part A(4)Ⅱ.Teaching steps:
1.Daily greeting:
T: What is your name?
Ss: My name is _______.2.Sing a song.Step2.Presentation 1.Ask Ss to show their pictures about their family members, and try to introduce them in this way.2.T shows the Flash cards, Ss read the words out together, and then pick up one group to read the words one by one.3.Look at the books and ask Ss to say the content of Part A about: Where is it? Who are they? What are they doing? 4.Listen to the CD and read the dialogue.5.T leads them to read one sentence by one sentence.Step3.Practice
Play a game.T draws a picture about family members on the blackboard.Firstly, ask Ss to recognize who they are(father? mother? brother? or sister?)
Period Ⅰ.Teaching task: Chapter 2.Part B Ⅱ.Teaching steps:
Daily greeting:
T: Hello, children.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: How are you?
Ss: Fine, thank you.Step2.Presentation 1.Take out a photo and ask Ss to do introduction with “This is _____” or “He/She is ______.” 2.Listen to the CD and read Part A.3.Ask Ss to look at the pictures carefully to make themselves be clear about the relationships of these people.4.Lead them to say out these children’s relationships like: This is ________.He/She is my friend.Step3.Practice 1.Write the right answer of Part B and ask Ss to copy by themselves.2.Check their books.Step4.Thought after class
Period Ⅰ.Teaching task: Chapter 2.Part C Ⅱ.Teaching steps:
Daily greeting:
T: Hello, children.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: How are you?
Ss: Fine, thank you.Step2.Presentation 1.Ask Ss to look at pictures on P1 and P2 and answer Qs: What is the bee’s name?(Beeno.)What did Mary lost?(Her book.)Which class did Mary in?
(Class1A.)Who is Betty?
(Mary’s classmate.)2.Listen to the CD and ask Ss to talk about the main content of this story.3.Lead Ss to read the story one sentence by one sentence.Step3.Practice 1.Listen to the CD and read.2.Ask Ss to read the story follow the T.3.Ask Ss to read together.The
Period Ⅰ.Teaching task: Chapter 2.Part D & Phonics Ⅱ.Teaching steps:
Daily greeting:
T: Hello, children.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: How are you?
Ss: Fine, thank you.Step2.Presentation 1.Listen to the CD and read Part C.2.Ask some questions: Which class does Mary in? What is the meaning of “friend”? What does “classmate” mean? 3.Ask Ss to finish Part D.4.Check the answer.5.Let Ss to look at T’s mouth when pronounces /h/ Step3.Practice 1.Play the phonics game.2.Ask Ss to say more words with the sound of /h/ 3.Listen to the CD and read Part D.The
Period Ⅰ.Teaching task: Chapter 2.Part E & Task F Ⅱ.Teaching steps:
Daily greeting:
T: Hello, children.Ss: Hello, Lucia.T: How are you?
Ss: Fine, thank you.Step2.Presentation 1.Revise the greeting expressions learnt in this chapter by greeting Ss 2.Ask Ss to do pair work.3.Check the answers of Part E.Step3.Practice 1.Tell the main idea of the song in Part F.2.Listen to the CD and sing the song.3.Play the song and tell pupils to follow the words with their fingers.4.Play the song again and ask Ss to sing along.Step4.Thought after class
Period Ⅰ.Teaching task: Revision(Chapter 2.)Ⅱ.Teaching steps:
1.Daily greeting:
T: Hello, children.Ss: Hello, teacher.T: Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you, too.2.Sing a song < I love my family>
Step2.Presentation 1.T does the actions and Ss say the words to revise Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening.2.Play a game to revise the basic sentences.What is your name?
My name is _________.Step3.Practice 1.Listen to the CD and read Part A.2.Ask some Ss to recite the dialogue.3.Listen to the CD and read Part C.4.Point to the important sentences of story in Part C and read for several times.Step4.Thought after class
Period I Teaching task: Revision C(Chapter 2)II Teaching steps: Step1 Warming up activities 1 Daily greeting.2 Sing a song(I love my family).Step2 Presentation’ T show s the Flash cards, Ss read the words out.2 Ask Ss to make sentences with the words like: This is Peter.He is my classmate.3 Recite Part A together.4 Read the story in Part C and answer the questions.① Which classs is Mary in? ② What did Mary lost? ③ What relationship are between Betty and Mary? Step 3 Practice Listen to the CD and read Part C.2 Point out the key words and expressions of the story write them on the blackboard and read again.Step 4 Homework
Recite Part C.Teaching Plan I Teaching content:
Unit 3 My toys II Teaching goals: Basic language goals: Ss could master the usage of all words and expressions.Words: a doll a car a robot a ball
a bus a teddy bear
one two three four five
six seven eight nine ten Expressions: I have a ball.I have two balls
He has three buses and five balls 2 Ability goals:
To improve the students’ abilities of speaking and listening.3 Emotion goal
To be confident during studying English
To cultivate the students’ ability of group coorperation.III Main and difficult points.1 Words and expressions 2 Grammar focus:
I have a ball He has two balls.IV Teaching aids
Flash cards, CD player, toys V Time allotment:
The I Teaching task: Part A(a)II Teaching steps
Step1 Warming up activities 1 Daily greeting
1st 2 Sing a song.Step 2 Presentation 1 Introduce the number from 1~10 and write them on the blackboard.2 Lead them to read and then ask Ss to count them one by one.3 If someone counts the wrong number or doesn’t know how to count, I will give him/her a punishment to jump and other students help him/her to count together.Step 3 Practice 1 Look at the calendar on the book and read the numbers follow the T with the fingers pointing to the words.2 Lead Ss to do some mathematic like:
One + two = three
seven-two = five
three + five = eight
four-one = three
one + five = six
ten-five = five Step 4 Homework
To remember the numbers.The
Period I Teaching task: Unit3 Part A(b)II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities
Greeting.2 Sing a song.Step 2 Presentation
Review the numbers.2 Introduce the new words with Flash cards.Show an opaque bag with small objects in it in my bag.Oh!It is a ball.Is there only one ball? No? There is another ball.Let’s count.How many balls? One ball, two balls, three balls.Etc.3 Teach the vocabulary using the flash cards or toys.T: This is a car.Say “ car”.Repeat follow me.Car.I have a car.This is my car.4 Keep asking “How many?”
Focus on the plurals: one bus, two buses T: How many robots? S1: I have two robots.Step 3 Practice 1 Listen to the CD and read the words.The
Period I Teaching task: Unit 3 Part A(c)II Teaching steps: 1 Greeting.2 Play a game.Step 2 Presentation 1 Review the words with Flash cards 2 Write the numbers on the board first, then the words.Let pupils point and read the words.Correct their pronounciation when necessary.T: Who would like to be a teacher? Let’s count together.Group A, say the numbers.Listen carefully: Three.This is three.Repeat.Three.Very good.Etc.3 Rub out the words only.Try to get Ss to say the numbers in random.Demonstrate first, then ask Ss to come up.4 In order to keep Ss’ attention, come to the board, then suddenly rub out different numbers and get Ss to say the missing words.(numbers).Continue until you have rubbed out all the numbers.Get Ss to count from one to ten in groups and individually.Step 3 Practice
Use number cards to match the numbers and words.Draw out a card and a toy from your bags.The
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 3 Part B II Teaching steps:
Step 1 Warming up activities
Greetings.2 Play a game.Step 2 Presentation 1 Review the new words with Flash cards.2 Lead students to count numbers one by one.3 Listen to the CD and read Part A.Write down the basic sentence: I have … Ask Ss to look at the pictures and count how many toys Peter/Tom/Mary has.5 Ask Ss to make up a short dialogue in groups.e.g.I have a robot.I have nine balls.To underline we use a/an instead of one for singular nouns and we add s in the end.Put es on the end of plural nouns which ending in s, sh, ch, x or z and some nouns ending in O.Step 3 Practice
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 3 Part C II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Review the new words.Step 2 Presentation.1 Arouse pupil’s interest in reading by asking one or two questions about the story.What are the children playing with?
What toys can you see? 2 Listen to the CD and ask pupils to answer:
Whose house is it?
What toys does Danny have?
Are Danny’s robot big?
Is Sue’s robot big? 3 Interpret the story and read one sentence by one sentence.Step 3 Practice 1 Listen to the CD and read the story.2 Lead pupils to read the story.3 Ask pupils to read by themselves.Step 4 Homework.The
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 3 Part D& Phonics II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Listen to the CD and read Part C.Step 2 Presentation 1 Lead Ss to read the story.2 Ask Ss to answer the questions How many pigs does Danny have? Who has five robots? Who has a big robot? 3 Ask Ss to read the story together.4 Finish Part D & check the answers.5 Get pupils to look at my mouth while pronounce the |b| and |p| sounds or play video in the Super E-book.Step 3 Practice Play the phonics game in the Super E-Book.2 Ask pupils to look for one more word for each sound(ball, Pippy).3Tell pupils to hold a piece of paper in front of their mouths when they say the |b| and |p| sounds.The paper will move when they say |p|, because more air should be pushed out of the mouth.The
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 3 Part E II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Review the new word.Step 2 Presentation 1 Ofer an opaque bag full of toys and ask some Ss to get someone, then say the sentence.e.g.I have a doll.I have two robots.2 Also ask someone to get a toy from the bag and ask other Ss to guess what she/he has.e.g.She has five cars.He has two robots.3 Listen to the CD and read PartE.4 Ask Ss to look at the 4 pictures in Part E and write the right name in the blanks.Step 3 Practice Lead Ss to read the Part E again.Play the phonics game in the Super E-Book.2 Ask Ss to make up a short passage about Sam and Tina with pictures.The
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 3 Part F II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Review the numbers 1-10.Step 2 Presentation 1 Count the numbers group by group.2 Write these numbers on the blackboard and ask someone to read.3 Look at the picture on P18 and ask how many teddy bears there are.4 Play the CD and listen.5 Teach Ss to sing the song one sentence by sentence.6 Lead them to dance with the music.Step 3 Practice 1 T leads Ss to sing and dance for 3 times.2 Choose some students to perform in the front.3 The whole class sing and dance follow the music.Step 4 Homework
Teaching Plan I Teaching content:
Chapter 4 My pencil case II Teaching goals: Basic language goals: Ss could master the usage of all words and expressions.Words: a pen a pencil a ruler
an eraser a sharpener a pencil case red blue yellow pink brown green black white Expressions: I have a ball.I have two balls
He has three buses and five balls 2 Ability goals:
To improve the students’ abilities of speaking and listening.3 Emotion goal
To be confident during studying English
To cultivate the students’ ability of group coorperation.III Main and difficult points.1 Words and expressions 2 Grammar focus:
I have a ball He has two balls.IV Teaching aids
Flash cards, CD player, toys V Time allotment:
I Teaching task: Chapter 4 Part A(a)II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.Period 2 Play a game.Step 2 Presentation 1 Teaching the colours with the flash cards.Demonstrate by naming the colour of an object in the classroom.Match it with the correct flash card.Repeat with all the colours.T: Look!I have a pen.What colour is it? It is red.Show me/Point to something red in the classroom.The card is yellow.The pencil is yellow.Can you show me something yellow? What is black? What is white? The pen is black.The wall is white.My shoes are black.My hair is black.Etc.2 Now teach the vocabulary.First show the flash cards with the words covered.Then write the words on the board and teach the pronunciation.Rub out the words and get pupils to say the words.T: Read after me.P-E-N.Pen.Who can spell “pen”? Step 3 Practice 1 Listen to the CD and repeat.2 Ask Ss to make a phrase with the words of school things and colours.Step 4 Homework
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 4 Part A(b)II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Sing a song.Step 2 Presentation 1 Review the new words.a)Look at the flash cards and read.b)Compete who can read the words fastest.c)T leads Ss to read again.2 Introduce pupils to the article “an”.T: Speak after me.Be very careful: an apple, an eraser, an elephant, Pencil? A pencil? Pen? A pen.Eraser? An eraser.3 Introduce it and they.T: I have a pencil sharpener.What colour is it? It is pink./ One … It is …/ Two … They are …/ Three … They are … Step 3 Practice 1 Play a game.Give pupils key words, then ask them to make sentences.e.g.Two, ruler, pink.I have two rulers.They are pink.Step 4 Homework
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 4 Part A(c)II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Sing a song.Step 2 Presentation 1 Review the new words.2 Ask Ss to make sentences with these words.Introduce when a name/she/he is at the beginning of a sentence, we will use “has” instead of “have”.e.g.May has two pencils.She has a ruler.He has five erasers.Step 3 Practice 1 Show them key words, let Ss make sentences.e.g.Tom, three, pen, red.Tom has three pens.They are red.2 Write these sentences on the bb and lead Ss to read.Draw three big circles on the board.The representatives write the quantity in the circile and the object in the third circle.The groups get five points for writing the words correctly.I f they can say the sentences correctly, they can get an extra ten points.Step 4 Homework
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 4 Part A & B II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Play a game.Step 2 Presentation 1 Review the words.a)with flash cards.b)listen and repeat.c)make sentences.2 Ask Ss to look out the picture on P20.Q: a)How many children are they? b)Who are they? c)What does Peter have? d)What does Mary have? 3 Listen and read the dialogue.Step 3 Practice 1 Ask questions about Sally and Tom.a)What does Sally have? b)What colour are they? c)What does Tom have? d)What colour are they? Step 4 Homework Read the dialogue and recite.The
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 4 Part C II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Play a game.Step 2 Presentation 1 Review the words.2 Show a pencil case and ask Ss to say what is in it.e.g.three pencils, a sharpener, two green erasers, no pens.3 Ask Ss to look at the pictures on P21.Q: a)Where are the children? b)What are they waiting for? 4 Listen and answer.Qs: a)Why can’t Tom play with Charlie? b)Where is Charlie in Picture 3? c)In picture 3, is the school bag Charlie’s? d)In picture 3, is the pencil case Charlie’s? 5 Interpret the story and read the story one sentence by one sentence.Step 3 Practice 1 Listen and read.Check pupils’ answer of Part D.3 Read the story again.Step 4 Homework
Read the story and recite.The
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 4 Part C II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Sing a song.Step 2 Presentation 1 Ask Ss to answer questions.a)What are the children doing? b)Whose pencil case does Charlie have? c)What happened later? 2 Listen to the CD and read.3 Pick out the important points.a)come and play b)This isn’t … c)Oh, dear!d)the next day.4 Lead Ss read the above sentences.Step 3 Practice 1 Ask Ss to read the story by themselves.2 Invite some Ss try to retell the story with their own words.3 Lead them to act the story.Step 4 Homework
Recite the story.The
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 4 Part D & Phonics II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Sing a song.Step 2 Presentation 1 Listen and read the story.2 Look at the picture on P22 and talk about what they are in the pencil case.3 Ask Ss to write the names.4 To check the answers.5 Get pupils to look at your mouth while you pronounce the /e/ sound or play he video.T: Look at my mouth.6 Play the phonics game.7 Ask pupils to say the words hen and bed.Make sure they pronounce the words correctly./e/ /en/ /hen/ /e/ /ed/ /bed/ Step 3 Practice 1 Ask pupils to imagine that they are making a hesitation sound ‘eh’.As if do not know the answers to the T’s question.2 Ask pupils to say other known words with the same sounds.Step 4 Homework
Recite the story
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 4 Part E II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Play a game.Step 2 Presentation 1 Go through Tom’s description with pupils.Ask questions to check their understanding.a)How many pencils does Beeno have? b)What colour are they? c)How many erasers does Beeno have? d)What colour is it? 2 For less able pupils, you can write down key words on the board for their reference.e.g.five, black, pencils.3 Tell pupils to draw and colour the stationery in Beeno’s pencil case.Go round the class checking their understanding.4 Ask pupils to listen to Tom’s description of the stationery in Ting Ting’s pencil case.They write down the number of things in Ting Ting’s pencil case.5 Check pupils’ answers to Part E.Step 3 Practice 1 Let a student to be a little teacher, the other students read after him/her.2 Let students read the texts one by one.Step 4 Homework
Recite the story
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 4 Part F II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Sing a song.Step 2 Presentation 1 Tell pupils that they are going to play a game.T: Let’s play a game.I’m going to divide you into groups of four.2 Demonstrate how to play the game by saying, e.g.In my pencil case, I have a blue ruler.Then pass a pencil case to the pupil next to you 3 The pupil next to you, has to hold the pencil case and extend the sentence with the words.e.g.In my pencil case, I have a blue ruler and two red pencils.Step 3 Practice 1 Let a student to be a little teacher, the other students read after him/her.2 Let students read the texts one by one.Step 4 Homework
Recite the story
Teaching Plan I Teaching content:
Chapter 5 We can do it!II Teaching goals: 1.Basic language goals: Ss could master the usage of all words and expressions.Words: climb draw jump read run sing skip swim
Walk write can English Expressions: I can swim.I can’t read.Can you run ? 2 Ability goals:
To improve the students’ abilities of speaking and listening.3 Emotion goal
To be confident during studying English
To cultivate the students’ ability of group coorperation.III Main and difficult points.1 Words and expressions 2 Grammar focus:
Can you … ?
I can/ can’t ….IV Teaching aids
Flash cards, CD player, toys V Time allotment:
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 5 Part A(a)II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Play a game.Step 2 Presentation 1 Greet pupils and revise greetings.2 Revise spelling and counting using “can”.T: You can all spell your name now.Can you spell my name ? I can spell my name.My name is Lucia.L-U-C-I-A.Everyone can count from one two three… Can you count the buses? One bus, two buses…
I can draw a car.Who can draw a ruler? 3 Write “can” on the board and underneath write the names of the things pupils might be able to draw.Ask questions and put a tick next to the things pupils can draw.Write “can’t” on the board and put a cross next to the things pupils can’t draw.Recycle all taught vocabulary.Step 3 Practice Make dialogues:
T: I can’t draw a fish.I can draw a ball.Can you …? Ss: Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.The
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 5 Part A(b)II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Play a game.Step 2 Presentation 1 Mime swimming to teach the word ”swim”.T: Who can swim? Can you swim? P: I can swim./ I can’t swim.T: Those who can swim, hands up.Those who can’t swim, stand up.2 Teach all the new vocabulary(skip read write climb)in the same way.You can also use pictures.Write all the words on the board.T: Can you skip?
P: Yes, I can.(Put a tick)
No, I can’t.(Put a cross)3 Point to objects in the classroom.T: Can you say the names of the things in the classroom? How many things can you say in English? Can you say this in English?
P: Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.Step 3 Practice
Pair work.The
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 5 Part A(c)II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Play a game.Step 2 Presentation 1 Review the new words.Read together with Flash Cards.Eg: skip skip
I can skip.Read the words line by line.Read out the words quickly.2 Review the basic sentences.T: I can draw.Can you draw? P: Yes, I can.I can draw an apple.3 Ask Ss to practice in pairs.Step 3 Practice In pairs pupils ask each other questions to practice using can and can’t.Eg: Can you skip, Mary?
Yes, I can.Can you climb?
No, I can’t.The
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 5 Part A&B II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Sing a song.Step 2 Presentation 1 T does the actions, Ss guess the words.2 Listen to the CD and read the dialogue in Part A.Step 3 Practice 1.Ask Ss to look at P26.T: What can Kate do? P1: She can draw.T: What can Peter do? P2: He can climb.2.Ask Ss to complete the sentence by speaking.3.T writes down the right answer on the board.Let Ss copy them down.4.Check their handwriting.Step 4 Consolidation 1.Ask Ss to make sentences with Flash Cards.Eg: I can swim.I can’t climb.Can you write?
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 5 Part C(a)II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Play a game.Step 2 Presentation 1 Ask some questions.T: Can you run? S1: Yes, I can.2 Creat a situation: We are going to have a sports meeting.T: What can you do? S1: I can jump.T: He can jump.He can run too.(Write on the blackboard)T: Who can run fast? Ss: I can run fast.3.Ask Ss to look at the pictures on P27---28 and answer the following questions.1)Who can run fast and jump? 2)Can Ricky run too? Step 3 Practice Make dialogues:
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 5 Part C(b)II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Play a game.Step 2 Presentation 1 Ask some questions.1)What can Kelly do? 2)What can Ricky do? 2 Listen to the CD and answer the following questions.1)Who is Coco? 2)Can he run fast? 3)Who is late? 4)Can Coco run fast at last? 3 Interpret the story, write the important phrases and sentences on the board.Step 3 Practice 1.Listen to the CD and repeat.2.Ask Ss to read the story follow T.3.Ask Ss to talk about why Coco can run fast at last in groups.S1: Coco is late.S2: Coco feels worried.S3: Coco must run fast.The
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 5 Part D & Phrases II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Review the words.Step 2 Presentation 1 Read the story and answer the following questions.1)Which animals can run fast? 2)Can Ricky run? 3)In picture 6 can Coco run fast? 2 Get pupils to act the story in groups.Ask one or two groups with lively intonation and reasonably accurate pronunciation to come to the front to perform.3 Check pupils’ answers to Part D.Step 3 Practice
1.Get pupils to look at your mouth while you pronounce the /k/ sound or play the video.2.Play the phonics game.3.Ask pupils to look for two more words with the same sound.4.Ask pupils to tell you other known words beginning with the same letters and sound.Dram the on the board.The
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 5 Part E II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Play a game.Step 2 Presentation 1 Introduce “Mimi” She is clever ask Ss to look at the pictures and ask: 1)Can she read a book?
2)Can she write a story? 3)Can she sing a song?
4)Can she climb a tree? 2.Revise he/she.3.Revise the question form.Eg: Peter can walk.Can Peter walk?
Can he walk ? Step 3 Practice
1.Pupils do pair work.They ask their partner to report two things he/she can do and he/she cannot do.2.Pick out one or two pairs.Ask one of the pupils to report one thing his/her partner can do.Then ask whether the partner can do another thing.Eg: Mary can swim.Can she climb?
No, she can’t.3.Check pupils answers to Part E.The
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 5 Part F(a)II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Sing a song 3.Recite the important words and sentences.Words: Ask Ss to read out according to the flash cards.Play a game(I say you do)Sentences: Ask Ss “ Can you skip?” Step 2 Presentation 1.Tell pupils to fill in their personal information in the table.They tick the things they can do.2.Ask pupils to get in groups of four.They put their counters on the start.3.They take turns to throw the dice and move their counters according to the number on the dice.Step 3 Practice
1.Work in pairs.They ask their partner to report two things he/she can do and he/she cannot do.2.Ask one of the pupils to report one thing his/her partner can do.Then ask whether the partner can do another thing.The
Period I Teaching task: Chapter 5 Part F(b)II Teaching steps: Step 1 Warming up activities.1 Greetings.2 Play a game.3.Review the sentences:
Ask and answer “Can you … ?”
Ask Ss to answer according to the chant.Step 2 Presentation 1 Tell pupils to fill in their personal information in the table.2.When they move to a circle with an action, they say whether they can do that action according to the information in their table.If they can, they throw the dice again.If not, they will miss one turn.Step 3 Practice 1.Pupils do pair work.2.They ask their partner to report two things he/she can do and he/she cannot do.3.Play the game and check which group is the winner.Teaching Plan I Teaching content:
1.Jenny’s grandma wants to go to school everyday.()2.Jenny goes to school by bus.()3.Jenny’s grandma is good at dancing.()4.Jenny’s grandma has a good time at school.()5.Jenny’s grandma doesn’t want to learn new things.6.The children have fun in the Safari Park.()7.The monkeys are from Yancheng.()8.The monkeys live happily in the park.()9.The children are not afraid of the snakes.()10.The tigers are not dangerous.()11.The snakes are from Africa.()12.Tom’s father is buying some drinks.()13.Tom’s mother is buying some food.()14.Tom’s family don’t have a picnic at last.15.Everyone in the family likes eating cakes.()16.Grandma is buying some plastic plates and napkins.17.Susan is jumping.Her shadow is jumping too.()18.Paul is good at running.He can run quickly.()19.Paul is thirsty.He wants a hot drink.()()
20.we shouldn’t climb trees because it’s dangerous.()
1.How does Jenny go to school?()A.on foot
B by bus
C.by bike 2.Who goes to school together with Jenny?
C.mother 3.Does Jenny’s grandma have a good time at school? A.Yes
B No
C.I don’t know 4.What does grandma like? A.dancing
C.both A and B 5.Where are the Hippos from? A.Africa
C.Australia 6.Which animal is the tallest in the park?.A.tigers
C.giraffes 7.What do the giraffes eat? A.leaves from the tree
C.fish 8 what is hissing in the bushes? A.lions
B snakes
C.hippos 9.What animals are staying cool in the water? A.Hippos
C.giraffes 10.which animal can climb the tree? A.giraffes
C.monkeys 11.Everyone in the family likes _____.A.cakes
C.orange juice 12.What does Tom’s grandma buy?
A.plates and napkins
C.drinks 13.What does Tom’s mother buy?
A.plates and napkins
C.drinks 14.How many family members are there in Tom’s family? A.three
C.five 15.Why can’t Tom’s family have the picnic?
A.Because it’s raining
B.Because they don’t have time to go out
C.I don’t know
16.If you are running, your shadow will ____.A.jump
C.run 17.Did Lisa and Ann share the hot dog? A.Yes, they did.B.No, they didn’t
C.I don’t know.18.Is Tom naughty? A.Yes, he is.No, he isn’t.C.I don’t know.19.Susan is good at skipping.She can _____ very high.A.run
C.swim 20.What can the children see in the park? A.giraffes B lions
C.both A and B
三、填空(20)分 1.Please _______(not)climb, Grandma.2.Why is Jenny’s grandma ________(study)with us? 3.I can hear the lions.They ________.(roar)4.The e_______ are bathing in the water.5.The giraffes are eating l_______ from the tree.6.I want to buy some ________(mango)juice.7.All the food and drinks are ______(准备好了)but it’s raining.8.Paul is good at r_______.He can run fast.9.I’m really t_______.Can I have something to drink? 10.Lisa and Anna are good friends.They always s_____ things.参考答案
2-10 TFTFF
6-10 CABAC 11-15BABCA
3.are running
4.elephants 5.leaves
8.running 9.thirsty
1)Greeting&warm up:打招呼,继续练习句型:Good morning, What’s your name? How are
you? Nice to meet you.热身运动:小歌曲
walking,walking,....jump,jump,jump....running.....now,let’s sit down
2)Roll call:点名,然后让学生自我介绍(先用手偶做示范)Hello,my name is XX,I’m
a boy/girl.I’m 8/9,Nice to meet you.3)Review:闪卡复习上节课的单词,然后指定目标单词,目标单词拍手读,其他原地
4)新内容:A)、拿出一张照片,This is my family,today we’re going to learn about the
family,this is my mother,this is my father.引出father,mother领读,拼读,书写,正音; 操练:大小声,n+1
B)、继续拿出刚才的照片,This is my father’s father,my father’s mother,并用
pass the word,4,3,2,1
5)Close up:闪卡复习这四个单词,休息
1)greeting&warm up:Classroom Song 2)Review:闪卡(冰山一角)复习单词,再次领读和简单操练孩子们不会的单词。确保
3)Presentation:A)、在黑板画出family tree,边画边复习father,mother,grandmother,grandfather,并引出sister,brother,然后用手比一个大圆,并说big,再比一个小圆,并说little,练几遍big和little,然后引出big sister,big
brother,little sister,little brother,领读,拼读,书写,正音,操练:
生也读几遍 2)Tic-tac-toe,分成两组,各想好一个标志将今天所学八
F)、打开课本,指认练习point and say,然后标号 4)Close up: 闪卡复习今天所学八个单词,休息
1)Greeting&warm up:Hi, everyone, nice to meet you.2)Review:闪卡复习单词,再次领读和简单操练孩子们不会的单词。确保8个单词都能
B)、练习字母及本课单词的书写, 老师逐个检查每个孩子看书读8个单