
2025-01-16 版权声明 我要投稿


市场营销英文求职信 篇1


i am xx school of economics and management university marketing students, will be more than willing to accumulated years of knowledge and training to your organizations ability to contribute and do my best to create opportunities for your companys contribution to the progress and development of the full power of their own.

xx universities directly under the ministry of education is an interdisciplinary focus on a wide range of national comprehensive university. schools of philosophy, economics, law, literature, history, science, engineering, medicine, management disciplines, such as the nine categories; have 130 undergraduates, 180 masters degree authorization points, 71 points phd authorization, post-doctoral research center 15; has 16 national key disciplines, the focus of study in jilin province to 34, national education and scientific research personnel training base for teaching a , state key laboratory 5, the ministry of education key laboratory of 11.

in school, i seize every opportunity to exercise all aspects of their own ability to make their own moving in a modern society needs innovative talent development compound.. expertise in the effort to learn at the same time, learning a multi-electronic, mechanical type of foundation courses and two semesters of college physics experiments and metalworking practice, not only developed a solid knowledge and skills, training, analysis of the thrust and the actual operating capacity, but also established a rigorous thinking and truth-seeking system; completed a professional other than the economic field and more courses, and study after school hours a large number of marketing books, such as the practice of marketing planning, sales channel management, corporate advertising, online marketing, so as to improve the i structure of expertise.

“learn to work in the workplace, in learning how to learn.” i have a second fall, but another time i stood up, journey, for the optimism, persistence, hard work is my beacon. i have time and again the leadership of the rich vitality of each of the groups, to overcome difficulties and achieved a remarkable success after another. recognized by teachers, students praise us more enthusiasm to devote themselves to new challenges, and toward the goal of higher impact.

in social status is about to embark on, i wish to apply, looking forward to the sincere and filled with enthusiasm to join your company, your company culture and enjoy the charm of a dump evansonly give you the effectiveness of intrinsic quality.


市场营销英文求职信 篇2

自Brown&Levinson发表《礼貌使用中的一些普遍原则:礼貌现象》一文后, 礼貌现象逐渐成为普通语言学、社会语言学、人类学、心理语言学、语用学等学科的重要研究内容。在影响礼貌策略选择的语境中, Brown&Levinson认为, 说话人通过三个互相独立的变量来确定威胁面子的严重程度。这三种变量是社会距离, 即说话人和听话人之间的熟悉、亲密程度;相对权势, 听话人对于说话人所拥有的权势, 即说话人可以把自己的意志强加于听话人的程度;某一文化中对于强加程度的绝对程度的评价。说话人和听话人之间的社会距离越大, 说话人对于听话人所拥有的权势越大, 其言语行为本身强加于人的程度越大, 那么该言语行为威胁面子的程度就越大, 说话人就应该采取补偿性最强的策略。由此可见, 礼貌语言的运用与交际对象的关系疏密、地位高低等因素紧密相关。一般来说, 交际双方关系越密切, 地位、年龄、辈分越相当, 所需要的礼貌形式的程度就越低;双方关系越疏远、越陌生, 对方地位越高、辈分越尊、年龄越长, 则越需要客气。

在求职信这个语境中, 求职者和雇主双方的社会距离决定了求职信的语言要采取不同的表达形式来折射两者之间的社会和心理距离。选择不同的语言表达形式实际上是选择不同的礼貌原则, 即在言语交际中是指把礼貌信念及他人的信念表达提高到最大限度, 而把有损于他人的信念表达减到最小限度。这样遵循其文化背景下所形成的礼貌的语言表达规律, 才能达到其语义的预期效果。


求职信的目的是向雇主推荐自己, 陈述句的功能就是提供信息。所以在求职信中表示陈述语气的陈述句使用频率极高, 主要以第一人称:“I”的形式进行个人信息的介绍。但当要求对方做某事时, 多以祈使句加“please”礼貌措辞这种方式来表达。比如, 一般求职者在结束语部分都要请求行动——面试。如“Please contact me, and let me know an appropriate time”“Please feel free to contact me at any time regarding this matter”。

另外, 动词的时、体形式也是表达礼貌的诸多手段之一。在不同语言中, 体的礼貌价值有所不同。英语中表示意愿的词 (如“hope”“want”) 用进行体, 表示说话人试探性地、礼貌地表达自己的愿望。现在进行体能够使表达“变得婉转、留有余地”。过去进行时“具有较浓的试探色彩, 显得更为礼貌”。另外, 进行时态和情态动词 (如“will”“shall”) 连用, 可以“淡化主观意志, 增加客观色彩”以表示礼貌。有些动词 (如“hope”“wander”“want”等) 用一般过去时和过去进行时态表示说话者的委婉与客气。同时, 现在进行时态也可以表示婉转口气。例如在求职信结尾部分, 几种形式表示婉转口气的程度逐渐减弱, 如“Iwas hoping/ you would consider me for this position”“Iam hoping/ you will consider me for this position”“Ihoped/ you would consider me for this position”“I hope/ you will consider me for this position”。


情态用来表示说话人的意愿和判断以及说话人对某个命题或提议的态度、看法。根据系统功能语法, 情态可分为两类, 即情态化和意态化。情态化包括通常性阶和可能性阶;意态化包括倾向性阶和责任阶。情态可以通过情态词、情态状语、限定成分等来实现。

同时, 情态助动词可分为低、中、高量值 (见下表) 。

基于情态意义的程度差异, 求职者在表达人际意义时需要根据情态的量值来选择恰当的表达形式。

不同的情态意义和说话人的不同态度由不同量值的情态表达。情态量值越低, 话语越礼貌;情态量值越高, 话语越不礼貌。研究发现英文求职信中一般用中低情态值, 如在开头部分“Iwouldlike to apply for the job of a Costumer Consultant”, 在中间部分“I willuse my talents for the success and betterment of your organization”, 在结尾部分“I shallbe pleased to provide any information you may need, and hope I might be given the opportunity of an interview”“I can be contacted during the day at 1234567, or you may leave a message with my answering service at 1234567”。

另外, 说话者有时选择语气的隐喻形式而不是一致性的体现形式。导致说话者作出不同选择的因素可能涉及多方面, 其中包括说话者的角色、态度、会话双方的权力关系、亲密或熟悉程度等。情态的隐喻性表达也有助于实现礼貌的需求。强调明显主观和明显客观的表达都是隐喻性的。比如在向陌生人或比自己身份高的人表示意见时, 常使用隐喻性的明确主观来表示, 以示客气和敬重。

如在信的开头部分, 当求职者提出要求时, 根据受话者的身份以及交谈双方的关系, 可能会选择不同的表达方式。通常求职者倾向于使用情态中值的人际隐喻来体现礼貌原则:“I wantto apply for the position of a product architect”“I am interestedin the position of a product architect”。

上面例句中“interested”礼貌地表明了求职者的个人愿望, 这样不会因为“want”而给雇主施加压力从而危及雇主的面子。

再如在信的结尾处“I look forward tohearing from you soon”使用具有情态中值的“look forward to”来帮助求职者表达愿望, 这种表达也降低了雇主的义务, 从而与雇主建立了良好的关系。


书信交流是间接的言语交际, 尽量使对方感受到尊重, 这样才能赢得对方的好感。所以在交际中要恪守礼貌原则, 就要注意语言手段的运用。从语气和情态的语用学意义来看, 在实际的言语交际过程中为了达到某种特殊的目的和效果, 要根据实际需要选择表达方式, 使形式和意义的关系更为多样化。用最直接的方式表达的话语是最欠缺礼貌的, 用最间接的方式表达的话语则是最讲礼貌的。也就是说, 语言手段越间接, 话语就显得越礼貌。


[1]Penelope Brown&Steven Levinson, Politeness:Some Universals in Lan-guage Usage[M].Cambridge University Press, 1987.

[2]胡壮麟, 朱永生, 张德禄.系统功能语法概论[M].湖南:湖南教育出版社, 1989.

[3]李战子.话语的人际意义研究[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2002.

[4]林传萍.英文求职信的人际功能分析[J].武汉商业服务学院学报, 2011, (8) .

市场营销英文求职信 篇3











投其所需用BaIance Sheet展示自我

市场销售实习生英文求职信 篇4

Dear Mr.Chan

Application for the post of Management Trainee

I am writing to apply for the post of Management Trainee, which was advertised on the Student Affairs Office notice board of the Hong Kong polytechnic University on 8 December 2008.My working experience at Lucky Star Garment Manufactory Limited improved my leadership skills, communication skills and ability to work in a team environment.I have fluent spoken and written English.I also have fluent spoken and written Mandarin, and can therefore work in mainland China.Currently I am studying a B.A.in Management at the Hong Kong polytechnic University, graduating in 2009.Subjects which I am studying that are relevant to the post of Management Trainee include Operations Management, Human Resources Management, Accounting, Marketing and Strategic Management.My final year project is entitled Knowledge Management practices in HK.Carrying out this project has improved my communication skills, my leadership skills and my ability to lead and supervise subordinates effectively.I have also learned how to run a project from the planning stage to its completion.During my studies I have held the post of Executive in the Management Society.While leading and organising Management Society activities I have improved my ability to lead and supervise subordinates effectively, ability to work under pressure and ability to work in a team environment.Working for Wong And Lim Consulting appeals to me because it has a good reputation and it provides excellent training.Your organisation produces a high-quality service, and I can contribute to this with my leadership skills and my ability to work under pressure.I am available for interview at any time.I can be contacted most easily on the mobile phone number given above.I look forward to meeting you.Yours sincerely

市场主管的英文求职简历制作 篇5

Full name: XXX sexual distinction: Female

Nation: Appearance of politics of Chinese : Member

Record of formal schooling (degree) : Bachelor major: Commercial business management

Connect a telephone call: Mobile phone of * of * of * * * : * of * of * of * of * of * * *

Contact an address: Beijing east postcode of date of * of * of ave of XX of the city zone: 100007

Email Address: * * @sian.com

Working experience

*1992 year in October---In December 1994 XX telecommunications company

Manager of layout ministry assistant

Working duty: Plan of the sale plan that make and implements a product, sales promotion promotion / the management of sales promotion funds / responsible product is northeastern the sale of the area / the after service between harmonious technology center and agency concerns.

*1995 year in March---Some international is famous in March enterprise

Mart chairman

Working duty: Unified sales promotion is made politicly, of the activity carry out reach evaluate summary / make ad plan, with advertisement representative company the collective advertising that finish is made reach put in / visit retail market, dog the sale of area shopkeeper, agent is dynamic, the contest that monitor tastes market trends / undertake collection an analysis to market information / harmonious and outside supplier and media carry out activity of large public relations.

Achievement: Company image and company culture receive extensive transmission, thorough popular feeling. Product sale and market are had rate rise steadily, make the same trade well-known trademark.

*1998 year in May---Up to now XX company

Layout ministry is advanced director

Working duty: Product advertisement plans to make reach charge to control / engineer sales promotion activity and arrangement is carried out / contest tastes advertising to be monitored daily, analysis, the layout plan that adjusts a product in time / the market visits investigation. Put forward, make, the improvement that finishs retail terminal plan / put in to annual market with the sale data undertakes contrasting analytic, make proposal of advertisement of below one year.

英文简历和英文求职信常见问题 篇6

Hook (noun) Device to get the attention of the reader


Initiative (noun) Power to begin something


Specifically (adv) Particularly


Database (noun) Collection of data or records


Transferable skills (noun) Acquired skills relevant to a new situation


[en]Accomplishments (noun) Achievements, triumphs


社交网络营销在中国(英文) 篇7

SNS mentioned in the thesis will mainly focus on those sites which mean to help people to establish social networking, to bring relationship in real life into visual network, and have the characteristic of interaction, mainly including renren.com, kaixin001.com, Sina microblog, Tencent microblog, etc.

SNS marketing is a series of marketing activities based on Six Degree of Separation theory.Companies do marketing through SNS websites, relying on the communitization of networks, taking advantage of sharing function of SNS websites.

2 The importance of SNS marketing

SNS websites rise in North American and it is western companies that first adopt SNS marketing.Through the practice of the past few years, more and more companies have accepted the marketing method, and have confirmed that this form of marketing is effective.According to IResearch, among top500 American online retailers, about 3/4 of them have at least chosen one SNS website as their online marketing platform.Experts in IResearch hold the idea that SNS websites have become important online marketing platform for American online retailers.Netizens share and communicate with their friends about shopping experience through SNS website.The information has great influence on retailers’effort to increase sales volume.

Compared with western countries, SNS marketing starts in China relatively late but it could bring companies greater profits.Research from Analysis shows that number of registers of SNS websites is estimated to reach 510 million in 2011 and revenues of SNS will reach 979 million yuan.On one hand, the year 2010 is only the first year for microblog in China.On the other hand, microblog has developed greatly in China.According to recently published data, the number of users of microblog has reached 140 million for Sina and 160 million for Tencent.However, American famous microblog service provider, Twitter has only reached 200 million users since it was established in 2006.We may find that SNS websites may develop quickly and SNS marketing is quite potential.

What’s more, costs for SNS marketing is relatively lower.It is estimated that costs for online advertising have been generally raised 30%, costs for advertisement on major online media such as portal websites have even increased 40%-50%.However, companies cannot neglect online marketing.Taking advantage of SNS websites has provided such a low cost marketing method.According to figures of Letao.com, among the traditional promotion method, ROI of promotion through search engine is 1:2 and promotion through Promotion Alliance is 1:3 while promotion through microblog rebate policy is 1:10.

Last but not least, more and more companies have noticed that it is easy to tell public products but it is hard to let consumer to understand the product deeply, interact with it, form the topic of the product proactively and then recommend it.However, these elements are right the key point in modern marketing.Compared with traditional advertisement, SNS marketing is more attractive because customers are more willing to trust other users and friends’comments about the product, which can also motivate people to learn more about products.Besides, the role SNS marketing plays is more than traditional advertisements.It can play an important role in the whole process of marketing.

3 Model of SNS marketing

As is mentioned before, taking advantage of SNS websites can not only help to promote products.With the help of Philip Kotler’s model of marketing process, we may find that SNS marketing could be an instrument to apply in many processes.

3.1 Understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants through SNS

The most common way for companies to understand marketplace and customer needs and wants is to do market research.The rise of SNS websites in China has provided a new way to do market survey.

Because SNS websites mean to bring relationship in real life into visual network, the service operators therefore have users’personal information such as age, gender, region, education, hobbies and so on, which is companies need when they study marketplace.Besides, users of SNS websites interact a lot and are loyal to the website.Consequently, information can spread quite widely.The application of SNS websites, such as vote function in renren.com make it possible for companies to cooperate with SNS operators to do market research.Also, employees can use their own account, taking advantage of sharing and inviting function of SNS websites to collect survey information.Compared with using traditional contact method such as email, telephone, interview, using SNS websites cost low and have a higher response rate and lower dissatisfactory.

Companies cannot only use existed SNS websites, but also build SNS platform by themselves to gain more consumer information.In March, 2008, Starbucks made its first social media website online.The website is composed of four parts, share, vote, discuss and see.The website is warmly welcomed since it was put online.The company also gets some valuable innovations and conceptions to develop its products and to improve its service experience.

3.2 Construct an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value through SNS websites

3.2.1 Products and service:Establish strong brand through SNS

Brand is a key element between companies and customer relationship.The establishment of brand image and the spread of product culture not only rely on the customer satisfactory and loyalty generated after customers experience the products, but also win through constructing brand culture and delivering brand value.The process often needs consumers to know the brand deeply, to interact with it, to agree its culture and value and therefore to feel interested in it.Traditional marketing generally cannot spread brand culture widely but SNS websites can build a bridge between companies and customers.DCCI research shows that users are willing to exchange brand information online and about nine out of ten users of SNS websites will do this.And, users of SNS websites have a higher acceptance of brand information.74%of users won’t mind to accept visual gifts with brand information and 77%of users consider that brands’appearing in SNS websites will increase the attractiveness of brands.

Some big companies have realized the positive effects of using SNS to build brand.For instance, Starbucks China will deliver some brand information through microblog to establish relationship with customers.Contents in Starbucks China’s Sina microblog account include recent activities, new products, coffee knowledge and so on.By this method, Starbucks China has successfully delivered its concept that Starbucks is the third choice for you besides your work and home to Chinese consumers.Meanwhile, it has established brand preference and customer loyalty among consumers.

3.2.2 Distribution:Make SNS as one of distribution channel

Companies, especially e-commerce companies can also make SNS as one of distribution channel.Compared with traditional distribution channels, SNS websites have large amounts of users, page views and great user loyalty.Through strong word-of-mouth effects of SNS websites users, companies can precisely find out target customers to increase sales volumes and bring profits.Recently, statistics from Tencent microblog shows that reflux ration of sharing in Tencent microblog is more than 28 times.That is to say, if you share a link in your website to Tencent microblog, about 28 new users will be brought to your website and they will take 6to 8 browses in your website on average.

For e-commerce business, it is hard for B2C platform to generate strong users’loyalty and to expand channel width when it has reached certain extent.Therefore, it is more necessary for e-commerce business to rely on SNS websites to develop new distribution channels.

3.2.3 Promotion:communicate the value proposition through SNS

The most common way to promote is advertising.Even we have entered internet era, traditional advertisement is still widely accepted.However, it is still a“hard-sell”form of promotion.Its effects and coverage cannot satisfy today’s company needs.Compared with traditional advertisements, SNS websites enrich the method of delivering value proposition and have obvious effects.There are various methods for companies to take advantage of SNS websites to deliver value proposition, including inserting advertisements, words-of-mouth and so on.

Inserting advertisements is popular in Chinese SNS websites.Companies will cooperate with SNS websites operators to develop application or games, inserting brand and products information to put forward new products.For example, the promotion of Lohas (a beverage brand of COFCO) relies on the platform of the application game“happy farm”of kaixin001.com.In only several months, about22.8 million people participate in the activity and number of fans of Lohas reached580 thousand.According to research paper of S&D Marketing Service Co., Ltd, the recognition of Lohas has been increased from 0 to 50%, showing the power of inserting advertisements on SNS websites.

Words-of-mouth marketing based on SNS websites also shows great effectiveness because of characteristics of SNS websites.SNS websites is the reflection of real social relationship on internet.It attracts users by people and by relationship.When friends, colleagues and family members all assemble on SNS websites, it is hard for people to be reluctant to SNS websites.Friends on SNS websites are all acquaintances in real life.Though the information spread in a relative small scope, it is easier to do deep communicate and interaction.When Nana’s Green Tea entered Chinese market, it caught lots of people’s attention because of PR promotion materials and consumers’personal experience sharing on kaixin001.com and renren.com, which also laid foundation of later operation in China.

4 CRM:Take advantage of SNS websites to communicate with customers and provide value-added service

Customer relationship management is an important element in modern marketing theories.It refers to the overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering superior customer values and satisfaction.Forms of CRM in the past are simple and single, mainly involving in providing customer service by hotline or service stores.The coverage is narrow and is limited by working time and costs.Because SNS websites have the service characteristics such as 24 hours, face to face, immediate, one to all and so on, SNS websites provide companies’customer service new and effective method.

For instance, B2C website Zappos first took microblog as instrument of CRM in the era of Web2.0.From CEO Xie Jiahua to every customer service representative all have their own microblog.And Zappos requires that ever employees should use Twitter.The company provides specific training for using Twitter.The training includes how to establish relationship with customers, how to strengthen communication, how to improve customers’attention and how to serve well to improve users experience, etc.The advantages of doing this lie in many aspects.Customer service representative will share own ideas with customers and customer will follow his/her favorite customer service representative.Through microblog, company and customers (or to say it is real people rather than the software) can keep closer relationship.Now, Zappos official account has 1.7 million followers.


SNS websites start from North America and now is widely accepted by companies as one way to do marketing.Under the background of SNS’s good development in China, and foreign companies’successful cases, more and more Chinese companies also start to pay attention to SNS marketing.The advantages of SNS marketing are quite obvious:SNS websites have large amounts of users, views and strong users’loyalty;SNS websites’real users’information can help companies to do precision marketing;SNS websites help to build real social relationship online, which benefits viral marketing;SNS marketing costs low, which makes SNS not only suit for promotion but also suit for many processes of marketing mentioned before.
