
2024-11-09 版权声明 我要投稿


小学英语口语练习题 篇1


1.My brother plays________football very well.

A.a B.the C. all D. /

2.Birds ________ when there isnt enough food for them.

A. starve B.are starving C.starved D.starves

3.I can see an apple ________ the apple tree and a bird ________ the banana tree.

A.on, in B.in,in C.on,on D.in,on

4.I have a red box.Its full ________ toys,so its very ________.

A.of, light B.for,big C.like,small D.of,heavy

5.Your football shoes are under the chair.Please ________.

A.put away it B.put it away C.put away them D.put them away

6.Moms in a bad _____,so be nice to her.

A.time B.trouble C. manner D.mood


小学英语口语练习题 篇2


小学生活泼好动, 注意力不易长久集中, 教师在上课时总是采用同一种练习形式很难吸引学生的注意力, 因而在设计时要注意经常变换练习的形式, 保证学生情绪一直高涨, 以免兴趣衰减, 从而提高练习的效果。当然, 还应充分考虑学生的年级、年龄特点, 英语水平, 设计出具有层次性和差异性的活动, 让每一位学生都能动起来, 有事可做。诸如画画、配对、填空、选择、记忆、改错、自编对话, 等等。


小学英语教学的首要目标就是激发学生的兴趣。教育心理学表明:当教学能引起学生的兴趣时就可使学生在学习时集中注意力, 更好地感知、记忆、思维和想象, 从而获得较多和较牢固的知识和技能。我们必须充分抓住小学生爱游戏又爱活动、不爱机械重复的特点, 设计新颖有趣的书面活动, 吸引学生, 从而激发其学习兴趣, 优化课堂教学效果。例如, 在学完人体各部位的英语名称后, 我没有让学生机械地抄写单词, 而是让每人画一个自己喜欢的机器人或卡通人物, 然后标出各部位的英语名称, 学生兴趣盎然。又如:在学习has got…这一句型后, 我设计了这样一个题:圈单词, 将其连成句子。

He has got two pens.

学生非常感兴趣, 都纷纷动手写, 通过写, 学生不但进一步熟悉了句型, 对于英文书写的格式、句首字母应大写的要求也加深了印象。


恩格斯曾经说过:“思维着的精神是人类最美丽的花朵。”教师作为园丁, 有责任浇灌这最美丽的花朵。发展学生的智力, 培养他们的思维能力是我们课堂教学的一项重要任务, 教师在设计课堂书面练习时也应充分考虑到这一点, 注重训练学生的思维。

心理学研究表明:人的思维是从疑问开始的, 疑问能引发学生认知上的矛盾, 产生心理上的不平衡, 从而激发他们积极地去探索, 以解决问题, 实现心理平衡。我们在教学时, 可让学生带着疑问去探索如何完成任务, 训练探索性思维。如教What is he/she going to do?He/She is going to…这一句型时, 我利用CAI出示一些图片, 如Sally is hot.Peter is hungry.Betty is bored.等。让学生思考What are they going to do?小组内讨论, 再将句子补充完整。

学生可充分拓展自己的思维, 写出多种答案。通过任务设疑, 激发了学生运用英语的兴趣, 促使学生主动获取语言知识, 发展用英语解决实际问题的能力, 从而使学生学英语的兴趣能更长久地保持。


小学阶段所要学的英语, 与日常生活紧密相关, 例如水果、学习用品、家庭成员名称、家庭生活用品等, 都是生活中随处可见的。学生学完这些单词后, 我布置他们将这些物品归类, 贴标签, 如book, pen, table等。为了美观, 学生们用心书写单词, 贴在各类物品 (或图片) 上, 布置成一个个美丽的小房间、小文具店、小家具店, 等等。这样既能帮助学生记忆单词, 也能提高他们的书写水平。而在英语越来越受重视的今天, 越来越多的英语出现在我们生活周围, 只要稍加留意, 就可以发现许多英文商标、英文广告、标牌, 我让学生随时留意, 布置他们自己去收集、摘抄。学生兴趣盎然, 反馈回来的作业十分丰富, 例如“CCTV (中央电视台) , made in china (中国制造) , yahoo (雅虎) , crest (佳洁士牙膏) ”, 等等。而且我还推荐学生收看一些英语动画节目, 如“小太阳俱乐部、芝麻英语”等, 这样, 他们既欣赏了节目, 又学到了英语, 可谓一举两得。通过这个作业, 学生对自己能发现并学到这么多身边的英语而高兴, 如果用一个本子及时记录下来, 长期积累, 收获可观。


承认个体差异, 因材施教, “让每个人的个性得到自由地发展” (马克思) 。因此, 我们应改全班统一、忽视个性差异的作业为层次性作业。教师在设计英语课外作业时要从学生的实际情况出发, 分上、中、下三个层次来设计, 考虑个别差异。如学习了有关动物的词汇之后, 我设计了三种作业:第一种作业是画出你最喜欢的动物的图片, 并在下面或反面写上英文名称;第二种作业是“写谜语”, 用一句或几句连贯的英文描述你最喜欢的动物, 让其他同学猜猜是哪一种动物;第三种作业以“what is in the zoo?”为题写一段话, 要求最少完成第一种作业, 第二种、第三种作业隔天交, 师生交流。值得一提的是, 教师在布置作业时, 不能硬性规定哪些学生做哪类作业, 否则会伤害学生的自尊心, 挫伤学生的积极性, 要让学生自主选择, 要让每一位学生都感到“我能做, 我会做, 我想做”, 从而体验成功的喜悦。这样, 作业内容分层、数量分层、时间有短期和长期之分, 在内容上安排较合理的梯度, 让具有不同层次的学生在基础和能力上各得其所, 而且不断提高其层次, 允许不同层次的学生达到目标的速度存在一定的差异, 既调动了学生的积极性, 又能激励学生的竞争意识, 关注了每位学生的成长和进步。


教师的评价对学生也起着重要的作用。如果教师在如此新的作业内容、方法下, 仍然实行旧的评价方式, 给个分数, 一两句的简单文字交流, 那学生作业的价值和意义就失去了。教师要意识到, 作业的评价功能要重在帮助学生发现与发展潜能、认识自我、展示自我, 促进学生生命的整体发展。新的课改理念告诉我们, 对学生的作业进行科学、全面的评价, 能起到激励教育的作用。因此, 作业评价将由对纯知识结果的关注转向对学生生命存在及其发展的整体关怀, “用发展的眼光看孩子”是我们对学生评价的指导思想。

1. 分层评价, 鼓励为主。

对于分层布置的作业, 采用分层评价。只要学生完成其相应层次的作业, 便可以得到肯定。例如:全做对的, 即可得一面小红旗;书写工整的, 在小红旗后面再加一颗五角星;有进步的, 再画上一个笑脸娃娃或写一两句评语。这一面面红旗、一颗颗五角星、一张张笑脸、一句句富有期待、鼓励的话语, 能使学生产生成就感, 更加喜欢做作业。

2. 亮点评价, 激励当先。

尊重每一个学生, 尤其是尊重他们的学习成果。评价时我们改变过去那种“区分性评价”为“激励性评价”, 尽量捕捉学生作业中的亮点。如有的学生字写得好, 即可得五角星一颗;有的学生理解与众不同, 富有创新, 即可得笑脸一个;有的学生作业质量高, 令人赏心悦目, 即可得大奖一个并获得“作业能手”称号。

3. 多向评价, 共同参与。

传统的作业评价是教师单向的评价, 学生处于被动地位, 思维处于“休克”状态, 不利于学生纠正错误与培养自主学习的精神。我们改变过去这种单一的评价形式为多向评价, 让学生也参与到作业的评价中去, 可采用学生自评、小组互评、教师总评等多元多向评价, 让学生通过这样的评价, 及时纠正自己的错误, 指出别人的错误, 正确评价自己与他人, 把评价权交给学生, 真正培养学生主动探索的主体意识。同时, 也可让家长参与到评价系统中, 请家长对孩子在家中、社会上的表现作正确客观的评价。

小学英语练习设计原则初探 篇3




研究表明,在记忆后20分钟、1小时、8小时、24小时、2天、6天、1个月时间后,相对应的记住率为:58%、44%、36%、34%、28%、25%、21% 。因此,我们要及时布置学生复习,安排练习课,越是及时复习,遗忘的就会越少,我们的宝贵时间也就节约得越多。随着时间的推移,遗忘的速度越来越慢;相反,如果搁置很久以后再练习相应的内容,就难以唤醒学生的记忆,费时费力且效果不理想,及时练习才能做到温故而知新。我认为,这一原则是练习课设计的前提。




循序性原则要求练习的安排要遵循儿童认知由浅入深、循序渐进的原则。由于学生存在差异,练习的设计也要有层次,要设计不同层次学生完成的练习,使他们都能在原有的基础上有所提高。比如,关于词组how far的练习设计,我采取了这样的方法:先是翻译词组“多远”,然后做选择题“is it from here?It’s two kilometers away.”再和别的疑问词混合起来选词填空,最后设计了一题完成对话,让学生根据上下文自己填出来。这样由浅入深、循序渐进的练习,复习效果很好,层次不同的学生都得到了相应的提高。






小学英语测试练习题 篇4

一. 按字母表顺序,以正确格式书写26个字母的大小写。(20分)。

二、看图选择正确的单词并将序号写在题前括号里。 (8分)

① ear ②eye ③hand ④face ⑤nose ⑥bird ⑦leg ⑧foot


( )1.How are you? A. Five.

( )2 How old are you ? B. Nice to meet you.

( )3.This is Wu Yifan. C. My name’s Zoom.

( )4.What’s your name? D. Fine, thank you.

( )5.How many plates? E. OK.

( )6.Happy birthday! F. Here you are.

( )7.Can I have some water, please? G. Thank you

( ) 8.Colour it brown. H. Great..

( ) 9. Let’s make a puppet. I. It’s a duck.

( ) 10.What’s this? J. I’m nine.


( ) 1. What’s this? It is ___________.

A. an elephant B. a bear C. a panda .

( ) 2.I have ______

A. a eraser B. a crayon C. an eraser

( ) 3. ---- Colour it brown. ---______.

A. Goodbye B. Bye C. OK!

( ) 4. --- ? ---I’m Miss White.

A. What’s your name? B. Hello! C. How are you?

( )5.I’d like some ,please.

A. juice B.egg C.bread

( )6.Have some .

A. juice B.egg C.bread


( ) 1. 当你告诉别人你有一只尺子时,说:

A. I have a ruler. B. I like a ruler. C. Look at my ruler.

( ) 2. 当你把一样东西给对方时,可以说:

A. How are you ? . B. Here you are. C. Here are you.

( )3.向别人介绍你的朋友时,说:

A. My name is Jim. B. I’m Jim. C. This is Jim.

( ) 4.告诉朋友。你看到了绿色。说:

A. I see red. B.I see green. C.I have green

( )5.你想问远处的动物是什么?你应该说:

小学四年级英语下册练习题 篇5
































小学五年级上册英语练习题 篇6


1.鸡肉 2.鱼 3.姐妹

4.兄弟 5.父亲 6.母亲

7.司机 8.医生 9.农民

10.护士 11.教师 12.学生


1.f mily   2.unc e

3.pare ts  4.a nt

5.b by     6.b seballpl yer


1.young(写反义词)  2.come(写反义词)

3.isn‘t(完全形式) 4.youare(缩写形式)

5.I(宾格)          6.he(物主代词)

7.we(物主代词)     8.she(物主代词)

9.near(同类词)     10.have(同义词)








1.A:                    B:My  mother is nurse.

2.A:Is she your aunt?   B:

3.A:                    B:I’d like some eggs.

4.A:                    B:This is my father.

5.A:                    B:There are five books in the bag.


1.member       2.only

3.little puppy 4.welcome

对话练习在小学英语教学中的应用 篇7



提高学生的英语语言表达能力, 及熟练的掌握英语语言的运用技巧是开展英语教学的最终目标。学生在相关的场景下, 能够灵活地运用所学英语内容进行交流和提高对话能力。在小学英语对话教学的实践活动中, 激情导入、情境气氛的营造、课外练习对学生语言技能的提高有很大的帮助。


在小学英语课堂教学中, 对话教学的实践尤为重要, 对话教学能够让教师调动起学生的积极性和学习兴趣, 并且在有限的课堂教学时间内完成质量更好、效率更高的英语教学, 让学生在愉快的氛围中更扎实的掌握基础的英语知识。

在苏教版牛津小学英语一年级下册unit6中, 课本要求1) 能听懂、学会a bee, a bird, a kite和a balloon, 发音准确。 (2) 能听懂、会说、会读字母Ll, Mm和Nn。 (3) 熟悉儿歌A bee.教师要根据教学内容要求来设计合理并且有趣味性的对话练习和情景类游戏。运用学过的有关学习用品的单词如pen、book或是有关交通工具的单词与学生进行对话练习。


(1) 教师先在黑板上画一个椭圆形, 请学生看黑板用英语猜猜老师想要画的是什么, 教师用yes和no来回答学生, 如学生猜不出来, 教师可以用不断添加笔划的方法启发学生, 直至学生猜对。

(2) 带领学生读准每个单词。

(3) 组织学生开展What's missing?的游戏, 让学生快速反应哪个单词“飞走了”, 从而加深他们对单词的理解和记忆。


对话练习是加强课堂教学生动性的方式, 小学生的思维方式存在闪忆化, 在英语教学中许多课文和对话的内容不易记住和掌握, 教师要想方设法, 使教学直观化、趣味化, 那就是最直接的表演化, 不仅体现在教学中, 也体现在教学活动中, 例如要精心挑选和设计一些英语教学游戏和对话, 如教学Is this you r/his/her…?句型, 教师可以设计一个“looking for the owner”的对话游戏, 每次让一个学生先出去, 教师从另一个学生处拿一件东西, 然后让出去的学生回来猜东西的主人, 学生猜时要用Is this your/his/her…句型来问, 其他学生用Yes/No回答, 能最快找到主人的可以得到一朵小红花。或者把音乐引入课堂, 以培养学生英语的兴趣, 增强记忆力。如《ABCsong》、《Good morning to you》等, 让学生两两组合进行歌曲对唱或是对话练习, 教师还可以运用新颖奇趣的谜语、故事, 诱发学生兴趣, 如让学生合上书, 注意观察教师的口型变化 (不发音) , 判断教师说的是哪一个词, 最先说对者为胜方。


1. 教师和学生是课堂上能动的因素, 师生之间互相用英语问候, 不仅可以迅速缩短师生之间的距离, 也可以使师生共同进入语言交际的真实情景之中。

学生对旧知加以巩固, 同时也可使学生对老师的问候语中加入的新知迅速作出信息处理, 从而作出相应的反应。教师可以根据难易程度, 确定重复次数, 为了帮助理解, 语速适当放慢。

2. 教学挂图具有直观、简便易行的特点, 情景的设置与课文的内容相吻合, 对一些简单明了的会话内容, 教师可以通过出示挂图, 让学生通过情景去理解。

首先, 给1-2分钟时间让学生观察图中人物的体态语言和画面中的各种情景, 想象一下他们可能在说什么。教师可以根据新知识点的多少、语言难易的程度作出必要的提示。学生可以开展小组对话讨论, 大胆想象, 运用学过的句子, 用英语描述大概情节。最后播放录音, 教师用手指着相应的图片或角色, 通过前后对比大大地启发学生的思维。学生边听边看, 边看挂图边跟读, 通过情景理解其意。


对话教学, 通过巧妙地增强学生的自主学习意识, 在无形中对学生英语词汇量及重要句型进行巩固, 使课堂教学质量得到了进一步的提高, 与传统教学模式相比较, 更能激发学生学习兴趣, 提高学生英语语言交流水平, 并极大地满足了不同水平的学生的需要, 更利于现代英语教学的发展。


[1]高红娟.对话教学在小学英语课堂教学中的实践探讨.中国校外教育, 2013

[2]沈杰.小学英语教学中的活动元教学设计.科教文汇, 2009

[3]谢小洁.浅析教育游戏在小学英语教学中的应用.学周刊, 2013

[4]路听说.浅谈主动性教学模式在小学英语中的应用.新课程研究, 2010

小学英语阅读练习评讲的策略研究 篇8

张 倩

(宜昌金东方小学,湖北  宜昌  443000)

摘  要:在不断地完成阅读练习的讲评中,我们越来越发现学生做阅读的疲惫感,不愿意花时间来理解文章,所以我们要找出合适的办法来解决这一现象。


中图分类号:G623.31        文献标识码:A





















1. 谈论、研讨阶段



2. 前期准备阶段


3. 打磨阶段

于是,我们设计的第一堂课,主要是灌输英语策略,告知学生今天学习某一种策略,并在老师示范后,用同样的方法再完成第二篇的阅读练习。但在这节课的过程中,我们发现还是存在小部分学生不能完全地理解老师讲授的阅读小策略,甚至还是有部分学生在要求自主完成第二篇阅读练习时,感到无从下手。针对这些情况,我们分析认为,教师在处理文本之初给学生讲授的小策略为——是指读者在阅读文章之前,找出问题中的人名、地名、数字等关键词汇,并根据这些关键词在文中迅速查找相关信息,从而忽略其他部分的一种跳跃式的阅读技能。而学生难以下笔的原因就是因为学生无法判断句子中的陌生英文到底是属于哪一类,比如Ceiline Dion,学生完全不认识,所以就不知道她是席琳迪翁,更无法判断她是一个人名了。在这节课课后反思中,我们发现于这节课我们没有完全发挥出学生的主导作用。因为在课堂中,我们还是以老师教授为主体,学生被动接受的方法去学习,所以还存在部分学生还没有掌握学习方法,于是我们转变了教学思路,决定把课堂还给学生,让孩子们的课堂孩子思考自己发现问题。




1. 激发了学生对英语阅读练习的兴趣。


2. 培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。



小学二年级外教班英语练习题 篇9



1)bowl( ) boat( ) 2)summer( )supper( )

3)soup( ) soap( ) 4)wind( ) window( )

5)moon( ) room( ) 6)dirty( ) bird( )

7)eat( ) egg( ) 8)on( ) under( )

9)cook( ) clock( ) 10)eight( ) light( )


1)b______sh 2)th______sty3)bi______cle4)t______el5)wi______

6)g______e7)Chris______as8)li______t 9)t______i10)p______cil


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


1)( )Givemethathat.

( )Givethatcattome.

2)( )He‘sanoldpostman.

( )He’safatpoliceman.

3)( )Thereisabinforyou.

( )Thereisabagforyou.

4)( )Closeyourbooks.

( )Cleanyourbox.

5)( )Ilikesummer.Icanseeflowersinsummer.

( )Ilikewinter.Icanseesnowinwinter.




小学一年级英语下册同步练习题 篇10





w__nd( ) wa____( )

i__e-cr____m( ) gl____s( )




onisglasscold water are







1、( )I______ride.

A.am B.want C.can

2.( )Wewant______cakes.

A.a B.some C.two

3.( )Pleasebring________abook.

A.I B.me C.my

4.( )Some________?

A.plateB.plates C.aplate

5.( )I______abiscuit.

A.can B.want C.drink

6.( )Whatdoyou______?

A.apple B.bowl C.want

7.( )Iam_____thirsty.

A./ B.a C.want

8.( )______plates?

A.A B.some C.Six

9.( )______thebook.

A.Open B.Turnon C.Turnoff

10.( )IgototheBund____van.

小学英语口语练习题 篇11







在总结每单元G部分常见字母(组合)发音时,把音标的书写和读音也教给学生,并适当复现。在熟悉一定元音字母和辅音字母(组合)读音规律的基础上,逐渐尝试选出或写出辨音题中划线字母(组合)的音标。接着试做符合发音规律的看音标写单词和看单词写音标练习。如根据“元辅e”结构中,元音字母发字母本身音的规律,让学生写出Kate的音标/keit/, 根据这一规律再试写新音标词/heit/hate。当然,开始时需提供字母组合、单词或音标让他们选择,逐渐过渡到让他们自己根据掌握的语音知识独立做题。在渗透语音知识的同时,学生们会通过总结,运用字母发音规律检查听力和拼写练习中所写单词拼写的正确性,语音知识的拓展促进了学生综合解题能力的提高,也减轻了学生背英语单词的难度。





首先可尝试句子抠空练习,逐步过渡到既填短语,又要注意语法变化。如“他正看着窗。由 He is looking at the window.发展到He is looking at the window.”从注意单个词拼写到既要注意固定短语结构,又要注意现在进行时结构,还要注意第三人称单数变化。此外可尝试抠空式句型转换练习,如:They are reading in the room.(划线提问) → What are they doing in the room? 待学生能力较强时,再练习改错题,如:We is singing.→We are singing.





高考英语综合练习题(二) 篇12

第一部分 听力 ( 略)

第二部分 阅读理解 ( 共两节, 满分 40 分)

第一节 ( 共 15 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分30 分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项 ( A、B、C和D) 中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


Last Saturday on the way to the mall, twochildren, a boy and a girl, came running towardsme with bottles on their hands, asking if I wantedbottled water. It was a surprising gesture. I waswondering if they were doing fund-raising. I kneltand asked them where their parents were and howmuch a bottle of water cost. Then two adultwomen came up to me explaining what the children were doing. “We are teaching the childrento give without anything in return. We are teaching people to accept without giving in return. ”

This incident excited me and in an instant Iwanted to ask these strangers several questions:how did you do it? What made you do it? Whatare the reactions did you get from other people?How many bottles did you give away? How manybottles have you left? When did you start?Finally, I gave them a chance to respond to myquestions. Two mothers bought bottled water andplaced a sticker ( 小贴纸) on all bottles with fivedifferent quotes ( 引述) :

1. Smile at everyone, you'll never knowwhen someone may need it.

2. If Plan A does not work, there are 25more letters in the alphabets.

3. Have a thirst for life. Every day is filledwith possibilities.

4. In your thirst for knowledge, be sure youdon't drown in all the information.

5. Dig your well before you're thirsty.

The bottle I have has quote No 5. A suddenchange of attitude opened up between me, themothers and the children. We are no longer strangers to each other. We were having such a greattime chatting and I ended up helping them giveaway the rest of the bottled water.

One young lady was so thankful that she happily accepted the water and said it was the bestthing that happened to her all day since she had abad day at work. A man refused and walked awaysaying no thanks. A couple kept on bowing to usin gratitude. When it was all done, the childrenand I were giving each other high-five. It was somuch fun. I think I had more fun doing this thanthe mothers and the children.

21. How did the author feel when he was offered bottled water?

A. Embarrassed.

B. Surprised.

C. Strange.

D. Doubtful.

22. Different quotes were placed on the bottles to _.

A. inspire others to think positively

B. encourage more people to help others

C. explain why they give away bottled water

D. show how we can live in harmonywith others

23. What did the author do after chattingwith them?

A. Buy the rest of the bottled water.

B. Give away some money for charity.

C. Decide to meet with them regularly.

D. Join them in being kind to strangers.

24. What do we know from the last paragraph?

A. Children had more fun from thisthan adults.

B. This random act of kindness is warmlywelcomed.

C. People responded quite differently to thisactivity.

D. The author learned a lot from this randomact of kindness.


New research shows how kids' brains reorganize as they learn math.

All the time you spent memorizing multiplication tables ( 乘法表) may have made you a better mathematician, according to a new study. Ateam of scientists from Stanford University, in California, have shown how the brain reorganizesitself as kids learn math.

After a certain amount of time spent practicing math, kids can put away the calculator.They don't even need to count on their fingers.They simply know the answers to subtraction ( 减法) , addition, and multiplication facts. Thequicker kids can recall basic math facts, the easier it is for them to solve more complicated mathproblems.

The Stanford University researchers observedthe brain activity of 28 students, ages 7 to 9, forthe study. They took scans of the students' brainsas the students solved math calculations withoutthe help of a calculator, pen or paper. A calculation — three plus four equals seven, forexample — flashed on a screen. The studentspushed a button to say if the answer was right orwrong. The scientists also recorded the responsespeed, and what parts of the brain became activeas the kids pushed the button.

These observations showed a process calledfact retrieval ( 事实检索 ) . Rather than usingtheir fingers to count, or writing out answers on apiece of paper, the students pulled the answersfrom memory. It's as if the answers to basic subtraction, addition, and multiplication problemsare kept in a long-term storage compartment ( 储藏区) in the brain, which was built from repetition.“Experience really does matter, ”said Dr. KathyMann Koepeke.

Children make the shift from counting to factretrieval when they are 8 to 9 years old, the studyshows. This is the time when most students arelearning basic addition and subtraction. Whenkids have basic math facts memorized, the brainhas more free space to learn more complicatedmath.

This process has benefits for the future. Thestudy shows as kids grow older, their answers relymore on memory and become quicker and moreaccurate. Less brain activity is devoted to counting. Some children make this shift quicker thanothers.

25. What did the researchers do when students worked out the given problems?

A. They recorded the students' brain activities.

B. They pushed a button linked to the students.

C. They noticed whether they used a calculator.

D. They found out who responded most quickly.

26. Fact retrieval is a process when thestudents _.

A. calculate answers using pens

B. use their fingers to count out

C. repeat the answers they remember

D. find the answers from their memory

27. What plays a key role in solving a mathproblem?

A. Intelligence.

B. Experience.

C. Learning method.

D. Constant practice.

28. What happens to kids when they are 8 to 9 years old?

A. Their brains are more active than before.

B. They depend on fact retrieval for answers.

C. They become more interested in learning math.

D. They work out complicated problems more quickly.


As part of its 100% Healthier Snack VendingInitiative, Chicago is replacing vending machinefoods with healthier snacks. Both park staff andpark visitors have responded positively to thesechanges. Average per-machine sales increasedfrom $ 84 to $ 371 during the first 15 months.“Improving access to more healthful foods throughmachine-vended ( 机器出售) snacks is a strategythat has demonstrated success in schools andworksites, ”researchers wrote in the report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Chicago is home to approximately 2. 7 millionpeople and the largest city park system in the US.Through after-school and summer programs, theChicago Park District serves almost 200, 000 children each year. The vending machine initiative issupported by Chicago's Healthy Kids, HealthyCommunities project. The organization believesparks should be a place to promote wellness outside of school, not just through exercise, but alsothrough healthy eating.

The initiative began in August 2010, when98 new snack vending machines were placed inindoors throughout the park system. Each machine was required to meet a list of nutritionalstandards. Among those requirements includesnacks that cannot contain more than two servingsper package, and must be free of trans fats ( 反式脂肪酸) . No more than 35% of their total weightcan be from sugar and sweeteners, but naturalfruit juice is allowed. These new snacks includegranola bars ( 燕麦能量 棒 ) , baked chips andfruit snacks, instead of cookies and candy. Allitems must be priced at $ 1, as not to allowconsumers' decisions to be affected by cost.

Of the 10 Chicago parks sampled over thepast 15 months, 88% of surveyed customers and100% of the interviewed staff reported liking thehealthier snacks. Children purchased nearly halfof the snacks in this sample.

Chicago is one of the first cities in the country to make this movement to improve park foodenvironments for kids. Over the past few years, the U. S. Department of Agriculture announcednew nutritional standards for school lunches forkids. Now, the struggle to keep kids healthy isexpanding beyond school cafeterias.

29. Why does the author mention average per-machine sales in Paragraph 1?

A. To prove that healthier snacks are welcomed.

B. To invite readers to buy from vendingmachines.

C. To make his writing more specific and interesting.

D. To show machines vending plays a key role in Chicago.

30. From Paragraph 2 we learn that_ .

A. the largest city park is located in Chicago

B. health food contributes to children's wellness

C. nearly 200, 000 visitors come to Chicagoevery year

D. the vending machine initiative is supported by schools

31. Why are all the machine-vended snackssold at $ 1?

A. To reduce the cost of the food production.

B. To call on suppliers to provide cheapfoods.

C. To encourage kids to buy as muchthey can.

D. To prevent kids making decisions basedon prices.

32. The text is written to_ .

A. discuss with readers how to improve their wellbeing

B. arouse the readers' interest in body building programs

C. appeal to more customers to buy healthy snacks in parks

D. inform the readers of food improvement inparks in Chicago


Are you looking for some great books to readduring the summer holidays? Our kid reportershave reviewed some of the season's hottest newbooks. We sent two recently-published books toeach of our ten reporters. They each reviewed thebook that looked more interesting. The result is alist of kid-approved page-turners ( 令人爱不释手的书) . Whether you're fond of mysteries, fantasies or realistic fictions, there's always one thatsuits you best.

The Misadventures of the Family Fletcher

By Dana Alison Levy

Reviewed by TFK Kid Reporter Raymond Baartmans

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Number of pages: 272

What's the basic story line?

The Fletcher kids — Frog, Eli, Jax, andSam—are about to start a new year at school.Dad and Mum are worried that Frog, who is inkindergarten, will have trouble making friends.Eli is entering fourth grade at a new school whereall the students are smart, which he thinks will bea great fit for him. Jax is excited about startingfourth grade, but not so excited about the newneighbor. Sam, the soccer star, is entering sixthgrade. He faces a tough choice between practicingfor the elite ( 精英) team tryouts ( 选拔赛) andauditioning ( 试演) for the school play. Join thisfamily on a wild adventure through the schoolyear.

Yes. The kids range from kindergarten tosixth grade, so readers of those age ranges will beable to relate to the characters. The FamilyFletcher has a set of rules the kids must follow, asmost families do. And the brothers get into smallquarrels occasionally, like most brothers. Plus, they participate in many activities that kids enjoy, such as sports, games, and acting.

Who would like this book?

This book would entertain readers from 6 to13 years old. The vocabulary is not too complex, making it easy for younger readers to understand.This book would be good for the whole family toread aloud because there are funny parts and lifelessons.

33. Each reporter was given two new booksso that they could_ .

A. compare notes with other readers

B. introduce the books to other children

C. improve their reading and writing skills

D. kill their time by reading during the summer holidays

34. Sam has to make a hard decision because _.

A. it is always difficult for him to make friends

B. it takes time for him to fit in with a new school

C. he has to choose between playing soccer and acting

D. he expects to join the soccer team and act in the school play

35. Which of the following titles best suits the blank?

A. Will it become a best seller?

B. Is the author familiar with kids?

C. Is the story interesting enough?

D. Are the characters believable?

第二节 ( 共 5 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 10分)

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。

Five Ways to Work Smarter, Not Harder

No matter how hard we work, it seems thatthere is never enough time to get all the importanttasks done. Rather than worker longer, considerworking smarter, not harder. Here are some waysto work smarter:

Make a Careful Plan. Just like every organization needs a business plan, an efficient worker needs a work plan.Schedule yourtasks throughout the days, weeks, and months, but do it ahead of time.

Set Your Goals. As a part of your workplan, you should set concrete and measurablegoals. Goals should specify ( 详细说明 ) whichtasks are to be completed and when they get completed. Rather than setting firm deadlines, whichcan lead to pressure and stress, allow a period of time to reach goals.

Organize Your Work Day.If atypical workday consists of some writing tasks ( emails, reports ) , one-on-one meetings, andprocessing data, set aside specific times each dayto accomplish each category of tasks. The regularity ( 规则性) of a consistent schedule ensures thateach category of work gets completed on time.

Delegate ( 授权 ) Effectively.Theperson who tries to do everything himself or herself not only is overloaded and overstressed ( 过度紧张) , but is bad for their colleagues, by not allowing them to be challenged and grow by takingon important duties.

Don't Make Work Harder Than It Actually Is. Much of the pressure is produced by ourselves.We feel like we should do more.Remember that tasks should be completed step bystep. Focus on each step rather than on the entireproject, which can help us cut down on feelingsthat we are “overwhelmed”.

A. We cannot expect to complete the tasks quickly.

B. We set unrealistic goals or standards for ourselves.

C. Also, take time to reward yourself for achieving a goal.

D. Develop a consistent daily work schedule and stick to it!

E. It is important to work out a flexible schedule whatever we do.

F. Learn which tasks can be delegated and which need personal attention.

G. It is a well-thought-out scheme to help guide and direct work activities.

第三部分 英语知识运用 ( 共两节, 满分45 分)

第一节 完形填空 ( 共 20 小题; 每小题1. 5 分, 满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 ( A、B、C和D) 中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Penguin, Reindeer and Fox were goodfriends who lived in a forest near a village. Oneday, Penguin and Reindeer found a load ofasked them why. They told him they couldn'tbecause it was a secret, but Fox askedthem to trust him, so they told him where theyhadthe fruit.

When they arrived at the village, Fox forgot about his, and told everyone about it.When Penguin and Reindeerto the place where the fruit was, the animals of the village had already been there andit all.

That same day, Penguin and Reindeer found another place full of, and the same thinghappened again with Fox.by what Fox had done, they decided to teach him aThe next day they told Fox that they had found alake so full of fish that no effort was needed tothem. Sure enough, Fox toldin the village about this.

The next day, Fox came by, in cuts and bruises ( 瘀伤) . After telling all theabout the lake full of fish, everyone, including even the polar bears, had gone therenot finding anything, they feltand had given Fox a good beating.

Fox learned that keeping people'sis very important and that to get it in the first place you have toit with loyalty and always keep your

Penguin and Reindeer devised ( 设计 ) another trick for Fox but, as he wasabigmouth, he did not betray them, so Penguinand Reindeer regained their faith in Fox, thusforgiving him.

41. A. fish B. fruit

C. wood D. bread

42. A. upset B. busy

C. happy D. disappointed

43. A. say B. change

C. continue D. come

44. A. picked B. buried

C. bought D. discovered

45. A. story B. trouble

C. promise D. letter

46. A. returned B. stuck

C. referred D. adapted

47. A. sold B. hidden

C. stolen D. eaten

48. A. water B. food

C. coffee D. rice

49. A. Delighted B. Amazed

C. worried D. Frustrated

50. A. lesson B. language

C. skill D. method

51. A. cook B. catch

C. fry D. raise

52. A. anyone B. someone

C. no one D. everyone

53. A. lost B. caught

C. covered D. buried

54. A. children B. animals

C. farmers D. strangers

55. A. But B. So

C. Still D. And

56. A. relieved B. surprised

C. interested D. fooled

57. A. faith B. trust

C. honesty D. bravery

58. A. prepare B. receive

C. earn D. treasure

59. A. wordB. courage

C. spirit D. style

60. A. not once B. as usual

C. once more D. no longer


第三部分 英语知识运用 ( 共两节, 满分45 分)

第二节 ( 共 10 小题; 每小题 1. 5 分, 满分15 分)

阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容 ( 不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式, 并将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。

There was once a land where the sound of amagic trumpet ( 喇叭声) could be heard everywhere. The music ensured that there would be ( happy) and joy for all.

However, one day, the trumpet ( appear) , and everyone in that land ended up feelingsad. No one did anything, except for a little girlwent off, determined to find the trumpet.She looked everywhere, and then someone tookher to see the wise old man of the mountains.man told her that the trumpet was in the Well of Shadows, and he gave her a violin which might turn out to be ( use) .

the girl arrived at the Well, she found some musicians next to it. They wereplaying sad tunes, and she went over to play with them. However, on ( hear) such sad music, the girl realized that no one, including thetrumpet, would want to come out of the well to begreeted by that sad music. So she started to playthe happiest music she could. She didn't give up, and even managed to cheer up the other ( music) . Together they improved the atmosphere around the well so muchthe trumpet cameout, more joyful than ever. And, once again, happiness returned to that land.

this, the girl realized the value of offering joy to others.

第四部分 写作 ( 共两节, 满分 35 分)

第一节 短文改错 ( 共 10 小题; 每小题 1分, 满分 10 分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。

增加: 在缺词处加一个漏词符号 ( ∧) , 并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除: 把多余的词用斜线 ( /) 划掉。

修改: 在错的词下画一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处, 多者 ( 从第11处起) 不计分。

I am always angry at my dad in the morning.Sometimes I want to sleep long. Sometimes I don'tlike the breakfast that he prepares for myself.Seeing my dad angry, my mom will get angry, either. She thinks I am not polite with my dad. Iknow my dad is very upset even though he seldomsaid anything. Unless I am not angry in themorning, my parents will happy.

One morning I was angry again because Ididn't like breakfast my dad cooked. When mymom found it out, she said, “If you don't want tolike that is for breakfast, then don't eat anything! ”She didn't talk to me for three days. Ihave realized that be polite to my dad is important. I am thankful to my mom because she letsme know that I can't act that way again.

第二节 书面表达 ( 满分 25 分)

某英语报纸开辟了“Reader's Voice”专栏, 邀请读者针对一些热点问题发表自己的看法。请结合下面的一幅漫画和写作提纲, 写一篇100字左右的英语短文。内容包括:

1. 青少年出国参加夏令营的现状;

2. 分析青少年出国参加夏令营的利弊;

3. 针对青少年出国游学谈谈你的看法。

高考英语综合练习题 ( 二) 参考答案与解析

第一部分听力 ( 略)




【主旨大意】为了教育小孩要乐于助人, 两个妇女领着孩子在街上为行人赠送瓶装水。在瓶子上粘些励志的话语, 鼓励人们用积极的方式思考。

21. B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Itwas a surprising gesture. ”可知, 这两个小孩给陌生人赠送瓶装水的举动令作者非常吃惊 ( surprised) 。

22. A。推理判断题。根据瓶子上所贴的五种引述可知, 两个妇女通过在瓶子上粘贴这些励志的话语, 鼓励别人用积极的方式思考。

23. D。细节理解题。根据第三段中的最后一句“We were having such a great time chatting and I ended up helping them give away therest of the bottled water. ”可推断出, 在愉快的交谈之后, 作者和他们一起继续为陌生人发放瓶装水。

24. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段可知, 一位年轻的女性充满感激地接受了水; 一位男性则拒绝接受, 没有道谢就离开了; 另一对夫妻则一直鞠躬致谢。由此可以推断, 人们对赠送瓶装水这一事情有不同的态度。


【主旨大意】研究者通过对学生大脑活动状况的监控, 从而了解他们回答数学问题时, 大脑的工作原理。

25. A。细节理解题。根据第四段第一句中的“The Stanford University researchersobserved the brain activity of 28 students”可知, 斯坦福大学的研究者让学生在回答数学问题时, 观察学生的大脑活动状况。

26. D。推理判断题。根据文章第五段中的“the students pulled the answers from memory”可知, 学生们并非掰着手指计算或是在纸上演算, 而是从记忆中检索答案。

27. B。细节理解题。根据第五段的最后一句“‘Experience really does matter, ’said Dr.Kathy Mann Koepeke. ”可知, 在解决数学题时, 经验的确起关键作用。

28. B。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的第一句中的“Children make the shift from counting to fact retrieval when they are 8 to 9 yearsold”可知, 8 ~ 9岁儿童开 始由数数 转变为检索。


【主旨大意】为了提倡健康饮食, 芝加哥市已经替换自动售货机里的食物, 以便为顾客提供更加健康的零食。这一举动不仅得到了广大市民和学生的赞成, 自动售货机的售货量也大大提高了。

29. A。推理判断题。第一段中列举了过去15个月中自动售货机的销量, 来证明前一句话中所说的公园员工和游客都积极认可这种举措, 因此可推断出作者引用数据是为了说明健康零食受到了人们的欢迎。

30. B。细节理解题。第二段中介绍了自动售货机计划是受到芝加哥“健康儿童、健康社会”机构支持的, 他们希望通过在公园中推广健康的零食, 促使儿童能够在锻炼的时候吃到健康食物, 从而保持身体健康。

31. D。细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句“All items must be priced at $ 1, as not toallow consumers' decisions to be affected bycost. ”可知, 所有的物品都必须标价一美元, 从而避免消费者的选择受到价格的影响。

32. D。推理判断题。本文的目的是为读者介绍美国的芝加哥市更新自动贩卖机食物的过程、原因和结果。根据最后一段“Chicago isone of the first cities in the country to make thismovement to improve park food environments forkids. ”可知, 芝加哥是第一座为儿童而改进公园饮食环境的城市, 与选项D的意思相符。


【主旨大意】本文介绍了一部儿童读物。包括: 作者、图书类别、主要故事情节和受众等情况。

33. B。推理判断题。根据第一段可知, 每个小记者得到两本新出版的书, 目的是让他们写书评, 为其他读者介绍这些新书。

34. C。细节理 解题。根据 文中的“Hefaces a tough choice between practicing for theelite team tryouts and auditioning for the schoolplay. ”可知, Sam必须在踢足球和表演之间做出艰难的抉择。

35. D。细节理解题。本段中书评人说, 书中描述的情节各个年龄段的学生都能产生认同, 而且在现实生活中也都是存在的, 例如家中制定许多规矩、兄弟之间会发生争吵, 这些是在强调书中角色的可信度, 因此应选D。


【主旨大意】本文为读者提出五点建议, 如何才能提高工作效率。

36. G。从下文中的“throughout the days, weeks, and months”可知, 制定的计划要包括未来几天、几周、几个月的活动, 因此应填G。意为: 详细的计划安排可以帮助你制定和规划工作活动。

37. C。此句在“Set Your Goals”一段中, 因此要选择与设定目标有关的内容。前文讲述如何根据时间来制定详细的目标, 因此应填C。Also表示并列, 在目标完成后, 还要好好的奖励自己。

38. D。从本段下文中的“The regularity ofa consistent schedule”可以找到暗示, 应填D。意为: 要制定一个连贯的工作计划, 并且遵照执行。

39. F。本段的标题为“Delegate Effectively. ”, 从下文中的“The person who tries to doeverything himself or herself”可知, 一个人试图做完所有的工作只会带来坏处, 因此应填F, 呼应标题。意为: 我们要了解哪些任务可以分配给其他人去做, 哪些任务自己亲自处理。

40. B。根据本段的标题“Don't Make WorkHarder Than It Actually Is. ”可知, 我们不应给自己造成不必要的压力, 做一些超出自己能力的事情, 因此应填B。意为: 我们要给自己制定实际可行的目标和标准。



【主旨大意】通过讲述一个发生在企鹅、驯鹿、狐狸之间的寓言故事, 阐明了我们在与其他人相处的时候要恪守承诺的道理。

41. B。从下文的the fruit可以找到暗示, 驯鹿和企鹅在树林里发现了一处有很多水果的地方。

42. C。根据上文可知, 企鹅和驯鹿找到很多水果, 因此它们非常高兴 ( happy) 。upset“沮丧的”; busy“忙碌的”; disappointed“失望的”, 均不符合句意。

43. A。根据上文的“decided to keep it asecret”可知, 驯鹿和企鹅打算保守这个秘密, 因此不能告诉 ( say) 狐狸这件事。

44. D。驯鹿和企鹅告诉了狐狸他们发现 ( discover) 水果的具体地点, 故选D。

45. C。从上文“Fox asked them to trusthim”可知, 狐狸让企鹅和驯鹿相信自己, 它要和它们一起保守这个秘密。但回到村子以后, 狐狸忘记了自己保守秘密的承诺 ( promise) 。根据下文“told everyone about it”的情节可知, 狐狸没有保守秘密而是告诉了其他动物, 故选C。

46. A。由于村里的动物都知道了水果存在的地点, 因此当驯鹿和企鹅再次返回 ( return) 查看的时候, 发现所有的水果都被动物们吃光了 ( eat) 。根据语境, 应填returned。

47. D。村里的 动物把水 果全吃完 了 ( eat) , 此处强调的是水果被吃完后没有的事实, 而不是过程。

48. B。根据前文可知, 驯鹿和企鹅发现的是水果, 属于食物 ( food) 。

49. D。狐狸反复泄露驯鹿和企鹅的秘密, 故而它们对狐狸的行为感到非常的沮丧 ( frustrated) 。

50. A。对狐狸的泄密感到气愤, 驯鹿和企鹅决定给狐狸一个教训 ( lesson) 。teach sb alesson为固定搭配, 意为“教训某人一顿”。

51. B。驯鹿和企鹅告诉狐狸它们发现了一个湖, 里面有很多鱼, 而且根本不需要力气去捕鱼 ( catch) 。此处是强调不花力气就能抓到鱼, 故选B。

52. D。上文中的“…told everyone aboutit”为暗示。又一次, 狐狸告诉了村里的每一个动物 ( everyone) 这个消息。

53. C。cover意为“覆盖”, 第二天, 狐狸走过来的时候, 它满身都是瘀伤。此处与下文的“had given Fox a good beating”相呼应。

54. B。上文的“the animals of the village”为暗示。狐狸告诉大家这个消息后, 村子里的所有动物 ( animals) 都去那个湖里抓鱼了。

55. A。but表示上下文的转折关系。so“因此”, still“仍然”, and“和”, 均不符合句意。

56. D。但是, 当所有的动物都发现这个湖里根本没有鱼的时候, 他们感觉被愚弄了 ( feltfooled) , 因此把狐狸暴打一顿。

57. B。与前文的“but Fox asked them totrust him”相呼应。狐狸明白了取得别人信任 ( trust) 的重要性。

58. C。我们只能通过对人忠诚和保守秘密来赢得 ( earn) 别人的信任。

59. A。keep one's word为固定搭配, 意为“信守诺言”。

60. D。从下文的“he did not betray them”可知, 狐狸不再 ( no longer) 多嘴多舌了, 而是学会了保守秘密。


61. happiness。考查词形转换。根据空格后的and joy可知, 本空应填名词happiness。

62. disappeared。考查谓语动词。根据下文一个小姑娘到处寻找这个喇叭的情节可知, 一天这个喇叭不见了。本空需要填谓语动词, 因为通篇文章为一般过去时, 因此应填disappeared。

63. who / that。考查定语从句。名词a little girl后跟一个定语从句, 因从句缺少主语, 故空格填who /that。

64. The。考查冠词。根据语境, 填定冠词the表示特指。

65. useful。考查词形转换。根据语意“老人给她一把小提琴, 可能会对她有用。”故空格处填形容词useful做表语。

66. When。考查连词。根据句意: 当小姑娘来到井边时, 她看到几位音乐家在那里。故本空应填连词when。

67. hearing。考查非谓语动词。On hearing“一听到……”, 介词on后应用动名词。

68. musicians。考查词形转换。根据第三段的第一句话可知, 本空应填名词musicians。

69. that。本句含有sothat结果状语从句, 因此本空填so。

70. Thanks to / Because of。考查习惯用语。



第一处: long→longer。多睡一会儿, 故用long的比较级。

第二处: myself→me。for为介词其后应用代词的宾格, 故应把myself改为me。

第三处: either→too。本句为肯定句, too放在句末, 表示“也”。

第四处: with→to。考查固定词组。be polite to意为“对……有礼貌”。

第五处: said→says。根据前面的句子可知应用一般现在时。

第六处: Unless→If。本句为条件状语从句。句意为“如果我早上不生气, 我父母就会很高兴。”根据语境, 应把Unless改为If。

第七处: 在happy前面加be。be happy构成谓语动词。

第八处: 在breakfast前加the。名词breakfast后跟定语从句, 其前需要用定冠词, 表示特指。

第九处: that→what。like后跟一个宾语从句, 从句缺少主语, 因此把that改为what。

第十处: be→being。句中“being polite tomy dad”作主语, 应用be动词的动名词形式。


One possible version:

In recent years more and more parents wouldlike to send their children to travel abroad duringthe summer holidays.

Traveling abroad is beneficial to children. Itwill not only open their mind and enrich their experience. It is a good chance to learn new cultureand meet new friends, which can improve theircommunication skills. However, it takes parents alot of money to send their children abroad. Andsome students prefer traveling to learning. So it isa waste of money.

Personally, traveling abroad can help children to develop an international outlook and learnto be independent. So high school students shouldbe encouraged to travel abroad if they parents canafford.
