
2024-12-19 版权声明 我要投稿


汉译英翻译技巧 篇1

Another name for the cicada is Zhiliao, or know all, for that’s how sounds to the Chinese.2.纪晓岚是乾隆的宠臣,曾三次任礼部尚书

Jixiaolan enjoyed great favor in Emperor Qianlong’s court and was times the Ministry of Rites.3.中国人又在正月十五晚上吃元宵,赏花灯的习俗。

The Chinese have the custom of eating yuanxiao sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour and watching festive lanterns on the fifteenth evening of the first lunar month.4.他的不合作态度是这个项目进展十分缓慢。

The project is making slow progress because of his uncooperativeness.5.你们谁想参加春游就在星期五之前报名并交费。

Whoever wants to join the spring out ing should sign up and pay the expenses before Friday.6.我觉得这个店里的衣服即使打折也还是太贵。

I think the clothes in the shop are still too expensive even if we could get a 40 percent discount.7.就目前情况看,工程造价将会超出预算百分之三十。


If you should want to cancel the trip, please notify us in writing at least one month in advance.9.想让他答应如此要求恐怕不大可能

I’mafraid it is unlikely for him to agree to such a request


At the annual meeting of the board of directors, he called everyone’s attention to a commonly ignored problem.11.听到这个消息,她心里一沉,但还是勉强挤出一点微笑。

Her heart sank when she heard the news, but she still managed to force a smile.12.收到请帖后她觉得左右为难,不知该不该接受


Exhaust from boilers and vehicles, unless properly treated, causes air pollution in cities.14.如果说,词汇是语言的“建筑材料”,那么,句子便是文章的“基本部件”。

If vocabulary is the “building materials” for language, sentences are “fundamental parts” of writings.15.鲁迅的骨头是最硬的,他没有丝毫的奴颜和媚骨,这是殖民地半殖民地人民最可宝贵的性格。

Lu Xun was a man of unyielding integrity,free from all sycophancy or obsequiousness, this quality is invaluable among colonial and semi-colonial people.16.胎又瘪了。

We’ve got another flat tire.17.人不可貌相,海水不可斗量。We can not judge a person by appearance 18.在历史上,由于长江不断改道,在武汉地区形成了众多的湖泊。

The constant change of the course of the Changjiang River in history helped form a great many lakes in the areas around Wuhan city in central China.19.健康不佳就无法有效工作。

Poor health may cause one’s inefficiency at work.20.北京地区由于近些年加强了植树造林,在一些地方飞来了稀有的鸟类。

Quite a few rare birds come to settle down in some places around Beijing thanks to the expansion of woods there these years.21.世纪交替,千年更迭,人类社会的发展正在揭开新的篇章。

The turn of the century has opened a new chapter in the development of human society.22.世纪之交,中国外交空前活跃。

At the turn of the century, China is most active in its diplomatic activities.23.你做这事不费吹灰之力。

It is very easy for you to do such a thing.24.决定把这问题到下次会上讨论。

It was decided to bring the matter up at the next meeting.25.这时我激动得说不出话来。

I am too excited to utter any words.26.成都新改建的府南河两岸将修建许多草坪和居民大楼。

Plenty of lawns and apartment houses will be built along both the banks of the newly-renovated Funan River.27.这件事至今还没有得出正确的结论。

So far no correct conclusion has been drawn on the matter.28.有明显的迹象表明,一些古老的传统和价值观不再为年轻人所珍藏。

Obvious signs show that some old traditions and values are not cherished by youth any more.29.收音机的成本降低了80%。

The cost of radio sets was reduced by 80%.30.可以预见,在一个不太长的时间内,中国比在科学技术方面赶上世界最先进的国家。It can be predicted that China will catch up with the most advanced nations in the world in science and technology in not too long a time.31.好像有点不大对头。

There seems something wrong about it.32.古今中外,这种情况概莫能外。

There is no exception to this in modern or ancient times,in China or elsewhere.33.古今中外,在商贸市场上历来都是大鱼吃小鱼。

There exists a law at all times and in all countries that the great fish eat up the small in the world of business.34.到了济南府,进得城来,家家泉水,户户垂杨,比那江南风景,觉得更具为有趣。When he reached Jinan and entered the city, there were flowing streams by every house and willow trees by every door, which delighted him even more than the scenery of the south.35.北京很好玩。

Beijing is a city to have fun.36.北京外来人口逐年增多。

The number of people from other places in Beijing increases yeat by year.37.从北京乘火车到郑州要花十多个小时。

It takes more than ten hours to ride by train from Beijing to Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan province near Beijing.38.总统明天准备乘专机前往上海参观访问。The president prepares to go to Shanghai by his special plane for a visit tomorrow.39.晚上过来跟我们一块打保龄球如何?

Would you come to join us for playing bowling this evening? 40.中央政府不敢与香港特别行政区的事务。

The central government has never intervened in the affairs of the HKSAR.41.中国经济将融入世界经济的大潮。

The economy of China will converge with that of the world.42.新的经典不断出现,观光人数不断增加,地区经济也有了很大发展。

The emergence of one new scenic spot after another and the influx of more and more tourists have also boosted the economy.43.本文所讲的内容对通讯工程来说是很有趣的。





We should develop our ability to analyze and solve problems 48.要提倡顾全大局

We should advocate the spirit of taking the whole situation 49.这真是俗话说的,“旁观者清” It was the saying goes, “the observer is clear” 50.中国经济现在还处在落后状态 China’s economy is still backward 51.这些苹果你们四个人分

These apples shared by four people 52.她不把他当公公,而当作亲爹。

She considered him not a father-in-law but a father 53.我们党结束了那个时期的社会动荡和纷扰不安的局面

Our Party has put an end to the social unrest and unpheaval 54.在交作业之前必须读几遍,看看有没有要修改的地方

Before handing in your homework, you have to read it over and over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected or improved 55.他声称男子气概和勇气只有在战场上才能得当考验

He claimed that manhood and courage could be test only on the battlefield


The garden was the paradise on earth, with more food and clothes than could be consumed, and more money than could be spent.57.耳朵是用来听声音的器官,鼻子用来闻气味,舌头用来藏滋味

The ear is the organ that is used for hearing.The nose is used for smelling.The tongue is used for tasting 58.天已经相当晚了,我们决定在那桌庙里过夜

As it was getting quite dark, we decided to stop at that temple for the night 59.人口对住房的压力减少,房价就会下降,建筑业自然就会削弱

When the pressure of population on housing decreases, pricesalso godown and the building industry is weakened 60.他用手蒙住脸,好像是为了保护眼睛

She covered her face with her hand, as if to protect her eyes 61.俘虏往往沈明,又望望其他人,没有说下去

Looking at Shen Ming,then at the others,the prisoner of war fell silent 62.天气这样闷,十之八九要下雨

With the weather so dose and stuff, then to one it’ll rain presently 63.这对年轻夫妇并不相配,一个是西施,一个是张飞

This young couple is not well-matched, one is a Xishi,--a famous Chinese beauty, while the other is a Zhangfei—a well-known ill-tempered brute.64.在党的领导下,中国人民已经完成了解放事业

Under the leadership of the party the Chinese people have succeeded in their liberation 65.也许您忘记了7月份的购货帐还没有结算

Perhaps you have forgot the fact that your account for July purchases has not yet been settled 66.多年来哪个国家一直有严重的失业现象

For many year there has been serious unemphyment in that country 67.谁不盼望自己有个健康的身体,又有谁不盼望能有一个幸福美满的家庭,其实家庭和健康之间存在着密切而不可分割的关系

Who doesn’t hope for a healthy physique and a happy family? As a matter of fact,there exists an intimate and inseparable relation between the family and health.


So far, more than 50 institutions of Tibetology—the study of Tibetan culture—have been set up in the plateau as well as other places and a Tibetan studies center was founded in Beijing in 1986


Dinghu Mountain is covered by tropical as well as subtropical forest and has unique climate.70.该计划将有一个特别委员会加以审查

This plane will be examined by a special committee 71.广州地铁二号线的列车是从德国空运过来的。

The metro trains of line I in Guangzhou was transported from German 72.有些问题还需要澄清

These questions have to be clarified 73.当下众人七言八语

By now proposals of all kinds were being made 74.据说核电站正在筹建中 It is said that nuclear power plants are undered preparation for construction 75.他们努力尽可能快的速度提高产量

They are working to increase production at the highest speed possible 76.这是能想得出的最好解决办法

This is the best solution imaginable 77.避暑山庄和北京的故宫、山东曲阜的孔庙一样,是中国保存最完好的古代建筑群,也是中国现存规模最大的古典皇家园林

The Summer Palace of Chengde is one of the three best-preserved magnificent ancient architectural complexes in China, the other two being the forbidden City in Beijing and the Confucian Temple in Qufu of Shandong Province.78.无云散掉之后,太阳又开始放射光芒。

The dark clouds having dispersed,the sun shone again 79.是他吃惊的是,她不仅没有表扬他,反而批评了他 To his surprise, she criticized him instead of praising him 80.我们得早点到达那里

We have to be there earlier 81.会议将于明天下午在国际会议厅举行

The meeting will be held in the International Conference Hall.82.我们上星期在他家饱餐了一顿

We ate to our heart’s content at her home last Sunday.83.我们明天早上七点钟动身

We shall start at seven tomorrow morning 84.他出生在绍兴附近的一个小村子里 He was born in a small village near ShaoXing 85.粗活

Heavy manual labor 86.臭豆腐 Stinking toufu 87.交通畅达

Nice traffic 88.我们畅谈了整整一夜

We talked the night over freely and to our heart’s content 89.他笨手笨脚的

He is too clumsy 90.你应丢掉不切实际的幻想

You should cast away any illusions 91.小说的情节错综复杂,引人入胜

The plot of the novel is intricate and fascinating 92.祖国的前途光辉灿烂

The future of our motherland shines with great splender 93.现在形势大好

Now the situation is excellent 94.大好时机 Golden opportunity 95.大干 Go all out 96.大白菜

Chinese Cabbage 97.他给多愁善感的玛丽写了封信 He wrote a letter to the sentimental Marie.98.大作收到,十分高兴。

I was very glad to have received your writing.99.我们响应了祖国的号召.We responded to the call of our motherland.100.我们的心永远向着祖国

Our hearts are always towards our motherland.101.雪下了一整夜,厚厚的积雪覆盖着地面


The proof of the law.103.现在人们越来越认识到这一方法是很有价值的 There is a growing awareness that this technique is of value.104.我们对问题要作全面的分析,才能解学得妥当

We must make a comprehensive analysis of a problem before it can be properly solved.105.老师在等我,我得走了

My teacher is waiting for me, so I have to leave 106.她不来,我不走

If he doesn’t come, I shall not go 107.东方不亮西方亮,黑了南方有北方

When it is dark in the east, it is light in the west;when things are dark in the south there is still light in the north.108.送君千里,终有一别

Although you may escort a guest a thousand miles, yet must the parting come at last 109.我们应当逐步消灭城乡差别

We should try to eliminate the differences between town and country 110.那我们在山脚见吧

Let’s meet at the foot of the hill.111.你白天还是晚上飞广州?

Do you fly to Guangzhou in the daytime or at night? 112.班门弄斧

Show off one’s skills with the axe before an expert carpenter.113.三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮

Three cobblers with their wits combined equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind.114.心病终需心药治,解铃还须系铃人

No remedy but love can make the lovesick well, only the hand that tied the knot can loose the tiger’s bell.115.结婚大办酒席,是在可以免去了

Giving lavish feasts at weddings can well be dispensed with.116.我们把没收土地改为减租减息

We have altered the policy of confiscating the land of the landlords to the one of reducing the rent and interest.117.我已经提前完成了交给我的工作,他也提前完成了交给他的工作 I have fulfilled my assigned work ahead of schedule, so has he.118.野心不仅是罪恶的根源,也是毁灭的根源 Ambition is the mother of destruction as well as of evil.119.说起季羡林先生的认真,那是出了名的

Professor Ji Xianlin had a reputation for being contentious.120.郭沫若同志曾说:“中国人民历来是勇于探索、勇于创造、用于革命的。”

Comrade Guo Moruo once said, “The people of China have always been courageous in exploration, innovation and revolution.” 121.美国的战争景气,仅仅是一时的现象

The warboom in the United States of America was only temporary.122.这些都是人民内部矛盾的问题

All these are contradictions amidst the people 123.这些新兴汽车速度快,效率高,行动灵活

The new cars are fast, efficient and handy.124.这个口号,是对于在中国和帝国主义国家的关系的问题上,特别是在中国和美国的关系的问题上,还抱有某些幻想的人们说的。


The Chinese embassy in Iraq has ordered two bulletproof cars from Germany due to the social unrest and upheaval in Iraq at present.126.匪军所至,杀戮人民,奸淫妇女,焚毁村庄,掠夺财物,无所不用其极

Wherever the bandit troops went, they massacred and raped, burned and looted, and stopped at

nothing.127.200公里航道上遍布着无数险滩。险滩上江流汹涌,回旋激荡,水击礁石,浪花飞溅。Numerous shoals scattered over the 200 km course give rise to many eddies.Pounding on the midstream rocks ,the river roars thunderously.128.我们必须坚持社会主义道路,坚持人民民主专政即无产阶级专政,坚持共产党领导,坚持马列主义、毛泽东思想

汉译英翻译技巧 篇2


首先, 翻译单位的划分是在翻译实践活动过程中, 在语言转换方面, 要求在具体层级达到翻译标准。通常, 汉语和英语的语言层级都有五个层级, 即词、短语、句子、段落和篇章。不过这两种不同的语系, 在语言文化、句法结构、思维模式等方面都存在很大差异。如果我们以篇章或段落作为翻译单位, 会由于太大而不好操作。而如果我们以短语作为翻译单位, 则译文又常常会偏重“形合”而轻视“意合”。虽然, 句子是这些语言层级中比较理想的翻译单位, 不过一旦遇到比较长或者较为难理解的句子, 翻译起来也很棘手。其次, 意群既可以是词、词组, 也可以是短语、句子, 比较灵活。意群作用已经开始显现, 目前来看, 在英语听力、写作、阅读等诸多方面, 意群己经被广泛运用。只是在翻译领域, 意群的作用还发挥得不明显。第三, 以意群作为翻译单位是具有可操作性和有价值的。我们对翻译的要求一般是忠实和通顺, 而所谓的忠实也就是要求将事物之间的逻辑关系梳理清楚, 把原文的真正含义准确的表达出来。意群可以是一个词或者是句子, 同时又是以意义作为翻译的单位, 这是真正代表了词与词之间的内在逻辑关系, 从而实现真正意义上的忠实。


有研究者从功能的角度或者从话语层次的角度探讨了翻译单位, 将翻译单位划分为两大类:翻译的分析单位和翻译的转换单位, 把话语作为翻译的分析单位, 把小句作为翻译的转换单位。实际上, 转换单位和分析单位都是翻译实践中的实际应用问题。其实, 将分析单位与转换单位割裂开来操作有些不切实际。如果将意群作为基本的翻译单位, 实际上是找到了分析单位与转换单位的最佳结合点。不过在翻译实践中, 由于英语是主语突出的语言, 除省略句外, 每个句子都必须有主语;汉语则是主题突出的语言, 突出的是主题而并非主语。以“意群”作为翻译单位虽然比较合理, 但还存在着一些缺陷, 比如不像自然段落那样直观明了, 因此只有认真阅读原文, 将原文的意思了解透彻, 才能准确传达原文的内容和风格。同时, 要注意根据句子的本来意义进行恰当的分割和重组。本文以朱纯深译《荷塘月色》为例, 通过尝试以意群作为汉译英翻译单位, 来论证其可操纵性与有效性。

1. 以意群为翻译单位, 重新分段。

重新分段, 就是讲通过分译, 把那些因为英语与汉语在句型结构、思维方式等方面差异造成的表达问题, 用划分意群的方式, 把汉语意群按照一定的内在逻辑关系, 打乱后重新进行调整和组合, 以便于清晰表达的方式。例如:中文:于是又记起《西州曲》里的句子:采莲南塘秋, 莲花过人头;低头弄莲子, 莲子清如水。今晚若有采莲人, 这儿的莲花也算得“过人头”了;只不见一些流水的影子, 是不行的。这令我到底惦着江南了。———这样想着, 猛一抬头, 不觉已是自己的门前;轻轻的推门进去, 什么声息也没有, 妻已睡熟好久了。英文:Then I recall those lines in Ballad of Xi-zhou Island:Gathering the lotus, I am in the South Pond, the lilies in autumn reach over my head;lowering my head I toy with lotus seeds.Look, they are as fresh as the water underneath.If there were somebody gathering lotuses tonight, she could tell that the lilies here are high enough to reach over her head;but, one would certainly miss the sight of the water.So my memories drift back to the south after all.Deep in my thoughts, I looked up, just to find myself at the door of my own house.Gently I pushed the door open and walked in.Not a sound inside, my wife had been asleep for quite a while.在汉语中对自然段的划分非常的灵活, 有时可能是一句话甚至是一个词。而翻译成英语时, 必须要考虑每一段同上下文的联系, 故以意群作为基本的翻译单位就可以顾及上下文的连贯与衔接了。如上:原文第一个自然段, 只包括了一个句子;第二个自然段则包含了两个主题:从暗自思忖到重回现实, 其中第一个主题与前一个自然段的联系非常紧密, 但在原文中被划归不同的自然段。在汉语中, 这样的划分并不让人觉得费解, 尤其在散文中, “形散神聚”是其一大特点, 往往有些特意的安排会营造一种出乎意料的文学艺术效果。译文则按照英语的思维习惯, 按意群分析, 将原文的两个自然段重新组合, 先谈与“莲”相关的话题, 然后话锋一转、独立成段, 陈述现实事件。这样的译作更符合英语的审美标准。

2. 以意群为翻译单位, 重组句子。

重组句子, 就是讲通过合译, 把汉语的几个语言单位的意义加以整合, 重新用一个全新的单位加以表达。一般用在以句子为单位的、较大的意群之间, 翻译时为了完整表达意义, 经常把两个或者多个独立的句子, 按照一定的逻辑联系合并成一个句子翻译的方式。例如:中文:曲曲折折的荷塘上面, 弥望的是田田的叶子。叶子出水很高, 像婷婷的舞女的裙。层层的叶子中间, 零星地点缀着些白花, 有袅娜地开着的, 有羞涩地打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒的明珠, 又如碧天里的星星, 又如刚出浴的美人。英文:All over this winding stretch of water, what meets the eye is a silked field of leaves, reaching rather high above the surface, like the skirts of dancing girls in all their grace.Here and there, layers of leaves are dotted with white lotus blossoms, some in demure bloom, others in shy bud, like scattering pearls, or twinkling stars, or beauties just out of the bath.原文包含了三个句子, 但只含有两层意思:叶子与花。译文没有句句对译, 而是根据原文的两层意思, 将原文前两个句子整合成了一句, 因为这两句的主题都是围绕“叶子”而展开的。原文中, 虽然视点不断转移, 从荷塘到叶子再到花, 但是方位词“上面”、“中间”使原文显得空间感极强, 句与句之间连结紧凑, 读起来一气呵成。译文若要产生与原文对等的效果, 逐字逐句对译显然是不可行的, 因而译文抓住了“leaves”这一文眼, 围绕它分析出两个意群, 并按照英语的表达习惯, 重新构建语段结构。

翻译单位问题不是静态的, 而要用动态的观点去看待。在翻译实践中, 要顾及各层次的协调统一, 既要从宏观上把握篇章结构, 又要把握语义的衔接与连贯, 还要注意段内句群之间的关系, 甚至句内的语法结构和字词搭配等。以意群作为汉译英的基本单位, 是从汉英语言和篇章结构的特点做出的一种尝试。当然, 这种方式也并非一成不变的, 应该随着具体转换的两种语言之间的特点, 而有所改变。

摘要:翻译单位是翻译理论中一个关键问题, 也是颇有争议的问题。翻译单位是判断翻译对等的工具, 本文结合汉英语言以及篇章结构的特点, 提出以意群作为汉译英的基本单位, 并加以案例分析。

汉译英翻译单位问题探讨 篇3


中图分类号:G642.0 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-9324(2012)09-0050-02






1.以意群为翻译单位,重新分段。重新分段,就是讲通过分译,把那些因为英语与汉语在句型结构、思维方式等方面差异造成的表达问题,用划分意群的方式,把汉语意群按照一定的内在逻辑关系,打乱后重新进行调整和组合,以便于清晰表达的方式。例如:中文:于是又记起《西州曲》里的句子:采莲南塘秋,莲花过人头;低头弄莲子,莲子清如水。今晚若有采莲人,这儿的莲花也算得“过人头”了;只不见一些流水的影子,是不行的。这令我到底惦着江南了。——这样想着,猛一抬头,不觉已是自己的门前;轻轻的推门进去,什么声息也没有,妻已睡熟好久了。英文:Then I recall those lines in Ballad of Xi-zhou Island:Gathering the lotus,I am in the South Pond,the lilies in autumn reach over my head;lowering my head I toy with lotus seeds. Look,they are as fresh as the water underneath. If there were somebody gathering lotuses tonight,she could tell that the lilies here are high enough to reach over her head;but,one would certainly miss the sight of the water. So my memories drift back to the south after all.Deep in my thoughts,I looked up,just to find myself at the door of my own house. Gently I pushed the door open and walked in. Not a sound inside,my wife had been asleep for quite a while.在汉语中对自然段的划分非常的灵活,有时可能是一句话甚至是一个词。而翻译成英语时,必须要考虑每一段同上下文的联系,故以意群作为基本的翻译单位就可以顾及上下文的连贯与衔接了。如上:原文第一个自然段,只包括了一个句子;第二个自然段则包含了两个主题:从暗自思忖到重回现实,其中第一个主题与前一个自然段的联系非常紧密,但在原文中被划归不同的自然段。在汉语中,这样的划分并不让人觉得费解,尤其在散文中,“形散神聚”是其一大特点,往往有些特意的安排会营造一种出乎意料的文学艺术效果。译文则按照英语的思维习惯,按意群分析,将原文的两个自然段重新组合,先谈与“莲”相关的话题,然后话锋一转、独立成段,陈述现实事件。这样的译作更符合英语的审美标准。

2.以意群为翻译单位,重组句子。重组句子,就是讲通过合译,把汉语的几个语言单位的意义加以整合,重新用一个全新的单位加以表达。一般用在以句子为单位的、较大的意群之间,翻译时为了完整表达意义,经常把两个或者多个独立的句子,按照一定的逻辑联系合并成一个句子翻译的方式。例如:中文:曲曲折折的荷塘上面,弥望的是田田的叶子。叶子出水很高,像婷婷的舞女的裙。层层的叶子中间,零星地点缀着些白花,有袅娜地开着的,有羞涩地打着朵儿的;正如一粒粒的明珠,又如碧天里的星星,又如刚出浴的美人。英文:All over this winding stretch of water,what meets the eye is a silked field of leaves,reaching rather high above the surface,like the skirts of dancing girls in all their grace. Here and there,layers of leaves are dotted with white lotus blossoms,some in demure bloom,others in shy bud,like scattering pearls,or twinkling stars,or beauties just out of the bath.原文包含了三个句子,但只含有两层意思:叶子与花。译文没有句句对译,而是根据原文的两层意思,将原文前两个句子整合成了一句,因为这两句的主题都是围绕“叶子”而展开的。原文中,虽然视点不断转移,从荷塘到叶子再到花,但是方位词“上面”、“中间”使原文显得空间感极强,句与句之间连结紧凑,读起来一气呵成。译文若要产生与原文对等的效果,逐字逐句对译显然是不可行的,因而译文抓住了“leaves”这一文眼,围绕它分析出两个意群,并按照英语的表达习惯,重新构建语段结构。

旅游景点的汉译英翻译研究 篇4

A Study on Fuzziness of Advertising Language 商业广告的语言特征及其翻译


初中英语写作课堂中的教师书面反馈:教师自我评估与学生感知 国际商务英语信函写作中的礼貌策略 英语新闻标题的翻译

A Tentative Analysis of the Reasons for McDonald’s Success 英语教学中的文化意识


文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 175 567 12 48 论杜鲁门•卡波特《蒂凡尼的早餐》中霍莉的漂泊人生 叶芝作品中的女性形象分析-以《丽达与天鹅》,《当你老了》为例 《野性的呼唤》中的自然主义 中西方餐桌礼仪的文化对比分析 《飘》中郝思嘉性格特征透析


海明威心中的完美女性――论《永别了,武器》中的凯瑟琳形象 “红”的中英对比及其翻译 高中英语任务型语法教学初探

从文化角度分析中美情景喜剧差异性的原因 从市场营销的角度论哈利•波特的成功


对比分析苔丝和蓓基--哈代《德伯家的苔丝》和萨克雷《名利场》 目的论在英语儿歌翻译中的应用 论英汉口译中的数字互译 试析翻译中的“假朋友”

运用概念整合理论解读英语幽默理解障碍 《红字》中珠儿形象的象征主义分析

《莎乐美》中月亮的意象——从原型批评视角进行分析 分析法律英语的特点 中西方酒文化之比较研究 两性语言差异分析

浅析“苹果”广告中的文化因素 论不可译到可译的历史性变化 英语委婉语浅析

初中英语课堂教师话语分析 中美广告创意的文化差异性研究 动物词汇的英汉互译策略

从人本主义心理学角度分析《肖申克的救赎》中主人公的心理历程 浅析广告发展现状及其未来发展趋势 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 A Comparison of the English Color Terms A Comparative Study of the Character of Tess and Jane Eyre 博尔赫斯诗歌中的镜子意象分析 试析中英婚姻生活差异及其原因 方位词的文化内涵与翻译 科技英语中名物化的功能

A Study of Cultural Differences Reflected in Chinese and English Proverbs 从依恋理论看《呼啸山庄》主人公希斯克利夫悲剧性格的形成

Application of Cooperative Learning in English Reading Class of Senior High School William Wordsworth’s Romantic Nature in Daffodils 从服饰看中西方文化差异与融合

文化差异视域下英语报刊硬新闻的翻译 中美广告语言文化异同研究 对小妇人心灵成长历程的探索 试论英语中的歧义与翻译


The Functions of Landscape Description in Tess of D’Urbervilles 高中英语课堂师生互动研究

用功能对等原则分析广告标语的英汉互译 论初中生英语学习资源策略培养


“中式英语”和“中国英语”两个概念的区别研究:以公示语为例 从接受美学视角看葛浩文《红高粱家族》英译本中的译者主体性

A Comparative Study on the Protagonists’ Growth in Native Son and Invisible Man 主位推进模式在语篇翻译中的应用

从“房间”意象看英国当代社会悲剧——哈罗德•品特作品解读 透过《傲慢与偏见》看现代社会爱情观

The Elementary Stage Translation Teaching Design for Undergraduate English Majors 中西商务谈判风格差异的文化渊源 浅析公示语的翻译

浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征主义 跨文化交际背景下英语禁忌语探析

论《追风筝的人》中“风筝”的象征意义 从自私基因论分析《伊索寓言》的寓意 名转动词的中英对比研究 《快乐王子》中的唯美主义

论海明威《一天的等待》的冰山原则写作风格 北京奥运官网英译:功能主义视角

浅析凯瑟琳曼斯菲尔德短篇小说的孤单主题 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 反复在格特鲁德斯泰因的作品《三个女人》中的运用 Women’s Roles in the Family Based on the Bible 浅谈英语颜色词汇的象征意义

论密西西比河对马克•吐温和《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》的影响 87 “黑尔舍姆”教育尝试的失败—析石黑一雄小说《别让我走》 88 英语委婉语之初探

浅析英语典故性成语的来源及汉译 90 《傲慢与偏见》中的三层反讽 91 功能对等与商务信函翻译

英汉模糊语言对比研究及其翻译 93 爱米莉•狄金森诗歌中的植物隐喻 94 英语学习中语法的功能

中英文法律谚语比较及互译技巧 96 浅谈教师与学生之间的课堂交流 97 英语电影片名的汉译要求及赏析 98 浅论《黑天鹅》电影的象征手法运用 99 浅析英汉词汇中的性别歧视现象及其成因 100 广告英译汉中的创译原则

任务型教学中策划对高级英语学习者写作任务完成效果的影响 102 从商标翻译看中西文化差异 103 论《金色笔记》的多元主题


从《老友记》探究美国的个人主义价值观 106 社会实践活动对大学生的重要性

世纪年代的摇滚乐对美国传统价值观的影响研究 108 英语国家姓氏文化研究

Pragmatic Failures in Translation of C-E Advertisements 110 《简爱》中女主人公的心路历程

戴•赫•劳伦斯《查泰莱夫人的情人》中鲍尔顿夫人的角色分析 112 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中的创伤和治愈 113 浅析西部牛仔的发展历程及其影响 114 有关“生命”概念隐喻的英汉对比研究 115 从功能派翻译理论的角度研究中国菜单翻译 116 试论提高初中英语作业的效果 117 中西方婚礼习俗的差异和融合

浅析清教思想在霍桑《红字》中的体现 119 分析场独立与场依赖对任务型教学的影响 120 从生态视角解读《瓦尔登湖》 121 阅读中的英语词汇教学策略


An Analysis of American and Chinese Culture in Kung Fu Panda 124 《红楼梦》两英译版本中姓名翻译的对比研究 125 英汉委婉语比较研究

《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》的艺术特色分析 127 从男权主义角度分析《苔丝》中的人物 128 裘德悲剧成因的分析

A Comparative Study of American and Chinese Spatial Language in Business Negotiation 130 动物委婉语 131 语结与英语长句的翻译 132 “去十九号房”中的自由观

《西游记》两英译本宗教用语翻译比较:读者接受论视角 134 影响英语阅读理解效率的非语言因素 135 论企业对员工过度压力的管理

幽默元素在英语电影和电视剧中的翻译 137 从服饰看中西方文化差异与融合 138 苔丝悲剧人生的起因

环境、性格、命运--评《远大前程》主人公皮普 140 比较中美民事诉讼文化的价值取向 141 浅析哈利波特中的女巫形象

浅析《圣经》人物典故在《红字》人物形象刻画上的运用 143 关于初中生外语学习焦虑的分析

《红楼梦》英译中双关语文化成分的翻译策略研究 145 功能对等理论在汉英广告翻译中的应用

从概念整合视角解读《老友记》中的言语幽默 147 少儿英语游戏教学策略研究 148 马丁伊登的自杀根由


《儒林外史》中应对文化缺省的文化负载词翻译 151 《麦田里的守望者》主人公的性格分析 152 浅析《紫色》中西丽的成长历程

153 从女性主义角度比较关系张爱玲和简•奥斯汀的婚恋观 154 微笑着流泪——欧亨利小说赏析

155 浅谈高中英语教师课堂提问与课堂互动

156 《天黑前的夏天》中女主人公凯特的自我救赎之路 157 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 158 论《欲望号街车》中的两姐妹的角色塑造 159 从功能目的论视角分析公共标识翻译 160 涉外商务用餐中的非言语交际

161 与身体器官有关的中英文习语对比研究 162 从《远大前程》看狄更斯的家庭理想

163 A Diachronic Study on Sexism in English Lexicon 164 《麦琪的礼物》中环境语的分析

165 浅析英汉基本颜色词之文化内涵--以“白”与“黑”为例 166 修辞手法在TED演讲中的运用 167 英汉白色词的文化象征意义及翻译

168 通过小说《紫色》分析沃克的妇女主义思想

169 从主人公的悲剧命运看《推销员之死》的现实意义 170 威廉福克纳的女性观—《喧哗与骚动》女性性格分析 171 归化和异化在影片名翻译中的应用 172 论《愤怒的葡萄》中的生态批评思想 173 分析《贵妇画像》中伊莎贝尔的个性特点 174 中英书名翻译的对比 175 海丝特白兰—清教时代的新女性 176

177 英汉双语词典中的语用信息 178 试论法律文本的翻译原则

179 《格列佛游记》中格列佛的人格探析 180 美国俚语中所折射出的美国亚文化现象 181 少儿英语学习中的情感因素分析

182 浅析霍桑罪恶观在《拉帕西尼的女儿》中的体现 183 Sister Carrie—A Woman Lost in the Material World 184 功能翻译理论关照下的英汉商标翻译 185 从文化视角看中西方婚礼习俗的差异 186 中西方餐桌礼仪的文化对比分析 187 对美国总统就职演说的文体分析 188 旅游景点的汉译英翻译研究

189 An Analysis of Key Elements of Cross-cultural Business Negotiation 190 论《麦田里的守望者》中的佛教禅宗因素 191 温和的反叛者——论《小妇人》中的女性群像 192 浅议我国民营企业薪酬管理

193 《喜福会》体现的中美家庭观念冲突解析 194 从女性主义视角分析《飘》中斯佳丽人物形象

195 A Survey on Western Culture Learning among Non-English Majors 196 汉英身势语的对比研究 197 应酬语的中英文比较 198 网络英语的构词方式

汉译英翻译技巧 篇5



作 者:翁义明 王金平WENG Yi-ming WANG Jin-ping  作者单位:翁义明,WENG Yi-ming(中南民族大学,湖北,武汉,430074)

王金平,WANG Jin-ping(湖北省自动化工程学校,湖北,襄樊,441021)

刊 名:外语研究  PKU CSSCI英文刊名:FOREIGN LANGUAGES RESEARCH 年,卷(期):2005 “”(6) 分类号:H059 关键词:汉译英   翻译单位   英汉句法对比   主谓结构   主语  

汉译英翻译技巧 篇6

In his speech he laid special stress on raising the quality of the products.2 采用这种新装置可以大大降低废品率。

The adoption of this new device will greatly cut down the percentage of defective products.3社会主义革命的目的是为了解放生产力。

Socialist revolution aims at liberating the productive forces.4 他们一不会做工,二不会种地,三不会打仗。

They do not know a thing about factory work, nor about farm work, nor about military affairs.5 语言这个东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。

The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking efforts.6在全国文明礼貌月中,所有城市必须搞好卫生,清除混乱和不礼貌现象。

During the National Civic Virtues Month, all the cities must clean up, and banish disarray and discourtesy.7.现在有一些值得注意的现象,比如以权谋私,化公为私。对这些事情,当然要批评和法办。

At present there are certain phenomena which warrant our attention.For instance, abusing power for personal gains, and appropriating public property for personal use.Of course, this sort of thing should be criticized and be subjected to legal punishment.8 中国人民百年以来不屈不挠,再接再厉的英勇斗争,使得帝国主义至今不能灭亡中国,也永远不能灭亡中国

Thanks to the Chinese people‟s unrelenting and heroic struggle during the last hundred years, imperialism has not been able to subjugate China, nor will it ever be able to do so.9 对外国的科学,技术,文化,不加分析地一改排斥,和不加分析地一概照搬,都不是马克思主义的态度,都对我们的的事业不利。

Neither the indiscriminate rejection of everything foreign,whether scientific, technological or cultural, nor the indiscriminate imitation of everything foreign, has anything in common with the Marxist attitude, and neither in any way benefits our cause.10 中国已成功发射了第一颗通信卫星。这颗卫星是由三级火箭推动的,一直运转正常。它标志着我国在发展运载工具和电子技术方面进入了一个新阶段。

The successful launching of China‟s first experimental communications satellite, which was propelled by a three-stage rocket and has been in operation ever since, indicates that our nation has entered a new stage in the development of carrier rockets and electronics.Unit 4 1,请把这张表填一下,填完给我。

Please fill in this form, and give it to me when you have finished.2 要提倡顾全大局。

We should advocate the spirit of taking the whole situation into consideration.3, 吃饭防噎,走路防跌。

While eating, take heed that you do not choke.While walking, take heed that you do not fall.4 送君千里,终有一别。

Although you may escort a guest a thousand miles, yet must the parting come at last.5 一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮。

A fence needs the support of three stakes;an able fellow needs the help of three other people.6 天气寒冷,河水都结冰了。It was so cold that the river froze.7 前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。

While the prospects are bright, the road has twists and turns.8理论联系实际,这是我们应当牢记的一条原则。

That theory must go hand in hand with practice is a principle we should always keep in mind.9 天气这样闷,十之八九要下雨。

With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it‟ll rain presently.10 年满十八岁的公民,都有选举权和被选举权。

All citizens who have reached the age of eighteen have the right to vote and to stand for election.Unit5 1 他一开口总是三句不离本行。

He can hardly open his mouth without talking shop.2 每条河流都有上游,中游,下游。

Every river has its upper, middle and lower reaches.3 他把事情一五一十地都给父母讲了。

He told his parents the whole story exactly as it had happened.4 人们利用科学去了解自然,改造自然。

People use science to understand and change nature.5 我们必须培养分析问题解决问题的能力。

We must cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems.6 这些新型汽车速度快,效率高,行动灵活。

These new cars are fast, efficient and handy.7多年来那个国家一直存在严重的失业现象。

For many years there has been serious unemployment in that country.8 新老干部要互相学习,互相帮助,取长补短。

Old and new cadres should learn from and help each other, to make up for each other‟s deficiencies.9 中国人民历来是用于探索,勇于创造,勇于革命的。

The people of China have always been courageous enough to probe into things, to make inventions and to make revolution.10 生也好,死也好,我们要忠于党,忠于人民,忠于祖国。

Live or die, we should be loyal to our Party, to our people and to our motherland.11 我昨天没有进城,一来是因为天气不好,二来是我不舒服。

I didn‟t go to town yesterday both because of the nasty weather and the fact that I was not feeling myself.12 独立自主,自力更生,无论过去,现在和将来,都是我们的立足点。

Independence and self-reliance have always been and will always be our basic stand.3

Unit6 1 直到昨天我才知道他住院了。

I did not know that he was hospitalized until yesterday.2 我们必须清楚地了解所有牵涉到的问题。

We must get a clear understanding of this things concerned.3 他们的部队,水陆并进,及时抵达前线。

Their troops advanced by both land and water, and arrived at the front in time.4 这次大会充分发扬了民主。大家心情舒畅,生动活泼。

The conference had given full expression to democracy.The atmosphere has been lively and the delegates have enjoyed ease of mind.5 他穿过马路,左顾右盼,害怕撞到过往的车上。

While crossing the street, he looked right and left, afraid that he might run into some passing car.6 只有听党中央指挥,调动一切积极因素,才能顺利实现四个现代化。

Only by following the instruction of the Party Central Committee, and mobilizing all positive factors, can we successfully realize the four modernizations.7 丰收年多积累一点,灾荒年或者半灾荒年就不积累或者少积累一点。

Accumulate more in good years and less or none in years when the crops half fail or totally fail.8 所有这些成就,标志着我国全面建设小康社会道路上又迈出坚实的一步。

All of these achievements show that China has taken another solid step forward on the road of building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects.9 这所大学现有计算机科学,高能物理,激光,地球物理,遥感技术,遗传工程等六个新建的专业。

This university has 6 newly established faculties, namely, Computer Science, High Energy Physics, Laser, Geophysics, Remote Sensing, and Genetic Engineer.10 除陆地外,中国有470多平方公里的广大的海域,渤海,黄海,东海,南海四海相连,环绕着中国的东部和东南部海岸。

The Chinese mainland is flanked by the Bohai, the Yellow, the East China and the South China seas in the east and southeast, with a total water surface of more than 4.7 million square kilometers.Unit7 1 他开车时心不在焉,几乎闯祸。

His absence of mind during the driving nearly caused an accident.2 工作没有经验,出点差错,在所难免。

Slips are scarcely avoidable when you‟re new to your work.3 会议开得冷冷清清,有时甚至开不下去了。

The meetings were marked by such an absence of lively discussions that at times they were almost on the point of breaking up.4 那城市及周围的地方是不冻港和无核区。

That city and the areas around it are an ice-free port and a nuclear-weapon free zone.5 他只顾自己,不顾别人,使得大家很生气。

His lack of consideration for the feelings of others angered everyone present.6日子很快过去了,她做工作却丝毫没有放松。

The days passed quickly, but she worked as hard as ever.7 她没有同伴,独自一人坐在车厢一角动也不动。

Traveling alone, she was sitting still in the concern of the people.8 我们的人民解放军无愧于伟大的人民军队的称号。

Our PLA is worthy of being called a great army of the people.9任何事物都有两点,说只有一点叫„知其一不知其二‟。

There are two aspects to everything;to say there is only one is to be aware of one aspect and to be ignorant of the other.10即使没有新的主意也可以,就是不要变,不要使人们感到政策变了。

It doesn‟t matter much whether we can come up with new ideas.What matters is that we should not change our policies and should not make people feel that we are changing them.11 科学家们在会上庄严地保证说;„我们决不辜负党和人民对我们的期望”.The scientists made a solemn pledge at the conference, saying, „we will for ever live up to what our Party and the people expect of us.‟

12如果分析不当,造成误解,就会变得谨小慎微,不敢解放思想,不敢开放手脚,结果是丧失时机,犹如逆水行舟,不进则退。If we fail to analyze it properly and to understand it correctly, we shall become overcautious, not daring to emancipate our minds and act freely.Consequently, we shall lose opportunities.Like a boat sailing against the current, we must forge ahead or be swept downstream.Unit8 1 旅客请在此填写„报关表‟。

Passengers are requested to fill in „Customs Declaration Forms‟ here.2刚才有人在这里讲了一些不该讲的话。

Some things were sail here just now which should not have been said.3他准备给我一份工作,这使我大吃一惊。

I was astounded that he was prepared to give me a job.4那个男孩受了重伤,医院立即把他收下了。

The boy who was seriously injured was immediately admitted into the hospital.5采取„一国两制‟适合中国国情,并非权宜之计。

„One country, two systems‟ has been adopted to suit China‟s conditions and is not an expedient measure.6 有朝一日家庭将由安装在地下室的笑星反应堆供热。

The time will come when homes will be heated from a small reactor in the basement.7很抱歉,因为雨太大,参观博物馆得推迟到明天了。

I‟m very sorry to say the visit to the museum has to be put off till tomorrow because of the heavy rain.8请全系师生于星期三下午二时在会议室集合,听报告。

All teachers and students of the department are requested to meet the conference room at 2:00 P.m.on Wednesday to hear a speech.9如果连锁反应不受控制,一直进行下去,就会引起一场大爆炸。

If the chain reaction went on without being checked, it could cause a great explosion.10.利用一架显微镜,就可以看到集成电路被分离和被测试的情况。

With the help of a microscope you can watch the integrated circuits being separated and tested.6 11 如果资本主义在港台得不到保障,哪里的繁荣与稳定就不能维持,和平解决问题也就不可能了。

If the capitalist system is not guaranteed in Hong Kong and Taiwan, prosperity and stability there cannot be maintained and a peaceful settlement will become impossible.12 还设计了另外一些设备,能将噪声分解成该噪声的各种不同发音响频率,并能记录不同频率的音响度。

Other equipment has been devised which is able to break down the noise into various sounds frequencies and record the loudness at different frequencies.Unit 10 1 全世界的科学家都在寻找净化空气,防止空气收到各种有害工业废气污染的有效方法。Scientists everywhere in the world are looking for the efficient methods to make the air clean and protect it from pollution by all kinds of harmful industrial waste gases.2 一个不怕困难,百折不挠,坚持到底的科学工作者一定会在科研工作中取得光辉的成就。

A scientist will surely achieve great successes in his work if he braves all difficulties, keeps on working and perseveres to the end.3 在我们肉眼看来似乎精致不动的一杯水中,却又数不清的水分子正在进行着大量无规则热运动。

Although the water in a glass looks to be totally motionless to our naked eyes, a great deal of disorderly thermal movement of its countless molecules is going on inside.4 在中华民族的几千年的历史中,产生了许多的民族英雄和革命领袖。所以,中华民族又是一个有光辉革命传统和优秀历史遗产的民族。

During the thousands of years of recorded history, the Chinese nation has given birth to many national heroes and revolutionary leaders.Thus the Chinese nation has a glorious revolutionary tradition and a splendid historical heritage.5 这些曾经转战南北,身经百战的精兵强将为发展祖国的钢铁事业,今天有在这里精心设计,精心施工。他们勇敢地克服了一个又一个的困难,艰难地攀登了一个又一个新的台阶。Today, in order to develop the country‟s iron and steel industry, those veterans, who have fought countless battles, are doing meticulous design and construction work.They have bravely overcome many obstacles one after another and climbed up against difficulties and hardships to new steps again and again.6 我们不但要有一个农林牧副渔布局合理,全面发展,能够满足人民生活和工业发展需要的发达农业,还要有一个门类齐全,结构合理,能够暗组社会消费和整个国民经济发展需要的先进工业。

We not only need a developed agricultural system with a rational distribution and all-round development of farming, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline production and fishery, meeting the needs of the people‟s life and expanding industry, but also an advanced system which is complete in range and rational in structure and which meets the needs of consumers and the expansion of the whole national economy.7 改良人类现有生存条件与创造新的生存环境相结合的原则,现实性和未来的或然性相结合的原则,以及科学高度专门化和科学互相依赖相结合的原则,是受过科学学和未来学理论思想熏陶的科学家在研究工作中所必须遵守的。

Scientists imbued with the theories of scientism and futurology should follow three principles in their research work, namely, the combination of improving present existing conditions of human beings with creating their new existing environment, the integrating of reality with future probability, and the linking of a high level of scientific specialization with scientific interdependence.Unit 11 1 活到老,学到老。

One is never too old to learn.2 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。

How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger‟s lair? 3 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

While there is life, there is hope.4 以其人之道,还治其人之身。

Deal with a man as he deals with you.5 屋内悄无一 人,只听见钟在滴答滴答地走。

No one was in the room;only the ticking of a clock could be heard.6 突然钻出一只狗,追着她咬,几乎把她吓糊涂了。

Suddenly a dog began to chase after her, scaring her almost out of her wits.7 一有问题就去解决,不要等问题成堆了才去做一次总解决。

Whenever a problem crops up, tackle it right away;don‟t let problems pile up and then try to settle them at one go.8 厂里有一条制度,每天夜里各单位都要有一名干部值班。

It is the rule in this plant that there must be one cadre on night duty in each unit.8 9 认识落后,才能改变落后。学习先进,才有可能赶超先进。

Backwardness must be recognized before it can be changed.One must learn from those who are more advanced before he can catch up with and surpass them.10 当然,随着实践的发展,该完善的完善,该修补的修补,但总的还要坚定不移。

Of course, as the reform progresses, some of these policies should be improved or amended as necessary.But we should keep firmly to our general direction.11港内水域宽阔,水深浪静,万吨轮船通行无阻,5万吨轮船可以乘潮自由进出。

In its inner harbor, the broad and wide seawater is calm and deep.Vessels of 10000 tons can enter or leave the port with ease and 50000-ton freighters can call at or depart from the port with the flood tide.Unit 12 1.我厂生产的112 和 145电冰箱,造型美观,质量可靠,噪音小,好电少,使用方便安全。

The refrigerators of 122 and 145 liters manufacture by our plant are noted for their graceful styles, reliable quality, low noise, low power consumption, easy operation and safety.2.当前我们迫切需要有一股装备优良、人员齐备、按照安全保护原则、本着一丝不苟精神建立起里的先进核能实验室。

A well-equipped and well-manned nuclear-energy lab is badly needed at present.Such a lab, of course, must be advanced in technology and built in accordance with the principle of security and protection as well as in the spirit of meticulous discretion.3.本厂已有35年身缠丝绸服装的历史,其产品远销全球50多个国家和地区。完全真丝,质量上乘,做工精细,款式新颖,光滑柔和,耐洗耐晒,永不褪色,舒适高雅,女士必备,如欲购买,尽快联系。

We have been engaged in silk garment trade for 35 years.The products find a ready market in 50 countries and regions.They are made of high quality pure silk, soft and smooth, an easy fit in the latest style.Fast to washing and sunlight, the silk garment is a must for ladies of good taste.Send today for more information.4.本厂产品质量稳定可靠,深受用户欢迎。从1979年以来,获纺织部和省市奖的产品共达84种。我们将遵循“质量第一”、“用户至上”的原则,热忱地为用户服务。

Our product has a stable and reliable quality and is widely accepted by customers.Of all the products produced by the mill,84 sorts have been awarded prizes of various kinds by the Ministry of Textile Industry, the province and the municipality respectively since 1979.Strictly adhering to the principle of “Quality First” and “Customer First”, we will offer best service to our customers.9 5.知识分子是工人阶级中掌握科学文化知识较多的一部分,在改革开放和现代化建设中有着特殊重要的作用。能不能充分发挥广大知识分子的才能,在很大程度上决定着我们民族的盛衰和现代化建设的进程。

Intellectuals are member of the working class who has a better scientific and general education than others.They have an especially important role to play in the reform, the opening up and the modernization drive.Whether we do or not give full scope to their abilities will determine, to a considerable degree, the prosperity or decline of our nation and the success or failure of the drive of modernization.6.历史业已证明,人类对资源的认识、开发和利用,以及利用资源制造生产工具的能力,是社会生产力发展水平的重要标志,也在一定程度上决定了一定的社会基本结构和发展形态。

History has proved that men‟s understanding of natural resources and his tpping and utilizing of them, as well as his capability of making tools of production to make use of these sources, are very important signs to indicate the developing level of social productive forces.And to some extent, these, too, have decided the basic structure and developing pattern of a given society.7.信息技术是在微电子、计算机和现代通讯基础上发展起来的一门高科技,具有信息采集、传输、处理和信息服务等一系列功能。现今已能在一片8英寸的芯片上集成5亿个电子元件,其宽度仅为0.2503微米;微机的信息处理速度已达每秒近亿次以上;计算机虚拟技术将大大拓宽信息技术应用的范围。

Information technology is a hi-technology developed on the basis of micro-electronics, computer and modern communication technology, with the function of information collection, transmission, procession and service, etc.Nowadays 500 million electron elements can be integrated on a chip of 8 inches, each with width of merely 0.2503 micron;the processing speed of the computer may be as fast as nearly 100 million times per second ;the virtual technology of the computer will greatly widen the scope of the application of information technology.8.提高我国的科技水平,必须坚持独立自主、自力更生的方针。但是,独立自主不是闭关自守,自力更生不是盲目排外。科学技术是人类共同创造的财富。我们不仅仅因为今天科技落后才需要向外国学习,即使我们的科学技术赶上了世界先进水平,也还要学习人家的长处。

汉译英翻译技巧 篇7

在做汉英翻译时, 语言语境是首先要考虑的语境因素。英汉两种语言属于不同语系, 在语言的表达方式上存在着很大的差异。如果在翻译过程中, 把汉语句子中的词性、句式照搬过来, 则英语译文就会带有中国腔, 显得不伦不类, 使外国读者不易理解或根本无法理解, 甚至曲解原文的意义。一般说来, 在大学英语四六级翻译中的错误往往出现在词语层面。


语言语境和词汇意义是紧密联系的, 语言语境影响着词汇意义, 词汇意义的确定很大程度上要依赖于语言语境。特定的语言语境确定词语的特定意义, 只有当词语翻译准确时, 由词语构成的短语、句子、段落、语篇的翻译才能够准确。

1.辨析词义和正确选词。汉语中的一个词有时候会对应英语中的几个词, 词的正确选择首先取决于对原文词义的确切理解, 而对原文词义的确切理解又取决于对原文上下文的推敲, 如“国家”这个词在英语中对应的词有state, nation, country, land, government。但是这几个英语词的意思又各有区别。

(1) state的意思是长期占有一块固定领土, 政治上结合在一个主权政府之下的人民的实体;一种特定形式的政府、政体或政治上组织起来的社会。用马列主义的语言说就是国家机器, 国家的统治机构。列宁在《国家与革命》中说“国家是统治阶级的工具”, 这里的“国家”就是这个意思。例:法西斯国家/ 在中国, 铁路属于国家/国家大事/国家机密/我们的权利受国家保护/国家安全

(2) nation的意思是由一个民族或多个民族组成并且具有或多或少确定的领土和一个政府的人民的共同体。例:这是个英雄的国家/新近独立的国家

(3) country和land的意思是由人民共同体所占据的土地。例:这个国家有几条大河/他曾在许多国家居住过/美丽的国家。

(4) government的意思是国家机器当中的一部分, 即国家机器当中的行政机构。例:国家行为/国家法令

2.词的搭配。汉语的一大特点就是笼统性很强, 汉语动词的搭配能力就很强, 比如:看报纸, 看问题, 看电影, 用英文表达就需要用不同的的动词: read newspaper, view the problem, go to the movie, 正是由于这种词语搭配的差异, 导致很多学生在做翻译的过程中经常会出现词语的搭配错误。如:

(1) 吸烟有害对你的身体有害, 不要向他学习。

Smoking is harmful for your body. Don’t learn from him.

汉语中的“学”, 直接对应的是英文中的“learn”, 但是“learn”通常情况下用作学习某种具体的技能, 如“学习讲英语”, 英文表达为“learn to speak English”, 而“学习榜样”则对应的是“follow one’s example”。

Revised: Smoking is harmful for your body. Don’t follow his example.

(2) 有必要教授学生一些美国历史的知识。

It is necessary to teach students a little knowledge of American history.

“ 教授知识” 的英文表达是 “ i m p a r t / p a s s o n t o knowledge”, 而不能说“teach knowledge”。同样, 汉语中, 可以说“学习知识”, 但是对应的英语不能说“learn/study knowledge”, 而应该是这样的搭配:acquire/gain/pursue knowledge。

Revised: It is necessary to impart students a little knowledge of American history.

跟动词一样, 汉语中的形容词很多情况下都比较笼统, 搭配能力很强, 如“浓”, 可以是浓茶, 浓墨, 浓烟, 而英语则根据不同的事物有不同的形容词翻译为:strong tea, thick ink, dense smoke。

3.注意词的单复数。英语中有些单词单复数表示不同的意义, 学生在做翻译的过程中应注意恰当使用词的单复数。如:这家新的协会已经开展活动了。


×The new association has started its activity.

√The new association has started its activities.

activity表示“活力” (the state of being active) 时, 是不可数名词, 但表示“活动” (something that is done or is being done, esp. for interest or education) 时, 是可数名词, 当指有组织或有安排的活动时, 常用作复数形式。


在做汉译英翻译的过程中, 选词的准确性至关重要, 学生在学习的过程中要养成经常查字典的良好习惯, 单凭想当然地选词, 势必会词不达意。在翻译过程中特别要注意区分同义词, 选词时要考虑主题、对象及情景。只有这样才能保证译作体现原文风格。


[1]樊勇前.名词单复数表示不同的意义[J].英语自学, 1996 (6) .

[2]郭建辉, 朱毅恒.翻译中的语境问题[J].广西师范学院学报, 2009.

汉译英翻译技巧 篇8

【关键词】翻译教学体系 翻译策略 语义翻译及交际翻译










1.合译与增译。源文本第一句为:“孝道(filial piety)是中国古代社会的基本道德规范(code of ethics)。”本句为段首,使用了总结性语言,概括了“孝道”的特征。在句法上直接对应英文的主-系-表句型,所以大部分同学(93.6 %)采取了语义翻译的方式,即译文保留原文语序,如“3. Filial piety is essential code of ethics of Chinese ancient society.”。参考译文也是采取了此种翻译模式,即“Filial piety is the basic code of ethics in the ancient Chinese society”。值得注意的是,参考批改网自动打分系统的结果,本次高分段(高分段:82.5-86.5)译文在翻译本句时有明显的句型调整,体现了交际翻译的特点。125份译文中有5份译文将原文第一句与第二句合并翻译,分别采取了同位语从句、分词与介词短语作状语的形式。此外另有3份译文使用了主语从句与强调句型的形式,是增译法的体现。




