
2024-06-16 版权声明 我要投稿


英国留学艺术专业的真相 篇1























英国留学艺术专业的真相 篇2


1934年6月17日22时许, 英国太古洋行商船“顺天轮”首航沪津线, 由津返沪。驶离大沽口180里左右海域时, 微风细浪, 船稳客宁。旅客中有的倒头酣睡;有的玩纸牌、下象棋;有的凑在一块海阔天空聊大天, 消磨时光……

突然, 一声呼啸, 静寂的海面上更显得尖利刺耳, 令人毛骨悚然。接着, 枪声、叫骂声、奔跑声乱成一片, 各船舱变魔术似的站出形形色色的持枪汉子。他们把惊慌失措的旅客、船员押至一个大舱, 由持枪者严密看守, 不准叫喊, 不准随意行动, 将船长、无线电生、机械师锁在吸烟室, 将女人与儿童软禁于二等餐厅。那些黄发蓝眼的西洋人和留着仁丹胡的东洋人也都被赶到一块, 叽哩哇啦地互相询问:“这魔鬼一样的人物要干什么?”“上帝!他们是什么人?”惊魂不定的旅客被这意想不到的场面搞得蒙头转向、六神无主。

“顺天轮”刹那间易主他人, 一切来的都是那么突然、缜密, 让人丝毫没有反击的机会。显而易见, 这伙人是蓄谋已久, 因而计划周密而又有序。得手后, 他们对船员及旅客自报家门:“我们是刘珍年部, 不用说大家也知道, 干的是海上偷运禁品的行当, 过的是溅血撕肉、虎口夺饭的生活。因当局增派舰船沿海严查缉私, 以致断了财路, 失去生路, 万般无奈劫轮报复, 一旦与缉私船‘海兴’号相遇, 必用‘顺天轮’撞他们。他奶奶的, 叫爷们活得不痛快, 爷们也叫他们过得不安稳!大不了一同葬身渤海喂鱼虾。”一听到这话, 满船人都惊得目瞪口呆。

“顺天轮”船长等所有职员面对黑洞洞的枪口和横眉立目的歹徒, 真可谓:“秀才遇上兵, 有理说不清!”他们一筹莫展, 自叹命短运厄, 回大不列颠老家是无望了, 只好乖乖地服从劫匪的摆布。这就是震惊中外的“顺天轮”事件。此事酿成国际外交事件, 朝野人士、国内海外无不分外关注。

18日17时许, 众匪又分数批将大部分旅客及部分得力船员用渔船接走, 在神仙沟以南茫茫无际的苇荡中弃船登陆。百十号人一扎进葳葳蕤蕤的苇荡、柽柳林深处, 犹如针掉大海、鸟进瀚林, 纵是请来神仙, 也休想寻出半点蛛丝马迹。

众匪挟人质消匿得无影无踪之后, “顺天轮”也搁浅在神仙沟以南的烂泥之中了。任你开足马力, “顺天轮”好像老牛掉进枯井中, 有力使不上, 忙拍电向各方呼救。驻烟台的美舰“泊浦”、“比德”与驻威海的“卫赤”、“瓦特”两艘英舰接讯后, 即速驶往援救。八小时后, 涨潮后脱离险境的“顺天轮”与英舰相遇, 并由其护航南下。19日晨, “顺天轮”终于抵达烟台港。该轮遂将被劫经过详报英国政府和中国京、津、沪、南京各地, 立刻震惊了中外。


参加劫轮的是久据黄河三角洲的惯匪, 为首的是吴德胜、任富贵、傅瑞伍及傅瑞伍的小老婆薛氏。薛氏人送外号“黑牡丹”。此妇水性杨花又足智多谋, 胆大心狠却又料事过人, 是众匪不可缺少的智囊人物。劫案的起因还须从1930年说起。

1930年, 国民党政府因忙于调兵遣将在闽西剿共, 放松了对北方各省的控制。国民党二级陆军上将、山东省政府主席韩复榘瞅准了这一良机, 认为这是他在山东巩固和扩大自己地盘的好时候, 便派国民党军二十师五十九旅去黄河三角洲驻防, 名曰驻防, 实则是想控制这块风水宝地。因为这里有上千万亩新淤良田, 将此淌金流银的聚宝盆握于掌中, 于政于权于财可谓一石三鸟。

令韩复榘挠头的是, 那地方土匪多如牛毛, 三五十人立一竿子就可称团长、旅长, 百八十号人啸聚苇荡便称司令, 他们中以吴德胜为首的县警备队和海陆两栖盗匪徐银奎 (徐三) 最为猖獗。他们打家劫舍, 绑票、下黑帖子, 为所欲为。更令人头痛的是, 他们明暗难分, 水陆两通, 陆上风紧, 便放舟海上, 横行无忌, 堪称一霸。

国民党军二十师五十九旅旅长赵心德也不是省油的灯, 他图财贪色, 心狠手辣, 人送外号“风流司令”。土匪徐三见赵心德大兵压境, 好汉不吃眼前亏, 他通过生死之交的把兄把弟投门子、拉关系, 终于攀上了赵心德这棵大树。徐三不断暗派心腹将银元和金条送往赵公馆, 赵心德一高兴, 封徐三为“沾棣渔业联合会”会长。徐三在沾化县下洼设局建卡, 一边海上派捐, 陆上增税, 绞尽脑汁敛钱, 一边走私日货, 牟取暴利。赵心德则不费吹灰之力, 等着坐地分赃。与徐三交往深厚的另一个匪首吴德胜及他的部下任富贵、傅瑞伍等人, 更是为虎作伥, 肆意妄为。这伙官匪直把黄河三角洲一带搞得民不聊生。

赵、徐一伙多行不义, 不但激起百姓的切齿愤恨, 连一些上流乡绅也颇感不平。1933年冬, 乡绅联名告至省政府。省主席韩复榘为收买民心, 遂派员调查。赵、徐二人本都是为了一己私利而相互利用, 大难临头后自然各自想法自保。看看纸包不住火, 赵心德将一切罪责推给徐三, 但是他又害怕徐三反告, 就翻脸将徐三杀掉灭口, 此案最终不了了之。与徐三交往甚厚的吴德胜、傅瑞伍、任富贵等人难免产生兔死狐悲情绪, 大骂赵心德心狠手辣, 但又怕牵连到自己, 纷纷率知己心腹逃匿于天津法租界, 养精蓄锐, 以图东山再起。

吴德胜一伙在天津躲了一段时间后, 估计山东的风声已经过去, 便想安排傅瑞伍等人先杀回山东黄河口一带“趟趟路”, 他自己等时机成熟回山东再作草头王。

经过数月侦察、密谋, 1934年6月17日上午, 傅瑞伍他们准备化装登上由天津开往南方的“盛京”号商船, 在海上劫船谋财后, 再将船开往黄河口。谁知鬼使神差, “盛京”号竟趁涨潮提前拔锚起航。傅瑞伍等30几个人气喘吁吁赶到码头时, 早已船去坞空。失望之余, 他们得悉首航天津的英国太古洋行商船“顺天轮”下午由津返沪, 中途在山东烟台暂停。真是喜从天降, 傅瑞伍忙派人张罗购票事宜。

下午, 傅瑞伍、任富贵及傅瑞伍的小老婆薛氏约30余人准时到达码头。他们有的扮作富商巨贾, 摇头晃脑;有的扮作病人亲属, 一呼百应;薛氏黑牡丹则扮作贵夫人。一切武器皆藏于担架、被褥和衣服中, 一行人顺顺当当登上船, 按票上号码各进舱中。在驶离大沽口180里左右海域时, 这伙匪徒按计划犯下了这桩震惊海内外的英国商船“顺天轮”被劫案。


6月20日, 京、津、沪和南京等地的各大报纸都报道了“顺天轮”被劫案, 路透社、美联社等世界主要通讯社也都发了电讯稿。一时间, 世界舆论哗然。英驻华使馆频频向南京政府施压, 以求迅速破案。英领事馆武官狄华都里星夜赴济, 与主鲁官员韩复榘商谈营救人质事宜。

鉴于此, 南京国民党政府急令鲁、津当局速查此案。外交部鉴于国际压力, 电令主鲁要员韩复榘和青岛市市长沈鸿烈速派陆、海军赴黄河口一带, 严密搜查、追击、围剿匪徒, 营救被押人质!军政部长兼北平分会代委员长何应钦闻讯也火速致电北平英使馆“深表歉意”, 并愿与各方通力合作, 从速破案。

国民党南京政府最高决策者蒋介石此刻正飞临江西亲自督剿工农红军, 兵寡地少的红军却出奇地耐打善战, 已经令蒋介石五内生烟, 又闻报发生了震惊中外的“顺天轮”被劫案, 一股无名火猛窜顶门, 在最高军事会议上大发雷霆:“娘希匹!几个蟊贼竟敢劫外国的轮船, 严令向方 (韩复榘字) 限期破案。否则军法从处。”

军委会接令后, 调飞机前往黄河口一带低空侦察, 以期协助破案。国民党海军第三舰队司令谢刚哲即令驻长山的“永翔”、“海鸥”和驻威海的“冈安”、“镇海”四艘军舰速赴黄河口、神仙沟一带海域, 巡逻搜索, 务求将匪徒一网打尽, 以平天下之舆论。韩复榘也以长途电话饬令海防指挥部、沿海各县警察局, 昼夜派出巡船警士从速缉查。驻威海的英国海军也增派驱逐舰两艘、航空母舰一艘驶往神仙沟海域一带, 协同缉查。

至此, 在山东黄河口沿海的南至清水沟、北至洼拉沟一线海域, 竟破天荒地汇集了中外舰只多达12艘、战斗侦察机10余架。陆上近万名兵警层层拉网搜查, 海上战舰纵横扬波, 天上战斗机俯下冲上, 盘旋呼啸, 黄河口一时“盛况”空前。

南京政府自知理屈, 为尽快破案, 后来又增调七十四师马贯一旅和赵明远指挥的第一民团参与追缉, 大有不消灭这股土匪、救出人质誓不甘休的意味。而实际上, 上面急如流星, 下面却紧应慢动, 你说你的, 我拖我的。再说, 在这数百里沿海, 既有茫茫无际的苇荡, 又有葳葳蕤蕤的柽柳、蒲草和蜿蜒纵横的海沟河汊, 别说藏上百十号人, 就是整师整团的大部队藏在里面, 也不亚于泥牛入海、大海捞针。

一个多月过去了, 官兵仍然一无所获。蒋介石十分生气, 下达了“不成功则将参加围剿之各级指挥官全部就地正法”的死命令。面对上头一天比一天严厉的训令, 参加围剿的各级指挥官也开始着急起来, 只好对前线官兵不断许以高官厚禄。重赏之下, 必有勇夫, 前线搜剿官兵们的劲头这才调动了起来。

8月下旬的一天, 赵明远部的中尉副官刘景良在无意中捉住了土匪中一个小头目的小老婆, 并通过她带路, 刘景良只带一名护兵深入匪巢, 通过晓以利弊, 他终于说服匪首傅瑞伍等人同意谈判招安。而任富贵等匪首坚决不同意, 就连夜率领他们各自的部属远走他乡了。

谈判的结果是, 土匪将“顺天轮”上的“肉票”全部放回, 傅瑞伍接受招安成了堂堂正正的国军“海上纵队”分队长, 刘景良立了大功, 升任少校副官, 赵明远也当上了山东第五专署专员兼保安司令。对被绑受惊的外籍“肉票”, 国民政府外交部极尽安抚赔偿, 并一再向他们所在的国家赔礼道歉, 终于一一取得“谅解”。此时距案发已有两个多月了。

管窥英国艺术与设计专业 篇3





New Designers is the foremost event in graduate design showcasing the work, energy and talent of some 4000 designers every July at the Business Design Centre, London N1.

Gordon Brown on New Designers: "New Designers is unrivalled in Europe in its scope, in its scale and its size; in its ability to attract companies and people who are looking to hire designers in the future and I believe this is one of the most important exhibitions that is taking place in London", former Chancellor, Gordon Brown

New Designers awards in London July 5th 2007

Sarah Denny won the New Designers The Goldsmiths' Company Silver Award

Award: £1,000 cash & £500 worth of precious metal and a place on the graduate business course "Getting Started". Plus 10 years registration with The Goldsmiths' Company Assay Office London, to include a hallmarking punch and £200 worth of hallmarking services.

Judges Comments: A technical Tour De Force

Winner's Comment: when I heard my name I was absolutely stunned and overwhelmed. I never expected that something so different would win. I am now excited about getting on with designing and developing my collection.

Sarah Denny: studied BA (Honors) Metalwork and Jewellery at SHU (2001-2004) graduating with a first class honors and was also the first winner of the Assay Masters Award for Excellence in Craftsmanship and Design (2004). In 2005 Sarah returned to Sheffield Hallam having secured a prestigious AHRC grant to support her postgraduate study which she has completed this year (2005-7).

Sarah now resides at the Silversmithing Starter Studio Scheme at Yorkshire Arts Space.

New Designers One Year On Award

Antonella Giomarelli won the New Designers One Year On Award (图片 03)

Award: £500; Rhodes & Rhodes, Chartered Accountants will offer £2,000 worth of accounting and taxation advice; Adobe CS3 design premium software package

Judges Comment: Originality of design and use of technology in a very sensitive manner, plus evidence of development for the future。

Winner's Comment: The standard and diversity of the work in One Year On is exceptional and to be selected for the award is a shock and an honour. This prize will now give me confidence and support to set up my own business and succeed.

Antonella Giomarelli: studied BA (Honours) Metalwork and Jewellery at SHU and graduated in 2006 with a first class honours. Antonella's work was selected for the "One year on" exhibition space at New Designers from her show that year and she went on to win a £1.5k Sheffield Hallam Enterprise business start-up award plus legal support from Franks & Co. Since then she has participated in several exhibitions, including "Brilliantly Birmingham" and "Dazzle".



Professor Breda Beban is Reader in Media Arts and one of the leading figures in Sheffield Hallam University's internationally recognized Art and Design Research Centre. She also holds a PhD from the prestigious Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences in Zagreb.

Sheffield Hallam lecturer shows sexiest work at Venice Biennale

What's rumored to be the sexiest work in this year's Venice Biennale will be shown by critically acclaimed artist and Sheffield Hallam University lecturer Breda Beban as her new two-screen film The Most Beautiful Woman in Gucha opens at the exhibition on 6th June 07.

The film captures the moment of love at first sight borne of a passionate encounter between a beautiful dancer, a young man and a group of Romany musicians as a throng of festival goers look on.

The intensity of the film has proved to be addictive when previewed with viewers pirating and sharing the film via text and the internet turning it into a cult hit. As a result of this early preview, the influential Venice based art organization Nuova Icona invited Beban to stage a solo show of the work in its prestigious exhibition at the Venice Biennale, the worlds leading contemporary visual art show (10 June - 21 November 07).

The work comprises two screens; the first an eighteen minute reel of unedited film; the second the nine minute edited version which combines points of intense romantic chemistry from the raw documentary footage. Beban draws on themes of cultural mores of attraction and adds a new and anonymous young woman to the map of powerful female role models.

Breda Beban, The Most Beautiful Woman in Gucha, Nuova Icona, Venice, 6-24 June 07.



Fantastic plastic

Extreme sports fans could soon have instant A&E medical treatment for broken limbs in remote locations, following a unique internationally award winning design of a versatile portable plastic splint.

The pioneering First Aid Splint is designed to protect and aid the recovery of damaged bones in isolated conditions, difficult to be reached by medical teams. Devised as part of an international collaboration between Sheffield Hallam University and French Institut Superieur de Plasturgie d'Alencon (ISPA) to explore the lightweight, pliable properties of plastic, the flexible structure should provide aid to the 45,000 victims of snow sport injuries which occur every year.

MA Industrial Design students Ching-Sui Kao from Taiwan and Geremi Durand, from St Ettiene, France, joined engineering student Maxime Duclous from the ISPA plastic centre of excellence to design FA Splint which incorporates essential medical advice with convenience. The innovative structure applies rigidness and heat quickly to the limb via a special gel created by a chemically reactive metal strip and saturated sodium acetate solution.

The innovative splint was conceived as part of a Design and Innovation in Plasturgy competition to design an object where the main element in plastic. The only UK representatives, Sheffield Hallam University, scooped two of four prizes in the February biannual competition, including the Jury's Grand prize for FA Splint, beating over forty submissions.

Paul Chamberlain, professor of design at Sheffield Hallam said: "Plastic has surprising uses that are not currently being explored - this competition is a great way to start exploring those possibilities. It's a great honor that the innovation and quality of design from our students has allowed them to walk away with half of the available prizes in an international competition. This acclaim is great news for their future careers and employability. The experience of working in partnership across seas has also been invaluable in increasing their skills in team work, international communication, distance working and appreciating cultural differences."

Six teams of two Sheffield Hallam students, and one ISPA, also addressed the social stigma and lifestyle appeal of users of mobility aids. Winning the category of Plastic on Us, a trophy and E5,000, designers have exploited new materials to provide new features and forms for walking aids in the form of O'Leg. Jonathan Grant, from Cambridge, and Faustine Le Berre, from Annecy, France have created a fashionable, adjustable and lightweight support to appeal to sports enthusiasts and a growing aging population.

Two other competition categories, sponsored by the French Plastic Industry, included Plastic in the Home and Plastic Around Us.

The innovative designs are currently available for viewing in Alencon in France, and although in its initial stage, projects are seeking funding and development opportunities.





Professor Michael Corris

Michael Corris - internationally recognised as an artist and writer on art - is Professor of Fine Art at the Art and Design Research Centre. Corris began his career in New York during the 1970s as a participant in the Conceptual art group, Art & Language. He was a founding editor of The Fox, a publication that addressed the theoretical, political, and social contexts of contemporary artistic practice. Corris's artwork may be found in the collections of The Museum of Modern Art (New York) and the Victoria and Albert Museum (London) amongst others. His most recent publications include Conceptual Art:Theory, Myth and Practice (2004) and Ad Reinhardt (forthcoming 2007).

David Cotterrell

David Cotterrell is an installation artist working across varied media including video, audio, interactive media, artificial intelligence, device control and hybrid technology. His recent work has included research into computational models of conversational speech, an artificially intelligent pedestrian urban population and a self-sustaining gridlock generator. He has been recently working in Shanghai, China researching the impact of population expansion with the support of an Arts

Council England and British Council award. A book on his recent work has been published by Black Dog Publishing, entitled The Impossible Project (ISBN 1 901033 73 2) Artist and gallery websites www.cotterrell.comwww.daniellearnaud.com

Daniel Gustav Cramer

Since completing his MA Fine Art at the Royal College in 2003 Gustav Cramer has been showing his work internationally. Recent exhibitions include Domobaal in London, Casa d'os dias da Agua in Lisbon, van der Grinten Galerie in Cologne, Simlagid in Iceland and together with Richard Billingham at the Jardin de Lille in France. He has been represented in recent group shows such as NewContemporaries2003, Young Masters in London and Salon de Montrouge in Paris. Publications include several artist books such as Loch Ness, a monography written by Jonathan Miles and documentaries on Arte TV and Deutsche Welle. www.danielgustavcramer.com

Vera Dieterich

Vera Dieterich's research interests are related to thought processes in relation to Hélène Cixous and Edmond Jabès. These form part of the inspiration for her current practice - drawing, photography and prints. Regularly exhibiting in Europe, some of her works are held in the permanent collection of the Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart. She has won the Hermann - Haake - stiftungs Award, Ludwigsburg and of her latest shows Interlude took place in 2004 at the Gallery Heppacher, Germany and

On Hold at the Gallery Arvore, Portugal. Currently she is writing Book Unbinding: The Ontological Stain with Caroline Rooney, a senior lecturer at Kent University.

Steve Dutton

Steve Dutton works across platforms, using photographic images, painting, text, digital video and architectonic practices. In his work the creation of hybrid forms and processes plays with the boundaries between methods and disciplines, and by implication, an ambiguity of knowledge and experience. As a Director of Sheffield Contemporary Art Forum (SCAF), Steve Dutton is also committed to the development of a critical, dynamic and practical exploration of the hinterlands between what might be called "local" and "international" art practices via SCAF's programming of Sheffield's city-wide contemporary art events such as Art Sheffield 03, 05 and 08.

Dr Sharon Kivland

Sharon Kivland is an artist and writer. She is Reader in Fine Art at Sheffield Hallam University, Research Associate of the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research, London. Her work is represented by Domo Baal Contemporary Art, London (UK), and Galerie Bugdahn & Kaimer, Düsseldorf (Germany). She is co-editor of Transmission: Speaking and Listening (Sheffield: Site 2001-2005) and The Rules of Engagement (London: Artwords 2004-2008). She is Visiting Fellow in the Institute for Germanic and Romance Studies, University of London, from 2006 to 2008, where she is working on the impossible translation of Freud's dream-book. www.sharonkivland.com

Dr Jaspar Joseph-Lester

Jaspar Joseph-Lester's work focuses on the critical status of illusion in social space. He has involved a number of long-term collaborations with artists, writers and curators. He leads the MA Contemporary Art (Curating) and is co-author of Disorientation and Spectacle in Retail Architecture (Artwords Press, 2004), co-editor of Transmission Speaking and Listening, and guest editor of art-omma, the online art journal (www.artomma. org, issue 11). He has exhibited widely in the UK and abroad and had solo exhibitions at: Asprey Jacques Gallery, Perry's Motors and The British School at Rome. He is currently showing in a co-curated exhibition One Way Street, Sheppard Gallery, Reno.

Mark Purcell

Mark Purcell is Head of Fine Art. He has a teaching and research role crossing fine art, design, communication and media. His current research project is as an editor in Public Understanding and Visualisation of Nanotechnology, an ESPRC funded project in conjunction with the University of Sheffield. Personal research interests include design of measuring and control devices, boolean text, realtime 3D scanning techniques, and the development of personalised phoneme libraries. He views his research interests as being a continuation of Robert Hooke's research agenda; the production of devices to augment the senses and processes to shore up imperfect memory and perceptions.

Lesley Sanderson

Lesley Sanderson has been collaborating with artist Neil Conroy since 1998. AsConroy/Sanderson they use drawing, photography and mixed media to examine the shifting nature of subjectivity and the blurring of different gendered, racial and cultural positions. Their work and collaborative practice questions ideas of fixed cultural identity, suggesting a hybrid perspective. Their recent exhibitions include Distance, galerie5020, Salzburg, Austria, (2006); Cruel/Loving Bodies 2, The Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong (2006). Publications: Sun-Shine, Moonshine (collaboration with Gabriel Gbadamosi), Artwords Press (2005)

Julie Westerman

Her practice encompasses both exhibition and public art commission, working across materials and processes. The work is grounded in sculpture but recent research has engaged with digital and computer-based technology to explore a space between the virtual and physical realm. A body of work using cast iron has been exhibited in North and South America, For the Sake of Appearance Gallery Guignard, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Femm Catherine Murphy, Gallery St Paul, Minnesota. Recent commissions include a digital fountain for the National Trust Gardens at Polesden Lacey, Surrey (2006) and ThinlyVeiled for the new extension of the Grand Opera House in Belfast (2006). www.juliewesterman.com




电影和视觉效果 BA (Hons) Film and Visual Effects

家具及相关产品设计 BA (Hons) Furniture Design and Related Products*

游戏设计BA (Hons) Games Design

平面设计BA (Hons) Graphic Design*

室内设计BA (Hons) Interior Design *

钢铁与珠宝设计BA (Hons) Metalwork and Jewellery

多媒体和传播设计BA (Hons) Multimedia and Communication Design

产品设计BA (Hons) Product Design *

交通设计BSc (Hons) Transport Design

摄影BA (Hons) Photography *




Graduate Certificate in English with Academic and Professional Skills


Graduate Diploma in Art Design and English


务实、策展和素描方向美术专业 MA Fine Art Programme including specialisms in Practice, Curating and Writing

游戏设计MA in Animation for Games Design

文化政策与管理 MA Cultural Policy and Management *

当代美术 MA Contemporary Fine Art

视觉文化策展 MA Curating Visual Culture *

工业设计 MA Design (Industrial Design)

交互媒体设计 MA Design (Interactive Media)

钢铁和珠宝设计 MA Design (Metalwork and Jewellery)

包装设计 MA Design (Packaging Design)

政策与创新 MA Design (Strategy and Innovation)

艺术与设计研究 MA Research in Art and Design

博士研究生 PhD Research Degrees

美国留学艺术管理专业的申请条件 篇4

GPA: 3.0以上

TOEFL: 100, 最低: 80。部分学校承认IELTS成绩,需要7.0

GRE: Not required

美国留学艺术设计专业的申请条件 篇5
















艺术留学之解读动漫设计专业 篇6

















萨凡纳艺术设计学院以电脑艺术最为著名,目前在全美排名前五名,课程内容主要着力于3-D Animation、2-D Animation、Game、Interactive and Motion Graphic等领域,其中以3-D Animation主修的毕业生在业界已有不错的口碑和表现。



美国艺术留学音乐专业如何选校 篇7

美国作为大部分音乐专业学生的选择地点,不止因为这个国家本身在教育上的优势与 先进的理念,更是因为它储备着丰富的教学资源,从设施,环境,特别是来自世界各地的师资力量。




德国艺术留学设计类专业申请攻略 篇8






英国留学艺术专业的真相 篇9

To me, art is like a mystery which is to be solved. I see an artwork as the concentration of an idea or concept into a physical entity. The idea or concept is rarely evident through just looking at piece; it requires analysis or scrutiny to interpret it. This is why I am rarely happy with a piece of art unless I can see some meaning behind it. Whether it is my own or another person’s, I feel a great satisfaction when I discover an underlying theme or message; deliberate or not. It is like poring over a cryptic riddle or a puzzle for time until all at once it falls into place.

Perhaps it is my obsession with problem-inducing things: cryptic crosswords, chess, Rubik’s cubes, poker, cribbage and scrabble that have induced this vision of art. It is the same either way. If I am looking at a Mark Rothko painting, Rothko has set the puzzle to be deciphered and I am attempting to solve it, even if the answer is as simple as, ‘a perfect combination of colour’. If I create an artwork, it will have hidden parameters evident only by scrutiny. It may be easy to interpret or it may be difficult, it doesn’t matter. I don’t mind if people don’t interpret it the way I intended; only that it makes sense in their own minds and that it gives them that same sense of satisfaction that I get when I solve a puzzle. You could say that that is the ultimate motivation for the art that I produce.

This theme has also played a strong role in the work that I have been doing over the past year in my Art Foundation course. In the last ’self’-orientated project I focussed on my fascination with playing cards and chess combined with the physical aspects of my life. This has developed into my current project that concentrates on aspects of chance (chess, playing cards) combined, symbolically, with aspects of purpose (religion, gods, fate, strategy) through many different mediums, including customised board games and sculptures. I am intrigued with hidden meanings, so I am looking at artists such as Joseph Beuys and Leonardo Da Vinci who are known to use a lot of symbolism in their work.

My current work has developed from many of the foundation course projects I have done since the beginning of the year. I feel that this year has been a significant indication of what path I want to follow in the future. I initially enrolled with the mindset of trying it out and deciding what to do later on in the year. I have worked hard at keeping up with work and have enjoyed being able to develop my own ideas creatively over the last two terms. The foundation course has already taught me how to be broad-minded about what art can be, and the learning process has been somewhat enlightening. Ultimately I have enjoyed the course; whether it is experimenting with interesting ideas in my own space, sharing ideas with my peers about what we are doing or constructing sculptures in the workshops. Upon having wandered around the degree student’s areas a few times just to look at the work that is being produced I feel a connection to what they are doing and what I am currently learning about and it makes me want to go further with my work. This is why I wish to continue on at the degree course. I believe it will challenge me and help me to evolve the art that I do to an even further level.

Since October , I have had a Saturday job working as an assistant in a butcher’s. This job requires me to make deliveries, clean the shop, serve customers, prepare meat and I often help out at the hog roast functions that the shop hires out. I have done my best to work hard at this, as it is the only proper job I have had apart from a paper round. Alongside attending the foundation course I feel that it has made me a much more organised and confident person in terms of arranging my life. I have definitely enjoyed working there as much as I have worked hard at it. To resound the work I have done I have been offered more work at the shop and at supervising hog roasts during the summer.

Yours sincerely,

英国留学艺术专业的真相 篇10


11Oxford5574.2538010025University College London5044.1737596.333Glasgow4674.353.36596.242Cambridge5624.282.77096.2510Birmingham4094.1239095.364Courtauld Institute4713.943.27594.979St Andrews4794.32.86592.8813East Anglia4154.313.156091.9912Birkbeck 4.292.85 91.8108York4204.143.16591.51114Essex 4.172.9 90.7127Warwick4434.232.855589.31318SOAS4214.072.76588.31411Bristol4584.012.56587.91516Manchester4084.033.155087.61619Leeds4094.162.556587.41717Edinburgh4803.842.755587.31815Nottingham3894.052.96087.3196Sussex4084.093.154587.12020Goldsmiths, University of London3864.162.76086.52125Northumbria 4.272.3 83.82223Reading3264.132.755583.32322Plymouth2754.152.66582.42424Aberdeen 4.142.74082.32521Leicester3754.192.45082.22627Sheffield Hallam 4.032.35 81.12729Oxford Brookes3324.342.554080.62828Kingston3403.872.54578.32931Brighton3014.112.853077.930-Kent3384.26 77.53130Manchester Metropolitan3594.132.33577.53232Aberystwyth 4.041.95 75.6









