7.24×0.1+0.5×72.4+0.049×724=2009×20102010-2010×20092009= 999×999+199=31÷5+32÷5+33÷5+34÷5=
2、解方程:① 3X-240=X-40X=()②4(2x-7)-2(x-1)=3x-5x=()
一、生活知识匮乏, 关键信息抓不准
“让数学从生活中来, 回到生活中去”是新课程改革以来非常重要的一个理念, 明确了数学的实用价值, 因此, 教师在数学教学中应当认真贯彻这一理念。但是, 在实际的教学过程中, 我们发现, 由于学生生活知识的匮乏, 往往不能理解相关的数学问题, 不能抓准关键信息, 许多简单的数学实际问题, 对于学生来说却是困难重重。
例1:电子秤显示0.725kg, 单价是25元/kg, 张师傅实付多少元?
正确解法:0.725×25=18.125≈18.13 (元)
错例分析:两个班共有46位学生将结果写成了18.125, 占总人数的64.7%, 只有11位学生正确写成18.13, 占总人数的15.5%, 另有14位学生完全算错。考查的知识点是结合生活实际“元、角、分”保留两位小数, 题目中“实付”两字也提醒学生需要结合实际。产生错误的原因:一是平时教学中虽然强调过保留小数位数的方法, 即“四舍五入”的方法, 但是日常的练习题中多已明确告知学生需要保留的位数, 不需学生自己判断, 而此题保留位数是隐含的信息, 需要学生学会观察和分析;二是生活知识缺乏, 实际问题的分析能力偏弱, 没有抓住题目中的“实付”这一关键信息解决问题。
二、思考不深入, 数学思维周密性不够
数学思维是人脑对数学对象交互作用并按一般思维规律认识数学规律的过程。数学思维实质上是数学活动中的思维, 它具有深刻性、广阔性、灵活性、独创性、敏捷性、批判性。由于小学生的思维以具体形象思维为主, 并且主观意识较强, 所以, 在数学思维上会出现思考不够深入, 思维不够周密的问题。
例2:一个平行四边形的高是10厘米, 它的两条边长分别是8厘米和12厘米, 这个平行四边形的面积是多少?
错例分析:两个班共有38人发生错误, 占总人数的53.5%。发生错误的学生大多认为面积有两种可能性, 即为80平方厘米或者120平方厘米, 原因在于认为题目中的高没有说明具体对应的底, 那么两条边都可能作为平行四边形的底。但是, 若以12厘米这条边为底, 高为10厘米, 斜边为8厘米, 这样就不可能组成直角三角形, 也就是说, 上图中左边的所谓平行四边形是不存在的。因此, 这个平行四边形的底只能选择8厘米这条边, 面积为8×10=80平方厘米。这一错误的产生说明学生思维的周密性仍然不足, 虽然考虑到了可能存在的两种情况, 但没有进一步去推敲这两种可能性是否一定存在。
随着新课程改革的深入开展, 新的教育理念、教学方式对学生的学习方式产生了巨大的影响, 也对小学生数学能力的提高提出了新的要求。其中数学的转化与代换能力尤为重要, 学生在解决数学问题时, 不但要抓住题目中的关键信息, 还要学会分析题干之间的联系, 学会综合考虑问题, 找到“中间量”, 通过等量代换或转化的形式将复杂的数学问题分解成若干个简单的数学问题。但显然, 从习题的错例中不难看出学生数学转化与代换的能力仍显不足。
上图中ABCD是边长为10厘米的正方形, 三角形DOC的面积比三角形AOE的面积小8平方厘米, 求阴影部分的面积。
正确解法:三角形ACD的面积为10×10÷2=50 (平方厘米) , 根据等底等高的性质, 三角形ACD和三角形CDE面积相等, 三角形DOC是公共部分, 所以三角形DOE和AOC面积相等, 阴影部分的面积是50+8=58 (平方厘米) 。
错例分析:该题两个班错误的共有16人, 占总人数的22.5%。大多错误在于学生没有找到三角形ACD和三角形CDE面积相等这一隐含信息, 所以不会做。此题考查学生等积变形和面积转化的思想, 其实在平时练习中也有过类似的题目, 因此, 学生对于图形面积之间多几与少几的转化方法并不陌生, 只是这题需要先利用等积变换知道三角形ACD的面积等于三角形CDE的面积, 再通过转化和代换来求出阴影面积, 比平时的练习多了一步等积变形, 特别考验学生的空间想象能力和数学思维中的转化与代换能力。
四、审题不清, 易上干扰信息的当
“审题”是解题的前提, 是正确解题的关键之一, 不认真审题就无法进行分析推理。所谓“审题”, 就是弄清题目内容, 弄清已经知道什么, 要求 (求证) 什么。所以审题能力的高低, 直接影响到学生的解题能力和数学学习的水平。小学生的注意力不够稳定, 并且处于学习习惯的养成时期, 特别容易犯审题不清的错误, 也容易受题目中无关信息的干扰。
例4:一瓶可乐售价2.50元, M老师买了K瓶, 付了50元, 可以找回 () 元 (用含有字母的式子表示) , 下面的数中, K可能是 () 。
选项: (1) 任何数 (2) 15 (3) 25
正确解法:找回 (50-2.5K) 元, K的范围是0<K≤20, 并且取整数, 所以只能选择 (2) 。
错例分析:这题两个班中错误的有17人, 占总人数的24.0%。集中错误发生在学生将M老师当成M个老师去计算了, 即 (50-2.5KM) 元, 属于审题不够清晰, 不能分辨信息的有效性。这题考查的知识点是用字母表示数, 因为该知识点上新课时已经接触过类似题型, 变化的只是M老师这一干扰项;而K的可能性范围在课堂上的类似题型中也有过辨析, 而本题中考查学生不仅要知道范围, 还得知道这个数只能是整数, 其实是考虑了“生活中的数学元素”。因此, 看学生错误的高发点, 作为教师也需反思, 我们在日常的教学中, 尤其是在例题教学中, 要特别重视培养学生的审题能力, 使学生养成良好的审题习惯, 开阔审题思路, 让学生掌握数学的审题步骤和方法, 这样才能提高学生的解题水平和解题技巧。
1. I like ____ a little longer in the morning.
A. sleepB. sleepsC. to sleepD. sleeping
2. We do our ____ at 7:30 p.m..
A. homeworksB. homeworkC. lessonD. works
3. Rick ____ at seven o’clock in the morning.
A. go to schoolB. goes to school
C. to go to schoolD. goes to the school
4. When do you go to bed ____ Sunday evening?
A. inB. onC. forD. at
5. ——____ do they play football?
——At four in the afternoon.
A. WhatB. When timeC. WhyD. When
6. She usually gets up ____.
A. at 6:15 o’clockB. on half past six
C. at six o’clockD. in 6:30
7. ——What time is it now?
——It’s ____.
A. half to nineB. twelve past forty
C. thirty-nine past nineD. one to three
8. ——Why don’t you like history?
A. Because it’s boringB. It’s boring
C. So it’s boringD. Yes, I don’t like it
9. Jim, your coat is on the bed. ____, please.
A. Put it onB. Put on itC. Put them onD. Put on them
10. The early morning news ____ everyone feel happy.
A. makesB. makeC. makingD. makes to
11. What time ____ he get up?
A. doesB. isC. areD. do
12. She has ____ to do on Friday.
A. many homeworkB. much homeworks
C. some homeworksD. a lot of homework
13. ____ start at 8:30.
A. The classB. A classC. ClassD. Classes
14. His mother always buys new coat ____ him.
A. toB. forC. fromD. of
15. ——Can you tell me ____?
——Sure. It’s two thirty.
A. timeB. the timeC. ageD. number
Peter works in a food shop. He __1__ the shopkeeper(店主). He puts __2__ on the shelves(货架) every day. Then people __3__ into the shop and __4__ the food. Today there __5__ any bags of flour(面粉) on the shelf. Peter runs to __6__ some bags of flour. They are in __7__ room and they are on the top(顶部) shelf. The shelf is __8__ up. Peter puts one box on __9__. Then he stands on them. At this time, the shopkeeper __10__. He opens the door and the door knocks(撞) the box. Peter falls(倒) to the floor with some flour on his head.
1. A. sellsB. buysC. helpsD. likes
2. A. foodB. clothesC. school thingsD. flour
3. A. lookB. comeC. getD. put
4. A. seeB. getC. takeD. buy
5. A. haven’tB. aren’tC. putD. sell
6. A. buyB. takeC. getD. count
7. A. the otherB. anotherC. aD. the
8. A. notB. highC. veryD. over
9. A. the floorB. the otherC. the shelfD. him
10. A. comesB. goesC. walksD. runs
Sam is very good at school, but he is not clean. His face and hands are often dirty. He washes them with water only. He does not use soap(肥皂).
Sam has an uncle. One day the uncle goes to see him. He looks at Sam and says, “Sam, I know what you ate(吃) for breakfast this morning.”
“What?” Sam looks at his uncle and says.
“Eggs,” says his uncle. “Your face and mouth tell me that.”
“You’re wrong, Uncle!”says Sam. “Not today or yesterday, but the day before yesterday(前天)!”
1. Who is Sam? ____.
A. He’s EnglishB. He’s a student
C. He’s a Young PioneerD. He’s a teacher
2. What’s the Chinese for “dirty”? ____.
A. It’s“高兴的”B. It’s“干净的”
C. It’s“个子高的”D. It’s “脏的”
3. Where does the uncle live? ____.
A. In the same houseB. In different houses
C. In a factoryD. On a farm
4. Which of these is right? ____.
A. Sam doesn’t wash his face and hands every day
B. The uncle thinks the boy ate eggs this morning
C. Sam doesn’t like eggs at all
D. Sam doesn’t know his uncle
In America, almost every bookstore sells books about food and cooking. Most newspapers and magazines talk about Americans’ eating habits(习惯). Many articles(文章) write about where to eat. So we can see eating is very important to every American.
Salads(沙拉) are very popular and are served(供应) all year round. Americans enjoy coffee. Most of them drink coffee or tea before or after every meal. Many Americans have coffee or tea with their meals. The main course(主食) served in American meals is usually meat, fish or chicken, but rarely(稀少地) more than one of these are served at the same meal. Seafood is sometimes served as the first course.
Most Americans eat breakfast and lunch quickly, but the evening meal is longer and a time for the family to get together. This is their main meal in a day. On Sundays or holidays, Americans like to oversleep(睡懒觉). They get up very late in the morning, so they have to eat their brunch(早中饭).
1. In the USA, people can buy books about food and cooking ____.
A. in a food shopB. everywhere
C. in most of the bookstoresD. in all the bookstores
2. Which statement do you think is right? ____.
A. All magazines always talk about Americans’ eating habits
B. To all of Americans eating is very important
C. People in America don’t mind where to eat
D. Most of Americans do like hot food very much
3. Which of the sentences is wrong? ____.
A. Americans have salads for each meal
B. Most of Americans drink coffee or tea
C. Not everyone has coffee or tea with meals
D. Seafood may be served as the first course
4. Most American families ____.
A. spend a long time eating breakfast
B. sometimes get together when they have dinner
C. get up early on holiday
D. go out for a walk on Sundays
5. From the passage we know that ____.
A. Americans have quite different eating habits from Chinese
B. Chinese eating habits are just the same as those in the USA
C. we must learn from Americans’ eating habits
D. Americans’ eating habits are the best of all in the world
Assistant: Good afternoon. Can I help you?
Bill: Yes, please. I’d like to join the swimming club.
Assistant: Good!I have a few questions. First, what is your first name?
Bill: My first name is Bill, and my last name is Cooper.
Assistant: How old are you?
Bill: I’m nine years old.
Assistant: What’s your telephone number and your address?
Bill: My address is 8 Washington Street. My telephone number is 603-2856.
Assistant: Here is a card; please fill it out.
Bill: Thank you.
Swimming Club for Children
First Name:__1__
Last Name:__2__
Home Address:__5__
Telephone Number:__6__
Two Plus Two Is Four
Xiao Mao is seven and starts to go to school this week. It’s Sunday today. His mother, Mrs Liu, doesn’t go to work. Xiao Mao wants to go to the zoo. He gets up at six thirty and asks his mother to take him there. After breakfast, they go to the bus stop. They want to take a No. 4 bus to the zoo.
“Look, Mummy!” the boy calls out. “A No. Four is coming!”
“No, dear,” Mrs Smith says, “It isn’t No. 4. It’s No. Twenty-two.”
“You’re wrong, Mummy,” Xiao Mao says. “My teacher says two and two is four!”
1. Xiao Mao is a student of Grade ____.
2. Xiao Mao is going to the zoo with his ____.
3. Mrs Liu and her son want to go to the zoo by ____.
4. They will take ____ bus.
5. ____ is wrong.
My uncle is a bus d__1__. He goes to w__2__ at a quarter to six in the morning. Every day he is very busy and g__3__ home very l__4__. Sometimes he comes back at about 12 at night. He likes to h__5__ other bus drivers do more work. He is the f__6__ driver to come to the bus station and last driver to leave.
My uncle h__7__ a son, Tom. He and I are in the same class. He is taller than I. He says he loves his father and wants to be a bus driver l__8__ his father. But his mother wants him to b__9__ a doctor and wants him to study h__10__ like his two sisters.
刘芳是一名护士,曾荣获过多次嘉奖。《淮北日报》的栏目“讲述老百姓自己的故事”记者对她进行了采访。请你根据采访记录写一篇标题为“Liu Fang’s Day”的报道。
24+44+56 52+69 45-18+19 45—18—19
1. I can’t find my watch. M____ it’s at home.
2. I want to t____ with my boss about my work.
3. Can you tell me something a____ your school?
4. There is a t____ show in the school auditorium.
5. I can’t help you w____ your English today.
6. They are in t____ same row.
7. The J____ car is very good.
8. We have an English m____ in our rock band.
1. I think ____ e-mail is fast and cheap.
A. the B. a C. an D. /
2. The little boy can speak ____ English.
A. manyB. anyC. allD. a little
3. ——____ is the teacher’s office?
——It’s over there.
A. WhereB. WhoC. What D. Why
4. ——Who ____ to join the skating club?
——I do.
A. wantB. canC. wantsD. like
5. My mother and my father often talk about ____.
A. Tom and sheB. you and TomC. Tom and youD. he and I
6. ____ are good friends. We often play together(一起).
A. I and TomB. You and sheC. She and I D. He and she
7. The ____ are very cheap.
A. ice creamB. shirtsC. pencil-caseD. football
8. ____ the birds in the cage?
A. Are B. HaveC. DoD. Does
9. My sister ____ play chess with you.
A. mayB. isC. canD. want
10. The talent show begins(开始) ____ 7:00 p.m.
A. inB. onC. atD. for
11. I want to ask the teacher ____ more information.
A. forB. withC. aboutD. of
12. ——Can you sing ____ dance?
——I can dance well.
A. and B. orC. butD. for
13. The baby can ____ now.
A. sayB. speakC. tellD. talk
14. ——May I play tennis now?
A. No, you mayB. No, you can’tC. Yes, I mayD. Yes, you are
15. ——Can I look at your picture?
A. Yes, I doB. Yes, a little
C. Yes, I canD. Yes, here you are
1. 格林先生今天不在,也许他生病了。
Mr Green ____ here today. ____ he is ill.
2. 我父母常讨论他们的工作。
My parents often ____ ____ their work.
3. 她在戏里演得很好。
She ____ ____ in the play.
4. 我喜欢看有关绘画的书。
I like reading ____ ____ painting.
5. 我午饭想吃点花菜。
I want ____ ____ broccoli for my lunch.
6. 他可以教你中国历史。
He can teach you ____ ____.
7. 为什么你想参加棋社呢?
____ do you want ____ join the chess club?
8. 我想先在北京住一个星期,然后再到西安。
I want to be in Beijing for a week, ____ ____ go to Xi’an.
A: What club do you want to __1__?
B: I want to join the tennis club. And __2__?
A: It’s hard to say. I __3__ golf, but I guess I like chess better.
B: __4__ you often play chess?
A: __5__, very often.
B: How about a game sometime?
A: Sorry, I like __6__, __7__ I can’t play it __8__.
Rose __1__ a sister __2__ a brother. Her sister’s name is Helen and her brother’s name is Paul. Rose and Helen can __3__. Rose can sing and play __4__, but Helen __5__. Helen __6__ chess. But she __7__ play chess with Rose. She plays chess with Paul. Paul can also play __8__. They get on __9__ with each other(彼此相处融洽). They love their __10__.
1. A. hasB. haveC. is D. are
2. A. orB. butC. soD. and
3. A. dancesB. dancingC. danceD. to dance
4. A. the guitarB. guitarsC. guitarD. piano
5. A. canB. can notC. doD. don’t
6. A. to likeB. likingC. likesD. like
7. A. doesn’tB. isn’tC. doD. don’t
8. A. basketballB. the basketballC. basketballsD. the basketballs
9. A. goodB. fineC. wellD. nice
10. A. roomB. houseC. bedroomD. family
How Do I Like to Travel
Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t like it because an airport is usually far from the city. You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late. You can’t open the window. You can’t choose the food. Planes are fast, but they still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city.
I like travelling by train. I think trains are safe. Railway stations are usually in cities. When you are late for a train you can catch another one. You can walk around in the train and open the windows. You can see many interesting things on your way. I know it takes a little more time.
I also like cars. You can start your journey when you want to, and you don’t need to get to a railway station or a bus stop early. Also you can carry many things with you in a car. But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.
1. Why do many people like to travel by plane? ____.
A. Because it is fast
B. Because it is safe
C. Because you can walk around in the plane
2. Which is NOT the good thing about the train? ____.
A. It is safe
B. It takes a little more time
C. You can open the windows
3. If you want to take a lot of things with you, what do you take to go out? ____.
A. A busB. A carC. A train
4. What is the bad thing about the car? ____.
A. You needn’t go to a station
B. You can start your journey when you want to
C. There are too many cars on the road
5. What does the writer think of the plane, train and car? ____.
A. He thinks it takes a lot of time to go to and get out of the airport
B. He likes to take a train because it takes a little more time
C. He likes to take a car because he has a car
()1.I want to write a lettermy friend.A.toB.inC.give
()2.Can you with us?
(the boy speak English?
---Yes, he can.A.CanB.DoC.Is
()4.My brother at all.A.can’tB.notC.can
()5.My mum can very well.A.cookB.cooksC.cooking
()6.Kangaroo can jump very A.lowB.farC.fast
()7.Sally oftenstories in English to the classmates.A.talksB.speaksC.tells
()8.Doctors canthe sick people.A.tellB.helpC.understand
()9.The girl talking me is Tom’s cousin.A.withB.forC.on
()10.There are many red apples on the tree autumn.A.inB.atC.for
()11.January is the beginning the year.A.inB.toC.of
()12.The of the year is the first of January.A.startB.endC.beginning
()13.How manydo you have in a school year?
A.termsB.termC.the term
()14.Does your mother often at the weekend?
A.go shoppingB.goes shoppingC.shopping
()15.Look, the birds.A.is flyingB.are flyingC.fly
()16.His birthday is January 15th.A.onB.inC.at
()17.My father usually ______ to music.A.listenB.listeningC.listens
()18.______your mother often ______ housework on Sunday?
A.Do , doB.Can , doesC.Does , do
()19.Tim and Tom usually _______ lunch at school.A.haveB.hasC.eats
()20.The man can play badminton very ________.A.goodB.greatC.well
()21.We _______pick the flowers in the park.A.canB.mustn’tC.could
()22.---Does your spring term begin in May ?
A.Yes, I am..B.Yes, we doC.Yes, it does
()23.When is the May Day ?
A.It’s on May 1stB.It’s on May 8thC.It’s on May 10th
()24.Please count ____January ____December.A.in , onB.in,inC.from , to
1.How many terms are there in a school year in your school?
2.When is your birthday?
3.How often do you watch TV?
4.What time does your autumn term start?
5.What time does your mother usually get up?
6.What can the dog do?
7.Can the birds fly high?
8.What can you do with your hands?
9.Do you always understand your English teacher when she speak English.10.What is your mother good at?
11.Is your birthday in August?
Mr.White and Mr.Brown live in the same building.Mr.Brown is English.He