
2024-07-06 版权声明 我要投稿


高中毕业证翻译(法语翻译样本) 篇1

Nom et prénom :拼音

Numéro :



L’élève性别du Shandong, né en生日 , a accompli et terminé ses études secondaires dans notre école de学习期限 , a obtenu des notes qualifiantes et est par conséquent déclaré diplômé de l’enseignement secondaire.(Sceau)

Directeur du Lycée 高中校长


法语翻译求职简历 篇2






性别:男/女 出生年月:19xx.xx.xx 民族:xx 政治面貌:xxxx

XX大学 法语专业 20XX届 XX方向 XX学士

联系方式: 电子邮件:/jianli





20xx.9~20xx.7 xx大学 xx学院 法语专业 xx学士

学分绩点(GPA) x.x (满分x分), 院系/班级排名 第x



20xx年 获得院级“三好学生”

20xx年 获得校园文化论坛论文征集大赛“一等奖”

20xx年 获得校级“优秀学生班干部”

20xx年 获得院级“学生团干部”

20xx年 获得校级“三好学生”


20xx年 xx项目 项目负责人





20xx年 xxxxxx项目 项目组成员






20xx年 x 月—20xx年 x月 xx大酒店 法语翻译 实习


20xx年 x 月—20xx年 x月 xx汽车零件制造有限公司 法语翻译


20xx年 x 月—20xx年 x月 xxxxx服装设计有限公司 法语翻译



大学英语四/六级(CET-4/6) 良好的听说读写能力



普通话等级证书一级甲 读写能力精通 优秀的听说能力


英语专业课法语翻译 篇3

英语泛读 Lecture générale en anglais 英语会话 Conversation en anglais 英语语音 Phonétique anglaise 综合英语 Anglais synthétique 英语口语 Anglais oral 英语听说 Anglais audio-visuel 基础视听 Anglais audio-visuel(élémentaire)旅游英语 Anglais touristique 英美概况 Connaissances générales de l’Angleterre et des Etats-Unis 英语语法 Grammaire anglaise 英语写作 Technique d’écriture en anglais 英语阅读 Lecture en anglais 外贸英语 Anglais du commerce extérieur 高级视听 Anglais audio-visuel(avancé)高级英语 Anglais avancé

简明英语语言学 Brève de la linguistique anglaise 外报外刊 Journaux et revusétrangers 英国文学作品选 Oeuvres choisies anglo-saxonnes 世界政治经济与国际关系 Economie et politique mondiales et relations internationales 英语报刊选读 Lecture choisie des journaux anglais WTO概论 Introductionà WTO 第二外语 Deuxième langueétrangère 高级英语写作 Technique d’écriture en anglais(avancé)教育实习Stage de l’enseignement 英译汉 Version(外文译成本国文)汉译英 Thème(本国文译成外文)

英美文学作品选读 Oeuvres choisies anglo-américaines 英美教学理论 Théorie pédagogique anglo-américaine 英语口译 Interprétation en anglais 圣经与罗马神话 Bible et légendes romaines 英美影视欣赏 Appréciation des oeuvres cénimatographiques et télévisuelles anglo-américaines 英语词汇学 Lexicologie anglaise 写作基础 Techniquesélémentaires d’écriture en anglais 英语写作与修辞 Ecriture et rhétorique en anglais 英语短篇小说阅读 Lecture des nouvelles en anglais 英国文化 Culture anglo-saxonne 生命科学导论 Introductionà la science de la vie 海洋生物学 Biologie maritime 公关礼仪 Protocoles publiques 文学阅读导论 Introductionà la lecture littéraire 阅读与欣赏 Lecture et appréciation 高级商务英语 Anglais avancé du commerce 英语八级考试辅导 Cours réparatoiresà l’examen d’anglais de degré 8 欧洲文学史 Histoire littéraire européenne 快速阅读 Lecture rapide 英语应用文写作 Ecrtiture pratique en anglais 广告英语 Anglais publicitaire 英语专业八级 Degré 8 de l’anglais specialize

高中毕业证书英文翻译[最终版] 篇4

Certificate number(2009)***

30th May, 2009

高中毕业证翻译(法语翻译样本) 篇5

Nous soussignés, Monsieur xx et Madame xxx, les parents de xxx, déclarons que nous prenons en charge tous les frais des études et des dépenses courantes de notre fille xxx durant son séjour en France.Le coût sera au compte français de xxx après son arrivée.Signature du Père :

Signature de la Mère :

Date :





房产证英文翻译样本 篇6

Housing Ownership Certificate of the P.R.C.Printed by the Ministry of Construction of the P.R.C.Sale residence house by cost

priceBeijing Real Estate Certificate Chaosi zi No.: 000000

In accordance with the Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China and the Law of the PeoplesRepublic of China on the Administration of Urban Real Estate in order to protect the legal rights and interests of the

house-owners the Real Estate listed on this Certificate which was applied by the house-owner is confirmed to be authentic and it is hereby to issue this Certificate

.Issued by: Beijing Land and Natural Resource House Management Bureau(Seal)

House owner ***

House location Building 5 Nongfengli Chaoyang District

Land No.0-0-0-00 0 Real estate category Private

House status Building No.Room No.Structure Total story numbers of the building

Story number the house in Building area Design purposeRoom 1 of Entrance 7 Admixture 6 6 63.77 Residence

Total 63.77

Person number of co-ownership Co-ownership certificate No.from to Summary of land use conditions

Land certificate No.Usable floor area

Ownership quality Use period From to

Summary of the right of other designed items

Obligee Right category Right scope Right value yuan Designed date Agreed periodCancellation date



Issued by: Beijing Land and Natural Resource House Management Bureau of Chaoyang District

Beijing Land and Natural Resource House Management Bureau of Chaoyang District(seal)

Date of Issue: May 10 2001

Beijing Real Estate Registration Form

Page 1 of 1Area unit: m2

House location Building 5 Nongfengli Chaoyang District Drawing No.0-0-0-00

House owner*** Land No.Real estate category Private House usage Residential house Land area Total area of building and single-story house Shared area of

apportionment 1290.21

Building area of single-story house Building area of building 63.77 Total building area of building and single-story house 63.77

Building No.Site and Room No.Structure Total story number Story number the house locate

Year of construction Building area Floor area of the building Usable area Total In whichSet No.Building area within the set(include balcony)Building area of the balcony

Building area of sharing Building area of part ownershipNo.1 of Entrance 7 Admixture 6 6 63.77 1 7.72 Shared area of apportionment 1290.21 42.05

Summary of this page

Total 63.77 1 7.72 42.05

Footnote: there is with a building area of m2 which is not included in the total building area.Note The coefficient is 1.333Date of mapping: March 31 2000 Fill-in person: Check person:

Date of filling in the form: March 31 2000

Printed by Beijing Real Estate Surveying and Drawing Office.It shall not be copied.Ground plan of the real estate

Drawing No.:

Points of Attention1.This certificate is a legal document to certify the real estate ownership.The real estate ownership is under the protection of the laws of the People’s Republic of China.2.The real estate owner shall strictly observe the laws regulations and rules related to real estate of the country.3.The obligee shall apply a registration to the property right registration office of local people ’s government where the real estate locates by holding relevant certificate in the specified period of time for the

following conditions: the transfer of the real estate result from buying or selling exchange conferment succession property division assignment transfer court decision etc.alternation conditions the change of the legal name of real estate ’s obligee or the change of the street where the house locate and the house number the change of present conditions due to partial construction remove collapse burn down of the house

establishment of other rights right to mortgage right to pawn of the real estate etc.rights for the real estate terminate owning to loss of house or land the expiration of usable period of the land and the termination of other rights etc.4.Any other units or individuals other than the certificate-issuing office and filling-in unit shall notmake registration or stamp their seals on this certificate.5.Holder of the real estate ownership certificate shall bring forth this certificate when the administration department of real estate needs to check the property right due to the need of work
