
2024-10-13 版权声明 我要投稿


英语活动主持词-中英 篇1

男(毛):Distinguished leaders 女(张):尊敬的各位领导 男: Dear teachers and students 女:亲爱的老师们、同学们 合: Good afternoon

毛:Today we are very happy that we will hold the third〝Happy English Game Competition〞 of Tianxing Hemingway School.Welcome to the competition.And We are honored to be today’s English party host and hostess.I’m the host Mark.张:I’m hostess Lulu 男:I’m host.女:I’m hostess.毛:Before our activity, let’s warmly welcome Miss Xue make a speech.张:欢迎薛老师致辞。

男:To improve students’ English ability and their enthusiasm for English is the final purpose of this competition.We hope that students can enjoy learning English and teamwork in the games.The slogan of this competition is learning English with happiness, finding the distance in competition.女:本次竞赛活动旨在通过一系列的英语游戏竞赛,使学生在欢声笑语中体验英语的乐趣以及团队作战的默契,从而激发同学们的热情和动力,起到提高全校学生英语素质的作用。

毛:First, let’s warmly welcome the English songs from grade one.《Finger gym》 张:首先,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎一年级小朋友带来的手指操。男:Let’s thank them with applause.女:让我们以热烈的掌声感谢一年级小朋友们的精彩表演。

男:Then, let ‘s welcome a song from grade two.《Combination of songs》 张:接下来让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎二年级的同学为大家带来的歌曲串烧。毛:Next, let’s enjoy the performance by grade six.《Fairy tale Scene Play》 女:接下来,请欣赏六年级同学带来的节目童话情景剧。

男:Next, let’s continue to enjoy a song by grade six.《A Thankful Heart》 张:接下来,请继续欣赏六年级同学带来的节目感恩的心。毛:Next, let’s enjoy the chorus by grade seven.女:接下来,请欣赏七年级带来的合唱表演。男:Next, let’s enjoy the performance by grade seven.张:接下来,请欣赏七年级带来的节目。

毛:Next, let’s enjoy the performance by grade seven.女:接下来,请欣赏七年级带来的节目。

男:Next, let’s enjoy the performance by grade eight.《Combination of English songs》


毛:Next, let’s enjoy a song by grade eight.《See You Again》 女:接下来,请欣赏八年级带来的节目。再次见到你 男:Next, let’s enjoy a combination of songs by grade eight.张:接下来,请欣赏八年级带来的歌曲串烧。

男:Now, let’s enjoy the performance by all the English teachers.女:接下来,请欣赏所有英语组老师带来的节目。毛:Next,lets play a game by grade 1 and 2.If you are happy.张:下面让我们台下一二年级所有同学做一个游戏,这个游戏的名字叫做如果你感到高兴

男:Next,lets play sing a song by grade six、seven and eight.《A Thankful Heart》


毛:Leaders, teacher and all the students, the competition is over now!张:Thanks for joining us

男:thanks for excellent performance 女:thanks for coming!

英语活动主持词-中英 篇2

1 英语首字母缩略词的词汇渊源

缩略法是构词法中的一个重要构词法, 就是将原词缩短, 使单词在读音和写法上成为新的形式。英语缩略词除了缩短词 (如phone-telephone, auto-automobile, flu-nfluenza) 外, 另一类就是首字母缩略词, 具体可细分为两类:

(1) 首字母连写词 (initialism或alphabetism) 是由词组中单词的第一个字母或前几个字母缩合而成并按单个字母依次读音的词, 也称为“字母标示词”, 常用于世界性或地区性组织机构名称 (包括各大公司名称) , 如:WTO、KFC等。

(2) 首字母拼音词 (acrony m) 是由词组中单词的第一个字母或前几个字母组成的并按一个英语单词读音的词, 如Benelux (Belg iu m, t he Net he rla nd s, Lu xe mbou rg, 比荷卢经济联盟) , Radar (radio detection and ranging) 。

较早的首字母缩略词用于缩写古希腊的人名。19世纪中后期在欧美商业界, 为了节省空间, 出现了把公司名称的缩写形式打印在有轨电车、货桶、板条箱、纸带上的现象, 如:AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph Company) 。牛津英语字典中记载了第一个书面使用的首字母连写词是在1899年, 但这个词直到1965年才被广泛使用, 而这时, 首字母连写词已经非常普遍。首字母拼音词的出现是20世纪的新现象, 出现在20世纪之前的首字母拼音词仅有一例 (colinderies或colinda:the Colonial and Indian Exposition, 1886年在伦敦举办的展览会) , 在一战和二战期间首字母拼音词被广泛用于传递信息。

20世纪中期以后, 科技的发展带来了许多新的、复杂的词汇和概念, 首字母缩略词因为其快捷、省篇幅、省时而在商业、工业、教育业、医学、计算机科学、技术、政府机构等领域广为运用, 并给人们带来极大的便利。但是它也同样存在缺点:首字母缩略词经常一词多义, 不易被外领域的人理解。例如:对于一个律师来说, ABA是美国酒吧协会 (American Bar Association) , 对于银行家来说, ABA或许是美国银行业协会 (American Banking Association) , 对于一位保龄球运动员来说, ABA或许是美国保龄球协会 (American Bowling Association) 。要辨别首字母缩略词的意义, 很大程度上离不开语境, 本文着重分析商务英语中的首字母缩略词的构词形式、读音规则和书写形式。

2 商务英语中首字母缩略词的特点及应用

2.1 构词形式


(1) 实词的全部或部分首字母构词。如AV N (Adde d Va lue Negotiatin增值谈判) , SEEA (System of Integrated—Environmental and Economic Accounting综合环境经济核算体系) 。 (2) 实词内词素或音节的首字母构词。如ACH (Automated Clearinghouse自动清算所) , Amex (American Stock Exchange美国股票交易所) , FO (First-in, First-out先收者先支) 。 (3) 实词的前几个字母构词。如ANCOM (Andean Common Market安第斯共同市场) 、ECOSOC (Economic and Social Council联合国经济与社会理事会) 。 (4) 虚词不参与构词。如SME (Small and Medium Enterprise中小企业) 。 (5) 虚词参与构词。如CAD (Cash Against Document交单付现) 、IDC (Interest During Construction建设期利息) 、BOM (Bill of Material物料清单) 、ROI (return on investment投资回报率) 。 (6) 数词或其他形式参与构词, 如4Ps (product, place, promotion, price产品、渠道、促销、价格) 、G77 (Group of 77七十七国集团) , W3C (World Wide Web Consortium三维网联盟) 。有些虚词采用“走捷径”方法, 改成数字或其他形式, 如B2C (Business to Consumer企业对消费者的电子商务模式) 、i18n (internationalization, 18代表从字母“i”到“n”有18个字母) 、Crxn (crystalization, 未知的“x”替代中间缩略的字母) 。


(1) 构成缩略词的名词短语中的单词具有多种词性。首字母缩略词通常为名词短语, 在商务英语中, 构成首字母缩略词的名词短语除了有多个名词 (PINC:Property income certificate财产收入证书) 和形容词+名词 (TL0:Total Loss Only全损险) 的常见形式外, 还有以下构成形式:

名词+分词+名词:VAT (value added tax增值税) ;

(名词) +介词短语:YTD (year-to-date最近的一年) 、OT (on time及时) ;

名词+副词:SO (service out输出服务) ;

介词+名词:OS (out of stock脱销) ;

形容词+介词短语:FOB (Free on Board船上交货)

(2) 具有包含一个句子意思的缩略词。商务英语中出现了包括缩短了的句子意思的缩略词, 如JIT (just in time刚好赶上) 、PAYE (Pay as You Earn现收现付) ;也有包含完整句子意思的缩略词, 如TINA (there is no alternative没有供替代的选择) 。

(3) 出现了在现已存在的、广为接受的缩略词的基础上构词的现象。例如:根据CEO的构词方法, 出现了CFO (Chief Financial Officer首席财富官) 、COO (Chief Operating Officer首席运营官) 、CIO (Chief Information Officer首席信息官) 等。

(4) 首字母缩略词出现了新的含义。我们发现在展览品当中, 许多公司希望在保留其产品品牌认同的同时, 去掉他们认为过时了的成分, 于是缩略形式就出现了新义, 如:BP已经不再只是一个石油公司 (British Petroleum) , 而且还成了他们的格言“超越石油” (beyond petroleum) ;SGI也不再是电脑绘图公司 (Silicon Graphics Computer Systems or SG CS) , 而成了高性能计算产品的生产商 (Silicon Graphics, Incorporated) ;DVD现在也不仅指数字影碟 (Digital Video Disc) , 而且也指数字通用光盘 (Digital Versatile Disc) 。有时这类词也会产生歧义, 理解这类首字母拼音词, 不能离开具体语境。

2.2 读音规则


(1) 按字母分别读音。如:WTO (World Trade Organization世界贸易组织) 、WWW (world wide web万维网) 、UN (the United Nations) 联合国、DIY (do it yourself自己亲自做) 、EC (European Community欧共体) ;

(2) 作为一个单词读音。如:NATO (Nor t h Atla nt ic Treat y Organization, 北约) 、Scuba (self-contained underwater breathing apparatus水中呼吸器) 、Radar (雷达) 、SOHO (small office, home office在家上班族) 、VAT (value added tax增值税) 。

有些缩略词既可以按字母读音, 也可以按一个单词读音, 这主要取决于语境。如IRA, 当用作Irish Republican Army时, 按字母读音, 当用作Individual Retirement Account时, 则按字母读音或按单词发音。又如URL (Uniform Resource Locator全球资源定位器) 可读作[srl]或U-R-L, FAQ (frequently asked questions常见问题) 可读作[fæk]或F-A-Q。词在缩略时, 一些虚词的首字母通常不被吸纳在新词中, 但是为了读音方便, 有时把虚词的首字母引入新词, 如Ford (Fix or Repair Daily) 。

2.3 书写形式

通常, 缩略词会在省略字母的地方加圆点表示省略, 如i.e. (idest即) 、e.g. (example gratia例如) 。在首字母缩略词中, 每个字母都代表了一个被缩略的词。后来人们认为首字母足以代表这个词的省略部分, 所以圆点也逐渐被去除。商务英语中首字母缩略词的字母有的以圆点相隔, 有的以斜线相隔, 如L/C (Letter of Credit信用证) , A/C (accountcurrent往来账户) , 有的既可以用圆点, 又可以用斜线, 如a.d.或a/d (after date开票后) 。

首字母缩略词通常全部用大写字母;有的全部用小写;有的首字母大写, 其余字母小写。当缩略词已成为常规用词时, 则全部小写, 如radar、scuba、laser.字母大小写还取决于缩略词的字母数量, 如《纽约时报》通常用“NATO”, 而英国新闻媒体通常用“Nato”, 但是如果“Unicef” (United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund) 都用大写字母, 则会显得非常笨拙。参与构词的虚词有时小写, 如:TfL (Transport for London) 、LotR (Lord of the Rings) 。首字母缩略词在文中首次被提到时, 往往在全称后用括号标注缩略词, 或在缩略词后用括号标注全称, 文中再次出现时, 则用缩略形式。

在上海世博会上, 人们随处可见英语缩略词, 对于英语水平一般的人来说会产生一些理解上的障碍, 这需要一段时间的学习和领悟。但即使对水平较高的人, 各种词组在什么情况下能缩写, 也并没有达成一致意见。而一个不能忽视的原则就是:缩略必须让读者明白。尽管首字母缩略词在选取哪些字母构成缩略词仍然存在许多不确定因素, 但首字母缩略无疑是一种重要的构词方法, 值得进一步探索, 也需要不断地规范, 是这种语言形式能够更好的服务于包括商务活动在内的社会各个领域。

摘要:上海世界博览会为我们打开了一扇了解世界、感知未来的窗口, 而我们与世界其他国家间的信息交流媒介——语言就越发引起人们的重视。英语中, 首字母缩略词在商务活动中作用越来越大, 因为它不仅可以更加便捷地传递信息, 而且应用领域也十分广泛。商务英语中首字母缩略词在构词、读音、拼写上具有首字母缩略词的普遍特点。把握这些特点, 对于在经济日益全球化的背景下信息交流意义重大, 本文就此问题展开分析, 以期为相关语言现象的更深入分析提供参考。



[1]Dean Stahl et al.英文缩略语词典 (第10版) [M].北京:知识产权出版社, 2006.

[2]王长河.当代英语首字母缩略词的成因和类别[J].读与写 (教育教学刊) , 2007 (11) :18~20.

升旗仪式中英文主持词 篇3


The _______ week flag raising ceremony of the First Primary School of Yuelu District now begins.2.全体立正 All attention!3.向左转 Turn left!4.出旗奏出旗曲!Flags out, music play!5.升国旗、唱国旗、少先队员行队礼!

Raise the national flag, play the national anthem, young pioneers, solute.6.礼毕!Hands down.7.升校旗、唱校歌

Raise the school flag, sing the school song.8.向右转

Turn right!.国旗下讲话,掌声有请________老师。

Let’s warmly welcome Ms / Mr ______ to give us a speech.10.齐呼校训,有请______班____________同学

Say the school motto together.Let’s welcome _____________ from Class___, Grade _____.11.升旗仪式结束,请各班按秩序回教室。

The flag raising ceremony is over, please go back in order.周会主持稿

岳麓区第一小学 第_____周周会现在开始

The _____ weekly gathering of the First Primary School of Yuelu District, now begins.一、全体立正 All attention!


Sing the national anthem.三、唱校歌

Sing the school song.四、国旗下讲话,掌声有请陈主任。

Welcome Miss Chen to give us a speech.五、齐呼校训 有请_______班____________同学

Say the school motto together, welcome____________, from Class ____, Grade ______.第_____ 周周会到此结束。

英语活动主持词-中英 篇4

Host:Echo JIANG, Wenrui MA

18:30-19:00 嘉宾签到

19:15-19:20 红鼓舞

19:20-19:22 主持人出场,介绍到场嘉宾

女士们先生们,伴随着精彩的红鼓舞,“Cheers 2011 威立雅新春派对”拉开了序幕!我是xx.Ladies and gentlemen, with the excellent “Red Drum Dance”, the “Cheers 2011 VE Annual Party” opened!I’m xx.我是xx.I’m xx.合:大家晚上好。Together: Good evening.首先,让我们用热力的掌声欢迎威立雅环境集团执行副总裁,Denis Gasquet先生到访。至此中国春节来临之前,我们威立雅环境集团中国区的所有员工欢聚一堂,共庆佳节。

First, let’s welcome the visit of Mr Denis Gasquet, Chief Operating Officer of Veolia environment.Before the Chinese New Year, all employees of Veolia Environment gather here and celebrate the festival together.今天的晚会现场,不仅有许多伴随威立雅成长的员工,更有集团的领导与我们一起见证辉煌!首先,请允许我介绍一下出席今天晚会的集团领导,他们是: 威立雅环境集团执行副总裁vp, Denis Gasquet先生 威立雅环境集团亚太区总裁CEO,Jorge Mora先生

威立雅环境集团亚太区首席运营官COO,Regis Calmels先生 威立雅交通,Daniel Cukierman先生 威立雅能源,Roland Schoorl先生 威立雅环境服务,Luc Zeller先生

Tonight, we have not only all the employees at the party, but we also have our Boss here.Now please allowed me to introduce our VIPs, there are: COO of VE, Mr.Denis Gasquet.CEO of VE Asia Pacific, Mr.Jorge Mora.COO of VE, Mr.Regis Calmels.Veolia Transportation, Mr.Daniel Cukierman.Veolia Environment Service, Mr.Luc Zeller.首先掌声欢迎威立雅环境集团执行副总裁, Denis Gasquet先生为我们今天的晚会做开幕致辞,有请!

Please welcome VE COO, Mr Denise Gasquet to give us the opening speech for the ceremony.19:22-19:27 Denis Gasquet致辞中„„


回顾2010年,在Jorge Mora先生的带领下,威立雅环境集团在中国取得了骄人业绩。下面,就有请威立雅环境集团总裁Jorge Mora先生为我们做新年致辞,有请Mora先生!Thanks for Mr Gasquet’s passionate speech.In 2010, under the leadership of Mr.Mora, VE has rapid developed in China, now let’s welcome VE President Mr.Jorge Mora to give us the New Year’s Speech.19:28-19:32 Jorge Mora致辞中„„

请Mora先生留步。感谢Mora先生的精彩致辞!下面让我们以热烈的掌声再次有请Denis Gasquet先生,以及Regis Calmels先生,Daniel Cukierman先生,Roland Schoorl先生,和Luc Zeller先生为晚会开启香槟!

Mr.Mora, please wait.Thanks for your speech.Now let’s welcome Mr.Denis Gasquet, Mr.Regis Calmels, Mr.Daniel Cukierman, Mr.Roland Schoorl and Mr.Luc Zeller by the warm applause to open the champagne tower for tonight!

19:33-19:38 开启香槟,宣布酒会开始


Thanks for the Boss.Now, please enjoy the Chinese traditional Sichuan Opera show---Face Changing show!

19:39-19:45 变脸

欣赏了这么精彩的变脸表演后,下面即将进入的是激动人心的抽奖环节,我们第一轮的抽奖活动马上就要开始了,首先揭晓的是三等奖(欧舒丹礼盒一份)!有请抽奖嘉宾Luc Zeller先生,Roland Schoorl(Dalkia)先生,Daniel Cukierman先生。After the wonderful Face Changing show, the following is the exciting lucky draw, our first

rdround of lucky draw will begin, let’s start from 3 Prize, Gift of l’occitane.Please welcome Mr.Luc

19:45-20:00 第一轮抽奖(三等奖24个)



Let’s welcome the winner!Congratulations!

下面是晚宴时间,请大家尽情享受今晚的美酒佳肴。Now it’s time for dinner, please enjoy it.我们还准备了丰富多彩的娱乐节目,并有多项大奖即将揭晓,朋友们,待会儿见!

And we’ll have different kinds of entertainment and prizes later, see you later!

20:00-20:30 就餐、交流,背景音乐


Ladies and gentlemen, as we know Veolia Environment is the biggest environment service group in the world, so we do not only have the professional experts, but also have a lot of special talent.Now let’s welcome the magic show from Veolia Water----the magic moment!

20:30-20:36 魔术表演 VW


Amazing!Thanks you!The following is the performance from VES??

20:36-20:42 VES


Thanks!We all know that the girls in Veolia Energy are beautiful, so let’s enjoy the Mysterious Indian dance from Veolia energy!

20:42-20:48 印度舞表演 Dalkia

谢谢我们员工们的精彩表演!下面,又到了激动人心的抽奖时间,有请Regis Calmels先生为我们抽取二等奖5名,奖品是apple nano。

Thanks for all the performers!Now, it’s time for lucky draw again, let’s welcome Mr Regis Calmes to draw the 2nd Prize for 5 persons, and the prize is apple nano!

20:48-20:55 第二轮抽奖(二等奖、一等奖)


Let’s welcome the winner!Congratulations!

下面有请Jorge Mora先生为我们抽取一等奖2名,奖品是wii!

Now let’s welcome Mr.Jorge Mora to draw 2 1st Prize, the prize is wii!


Let’s welcome the winner!Congratulations!

转眼间一等奖也各归其主了,台下没有获奖的朋友们要坚持住,让我们稍事休息,一会儿还有更大更惊喜的大奖等着大家。After the the 1st prize, let’s take a rest, for those who haven’t awarded, please be patient, we’ll have surprise prize later!

20:55-21:15 就餐、交流

亲爱的朋友们,游戏时间到了,让我们请出“BOSS”队,有请Denis Gasquet/ Jorge Mora/ Regis Calmels/Daniel Cukierman/Roland Schoorl/ Luc Zeller。下面出场的是我们的“Bonnie”队!游戏规则是,分别在两队队员脚上系上气球,游戏开始后两队互相踩对方脚上的气球,最后,哪一队最先将对方的气球全踩爆,就获胜。


Ladies and gentlemen, now it’s time for game!Let’s welcome “BOSS” team, Mr Denis Gasquet, Mr.Jorge Mora, Mr.Regis Calmels, Mr.Daniel Cukierman, Mr Roland Schoorl, Mr.Luc Zeller!Another team is “BONNIE”!Let me introduce the game rule, first, all the players have to tied balloons on their foot, then the two team start to blow up each other the balloons by their foot, the team who has no balloons at the end will be the loser!Now, let’s start the game!

21:15-21:25 游戏


谢谢我们的”BOSS”队和“BONNIE”队!下面请欣赏舞蹈“梁祝”.Thanks for our “BOSS” team and “BONNIE” team!Now please enjoy the dance of “liangshanbo and zhuyingtai”

21:25-21:30 舞蹈:梁祝

接下来是传统表演“舞狮”,让我们掌声有请Denis Gasquet先生和Jorge Mora先生为狮子点睛!

Now is the traditional show “Lion dancing”, please welcome Mr.Denis Gasquet and Mr.Jorge Mora to draw the eyes of lion!

21:30-21:35 舞狮表演



Perfect performance!Thank you very much!

最激动人心的时刻到了,让我们有请Denis Gasquet先生为我们抽取今天的特等奖,奖品是 ipad!Now is the most exciting moment for tonight, please welcome Mr.Denis Gasquet to draw the special prize, an ipad!

21:35-21:40 第三轮抽奖(特等奖)


Welcome the luckiest winner!

欢乐的时光总是特别的短暂,今天的新春派对到这里就要结束了,感谢今天所有到场的领导和朋友们,特别是Denis Gasquet先生。祝大家春节快乐,兔年大吉!我们明年见!

Happy time is so short, the annual party has to say goodbye, thanks for all the Boss and friends here, especially for Mr Denis Gasquet.Happy Spring Festival and good luck, the Year of the rabbit!See you next year!


Please come to the front and take a photo for souvenir!

英语活动主持词-中英 篇5

启 用 仪 式 主 持 词

(2009年7月6日)尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾,女士们、先生们: Respected leaders,Distinguished guests,Ladies and gentleman,上午好!今天我们在这里隆重举行爱普塔(青岛)商业设施有限公司新工厂启用仪式。新工厂的启用,得到了各级领导的关心和厚爱。首先,请允许我介绍出席今天项目开工典礼的主要领导和嘉宾,他们是: Good morning!

Today, we are gathering here to witness the grand opening ceremony for the new factory of EPTA(Qingdao).With the great supports from the government and all the friends here, we are

here to have today’s grand opening ceremony.First of all,please allow me to introduce respected leaders and distinguished guests present at the ceremony.They are:青岛高新区管委会工委委员、副主任赵士玉先生

Mr.Zhao Shiyu, member of the Work Committee and deputy-director of the Administrative Commission in Qingdao Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone;

意大利驻中国大使馆经济贸易参赞Michele Sabatino米凯利。塞巴蒂诺

Michele Sabatino, Economic and trade counselor of Italian embassy in China;


Ma Jishi, Deputy-director of People’s Government in Shibei district

新产业团地 管理办主任尹义林先生

Yin Yilin, Director of the Management Office in New Industry 以及市高新区有关部门的负责同志,区直有关部门负责人、爱普Park Management Committee;市商检局处长聂华民

Nie Huamin, Director of Qingdao Municipal Commodity Inspection Bureau;

意大利爱普塔集团副董事长,及爱普塔(青岛)商业设施有限公司董事长Enrico Nocivelli恩里科。诺奇维里

Enrico Nocivelli, The vice president of Epta S.P.A., and the President of EPTA(Qingdao).爱普塔(青岛)商业设施有限公司总经理AlainRokacz阿兰。洛卡兹

Alain Rokacz, General Manager of EPTA(Qingdao).爱普塔(青岛)商业设施有限公司常务副总经理 张林强 Charles Zhang, Executive Deputy General Manager of EPTA(Qingdao).塔(青岛)商业设施有限公司员工、新闻单位的朋友们。让我们用热烈的掌声对各位领导和嘉宾的到来表示诚挚的欢迎和衷心的感谢!

Today, we also sincerely give our welcome and thanks to all the leaders from related departments of Qingdao Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, department directors from People’s Government in Shibei District, good friends from the media, and all the employees from EPTA(Qingdao).and dear friends from the media.Thanks for their coming to today’s grand opening ceremony!


Now, It’s my pleasure to announce the opening ceremony for

the new factory of EPTA(Qingdao)start!


蒂诺(Michele Sabatino)致欢迎辞;

First, I would like to invite Michele Sabatino, Economic and trade counselor of the Italian embassy in China, to deliver a welcome speech.仪式进行第二项:请爱普塔(青岛)商业设施有限公司董事长恩里科〃诺奇维里(Enrico Nocivelli)讲话;

Now, the floor is given to Mr.Enrico Nocivelli, President of EPTA(Qingdao).Please welcome!


Now, I would like to invite Mr.Yin Yilin, Director of the Management Office in New Industry Park Management Committee, to address the ceremony.仪式进行第四项:请各位领导、嘉宾为新工厂启用剪彩。

Now, all respected leaders and distinguished guests please come for the ribbon-cutting ceremony to open our new factory.让我们共同鼓掌,祝愿项目建设顺利、早日竣工!并祝各位领导、嘉宾身体健康、工作顺利!爱普塔(青岛)商业设施有限公司新工厂启用仪式到此结束,谢谢大家!

英语活动主持词-中英 篇6




中英人寿保险有限公司辽宁分公司总经理阎伟先生,经代渠道负责人张顺益先生,人事行政部经理张亚芳女士、总经理办公室主任陈锋先生以及中英人寿最好的合作伙伴,泛华保险西丰支公司总经理刘兴丰先生。还有我们学校董校长 都书记 张校长刘校长四位领导。










英语活动主持词-中英 篇7

Celebrate Christmas Together!

——2010年万泉城社区嘉年华主持稿 主持人:曹(男)陈(女)李(英文翻译)Hosts: Cao(male), Chen(female), Li(English)

一、准备阶段——(19:30)1.Reception – 19:30


Warm-up by Hosts


Announcements regarding safety issues


2.Opening Ceremony(19:45)


Prelude(Rock Band Performance)


Opening and Welcoming Remarks(Hosts)曹:尊敬的各位来宾,各位朋友

Li: Greetings to all distinguished guests and friends 陈:女士们、先生们 Li: Ladies and Gentlemen 合:大家晚上好

Li: Good Evening to all of you 曹:欢迎光临‖一起来,圣诞狂欢!―暨2010年万泉城社区嘉年华晚会,我是主持人曹。

Li: We would like to welcome all of you to the 2010 Vanqun Jubilee Evening to celebrate a joyful Christmas Eve tonight.My name is Cao, I will serve as your co-host tonight, 陈:我是主持人陈丽娜。

Li: And my name is Chen, and I will serve as your other co-host.陈:今夜流光溢彩、星河灿烂,是共同的畅想让我们相会在这里;

Li: Tonight under a brilliant night, bathed in sparkling star lights, we have gathered here tonight to share a wonderful time together


Li: The evening is ablaze with lights, and the night shines with colorful brilliance, this is indeed a joyful time for all of us to be gathered together of the night 陈:七年历经磨厉,我们带着微笑走过风雨。

Li: During our company’s seven-years journey, we managed to maintain our smile while weathering many stormy rains 曹:七年秋实春华,我们播下真情收获太阳。

Li: During our company’s seven yearly seasons, we managed to saw the seeds of trust and reap many sunny days 陈:今天,华灯闪烁的万泉城,期盼已久的圣诞老人带着祝福向我们走来。

Li: Today, under the brilliant lights of Vanqun City, we wait with anticipation the arrival of Santa Claus, bearing cheers and joy


Li: Let us all rejoice in songs and laughter in welcoming the blessings of Santa Claus 合:祝各位业主和嘉宾们在新的一年即将到来之际,身体健康,全家幸福,圣诞快乐!

Li: At this auspicious moment of the arrival of the new year, we would like to wish all our beloved property owners and distinguished guests long lasting health, happiness to the entire family, and a Merry Christmas!曹:真挚的旋律诉不完翩翩的回忆,七彩的霓虹点缀着迷人的夜,在这一年一度平安夜夜晚,在这吉祥如意喜庆的日子里,非常高兴能够与各位业主欢聚一堂,共同参加‖一起来,圣诞狂欢!―暨2010年万泉城社区嘉年华晚会。幸福就在我们身边,这座以成熟的姿态,锻造出自然、人文共生的巴厘假日海滨生活的―花时间一生之城‖,将在今天为我们贮存这杯温馨红酒,让它愈久靡香。今天,在这个激动人心的时刻里,让我们用最热烈的掌声有请:万泉房产的领导诉说这座―灯亮,花开,水流,人和―之城的心声。有请万泉房地产开发有限公司总经理走上舞台致欢迎辞!掌声有请!

Li: An enchanting melody can rekindle endless memories, colorful neon lights can illuminate the most mesmerizing night.On this peaceful and festive night, we are happy to be able to gather here with all our honored property owners to celebrate the annual Christmas event sponsored by Vanqun City.Happiness is abounding in this well-planned, nature-inspired ―City of Flowers‖ which is very much in the class of the famous and tranquil Bali holiday beach life.We will be merry and enjoy the exquisite and lasting flagrance of red wine.Tonight, in this exciting moment of celebration, let us put our hands together and give a warm and enthusiastic welcome to the Chairman of Vanqun City to come on stage to say a few words of encouragement and greetings.Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the general manager!


3.Vanqun City general manager, Mr.Yang’s Speech(19:50)陈:感谢杨总经理!万泉房产七年来开拓进取,勇往直前,是大家有目共睹的。在北海这个处处散发着淳朴与悠闲的城市,万泉城,作为北海旅游地产的榜样,带给人们的不仅仅只是一个单纯的居所,而是一份多彩的生活,一个温暖的家园,一个可以依托终生的心灵城池。Li: Thank you General Manager Yang.During the past seven years, Vanqun City has made significant inroads into the real estate market, a successful phenomenon that is clear for all to see.We have successfully built a city of leisure and luxury, a paradigm of Beihai’s tourist and real estate development industry.We have established not only a place of abode, but have fostered a paradise wonderland for a multi-colored living, a warm and cozy hearth, and a life-time of home sweet home.四.节目表演——(19:55—21:10)4.Performances(19:55 – 21:10)1.大合唱《圣诞歌》《雪绒花》——【小朋友】(19:55)

Choir Singing(Christmas Carol)(Snow Flakes Flower)– By the Little Friends 2.歌舞,小提琴独奏——【外国嘉宾】(20:10 20:20)

2.Song and Dance, Violin Solo Performance – By Foreign Guest Performer 3.乐队演奏


3.Band Performance

Birthday Wishes – by 123 Band(20:30)曹:在这温馨的万泉城,孩子们的世界纯洁而美丽,万泉的今夜也一如的纯净动人,让我们共同分享这在这详和的平安夜时光,用真诚的火花将激情的火焰点燃,欣赏这些活泼可爱的小演员们为我们带来精彩的演绎,一起迎来万象更新的春天,有请可爱的小朋友拉开我们圣诞晚会的序幕!——大合唱《圣诞歌》《雪绒花》【小朋友】(19:55)Li: In the warm bosom of Vanqun City, the world of the children is beautiful and pure, tonight Vanqun City is equally pure and tranquil, so let us all immerse in the tranquility of the night, let the sparks of our emotion ignite the passion of our life, and let us all enjoy the exciting performance of these lovely children, who will now help us to open the first program of this evening’s Christmas festivities!

陈:谢谢小朋友们送来的如此美妙的歌声!圣诞节是个普天同庆的节日。它超越了国界,超越了种族,超越了你我的心灵。只要完美的音乐和动人的舞姿才能沉淀出它的光芒。让我们承载无尽的祝福,用有力的步伐登上狂欢圣诞,为万泉的明天书写上绚丽一笔。让我们从这里出发,和外国朋友们一起寻找圣诞歌舞带给我们的欢乐与希望。请欣赏外国嘉宾为我们带来的歌舞及小提琴独奏,来!掌声有请——歌舞,小提琴独奏【外国嘉宾】(20:10 20:20)

Li: Thank you kids for giving us such beautiful singing performance.Christmas season has become a universal holiday celebration.It transcends national boundaries, cultural ethnicities, and infiltrates our hearts and souls.The beautiful music in combination with elegant dancing precipitates in the brilliance of the performance.Let us all rejoice and enjoy the boundless cheers, while we march forward to greet Vanqun for a brilliant tomorrow.In fact, let us begin from this moment in welcoming our friends and guests from foreign land who will perform for us a dance and a solo violin recital.Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a big hand to---(name of the performers)

曹:感谢外国朋友给我们带来的精彩演出,谢谢!朋友们,来宾们,在这个浪漫的平安夜,报平安,在此,我们要把真诚的祝福,浓缩在圣诞老人送来的甜蜜蛋糕和礼物中,在此安谧的节日,送给今天和本周呱呱坠地过生日的人们.让我们和衬着红杉皓须的慈爱老人一起,祝愿他们快乐永远!天天好心情!Li: Thank you our overseas friends for presenting such as a wonderful and exciting performance for all of us to enjoy.Now, friends and guests, at this juncture, we would like to give our sincere gratitude to Santa Claus for giving the delicious cake and wonderful gifts to all the lucky folks who were born and celebrating their birthdays during this week.Along with Santa Claus, let us all wish them all the best and eternal happiness!陈:是的,我们想要您在新的一年,开心天天!祝福减祝福,是祝福的起点!

Chen: Yes indeed, we wish that with the arrival of a brand new year, all of you will be cheerful and happy always.This is will be the beginning of many many happy returns!曹:祝福乘祝福,是无限的祝福!祝福除祝福,是唯一的祝福!Cao: Happiness multiplied by happiness equals infinite happiness.Happiness divided by happiness equals a singular, priceless happoiness.合:祝福您新年快乐,幸福平安!——乐队演奏


Li: Let us all wish you: A Happy New Year, and Peace and Harmony!--Band plays Happy Birthday song.五.亲子游戏——(20:40—20:45)5.Family Game Playing 1.亲子游戏20:40 1.Family Game 2.绣球传情 20:45 2.Passing of Mitten Ball 陈:你喜欢看模特大赛节目吗?

Li: Do you like to watch beautiful models walking on the runway? 曹:那当然!美女,帅哥如云啊!

Li: Of course.Attractive girls and handsome guys gathering together, what a treat!陈:接下来,就让你见证一下一家子模特盛装,给我们带来的闪烁着光芒的服饰世界,怎么样!想不想看!

Li: Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you are all in for a treat when we present our next program, which is a fashion show where beautiful and handsome models will parade right before your own eyes, and show off the colorful and latest fashions.Are you all ready to see the show?


Li: Yes, not only are we ready, we cannot wait for the show to get started.So without further ado, please give a warm welcome to our beautiful models.(Model will show off fashions on stage)曹:真是别有一番风味啊,可不可以说:有一种走姿,他很随意;有一种画面,他很有活力;有一种亮相,他有着无穷的吸引力。那就是这场亲子走秀莫属了啊!

Li: Wow , that was quite an extravaganza!We have just witnessed a unique style of catwalk – casual but elegant;a special kind of stage presence – subtle yet energetic;an extraordinary presentation – enormously pleasing to the eyes and the senses!

陈:说了这么多,看得这么起劲,你是不是也该露露手了啊,给我带来了什么? Li: You have done a lot of talk, now it is your turn to show some actions.Are you prepared to present a special kind of performance to us? 曹:我的这个就有意思了,像《非诚勿扰》《一起约会吧》肯定是有看吧。

Li: Well, I am prepared to present a kind of dating game to the audience.Audience, I guess most of you have seen the movie: ―If You Are the One‖ or ―Let’s go on a Date‖?


Li: Of course, we have seen both the movies.Are you saying that you have invited those actors in the movie to appear live on stage?

曹:别急,我还真是请来了,咱们现场就来个抛绣球相亲活动!欢迎大家跳跃参加了!——绣球传情(20:45)Li: No hurry.Actually, what I am prepared to present to all of you live on stage is, the Passing of the Mitten Ball game!Let us all jump in and participating in this exciting game!六.节目表演——(20:55—21:20)6.Performances: 1.吉他弹唱——【外国嘉宾】(20:55)

1, Singing and Guitar Playing(by Overseas Guest)2.舞台剧《白雪公主》——外语学校(21:00)

2.Stage Play(Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)– by Foreign Language School 3.乐队演奏【123乐队】(21:10)Rock Band Performance


Li: The game really brought out the best of many of your emotions and hope that you have indeed able to hook up with an ideal partner of your dream!Ok, have you all noticed that right behind the stage, we have an overseas guest who is very eager to come on stage to play his guitar and sing a song for our listening pleasures.So, let us give him our loudest cheers to invite our overseas guest to come on stage to sing to his own accompaniment on the guitar.曹:谢谢外国朋友带来吉他弹唱,这节奏感的旋律真的是太有磁性了。

Li: Thank you our friend from foreign land.His song and guitar playing are so good that they will stay in our mind for a long time.陈:的确是不错。接下来的节目精彩喽,我来说几个关键词,由你和大家一起来报这出童话故事名怎么样。

Li: I agree that that was a great performance.We are now ready to proceed to the next exciting performance.Now I would like you to lead our audience in reciting out loud the title of this famous fairy tale.曹:你说,我接招就是,不是还有大家一起帮我吗......Li: Well, give us the command, and I will respond and lead the audience to help me to yell our loud … 陈:漂亮的公主,坏皇后,魔镜,小矮人,王子。(互动)

Li : You all know the children’s story that tells the story of a beautiful princess, the wicked Queen, the Magic Mirror, the seven dwarfs, and of course, the handsome prince 陈:是的,《白雪公主》这出舞台剧就要在今夜上演了......——舞台剧《白雪公主》外语学校(21:00)Li: Yes, in a few minutes, the talented children of the Foreign Language School will perform a stage play of: All together now: ―Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs!‖ 曹:又把我们带回到童年了啊,小朋友们的表演真的很生动,很精彩啊、Li: After seeing this stage play, it brought back many fond childhood memories.We thank the children of the Foreign Language School for putting on such a wonderful and exciting play.陈:是的,是不是有自愧不如啊。哈哈,接下来请出我们的123乐队带来的乐队演奏——乐队演奏【123乐队】(21:10)

Li: Are you feeling slightly inferior that you do not have as good acting talent as those cute little children? Ha ha!Well, now we will sit back, relax, and enjoy the musical performance of our resident band – the 123 Band!七.幸运抽奖 ——(21:20)7.Lucky Prize Drawing 陈:HIGH了这么久,是不是也该一起活动活动了。

Li: I am feeling so high for some time now, so this will be a good time to start some other group activities.曹:哈哈,不要误会,可不是让大家绕着万泉城跑一圈哦,我们这一轮迎来的是最应该动动起来的《幸运抽奖》环节,在这特别的夜晚,一起动起来,争取到来年的好运不断!

Li: Ha ha, please don’t misunderstood what we are saying.We do not mean the group activities to involve all of you to jog around Vanqun City.The Group activities we are referring to are the Lucky Prize Drawing program, which on this auspicious night, will get all of your blood boiling, and hopefully will bring endless good luck to you for the years to come!


Li: From the look of many sweaty foreheads, it appears that all of you have been eagerly and anxiously hoping for good fortune to call on you to win one of the prizes.Even those of you who did not draw any prizes, don’t despair.Because Vanqun City turns out to be a very giving Angel;we will now distribute many of the gifts to make sure that all of you are winners in tonight’s festivities.八.亲子游戏——(21:30)8.Family Games 1.幸运张贴 1.Lucky Display 2.趣味抢答 2.Funny Riddles

曹:那大家还想不想要啊。(互动)要不咱们一起接下来再来玩玩游戏,把接下来的祝福再派发出去? Li: Do you want to get more gifts? If you do, let us all play some more games so that we can give away more lucky prizes.陈:接下来的游戏(报活动规则)就是给我们慈祥的圣诞老人贴鼻子和趣味抢答!贴中圣诞老人的鼻子和答对者我们都将会有精美的圣诞礼品送上哦。来,有请我们的圣诞老人......——亲子游戏【幸运张贴 趣味抢答】(21:30)

Li: Now I would like to say a few words about the rules of the game(Game Rules Announcement)The game is very simple, the contestant will be blindfolded and attempt to stick a note on the nose of our gentle Santa Claus.We will also ask some funny riddles.Those who get the answers right will be awarded many sumptuous prizes.Ok, now, we would like to invite Santa Claus to come on stage.----Family Games 九.节目表演——(21:40—22:00)9.Performances 1.拉丁舞(21:40)1.Latin Dance 2.业主表演队(21:50)

2.Property Owners Team Performance 3.唱歌【外国朋友】(22:00)3.Choir(Foreign Friends)曹:真是场面不一般的活跃啊,礼物都被一扫而空了,看来都满载而归了啊。

Li: This is an exciting event.Looks like all the gifts have been given away, and many people will be going home bearing prizes and gifts.陈:接着这激情飞扬的气氛,有请舞蹈演员给我们带来的一段音乐热情洋溢,节奏快捷强烈,动作流畅大方,舞姿动感富有独特个性的拉丁舞表演,请欣赏!——拉丁舞(21:40)

Li: While the emotions are still high and hot, we would like to present the next performance from the professional dancers who will perform a high-tempo, quick-action, emotionally-charged Latin Dance!Enjoy!曹:柔情的夜色,欢乐的时光。万泉城在这详和的月色下显得极致动人。

Li: The gentle night light, the joyful time that we shared.Vanqun City is indeed an attractive night spot bathing under the bright moonlight.陈:这里的一草一木、一人一物会令人充满无限的想像和感动。

Li: Yes, here, every blade of glass, every stick of stems, every person and every events bring unlimited imagination and emotional good feelings.曹:接下来一首动听的旋律,一段美丽的舞姿献给大家,掌声有请我们万泉城的业主舞蹈队代表们带来的舞蹈节目。

Li: For our next program, get ready to enjoy an enchanted melody accompanied by an unforgettable dance routine, put your hands together to welcome the Property Owners Team who will perform a Song and Dance for our viewing and listening pleasures.——业主表演队(21:50)Property Owners Team Performance


Li: The dance performance depicted a very intriguing story line, and managed to bring out an unforgettable memory.曹:让我们怀着悸动的心,去憧憬人生中更灿烂的新年。

Li: Let us relish in the joyful throbbing of our heats, to appreciate the brilliant promises of that life will bring us in the upcoming New Year.陈:是啊,让我们珍惜现在,去谱写人生更精彩的乐章。——唱歌【外国朋友】(22:00)

Li: Yes, let us all cherish what we have now, In order to compose the soundtrack for our future in life.Choir Singing(by Overseas Friends)

十.化妆舞会【嘉宾】——(22:05)10.Masquerade Party 曹:谢谢外国朋友带来的异国歌声,接下来,让我们在这个温馨浪漫的节日里,让我们一同带着面具,一起尽情的舞蹈,放松心情徜徉个性,在这个夜晚,尽情的释放我们的快乐吧!

Li: We wish to thank our foreign friends from abroad to sing such wonderful English song for us.Next, we will now put on our harlequin masks, and dance to our hearts delight without any care in the world!So, everybody, grab your masks, and let’s Dance!Dance!Dance!十一.结束 11.Conclusion

1、结束曲 乐队演奏【123乐队】

1.Ending Song

2、主持人结束语【主持人】 2.Ending speeches by the Hosts


Li: The bells of Christmas will soon toll, the evening’s party will soon draw its curtain to a close, the songs and melodies still linger in our ears, our hearts still aflutter with excitement and anticipation.曹:这是一场赞美的晚会,这是一场感恩的演出。因为相聚,让我们分享了这欢乐的时光,因为圣诞,让我们承载了无尽的祝福。Li: This has been a wonderful party, with many touching performances.Because we are all gathered together here, we are able to share and enjoy these happy times;because of Christmas, we are able to receive boundless well wishes.陈:尊敬的各位业主们、各届朋友、媒体朋友们,让我们真心地祝愿:Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!Li: To all our honored property owners, all our distinguished guest and beloved friends, all our friend from the various media outlets, we sincerely want to wish you all: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.曹:愿圣诞老人把我们今晚许下的所有心愿一一实现。

Li: We also hope that Santa Claus will make each and every of our wishes come true, 合:我们来年再见!Li: We will see you next year!

万泉城项目介绍 Vanqun Introduction 男:亲爱的朋友,爱永远在你左右,因为你和我,才有明天的彩虹;

Li: Dear friends, love is always around you, because of you and I, rainbows will come up tomorrow.女:我们共同走过人生的风雨历程,亲爱的朋友,是你们见证了万泉的一步步成长!

Li: We will walk through life’s many challenges hand in hand, and dear friends, you can be sure that that Vanqun will be with you every step of the way.在跨入新的一年,万泉为感谢各位来宾们长期的支持与厚爱,隆重献礼于北海,下面有请销售公司经理为我们掀开这份大礼,掀开万泉为这美丽的海滨之城带来华美大礼。(用投影PPT对意向客户进行新产品推介)。
