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高一英语教案:必修三Unit2教案 篇1

Period 3 Learning about language: Grammar



This is the third teaching period of this unit.To test whether students have grasped the important and difficult language points they learned in the last period, the teacher should first offer them some revision exercises.Then lead in the new lesson.This teaching period mainly deals with the grammar: learn the use of ought to and review the use of can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, can’t.Students often feel modal verbs abstract and difficult, so it is necessary to make the lesson interesting and connect it with their daily life in order to let it easy to accept and understand.Firstly, the teacher can ask students to read the reading passage Come and Eat Here(1)again, tick out the sentences using modal verbs from the reading passage and translate them into Chinese.Secondly, compare and discover the uses of each modal verb by giving a lot of example sentences.Thirdly, do the exercises in Discovering useful structures on Page 13 and more exercises for students to master the related modal verbs.Finally, summarize the use of ought to and let students make it clear how each modal verb is being used in the situations.At the end of the class, ask students to do the exercises in Using structures on Page 54 and additional exercises for consolidation.教学重点 1.Get students to review and consolidate the use of can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, can’t.2.Let students learn the use of ought to.教学难点

Enable students to learn how to use ought to correctly.三维目标 知识目标

1.Get students to know more about modal verbs.2.Let students learn the use of ought to.能力目标

Enable students to use modal verbs correctly and properly according to the context.情感目标

1.Get students to become interested in grammar learning.2.Develop students’ sense of group cooperation.教学过程


→Step 1 Revision

1.Check the homework exercises.2.Dictate some new words and expressions.3.Read the passage Come and Eat Here again to find words and expressions that mean the same.Alternative words and expressions Words and expressions from the text


run away after doing something wrong

something to make you thin by eating it

wish to know about something

get rid of something

Alternative words and expressions

parts of plants that help food move quickly through the body

changing food into something the body can use

proper amount of different kinds of food needed for good health

Give students about four minutes to find the suitable words and expressions.Then check the answers with the whole class.Suggested answers: Alternative words and expressions Words and expressions from the text should ought to run away after doing something wrong get away with something to make you thin by eating it slimming foods wish to know about something curiosity get rid of something throw away Alternative words and expressions Words and expressions from the text parts of plants that help food move quickly fibre through the body

changing food into something the body can use digestion proper amount of different kinds of food balanced diet needed for good health

→Step 2 Leading-in by revision Translate the following sentences and explain how each of these modal verbs is being used in the situations.1.He could hardly support his family before he found the new job.2.Where could/can the boy be now? 3.May/Might I come in? 4.You may/might catch sight of the sunrise from here when you get up before 5 in the morning.5.You must hurry up or you’ll be late.6.Whatever you want, you shall have.7.We should read English aloud every morning.8.He would sit there for hours, doing nothing at all.Suggested answers: 1.他在找到那份新工作前几乎无法养家糊口。(ability)2.那孩子现在能在哪儿呢?(guessing)3.我可以进来吗?(ask for permission)4.你在早晨五点钟以前起来, 或许能从这儿看到日出。(possibility)

5.你必须得快点儿, 不然会迟到的。(necessity)6.你想得到什么, 你就可以有什么。(promise)7.我们应该每天早晨朗读英文。(duty)8.他总是在那儿一坐就是几个小时, 什么都不干。(past habit)→Step 3 Grammar learning 1.Reading and discovering Ask students to turn back to Page 10 to read through the passage Come and Eat Here, let them pick out the sentences using modal verbs and translate them into Chinese.Suggested answers: 1)By lunchtime they would all be sold.到午饭时分, 它们都会卖完。

2)By now his restaurant ought to be full of people.到了这个时候, 他的餐馆本该宾客盈门的。3)What could have happened? 发生了什么事呢?

4)Nothing could be better.再没有比这些更好(吃)的了。

5)Something terrible must have happened if Li Chang was not coming to eat in his restaurant as he always did.要是李昌不像往常那样来他的餐馆吃饭, 那问题就严重了。

6)He could not believe his eyes.他简直不能相信他的眼睛。

7)Perhaps he should go to the library and find out.也许他应该去图书馆查查清楚。

8)He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies!他不可能让咏慧哄骗人们后跑掉。9)He had better do some research.他最好作一番调查。

10)They would become tired very quickly.他们很快就会到疲乏。

11)Perhaps with a discount and a new sign he could win his customers back.或许打折的方法和新的招牌能够帮他赢回顾客。

2.Thinking and discussing Let students read aloud the sentences they picked out, think over and discuss with a partner how each of these modal verbs is being used in the situations.Use the function words below to explain the meaning of the modal verbs.If students have some difficulty, give them a hand.Intention Duty Permission Possibility Guessing Ability Suggested answers: 1)Possibility 2)Possibility 3)Possibility 4)Possibility 5)Guessing 6)Intention 7)Duty 8)Intention 9)Duty 10)Possibility 11)Ability 3.Summing up: the use of ought to ought to的用法

ought无人称和时态的变化, 后接带to的动词不定式。ought to可表示“义务”“要求”或“劝告”, 常译作“应该”“应当”等, 和should差不多, 只是语气稍重一些;有时表示“非常可能”的意思。否定式为ought not to(oughtn’t to), 疑问式为Ought I/you/...to...? 1.表示“责任或义务”

Such things ought not to be allowed, ought they? 这类事情不应该被准许, 是吗? —Ought he to go? 他应该去吗?

—Yes, he ought to.是的, 他应该去。2.表示“适当, 合适或应该”

Coffee ought to be drunk while it is hot.咖啡应该趁热喝。

There ought to be more buses during the rush hours.在上下班高峰期, 公共汽车应当多一些。3.表示“可能性”

Harry ought to win this race.哈里应该会赢得这场比赛。

If he started at seven, he ought to be here now.假如他在七点出发的话, 现在大概到这儿了。4.表示“劝告或建议”

I think you ought to eat more body-building food.我认为你应当多吃些有营养的食物。

He said I ought to do that job.他说我适宜做那项工作。

5.表示“推测”, 意为“照说应该;想必一定”, 后跟不定式的一般时、进行时或完成时, 分别表示对现在、现在进行或过去情况的推测。

She has had working experience before.She ought to be fit for the job.她以前有过工作经验, 应该胜任这项工作。

It’s just 9 o’clock.Mary ought to be doing her homework in her room now.才刚九点, 按说玛丽应该在房间里做作业。

It ought to have rained last night.昨晚应该下过雨。6.表示“责备或后悔”

ought to后接不定式的完成式时, 表示“本应该做某事而事实上没做”;其否定式表示“本不应该做某事而事实上做了”。

You ought to have done these exercises because you were required to so during your holidays.这些练习你本应该做完的, 因为假期里就要求你做了。

She ought not to have told him the bad news, which had a bad effect on his examinations.她本不应该告诉他这个不幸的消息, 结果影响了他的考试。

→Step 4 Grammar practice 1.Turn to Page 13.Ask students to do Exercise 2 in Discovering useful structures.First let them discuss in pairs how each of these modal verbs is being used in the situations.Then check the answers with the whole class.Give some explanations if necessary.2.Turn to Page 50.Ask students to do Exercise 1 and Exercise 2.Check the answers after most of them finish.→Step 5 Asking and answering

Let students work in pairs.One asks a question and the other answers it.Remind them to use modal verbs in their answer.Show the following on the screen to students.Example: S1: What should you do after school? S2: I have to go home at once.I need to take the bus.I ought to do my homework as soon as I get home.Other possible questions: 1.Do you know what you have to do when you borrow books from the library? 2.Do you know what to do when your teethache? 3.Do you know what to do if you need to meet someone you don’t know at the airport? 4.Do you know what to do if you want to get a discount in a shop? 5.Do you know what you should do when you meet the hostess in your friend’s home? The following procedures may be followed: 1.Let students ask and answer the questions in pairs.2.Ask as many pairs as possible to perform their dialogue to the class.→Step 6 Closing down by a quiz

Show the following exercises on the screen.Let students finish them within three minutes to see if they have mastered the use of modal verbs.Five minutes later, check the answers with the whole class.1.—What’s the matter with you?

—Oh, I’m not feeling well in the stomach.I ______________ so much fried fish just now.A.shouldn’t eat B.mustn’t eat C.oughtn’t to have eaten D.mustn’t have eaten

2.—Mum, I climbed to get the Teddy Bear from the top of the shelf.—My goodness!You ______________ yourself.You ______________ do that again.A.must have hurt;mustn’t B.should have hurt;can’t C.may have hurt;mustn’t

D.might have hurt;won’t be able to

3.The train was ten minutes late, so I ______________ have run all the way from my house to the station.A.couldn’t B.shouldn’t C.needn’t D.mustn’t

4.You ______________ worry about the old man.He ______________ well already.A.needn’t;may get B.didn’t have to;gets C.mustn’t;got

D.needn’t;may have gotten 5.—Shall I tell John about it?

—No, you ______________, for I’ve told him already.A.needn’t B.wouldn’t C.mustn’t D.shouldn’t

Suggested answers: CCCDA →Step 7 Homework

1.Finish off the workbook exercises.2.Preview the reading passage Come and Eat Here(2)on Page 14, find the sentences in which modal verbs are used, and see if you can understand the situations.设计方案(二)

→Step 1 Revision 1.Check the homework exercises.2.Translate the following into English.1)平衡膳食 2)应该;应当 3)减肥;体重减轻

4)被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚 5)说谎;撒谎

6)到了这个时候, 他的餐馆本该宾客盈门的。7)再没有比这些更好(吃)的了。

8)要是李昌不像往常那样来他的餐馆吃饭, 那问题就严重了。9)他简直不能相信他的眼睛。


→Step 2 Warming up by asking and answering Let students work in pairs.One asks a question.The other answers it.Remind them to use modal verbs they have learned in their answers.Example: S1: What should you do after school? S2: I have to go home at once.I need to take the bus.I should do my homework as soon as I get home.→Step 3 Discovering useful structures

Ask students to underline the sentences containing modal verbs in the reading passage and use the function words below to explain the meaning of the modal verbs.Intention Duty Permission Possibility Guessing Ability →Step 4 Learning the use of ought to

1.Ask students to turn to Page 91 and learn the part 6 ought by themselves.2.Encourage them to ask as many questions as possible.Give them explanations if necessary.3.Let them do some additional exercises.4.Sum up.→Step 5 Practice

Ask students to finish the following exercises within 8 minutes.Then check the answers with the whole class.1.Exercise 2 in Discovering useful structures on Page 13.2.Exercise 1 in Using structures on Page 50.→Step 6 Consolidation

Let students work in pairs to choose one of the situations below and develop it into a conversation.Make sure they use as many modal verbs as possible.1.Your friend sees someone steal a purse from an old lady’s pocket.He/She does nothing but is very worried about this.He/She comes up to you for your advice.What would you tell him/her to do? 2.Your friend has borrowed your mobile phone and lost it while he was out with his friends.You are very angry with him.He is not concerned.What are you going to say to each other? →Step 7 Homework

1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.2.Practice your conversation with your partner and be ready to present it to the class.板书设计 Unit 2 Healthy eating the use of ought to Use Examples ought无人称和时态的变化, 后接带to的动词(1)There is something I ought to tell you 不定式。ought to可表示“义务”“要求”或“劝before you leave.告”, 常译作“应该”“应当”等, 和should差不(2)He ought not to do that.多, 只是语气稍重一些;有时表示“非常可(3)—Ought he to see the doctor? 能”的意思。否定式为ought not to(oughtn’t to), —Yes, he ought to.疑问式为Ought I/you/...to...?(4)If she is completely well, she ought to be

back at school today.活动与探究 After class, make up a dialogue with your partner to talk about food you like or dislike.Be ready to present your dialogue to the class.You must use the following expressions and as many words that are referred to as you know.Expressions Food words My favorite food/fruit/meat is...fried chicken smoked chicken roast I’m fond of...I don’t often eat...duckbarbecued mutton lemon beefsweet and I really hate...I can’t stand...sour fish steamed fish creamed tomatoes

make me gain/lose weight fried eggplant cucumber salad boiled eggs

高一英语教案:必修三Unit2教案 篇2

(一) 课文地位 (Lesson Position)

1.本课是初二英语第二单元“Campus Life”的第三课, 在学习学校报刊、图书馆规则的基础上, 继续学习校园网, 了解更多的校园生活。


语法知识:as引导的原因状语从句, 这是本课中的难点。教学时可与because, since引导的原因状语从句做比较, 通过练习加以巩固。

(二) 课文目标 (Lesson Target)

1.通过对课文重要句型和重点词汇的学习, 看懂和理解如何介绍学校。

2.能通过小组合作, 简单地描述自己的学校。

3.学会通过网络了解学校的基本情况, 以便将来能在网上了解和选择学校。

(三) 课文重点及难点 (Lesson Focus)

核心词汇:set up, achieve, educational quality, home and abroad, consist of, as, required, basic, chemistry, staff, go on, social science, experienced, test, life science, ability.

以上为本课重点掌握词汇, 要求学生熟练运用。

拓展词汇:homepage, fine arts, remember, one another.

语法要点:本课要学习的语法知识为“as”引导的原因状语丛句。例如:As it is one of the city’s key schools, it attracts excellent students from both home and abroad.

(四) 教学步骤 (Teading Steps)

课前准备:课前让学生上网浏览自己学校或理想高中的校园网首页, 并打印出来, 并通过校园网首页的介绍了解学校的基本情况。

Step1.选几个学生打印出来的自己学校或校园网首页, 用投影仪给全班展示, 让学生了解校园网首页的版面设计及如何介绍学校的总体情况, 为后面的“Tuning In”做铺垫。尽量让学生用英文来表述, 由于这课单词较深, 学生基础参差不齐, 所以也可允许适当用汉语表达。

Step2.在PPT中展示“Tuning In”中有关一些东方国际学校校史展览会上的图片。通过“翻牌”游戏学习生词, 消除词汇障碍, 并为课文学习做铺垫。

活动安排如下:把学生分成两大组, 事先设计几个有关东方国际学校的问题, 把每个问题写在卡片上, 并反贴在黑板上, 让学生问一个对东方国际学校感兴趣的问题, 如果学生问到的问题正好是贴在黑板上的问题, 那就把它翻过来, 并让其他组学生回答, 答对的这组就可以得一分, 最后得分高的组获胜。

通过“翻牌”游戏引出新单词, 问题如下:

When was Dongfang International School set up?Is it a key school?How big is it?What are the major courses?How many special-grade teachers have the school got?How many senior teachers have the school got?What kind of facilities is the school equipped with?What are the minor courses? (涉及的新词汇进行适当讲解, 板书和带读。)

Step3.鉴于本课的词汇比较难, 所以可通过小组“拔河比赛”活动来进行巩固记忆, 并同时以活动来了解“Tuning In”中提供的有关基础学科的表达及有关东方国际学校基础设施及教学成就的有关问题。

活动安排如下:把学生分成两大组, 依次抽两组同学回答问题, 答对的这一组就向前一格, 看哪一组先到达中间的终点站。

在板书中画出“拔河”比赛的记录方式:→□□□□□□∣□□□□□□← (说明:这个活动也可以进行抢答, 答对的那组可以向前一格。)

Can you name your basic courses in English?

1.You take many basic courses at school, don’t you?

2.When will you begin to learn Chemistry?

3.Do you like Social Science?What about Fine Arts?

有关“Tuning In”中的问题。

1.When was Dongfang International School set up?

2.What does the school building consist of?

3.The school has achieved success in educational quality, hasn’t it?


由于课文篇幅较长, 所以要进行分段讲解来降低难度, 从而进一步熟悉课文内容。

Ⅰ.阅读课文第一段并跟读录音, 然后回答以下问题。

1.When was the school set up?

2.Why is it able to attract excellent students from both home and abroad?

3.What great success has it achieved?


1.Dongfang International School was___ ___in1954.

As it is one of the____ ____in the city, it attractsstudents from____home__abroad.

In recent years, the school has____great___in educationaquality.

2.Dongfang International School was___in___.

___it is one of the___schools in the city, it___excellent students___both___and__.

In___years, the school has___great___in__.

Ⅲ.播放课文第二段录音, 要求学生根据录音内容完成以下填空练习。

Ⅳ.小组活动。要求学生就“basic courses”进行“头脑风暴”活动, 说出各学科名称。学生讨论结束后, 要求他们阅读课文第四段, 补充讨论结果。

Ⅴ.要求学生完成WB上“Comprehension Check on the Text”。鼓励学生在不参考课文的情况下完成练习。以四人为一组, 互相讨论进行检查。

Ⅵ.利用SB中的“Lesson Notes”及本书中“Key words and expressions”教学生词、短语和句型。

1.As it is one of the best schools in the city, it attracts excellent students from both home and abroad.因为它是该市最好的学校之一, 所以吸引了来自国内外的优秀学生。又如:下雨了, 你最好待在家里。As it is raining, you’d better stay at home.

2.The school has an excellent teaching staff of 60.学校拥有一支由60人组成的优秀教师队伍。

staff为“全体职员, (学校的) 全体教职员工”。一般用作单数, 有时也可用作复数。

又如: (1) The company has a staff of about 80.这家公司大约有80名职员。

(2) The school’s teaching staff is/are excellent.这所学校的全体教职工都很优秀。

Ⅶ.播放课文录音1~2遍, 要求学生跟读课文, 模仿语音语调, 教师进行检查。


1.要求学生利用因特网查找学校网站的资料, 组织整理后在课堂上进行介绍。要求学生根据所学单词和句型, 从校园设施及课程设置等方面介绍学校。让学生通过观察、咨询老师、查阅资料等方式了解自己学校的一些基本情况。可发给学生如下调查表, 在PPT上展示本校的部分图片和调查表, 下发调查表并布置任务。

2.通过自己学校和东方国际学校的比较, 让学生说说自己的学校。


(1) My school was set up in...

(2) My school covers an area of...square metres.

(3) The...classrooms are equipped with...

(4) The playground consists of...

(5) The school library has a collection of...books.

高一英语教案:必修三Unit2教案 篇3


1. To succeed, we must________(结合) talentwith working hard.

2. The boy lifted the stone with all his______ (力量).

3. “You did a bad job!” She________(叹息).

4. We need both competition and ________ (合作).

5. Please find out the foods that give fiber for________(消化) and health.

6. She is not s________ enough to wear thesetight trousers.

7. Children are always full of c________; they want to know everything.

8. Because they didn’t reach any agreement,they had to make a ________decision.

9. Don’t take some e________exercise when you have caught a cold.

10. Do you believe that they have brought down prices of medicines for the b______of the people?



1. The man opened the door and, out of _______, asked who was in the room.

A. interestB. anxiety

C. excitementD. curiosity

2. We must set a limit________our expenseson this trip.

A. of B. aboutC. to D. for

3. When someone ________at you, it means he is angry or unhappy about what you have said or done.

A. looksB. glances

C. staresD. glares

4. Remember never to lie to others; if youdid, you would have to ________ more lies to cover the lies you have________.

A. discover; toldB. invent; told

C. make up; said D. find out; spoken

5. Our teacher never looks tired. He is so fullof ________.

A. power B. force

C. strength D. energy

6. In order to win back the customers, theowner of the restaurant decided to sell his food ________.

A. in a discount B. with discount

C. at a discount D. for a discount

7. I know he hasn’t finished the work, but________, he has done his best.

A. at allB. in all

C. after all D. above all

8. Most smokers say they________smoking to some degree but health experts suggestthat they had better give it up_______their health.

A. benefit; for the benefit of

B. benefit from; with the benefit of

C. receive goodness; in the benefit of

D. benefit from; for the benefit of

9. No potatoes for me — I’m________a diet.

A. at B. in C. on D. with

10. I’m really tired________Tom. He had me ________for two hours in the rain.

A. of; waitingB. with; wait

C. of; waited D. with; waited

11. The old machine is ________.

A. of useless B. of not use

C. no use D. of no use

12. She________down her book and ________ in bed.

A. lay; laid B. laid; lay

C. lay; layD. laid; laid



1. She ________ have stopped her work halfway through.

A. ought to notB. ought not to

C. not ought toD. doesn’t ought to

2. — I’ll tell Mary about her new jobtomorrow.

—You________ her last week.

A. ought to tellB. would have told

C. must tellD. should have told

3. My new English?鄄Chinese dictionary hasdisappeared. Who________have taken it?

A. shouldB. must

C. couldD. would


Good health is the most valuable thing a person can have, but one cannot take good health for granted. It is important to remember that the body needs proper care in order to be healthy. There are three things that a person can do to help stay in good shape: eat right food, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.

Proper nutrition(营养) is important for good health. Your body cannot work well unless it receives the proper kind of “fuel”(燃料).Don’t eat too much food with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of foods high in protein (蛋白质), like meat, fish, eggs and nuts. Vegetables and fruits are very important because they provide necessary vitamins (维他命) and minerals. However, don’t overeat. It is not helpful to be overweight.

Getting the proper amount of sleep is also important. If you don’t get enough sleep, you feel tired and easily get angry. You have no energy. Over a long period of time a little amount of sleep may even result in a change of personality(人的个性). Be sure to allow yourself from seven to nine hours of sleep each night. If you do, your body will feel strong and refreshed, and your mind will be sharp.

Finally, get plenty of exercise. Exercise firms the body, strengthens the muscles, and prevents you from gaining weight. It also improves your heart and lungs. If you follow a regular exercise program, you will probably increase your life?鄄span(寿命). Any kind of exercise is good. Most sports are excellent for keeping the body in good shapes: basketball, swimming, bicycling, running and so on are good examples. Sports are not only good for your body, but they are enjoyable and interesting, too.

If everybody, were to eat the right foods, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly, the world would be a happier and healthier place. We would all live to be much older and wiser.

1. According to the passage, ________.

A. we should always keep fit

B. if we were healthy, we could spend our days in doing things with less sleep

C. one can eat a lot to stay in good shape

D. one needn’t take any exercise if he is healthy

2. In order to keep good health, ________.

A. we should eat a lot of sweets

B. one needs a large amount of fat

C. people should eat according to the foods nutrition

D. we must try to sleep now and then

3. Eating more and sleeping less________.

A. can keep healthy

B. is no good for you

C. gets you more energy

D. will keep your personality

4. The writer explains_______in this passage.

A. how to eat

B. the importance of doing exercise

C. how to keep healthy

D. what to eat

5. The title of the article should be________.

A. Eating and Exercising

B. How Vitamins Work in Man’s Body

C. Staying Healthy

D. Sleeping Well



高一英语教案:必修三Unit2教案 篇4

高一英语牛津版必修4 Unit2 全单元教案

牛津高中模块4全单元教案 Unit 2 Sporting events Period 1  Welcome to the unit教案 Teaching Aims: 1. Participate in a discussion to find out why sports are popular around the world. 2. Develop students’ speaking ability by expressing their opinions in the discussion. Teaching Important Point: Develop students’ speaking ability. Teaching Methods: Individual,  pair or group discussion to make every student work in class. Teaching Aids: 1. The multimedia 2. The blackboard Teaching Procedures; Step 1  Greeting and Lead-in 1. Do you like sports? What sports can you play?2. What sports do you know?Who is your favorite sportsperson? 4. Do you like playing sports? How much time do you usually spend exercising or doing sports every week? Stpe 2  Welcome to the unit  Sport plays a very important role in our lives. We see or do sports almost everyday. Look at the following pictures. Are you familiar with these sports? 1. table tennis Can you play table tennis? Do you like it? Is it your favourite sport? Why? 2. Wrestling How much do you know about wrestling? (a short introduction of wrestling) 3. Boxing Do you like watching it? (a short introduction of boxing) 4. In your opinion, do you think these Sports are too violent?5.Kung fu is a traditional sport in China? Are you interested in it? 6.Which do you prefer, Kung fu or boxing? 7.Itroduction of gymnastics and diving. Step 3  Pair Work 1. To become a professional gymnast or a diver, you have to sacrifice(牺牲) a lot. What do you think these sacrifices would include?(group discussion) 2.basketball and football, which do you prefer? 3.No matter what kind of sport you take part in ,what are the basic qualities you need to possess in order to be successful in that sport?) (video of Jordan) Step 4  Group Work1. Why do you think sport is so popular?2. How often do you play sport? What sports do you usually play?3. What is your favourite sport? Why?Step 5  Homework 1.Find more information about the business of sport. 2.Preview reading text. Unit 2 Sporting events Reading  Period 1  Teaching Aims: 1. Check and enhance students’ reading abilities. 2. Train Ss to gain an overall understanding of the article and learn to adopt different reading strategies. Teaching important points: 1. Help Ss know some background knowledge about the history and the development of the Olympic Games about. 2. Help them learn some language items. Teaching difficult points: 1. how to read a speech 2. how to grasp the new words. Teaching methods: 1. Improve the students’ reading comprehension. 1. Practice to get the students to master what they’ve learnt. 2. Discussion to make every student work in class. Teaching aids: 1. the multi-media 2. the blackboard. Teaching procedures: Step 1.lead in 1. Talk about the Olympics: ask some questions. 2. Encourage the students to share their information they have already know and to express their opinions freely.. Step 2. Reading 1. Ask Ss to skim the article and answer the three questions in Part A. 2. Ask Ss to reread the passage and do C1 individually. 3. Get Ss to scan the article again and do C2. 4. Help Ss to get the idea of the reading strategies. 5. Ask Ss to answer four questions: 1).What characteristics do the ancient Olympics and modern Olympics share? 2).What are the differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games? 3).Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan are mentioned in the passage. What do these two sports people have in common? 4).Do you think Chinese athletes such as Deng Yaping and LiuXiang  are as great as Muhammad Ali or Michael Jordan? Step 3. Language items. 1. Do D in class. 2. Do E in class Step 4. Homework. 1. Do Part E. 2. Prepare for the language items. Period 2  Language Focus Teaching aims: 1.  To understand new words, phrases and sentence patterns in the reading passage; 1. To learn how to use them. Teaching Important Points: 1. To help the students to understand the text better. 2. To help the students master the use of some important language points. Teaching Difficult Points: 1. The usage of some words, phrases and sentence patterns. Teaching Procedures: Step 1.Lead-in  Discuss the following questions: 1.Do you think the Olympic Games help countries and people live peacefully side by side? 2.Who do you think are the greatest Olympic athletes and why? 3.What kind of example do you think athletes like Liu Xiang and Muhammad Ali have set for young people around the world?Step 2 Words and phrases to be learned Delighted, significance, briefly, compete, allow, honourable, no matter what, separate, side by side, light, be recognized as, record, contribution, absence, attempt Step 3 Practice Do PartA1and A2 on page98 Step 5 Assignments: 1. Keep in mind the useful words, phrases and sentence patterns and know how to use them. 2. Finish some additional exercises Brief teaching plan  Teaching Objectives: 1. To enlarge students’ vocabulary by applying the rules of making compound words. 2. To get students to learn some words and expressions related to Olympic sports. 3. To improve students’ speaking ability.   Teaching Important and Difficult Point: To master the formation rules of compound words.  Teaching Approaches: Task-based approaches  Form of Activities: Individual, pair or group work ..  Teaching Aids: The multimedia and the blackboard  Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Lead-in Ask the students to read the following dialogue: A: Did you know that Liu Xiang was the first Asian to win a gold medal for the men’s 110-metre hurdles in the Olympic Games? B. Yes! Everyone knows that he is a very hard-working sportsperson. He is a well-trained winner. Let the students study the italicized words and ask them two questions: 1. Do you know the meanings of the words? 2. Do you know how the words are made? Give them a few minutes to think. They may discuss with their partners if necessary. 110-metre(n.)--- 110 (num.), meter (n.) hard-working (adj.)--- hard (adv.), working(v-ing) sportsperson (n.)--- sports(n.), person(n.) well-trained (adj.)--- well(adv.), trained (v-ed) Step 2. Compound words 1. Tell students that the above words are called compound words. Ask them to give the definition of a compound word: A compound word is made when two or more than two words are joined together to form a new word. 2. Ask students to think about other words that are created this way. Organize them into groups of four and have a competition. Write all the compound words that students can think of on the blackboard. The winning group is the one that comes up with the most words. 3. Have students study the words that they have listed and then read the words on page26 to understand the formation rules of compound adjectives and compound nouns.  To form compound adjectives: Formation Compound (adj.) adj.+n.+-ed  warm-hearted, cold-blooded adj.+v-ing  easy-going, ordinary-looking adv.+v-ing  hard-working, long-lasting n.+adj.  tax-free, world-famous n.+v-ed  air-conditioned, man-made adj.+ v-ed  Soft-boiled, well-paid adv.+ v-ed  Well-educated, well-paid To form compound nouns: Formation Compound n.+n. handbag, bookmark, website, motherland n.+ v-ing sightseeing, window-shopping, house-keeping 4. Ask the students to match the words in column A with the ones in column B. A  B 1.black  a. room 2.broad  b. eyed 3.every  c. cast 4.bed  d. case 5.blue  e. where 6.suit f. board . 7.radio g. ground 8.bus h. throw 9.reading  i. driver 10.passer  j. by 11.play  k. paper 12.over  l. active 13.news m. room 5. Ask the students to translate the words into Chinese. Explain that some English wo


高一英语必修三模块4教案 篇5

On March 10, 2004, strong winds from Russia’s Siberia kicked up clouds of dust and sand.Thus northern China was hit by the season’s first major sandstorm.The thick yellow glooms lowed traffic and forced airports and schools to close, giving the sky a yellow appearance.Northwestern Gansu Province was the worst affected area.One villager said, “There’s nothing to do but dig away the sand nonstop and wait to see what happens.Sometimes I dream of the sand falling around me faster than I can dig away.I worry that in real life, the sand will win.”

His worry is understandable.Every year, about 110 million people suffer from desertification and another 2,500 sq km turns to desert each year.Few people think of China as a desert nation, but it is among the world’s largest.What causes the terrible sandstorm? The answer is obvious.Years of heavy farming and animal grazing in the northern China are the major reasons.Due to this, the land of vegetation that protects the soil is disappearing.The exposed earth becomes a dust bowl easily swept up by the strong winds.As early as in the 4th century B.C., our ancestors began to notice the environmental problem.Chinese philosopher Mencius(孟子)once wrote about desertification and its human causes, including tree-cutting and overgrazing.Our former Premier Zhu Rongji also called it “an alarm for the entire nation”.He called on the whole nation to plant trees to fight the growing desertification.However, Chinese deserts are still on the move.Sandstorm threatens even Beijing.Beijing, which will host the 2008 Olympic Games, has told the world it will hold a “Green Olympics”.The government has promised to make the capital into a “garden city”for the Games by creating belts of trees.So a great project named “Green Wall”is in process.The green wall, like the Great Wall, will block invasion of the enemy.However, the enemy are not foreign invaders, but sand.小字典

gloom n.阴沉nonstop adv.不断地grazing n.放牧vegetation n.植被dust bowl 干旱尘暴区ancestor n.祖先invasion n.入侵

Open question:

As a student, what will you do for the “Green Olympics”?



【词条1】be caught in 【课文原句】“To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience,”...(Page 32)【点拨】be caught in 此处意为“遭遇上”。如: I was caught in the downpour on the way home from school.【拓展】catch 构成的常见短语: 1.catch sb doing 偶然发觉某人做某事。如: The teacher caught him sleeping in class.2.catch up with 赶上。如: You’ll have to work harder to catch up with the top students.【词条2】take in,give out 【课文原句】Trees take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen.(Page 35)【点拨1】take in 此处意为“吸收,吸入(空气、水等)”。如: Take in a deep breath.【拓展】take in的常见意思还有: 1.take in 把……拿进。如: Please take your clothes in in case it rains.2.take in 收容(留)某人住宿。如: The teacher took in several students.【点拨2】give out 此处意为“放出,散发出”, 多指气味、热量等的释放。如: The rotating machine gave out a lot of heat.【拓展】give out的常见意思还有: 1.发(书、报)等。如: The teacher gave out the exam papers.2.用完,耗尽。如: After five months, their food supply finally gave out.【词条3】cut down,dig up 【课文原句】This is a process that happens when land becomes desert because of climate changes and because people cut down trees and dig up trees.(Page 32)【点拨1】cut down此处意为“砍倒”。如: They cut down many old trees and planted some young trees.【拓展】cut down还有“削减,删减”的意思。如: Your article is too long, so please cut it down to 500 words.【点拨2】dig up此处意为“从地里挖出(某物)”。如: We dug up the tree by its roots.【拓展】dig up 还有“掘到,掘出”的意思。如: An old vase was dug up here last month.请根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。

高一英语教案:必修三Unit2教案 篇6

Part A

Step I Reading

Read the article and try to get the main idea of each paragraph

:Paragraph 1 Main events in Rome and China between 753 BC and 479 BC.

Paragraph 2 Similarities between China and Rome during the Han Dynasty.

Paragraph 3 Both Rome and China influenced areas between 212 BC and 100 BC.

Paragraph 4 Rome and China had a difficult time in the following hundred years.

Read the article again and answer the following questions:

1. When did Rome become a republic and what happened in China then?

2. When was China united and by whom?

3. Which city did Han Dynasty have as its capital? Where is it now?

4. What did China and Rome have in common during the Han Dynasty?

5. When was Silk Road was in use? And what was it used for?

6.When did the trade between China and Rome begin? What goods were traded?

7. When did Han Dynasty fall and what did it result in?

8.When was Roman Empire ended? Was it the same story for China?

Step 2 Time chart

Read the time chart carefully and answer the following questions:

1. What happened in both China and Rome in the year 509 BC?

2. What about the year 27 BC?

3. When was Confucius born?

4. How long did the Han Dynasty last?


What is a time chart?A time chart should be a chart marked with time periods and important events that take place in certain time periods.

Part B Creating an illustrated time chart

Steps for creating an illustrated time chart

PlanningWork in small groups and do the following:

1. Discuss and research time periods in history you are interested in.

2. Choose one as the time period you will illustrate in your time chart.

3. Discuss the tasks for each member.

Research ________________

Write the outline _________________

Illustrate the time chart ____________

Present the time chart ______________

Preparing 1. Find information from various sources on the time period.

2. Sort the information by date.

3. Discuss the information and decide what to include in the time chart and what to leave out.

4. Write an outline, paying attention to the time period and its significance.

Producing5. Design the time chart based on the outline.

6. Proofread it and add new ideas, if any.


Complete the time chart
