1、学习语句I like… /I don’t like…并能够表达自己对运动的喜好。
2、学习单词like、football、basketball、table tennis 能口头运用并读懂以上单词。Morning exercises不作要求,让学生根据自己的情况选择学习与掌握。
3、识别单词football、basketball、table tennis
1、学习词汇:like、football、basketball、table tennis
2、口头运用I like… / I don’t like… 表达自己对运动的喜好。
I.Warm up
Greetings 师生问候 Hello.How are you?
(2)导入新课:This class ,let’s do some exercises.导入exercises后,边做动作边教学生说,以5遍为单位,这样的读法有节奏,学生记得快,然后将单词贴在黑板上。
(3)利用上一模块的句型和实物来导入新单词,拿出球问:What’s this ?从而引出新词ball(注意发音,尾音舌头要卷起来)
Game 加速度游戏来进行练习。(跟随老师拍手的节奏越来越快,看谁跟不上)
(4)look at me 指脚说foot,然后用脚踢球,说football 边做动作边教读(5遍)Game 利用手势进行高低声游戏(淘汰制)
(5)拿出筐子,告诉学生this is a basket,教读几遍basket ,拿起篮球扔进去,So, guess ,What’s this?引导学生说出basketball,边做动作边教读(5遍)。
Game 左右手游戏
(6)指着桌子问学生:What’s this 导入table教读几次,拿球拍打一下(做动作)导入table tennis,注意发音
Game :Panpan says
师发指令学生作动作。如师说Panpan says ‘football’.生不说话但要做动作;如师说‘football’而没有说Panpan says,学生就跟读单词,但不做动作
(7)举起football说:Football is my favourite, so I like football.此处的关键是老师一定要做好表情与肢体动作帮助学生理解这个句子。板书句型。注意like的发音。然后把四个单词和短语都代进句子里进行练习,整个连在一起每句两遍,有节奏地边做动作边说。
(8)举起football说: I don’t like football.边摇头边说,板书句型。注意like的发音。然后把四个单词和短语都代进句子里进行练
GameL:学生跟老师反着说话,如果师说I like…,生就说I don’t like…;反过来师说I don’t like…,生就说I like…
1.通过句子的学习已经复习了所学过的内容,打开书,①听一遍录音,回答问题:What does the panda like? 我们刚才看到,Panpan在训练时遇到一点小困难就放弃,他这样做对不对?(让学生回答为什么。)
3、在尝试了多种运动后,Panpan终于找到了适合自己的一项运动,是什么呢?哦,原来是morning exercises.②跟录音读课文。③齐读、个别读。10、11、看书P10-11,跟读课文,再齐读。IV、巩固练习及拓展
I like/I don’t like…这个句型不仅可以表达喜不喜欢什么运动,还可以用来表达喜不喜欢什么动物、水果、颜色。如I like apples.I don’t like bananas.I like blue.I don’t like black.Group work:告诉小组里的其他成员,你喜欢什么、不喜欢什么。
T:今天我们学习了四种运动的名称,还学会了用I like…和I don’t like…来表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的运动项目,你们都表现得非常棒。关于运动项目,除了我们今天学习的这几种,还有许多,我们将在下节课继续学习。
新标准英语三年级下册第三模块Unit 1教学反思
本堂课授课的内容为三年级英语下册Module 3的unit 1,本课教学目标定位为让学生会听说认读football, basketball, table tennis及短语morning exercises,会使用句型I like… 和 I don’t like… 表达个人喜恶。该课难点为exercises的发音,能正确使用句型I like…/ I don ’ t like…
根据小学生性格活泼好动、爱表现、好奇心强等特点,首先我请学生边拍手边齐唱歌谣:pen and pencil, 用TPR快速复习上节课的单词:tall-short, big-small, fat-thin, 营造出轻松愉快的英语学习氛围,然后结合实物、卡片,通过TPR、大小声、剪刀石头布游戏,充分调动学生的积极性,使学生在游戏中学习单词。学生念的不理想的单词如tennis和exercises,我也挑出来重点训练了好几遍。接着拿出准备好的袋子,慢慢地打开袋子,用好奇的眼神地向里面瞧了瞧,设法营造出一种很神秘的感觉,教室变得鸦雀无声,可想而知学生的注意力都集中在袋子上面了,然后我从袋子里慢慢地拿出带有红色纸爱心的魔术棒,微笑地说:I like football, 同时把红爱心指向黑板上的单词卡(足球),让学生领会like 的含义,利用这种方法来回训练句型:I like football/basketball/table tennis/morning exercises.教授句型I don’t like football时,我采用同种方法进行教学,把魔术棒反过来,出示黑色的纸爱心,指向单词卡,皱着眉头说:I don’t like football.重复两遍句子,让学生感受I don’t like…的含义,接着引导学生学习句型I don’
t like football/basketball/table tennis,。待学生熟悉两句型后,我用魔术棒快速指向黑板上的单词卡,学生根据我的魔术棒的红心与黑心快速造句,此方法可训练学生的快速反应能力。刚刚进行的集体训练句型环节,使得学生的情绪异常高涨,这时候得安排使学生静下来的活动,所以我请学生回归到课文:听录音指课文-模仿课文录音。最后让学生在小组里用今天所学的句型来表达个人喜恶。从整堂课的教学过程来看,我深切的感觉到教学活动的多样化,以及教师的面目表情、所使用的体态语的重要性。
无论备课如何完美,课堂的实施总是会存在不足,如新课的导入,首先我请学生望向操场,然后揭示主题playground,告诉学生这节课准备学关于运动的单词,接着展示足球,询问学生是否知道足球用英语如何表达?待学生回答后就直接教授单词football。课后我反思为什么不多问一句:同学们还知道其他运动项目的英语单词吗?使学生进行发散思维。另外教授单词football和table tennis时,也忘拓展同义词soccer和ping-pong。我觉得听指课文前应该有个导入的,可以先出示panda图画,然后用一两句话交代关于熊猫Panpan喜欢的运动,好让学生有个概念。在教学活动的设计上,我偏重于集体学习,没给学生更多的时间上台进行个人展示,由于时间关系,最后也忘记给小组的评分栏进行评价。这些都是需要注意和改进的地方。
外研版三年级英语下册Module3Unit 1 I like football说课稿
在第三模块中,主要学习是两个句型:I like …I don’t like…以及7个与运动有关的单词和短语,最后进行字母的书写。第一单元中学习主要句型,和几个单词和短语,第二单元进行内容的延伸以及对前面的内容进行练习并学习字母的书写。
第一单元中,课文主要是围绕两个句型展开的,所以我认为本试课的教学重点是:两个句型以及运动单词和短语的掌握。难点是:单词exercises;table tennis 的发音以及如何让学生掌握这两个单词。我利用复习旧的来引入新的,加上自己的肢体语言来突破重点单词,然后充分利用表情和肢体语言来导入并突破I like, I don’t like两个句型。对于难点单词我要通过多练习多活动的方法来达到自己的学习目的。
(1)四个单词和短语:football、basketball、table tennis、exercises(2)两个句子:I like
.I don’t like
(2)导入新课:This class ,let’s do some exercises.导入exercises后,边做动作边教学生说,以5遍为单位,这样的读法有节奏,学生记得快,然后将单词贴在黑板上。
(3)利用上一模块的句型和实物来导入新单词,拿出球问:What’s this ?从而引出新词ball(注意发音,尾音舌头要卷起来)
Game 加速度游戏来进行练习。(跟随老师拍手的节奏越来越快,看谁跟不上)
(4)look at me 指脚说foot,然后用脚踢球,说football 边做
动作边教读(5遍)Game 利用手势进行高低声游戏(淘汰制)
(5)拿出筐子,告诉学生this is a basket,教读几遍basket ,拿起篮球扔进去,So, guess ,What’s this?引导学生说出basketball,边做动作边教读(5遍)。
Game 左右手游戏
(6)指着桌子问学生:What’s this 导入table教读几次,拿球拍打一下(做动作)导入table tennis,注意发音
Game 复习四个单词进行一个猜单词卡的游戏。
(7)举起football说:Football is my favourite, so I like football.此处的关键是老师一定要做好表情与肢体动作帮助学生理解这个句子。板书句型。注意like的发音。然后把四个单词和短语都代进句子里进行练习,整个连在一起每句两遍,有节奏地边做动作边说。
(8)举起football说: I don’t like football.边摇头边说,此处的关键是老师一定要做好表情与肢体动作帮助学生理解这个句子。板书句型。注意like的发音。然后把四个单词和短语都代进句子里进行练习,整个连在一起每句两遍,有节奏地边做动作边说。
(9)通过句子的学习已经复习了所学过的内容,所以打开书,①听一遍录音:要求听完以后能复述故事,尽量用英语,并回答老师的问题:What does the panda like? ②一句一句放跟读进行巩固练习。③抽人读
(10)复习整课内容布置作业:①背诵课文 ②用学过的句型表达
Module 3 Unit 1 I like football
football I like
I don’t like
(一) 教材内容分析
本课话题为北京市全民积极为2008年奥运会做准备过程中三位老人学英语的趣事, 语言学习和技能训练渗透在话题和讨论之中。
(二) 教学对象分析
七年级的学生具有强烈的好奇心, 思维敏捷, 乐于参与小组合作活动, 喜欢丰富多彩的教学氛围, 大部分学生具备了简单谈论所给话题和阅读同等水平材料的基本能力。但学生对于英语学习方法并没有深入的了解, 而且他们在阅读方面还存在一定的困难。
(三) 教学环境分析
1. 根据教学内容、学生情况, 选择在多媒体教室环境进行教学。
2. 借助畅言语音系统为学生创设较为真实的语言环境。
(一) 语言知识目标
1. 学习本课四会单词:slowly, loudly, clearly, quickly, well, badly, carelessly, carefully, quietly.
2. 学习句型:It’s diffi cult to do…
3. 学习副词的用法
(二) 语言技能目标
1. 能听懂文章大意并能从中提取相关信息;
2. 用所学形容词, 副词表达自己的观点, 并能参与讨论;
3. 能读懂文本内容, 并能根据不同的阅读要求, 运用简单的阅读策略获取信息;
4. 能根据写作要求, 运用所学, 起草短文。
(三) 情感态度和价值观
宣扬“人人学英语, 人人为奥运”的精神, 并将奥运“更快、更高、更强”的精神运用到日常的学习、生活当中, 培养学生积极向上的精神。
(四) 学习策略
1. 自主学习, 培养学生有效信息处理能力、英语思维及表达能力。
2. 小组合作学习, 组内分工合作完成任务, 将自己的学习收获和感受和同学们一起分享, 共同进步。
三、教学重难点 (一) 教学重点
1. 引导学生自主总结副词的基本用法并能够熟练运用。
2. 引导学生运用简单的阅读技巧解决实际问题。
(二) 教学难点
English on Campus
Page 78
引导各组 完成Project, make aposter about how to learn English
Step 4:well.4个小组的任务分别为听Post reading (8’) 说读写, 组长汇总本组成员
的观点后, 与全体同学分享交流。
Step 6: Homework并和其他同学分享。
(一) 本节课的亮点
导入环节。教师以演唱奥运会主题歌同时播放奥运图片的方式让学生回忆起08奥运会, 从而迅速进入情境。教师又通过奥运志愿者的身份导入本课, 让学生所观看的视频诙谐幽默, 正好和文章中的三个人物相吻合, 体现了视听化的英语教学。
运用畅言语音点读系统为学生创设较为真实的语言情境, 训练听力的同时让学生更好的了解三个人物。
(二) 本节课的不足及改进措施
1. 不足:教学目标中的情感态度与价值观目标设置
1. 让学生运用本课所学参与
Summarize what they have learned培养学生小结的习惯和意识in this lesson.
较高, 在本课教学过程中没有达成此教学目标。
2. 不足:While reading的教学环节过多, 在本课教学过程中显得拖沓, 尤其是传话筒游戏, 虽然学生都积极主动地做着准备, 但此环节耗时太多, 且只有两组完成了游戏任务。
改进措施:将游戏环节换成习题训练, 全面反馈学生问题, 教师集中答疑。
1.字母:能熟练掌握 26个字母的听(听辨出字母读音)、读(字母准确音)、写(字母大、小写);字母排列顺序以及能记住一些常见的字母缩写词等。
2)注意密度、合理分配时间; 重视学生的反馈信息。
1、朗读老师指定的归类单词/ 归纳每课的重点句子。
6.5 ——第十课做、评试卷,纠错6.6——第九课做、评试卷,纠错
6.9 ——第八课做、评试卷,纠错6.10——第七课做、评试卷,纠错
6.13——第四课 做试卷6.16——第一课评试卷,纠错
1.a new book一本新书2.have got(第三人称单数形式has got)拥有3.about animals关于动物的4.a good book一本好书5.about sports关于运动的6.a nice book一本不错的书
7.a new dress一条女连衣裙8.a new coat一件新上衣9.a new sweater一件新毛衣
10.a blue T-shirt一件T恤衫11.go to school上学12.by bike骑自行车
13.by bus乘公共汽车14.go to work 上班15.by car开车
16.walk to work步行去上班17.each day每天=every day18.walk to school步行去上学
1.I`ve got a new book.It`s about animales.我有一本新书。它是关于动物的。【I`ve got=I have got;have got=have拥有、所有,常译为“有”,其第三人称单数形式是“has got”。这个句型结构是“某人+have got/has got+某物”某人有某物。“about animals”关于动物的。about….是”关于….”】再如:I`ve got a new bike.我有一辆新自行车。练习:我有一支钢笔。
它是关于运动的。es, I have.大明,你也有一本书吗?是的,我有。【have的一般疑问句是只把“have”提在句首。got在原来位置不动。肯定回答是“Yes,…have.”,否定回答是“No,...haven`t.”.】再如:Have you got a pen?Yes,I have./No, I haven`t.你有一支钢笔吗?是,我有。/不,没有。
3.Has Sam got a sweater?Yes,he has.萨姆有一件毛线衫吗?是的,他有。【这是have got第三人称单数句子的一般疑问句,它用“has got”,把“has”提在句首,“got”也是放在原位不动。一般疑问句第一个词是什么,回答就用那个词回答。】再如:Has Tom got a new sweater,too?No,he hasn`t.汤姆也有一件毛衣吗?不,他没有。练习:艾米有一个洋娃娃吗?是的,她有。汤姆有一件蓝T恤衫吗?不,他没有。
4.She goes to school by bike.她骑自行车上学。【“by bike”是“by+交通工具”在这儿译为“骑自行车”。它不是动词短语,是表示她是以什么样的方式上学的,所以把它放在句末。再如:by car开小车;by bus乘公共汽车;by ship乘龙船 等等。】再如:He goes to school by bus.他乘公共汽车上学。
5.Sam hasn`t got a bike.萨姆没有自行车。【hasn`t got 是“has got”的否定形式,在has后面加not,has not got=hasn`t got(缩写形式)。那么“have got”的否定形式是缩写为】再如:Ms Smart hasn`t got a car.斯玛特女士没有汽车。练习:我父亲没有汽车。我没有自行车。【walk to work步行去上班=go to work on foot.】再如:Lingling waiks to school.玲玲步行去上学。练习:我妈妈步行去上班。
7.How do you go to school each day?I go to school by bike.你每天怎么去上学?我骑自行车上学。【“how”怎么样?是询问采取什么样的方式上学,是对后面句中的“by bike”的提问。“each day”每天=every day】再如:How does Mum go to work each day?She goes to work by bus.妈妈每天怎样去上班?她乘公共汽车上班。练习:爸爸每天怎么样去上班?他步行去上班。对划线提问 对划线提问
1、at school 在学校
2、have English and Chinese 上英语课和语文课
3、at the weekend 在周末
4、have Maths and Science 上数学课和科学课
5、play football 踢足球
6、go swimming去游泳
7、in the morning在早上
8、in the afternoon 在下午
9、have Music ,Art and PE 上音乐课,美术课和体育课
10、watch TV看电视
1、What do you have at school,sam?萨姆,你在学校上什么课?【have在这里是“上课”的意思。“have”根据不同语境有不同翻译:⑴“有”I have a dog.我有一只狗。⑵“吃”I have breakfast at seven o`clock.我七点钟吃早饭。⑶“喝”Have some tea,please.请喝茶!⑷“上课”I have English at school.我在学校上英语课。】
2、I have English and Chinese.我上英语课和语文课。【“have+课程”表示上什么课。】再如:I have Maths and
4、Do you play football in the morning?No,I don`t.I paly football in the afternoon.你早上踢足球吗?不,我下午踢足球。【这种一般问句,一般第一个词是什么,回答就用这个词回答。in the morning 在早上;in the afternoon 在下午:in the evening在晚上】
5、I sleep in the morning.我早上睡觉。【go to bed 是“上床睡觉”强调这个动作;sleep睡觉,强调状态】
6、你早上/下午七点干什么?我下午七点看电视。【这是经常询问某人在几点做什么的问句。注意:at seven o`clock in the afternoon。下午七点钟,英语中先说小时间,再说大时间。先说几点钟,再说在早上还是下午】练习:你早上八点干什么?我上语文课。你下午六点钟做什么?我吃晚饭。
7、What does Lingling have at school today ,Daming ?She has Music ,Art and PE today.大明,玲玲今天在学校上什么课?她今天上音乐课,美术课和体育课。【这是询问第三人称经常做什么的句子,注意观察句子中与上边学过的有啥不同,对,第三人称的句子助动词用“does”不是“do”,在She has Music ,Art and PE today.中用“has”而不是“have”.】
8、At the weekend Lili plays basketball.在周末莉莉打篮球。【at the weekend可以放在句首,也可以放在句末】答案:
一、选择与汉语意思想对应的单词 序号填在括号内
[] thank A []hello B早晨
[]how C []morning你
[]you E
(我)是 []am F 再见 你好 []goodbye G谢谢 []are H 很好 D 怎样 []fine I是 []good J
1.[] Good __________(早上), Sam.A morning B amC how
2.[] How are ______(你), Sam? A IB you C hi
3.[] I’m ______(很好), thank you.A hello B goodbye C fine
1.Good morning, Sam 1.早上好,萨姆 2.How are you, Sam.Good morning, Sam.[] Good morning ,3.I’m fine, thank you.Amy[] 4.Hello, how are you2.你好吗,萨姆?How are you Sam.[] I’m fine, Sam[]
Bye-bye, thank you[] I’m fine, Thank you []
Hello, Xiaowei[] Goodbye, Xiaowei[]
Bye-bye, Xiaohong[] Hello ,Xiaohong[]
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 红
Good morning, SamA 早上好艾米。Good morning, AmyB 你好吗?
How are you?C 早上好萨姆。I’m fine.D 谢谢你 Thank you.E 我很好
Unit 1 What are you going to do at the weekend? (Module 3 Plans)
二、Targets for this period:
To understand conversations about plan
To get special information from the listening passage
To talk about one’s plan on weekend
三、Key points:
Key vocabulary-plan to do something, revise for one’s test, have a picnic/party, have a piano lesson, do some sightseeing, go sightseeing/shopping/cycling, cook dinner, go to the beach, stay in bed
Key structures-What is he / she/ your friend going to do on weekend?
What are you / they going to do on weekend?
四、Teaching methods:
Interactive approach
五、Teaching aids
Tape recorder, OHP
六、Teaching arrangements:
Step One Lead-in
1. Students talk about the following questions in small groups:
1) Do you like weekend?
2) Why do you like weekend?
3) What do you usually do on weekend?
2. Show some new phrases and ask the students to remember them
plan to do something, revise for one’s test, have a picnic/party, have a piano lesson, do some sightseeing, go sightseeing/shopping/cycling, cook dinner, go to the beach, stay in bed
Step Two Presentation
1. Show the sentence structure “be going to” with examples and pictures.
----What is he going to do? ----He is going to…(将要做某事)
----He is going to check his email.
----He is going to do his homework.
2. Students look at more pictures and make sentences.
1) ----What is she going to do?
----She is going to have a birthday party / cook dinner / go to Sydney / take the plane / take the boat.
2) ----What are they going to do?
----They are going to eat dinner / have a party / have a picnic / go to the beach /watch TV / play soccer / go to the theater / buy some clothes / play volleyball.
3) ----What is he going to do?
----He is going to study for a test / have a piano lesson / go sightseeing / go cycling / play volleyball / play basketball / go swimming / go shopping / go fishing
Step Three Listening (Activity 3)
1. Students listen to the tape and choose the correct answers. (Activity 4)
1) What’s Daming going to do on Saturday morning?
D He is going to check his email.
H He is going to do his homework.
2) What’s Betty going to do on Saturday afternoon?
G She is going to buy clothes.
3) What’s Betty and Daming going to do on Saturday evening?
C They are going to go to the party.
4) What are Daming, Betty, Tony and Lingling going to do on Sunday afternoon?
A They are going to have a picnic.
5) What’s Daming going to do on Sunday morning?
F He is going to get up early.
I He is going to play table tennis.
6) What’s Betty going to do on Sunday morning?
B She is going to stay in bed.
E She is going to revise for her test.
2. Students listen again and complete the diary. (Activity 7)
Daming Betty
Saturday Morning Check email Do homework
Afternoon Have a piano lesson Buy some clothes
Evening Go to a party Listen to some music Go to a party Listen to some music
Sunday Morning Get up early Play table tennis Stay in bed Revise for her test
Afternoon Meet Lingling and Tony in the park Have a picnic Meet Lingling and Tony in the park Have a picnic
3. Students ask and answer in pairs according to the diary.
e.g. ----What’s Daming going to do on Saturday morning?
----He’s going to check his email and do his homework.
Step Four To practice reading aloud the conversation in groups of two.
Step Five Detail explanation (Activity 3)
1. Would you like to come? = Do you want to come?
2. revise sth = go over sth
e.g. I must revise my English notes for my exam.
Step Six To act out the conversation.
Step Seven To listen and repeat (Activity 5&6)
Step Eight Summary: be going to do sth. 表示自己打算或计划做某事.
be 的形式要根据主语来确定。
I’m going to check my email.
He/She is going to have a picnic.
We/They are going to get up early.
What are you going to do at the weekend?
What is he/she going to do at the weekend?
Step Nine To play guessing games: 两人一组,选好题号,一人面向屏幕,表演图中内容,另一人猜测:What is he going to do at the weekend?
1. To recite the dialogue of Unit1, Module 3
2. To make a dialogue in pairs about one’s plan at this weekend.
Unit 1 Everyone will study at home. (Module 4 Life in the future)
二、Targets for this period:
To understand conversations about future schools
To process information of future life in the listening material
To talk about the prospect of one’s own school
三、Key points:
Key vocabulary-cable TV, calculator, cell phone, chalk, Internet, satellite, everyone, no one
Key structures--will + v.原形
四、Teaching methods:
Interactive approach
五、Teaching aids
Tape recorder, blackboard
六、Teaching arrangements:
Step One Lead-in
1. Ask the students what words they can use to describe our classroom: cable TV, blackboard, national flag, clock, light, desk, picture, chair.
2. Read through the words in the box and make sure that the students understand them all. (Activity 1)
3. Ask the students to describe the classroom they are in, using the words in the box and any others which are appropriate.
4. Ask the students to do the task individually, then check with a partner.
Step Two Pre-Listening (Activity 2)
1. Provide the question first : What do you use to study English?
2. Divide the students into several groups and discuss what they use to study English and collect a few pairs’ dialogues in a whole-class setting.
Step Three Introduction(Activity 3)
1. Introduce “everyone, no one” by using a few examples that are true.
2. Remind the students that “everyone” and “no one” take a third person singular verb.
3. Ask the students to make sentences by using everyone and no one.
e.g. Everyone uses a pen. (肯定)
Everyone doesn’t use a pen. = Not everyone uses a pen. (部分否定)
No one uses a pen. (完全否定)
Step Four Listening
1. Read through the sentences in the chart and make sure that they understand the sentences.
2. Ask the students to listen to the dialogue and finish the exercises in Activity 4.
3. Collect the answers from the class.
4. Ask the students to listen to the dialogue again and finish the exercises in Activity 5.
5. Ask the students to do the exercises individually, then check with a partner.
6. Collect the answers from the class, having one student ask and another student answer each question.
Step Five To read aloud the conversation again
Step Six Detail explanation
1. I think that everyone will study at home and will use computer.
Think 引导宾语从句,否定必须前置
e.g. I don’t think that everyone will study at home and will use computer.
I think you are right to do so.
I don’t think you are right to do so. (不用I think you aren’t right to do so.)
2. with (使用有形的工具或器官)
e.g. We work with our hands (器官)
This pair of shoes is made by hand. (手工)
Step Seven The stressed words (Activity 7)
1. Ask the students to say the four words and decide how many syllables there are in each one.
2. Collect their answers and write the words on the board to show where the breaks are.
3. Practice saying the words with the class.
Dic/tion/ar/y cal/cu/la/tor com/pu/ter sat/el/lite
Step Eight Pair working (Activity 8)
1. Ask the students to think about this for a while individually-to organize their ideas about their school in the future.
2. Pair them to discuss their ideas.
3. Pre-teach them “ What do you think?” to help keep the conversation going.
1. To recite the dialogue of Unit1, Module 4
2. To finish Unit1, Module4, 点中典
3. To talk about what your school will be like in 10 years.
Blackboard designing
Unit 1 Everyone will study at home.
1. everyone & no one
e.g. Everyone uses a pen. (肯定)
Everyone doesn’t use a pen. = Not everyone uses a pen. (部分否定)
No one uses a pen. (完全否定)
2. I think that everyone will study at home and will use computer.
Think 引导宾语从句,否定必须前置
e.g. I don’t think that everyone will study at home and will use computer.
I think you are right to do so.
I don’t think you are right to do so. (不用I think you aren’t right to do so.)
3. with (使用有形的工具或器官)
e.g. We work with our hands (器官)
This pair of shoes is made by hand. (手工)
1. 辨析watch,look,look at与see
look at是由动词look和介词at组成的词组,后面可以带宾语,侧重“看”的动作。
2. call v.
call sb. 给......打电话 call +某人+ at +电话号码(用这个号码打电话给某人)
Please call John at 035-7328. 请打0357328找约翰。
eg: They call me Tina. 他们叫我蒂娜。
3. 辨析every day和everyday
every day 是副词词组,在句子中间做状语,表示“每天,天天”。
We speak English everyday.
Let’s learn some everyday English.
4. 辨析everyone和every one
Is everyone here today? 今天大家都来了吗?
every one既可以指人,也可以指物,可与介词of连用。
Every one of us has a chance to speak at the meeting.
5. 辨析look for与find
look for意为“寻找”,指有目的的找,强调“寻找”这一动作。
What are you looking for?你在找什么?
I’m looking for my bike.我在找我的自行车。
I’m looking for my bag, but I can’t find it. 我找我的书包,但我没找到。
辨析talk, speak, tell与say
talk意为“谈话;讲话”,如果只有一方对另一方说话时,一般用talk to,如果双方或多方交谈时,多用talk with。
speak意为“说话;讲话”,后面常接语言。speak to 意为“和… …谈话、讲话”
tell意为“告诉;讲述”。tell sb. sth. 告知某人某事
tell sb. to do sth.告诉某人去做某事
tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事
say 意为“说”,后常跟说话内容。
lost and found box
look for 寻找
由于for是介词,所以后面要接名词或代词作宾语,look for sth.意为“寻找某物”,使用时注意,look for不能分开使用。
They are looking for their phones, cameras, watches, computers and many other things. 他们正在寻找他们的电话、照相机、手表、电脑和其他许多东西。
注意:find 强调“找”的结果,而look for 强调“找”的过程。
I’m looking for my watch, but can’t find it. 我在找我的手表,但是找不到.
in a hurry匆匆忙忙地
介词短语,hurry动词短语用“hurry up”来表示“赶快,赶紧”,“(there’s) no hurry”意为“不忙,不必着急,有充裕时间……”。
There is no hurry, so do it slowly and carefully. 不必赶时间,要慢慢地,认真地完成任务。
We must hurry up if we want to be there on time. 如果想准时到那里的话,我们就必须动作快点。
Here is / are … 这儿有……,……在这儿(用于刚找到某人或某物时)是一个完全倒装句结构,当主语为代词时部分倒装。
eg:Here is the address. 这是那里的地址。
如: my pen我的钢笔 your bag你的书包 his bike他的自行车 her desk她的书桌 its name它的名字
Is that your bike? 那是你的自行车吗?
Those are our books. 那些是我们的书。
如果名词前有形容词性物主代词,就不能同时用冠词(a, an, the)或指示代词(this, that,these, those)修饰此名词。
如: his English books 他的英语书 their Chinese friends 他们的中国朋友
(2)名词性的物主代词相当于一个名词,在句中作主语、表语或宾语,能单独使用。名词性物主代词 =相应的形容词性物主代词+名词
1. whose一般是就物主代词或名词所有格提问。
(1)提问部分作定语时,用“Whose +名词+一般疑问句?”结构。
It’s my shirt.→Whose shirt is it?
2) 提问部分作表语时,用“Whose +一般疑问句?”结构。
The shirt is mine. →Whose is the shirt?
Words and expressions in Module 1 单词表 drive驾驶
drove(drive的过去式)驾驶 player演奏者 office办公室 fish捕鱼,钓鱼
Words and expressions in Module 1单词表 sausage香肠
fish and chips炸鱼加炸薯条 traditional传统的 dish食品,菜肴 delicious美味的 chicken鸡肉
Words and expressions in Module 3单词表 DVD数字化视频光盘
librarian图书馆管理员;图书馆馆长 show给(某人)看 borrow借入,借来
Words and expressions in Module 4 sent(send的过去式)寄,发送 American美国的;美国人的 read(read的过去式)阅读
interesting令人感兴趣的;有趣的 season季节 snow雪
Words and expressions in Module 5 How much...?......多少钱? light轻的
sales assistant售货员,营业员 carry提;抱;扛;背;搬 pound英镑
over在......上方,在......的上面 shoulder 肩,肩膀
Words and expressions in Module 6 build建造
thousand(数字)一千 circle圆,圆形 answer答案 hope希望 so如此,这样 get到达(某地)hour小时
amazing令人吃惊的 take搭乘,乘坐 short短暂的,短期的 helicopter直升机
Words and expressions in Module 7 evening傍晚,晚上 actor演员
busy忙的,忙碌的 quarter一刻钟
Words and expressions in Module 8 Chinese中国人
drew(draw的过去式)绘画,画 piece张,片,块
painted(paint的过去式)给......涂颜料 scissors(常复)剪刀 stick棍,棒
tied(tie的过去式)扎上,系上 string线,绳
Words and expressions in Module 9 theatre剧院
women(woman的复数形式)女人 told(tell的过去式)口述,讲 joke笑话
funny滑稽的,可笑的 show演出,表演
put(put的过去式)放置 history历史;历史学 subject学科,科目
Words and expressions in Module 10 ticket票 passport护照
leave离开,动身 July七月 August八月
1.Lost and found box 失物招领箱 1.Go over 复习
2.Welcome back 欢迎回来 2.see a movie 看电影
3.First of all 首先 3.help with the housework 帮忙做家务
4.Here is/are...这有...4.have a piano lesson 上钢琴课
5.From now on 从现在开始 5.at the weekend 在周末
6.Be careful with 小心保管 6.have a picnic 野餐
7.Whose bag 谁的包 7.on Saturday morning 在周六上午
8.Talk to sb.与某人交谈 8.join us 加入到我们中来
9.Mobile phone 移动电话,手机 9.in the park 在公园
10.Get on 上车(get off 下车)10.do one’s homework 做某人的家庭作业
11.Two thousand 两千(thousands of 数以千计11.stay at home alone 独自待在家里的...)12.look forward to 盼望
12.Look for 寻找 13.get up late 起床晚
13.At the moment 现在 14.enjoy oneself 过得愉快
14.In a hurry 匆忙地 15.read a book 读书
15.A lot of 许多,大量 16.May Day(Labor Day)五一劳动节
16.Hundreds of 数以百计的 17.on 2nd May 在五月二日
17.On the train在火车上 18.go swimming 去游泳
18.Every day 每天 19.take a walk 散步
19.Such as 例如 20.collect litter in the park 在公园里收集垃圾
20.Make a list of 列一张...的清单 21.go sightseeing 观光
21.Ask/answer questions 问/回答问题 22.spend time with family and friends 与家人和朋 友们一起度过时光
23.make some new friends 结交一些朋友 1.Table tennis 乒乓球 24.at home 在家
2.Play the piano 弹钢琴 25.in the morning of 1st May 在五月一日的上午
3.Play table tennis 打乒乓球 26.go on summer camp 去夏令营
4.Ride a bike 骑自行车 27.on the beach 在海滩上
5.Speak Chinese说汉语 28.listen to music听音乐
6.Would like to do sth.想要做某事 29.travel around the world 环游世界
7.Worry about 担心 30.play computer games 玩电脑游戏
8.Play football 踢足球 31.stay in bed 待在床上
9.The Music Club音乐俱乐部 32.make plans 制定计划
10.Get on well with sb.与某人相处融洽 33.go for a walk 去散步
11.In the school team 在校队 34.have fun 玩得愉快
12.Work very hard 学习非常努力13.Be sure 确信的 14.Be ready to do sth.准备做某事 1.in the future 将来
15.Make our classroom beautiful 使我们的教室漂2.ask questions 问问题
亮 3.carry lots of books 搬许多书
16.Be good at sth.擅长做某事 4.by Internet 通过因特网
17.Fly a kite放风筝 5.in 20 years’ time 在20年后的时间
18.Swim well 游泳游的好 6.be able to 能够
19.Make a poster 制作海报 7.study at home 在家学习
8.not…any more 不再
9.get information on the Internet 在网上得到信息
10.free time 空闲时间
11.traffic jam 交通堵塞 12.the sea level 海平面 13.in spring 在春天 14.a kind of…一种 15.cold wind 冷风 16.not only…but also…不但…而且… 17.as well 也,又 18.on farm在农场 19.play with 与…一起 20.in the air 在空中 21.light rain 小雨 22.write down 写下,记下1.clothes shop服装店 2.half price 半价 3.try on 试穿 4.shop worker 店员 5.too much 太多 6.Mother’s Day 母亲节 7.wait a minute 等一下 8.pay for 付钱 9.change one’s life 改变一个人的生活10.go out 出去 11.online shopping 网上购物 12.one day 一天 13.no one 没有人 14.at any time 在任何时候 15.because of 由于 16.the price of …的价格 17.one of …中的一个 18.save money省钱 19.and so on 等等 20.shopping list 购物单1.get to 到达 2.on the left 在左边 3.in front of 在…的前面 4.near here 在这附近5.the way to 去…的路 6.over there 在那里 7.turn left 向左转 8.take the underground 乘地铁 9.get off 下车 10.begin with 以…开始 11.the middle of ……的中间 12.from home to school 从家到学校 13.on the map 在地图上 14.on a clear day 在晴朗的一天 15.next to 紧挨着 16.post office 邮局 17.at the cinema 在电影院 18.at the end of the street 在路的尽头 19.bus stop 公共汽车站1.primary school 小学 2.the name of …的名字 3.be born 出生于 4.in England 在英格兰
5.in Shanxi Province 在山西省 6.quite difficult 非常困难 7.on the east coast of America 在美国东海岸 8.twelve years ago 12年前 9.lots of things to do 许多事情要做 10.last year 去年 11.last weekend 上周末 12.from…to…从…到…1.once upon a time 从前 2.in the forest 在森林里 3.look into 向…里面看去 4.knock on the door 敲门 5.a girl with hair of gold 一个留着金色头发的女孩 6.push the door 推开门 7.go for a walk 去散步 8.pick up 捡起,拾起 9.pick some flowers 摘一些花 10.look around 环视,四下张望 11.in pieces 破碎
12.at first 首先,最初 13.sit down 坐下 14.point at 指着 15.walk into the bedroom 走进卧室 16.jump out of bed 跳下床 17.be asleep 睡着 18.go home 回家 19.change into 变成… 20.again and again 一遍又一遍 21.around the world 全世界 22.begin with 以…开始
1.at the age of 在…岁时 1.body language 身体语言 2.Spring Festive 春节 2.touch noses 碰鼻子 3.Teachers’ Day 教师节 3.nod head 点头 4.be difficult from 与…不同 4.best friend 最好的朋友 5.Women’s Day 妇女节 5.shake hands 握手 6.find out 发现 6.film star 电影明星 7.National Day 国庆节 7.each other 互相 8.on the Internet 在网上 8.foreign student 外国学生 9.Children’s Day 儿童节 9.in fact 事实上 10.as well 也 10.stand close to 站得近11.New Year’s Day 新年 11.be late for class 上课迟到 12.leave school 离开学校 12.move away 离开,搬走 13.Labour Day 劳动节 13.eat candy 吃糖果 14.in many other language 用许多其他的语言 14.be careful 小心 15.half an hour 半小时 15.class rule 班规 16.half past five 五点半 16.listen to 听 17.be worth doing 值得做 17.stand in line 站成一排 18.get married 结婚 18.enter the lab alone 独自进入实验室19.on time 准时,按时
20.hold on to 抓紧 1.go there 去那里2.go back to our family home 回到我们家 MODULE 12 Western Music 3.go swimming 去游泳 1.Beijing Opera 京剧 4.get there 到那儿 2.the capital of Austria 奥地利首都 5.movie star 电影明星 3.think about 认为,考虑 6.a special holiday 一个特殊的假期 4.pop music 流行音乐 7.at the airport 在机场 5.Western Music西方音乐 8.Pacific Ocean 太平洋 6.dance to 随着…跳舞 9.this year 今年 7.the center of …的中心 10.have a good time 玩得高兴 8.European classical music 欧洲古典音乐 11.be with sb.和某人一起 9.on the river 坐落在…河畔 12.on holiday 度假 10.hundreds of wonderful pieces of music 数以百13.by plane 坐飞机 计的美妙的乐曲 14.such as 例如 11.play music 演奏音乐 15.the day before yesterday 前天 12.traditional music 传统音乐 16.take a walk 散步 13.take place 发生 17.begin our tour of the city 开始这个城市的旅行 14.at the same time 同时 18.the Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔 15.watch it on TV在电视上观看 19.many world-famous works of art 许多世界著名16.types of music 音乐的类型的艺术品 17.the rest of 其余的 20.first of all 首先 18.in the last ten years 在过去的十年里 21.wait in line 排队等候 19.at that time 在那时
22.at the station 在车站
23.do different things 做不同的事情 24.spend all day 花整天时间