占地约4hm2的校园将容纳4 000名学生以及1 000名教师,建设使用了超过130万个木材块和足够建造8个奥运会游泳池的混凝土。
Stanton Williams建筑师事务所合伙人Paul Williams说:“能够参与重新赋予Granary大楼生命这一雄心勃勃的计划是十分难得的机会。我们从它极为鲜明的维多利亚建筑风格及尺度找寻设计灵感,并且引入极富现代感的元素,通过诸多细节的处理实现了过去与现在的共存与对比。让4 000名学生在这座曾经废弃的建筑中开展日常生活的构想太有挑战性,我们的设计目标在于创造出一个可以转变的舞台、一个能根据学生和老师需要协调安排的空间框架,各专业之间产生新的互动与干预、机会和实验。中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院将开启这所有的可能。”
To the no rth o f Ki ng’s Cro ss a nd St P a n c r as International railway stations,67-acres of derelict land are bei ng transformed i n what is o ne of Eur o p e’s l arg e s t u r b a n r e g e n e r at i o n p r o j e c t s.T h e result will be a vibrant mixed-use quarter,at the phys i c al a nd c re ativ e he art o f whi c h w ill b e the new University of the Arts London campus,home of Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design.
St anto n Willi ams’de sig n for the£200m ne w c ampus u nite s the c o lle g e’s activ itie s u nder o ne roof for the first time.It provides Central Saint Martins with a substantial new building,connected atits southern end to the Granary Building,a rugged survivor of the area’s industrial past.The result is a state-of-the-art facility that not only functions as a practical solution to the college’s needs but also aims to stimulate creativity,dialogue and student collaboration.A stage for transformation,a framewo rk o f fle xi ble spac e s that c a n b e o r c he strate d a nd tr a nsfo rme d o v e r time by st aff a nd stude nts where new interactions and interventions,chance a n d e x p e r i m e n t at i o n c a n c r e at e t h at s l i p-s t e am between disciplines,enhancing the student experie n c e.T h e c o mi ng to g e the r o f all the s c ho o l s o f Central Saint Martins will open up that potential.
The Granary Building itself has been restored as t h e m ai n‘fro nt’o f t h e c o ll e g e,f a c i ng a n e w p u b l i c s q u a r e t h a t s t e p s d o w n t o t h e R e g e n t’s Canal.The buildi ng was de sig ned i n 1851 to receive grain from the wheat fields of Lincolnshire u n l o a d e d h e r e f r o m r a i l w a y w a g o n s o n t o c a n a l boats for o nward transport to the capital’s bakeri e s.I t c o mpr i s e s a so l i d,s i x-sto r e y c ub i c m as s with an unadorned,50-metre wide brick elevation extended to 100-metres by office additions flanking the building.To the north,located one to each side of the Granary Building,are two parallel 180m e t r e s l o n g Tr a n s i t S h e d s.T h e d e s i g n s t r at e g y retai ns the Granary Buildi ng,adapted to i nclude functio ns such as the college’s library,while the Eastern Transit Shed behind is converted to create spectacular workshops for the college.Within the street-level openings of the Western Transit Shed new shops and bars will add further life to the area The historic horse stables below the Eastern Transit Sheds have bee n transformed to new cycle stores for students and staff.
The bulk of the college’s accommodation,however,is located in a major addition to the site,two substanti al new studio buildi ngs that o c c upy the space between the two transit sheds and which at the North e nd of the site prese nt a co ntemporary elevation to the surrounding area.The scale of the new addition responds closely to that of the Granary Building,essentially continuing its massing along the length of the site.It rises above the level of the transit sheds,using contemporary materials so that it will stand,beacon-like,as a symbol of the college’s presence within this rapidly-evolving part of London.The two new four storey studio buildings ar e arr a n g e d at e i t h e r s i d e o f a c o v e r e d c e nt r al‘street’,some 110m long,12m wide and 20m high,covered by a translucent ETFE roof and punctuated by a regular rhythm of service cores that ac commodate lifts,stairs and toilets.At the northern end,a new centre for the Performing Arts will house a fully equipped theatre complete with fly-tower as well as rehearsal and teaching spaces.
T h e i n t e r n al‘s t r e e t’h a s b e e n c o n c e i v e d a s a dynamic area,an are na for stude nt life,akin to the much-loved stair at the centre of the college’s previous main building.Bridges linking the various cores and workspaces cross it,offering break-out are as for meeti ng,relaxi ng and people-w atchi ng and exchanging ideas.The street will be used for exhibitio ns,fashio n shows and performances,the spaces being large enough to build temporary pavilions for example.Viewing points allow students t o w at c h o t h e r s w o r k i ng o r p e rfo rm i n g,a nd t h e work of other discipli nes c an be see n and exhibited.
A t t h e s o u t h e r n e n d o f t h e n e w b l o c k a n d running parallel with the north end of the Granary Building is a second covered‘street’,offering public access through this part of the building interior.Lifts risi ng through this space re c all the vertic al mo v e me nt o f g r ai n,w hi c h g av e t he c o mple x i t s original purpose.Flooring details either retain existing turntables or hint at their historic location,while within the Granary Building itself,the hoists have been retained,crowning a newly inserted lightwell.Simple glazing maintain the integrity of the unbroken openings,rhythmically punctuating the Granary Building’s main facade.
T h e£2 0 0 m c a m p u s b r i n g s t o g e t h e r 4,0 0 0C e n t r a l S a i n t M a r t i n s s t u d e n t s a n d 1,000 s t a ff under one roof.It is made up of:10 acres of floor space,over 1.3 million timber blocks,enough concrete to fill eight Olympic swimming pools.
‘It has been a privilege to work on such an ambitious scheme that will bring life back to the Granary Complex.Our design draws inspiration from the ambition and scale of its Victorian architectural setting and introduces a strong contemporary intervention that celebrates the juxtaposition of old and new in its detailing.The thought of 4,000 students inhabiting this once redundant and isolated building on a daily basis is breathtaking.Our consistent a i m h a s r e a l l y b e e n t o c r e at e a s t a g e f o r t r a n sformatio n,a framework of spaces that can be orchestrated and transformed over time by staff and students where new interactions and interventions,chance and e xperime ntatio n c an cre ate that slipsteam between disciplines.The coming together of all the schools of Central Saint Martins will open up that potential.’Paul Williams.
设计单位:Stanton Williams
建筑设计:Stanton Williams
结构设计:Scott Wilson
环境/机电工程:Atelier 10
照明设计:Spiers and Major
工料测量师/雇主代理商:Davis Langdon
景观设计:Townsend Landscape Architects.
图纸版权:Stanton Williams
据2021年4月学校官网显示,中央美术学院教学科研面积共占地495亩,总建筑面积24.7万平方米。其中望京校区占地205亩, 建筑面积14.4万平方米;燕郊校区占地205亩,建筑面积6.8万平方米;后沙峪校区占地67亩,建筑面积2.9万平方米; 小营校区占地18亩,建筑面积0.6万平方米;下设8个专业分院,有22个本科专业;有各类在校生6425人,其中本科生3464人,硕士研究生1161人,博士研究生213人,留学生215人。
排 名 | 高校名称 | 开此专业学校数 |
1 | 华东师范大学 | 30 |
2 | 厦门大学 | 30 |
3 | 四川美术学院 | 30 |
4 | 重庆师范大学 | 30 |
5 | 西安美术学院 | 30 |
6 | 新疆艺术学院 | 30 |
7 | 南京艺术学院 | 30 |
8 | 厦门华厦学院 | 30 |
9 | 贵州师范学院 | 30 |
10 | 重庆第二师范学院 | 30 |
11 | 宁德师范学院 | 30 |
12 | 广州美术学院 | 30 |
13 | 内蒙古科技大学 | 30 |
14 | 豫章师范学院 | 30 |
15 | 云南经济管理学院 | 30 |
本专业培养具有良好思想道德品质、扎实的艺术学科的基本理论与技能,能在基 础教育学校和社会教育机构从事艺术教育、管理、交流和科研等方面工作的复合型人才。
Star Wars is shooting here.
A short time from now in a film studio downthe M4... JJ Abrams will film Star Wars: Episode VII at Pinewood Studios. Indeed, all the Star Wars films were shot at least partially here. Why here?Size matters: Pinewood’s 007 stage is one of theworld’s biggest—59, 000 square feet. It also havesome of the best technicians in the biz.
Here’s got superheroes.
Now if you need someone to save the planet, who are you gonna call? A Brit, that’s who. Chris-tian Bale as Batman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man, James McAvoy asProfessor X... Though let’s not forget just howgood Brits are at being bad. Tom Hardy1, AlfredMolina, Ian McKellen2and Ralph Fiennes have allimperiled us with their doomsday devices, magicalpowers or wild overacting.
1. 汤姆·哈迪曾在《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》中饰演大反派贝恩 (Bane) 。
2. 伊恩·麦克莱恩曾出演《指环王》中的甘道夫。
Here’s got great locations.
From palaces to wasteland, London meets alllocation needs. Christopher Nolan created a Gotham City3police station in a Clerkenwell warehouse, and the French Tricolour billowed proudly fromGreenwich’s Old Royal Naval College standing infor the Bastille in Les Mis. Right now, Ridley Scottis shooting his Moses epic, Exodus, at Pinewood.
3. 哥潭市是美国DC漫画公司漫画中出现的一个虚拟城市, 它最为人知的是蝙蝠侠的故乡。
Directors love here.
So many Hollywood hotshots have filmedmovies here in recent years that baseball capsales are up 42.7 percent. Big-name visitorsinclude: Ron Howard (Rush) , Steven Spielberg (War Horse) , Martin Scorsese (Hugo) , Clint East-wood (Hereafter) and Woody Allen (Match Point) .
The LFF4is where it’s at.
Yes, the Cannes Film Festival is full ofstars, but the LFF programmers seek out thebest films to showcase each autumn. Plusthere’s no VIP nonsense here: the festival isopen to everyone so you see the hottest filmsmonths before release.
4. LFF即英国电影协会举办的伦敦电影节 (London Film Festival) 。
Here export the best filmmakers.
The city’s movie directors are more indemand than Benedict Cumberbatch5at acasting call for“nervy, flawed true-life he-roes”. Mile End resident Danny Boylestormed India with Slumdog Millionaire.Now Steve McQueen has made 12 Years a Slave in the US’s Deep South6, and the up-coming Mandela biopic has been directedin South Africa by Brit Justin Chadwick, starring Hackney-born Idris Elba.
5. 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇是英国广播公司 (BBC) 迷你剧《神探夏洛克》中夏洛克的扮演者。