Do you think history is important?
What historical event do you find most interesting?
Do you think the Internet is a good place to learn about history?
说到历史,我们并不陌生,因为几乎每个人从小就学习历史。According to Wikipedia, History is the study of the past, particularly how it relates to humans. 也就是说,历史是对过去的研究,尤其是和人相关的研究。
历史在人类社会的发展过程中,起到至关重要的作用。它告诉我们我们是谁,我们来自哪;它让我们穿越时间和空间去思考过去发生了什么,我们从中能学到什么;它使我们更好的了解这个世界。The history plays a vital role in the development of society. It gives us an insight into who we are and where we come from; it helps us stretch our perspective across time and space to think about what happened in the past and what we can learn from the past; it provides us with a chance to understand the world.
1. Do you like to learn about history?
这是一道喜欢或者不喜欢类的题目,首先我们来学习一下表达‘喜欢’的语言,题目中的like可以替换成be interested in; be into; be fond of; 或者用I find something interesting.不喜欢除了用dislike以外,还可以替换成hate; loathe; be fed up with; be sick of.
关于这道题,通常情况下,我们会回答喜欢,或者不喜欢。注意,答案尽量以Yes, I do.的形式出现,而不是单独的yes。同时也可以替换成Yes, very much so; Yes, definitely; Yes, absolutely等表达。同样,否定的答案,可以用Not really; Not exactly; 或者是,No, it’s not my kind of thing来代替。
若该题目的答案是喜欢,那么我们需要在表明倾向后加以解释,通常是给出原因或例子。除了以上所讲到的历史的作用外,喜欢了解历史的原因还可以是:The historical events are very interesting(历史事件非常有趣);It can make us wise(使人明智)等。
若回答不喜欢,则也须讲明原因,或者讲明不喜欢的地方在哪。这里推荐给考生一个加分的表达:to have a love-hate relationship with something,意思是说对某物或是某件事情既爱又恨。回想我们不喜欢历史的原因,可能更多的是因为我们不喜欢以背诵为主的历史考试,而非我们对历史事件真的不感兴趣。(I’m more interested in historical stories rather than in details of names, dates and places.)
范例1: Yes, very much so. I’d say history is my real love. You know, it’s easy for me to get lost while reading historical books or watching some documentaries. I find history very interesting, mainly because it helps me stretch my perspective across time and space to think about what happened in the past and how our ancestors experienced things.
范例2: Well, to be honest, I have a love-hate relationship with history, generally because I’m much into the stories and the insights it gives me into the past, but I’m really struggling in the history exams which are usually centered around dates, names and places.
2. Do you think history is important?
It allows people to understand how culture, politics, economy, society and values developed. (它使得人们了解文化,政治,经济,社会以及价值是如何发展的)
History not only deals with the past but also with how the past led to the present. (历史不仅是关于过去,还关于过去如何导致了现在)
It tells us what happened in the past, so that we avoid repeating mistakes. (他告诉我们过去发生了什么,以帮助我们避免重复错误)
范例:Yes, I think so. History not only deals with the past, but also with how the past led to the present. So it allows people to understand how culture, politics, society and values developed. More importantly, since it tells us what happened in the past, we could avoid repeating mistakes.
3. Do you think you can learn history from films or TV programs?
了解历史的方式有很多,比如看电影,读书,看纪录片,参观历史景点,上历史课等。(There are many ways to learn about history, such as watching films, reading books, watching documentaries, visiting historical sites, and attending history classes. )。至于哪一种才是了解历史最好的方式(the best way to learn history),每个人心中的答案各不相同。
这道题目是问,我们是否可以通过看电影或者电视节目这种方式来了解历史。目前,我们的电影类型有很多,比如comedy(喜剧),action movies(动作片),science fiction films(科幻片),martial arts films(功夫片),romance films(爱情片),war movies(战争片)等等,至于电视节目,种类更是繁多,常见的有reality shows(真人秀),talent search(选人才节目),talk shows(谈话类节目),variety shows(文艺晚会),sitcoms(情景喜剧)等等。这些影片或者电视节目多多少少的涉及了一些历史,然而它们的主要目的还是以娱乐和教育为主(entertaining and educational),以讲述历史为目的还要属documentaries(纪录片)。
回到题目,这是一道是非疑问类的题目,我们的答案可以是肯定的,否定的或者不一定的。然而通过上面的分析,这道题目回答No或It depends可能更容易一些。原因可能是有些电影或是电视节目会根据剧情需要对历史进行改编(Some historical events might be rewritten by editors to satisfy the plot),每部电影或者电视节目会站在各自不同的角度看待历史,我们容易受电影或节目中人物和剧情的影响(They may show the history from different perspectives, so that we are easy to be influenced by the characters and plots.),因此我们并不总是能够从电影和电视节目中了解到历史,然而记录片除外,因为其涉及的内容主要是历史或科学(Documentaries mainly deal with history or science)。因此,从纪录片中,我们比较容易了解真正的历史。
范例:It depends. It depends on what the movie or program is. I mean, we usually watch some movies and TV programs in which some historical events are rewritten to satisfy the plots. In this case, I don’t think we can learn the real history. However, we may learn some from documentaries, which are particularly deal with historical issues or science.
4. Do you think the Internet is a good place to learn about history?
同样,这也是一道是非疑问类的题目,无论我们的答案是肯定的还是否定的,都需要有充分的支持。例如,这道题目你可以回答‘是’(Yes, I think so; Yes I guess so; Yes sort of),然后在给出理由,可以是网络资源充分,且免费,查阅方便等等(give a convenient access to information on almost everything)。所以你经常到什么样的网站上去浏览什么样的历史知识。
除此之外,你还可以给出否定的答案(No, I don’t think so; No, I don’t think it’s necessarily the case.),然后给出原因,可能是因为网络信息并不总是可靠或者客观(not always reliable or objective),也可能是因为网络当中充斥着大量的误导或虚假或歪曲的信息(be awash with some misleading or false or distorted information),还有可能是因为网络上信息量过于庞大导致很难找到真正有用可靠的信息(With so much information in the website, people may find it difficult to search for the useful and reliable information which they really need)。因此我们应当慎重使用网络信息(be careful in using the information on the internet)
范例1:Yes, I guess so. It’s mainly because the Internet gives us a convenient access to information on almost everything we need. So I usually go to some news and education websites to read some information about history or other things.
1, Whatsubject are you studying?
My major is financial management in Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade.2,Why did you chose the major?
Frankly speaking, I chose the major as my parents’requirement ,for they think this major can bring me a promising future which is very popular nowadays.3,DO many people from your country choose this subject? Of course!You even can’t believe how popular it is!And I think the reasons are that this subject will be in great demand in the future and you will get satisfying pay from this kind of job.4, Why did you chose this university?
To be honest, my university is not a keystone university in china.But it earns a good reputation with great learning atmosphere and thoughtful , knowledgeable professors.So I believe I can learn a lot and will have a bright future after graduating from this university.5,What’s the most important part of your subject?
I think the most important part of my subject is acquiring skills for life.You learn professional knowledge concerning about your future work.6,Do you have any recreational activities at your university? Certainly,I do.In my opinion, university is not only a place where you can
gain knowledge,but also a channel help you exercise ability and open your mind.So I take part in lots of extra-curricular activities to rich my after school time.Such as find a part time job, do volunteer work and tour through Shanghai etc.7,What do you hope to do when you finish your studies?
I have a dream that I can study in London Institute of Politics and Economy one day.So I’ll go further study without second thought to realize my dream.二,Work
1,What job do you want to do ?What is nature of that work? I want to be an accountant who accounts business and manages the company’s property.2,Why do you want to choose that job ?
Because my major is financial management and this kind of job can make full use of my knowledge got from university.三,Hometown
1, Where do you come from?
I’m from a coastal city called Zhejiang which is next to Shanghai.My
hometown is a medium sized city but the living environment is a little noisy with the bumper-to-bumper traffic.What’s more, in recent years, the economy of my hometown is growing fast which attracts a great number of non-natives.2,What tourist attractions are there in your hometown? Because my hometown is located near the sea, so it’s famous for coastal views.You can see lots of aquariums and ocean parks.In addition, many beautiful mountains stand around the city where you can enjoy wonderful mountain scenes.3,Is your hometown famous for anything?
Despite the sea views, my hometown is rich in history too.Many famous poets and writers are from my hometown.Such as Zhuziqing ,Taoyuanming,etc.4,Is your hometown a good place for young people?
Of course!As for entertainment, my hometown has many interesting aquariums and ocean parks which attract children’s attention a lot.What’s more, you can also find the beaches of my hometown are very fascinating and worth a visit.As for education, my hometown which is historical has many schools and can provide children a good studying environment.四,Living
1,What kind of place do you live in?
I live in a three-bedroom apartment with my parents.2,Do you plan to live there for a long time ?
Yes,I do, I love my living place very much.My apartment besides a beautiful lake and lots of green trees stand around it.So the environmentis very peace, you can breathe fresh air, hear pleasant songs of birds and enjoy wonderful view outside the window.What’s more, my apartment is spacious and well-furnished.If have a chance, it’s my honor to invite you to pay a visit to my house!
3,What kind of housing is the most popular in china? I think is the condo which mainly serves to white-collars and students.4,Are the transport facilities to your home very good? Yes.Although my home is between the city center and my college, where many cars passing by every day.The transport facilities are well-maintained and there is a traffic police standing especially rainy days.5,Is there anything you don’t like about the place where you live?
Yes, nothing is the most perfect.Just as I mentioned, my apartment is near a big lake which is so wet that at times you’ll find some uninvited guests such as house lizards which make me crazy and scared!
1,Does your name have any special meaning?
Yes, my given name is BeiRou.You should separate it to understand.First,”Bei”is “Beilei” in Chinese means a bud.It stands for a new life, hope and power.Second,”Rou” is “Wenrou” in Chinese means gentle.My parents hope me can be a girl like flower soft, gentle and full of hope and power.They believe one day I’ll blossom my own beauty and fragrance.2,What name do people at home call you ?
They call me “Rourou” for short.They think is very pleasant to hear.3,How are babies given their names in China?
Giving babies names is a very important and serious thing in China.People show particular concern for the meaning, form and sound of the words when they name children.What’s more, names often carry the parents’ wish and pursuit.4,Do people in China ever change their names?
Yes, in some occasions.For example, when a couple divorced and child is raised by mother.Then probably the child will be changed his family name.Besides, if a person thinksthat his name brings him bad luck or hinder their career progress then a fortune teller is often consulted to
change the name.六,Housework
1,Do you usually do any housework?
To be honest, I do housework sometimes not often.And I usually sweep the floor, do the dishes and make the bed.2,What housework do you least like doing?
I hate mapping the floor.My house has wooden floor which is easy to
3,Who usually does the housework in your home?
4,When you were a child,did you ever do any housework?
首先,准备雅思口语真题前,一定要做好审题,先来看一下题目:Describe something important that you lost,确定话题核心要点:丢的是什么?什么时候丢的?为什么会丢,结果找回来了吗?丢了或捡回来了之后是什么感觉?然后我们来分析一下细节,你丢失的一定是一件重要的东西,可能是价值昂贵或者有特殊纪念价值。虽然这是一道物品类话题,但考生可以用叙述方式来描述,最终的结果:丢了会难过;找回来失而复得的惊喜。这样话题内容就变得很丰富,考生可以从不同的侧重点来描述话题,而不是简单的流水账。小站雅思君建议:雅思口语话题如何说的动人,吸引人一定程度上会影响口语分数,同时,口语话题的连贯性也方便考生备考记忆话题。
I like sunshine, definitely. In fact, summer is my favorite season of the year when we can get more sunshine than in the other seasons. There are just so many things that I can do when it’s sunny.
2. Do you prefer to live in a place where there’s more sunshine or less?
I would obviously choose to live in a place with a lot of sunshine. It’s not to say that I don’t like places where it’s dark or gloomy most of the time. I wouldn’t mind visiting them for a change but to live in those places, I don’t think so.
3.Do you think there are any dangers from sunshine?
Well, as far as I’m aware, too much exposure to the sun can do some certain damage to the skin and it can even cause skin cancer. And also, even though I love sunshine, I try to avoid being in direct sunlight for too long, otherwise I’ll feel dizzy or dehydrated.
4. What benefits can we get from the sun?
There are lots of benefits we can get from the sun. The most obvious benefit is life itself. Without sunshine, there would be no life on Earth. There are also several health benefits of getting enough natural sunlight on a regular basis. It’s believed to promote both your well-being and your level of happiness.
5. Do you like going outside on sunny days?
I love hanging out in parks and other open spaces when it’s sunny. This kind of weather is ideal for outdoor activities so I rarely stay inside on sunny days. If I do, I’ll feel like I’m missing out on something.
6. What things are hard to do in sunshine?
Well, there are not many things that I can think of that you can’t do in sunshine. I mean, if you’re into something like dancing or taking a walk in the rain, no, you can’t do it on sunny days but apart from those things, you can do literally anything else in sunshine.
7. Does sunshine change your mood ?
记住很多帖子把part 2 的每一部分都总结的很长,没有必要,你只要一个核心词,举个例子:
描述一个 Describe a historical building/an interesting old(traditioanl)building in your country?
Where is it located?
What is it used for?
Explain why you think it is the most interesting?
太罗嗦,浓缩为一句话,历史古迹,完了,明白了么?你以最简单的方式归纳核心词,这样下来part 2的topic依然在8-90个,然后就开始归类。
You should say:
What it was about
When you made it
How it worked
And how you felt about the result
雅思口语思路:按照‘现在时-过去时-将来时’的结构去完成这个part 2 话题。
误区:不确定时态的时候可以稍微去看一下you should say部分,给自己一些提示。比如这里一看大部分都是过去时态,那个整个的内容应该就是过去的计划。
most of the time 大部分时候
study related 与学习相关的
a plan of mine 我的计划
guide book 导游书
totally on my own 完全靠自己
book hotel rooms 订酒店
a guided tour group 旅行团
do a lot of research 做很多研究
all sorts of information 各种信息
be desperate to know 急切的想知道
have a blast 很开心
You should say:
What the song or music is
What kind of song or music it is
Where you first heard it
And explain why you like it
speaking of/when it comes the music I like, there are varieties of genres in my collection
these music cater my broad range of my taste on music
I love many many many kinds of music
classical music, pop music,
when it comes to my favorite one
I gotta to say “Two of us” from the Beatles
the lyrics of this song is poetic
the rhythm is touching, whenever I heard this song, my tears raining down.
there was one goes like this
you and me have memories, longer than the road stretches ahead
my tears flood when I heard this sentence
this song brought me and my best friend Sherry together.
it was a weekend five years ago, I went to the Bar we are usually going.
we ordered the same beverage, and the air was floating this song,
by coincidence, we somehow sang this song at the same time, without caring people staring at us with confusion.
then, we start to say hello and ask where are you from, etc…
it happened that we came from the same town, both of love Mexican food, woo…..spicy, and cha…cha…
since then, in this huge and strange city, we found each other, you know, like the “soul mate” kind.
living in a strange place, like this ridiculous city, I was lonely and there was hole deep deep inside. But Sherry is like Angel, brings light into my shadow of darkness of my life. Her friendship help me kill loneliness and homesick.
oops, it seems that I went way too far.
talking about this song, I couldn’t help to think of Sherry and how we met.
yeah, I belief that’s the main reason I like this song.
Describe a favorite song of yours
You should say:
What this song is about
When you listened to this song for the first time
How often you listen to this song
And explain why you think it is your favorite
A favorite song of mine is Pengyou, which is from Zhou Huajian, who was a very well-known Chinese singer in the 90s and still is. This song is all about friendship. Just like the lyrics said, friends, we walk together always.
I can’t remember when I listened to this song for the first time. It was definitely very long time ago, maybe when I was in the primary school? The moment I heard the song, I was kind of fascinated by the rhythm and the lyrics. Never had I heard such a pure and positive song at that time. Another song that also made me feel good was called TONGYISHOUGE, but you know it’s not as perfect as this one in my mind.
During the preparation for the college entrance exam, I got extremely stressful because of the burden I had from both of my family and my peers. It was this song that really helped me stick to it. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. So, I think the reason why I love this song so much is that this song teaches how to become positive and let me know that I was not alone, I’ve got my friends who would stand by my side always.
Right now, we have so many young and talented pop song singers in China, like TFBoys. But, I still can’t forget those days when I listened to this song and regarded it as a soul companion of mine.
Part 3 追加问题
What type of songs is the most popular among today’s young people in China?
Why do you think pop music is so popular?
What kinds of songs do elders prefer?
Why is square dancing music so loud?
Has your preference in
Describe a song that means something special to you.
You should say:
What this song is about
When you listened to this song for the first time
How often you listen to it
And explain why you think it is special to you.
Sample answer:
In my mind, there is a song I particularly enjoy and it means a lot to me, whose name is the girl next to me. It is a folk song(民谣) sung by Laolang, a famous folk singer in my country popular in young Chinese people in particular, young college students. The singer expresses his missing to the girl sitting at same table of him in his school time. I heard it on a music website for the first time several years ago when I was in my dormitory. I was impressed by the beautiful melody(旋律) and the touching lyrics(歌词) and it is not surprising that the song is very prevalent(流行的) among the young college students like me on campus.
Each time I hear the melody,I will think of the lovely face of my desk mate ,a lovely girl ,in my high school, especially her sweet smile and her limpid(清澈的 )eyes. We have pure friendship then, and we often helped each other. She taught me English and I was better in math. We have much happy time together. After graduating from high school, we separated and communicated with each other once in a while. I wish I can sing the song with her if I have an opportunity and I believe It will be touching picture.
music changed over the years?