福禄寿 福、禄、寿在民间流传为天上三吉星。福,怀抱婴儿表示五福临门;禄,手捧如意寓意高官厚禄;寿,手捧寿桃意为长命百岁。民间喜欢把福禄寿作为生活中象征幸福、吉利、长寿的祝愿。
Ⅱ 应用文写作(40分)
Ⅲ 作文(60分)
back translation回译
Skopos theory目的论
Cultural default 文化欠缺
全国翻译专业资格水平考试CATTI(China accreditation test for translation and interpretation)外语翻译证书考试 NAETI(National Accreditation for Translation and Interpretation)
绿色发展green growth
政府采购government procurement
钓鱼岛Fishing island
开放包容openness and inclusiveness
月光族moonlight clan
十八大the 18th national congress of CPC(the 18th Party Congress)
Etc.Ⅱ 英译中(55分)
在美国领导人中间有大致属于两种经济学派,一类是Jefferson派的小党派经济,另外一类是Hamilton的大型经济论。文章又介绍一个作者在他的 the promise land 一书中谈到了这两种经济类型,并表明他更倾向于 Hamilton 学派。
第三篇是说一个名人给年轻后辈的演讲,大意是为人要温和友善,多听听长辈们的意见。最后一篇是一篇经典的短文是Bertrand Russell
How to Grow Old 的原文
Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age.One of these is undue absorption in the past.It does not do to live in the past.It does not do to live in the memories, in regrets for the good old days, or in sadness about friends who are dead.One’s thoughts must be directed to the future and to things about which there is something to be done.This is not always easy: one’s own past is gradually increasing weight.It is easy to think to oneself that one’s emotions used to be more vivid than they are, and one’s mind keener.If this is true it should be forgotten, and if it is forgotten it will probably not be true.The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of sucking vigor from its vitality.When your children are grown up they want to live their own lives, and if you continue to be as interested in them as you were young, you are likely to become a burden to them, unless they are unusually callous.I do not mean that one should be without interest in them, but one’s interest should be contemplative and,But if you are one of those who are incapable of impersonal interests, you may find that your life will be empty unless you concern yourself with your children and grandchildren.In that case you must realize that while you can still render them material services , such as making them allowance or knitting them jumpers, you must not expect that they will enjoy your company.Ⅳ writing(30分)
国家级英语应用能力B级考试的对象为高等职业技术教育、高等专科教育、成人高等教育和本科办二级技术学院各非英语专业的学生。测试的目的是考核学生的语言知识、语言技能和使用英语处理有关业务和涉外交际的基本能力, 其性质为教学水平测试。考试方式为笔试, 包括五个部分:Listening Practice (15%) , Vocabulary&Structure (15%) , Reading Comprehension (35%) , Translation (20%) , Writing (15%) 。在这五部分中第二部分的Structure重点考察学生的语法知识, 并且为填空题, 共10分。因为大部分高职高专类的学生语法基础较为薄弱, 而填空题也大大降低了侥幸的概率, 因此该题型历来是学生认为的难点部分。本文将结合历年真题重点讲解该类题型的解题思路和应对方法。
结合历年真题不难看出该项语法填空题主要考察学生们对四种词性的掌握, 即名词 (n.) 、形容词 (adj.) 、副词 (adv.) 和动词 (v.) 。因此做语法填空题应首先读懂句子的意思, 结合基本语法初步判断所填词的词性, 然后针对不同的词性考虑具体的形式。以下将结合真题对这四类词性的考点做一一分析。
1、名词 (n.)
名词重点考察学生对词缀知识的掌握, 即常见的名词后缀。如-ment、-tion、-sion、-er、-ty、-ce、-ness、-ism、-ist等。如何判断该空填名词形式具体要看前面的修饰词, 名词往往被形容词 (adj.) 和冠词 (a, the) 修饰, 在具体填空中还要注意单复数的用法。
例1.Tom has made the______ (decide) to apply for a job in the company. (08年6月27题) 。本题考察将动词decide转换成其名词形式decision, 前有the修饰故用其单数形式即可。
例2.The fast___ (develop) of the local economy has caused serious water pollution in this region. (07年12月30题) 本题考察名词后缀-ment。fast为形容词故将动词develop转换成其名词形式development.
例3.Nurses should treat the sick and wounded with great____ (kind) . (06年12月27题) great为形容词故将形容词kind转换成其名词形式kindness, 本题考察了名词词尾-ness。
2、形容词 (adj.)
形容词在该题型的考点主要分为两个方面, 其一和名词一样考察学生对形容词的常见后缀的掌握, 其二则是考察形容词的原形、比较级和最高级的用法。
(1) 形容词的常见后缀:-able、-tive、-al、-ful、-less、-ous、-y、-ly、-ed、-ing等。形容词前面往往为系动词或副词, 而后面的词一般都为名词。
例1.It was very_____ (help) of you to make all the necessary arrangements for us. (05年6月32题) 该空前was为系动词, very为副词, 因此填help的形容词形式helpful。
注1:有时在填形容词时还要特别注意结合具体的句意。如I was____ (believe) that he is fifty years old.He really looks younger than that.根据句意本题需要填动词believe的反义形容词形式unbelievable, 而往往同学们忽略了句子的意思而填写believable。
注2:另外在词性转换中还应注意有些词的形容词形式有两种, 填空时就应当注意判断。如interesting/interested, surprising surprised, exciting/excited, amazing/amazed等。
例2.On hearing the good news that our new products sold well in the market, we all got____ (excite) . (05年6月33题) 本题中got为系动词因此填excite的形容词形式, 而此处是修饰人we, 因此填excited, 而不能填exciting。
注3:在常见后缀中还要特别提到-ly, 通常在形容词词尾加上-ly是副词, 如greatly, generally等, 而在名词词尾加上-ly则往往是形容词, 如friendly、lovely、timely等, 这也是必须要关注的重要考点。
例3.The local people are very___ (friend) to the director a week later. (04年12月27题) 本题通过判断前面are为系动词very为副词, 因此填friend的形容词形式friendly。
(2) 形容词的原形、比较级和最高级的用法。
A.形容词的原形主要用于以下句型中, 如…as…as…, so…as…;
例4.Peter actually does a good job in keeping the store clean, which is not as_______ (simple) as it seems to be. (2011年6月32题) 本题中…as…as…句型中间用形容词的原型因此正确形式为simple。
B.形容词的比较级主要判断依据为:句中有“than”;或此空前有修饰比较级的词如much、far、even、a bit等;或用在特殊句型中如the more…the more…;
例5.One can jump____ (high) on the moon than on the earth. (04年12月29题) 本题判断的依据为than, 填写形容词high的比较级形式, 由于其为规则的单音节单词, 因此直接在词尾加-er填写higher.
例6.The more careful you are, the____ (well) you will be able to complete the work. (07年6月34题) 本题考察the more…the more…句型的使用, 因此填well的比较级better。
C.使用形容词的最高级往往该句子中有表示“范围”的词, 或在特殊的句型中如常考句型有This is the most interesting game I have ever played. (这是我玩过的最好玩的游戏。)
例7.Of all the hotels in the city, this one is the____ (good) . (06年6月26题) 本题中of all the hotels in the city即是表示一定的“范围”, 加之the的使用因此判断此处填good的最高级形式best。
3、副词 (adv.)
副词在考察中所占比例不大往往只有一道题。副词主要修饰形容词和动词, 或是放在句首单独使用, 所以较为容易判断。
例1.The new rules for environment protection have been___ (wide) accepted by the public. (08年12月33题) 本题中have been accepted为句子的谓语部分, 而在谓语中插入一个词则这个词的词性一定是副词, 因此在形容词wide的词尾直接加-ly转换成副词widely为正确形式。
例2.____ (Personal) , I think he is a very nice partner, though you may not agree. (06年12月29题) 本题中单独一个词放在句首因此会想到填写形容词personal的副词形式, 并注意首字母大写, Personally为该题的正确形式。
4、动词 (v.)
动词在填空题10题的所占比重最大, 有时甚至占到一半的比例, 同时也是学生们最为畏惧的词性填空, 不得不承认动词的变化最多考点也最多, 因此也就理所当然成为了最难的词性填空。以下主要将动词分为谓语动词和非谓语动词两方面结合真题进行解析。
在英语中一个句子结构只能有一个谓语部分, 根据此项原则我们首先需要判断本题填写的动词是谓语动词还是非谓语动词。
(1) 谓语动词 (时态、语态、语气、主谓一致)
在填写谓语动词时需要注意其时态、语态、语气 (虚拟语气) 和主谓一致, 而在具体的考题中往往都是各个考点的综合考察。
例1.We are pleased to learn that that problem____ (solve) at yesterday’s meeting. (08年12月30题) 本题中be pleased to learn that…后引导了一个宾语从句, 而该从句中缺少谓语动词, yesterday告诉我们时间为过去, problem做从句的主语因此应用被动语态得出was solved为本题的正确形式。
例2.The doctor recommended that Mary____ (start) the health program as soon as possible. (08年6月32题) 本题中同样that后引导宾语从句, 从句中缺少谓语动词, 但是根据动词recommend判断出此句为虚拟语气的用法, 因此 (should) start为其正确形式。本文主要讲解语法填空题的解题技巧, 因此虚拟语气的具体用法在此不做一一详解。
例3.The professor, as well as his assistants, ____ (do) the experiment in the lab forty hours a week. (05年12月35题) 本题中两个逗号中间部分为句子次要成分, 因此很明显该句缺少谓语动词, 根据意思判断该句为一般现在时, 主语the professor为单数第三人称, 所以其正确形式为does。
例4.Nothing can____ (do) unless we are given more information about the situation. (04年12月34题) 本题中unless引导了状语从句而主句中缺少谓语动词, can为情态动词后面应该用动词原形, 但是本句中nothing做主语因此还要考虑到使用被动语态, 所以正确形式为be done。
(2) 非谓语动词 (V-ing, V-ed, to do)
非谓语动词在填空中主要有以下三种形式:V-ing、V-ed、to do。在B级考试中主要从两方面具体考察其用法。
A.考察具体的句型结构:哪些动词或句型后加V-ing形式, 哪些动词或句型后加动词不定式to do, 哪些动词后两种形式均可但表达的意义又有所不同。
例5.Please remember___ (lock) the door when you leave. (04年12月26题) remember的句型有两个, 即remember to do sth. (记得要做某事) /remember doing sth. (记得做过某事) 。根据对本题句意的判断可以得出to lock为正确形式。
例6.It is quite difficult for me___ (decide) who should be given the job. (07年6月32题) 本题中考察的句型为It is+adj.+ (for sb.) +to do sth.根据句型的判断不难得出正确形式为to decide.
例7.It took me several weeks to get used to___ (drive) on the left side of the road in London. (08年6月33题) 本题考察句型为get used to doing sth. (习惯做某事) to为介词后加动词的ing形式, 因此正确形式为driving.
例8.The hotel, ____ (build) 100 years ago, still looks new. (08年12月29题) 本题只有一个句子结构, 而系动词looks为谓语动词, 因此填build的非谓语动词形式, hotel和build在逻辑上是动宾关系, 所以填build的过去分词built作后置定语。
例9.Thank you for your letter of April 15, ___ (tell) us about Mr.John Brown’s visit to our company on May 10. (07年12月31题) 本题只有一个句子结构, 而thank为谓语动词, 因此填tell的非谓语动词形式。而letter与tell在逻辑上是主谓关系因此填写tell的现在分词形式telling作伴随状语。
本次的翻译题目仍然延续一贯的出题风格,从英文原版书籍中选文,经过命题组专家改写后成为考题。本次翻译题目的文章选自一本英文书的第一章,书名为《50部自助经典:改变你人生的50部励志书》(50 Self-Help Classics: 50 Inspirational Books to Transform Your Life),这一章的内容主要与英国作家James Allen在1902年所写的一部励志书《做个思想者》(As a Man Thinketh)有关。虽然文章的首段并没有出题,但是笔者建议考生还是应该花时间读一下。首段往往能揭示出全文的主题、背景、逻辑线索等,了解首段将有助于考生对后文内容的理解和把握。本次节选文章的首段为:“With its theme that ‘Mind is the master weaver,’ creating our inner character and outer circumstances, the book As a Man Thinketh by James Allen is an in-depth exploration of the central idea of self-help writing.”通过读首段,考生可以预判出,本文是一篇书评,将对James Allen的观点进行分析。了解了文章的大致内容后,我们来对各翻译试题进行详细的分析。
(46) Allen’s contribution was to take an assumption we all share—that because we are not robots we therefore control our thoughts—and reveal its erroneous nature.
句子 解析
1.本句是翻译文章第二段的首句,同时也是该段的主题句,起到了统领全段的作用。首先,通过was我们可以判断出,本句是“主-系-表”结构。在句中,“we all share”是一个定语从句,修饰assumption,由于先行词assumption在从句中作宾语(可还原成:We all share an assumption. ),所以此处省略了定语从句的引导词that。第一个破折号后的that引导的是assumption的同位语从句,同位语从句中又嵌套了原因状语从句。第二个破折号后的并列连词and连接的是句子后面的reveal与句子前面的take,这两个动词是并列关系。句尾处的its指代的是assumption。
However, Allen believed that the unconscious mind generates as much action as the conscious mind, and (47) while we may be able to sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind alone, in reality we are continually faced with a question: “Why cannot I make myself do this or achieve that?”
句子 解析
2.sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind alone:sustain表示“维持,保持”;the illusion of control表示“控制的幻觉”。翻译该动词短语时,考生需将control后面的状语部分前置,以符合汉语表达习惯。可以译为:“仅仅通过意识即可保持这种控制的幻觉”。 faced with:表示“面对着,面临着”。该短语在2008年考研英语阅读理解真题中就曾出现过:“Men and women show different inclinations when faced with stress.”
4.make sb. do sth.:表示“使……做……”或“让……做……”。
(48)This seems a justification for neglect of those in need, and a rationalization of exploitation, of the superiority of those at the top and the inferiority of those at the bottom.
1.本句句首出现了代词this,因此考生需查看前一句话,找到this指代的内容。前一句内容为:“Part of the fame of Allen’s book is its contention that ‘Circumstances do not make a person, they reveal him.’”考生可以看出,本句中的this指代的是Allen的观点:环境不会造就人,而只能揭露出人的本性。在本句中,of exploitation和“of the superiority … and the inferiority …”是并列关系,都作后置定语来修饰rationalization;第二个后置定语中的superiority和inferiority同样构成并列关系。
2.justification:该词在以前的考研英语真题中没有出现过,但是其同源单词justice、justify、justified、justifying、justifiable在历年真题中都高频出现。所以,从这个角度上来说,该词并不算超纲词汇,可以译为“正当的理由、借口”。 need:指“在贫困中,在危难中”。英文中有句谚语:“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”(患难见真情。)在本句中,those in need可译为“需要得到帮助的人”。
In fact, (49) circumstances seem to be designed to bring out the best in us and if we feel that we have been “wronged” then we are unlikely to begin a conscious effort to escape from our situation.
1.本句中包含了两个被动语态结构“be designed to”和“we have been ‘wronged’”。 designed to:意思是“目的是,旨在”。
3.bring out:原意为“拿出”,而在具体语境中其含义非常丰富,可以理解为“拿出,取出”“把……带到户外”“使出现,使暴露”“阐明”“出产,出版”“说出”等,因此考生可以等对全句的内容有一定了解后,再来选择其对应的汉语释义。
4.wrong:该词的词性非常多,可以作名词、形容词、副词;也可以作动词,表示“冤枉”或“不公正地对待”。本句中wrong就是作动词。该词是本句词汇翻译的一个难点,考生需“瞻前顾后”,理解其含义,再进行翻译。 unlikely to do sth.:指“不太可能做某事”,该词组是“be likely to do sth.”的否定形式,在历年考研英语真题中高频出现。
6.conscious effort:意思是“有意识的努力,自觉的努力”。
(50) The upside is the possibilities contained in knowing that everything is up to us; where before we were experts in the array of limitations, now we become authorities of what is possible.
1.本句有一定难度,对于简单词汇真正含义的把握是翻译好本句的重点。在句中,“contained in knowing that … up to us”是过去分词作后置定语,修饰possibilities;knowing that后是一个宾语从句。分号后的where在句中作连词,用于把两个人、事物等进行对比,从而显示出两者的不同,在该句中,where连接的是“before … the array of limitations”和“now … is possible”两个短句。
2.upside:原意指“上部,上方”,其引申义为“the more positive aspect of a situation that is generally bad”(事物积极的一面)。
3.up to:该词组为考研英语高频词组,意思是“取决于,由……决定”。
4.array of limitations:在该词组中,array of指“大量的,一系列的”,limitations指“局限,限制”。
The Boss Tells Some Jokes
The boss returned from lunch in a good mood and called the whole staff in to listen to a couple of jokes he had picked up. Everybody, but one girl laughed uproariously.
“What’s the matter?” grumbled the boss. “Haven’t you got a sense of humor?”
2014北大MTI真题回忆 版本一
英语基础:单选20分数30,真是非常之变态!阅读选择题7个,28分,考的关于一本书的内容,将lr刚果河附近制造美国原子弹,以及原子弹对日本影响。阅读问答4个,12分。讲了picaresque、Bildungsroman、confessional关系,回答50词以内,不能用文章的原话。作文,mark twain,the fear of death is fear of life 翻译:属于部分和以前变化太大,完全不按常理出牌,刚看到时一惊,只能硬着头皮好好做。记得的有,clone、futurology、virusbuster、emmy、backboard、broad jump、good friday、penalty kick、DINK、办实事,北京通、秉公办事、从善如流、留后劲、侨务政策。段落,英译汉是woodsworth的Translators of History,翻译出来容易翻译好了很难。汉译英,讲的严复科举不进,朝廷不受重视,因此转而信西学发展翻译。不算难,但翻译出彩不容易,里面有一段文言文,一句严复的诗。
百科:非常活,企业管理、语言流派语言学,口译都考了。记得的有:墨子、林纾、新青年、韩里德、语言七作用、布拉格学派,文华翻译学派,同步与逐步、影子练习,ROI框架,smaul Berman,aligned analytical adapted,创新造市,战略性服务托付。小作文俩人贪污,让你代表省纪委写处理。大作文比较奇葩:家乡的冬天。
2014年北京大学MTI真题(回忆版)版本二 北京大学英语笔译汉语百科知识与写作部分
名词解释部分(今年的名词解释是给出了一大段话,然后选取其中名词进行解释)1.墨子 2.林纾 3.严复
5.会场翻译两种形式:同步和逐步 6.影子练习
7.索绪尔结构主义 8.翻译文化学派 9.布拉格学派 10.韩礼德
11.语言的七种功能 12.Paul Berman 13.R-O-I框架
14-17:创新业务模式的3A能力,分别解释Adaptive,Analytic和Aligned 18.成本和复杂性降低 19.创新造市
名词翻译部分 1.clone 2.futurology 3.virusbuster 4.Intercom 5.cheerleader 6.chain smoker 7.costume ball 9.办实事 10.保持后劲 11.北京通 12.分包商 13.非法集资 14.电子出版业
今年的英译汉部分篇幅十分短,大概100到150个词,原文我还没找到,开头大概是The American myth inItaly was the ideological deformation of perceived reality or a lay religionwhose sacred texts were American novels or contemporary short stories intranslation…后面也只有大概两三句话了,大家自行百度补充吧~
2014北大真题回忆 版本三
下午考的是翻硕英语,在没考之前就听说这一门儿特别难,起初还没太在意,在拿到卷子做了几题之后才发现所言非虚啊,我基本上从第一题到最后一题都是蒙的,当时我对自己那个无语啊,觉得自己那么久的复习都是白复习了。翻硕英语统共分为四个部分,第一部分是选择题,共20题,都是些词组,同义词,语法之类的考点,题目里面有很多生单词。第二部分是客观题阅读,共7道。第三部分是主观选择题,共四道。第四部分是作文,今年的作文是让对马克吐温“The fear of death follows from the fear of life.A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”这句话进行评析,反正我感觉不简单。
第二天上午考的是翻译基础,个人感觉词汇翻译比较难,段落翻译还说得过去。词汇翻译中英汉汉英各15个。英译汉是clone,futurology,intercom,penaltry kick, broad jump, backboard, box-office,cheerleader,chain smoker,virusbuster,Emmy, Good Friday, costume ball......(还有2个不记得了),汉译英是北京通,从善如流,办实事,秉公处理,保持后劲,非法集资,电子出版业,德才兼备,分包商......(就记得那么多了)。段落翻译中英译汉是American myth,具体段落记不清了,网上我也没搜到,汉译英部分是王宏志的《翻译与文学之间》里面的选段,具体为严复的直属上司李鸿章时任直隶总督,且得到慈禧的倚重,专门处理洋务,但他并不能借助李鸿章的支持而得以在官场上一展所长。不过,严复认定是因为自己“不由科举出身当日仕进,最重科举,故所言每不见听,欲博一第入都,以与当轴周旋”。所以严复曾钻研八股文,且从1885年至1894年的9年中,曾4次参加乡试,却始终未第,这无疑是严复一生的大憾事。他曾有诗:“当年误习旁行书,举世相视如夷蛮”。虽然他在甲午后思想有所改变,不在尝试走科举之路,甚至大力抨击八股文,并决定通过翻译西学救国,但是由于他在官场中的地位不高,不得不借助外部力量,加强自己的影响。
最后一门是百科,之前一直比较害怕名词解释,担心有很多不会的,结果卷子发下来发现它是给几段话然后从段落中划出需要解释的内容。看到这里就不太担心了,即使你对于该名词一无所知还是可以从段落中发现蛛丝马迹的。百科三部分,分别是名词解释,应用文写作以及最后的大作文。名词解释部分大概有这些内容,分别是:墨子,严复,林纾,信达雅,《新青年》,索绪尔结构主义语言学,韩礼德,翻译文化学派,布拉格学派,语言的七种功能,同步和逐步,影子练习,Saul Berman,R-O-I框架,创新业务模式的3A能力:Aligned,Adaptable,Analytical(3个都要解释),成本的复杂性降低,创新造市,创新性服务交付(全都在这儿了)。应用文部分要求帮东川省纪委草拟一份处理本省两位高级干部在新年前收受贿赂的决定,要求不超过450字。最后的大作文部分要求以《家乡的冬天》为题写一篇不少于800字的文章。今年的大致情况就是这样了,总体来说还行吧,除了那坑爹的基础英语,唉,欲哭无泪啊。。
2014北大真题回忆 版本四
下午一科是基础英语,北大的基础英语难度早有耳闻,做过了真题才发现果然名不虚传。今年的题型有选择题,阅读题和作文。选择题20个,一共30分,大概前十来个句子很短,但是答案很不好选,第一个考察的是sleep through, sleep over, sleep off, sleep down的区别,哪一个是睡过去的意思。还有knock around, loll around, bat around的区别,还有考的单词辨析,如blatant, loathsome, 意思都很接近,很难直接选出来。感觉单词考察的很细致,并且不少都超出了专八的难度。后半部分的选择题更让人抓狂了,每一个题的选项都很长,问法也都不一样,比如,which one is free from error? Which one is grammatically correct? Which sentence is grammatically incorrect? 反正当时看的我都有点儿头晕了,做完选择题真的很受伤。
下面就是阅读题了,一共有两篇,第一篇七个选择题,每个四分,很值钱呀,都不敢轻易下手。第二篇四个问答题,一共十二分。第一篇是一篇书评,文章有两页B4纸的样子,经济学人杂志文章的难度,能看懂,内容是评论一个人写的travelogue, 以小说the heart of darkness开头, 从刚果到新墨西哥洲到日本到苏联, 讲述核武器的发展历程,很有思辩性.个人感觉选项不是特别难,只有一两个不是特别拿的准.第二篇也是书籍艺术类的文章,文章作者撰文去反驳另一个作者对Bildungsroman小说定义的解读.里面有不少文体专有词汇,比如the picaresque, the confessional, 还有歌德,萨特等几个人名和作品, 文章不好懂, 问题问的也很怪,让人无从下手.最后是作文,要求400字, 给了马克吐温的一段话: the fear of death is the fear of life.A man who has fully lived is prepared to die any time(大意是这样的).然后让以死亡为话题, 评论上面那段话.翻译基础
第二天上午考试翻译.先是30个单词翻译.今年北大的单词翻译感觉变了风格,前几年考的文化艺术较多,今年汉译英则是偏重时政,跟北外有点儿相似.或许这就是北大吧,永远让人捉莫不透.看单词吧, 英译汉
clone, futurology, intercom, virusbuster, backboard, broad jump, cheerleader, penalty kick, box-office, chain smoker, costume ball, DINK, Emmy, Good Friday, population census.汉译英
办实事,保持后劲,北京通, 秉公办事,长远利益,城市规划,出口税,从善如流,侨务政策,德才兼备,抵押贷款,电子出版业,房地产市场,非法集资,分包商.英译汉很短,我数了下只有76个字,但是很难理解,想必出题的时候也是有考虑的.开头是The American myth in Italy was the ideological deformation of perceived reality or a lay religion whose sacred texts are contemporary American novels and short stories in translation.The translation industry was a subversive force, but the subversion was not of a direct one.后面还有两句,但是记不准确了.后半部分好翻一些,如果能把第一句翻译顺了,应该是不错的译文.汉译英选的是和严复有关的文章, 原文大概如下:
研八股文,且从1885年至1894年的9年中,曾4次参加乡试,却始终未第,这无疑是严复一生的大憾事。他曾有诗:“当年误习旁行书,举世相视如夷蛮”。虽然他在甲午后思想有 所改变,不在尝试走科举之路,甚至大力抨击八股文,并决定通过翻译西学救国,但是由
个人感觉要比英译汉要简单些, 但是要把一些细节翻译好了,比如直隶,慈喜,洋务,科举,乡试,蛮夷,八股文等等,都是些文化色彩很重的词,不能直接翻译.百科与写作
下午考试百科与写作, 名词解释放在了几段话里,一共20个,前两段出自刘宓庆的<<中西翻译思想比较研究>>, 中间一小段应该是出自<<中国翻译>>杂志,最后两段是出自<<未来企业之路>>,只要认真看书了,基本上都能答出来.下面是名词:
墨子,严复, 林纾, 信达雅, <<新青年>>, 索绪尔,布拉格学派,韩礼德,语言的其中功能,文化翻译, 口译上的同步和逐步,影子练习, Soul Berman, R-O-I框架, 3A: Aligned, Analytical, Adaptable, 成本和复杂性降低,创新的造市,战略性交付.应用文是东川省两位高官受贿,违反了中央的八项规定,让你代东川纪委起草一份处分决定,450字以下.作文是命题,家乡的冬天,800字以上.2014北大日语口译方向初试真题 版本五
北大MTI日语口译专业初试有四科,政治、翻译硕士日语、日语翻译基础、汉语写作与百科知识,本帖介绍2014年北大自命题的汉语写作与百科知识、日语翻译基础、翻译硕士日语这三科。--2014年北京大学日语MTI专业入学考试汉语百科与写作 [北大英语MTI和日语MTI同卷,但是第一大题不一样~] 一.名词解释(2*25)【日语MTI专业,有四个想不起来的请原谅~】 1.张骞 2.孔子 3.金文 4.汉赋 5老舍
6.韩柳古文 7.王安石
8.南北朝(中国)9.索马里 10.希波战争 11.左传 12.安史之乱 13.圣经 14.元曲 15.二拍 16.海牙欧阳修 22.德川家康 23.奈良 24.川端康成 25.内阁担当相
--------------日语翻译基础 一.
【这段是篇新闻评论,主要观点是“从日本的用电现状来看,单纯追求零核电是不现实的”。平时可多阅读朝日新闻社论、日本经济新闻的长篇新闻和社论,关注热点,熟悉日媒社论的思路,建议多动笔译一译。】 2.小说 自供、麦藁帽子、【这段选自文学作品,我读的不是很多,所以并不知道选自那本书= =】 四. 中译日文段(60)1.两国外交声明
这科考完之后没有及时整理,所以现在仅仅记得一小部分,希望有记得的同学多多补充哦~~ 那我主要说说我考这科的感受吧
2.题目比较灵活,有的不是很常规(至少我觉得。),所以掌握知识的时候要抓住精髓,以不变应万变 【抱歉我表达的不太准确。我指的是。有的日语知识点可以把握根本,不用纠结于一些特例】例如,考试中有一道关于[は、が]是否可以互换的题;还有一道是按感情色彩程度排列[オールドファッション、古めかしい、古臭い、古びいた]等若干个词
Part I Listening Comprehension
Directions: This part is to test your listening ability .It consists of 3 sections.
Section A
Now the test will begin.
1. A) Never mind.
B) Thanks a lot.
C) Yes,of course.
D) With pleasure.
2. A) Hold on,please.
B) It’s interesting.
C) That’s nothing.
D) He’s all fight.
3. A) Next month.
B) So long.
C) Very funny
D) Two weeks.
4. A) It’s too late.
B) Yes,it is.
C) Take it easy.
D) It doesn’t matter
5. A) Of course.
B) You are welcome.
C) It was excellent.
D) Yes, l do.
Section B
Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
6. A) 11:00.
B) 11:50
C) 12:00
D) 12:10
7. A) To see the woman.
B) To send the e-mail.
C) To go to the bank.
D) To write a letter.
8. A) The woman will drive tonight.
B) The woman doesn’t like fruit.
C) The woman has given up smoking.
D) The woman is leaving now.
9. A) In a bank.
B) In a restaurant.
C) In a hospital.
D) In a bookstore.
10. A) Tell her the price.
B) Wait for a while.
C) Examine her computer.
D) Go shopping with her.
Section C
Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin.
Hello, everyone. This is the captain(机长)speaking -11- to Flight JK900 leaving for Chicago. Our flight time today is 2 hours and 35 minutes,and we will be flying at an average altitude(高度)of 31,000 feet. The -12- in Chicago is a quarter past twelve,and the current weather is cloudy,but there is a chance of -13- later in the day. We will -14- at Gate 7 at the Chicago airport. On behalf of our Airlines, I wish you an enjoyable-15- in Chicago. Sit back and enjoy the flight.
答案:1-5:CADBC 6-10:CBADC
11.Welcome 12.local time 13.rain 14.arrive 15.stay
Part II Vocabulary & Structure
Directions: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.
Section A
Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
16. What are the essential differences ___________ selling and marketing?
A) between
B) from
C) among
D) for
17. Jack called the airline to ___________his flight to beijing this morning.
A) improve
B) believe
C) confirm
D) insure
18. It was in the year of 2002___________they set up a branch company in China.
A) as
B) that
C) what
D) which
19. You’d better ___________advice before making a project plan.
A) put down
B) take in
C) turn out
D) ask for
20. Young people now live a life-style ___________their parents could hardly dream of.
A) which
B) why
C) when
D) where
21. While traveling in France, he __________some everyday French.
A) gave up
B) picked up
C) drew up
D) got up
22. Hardly __________ at the office when the telephone rang.
A) I arrived
B) I had arrived
C) did I arrive
D) had I arrived
23. To work __________with the machine,you must read the instructions carefully.
A) firstly
B) naturally
C) efficiently
D) generally
24. We’ll have to continue the discussion tomorrow __________we can make a final decision today.
A) unless
B) because
C) when
D) since
25. If you have three years’ work experience,you will be the right ______ for this job.
A) person
B) passenger
C) tourist
D) customer
Section B
Directions: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.
26. It is reported that the sports meet was (successful)__________organized.
27. Some people think (much)__________about their rights than about their duties.
28. It is reported that foreign car sales in the country (rise)__________by 8% last year.
29. The adviser recommended that Mary(start)_______ the training program as soon as possible.
30. The job pays well and you get a 20 - day holiday a year, it’s certainly an(attract)_______offer.
31. It (announce)______yesterday that the game wsa to start in a week.
32. Because man people will come to the meeting, we need some (addition) _____ chairs.
33. No reader is allowed(take)__________any reference book out of the reading-room.
34. The course is designed to provide a general introduction to computers and(practice)___skills training.
35. We’ve only got one day in Paris,so we’d better(make)____the best use of the time.
答案:16-20:ACBDA 21-25:BDCAA
26.successfully 27.more 28.rose 29.(should)start 30.attractive
31.was announced 32.additional take 34.practical 35.make
Part III Reading Comprehension
Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.
Task 1
Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Subways are underground trains,which usually operate 24 hours a day. They are found in larger cities and usually run between the suburbs and the downtown area. Maps and schedules are available from the ticket of rice. If you take the subway often,you can save money by purchasing a monthly pass(月票).
City-operated buses run on various routes(线路)and are designed to be at certain places at certain times. Maps and schedules may be posted at certain stops,or they may be available at local banks,libraries,the student union,or from the bus drivers. Buses run mainly during the day. Fare is paid by exact change in coins, or by monthly passes.
Taxis are generally more expensive in the United States than in other countries. If you use a taxi,be sure you ask the amount of the fare before you agree to ride. The driver usually expects a tip(小费)of 15 percent of the fare.
36. According to the passage, subways as underground trains, which usually run____.
A) within downtown areas
B) away from city centers
C) in or outside big modern cities
D) between suburbs and city centers
37. You can get the maps and schedules of the subways________.
A) at bus stations
B) at local banks
C) in any bookstores
D) from the ticket offices
38. From the passage we learn that________.
A) buses are always available in 24 hours
B) bus riders have to buy monthly passes
C) bus fare is paid by exact change in coins
D) buses are the best means of transportation
39. When you take a taxi, you’d better________.
A) buy a monthly pass
B) ask about the fare first
C) agree on the amount of the tip
D) pay by the exact change in coins
40. The passage mainly tells us about________.
A) the bus and train fares in the US
B) the ways of paying taxi in the US
C) the public transportation in the US
D) the advantage of subways in the US
Task 2
Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.
Letter 1
Dear Ann,
I am going to give a dinner party next month. I want my guests to enjoy themselves and to feel comfortable. What is the secret of giving a successful party?
Letter 2
Dear Mary,
Cook something that would let you spend time with your guests,If a guest offers to help you in the kitchen,accept the offer. It often makes people feel more comfortable when they can help.
Before serving dinner,while your guests make small talks in the living room,offer them drinks. Some guests may like wine,but make sure to provide soft drinks for people who don’t.
At the dinner table,let your guests serve themselves. Offer them a second serving after they finish, but don’t ask more than once. Most guests will take more if they want.
Perhaps the most important rule of all is to be natural. Treat your guests as you want them to treat you when you’re in their home―that is,act naturally toward them,and don’t try too hard to be polite. Have a good time in a pleasant atmosphere.
41. From the first letter we learn that Mary ________ .
A) is asking for advice on giving a dinner party
B) knows the secret of giving a pleasant party
C) is going to attend a dinner party
D) has successfully held a party
42. Ann’s first piece of advice is that Mary should________.
A) get the food ready before the guests arrive
B) keep the guests away from the kitchen
C) spend some time with the guests
D) accept the guests’ offer to help
43. Ann suggests that Mary offer drinks________.
A) while the guests are having small talks
B) when all the guests have arrived
C) after the guests finish small talks
D) after the dinner comes to an end
44. When having dinner,the guests are expected to________.
A) eat their food slowly
B) help the host serve food
C) serve each other at the table
D) help themselves to more food
45. The most important rule for Mary to follow in treating her guests is to________.
A) be as polite as she can
B) let them feel at home
C) prepare delicious food
D) create a formal atmosphere
答案:36-40:DDCBC 41-45:ADADB
Task 3
Directions: The following is a letter. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 46 through 50 in no more than 3 words in the table below.
E-mail or call Tip Line(举报热线)
Have you seen a crime being committed(犯罪)on a bus,train,or near a bus stop,or train station? If you do,email US or call Tip Line.
Tip Line
If you would rather give your information by telephone,call the Police Tip Line at 612-349-7222.You can leave information anonymously(匿名地)or leave your name and phone number and an officer will call you back.
Call and officer
You can speak directly to any Police Department staff member who receives the call weekdays.8:00 to 16:00. Call 612-349―7200.
Contact the Chief
If you haven’t received any reply to your Tip Line information for half a day,directly call 612-349-7I00 or
Report on a Crime
Use Tip Line
1. Tip Line number:612-349-7222
2. Ways of reporting:
1) Give -46- anonymously;
2) Leave your name and telephone number,and wait for an officer to -47-
Call the Police Directly
1. Service time:weekdays, -48-
2. Telephone number: -49-
Contact the Chief
1. Reason:receiving no reply to your Tip Line information for -50-
2. Telephone number:612-349-7100
答案:46.information you back 48. 8:00 to 16:00 49.612-349-7200 50.half a day
Task 4
Directions: The following is part of an index (索引). After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与…等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.
B―calm sea
C―clear up
F―heavy snow
G―high seas
H―light rain
I―partly cloudy
K―southeast wind
M―the highs
N―the lows
Examples:(A) 微风 (O)台风
51.( )天气放晴( )大雪
52.( )最高温度( )局部多云
53.( )东南风( )小雨
54.( )有雾( )海面大浪
55.( )天气干燥( )暴风雨
答案:51.C,F 52.M,I 53.K,H 54.E,G 55.D,L
Task 5
Directions: The following are two advertisements. After reading them, you are required to complete the statements that follow the questions (No.56 to No.60). You should write your answers in no more than 3 words on the corresponding Answer Sheet.
Ad 1
Personal Assistant To Sales Manager
We are a small but growing computer software company. We are looking for someone to assist the manager of the sales department in dealing with foreign customers and orders from abroad. If you know English well and have previous experience in this job,and between 2 1 and 30,please writer US a short letter giving details of your previous jobs,current employment,etc. Some knowledge of Spanish and Italian would be an advantage.
Write to:
Soft Logic
23 Alfred Street
Ad 2
Part time Drivers
King County Metro is Hiring Part-Time Bus Drivers
Great Pay! Great Bendfits!
Start at$14.50 an hour.
Plus paid vacation and sick leave,paid training
Must be 2 1 years or older,have a Washington State driver’s license
and acceptable driving record.
Or log on(登录)to
56. In the first ad. which department in the company is seeking an assistant to its manage?
57. What is the major responsibility of the assistant manager?
Dealing foreign customers and orders___________.
58. What is mentioned as an advantage for the application in Ad l?
Some knowledge of______________________________.
59. What is the age limit for the position of the part-time bus drivers in Ad 2?
______________________________years or older.
60. What kind of driver’s license should the candidates have in order to get the position?
They should have a__________ driver’s license.
答案:56.the sales department 57.from abroad 58.Spanish and Italian 59. 21 60.Washington State
Part IV Translation ―― English into Chinese
Directions: This part, numbered 61 to 65, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each of the four sentences (N0.61 to No.64) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A), B), C) and D). Make the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph (No.65) in the corresponding space on the Translation/Composition Sheet.
61. This matter is so important that it should not be left in the hands of and inexperienced lawyer.
A) 如此重要的事情,没有经验的律师不敢接手。
B) 这件事事关重大,不能交结缺乏经验的律师来处理。
C) 这件事也很重要,不应让有经验的律师处理。
D) 这样重要的事情,没有经验的律师是不敢接手处理的。
62. No matter how hard I tried to explain how to operate the machine, they were still at a loss.
A) 尽管我努力把机器开动了,他们还是觉得非常失望。
B) 无论我怎么努力地说明机器的用法,他们都不理解我。
C) 即使我努力地对机器做了解释,他们还是不相信我的话。
D) 不管我怎么努力地解释如何操作这台机器,他们依然听不懂。
63. We accept returns or exchanges within 30 days from the date of the purchase of these cell phones.
A) 手机从购买之日起30天内我们接受退换。
B) 手机在试用30天之后我们可允许退货。
C) 我们同意30天内可以购买手机,退货或更换。
D) 我们保证30天之内购买的`手机,包退包换。
64. Good managers can create an environment in which different opinions are valued and everyone works together for a common goal.
A) 大家一定要齐心协力地工作,创造一个良好的环境,发表各种不同看法。要做好经理。
B) 为了共同的目标,好经理应该尊重各种不同意思,与大家一起工作,创造良好的氛围。
C) 好经理能够创造一种氛围,让不同意见受到重视并且每个人都有为共同目标合作奋斗。
D) 为了共同的目标,好经理应该能够提出各种宝贵的意见,为大家创造良好的丁作氛围。
65: If you want to get a driver’s license, you will have to apply at a driver’s license office. There you will be required to take a written test for driving in that area. You will also need to pass an eye test. If you need glasses, make sure you wear them. In addition,you must pass an actual driving test. If you fail the written or driving tests, you can take them again on another date.
答案:61-64:BDAC 65:如果你想获得机动车驾驶证,你必须到驾照管理办公室申请。你需要再那里参加该地区的驾驶笔试,还需要通过视力测试。如果你需要眼镜,请务必带着眼镜。此外,你必须通过实际驾驶测试。如果你没有通过笔试或者实际驾驶测试,你可以择日再考。
Part V Writing
Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a letter of thanks based on the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/ Composition Sheet
说明:假定你是Hongxia Trading Company的雇员王东,给客户Mr. Baker发一封电子邮件。
Words for Reference
Suppose you are going to study abroad and share an apartment with John, a local student. Write him an email to
tell him about your living habits,
ask for advice about living there.
You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not use your own name. Use “Li Ming” instead.
Do not write your address.
Dear John,
I am very glad that we will become roommates during my study in Sydney University. I am an English teacher working in Beijing and I will enroll in the major of TESOL this September. I am writing to introduce some of my living habits to you and I would like to ask you some advice about living there.
I have three main living habits. The first one is that I am used to get up early in the morning, about 7.00 a.m. Then I will go outdoors to do some jogging and to enjoy the fresh air. The next one is that I usually do some reading before I get to sleep. This I need to improve my English language skills constantly and I could learn some news about the things happening in the world. The last one is that I need to sleep before 11.00 p.m. every day.
Those are my three main living habits. If you have any living habits, please feel free to tell me. Besides, could you please give me some advice about living in Sydney, such as the local climate and the culture? Thank you very much.
I am looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
短 对 话
M: Can you recommend something that a school boy of 7 or 8 will really like?
W: I’d suggest this toy train, sir. It’s an excellent brand, very popular all over the world these days.
Q: What is the man doing?
A. Shopping with his son.
B. Buying a gift for a child.
C. Promoting a new product.
D. Bargaining with a salesgirl.
在该题中,就算考生没怎么听懂听力材料中的第一句话,仍然可以选出答案。考生只要能听到第二句话中suggest后的toy train就可以了。既然是男士问了一句话后女士才推荐toy train,因此考生可以很自然地联想到男士此时正在给孩子挑选礼物。所以正确答案为选项B。
W: I need to talk to someone who knows Baltimore well. I’m told you lived there.
M: Oh, but I was really young at the time.
Q: What does the man mean?
A. He moved to Baltimore when he was young.
B. He can provide little useful information.
C. He will show the woman around Baltimore.
D. He will ask someone else to help the woman.
段 子 题
W: Hello, Cartson College, may I help you?
M: Yes. I’m looking for information on courses in computer programming. I would need it for the fall semester.
W: Do you want a day or evening course?
M: Well, it would have to be an evening course since I work during the day.
W: Aha. Have you taken any courses in data processing?
M: No.
W: Oh! Well, data processing is a course you have to take before you can take computer programming.
W: Registration is on the second and third of September between 6 and 9 in Frost Hall.
M: Is that the round building behind the parking lot?
W: Yes, that’s the one.
M: Oh, I know how to get there. Is there anything that I should bring with me?
W: No, just your check book.
M: Well, thank you so much.
W: You’re very welcome. Bye!
M: Bye!
Why does the man choose to take an evening course?
A. He prefers the smaller evening classes.
B. He has signed up for a day course.
C. He has to work during the day.
D. He finds the evening course cheaper.
对话开始,两人简单寒暄之后切入正题,切入正题后的第一个回合答案就出现了。此时女士先提出问题,之后男士作答,他的回答就是该题的答案。这就是“首尾原则”中的“首原则”,即文章一开始就出现了第一题的答案。男士说:“... since I work during the day.”而这句话与第19题选项C (He has to work during the day.)所表达的内容一致。考生在听力材料中听到的句子几乎原词原句重现在选项C中,这也体现了我们所提到的“视听一致原则”。
What does the man want to know at the end of the conversation?
A. What to bring for registration.
B. Where to attend the class.
C. How he can get to Frost Hall.
D. Whether he can use a check.
这一题的答案非常清晰地出现在对话的结尾部分,即我们所说的“首尾原则”之“尾原则”。男士问:“Is there anything that I should bring with me?”女士说:“No, just your check book.”该题干的意思是“在对话结尾部分男士想知道什么”,根据“视听一致原则”,答案显而易见,我们可以轻松地选出正确选项A。
What does the man have to do before taking the course of computer programming?
A. Learn a computer language.
B. Learn data processing.
C. Buy some computer software.
D. Buy a few coursebooks.
我们可以在听力原文中清晰地听到“Have you taken any courses in data processing?”和“Well, data processing is a course you have to take before you can take computer programming.”重复了两遍的“data processing”在选项B中原词重现,所以选项B为正确答案,这正体现了我们所说的“视听一致原则”。
What Is the Answer ?
One night 4 college students were boozing (豪饮) till late night and didn’t study for the exam which was scheduled for the next day. In the morning they thought of a plan. They made themselves look as dirty and weird with grease and dirt.
They then went up to the Dean and said that they had gone out to a wedding last night and on their return the tyre of their car burst and they had to push the car all the way back and that they were in no condition to appear for the test. The Dean said that they could have the retest after 3 days. They said they would be ready by that time.
On the third day, they appeared before the Dean. The Dean said that this was a special condition test. All four were required to sit in separate classrooms of the college for the exam. They all agreed as they had prepared well in the last three days. The test consisted of 2 questions with total of 100 marks.
Q.1. Write down your name — (2 marks)
Q.2. Which car tyre burst? — (98 marks)!!