一个冬天的傍晚,老婆婆和老公公围着火炉剥蚕豆,准备明天的饭 食。他俩在桌子两边面对面地坐着,剥着豆荚,然后把剥好的蚕豆投进一只盆子里。
这时,他们听到一个小小的声音在说:“妈妈,您别担忧,还 有我呢!”说着,他就从躲藏的地方跑出来,出现在老公公和老婆婆面前。他是一个小男孩。两个老人高兴极了,便把他放在两人中间。这孩子很会剥蚕豆,一眨眼的工夫,便把蚕豆全剥完了。
豆约翰整天活动,不是游玩,就是做事。他还 帮老公公和老婆婆操持家务,锯木柴、生火、烧菜、照看母牛,什么都会。
一个晴朗的日子,老公公要去耕田。豆约翰很想到田里替老人家干活,可老公公不放心,说什么也不让他去。当老婆婆准备给老公公送午饭 时,他坚决地要代她去送。
豆约翰在牧童的帮助下渡过了小溪,来到田边,喊他的爸爸吃饭 。他说:“您吃饭 的时候,我来替您耕田。您把我放在马的耳朵里,把马鞭子放在我手里就行。”
即按题目指定内容范围确定中心思想, 采用恰当文体, 在规定时间内完成作文。例如, 文题“TV:a good thing or a bad thing”, 先抓关键词——TV, 再考虑如何围绕其展开议论, 阐明看法;另从题目看, 文体应属议论文。确定这两点, 头脑中便形成明确框架, 不致走题或不知如何阐述观点。
写提纲, 就是为了安排好文章层次和段落, 确定选材, 逻辑系统地组织文章, 更有效地表达所思所想。如果是议论文, 提纲中心需包括论点、论据和结论三部分。例如:
Topic:Should older people live with their adult children?
Central idea: It is a good practice for older people to live with their adult children.
Supporting ideas:
1) Older people and their adult children can get comfort and help from one another.
2) Housing problems can partially solved.
3) Living expenses can be reduced.
Conclusion: Older people are expected to live with their adult children for their own as well as their children’s sake.
短文写作要从每个基本步骤扎实练起, 方能水到渠成。下面从句、段、篇章分别谈谈写作技巧。
a.主题句。提示或说明段落主题的句子叫主题句, 特点是句式简洁, 中心突出, 具有概括性, 且一次只能表达一个议题。没有主题句, 段落就缺少中心, 段落意义也含糊不清。下面是题为Career Change in Middle -life的文章中的四个主题句, 哪一个更为合适?
1) I had always wanted to change my career.
2) At my fortieth birthday, I made a career decision that I have made when I was twenty.
3) Every day I dreaded going to work.
4) My present job was giving me ulcers.
不难看出2) 是正确答案, 而3) 、4) 太具体, 1) 没提换工作, 只是可能要换。句1) 、3) 、4) 可作其他段落而非全文主题句。
b.展开句。其功能为支持主题句所陈述的思想观点, 这类句子给出各种细节或例证, 以阐述或证明主题的各个方面。
c.结论句。概括、总结性的句子, 一般具有概括性、启迪性等特点, 是对段落主题的总结。其最佳形式是主题句别具一格、匠心独运的翻版, 从而合乎逻辑、顺理成章地结束全文。
篇章不论长短须分成若干段落, 并围绕中心议题相互紧密连接。段落与篇章的关系既紧密相依又独立成体, 段落包括起始段、论述段、结尾段。
a.起始段。要告诉读者想阐述的观点, 一般来说不宜太长, 言简意赅、直接了当为好。主要可采用设问法、质疑法。
1) 设问法, 要增加文章感染力, 直接切入主题, 可采用直接提问的方法。如题为 Good Health的文章可以这样开头:Why is good health necessary to happiness and success?
2) 质疑法, 是对某些或大多数人的观点提出疑问, 从而道出自己的看法。例如:
Although most persons believe that males are physically stronger than females, this belief is not based on fact. Studies have shown that females have a biological precocity that is evident from birth onward. The skeletal development of girls is superior to that of boys at birth, and this physical superiority continues until maturity.
这段文章用科研成果说明, 男人比女人结实的观点是错误的。
b.论述段, 是围绕论点展开论述的段落。要使论述有说服力, 可采用以下方法:用事例发展主题句;用比较—对比法发展主题句。
1) 事例法, 也称列举法, 常用连词有:first, second, third或 For one thing…for another等。如:Looking forward to the decade of 1980’s, one wonders what personal qualities will be needed for success. Possibly the four most essential attributes are:flexibility, honesty, creativity, and perseverance.First, our rapidly changing society requires flexibility—the ability to adapt oneself to readily to new ideas and experiences.Next, honesty, the capacity both to tell and to face the truth courageously, will be important in all aspects of personal and public relations. In addition, creativity will be required to meet the constantly changing world around us.Finally, perseverance , the ability to hold on at all costs, will be required in a society where it is full of competitions for space, food and shelter.
2) 比较与对比, 包括两种写法。
①类比法, 即将两种不同事物间的相似点进行比较。如:Li Yin and Lu Ping have many things in common. To begin with, both girls have the same background, Li Yin was born and raised in the South, and so was Lu Ping. In addition, both girls are interested in the same kinds of subjectsin college. Li Yin likes English, math, and computer science. Similarly, Lu Ping has great interest in these three subjects. Furthermore, both girls want to be engineers. Li Yin plans to become an electrical engineer; Lu Ping wants to be a military engineer. As you can see, the two girls are almost like twins.
②对比法, 即强调事物间的不同之处。如:In Europethere are very few wooden houses being built today. This is partly because wood is no longer as it once was, and partly because wooden houses catch fire quite easily. On the other hand, there are many wooden houses in the US. This is because the first settlers wanted to build houses quickly and inexpensively. Since the country was covered in many places with forests, some trees had to be cut down to make room for houses.
c.结尾段, 是一篇文章必不可少的部分。结尾部分草草收场, 会使人感到悬而未决, 以致全文软弱无力;反之, 严谨完整的收尾则会深化主题, 给读者以完整感。通常采用综合结论法, 即在总结全文的例证、事实等基础上最后得出结论。如:By setting a good example for your children, you are not only giving them a good model to imitate, you are also helping them to increase their chances for survival. It is not too soon to help your children begin to appreciate, understand, and respect the environment in which they live.
文章主要讲述父母有责任帮助孩子了解林木花草、山川河流, 学会欣赏与保护美丽的大自然。结尾段通过概括总结, 更加深化主题, 同时也给读者留下完整印象。
摘要:写好一篇短文, 需要几个关键步骤:审题、编写提纲、成文写作。短文写作要从每个基本步骤扎实练起, 方能水到渠成。
一、 脱离baby English的成熟风格
1. 抛弃“以我为中心”
(1) I’ll talk about the topic on how to make friends. I think it’s important for everyone to make friends because we need someone to turn to when we are sad or in trouble. I also think that friends can help us succeed.
(2) There seems to be quite a lot for me to say about the topic how to make friends. It’s important for everyone to make friends because we often need someone to turn to when we are sad or in trouble. Friends, sometimes, can help us succeed, as many examples have shown.
2. 合并句子
(1) In the first place, you should be kind to others and wear smile in your face. Smile is the magnet to attract others. In addition, you should try your best to remember other’s name. When you disagree with others, don’t argue with them, try to cool down.
(2) Try to be kind to others with smile on your face which is the magnet to attract others and always try to remember other’s name. When you disagree with others, don’t argue with them but cool down.
修改过后,四句变成了两句,通过使用介词with、 定语从句、连词and与but等手段,该段变得更为紧凑与利落。
二、 接近real English的个性风格
学生作文中的英语之所以看起来不太地道,一是和他们的语言基础有关,另外,语言的组织太四平八稳、缺少新意也是一个原因,他们更喜欢或习惯使用简单的主 + 谓 + 定 + 宾 + 补 + 状等正常语序的陈述句。实际上,通过行文方式的改变,作文可以使人耳目一新。
1. 颠倒主谓
On the playground shouted the PE teacher, “Boys and girls, come back!”
2. 以介词短语开头,例如:
With the hope for being admitted to college, he studied much harder than his classmates.
3. 以形容词开头,例如:
(1) Sally was Betrayed. She fell into despair and sat in the dark for the whole night.
(2) Betrayed, Sally fell into despair and sat in the dark for the whole night.
4. 以副词开头,例如:
(1) People usually think that westerners are opener than Asains.
(2) Usually, people think that westerners are opener than Asains.
5. 以不定式开头,例如:
(1) The two generations can do something together at least once a week to get a closer relationship.
(2) To get a closer relationship, the two generations can do something together at least once a week.
6. 以从句开头,例如:
(1) We should do what we can do even though the current situation will not change in a short time.
Y:I like to live in the city.W:What are the advantages of living in the city ?
Y:Oh ,Yes.You know, life in the city is easier and more convenient, In the city,there are more schools, more hospitals, more shops and more changes for each of us to get a good job.So the living standards are higher.What do you think about it ?
W:Yes, In the suburb, the air is fresh and there is a lot more space for us.There are not
as many people in the suburb , and there are a lot more fresh vegetables and fruits , But in the city , there is more loud noise around us , and there is more people there.Frequently we have to wait for a long time to do something , for example, shopping , going to the hospitals , even going to the toilets,and so on.Y:Well ,there are few changes for the young people to get a better job , and it isn’t
convenient to life , for example , going to schools , going to see a film ……
W:Oh , I think you have your own opinions , and I don’t think I can convince you.Y:Yes ,Neither can I.W:Hello.Y:Hello.W:Would you like to live in the city or in the Suburb?
Y:I like to live in the city.W:What are the advantages of living in the city ?
Y:Oh ,Yes.You know, life in the city is easier and more convenient, In the city, there are
more schools, more hospitals, more shops and more changes for each of us to get a good job.So the living standards are higher.What do you think about it ?
W:Yes, In the suburb, the air is fresh and there is a lot more space for us.There
are not as many people in the suburb , and there are a lot more fresh vegetables and fruits , But in the city , there is more loud noise around us , and there is more people there.Frequently we have to wait for a long time to do something , for example, shopping , going to the hospitals , even going to the toilets,and so on.Y:Well ,there are few changes for the young people to get a better job , and it isn’t
convenient to life , for example , going to schools , going to see a film ……
Every year students in many countries learn English.Some of the students are children.Others are young people.Some learn at school.Others teach themselves.Why do all these people learn English? In China many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their school subjects.Many people learn English because it is very useful in their work or they have to read books in English.They want to learn a lot from foreign countries.每年在许多国家的学生学习英语。一些学生是孩子,其他的是年轻人。一些人在学校学习。剩下的一些人自学。这些人们为什么学习英语? 在中国许多男孩和女孩在学校学习英语是因为它是学校的一门课程。许多人学英语是因为它非常有用,他们在工作中需要用到英语或他们必须阅读英语书籍。他们想要更多的了解其他国家
C.A or B()2.Families eat _____and drink_____.A.mooncakes ,coffee B.nuts,milk C.mooncakes,Chinese tea()3.People often tell the story of ______.A.Chang’e
B.Diao Chan
C.Qu Yuan()4.Then moon is ______that night.A.round
C.A and B()5.is the Mid-Autumn Festival a Chinese festival? A.Yes,it is
B.No,it isn’t
C.I don’t know
(二)This is Changsha South Railway Station.A high-speed Train called Hexie Hao is going to move out of the station.Wang Jun is going to go to Guangzhou.He will visit his uncle and aunt.He is very excited.He likes to travel by train!A)阅读短文,将正确答案的序号填在括号内。()1.What is the best title(标题)for this passage? A.A Travel
B.A Picnic()2.What is the name of the station? A.Changsha North Railway Station.B.Changsha South Railway Station.()3.Can the train called Hexie Hao go very fast? A.Yes,it can.B.No,it can’t.4.Is Wang Jun very excited about the travel? A.Yes,he is.B.No,he isn’t.B)阅读短文,回答下列问题。1.Where is Wang Jun going?
Wang Jun is going to ________________.2.Will he visit his uncle and aunt?
Christmas is coming.The shopping centres are very busy(忙碌的).Some people are buying Christmas trees.Some people are buying gifts for their families or relatives.I’m going to buy a computer for my little brother.He can draw pictures on the computer.Our family usually gets together(团聚)on Christmas Eve.My elder brother(大哥)lives in London.Last year,he didn’t come back because it was snowing very hard.I hope we are going to be together again this year.My elder brother will drive here on Christmas Eve.We will decorate our Christmas tree with colourful balls and lights.We will put the gifts under the tree.We don’t open them until Christmas morning.()1.Before Christmas , the shopping centres are very_____.A.high
()2.I’m going to buy a _____for my little brother.A.computer
C.schoolbag()3.My elder brother lives in _______.A.London
B.New York
C.Beijing()4.My elder brother will come home by_______.A.bus
C.bike()5.We put the gifts ______ the tree.A.in
Daming and his friends will go for a picnic next Sunday.They will go to the park.Everyone will bring some food and drinks.Amy will bring some peanuts and candies.Tom will bring some fruit.Xiaogang will bring a few cans of Coke.Tingting will bring some cookies and apples.How about Daming? He will bring a box of cakes and a football.So they can play football in the park.They will meet at the park at 9:30 a.m.They’re so excited about the picnic next Sunday.1.判断正误,正确的打“√”,错误的画“×”。
()1.Amy will bring some peanuts and candies for the picnic.()2.Xiaogang will bring a few cans of Coke.()3.Daming will bring a basketball and some cakes.2.根据短文选择正确的答案。
()1.When will Daming and his friends go for a picnic? A.Next Saturday.B.Next Sunday.()2.What will Tom bring for the picnic?
A.some fruit
B.Cookies and apples
()3.Are they excited about the picnic? A.Yes,they are.B.No,they aren’t
3.根据短文,回答问题。1.Where will they go for a picnic?
They will_____________________.2.What time will they meet at the park? They will_____________________.3.What will Tingting bring for the picnic? She will__________________________.(五)Dear Peter,I’m very happy to receive your email.Yesterday I went to Nanjiao Park with my friends.In the park,the tress are green and flowers are blooming.Some birds are singing and dancing in the trees.We played many games in the park.We had a happy time all day.Now I’m gong to answer some of your questions.You asked me about the weather in Changsha in summer,It’s very hot in summer.The most of people in Changsha usually go to the swimming pool(泳池)to swim.I like swimming ,too.And I’m a good swimmer.I like summer best.You asked me when the best time to come to Changsha is.I think the best time to come to Changsha is spring or autumn.It’s often too hot in summer and it’s too cold in winner.I have a finish this email now.Welcome to Changsha now.Yours,Li Ping 根据短文内容选择正确答案。()1.The email is from________ A.Peter
B.Li Ping
C.Mary()2.Li ping went to __________with her friends.A.Zhongshan
B.Beijing Park
C.Nanjiao Park()3.In the park ,some _____are singing and dancing.A.birds
C.boys()4.The most of people in Changsha go to the _____to swim.A,sea
C.swimming pool()5.The best time to come to Changsha is ______.A.spring or autumn
(六)It’s autumn now,The weather is sunny and cool.I’m going to have a picnic at the beach with my friends tomorrow.Mum made some cookies for us this morning.I will bring them.And I will bring some candies.Tom will bring some apples and pears.They’re from his grandpa’s garden.Peter will bring two bottles of orange juice.We are going to play beach volleyball together.We will have fun.()1.In autumn,the weather is______.A.very had
C.not good()2.We will have a picnic________.A.at the beach
B.in the park
C.at school()3.Mom made some_______for us this morning.A.cakes
C.cookies()4.Tom’s grandpa has a _______.A.park
C.zoo()5.Peter will bring ______bottles of orange juice.A.two
首先我们来看第一条:动词形。请看新课标全国卷Ⅰ:例1,Sheused to holding me on her knees and sing old songs.从动词的形式上我们很快就发现holding错了,应该改为原形。当然这个从固定搭配上也可以找出错误,used to do表示曾经做。当然也可以从and并列结构入手寻找答案。例2,l was only four when she passesaway. 考查谓语动词,状语从句的谓语与主句谓语同时发生在过去,用一般过去式。再看新课标全国卷Ⅱ:例3,Haveteainthelateafternoon provides a bridge between lunch and dinner.纵观全文,我们可以看到本文采用的是一般现在时态,说明谓语动词没有问题,但是另外一个动词就有问题了,它处在主语的位置,却用的是动词原形,应改为动名词形式。例4,Tea in China is traditionallydrankfromcupswithouthandles. 传统的中国饮茶当然说的是过去,谓语动词没问题,而饮茶,茶当然是被饮,要用过去分词。drank要改为drunk。
我们再来看第二条:名词数。请看新课标全国卷Ⅰ:例如,Hewas tall,with broad shoulder.一个人两个肩膀,所以shoulder要用其复数形式。再看新课标全国卷Ⅱ:例如,When tea got popular inBritain,there was a crying need for good cup with handles to suit Britishhabits. 在这个句子中已经出现了两个可数名词的复数形式,handles和habits。那与handles对应的cup更应该用其复数形式。再看大纲卷中的这样一个句子:He says if l decide to do something,ittakesmuchtimestostopme.此句中的time不是次数的意思,而指的是时间,是不可数名词,应改为time。
再看第三条:注意形和副。请看新课标全国卷Ⅱ:例如,Interesting,it had a connection to the British porcelain industry. 放在句首,对整个句子起评价作用的我们一般使用副词。比方luckily,fortunately等的用法一样。再看大纲卷中的这样一个句子:Whenthe teacher asks us very difficulty questions,l will think quickly andstanduptoanswer.very副词修饰形容词或副词,形容词修饰名词。所以difficulty应改为difficult。
第四条,固定搭配要牢记。新课标全国卷Ⅰ中考到了turninto,infact.新课标全国卷Ⅱ中考了haveaconnection to/with.大纲卷中考了standup.
第五条,逻辑关系要理清。这个主要关系连接并列句的词如and,but,or,so,for等词以及主从复合句中从句的连接词,还有人称代词、指示代词的不正确使用等。比如新课标全国卷Ⅰ中的setsb apart from中的sb应是宾格形式而不是反身代词。大纲卷中Myfather is hardworkingbut goes to work in the field ever day. 很明显两个并列句没有转折的意思,应使用and。另一个句子,Thisishowlneedtoimprovein thefuture.表语从句引导词要做need的宾语,用what。
摘 要:本文将“巧”字贯穿全篇,首先从教育学的角度提出了写对提高记忆力的重要性,从心理学的角度提出教师应解决学生在写作时存在的畏难情绪;其次举出实例,提出教师可根据课上所教的语法知识,所学的重点词汇为学生创立出一种情境来进行写作;进而过渡到让学生自设情境,充分发挥学生的创造力。通过“巧”写短文,让学生养成用词准确,造句合乎规范,作文讲究章法的好习惯,从而不断提高学生的英语写作能力,享受写作的快乐。
关键词:教育 英语写作 巧 情境
在学生能正确运用所学词组和句式后,教师可为学生设置新的情境,有针对性的指导学生灵活运用所学词汇,将所学知识运用到短文写作中去。现在我以现行人教版高一课本Units 9-10为例,介绍一下短文写作的基本做法。在教师重点教学或复习了devote... to,die out,take measures,call for,make a difference,remind,dare say,break down,depend,in no case,disagree,no matter…等词汇的用法后,我给学生设置了一个新的情境,要求学生进行短文写作。
王教授致力于(devote…to)动物的保护工作。他说:“现在许多动物正濒临灭绝(die out)。不管(no matter…)发生了什么,我们都应该采取措施(take measures)来阻止人们破坏环境。这项工作需要(call for)耐心和勇气。即使是小事也能起到巨大的作用(make a difference)。”他的朋友提醒(remind)王教授注意身体。“你已经取得了巨大的成功。我敢说(dare say)你如果想这样继续工作下去,你的身体将会垮下来(break down)。”王教授不同意朋友们的话。“那要看情况而定(depend)。在任何情况下(in no case)我们都不能放弃。”