
2024-12-14 版权声明 我要投稿


计算机研究生英文简历 篇1

Nationality: China

Current residence: Guangzhou, China: Han

Domicile: Qingyuan stature: 169 cm kg

Marital status: Single Age: 25

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job

Position: computer software, computer software, other categories:

Work Experience: 3 Job Title: No Title

Job type: Full-time Date Available: Anytime

Salary requirements: Negotiable Desired Location: Guangzhou

Work Experience

Company Name: Guangzhou Information Technology Co., beginning and ending date :20xx-03 ~ 20xx-05

Company Type: Private Industry: Computers / Internet / Communications / Electronics

Positions: Web Development

Educational Background

School: Sun Yat-sen

Highest Level of Education: college to earn a degree: college graduation date :20xx-10-01

By Major: Computer and Applications

Computer Skills:

Office software: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access database skills

计算机研究生英文简历 篇2

1 关于主位和主位推进模式的论述

1.1 主位理论的发展

现代语言学的主位概念, 一般追溯到19世纪的德裔法籍学者亨利·维尔 (Henri Weil) 。他提出句法运动不等于思想运动, 句法运动由词尾 (名词的格形式) 表示, 思想运动则由语序表示。布拉格学派的创始人之一马泰修斯 (Mathesius) 受到了亨利·维尔思想的启发, 证实并发展了亨利·维尔的观点, 较早提出了主位 (Theme) 和述位 (Rheme) 这对概念, 目的在于研究句子中不同成分在语言交际中所发挥的不同作用。后来以韩礼德为代表的系统功能语言学派接受了布拉格学派提出的这对术语, 并从功能的角度对其进行了重新界定 (朱永生19956) 。

1.2 主位与述位

韩礼德 (1985) 认为一个主位结构 (thematic structure) 由主位和述位构成, 主位一旦被确定, 剩下的成分就是述位了。主位选择体现了说话人所选择的信息传递模式, 述位构建过程体现了人脑对信息加工处理的运作过程。他认为, “主位是充当信息出发点的成分;是小句所关心的成分 (The Theme is the ele ment which serves as the point of departure of message;it is tha which the clause is concerned.) (Halliday 1985:38) 。在英语中被选为主位的都是居于句子首位 (whatever is chosen as the Them is put first) , 其他的部分都被视为述位。述位是句子的信息中心所在, 是新信息, 是交际对象所未知的内容。如:

I/received a research grant for$100, 000.


1.3 主位与述位推进模式

国内语言学者朱永生对主位推进模式进行了研究, 他采用了四种基本的主位推进模式。我们用符号T表示主位, R表示述位, T1, R1分别表示第一句的主位和述位。英语中的主位推进模式主要可归纳为:

1) 延续型, 这一模式的特点是第一小句的述位作为第二小句的主位:


I (T1) worked for more than one year in electronic industry (R2) .The experience I gained during working (T2) benefits me a lot (R2) .

2) 连续型, 即小句有共同的主位, 而每句的述位各不相同:


First, I (T1) actively participate in many active working in clients’suits (R1) .Second, I (T2) have excellent problem-solving skills (R2) .I (T3) would be an immediate as well as a long-term asset to your firm if given the opportunity (R3) .

3) 交叉型, 这一模式的特点是前一句的主位是后一句的述位:


T2→R2 (=T1)


Tn→Rn (=Tn-1)


A personal meeting (T1) would give us the opportunity to discuss your short and long-term objectives and my ability to direct your organization towards successfully achieving those goals (R1) .I (T2) should be glad to have a personal meeting (R2) .

4) 派生型, 此模式由一个“超主位”或上义主位派生出一组“下义主位”:


Undergraduate courses I have taken (T1) are very importan and useful (R1) .English language skills (T2) enable me to commu nicate with foreigner clients (R2) .Extensive electronic and comput er competency (T3) can improve my work efficiency (R3) .

2 英文简历中的主位推进模式

2.1 语料收集及研究方法

本研究收集了40份中国高校毕业生的英文简历, 从中筛选出符合条件的30份。选出的英文简历语篇篇幅较长 (平均为100—150个英文单词) , 书写清晰, 语句连贯。笔者对简历中的主位、述位进行标注, 运用主位推进模式对其进行分析。

2.2 统计结果与分析

从表1可以看出, 英文简历中常用“Action Word” (行为词) , 从而使表达更有目的性, 更充满活力, 更有力度。而且英文简历中常省略句子主题 (I, my manager) 、物主代词 (my/mine his/hers) , 有时甚至省略冠词 (the, a) , 这样使简历看起来更简洁, 而且符合西方人的表达方式。

从表2可以看出在英文简历中避免使用长句、复合句。没人愿意看冗长的句子, 因为“YRIS” (Your resume is scanned, no read) 。

2.3 简历文本的语篇分析

由于文化背景和语言上的差异, 英文简历应该符合英语国家人们的阅读习惯。英文简历的基本要求是简练, 对于求职者来讲, 目的明确、语言简练是其简历行之有效的基础。而一个篇章真的正主位结构是指主位的衔接和连接, 它们的相互关系和领属层次, 以及跟段落、整个语篇和情景的关系。

下面结合主位推进模式理论, 分析英文简历中的主位特点, 归纳为以下几点:

1) 若无标记主位为“I”时, 经常避免使用。在表述自己的学历、工作经验和任职资格时, 如果你的名字出现在个人资料中, 或者反复使用“I”一词, 不仅达不到简洁的效果, 而且有自傲的嫌疑, 使HR产生厌烦的感觉。


I am very experienced at programming in C++and Java.

→Highly experienced programming C++and Java.

2) 简历作者为强调过去的学习或工作经历时, 多采用连续型主位推进模式。同时避免使用复合句, 达到简练的效果。

例如, 在介绍experience时采用的表达方式:

I taught some pupils English in grade three and grade five as a substitute teacher from Sept.2011 to May.2012.I took part in the inauguration of Hubei Institute of Technology as a volunteer, and had been awarded“the advanced individual volunteers”on April 8, 2012.

3) 有时省略主位或者述位, 以达到精简的目的。虽然有很多话要说, 但是空间有限, 英文简历写作允许使用缩写句。

例如, 在表达self-assessment时, 如果在一句话中要列出不止一个成就, 表达方式为:

Advantages:Honest, work actively and seriously, quickthinking, hard-working, high self-learning ability and social competence, etc.

Disadvantages:Lack of social experience but I will use the shortest time into the best state.

3 结论

研究结果表明, 虽然英文简历中有不同的主位推进模式, 但在英文简历语篇中主位推进模式倾向于使用连续型推进模式, 这与体裁和交际目的相关。第一, 缺省主位在英文简历中很突出, 主要原因是两种语言的不同特征。中文注重话题, 英文注重主语, 在简历文本的表达形式上有不同体现。第二, 连续型推进模式在英文简历中比在中文简历中出现次数多, 这与西方人的思维缜密、注重逻辑有关。本研究可以帮助中国人在撰写英文简历时避免文化差异所造成的交际语言障碍, 从而写出更加地道的英文简历, 实现跨文化的有效信息传递。

摘要:该文运用主位-述位推进模式理论对30篇英文简历进行语篇分析, 以期为中国学生在撰写英文简历时提供一定的帮助。



[1]Halliday M A K.An Introduction to Functional Grammar[M].London:Edward Arnold, 1985.

[2]姜望琪.主位概念的嬗变[M].北京:高等教育出版社, 2007.

[3]张德禄.语篇分析理论的发展及应用[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2012.

计算机专业英文简历 篇3

Personnal Data

Name:Your Name


Birthdate:March 3, 1978


Address:23 South Seaside Avenue, South China Computer Company, Haikou 57000



Position Sought

Computer Programmer with a foreign enterprise in Beihai City.Qualifications

Four years’work experience operating computers extensively, coupled with educational preparation.Professional Experience

-Computer Programmer, South China Computer Company, Haikou, from 2002 to date.-Coded well-defined systems logic flow charts into computer machine instructions using Java or

C.-Coded subroutines following specifications, file size parameters, block diagrams.-Performed maintenance tasks and patching to established straightforward programs.-Documented all programs as completed.-Tested, debugged and assembled programs.-Adept at operating IBM-PC and Legend computers.Educational Background

Beijing University of Technology

B.S.in Computer Science, July 2002

Courses included:

-Computer Science Systems Design and Analysis

-PASCAL Programming Operating Systems

-COBOL Programming Java Programming

-FORTRAN Programming D--BASE Programming

-Systems Management

Beihai No.14 Middle School, 1992—1998

English Proficiency

A good command of English in science and technology.Hobbies

计算机软件学英文简历 篇4


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Gender: female

Age: 24

Height: 163 cm

Marital status: single

Education experience

Start-stop years: -09-01--08-01

The school name: weifang science and technology vocational college

Professional name: finance

Telephone number:


Job objective

Expect post properties: full-time

Where expectations: shouguang city

Expected monthly salary: negotiable yuan/monthly

Expect engaged in post: the cashier accounting

Expect engaged in industry: computer software/hardware accounting/auditing education/training catering/entertainment/leisure hotel/tourism



一封商务信函的全文结构可以用3W 来表示,即:Why do you write the letter? (第一部分) ;What’s the detailed reason? (第二部分) ;What do you expect your reader to do? (第三部分)。



1、第一部分(Why do you write the letter?):在信函的一开头就要目的明确、简明扼要告诉读信者为什么要写这封信,如:

例(1):I am replying to your letter of April 15 asking us to clear our March payment.





例(2):It was a long time since I saw you in Qing Dao 3 months ago.



2、第二部分(What’s the detailed reason?):即商务信函的征文,叙述事实或者理由来支持信里的第一句。




例(3):I apologize for not settling the accountant sooner, but because of the unfortunate disease of Mrs. Lund, our accountant. We are not able to settle any of our outstanding balance.





3、第三部分(What do you expect your reader to do?) :结尾是提出要求或者提请注意。



例(4):Please find enclosed the check for 1,000,000 dollars and inform us the receipt.









计算机毕业生英文简历 篇5




to work in the well known company as a computer operator and there by monitor and control numerous computer systems, equipments, peripherals and networks efficiently.


bachelor of computer programming, xyz institute,

professional certifications:

certificate in tally, sams institute, XX


expertise in installation of various software and operating systems namely unix, windows.

expertise in the usage of oracle database and ms office tools namely word, power point, ms- excel, ms-access

knowledge and certification in tally

expert in using search engine tools and internet.


xyz company, sep XX - present

employer job-content

compose & type correspondence.

maintain record of incoming & outgoing correspondence.

make reports, receive, take dictation, check files, records, & all the correspondence.

submission of various statements related to reporting and monitoring after compilation of data on ms office.

all accounting work.

abc software pvt. ltd., aug XX - dec XX

computer operator/office assistant

receive visitors, place calls and answers telephone enquiries.

maintains records, files & other references materials and perform related clerical duties.

search files, documents and maintain library for information.

drafting of letters & noting for approval of proposal.

report preparation

some sort of data entry related work.

计算机研究生英文简历 篇6


英文简历有基本的格式要素与语言特色, 但是如何在英文简历中完美地体现自己的优势特色, 从而让招聘单位耳目一新, 对求职者留下好印象, 则需要认真的态度和一定的技巧。

(一) 基本要素

1) 个人信息。一份优秀且地道的英文简历一般只用写上姓名、地址、联系电话和电子邮箱就可以了。但在国际化进程日益推进的今天, 各国的文化交融, 跨国公司的建立等使得英文简历也越来越国际化, 有很多求职岗位有性别、年龄等方面的要求, 这时候就需要在简历中注明。2) 求职目标。通常求职者会在简历里简单地写上所应聘的职位, 例如:求职目标:translator。看似求职的职位已经很明确, 实则不然, translator是个很笼统的概念, 会让用人单位对你的求职定位产生歧义。翻译有很多种, 有随行口译, 会议笔译, 网站翻译, 各类单据合同的翻译等等。因此, 求职者最好能清晰地注明。3) 教育背景。在书写教育背景时, 应注意英文简历中的时间排列顺序与中文恰好相反, 要求求职者从最高学历写起, 最低的一般涉及高中学历。对于已参加工作多年的人来说, 用人单位重点考虑的是其工作经验, 学历只是参考因素, 因而只需注明就读的校系名称、始止时间和学位即可。而对于刚刚跨入社会的应届毕业生而言, 尤其是高职高专的毕业生, 他们的教学进程往往与工作实习相伴进行, 因此工作经验与教育经历显得一样重要。最好是在前者基础上, 再简单地列举主修的课程及成绩。4) 工作经历。同样还是采用倒叙的方式, 从目前的工作写起。但为了简洁, 一些不重要的工作经历往往需要被省略, 只留下与应聘职位有关的经历。求职者除了写清楚所服务单位的名称和自身的职位, 还需描述自身的工作内容和职责。若是专业的技术人员, 就更需要在简历中详细地描述其专业技能和项目经验。如果作为应届毕业生没有什么工作经验, 写上自己在学校期间参加的一些实践活动也是可取的。5) 所获奖励与成就。这一部分相对比较灵活。对于学生而言, 可以是他们曾受到的表彰, 得到的荣誉称号, 或赢得的奖项等。但切记一定要避免那些“又红又砖”的荣誉称号, 例如“三好学生”“优秀班干部”等, 这些称号即使写上, 外籍人士也不一定明白是怎么回事。你可以写上获得的技能证书或是做过的公益活动, 在许多发达的地方, 公司往往注重个人修养。

(二) 语言特色

大对数高职高专毕业生 (非英语专业) 的英文简历可能只是把中文简历直接翻译过来。由于中文与英文在用词、语法和习惯上有较大的不同, 直译过来的英文简历可能存在许多问题, 因此需要了解英语这门语言的特色。

1) 频用短语。英文简历很重要的一点就是要言简意赅, 简洁明了, 在撰写中一定要注意到一些语言特色与技巧。切忌长句, 而多采用一些行为动词短语的表达。因为在简历中, 行为动词让你听起来更有目的性, 更有活力。2) 调整语法。由于空间有限, 英文简历写作的标准只允许使用缩写句。可以省略句子的主语 (I, my manager) 、物主代词 (my/mine, his/hers) 有时甚至省略冠词 (the/a) 。如果要在一个句子中列出不只一项内容, 可以用"and"连接。3) 注重语体。英语言与汉语一样, 十分注重场合, 所表述的语言会因场合不同而变化。这在求职简历这类书面应用文中也有体现。比如一些格式、称谓要使用正式的文体, 能够体现求职者的重视与认真。切忌过多地使用口语甚至是俚语。


1) 过往经历。过往经历包括求职者的教育经历与工作实践经历。在教育经历上, 高职高专毕业生相对于本科生或是更高学历的毕业生, 在学历上学位上或许有所不及。但是, 本科生们注重的是理论, 而高职高专学生则更注重实践操作。作为高职高专的毕业生具备了专业的实践技能, 可以说是技能型人才。许多毕业生在就学期间就已经积累了在相关专业企业实习实践的经验。因此在英文简历中, 工作经历一栏, 可以为自己添上加分的一笔。2) 预期效果。当求职者完成了一份英文简历, 准备投给某家公司之前, 有必要预期一下这封简历的效果, 是石沉大海, 还是脱颖而出。但实际上许多求职者在第一步———英文简历中就被招聘单位淘汰了, 所以求职者应当谨记YRIS原则, 即Yourresumes isscanned, 招聘单位是在浏览 (scanned) 求职者的简历, 而不是阅读 (read) 。在投递之前, 再次检查英文简历的侧重点, 即关键字和行动词, 它们最能体现你的本质。而且在简历中对求职者的描述切记不可夸大, 但也不要把自己的缺点全都罗列上去, 可以选择写上自己擅长的, 而忽略一些不足。最重要的是要让招聘单位感到你对未来职业生涯的充分准备与活力。如果觉得英文简历在内容上已经能完美地展现自己, 还需要注重格式与页面的事项。在将你的英文简历投递给企业后, 需要保持自己的电话通畅与及时的电邮收发。3) 谋篇布局。作为一份英语简历, 最重要的职能就是在招聘单位进行浏览时, 能够一眼被吸引, 从而对你产生兴趣, 留下初步好印象, 以及进一步交流的意愿。所以英文简历的谋篇布局非常重要, 最好能达到让人眼前一亮的效果。

英语简历的基本格式是确定的, 需要在框定的格式之中寻求突破与新颖之处。英文简历上的内容大致可以分三点来写, 第一点是最能体现求职者能力的事迹, 例如之前所组织负责过 (参与过) 的重大活动或是担任过的职务等等;第二点是最能体现你专业技能的事例。作为高职高专的毕业生, 可能在学历上体现不出优势, 那就要把矛头调转到最关键的信息上———专业技术能力与社会实践 (工作) 经历。把自己擅长的一面简明扼要的强调出来, 可以是学术专业上的成就, 或是具有代表性的荣誉等等;第三点则是社会工作经历, 若是没什么工作经历, 参加过的能体现自我的社会实践活动也可。

同时一定要用积极的语言, 切忌用缺乏自信和消极的语言书写简历。要组织好英文简历的结构, 避免出现重复的内容, 让人感到条理清楚, 结构严谨。要使你的个人简历富有创造性, 让招聘单位产生想进一步了解你的兴趣。

计算机专业毕业生英文简历 篇7

I have the honor to present a brief introduction of myself to you in compliance with the requirements of your graduate admission

I was born in November 7th, 1966, at the town of Changing, Beijing. My parents are doing business and farming. I have one elder sister, one younger sister, and two younger brothers. The family is in a well-to-do country with harmonized atmosphere. After my elementary and junior high school education at my hometown, I went on my senior high school education at a public vocational technical high school at the neighboring county Fangshan. Courses I have taken there include: mechanical structure, applied mechanical dynamics, material strength, heat treatment analysis, and electrical engineering. I also had practice courses on lathe work, bench work, casting, engineering drawing, and electronic television repair skill. After graduation from this technical school, I found a job at the Evergreen Traffic Corp. When I had worked one year in mechanical design and heat treatment analysis, I was admitted to the Computer Science Department of Beijing Institute of Technologies.

计算机IT类英文个人简历 篇8

Name:  Mr. p  Gender:  Male

Wedlock:  Single  Nation:  Han

Residence:  Guangdong-Shanwei  Age:  26

Location:  Guangdong-Dongguan  Height:  172cm

Target Locations:   Guangdong-Dongguan、 Guangdong

Target Positions:   IT-Development/Application-Other

IT-Management/Technical Support-Other

Target Jobs:  manager

Desired Salary:

When Can Start:   after -05-10 later



-09 ~ 2008-07 Neusoft institute of infomation computer application technology  Junior College

-09 ~ 2005-07 new star school histroy High School

Special Skills

Professional Title:

Computer Level:   senior

Computer Skills:

Strengths:  National Occupational Qualification Leval 5

Language Skills

Chinese:   Good Cantonese:   Good

English Level:   Majored in English  CET-6  Spoken General

English:  General

Career Objective

Career Direction:  whatever we do ,we do it insistently. without the persistence,we could accomplish  nothing! eventhough you had the plan ,you would cringe at the sight of difficulties.so,choose what you like ,and keeping trying and trying. computer science and management should be the best choice for me.

研究生英文简历 篇9

Male, born in 1980.1

Signal and Information Processing

Xidian University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China.



Job Desired

Signal Processing Algorithm Engineer

Electronic engineer with emphasis _disibledevent=EN-US style=”FONT-SIZE: 10.5pt; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">FPGA design and development


9/20xx– now M.S., Signal and Information Processing, Xidian University

9/-7/20xx B.S., Electronic Information Engineering, Yanshan University


English (CET-6)

Especially adept at reading and writing English material for researching

Experience, Knowledge

Computer knowledge: Windows, LINUX, MS Office Software

Team oriented, love to work in highly motivated teams

Good communication skills

In-depth understanding of special knowledge in the field of Signal and Information Processing

Programming skills: good experience in C and assembly programming languages for signal processing

Full competence in the design of digital filter and filter banks

Experience of system simulation with MATLAB

Skilled in using FPGA and Verilog-HDL for designing digital system, especially have a profound understanding of the algorithms implemented with FPGA for Digital Down-sampling Converter (DDC), Digital Up-sampling Converter (DUC) and Crest Factor Reduction (CFR)

Familiar with TD-SCDMA. Participated in the research and development of ZXTR R01 (Remote Radio Unit in the TD-SCDMA communication system) in the Xi’an R&D Center of ZTE among recently 10 months. Completed the FPGA designing and debugging of this system


《An Efficient Algorithm for Designing Cosine Modulated Filter Banks with Linear Phase Satisfy Perfect Reconstruction》 ICCCAS 20xx 20xx.7 (indexed by EI)

研究生英文求职简历 篇10

I have extensive experience as an intern in various institutions, including Public Prosecution Division of Panyu District People’s Procuratorate, Civil Division Two of Panyu District People’s Court, Case-Acceptance Division of Guangzhou Intermediate People’s Court, Legal Division of Panyu Daily, Guangdong South-Freedom Law Firm, and Legal Department of Guangzhou Pearl River Industrial Development Holdings Co., Ltd. As a result of extensive experience in institutions and companies like these, I have developed considerable practical ability and been relatively capable of understanding how law is applied to real cases and the procedures of operation. Besides, as I am preparing for examination to be qualified as an enterprise legal adviser, I have been gaining knowledge about how an enterprise works.

I also have outstanding level of English proficiency. During my undergraduate study, I passed examination of CET (College English Test) Band 4 and Band 6 and developed excellent reading and writing skills and proficiency in spoken English. During college, I assisted my professor with translation of many professional essays. In addition, during my undergraduate study, I passed National Computer Rank Examination and acquired desirable skills of computer operation and maintenance. In my first year of postgraduate study, I was awarded Certificate of Accounting Operations after passing the examination based on the level of accounting knowledge and practical skills I had gained. In my second year of postgraduate study, I passed the examination that qualified me as a certificated coach of belly dance, at which I am quite good.

I have been awarded as Outstanding Postgraduate Candidate, Excellent Postgraduate Student Leader, and Outstanding Member of the Youth League during my postgraduate study, and awarded as Excellent Postgraduate this June. I held various positions in the university, including monitor of the class, Youth League Branch Secretary, and Secretary General, etc. I organized fun sports meetings, language training classes, law forums, debate contests, the university’s sports meetings, charity sales, and publicity of law education in community, etc. In organizing major activities and campaigns like these, I showed great organizing and coordinating abilities. Being so committed to work and having great sense of responsibility, I can deal with any kind of difficulties and meet challenges.

I hope that I can join you and make contributions with my abilities and potentials brought to full play. Your kind arrangement of an interview with me will be most appreciated.

Self-recommendation letter
  I have served as a class cadres since primary school.During the period of graduate study, I was the secretary-general of student uion, the contact person of party branch , the volunteer of school and the monitor in the class ,the experience from which made my work capacity,flexible coping capacity, communicative competence,cooperation capacity and organizing ability (inculding the ability to manage crises)  improve a lot.In a word,I believe that all of these will be prompted me to the post.


I love literature and writing, and have received awards in the composition competition. in professional journals were published in a lot of technical papers, one more was the core journals rather .PC and dancing is also my interesting, I often spends my spare time to study or practice dancing , all of these help me relax pressure better and improve my efficiency.

Serious about my work, I seek perfection by doing things in a detail-oriented manner which is typical of a girl. I am also outgoing, responsive, flexible, diligent and keen to learn. With a large variety of hobbies and interests, I enjoy broadening my view and scope of knowledge and keeping up to date on news and events. Travelling is one of my hobbies that help me keep positive attitude towards work and life. I work hard and do everything possible to get things done. Having fun at spare time is what makes me perform even better when getting back to work.

I honestly realize that I might not be the top of many excellent candidates, but I do believe that I will be capable of doing a job you grant me, as I have the great passion, down-to-earth attitude, aggressive mind and good ability to learn and improve with the support and encouragement of my potential co-workers and leader. I hope you can give me a chance to contribute to the organization. I look forward to your decision.

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