
2024-09-26 版权声明 我要投稿


初一第七单元英语 篇1

since it lost contact on March 8th. There is not a single day people

concerned are not wondering what happened to it, where it is now as well as

when the final result could be uncovered. From the beginning, people thought

that there must be some hints easily discovered by the modern equipment such as

radar, satellites, sonar as well as airplanes flying over vast ocean areas in

no time. On the contrary, the progress seems to against our attempts: it is

simply not there where people expected.

For a while, it is an uneasy feeling to face

the fact: nobody knows exactly what happened despite numerous endeavors have

been made. Good or bad news frequently come and later proved to be false or

based on nothing. Even superstitions get its place in explaining fact. In the

field of media, the situation seems to be a competition between rumor releasing

and clarification.

Where are those passengers and where is the

airplane are urgent questions keeping people’s mind in frog. It is

heart-breaking for relatives and for others as well. However, it is time for us

to keep our patience because we are witnesses of an unprecedented incidents

初一第七单元英语 篇2

The Snowman




( 一 ) 学生分析

教学对象是六年级第一学期的学生, 他们已经有了一定的语言积累, 也有了一定的自主学习能力。因此教师要擅于在学生已有能力的基础上培养学生自己提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力。

六年级学生出现了两级分化的趋势。在教学中应引导和鼓励不同层次的学生都参与课堂活动, 增强他们的课堂活动参与意识, 让每一个孩子都能体验学习的成功和快乐。

高年级学生学习策略的培养很重要。教师需引导学生发展阅读策略, 培养略读、寻读、预测等阅读策略; 增强小组合作意识, 共同完成任务, 发展学生的基本学习策略;在教学中引入评价机制, 发展学生的自我调控策略。

(二) 教材分析

本单元的题目是“Winter in Canada”, 讲授了冬天的“季节”话题。单元围绕着Jenny, Li Ming, Danny这三个小主人公冬天的衣着, 堆雪人、滑冰等活动, 最喜欢的季节等一系列有趣的生活情景展开。

本节故事课“The Snowman”是单元内容的拓展和延伸。学生在阅读故事的过程中巩固了本单元所学的语言知识, 提高了阅读技能, 更重要的是学生在运用英语语言读懂故事、感受冬天乐趣的过程中体会到语言学习的乐趣, 增强自信心和成就感。


(一) 知识与技能目标

1. 学生能理解故事。

2. 学生能朗读故事, 做到语音准确, 语气达意。

3. 学生能借助实物教具、板书等, 表演故事。

4. 学生能尝试改写故事结尾。

(二) 学习策略目标

1. 引导学生发展阅读策略, 培养略读、寻读、预测等阅读策略。

2. 增强小组合作意识, 共同完成任务, 发展学生的基本学习策略。

3. 在教学中引入评价机制, 发展学生的自我调控策略。

(三) 情感态度目标



(一) 教学重点

学生能运用多种阅读策略理解故事内容, 并能用正确的语音、语调朗读故事。

(二) 教学难点



(一) 教师课前准备

1. PPT课件。

2. “Frosty the Snowman”故事的动画片。

3. “I’m a little snowman.”歌曲flash。

4. 为每两位学生准备一双纸质滑冰鞋 (打印出来) 。

(二) 学生课前准备 (预习作业)

1. 每两位学生根据右图提示自制一个活动帽子的纸质雪人。

2. 能向同学用英语介绍自己制作的雪人。


(一) Warm-up (6 minutes)

1. 师生问候, 开始上课。

2. 唱一首关于雪人的歌曲“little snowman”。教师播放歌曲flash动画, 学生边做动作边唱歌曲。


I’m a little snowman round and fat.

Here are my mittens. Here is my hat.

And a little scarf and a carrot nose.

You stand so tall and when the cold windblows.

歌曲fl ash链接http://www.520wawa.com/class/201005/ info_18631.htm


歌曲导入, 激发兴趣, 使学生在愉快的歌曲欣赏和演唱中迅速把注意力转移到课堂上。歌曲内容还为故事的讲授搭建了桥梁。

3. 课前预习作业展示, 复习词汇及句型winterclothes, I have a carrot for its nose . I think it’swonderful. 等。


例:S1&S2: This is our snowman. We have acarrot for its nose. We have buttons for its eyesand mouth. We have sticks for its arms. I thinkit’s wonderful. I think it’s beautiful and cold.

老师问学生:What can your snowman do? Canit talk (jump, skate) ? 学生生成答案, 教师评价。


学生课前预习活动的展示, 体现了以学生为中心的教学理念。从一开课就引导学生建立了学习的主体地位, 帮助学生建构他们个性化的故事背景图式。读后活动中学生要用自制雪人手偶表演故事, 因此这个活动还为故事表演做好了准备。

(二) Presentation

1. Pre-reading (2 minutes)

教师出示故事中的第一幅图picture 1 ( 如图所示 ) , 引导学生自己提出问题, 教师板书学生的问题。

T: What do you want to know about the picture?

学生答案可能为S1: What’s the boy’s name?What’s for the snowman’s nose (eyes/arm) ? Whatcan the snowman do? 如果学生的问题不全, 教师补充。学生对所提问题进行预测回答。学生互评。


引导学生根据故事图片展开想象, 提出问题, 培养了学生提出问题、分析问题的能力。发展学生的预测的阅读策略, 为阅读故事做好铺垫。

2. While-reading (21 minutes)

(1) 学习故事中图1和图2内容 (7 minutes)

①观看故事视频, 检验预测。

教师播放图1和图2部分flash视频。学生带着对图片提出的问题观看故事视频, 观看后回答问题, 检验预测并修正预测。

S1: The boy’s name is John.

S2: The snowman’s nose is a carrot. It’s armsare sticks.

S3:The snowman can talk.

②深入阅读, 发展阅读策略。

教师进一步提问, 引导学生仔细阅读pic1&pic2内容, 找出John做了什么使snowman开口说话, 发展学生的寻读策略。

学生默读pic1&pic2内容, 回答问题。

S1: John put his hat on the snowman. Thenthe snowman could talk.

③利用snowman手偶, 角色表演图1和图2部分。

a. 教师用多媒体中的小仙女为学生制作的雪人帽子赋予魔力 (如图加音效) 。

b. 学生使用手中的雪人手偶和神奇的帽子两人一组练习表演pic1&pic2中的故事内容。然后在讲台前进行小组展示, 其它学生对小组展示进行评价。


神奇的雪人帽子给学生插上了想象的翅膀, 小仙女的魔法力量增加了趣味性, 使学生享受阅读和表演的乐趣, 从而能够全身心投入到活动中。这种兴趣的力量降低了角色表演的难度, 成为学生挑战自我的内驱力。

(2) 学习故事中图3和图4内容 (7 minutes)

①自然过渡, 预测, 为继续阅读铺垫。

小组表演完后, 表演内容的最后一句话是雪人说“What a cold, snowy day! Wonderful! What doyou want to do?”教师接着这句话追问, 过渡到图3图4故事的学习。T: What did the snowman wantto do? Could the snowman do it? 学生就这个问题进行预测。

②快速阅读, 发展略读策略。

学生阅读pic3&pic4故事内容, 迅速找出 (1) 中老师提出问题的答案。

S1: The snowman wants to skate. S2: Yes, he could.

③观看故事视频, 模仿跟读。


T: What did John do for the snowman?

S1: John put his skates under the snowman.

④直观教具, 助推表演。

教师发给学生纸质溜冰鞋。学生两人一组利用snowman手偶和溜冰鞋练习表演, 图3和图4部分。小组展示表演。


培养学生的略读策略, 引导学生主动阅读。根据小学生以形象思维为主的特点, 应设计学生体验, 实践、参与、探究与合作的活动, 使学生理解和学习语言。因此snowman手偶和溜冰鞋卡片等直观教具, 给学生的思维搭建了脚手架, 有助于学生复述和表演故事。

(3) 学习故事中图5和图6内容 (7 minutes)

①自然过渡, 寻读, 表演

图4中雪人说“Can we skate always?”教师追问过渡到图5图6故事的学习。问学生“Can theyskate always? Why?”学生推 测答案。教 师问T:Then what did John do for the snowman? 学生推测答案。


学生快速阅读, 找到 (1) 中问题答案。

S1: Spring is coming. It’s too warm. There israin, there is wind, but there is no snow and ice, andno snowmen.

S2: John put the snowman into the refrigerator.

③观看视频, 跟读

④两人一组, 角色扮演


教学设计注重在阅读过程中对学生寻读技能的培养, 形成学生有效的学习策略, 发展自主学习能力。

3. Post-reading (10 minutes)

(1) 练习、巩固所学故事内容

学生完整地观看故事视频。学生有感情地跟读故事。然后分6人一组, 进行角色朗读故事。

(2) 角色朗读或复述故事

学生以小组为单位展示成果。通过评价手段鼓励学生进行活动。学生可以根据自身水平选择活动展示形式。角色朗读奖励两颗星 (2分) 。复述故事奖励四颗星 (4分) 。


孩子们乐于模仿故事中角色的语气。帽子的实物在扮演中增添了趣味性和生动性。表演的过程使学生更深入地理解故事, 在故事生动的情境中自然地生成英语语言输出。活动分为角色朗读和复述两个展示形式, 使不同层次的学生都有所发展。

(3) 改写故事结尾

①观看“The snowman (1982) ”故事视频片段, 视频网址如下:

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjk5NTc1Nz Y=.htm截取雪人变活和融化消失片段。



在读完故事后, 发挥学生想象力, 以视频“Thesnowman (1982) ”故事的结尾启发学生思维, 从而对故事的学习有所拓展和延伸。学生尝试写故事结尾也把读、写技能有机结合。阅读是输入, 写作是输出, 两者相辅相成, 相互促进。

(三) Class closing (1 minute)


1. 有感情的朗读故事或复述故事。

2. 完成改写故事结尾的任务。

高一英语第七单元教学设计 篇3

Period One Warming-up & Listening

Aims: (1) To help the students know something about cultural relics.

(2) To talk about ways to protect cultural relics

(3) To train the students’ ability of listening and improve their spoken English.

Teaching Design

A. Lead-in

As is known to us all, China is a country with a history of more than 5,000 years. In the long history, people in different periods have left us quite a number of cultural sites,many of them are world-famous.

Have you heard of the world heritage list?


How many properties are on the list? ( 730 up to 29 June, )

How many Chinese sites are included? ( 28)

Can you name some familiar ones? And try to talk about some familiar ones in our hometown, Jiangsu.

B Warming-up

Look at the three pictures on the book, these three sites are all on the world heritage list.

Talk about them separately and answer the following questions

(1) Where are the three sites?

(2) What can you see in these pictures?

(3) Which one would you like to see most and want to travel there if a chance is given? And why?

These three cultural sites are called cultural relics and we should do our best to protect them.

C Listening

We all know it is necessary for us to protect the cultural relics. Then ,why? And what do you think we can do to protect our cultural relics?

Listen to the tape and try to fill in the blanks.

1. Listen to the tape and write down the name of site and the importance

in the form below.

2. Listen to the tape again and write down “What’s being done to protect it”

Listen to the tape again and put the status, the temple, the museum, Moon Tower and the Blue Waterfall in the right place.

Discussion What will you do to protect the cultural relics in our country?

1. Great Wall

2. Classical Gardens of Suzhou

3. Mogao Caves

Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and Terro cotta Warriors ( 4 groups to discuss)

Period Two Speaking

Aims: To develop the students’ ability of speaking

To help arouse the students’ wide imagination and creative thinking

To master the new words and phrases.

1) Brainstorming

Have you remembered the emblem of Beijing Olympic Games?

It is red seal ,it has Chinese tradition. It can show the long history of china.

What do you think can represent Chinese culture?

2) Speaking

Everybody is now asked to make a culture capsule which can be sent into space so that anyone who finds it will understand who we are.. You can select objects that represent Chinese culture, but do remember that you cannot put any living things in it. Also you may include in the capsule a short message of about two sentences in any language, but remember that those who find it may not understand the language. Meanwhile please give the reasons for your choices. The following expressions may be helpful to you.

( Form on page 44)

Divide the class into groups, each group discuss the project, trying to agree on the same five things. Each group elects one student to finish a report and then ask some groups to report in front of the class.

Ways of giving advice or making suggestions Ways of replying to others’ advice or suggestions

Acceptance Refuse

Shall we/I…? All right./ Ok I’m afraid that…

Let’s, shall we…? That’s all right. I’m sorry, but…

Why not…? Certainly./Sure I’d like (love) to, but…

Why don’t you…? That sounds great. It (That) sounds nice,but…

You’d better… That sounds (like) a good idea.

I think it’s better (for you/us) to… I’d like (love) to…

Would you like to…?

What/how about…?

I suggest (that) you (should)…

I advise you (not) to..

I wonder if you should..

Have you considered..?

3) Activity

Suppose your foreign teacher Mike is going to go home next week. You and your partner are preparing three gifts for him. Make a short dialogue, talk about your ideas and explain the reasons.

Period Three Reading

Focus: reading

Teaching goals:

1. To train the ability of skimming and scanning.

2. To develop the students’ ability and skills of guessing words and reading comprehension.

3. To help the students get into a good habit of reading.

Teaching aids: a recorder, a multi-media computer, etc.

Teaching procedures:

Step1: warming up

1. Greetings

2. Comment on the students’ report about the culture capsule.

3. Go over the ways of giving advice or making suggestions.

Step2. Pre-reading

Language input: throughout the world, there are many well-known cities, and quite a few of them are particularly great. Some of the cities are well received by the people, and some others have in or around them a number of famous cultural relics .Now let’s have a free discussion about the following questions:

1. Some cities, like Paris and Beijing, are called great cities of the world .In your opinion, what makes a city great?

2. What cultural relics are there in the place where you live? How important are they?


Task1.Fast reading.

1. What’s the name of the city? Which river flows through the center of it? Who built it?

2. Why is it called a city of heroes?

3. True or false questions:

1) The city of St Petersburg was built and rebuilt by peter the Great.

2) Many great palaces in the city, which were large and beautiful, were built after Peter’s death.

3) The Germans attacked St. Petersburg a hundreds ago.

4) When the palaces and buildings were rebuilt, people changed their old beauty.

5) The Germans destroyed a portrait of the great.

6) It was difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces.

7) Workers and painters used paragraphs to help them rebuild the city.

8) St Petersburg will never be as beautiful as it was before.

Task 2. Intensive reading

Reading the passage carefully and answer the following questions.

1. Why was the city important in the past?

2. Why did it seem impossible for people to restore the city and its cultural relics after the German left?

3. Why was it so difficult for people to rebuild the old palaces?

4. What did people do before the Germans came? Why?

5. What did people use to help them rebuild the city?

Step 4. Interview

Ask the students to work in Paris, play the role of a newspaper reporter and a citizen of Petersburg and finally invite some pairs to act out their interview in the front.

Period 4 Language Points

Focus: Language Points

Step1.warming up

1. Greetings

2. Check the homework, giving some explanation if necessary.


Ask the students to find out the sentences from the passage that they think most beautiful or sound sweetest.


1. Ask the students to read on page 124 and finish the following exercises shown on the screen.

①The word, which has similar meaning to “finish”, is___.

②___means to go or run quickly.

③The word ____means to save.

④A _______is a place where people worship the god

⑤To ____large areas means that water covers large areas.

⑥If something is needed ,it is _____.

⑦When you are seriously ill , your life could be________.

2. Ask the students to find out the main idea of each paragraph.

Paragraph 1.the build of the city.

Paragraph 2.the decline of the city.

Pragraph3.the rebuild of the city.

Paragraph 4.the present of situation of the city.

Step4.Further discussion

As we know, the British and the French coalition destroyed the winter palace in 1806. Here we have two topics to discuss:

1. Do you think it is possible to for Chinese people to rebuild it?

2. Do you think it is necessary to rebuild it? How can people rebuild it?

Step5.Explain some new words.

1. Words

under attack: being surrounded and assaulted by enemies’ military action

rebuild: build again

replace: to put back in a former position or place

represent: to stand for, symbolize

recreate: create something past again

restore: to bring back to the original condition

in ruins: being destroyed completely

in pieces: broken and damaged

revolution: to overthrow of one government and its replacement with another

portrait: a likeness of a person, especially one showing the face

destroy: to ruin completely; spoil; todo away with; put on the end to

2. Practice:

The city is built in the _____of the Neva River ___though its center. After the Russian_____, the palaces there were _____as museum. The city was___ _____for three months during the Second World War, but people there didn’t____ _____. The Germans _____the buildings and everywhere you could see paintings and _______in_______and the whole city was ____ _____. After the war, Russian people began to ___the city. They wanted to ____the city_____to life. Now, many ______pieces have been ___, old portraits have been____, and the city has been ___. Dreams can ___ ____.


1. Retell the story in your own words.

仁爱英语教案八年下第七单元8 篇4



姜丽娜 Teaching topic : Unit



Teaching time :

日 一. 前提测评:(见学案)二. 教学目标:

⑴ Learn some new words and expressions ⑵ Learn key language points(难点)⑶

______________________________________________ ———————————————————————

三. 教学方法:自主学习()小组讨论()兵教兵()小组合作探究()四. 教具:多媒体.多媒体课件.英语电子教材光盘 五. 新课导入:

————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— ————————————————————————— 六. 自学思考题:(见学案)七. 教学过程:

⑴ ___________________________________ ⑵ ___________________________________ ⑶ ___________________________________ ⑷ __________________________________ ⑸ __________________________________ ⑹______________________________________



Homework: ⑴ Recite new words __________________ ⑵ Recite notebook __________________ ⑶ Do workbook _______________ ⑷ Do the paper______________ 十. 板书设计(知识点呈现):

around / all over / throughout the world 全世界 2 eating habits 饮食习惯 3 use sth to do sth 使用某物做某事

eg: Americans ____ knives and ___ ___ ___.4 two or more courses two or three 两三个 5 far away from..远离„ 6 at the same time 同时 in the northern part of „ 在„.的北南西东中部 southern western eastern central 8 pick up ⑴ 捡起.拾起

eg: She ____ ___ a stone and threw it at the window ⑵(车船)等搭载客人.驾车去接某人

eg: I will pick ___ you at your place at 8o’clock ⑶ 收到.接到 eg: My radio can pick up BBC English 9 other “其他的”+可数n复数:other students others the other 表示一定范围内,除去一部分,剩下的所有 ⑴ the other + 可数n复数= the others There are many students here, some are talking, some are eating.the other students / the others are singing.⑵ 一个„另一个„

十一. 课后反思:____________________________________


小学四年级英语第七单元练习题 篇5





初一第七单元英语 篇6

突然, 从远处传来一声尖锐的口哨声, 西尔维娅知道这不是友好的鸟鸣声。“你好, 小女孩。”一个年轻的小伙子高兴地叫道, “这儿离大路多远? ”西尔维娅发抖着低语道:“两里。”她面对的是一个带枪的高个小伙子。

陌生人开始和西尔维娅赶着奶牛在森林里穿行。“我一直在打鸟, ”他抱怨道, “但我迷路了, 你认为我可以在你家过夜吗? ”

西尔维娅 没有回答 , 她很高兴就要到家了。她看见祖母正站在农舍门口。陌生人放下枪, 把他遇到的问题告诉微笑着的西尔维娅的祖母。“当然, 你可以和我们待在一起, ”她说, “我们不怎么富裕, 但欢迎你和我们分享我们拥有的东西。”吃完饭, 他们三人坐在屋外, 年轻人说他是个 研究鸟类 的科学家。

“你把它 们装在一 个袋袋里? ”西尔维娅问道。“不, ”他慢慢回答道, “我用枪把它们打下来, 然后用专门的化学药品把它们制成标本保存起来。在我家的实验室中, 我收集了100多种全美 国不同种类的鸟的标本。”“西尔维娅对鸟也知道一些, ”她祖母自豪地说 , “她十分 熟悉森林, 鸟就在她手边吃食。”

“那么 , 西尔维娅也许能帮助我。”年轻人说, “前些天我在不远 处看见一 只白苍鹭, 这几天一直在找它。白苍鹭是一种十分稀有的 鸟 , 你见到过吗? ”他问西尔维娅, 但她沉默不语。“它是一种高大、奇特的鸟, 有柔软的白毛和又细又长的腿, 它可能在大树的顶上有自己的巢穴。”西尔维娅的心开始狂 跳 , 她在森林的另一边见过它! 年轻人正盯着西尔维娅, “我将付给告诉我白苍鹭在哪儿的人10美元。”那天晚上, 她的梦里全是她和她的祖母用10美元能买的好东西……

第二天, 西尔维娅和年轻人一起待在森林里。如果年轻人把枪留在家里 的话 , 西尔维娅会过得更快乐 些 , 她无法理解他为什么要杀死他似乎很喜欢的鸟。

但西尔维娅看着年轻人, 眼中流露出爱慕的神情, 她从未见过这样英俊漂亮的人。

第三天, 当太阳快要升起的时候, 她静静地离开家匆匆地赶往森林。最后她找到一棵大松树, 从那儿可以看见整个森林。她确信她可以看见白苍鹭把巢藏在哪儿。

突然, 西尔维娅又黑又灰的眼睛看见一道白光一闪而过, 一只有着宽阔白翅膀和又长又细脖子的鸟飞了过来, 停在她面前的一根树枝上。白苍鹭松开羽毛并呼唤坐在旁边另一根树枝上的配偶, 然后它们张开翅膀飞走了。西尔维娅长叹了一口气, 现在她知道这只野鸟的秘密了。

大约一小时后, 西尔维娅回来了。当她跑进厨房时, 她的祖母和年轻人全站了起来。现在是她说出秘密的最佳时刻, 但西尔维娅却沉默不语。年轻人友好的目光深入到她的眼里, 他可以给西尔维娅和她的祖母10美元 , 他答应过, 她们也需要钱。除此之外, 西尔维娅想让他开心。

但西尔维 娅沉默不 语 , 她想起白苍鹭在金色阳光中飞行的情景和它们一起在世界顶端观望日出的情景。她不能说出白苍鹭的秘密而出卖它们的生命。年轻人那天晚些时候失望地离开了。西尔维娅很伤心, 她想成为他的朋友。他再也没回来过, 但许多个夜晚, 当她赶着祖母的奶牛回家时, 她仿佛听见了他的口哨声。

初一第七单元英语 篇7










初一第七单元英语 篇8



四. 1,去看电影 2,一点也不 3,恼火,生气

4,help sb. do/wit h sth. 5,pick up 6,break the rule

7, important for foreign language

8,something wrong with

9,turning down

五.1,English 2,lives 3,tenth 4,hard 5,e arliest

6,down 7,doing 8,have 9,buy 10,herself

初一第七单元英语 篇9

1.制作香蕉奶昔make a banana milk shake2.扒三个香蕉peel three bananas

3.切三个西红柿 cut up three tomatoes 4.把香蕉和冰淇淋放入搅拌机中

put the bananas and ice cream into the blender5.把牛奶倒入搅拌机中pour the milk into the blender 6.两勺蜂蜜two teaspoons of honey7.一杯酸奶a cup of yogurt

8.把他们都混合起来mix it /them all up 9.打开搅拌机turn on the popper

10.把盐加入面条里add salt to the noodles 11.煮面条boil the noodles12.一片面包a slice of bread 13.三片鸭肉three slices of duck 14.将另一片面包放在顶部

put another slice of bread on the top15.一个超级火鸡三明治的食谱

a recipe for a great turkey sandwich16.看说明 read the instructions 17.检查答案check the answer 18.让我想一想let me think19.多少鸡肉how much chicken 20多少土豆 how many potatoes 21.一个洋葱an onion 句子

1.我们怎样制作水果沙拉? How do we make fruit salad? 2.--你们需要多少黄油?--三勺

--How much butter do you need ?----Three teaspoons of butter 3.--他需要多少西瓜?---两个

--How many watermelons does he need ?—He needs two.4.加入一些蜂蜜多然后把材料混合起来

add some honey and then mix up the ingredients

1.制作香蕉奶昔_________________________________________________ 2.扒三个香蕉___________________________________________________

3.切三个西红柿_____________________________________________________ 4.把香蕉和冰淇淋放入搅拌机中________________________________________ 5.把牛奶倒入搅拌机中_________________________________________________ 6.两勺蜂蜜___________________________________________________________ 7.一杯酸奶________________________________________________________ 8.把他们都混合起来__________________________________________________ 9.打开搅拌机______________________________________________________ 11.煮面条__________________________________________________________ 12.一片面包__________________________________________________________ 13.三片鸭肉_____________________________________________________________ 14.将另一片面包放在顶部________________________________________________ 15.一个超级火鸡三明治的食谱___________________________________________ 16.看说明____________________________________________________________ 17.检查答案___________________________________________________________ 18.让我想一想__________________________________________________________ 19.多少鸡肉___________________________________________________________ 20多少土豆____________________________________________________________ 21.一个洋葱__________________________________________________________ 句子


_____________________________________________________________________ 2.--你们需要多少黄油?--三勺

____________________________________________________________________ 3.--他们需要多少西瓜?---两个

______________________________________________________________________ 4.加入一些蜂蜜多然后把材料混合起来

______________________________________________________________________ 改错:
