
2024-10-15 版权声明 我要投稿


英语作文最佳框架结构 篇1



1.问候收信人Dear Sir/Madam2.解释写信的原因申请:

I’m writing for an opportunity to work in your esteemed company that boasts of decadesof reputation邀请:I’m writing to request your attendance to a dinner party that is to be held in Beijing onAugust.感谢:I am writing to extend my heartfelt thanks(sincere gratitude)toward…投诉:I am writing to complain about the poor quality of a product that I purchased from yourstore two weeks ago.祝贺:I am writing to extend my sincere greetings, wishing you a happyNew Year, your careergreater success and your family happiness.二、中间段的写作方法


【示例】Write a letter of application according to the following situation.You saw anadvertisement in this morning’s newspaper.A company needs a secretary and you are interested.Write an application letter to that company.2.注意题目文字暗示,把名词具体化,把动词近义词化

【示例】I am pleased to discover from Beijing Youth that your company is calling for a secretary.Iwonder if you could consider my application, for I am delighted to join your esteemed company.First, I can speak and write English fluently, which happens to meet your current requirement forthe vacancy.Second, I have a good command of Microsoft Office System, Graphic Design andADOBE system.Third and last, I am always ready to help other people because I’m patient,enthusiastic and sincere.Given these considerations, I sincerely hope that I can be a member ofyour esteemed company.三、结尾段的写作方法(三句话)

【示例】I would appreciate your assistance in this matter.If you have any question, please don’thesitate to contact me.I can be reached at…Look forward to your reply.四、署名在文章右下角署名

一般格式为:Your sincerely…小编这次和大家分享的其实是信件的标准通用模板,即放之四海皆准的框架结构,其实考验英语作文不乏有出现写信这种格式的考察方法,那么小编需要提醒大家的就是,信件的写作一定要注意格式,信件的写作格式简直是送

英语作文最佳框架结构 篇2


1. 简单句。

简单句就是只有一个主谓语结构的句子。如果把简单句比作一棵树的话, 那么, 句子的各种成分就相当于树的主干、枝、叶。其中, 主语、谓语和宾语好比是树的主干;定语和状语好比是树的枝和叶。因此, 分析简单句就要先找出句子的主语、谓语和宾语, 然后再找出定语和状语。否则就会造成本末倒置。主语通常相当于句子的话题, 它指明了该句讲的是谁或什么。这类词语通常是名词词组或相当于名词词组的语法结构。如:The boys and the girls are planning a dance.这个句子有两个主语一个谓语, 很明显这就是一个简单句。在现代英语中, 谓语是动词性的词, 它通常以一定的动词词组作为中心成分, 也正是这种动词词组及其后补成分才使得句子结构总带有一些描述性。如:Leah jumped on her bike and rode around the block.这里有两个谓语描述了两个动作, 但只有一个主语, 因此还是个简单句。

2. 复合句。

简单句和复合句的区别在于:在复合句中, 主句的某个成分是由一个句子 (从句) 来担当的, 而在简单句中, 句子的某个成分是由一个词或一个短语来担当的。因此, 简单地说, 从句只是主句的一部分。我们在分析复合句时, 首先要找出这个从句, 这样, 句子的主从关系眉目就清楚了。然后再按照简单句的分析方法来进行分析。判断从句主要是根据句子的意义。因此, 分析这样的从句, 我认为要先从形式上着手, 再从意义上来判断。从形式上着手, 就是看是否有引起从句的特征词, 然后再看这个从句是修饰或说明什么, 把这两方面结合起来, 分析就比较明确了。如:A man who doesn’t try to learn from others can’t hope to achieve much.个who, 它很可能是关系代词, 引导一个定语从句。确认这一点, 主要得从意义上来鉴定。形式上判断只是参考, 意义上的鉴定才是依据。如果把形式上的判断当作是主要的依据会得出错误的结论。譬如, 同样是一个who, 在上个例子中是关系代词, 用来引导一个定语从句, 而在“It is not yet decided who is to be the chairman.”这句中, 则是个连接代词, 用来引导一个主语从句。

3. 多重复合句。

多重复合句即有两个或两个以上主从关系的复合句。这种复合句的主句或从句本身又是复合句, 有时, 主句和从句同时含有主从关系, 这样, 就有了两个层次。如此分析下去, 还有可能三个、四个或再多的层次。这种复合句虽然复杂, 但只要层层解剖, 也不难弄清它的结构。分析多重复合句必须抓住两点:一是观全局、逐层解剖;二是抓住引导各种从句的特征词。如连词if可引起条件状语从句, 连词because可引起原因状语从句。

二、分析句子结构时, 应该注意以下几个问题

第一, 分析句子结构时, 不能局限于形式, 而是应该取决于内容。如判断一个句子是简单句还是复合句, 就不能单纯以句子的长短和字数的多少为依据。有的句子虽短, 但含有两个以上互相依从的主谓结构, 是复合句。而有的句子虽长, 但只有一个主谓结构, 是简单句。简单句之所以长, 是因为修饰语 (定语和状语) 多的缘故。

第二, 分析句子成分时, 除了紧紧扣住定义外, 还须弄清各种成分所指的对象是什么词。即使同样的一个介词短语, 在不同句中的功能也可能是不一样的。如作定语, 所指对象应是名词, 作状语, 所指对象是动词、形容词或副词。

第三, 有些从句插在复合句中间, 不易辨认, 分析时, 不注意会出差错, 不是把从句的某个部分漏掉, 就是把主句的某个部分也划进从句。为做到恰到好处, 我总结了一个问答方法, 效果较好。举个例子:The man whose speech we heard in the radio broadcast in the great hall last night is a veteran dader.这里有一个以关系代词whose引起的定语从句。究竟这个从句应该划到哪里呢?根据定语的对象是名词, 是回答“什么样”“怎么样”的问题这一点, 可以这样提问:“什么样的人是一位老干部?”凡能够回答这个问题的部分都在定语从句之列, 这个完全的回答应该是:“昨晚我们在大厅里从无线电广播里听到他讲话的那个人。”因此, 这个定语从句应该从关系词“whose”一直划到“night”为止。

在学习英语句子的过程中, 我认为就像盖一所房子, 单词就是每一个砖块, 句子的结构就是房子的框架, 如果框架的基础打好了, 砖块码得再漂亮些, 还愁盖不好房子吗?也就是说如果句子结构掌握得够深入够透彻, 那么学好英语也就不是件难事了。

摘要:分析清楚英语的句子结构对于学习英语的外国学生来说很重要。只有把握住英语句子的语法结构特点, 搞清楚句子各部分之间的联系, 才能正确地理解整个英语句子的意思。






框架结构在英语教学中的运用 篇3

【关键词】框架结构 英语教学 学习策略


首先,我们需要知道框架的定义。“框架(frame)”这一概念最先由人类学家Bateson 于1955年提出,他认为“心理框架是一组讯息或具有意义的行动”。框架是人们见到某一物体时,在脑海中的结构图示。例如看到桌子,你会想到它的形状,以及它的结构和组成部分。这种约定俗成的框架结构会影响人们对某一事物的感知。本文将这种影响转移到英语教学中,用框架结构的理论指导学生学习。作为把英语作为第二语言的中国学生来说。框架结构会让英语单词,句子,和文章的记忆更系统化,有序化。













英语作文万能框架 篇4


动词及词组:have the benefit of sth / get [gain] benefit [from sth] / benefit sb [sth] / benefit from sth / do sb good / favor sb / give an advantage to sb [sth] / have [enjoy] an advantage / do more good than harm

形容词及词组:beneficial to [for] sb [sth] / good for sb [sth] / helpful / useful to [for] sb [sth] 名词及词组:benefit to sb / health benefits / the full benefit [of sth] / a big [great] advantage over sth /

介词词组:for sb’s benefit / with [without] the benefit [of sth] / in favor of sb [sth] / to the advantage of sb [sth] / at an advantage 例句:


Many thousands have benefited greatly from the new treatment.The new treatment has greatly benefited thousands of people.Thousands of people have gained great benefits from the new treatment.2.严格的交通规章制度对大家都有好处。

Strict regulations are of great benefit to us all.Strict regulations are useful [beneficial / good] for us all.Strict regulations do all of us good.Strict regulations benefit all of us.All of us benefit from strict regulations.3.洋医院的昂贵而高质量的医疗服务有利于高收入人群。

The expensive but excellent medical services provided by foreign-funded hospitals are in favour of [favour] people of high income.The expensive but excellent medical services provided by foreign-funded hospitals are to the advantage ofpeople of high income.The expensive but excellent medical services provided by foreign-funded hospitals benefitpeople of high income.People of high income benefit from the expensive but excellent medical services provided by foreign-funded hospitals.4.在正常的一日三餐之外,每隔2-3小时少量进餐,有利于保持充沛精力。

Having a little food every 2 to 3 hours in addition to the 3 regular meals a day is beneficial to [benefits]the maintenance of full vigour.If one wants to stay energetic / vigorous constantly, it is good [helpful / beneficial] to have a little food every two or three hours in addition to the three daily regular meals.5.在调整免疫功能方面,与西药相比,中国的一些中药亦有一些优点。

In regulation of immune functions, some Chinese medicines enjoy [have] an advantage over western medicines.Compared with western medicines, some Chinese medicines have benefits of regulating immune functions.Some Chinese medicines are better than western medicines in regulating immune functions.6.这些措施有利于改进农村医疗卫生工作。

These measures [steps / actions] will benefit the cause of medical care and public health in the rural areas.These measures [steps / actions] are beneficial [useful] to the medical care and public health in the countryside.These measures [steps / actions] help improve [promote] the medical care and public health in the rural areas.These measures [steps / actions] improve [promote] the medical care and public health in the countryside.These measures [steps / actions] are a great help to the medical care and public health in the rural areas.7.医生的劝告大有益处。

Doctors’ advice is a great help [benefit].Doctors’ advice is very helpful.Doctors’ advice is very beneficial [useful] tous.Doctors’ advice does us much good.8.现在的医疗体制改革对中低收入者有利。

The current reform of medical care system is to the advantage of people with moderate or lower income.The current reform of medical care system favours people with moderate or lower income.The current reform of medical care system is in favour of people with moderate or lower income.The current reform of medical care system benefits people with moderate or lower income.People with moderate or lower income benefit from the current reform of medical care system.9.独生子女政策利大于蔽。

The advantages of the only child policy outweigh its disadvantages.The only child policy has done more good than harm.There are more advantages than disadvantages in carrying out the only child policy.II.表达不利方面、劣势、缺点、缺陷、有损于、有害于、损害、损伤、破坏:

动词及词组:have a harmful effect on sth [sb] / damage sth / harm sb [sth] / do more harm than good / put [place] sb at a disadvantage / do harm [damage] to sth / do sth harm / cause sb [sth] harm / suffer harm / destroy / hamper / injure

形容词及词组:harmful [damaging] to sb [sth] / bad for sb [sth] / harmful / disadvantageous / destructive / averse / 名词及词组:disadvantage / defect / drawback / harm to sb /(there is)no harm in doing sth / destruction / loss of / trauma / lesion / injury

介词词组:at a disadvantage / to the disadvantage of sb [sth] 例句:


The severe shortage of financial resources for the rural medical care has a very harmful effect on [is very harmful to / is very bad for] the development of medical and health cause in China.The severe lack of medical resources in the rural areas has harmed the development of medical and health cause in China.The rural areas lack medical resources badly, and this does a lot of harm to the development of medical and health care in China.The rural areas lack medical resources badly, and this causes a lot of harm to the development of medical and health care in China.2.三种医院的服务各有不同的缺点。

The medical services in the three kinds of hospital have their respective disadvantages [drawbacks / defects].3.损害公物要赔。

Pay the full price for anything damaged.If you damage any public object [property], you have to pay it.It is necessary for you to pay the full price of any public object damaged.4.健康损失比财产损失更重要。

Loss of health is more serious than loss of wealth.Harm to health is more significant [greater] than loss ofwealth.To lose your health is much more terrible [worse] than to loseyour money.5.补充点维生素倒也没有什么坏处。

There is no harm in taking some vitamins.It does no harm for you to take some vitamins.It is not harmful [bad] for you to take some vitamins.You will suffer no harm if you take some vitamins.6.虽然行为盲目性与冲动性有其不利的一面,但是,也有其有价值的一面。

Behavioural blindness and impulsiveness have their disadvantages as well as advantages.Although behavioural blindness and impulsiveness are disadvantageous on the one hand, they can be advantageous on the other hand.7.如果视力不好,干许多工作就会很不利。

If your eyesight is not good, you’ll be at a big [major / serious / grave] disadvantage when you perform many tasks.Poor eyesight puts [places] a person at a big [major / serious / grave] disadvantage when he performs many tasks.8.不会电脑现在很不利。

Anyone who can’t use a computer is at a disadvantage these days.Inability to use a computer is disadvantageous now.Inability to use a computer puts [places] a person at a disadvantage now.9.嫉妒是一种强烈的极具破坏力的情感。

Jealousy can be a powerful and very destructive emotion.作用和方式


动词及词组:play a role in / function(as)/ act(as)/ serve(as)/ serve to / use sth as sth / use sth for doing(sth)/ make(good)use of sth / use sth to do sth / apply / take advantage of / have an effect on / have [fulfill] a function of / put sth to(good)use

名词及词组:function / effect on sth / the use of sth / 介词及词组:with / in use / out of use 例句:


Malnutrition makes organs function poorly [inefficiently / ineffectively].Poor nutrition harms the normal functions of organs.Poor nutrition decreases the functional efficiency of organs.2.当健康危险因素评价(health risk factor appraisal)被用于指导人们改变不良健康行为时,它的效用便得到了最大程度的发挥。

When health risk factor appraisal is used [applied / adopted] to guide people to change their unhealthy behavior, its maximum role has been fulfilled.When health risk factor appraisal is used [applied / adopted] for guiding people to change their unhealthy behavior, its maximum role has been fulfilled.Health risk factor appraisal plays its maximum role in guiding people to change their unhealthy behavior.3.充分利用国外的先进经验,搞好我国的健康教育。

We should improve [promote] health education in our country by making good use of [using well / taking advantage of] advanced experience of foreign countries.We should make good use of [use well / take advantage of] advanced experience of foreign countries and improve [promote] health education in our country

We should improve [promote] health education in our country with the help of advanced experience of foreign countries.4.冬季晨炼应尽量用鼻呼吸。

Doing morning exercise in winter, we should breathe with nose as much as possible.Doing morning exercise in winter, we should use nose to breathe as much as possible.Doing morning exercise in winter, we should use nose for breathing as much as possible.5.一些中药在实验中能抑制HIV,且价格便宜,预计会有很好的应用前景。

Since some Chinese herbal medicines have been found to be able to check HIV in experiments and are cheap, they will have good [wide] application in the future.Since some cheap Chinese herbal medicines could check HIV in experiments, they will have good [wide] application in the future.Since some cheap Chinese herbal medicines could check HIV in experiments, they will be put in good use in the future.6.抗生素不要滥用和误用。

Antibiotics cannot be overused, abused or misused.7.公共卫生体系的建设,对于有效地控制禽流感的爆发流行,起了重要作用。

The construction of public health system played an important [major / central / key / vital] role in effective prevention of the outbreak and wide spread of bird flue.8.音乐作为一种护理方法,有很好的止痛片的作用。

Music as a nursing method has a good effect on easing the pain.Music as a nursing method can serve as a kind of painkiller.Music as a nursing method has a good function of easing the pain.II.表达方式、方法、手段、措施:

动词及词组:take(effective)measures [steps /actions] to do sth

名词及词组:way to do sth / way of doing sth / way(that)sb does sth / approach to(doing)sth / scheme / strategy 介词及词组:by doing sth / by means of sth / through sth [doing sth] / with doing sth / with sth / in a … way [manner] / by this method / in this way 例句:


By means of [With / Through] special techniques and instruments it is now possible to photograph molecules.2.出乎意料的是,学生们以极大的热情(兴趣)作出了回应。

Unexpectedly, the college students responded with great enthusiasm [interest].Unexpectedly, the college students responded in an enthusiastic manner [way].3.无法知道该治疗是否有效。

There is no way of knowing if the treatment will work.We have no way of knowing whether the treatment is effective or not.It is impossible to know whether the treatment is effective or not.4.健康危险因素评价(health risk factor appraisal)是研究危险因素与慢性病发病及死亡之间数量依存关系及其规律性的一种技术方法。

Health risk factor appraisal is a technical method [approach / means] by which people study the correlation between health risk factors and chronic diseases.Health risk factor appraisal is a technical method [approach / means] by which medical researches are done on the quantitative correlation between health risk factors, chronic diseases and deaths as well as the rules of the correlation.5.烧伤严重程度不同,对烧伤病人的急救方式也不同

We should take different measures to deal with burns of different degrees.The ways we treat burn emergency should vary according to the different degrees of the burn.First aid for burn victims varies according to the severity of the burn.6.健康教育已成为解决当代公共卫生问题的重要途径。Health education has become an important way [method / means] of solving [resolving / settling / dealing with] public health problems.Health education has become an important way [method / means] to solve [resolve / settle / deal with] public health problems.7.通过不断完善公共卫生体系建设,减少各种突发公共卫生事件对人民健康和社会经济发展造成的损害。

We can reduce damages that sudden public health accidents may cause to people’s health and social and economic development by means of [by way of / through / by] continuous improvement of the public health system.8.这个问题应该用对双方都公平的方式来解决。

The problem should be resolved in a[n] manner [way / approach] that is fair to both sides.9.听音乐是一种减轻紧张情绪的方法。

Listening to music is one way of relieving [easing] stress.Listening to music is one way to relieve [ease] stress.10.流感的传播方式和普通感冒一样,都是通过鼻和喉的分泌物传染的。

Flu is spread in the same way as a cold, through the secretions from the nose and throat.The way flu is spread is the same as [the way] a cold [is], by means of the secretions from the nose and throat.Like a common cold, flu is spread through the secretions from the nose and throat.增强提高


名词及词组:huge [massive / large / dramatic / sharp / rapid / significant / marked / slight / small / modest / gradual] increase;an increase in sth / price [pay / tax / population] increase

动词及词组:increase in value [price / importance];increase(sth)from [to] sth / strengthen / heighten awareness / raise awareness / intensify / add(to)

介词及词组:on a sharp increase / on the increase 例句: 1.在牛奶中加糖5%—8%,也是提高(增加)热量摄入的一种有效方法。

To add 5%—8% of sugar in milk is a good [an effective] way to increase [raise] the intake of calories.Addition of 5%—8% of sugar in milk can well increase [raise] the intake of energy.2.在寒冷环境下运动时能量消耗大,机体能量代谢增强,产热增加。

Under the cold conditions, exercises consume [use up] a great amount of energy and make the metabolism of the body much more active to produce more calories.Doing physical training in cold circumstances consumes [uses up] a lot of energy.As a result, metabolism of the body is sped up [intensified / increased / strengthened] and calorie production is increased [intensified].When one does physical training in cold whether, his metabolism increases to produce more calories.3.“过度医疗”增加了社会的医疗负担。

“Excessive Treatment” [Overtreatment] increases [adds to] the social burden of medical care.“Excessive Treatment” [Overtreatment] increases [adds to] the social expenditure on medical care.“Excessive Treatment” [Overtreatment] makes the whole society spend more money on medical care.4.免疫缺陷病(immune deficiency diseases)的共同特点是对感染的易感性(susceptibility)明显增加和易发生恶性肿瘤(malignant tumors)。

The common feature of immune deficiency diseases is obviously increased susceptibility [sensitivity] to infections and greater chances of developing malignant tumors.All the patients with immune deficiency diseases are more likely to be infected and to develop malignant tumors.5.在那些体重不随年龄增加的人群中动脉压也不随年龄增加。

In those whose body weight does not increase [go up / rise] with age, the arterial pressure does not increase [go up / rise] with age either.If a person does not put on more weight as he or she grows older, his or her arterial pressure does not increase [go up / rise] with age.6.摄盐量又高,使钠与钾(natrium and kalium)的比值增大,促使血压升高。

High intake of salt increases the ratio [proportion] of natrium and kalium in the blood, which consequently raises [heightens;increases] the blood pressure.High intake of salt makes the ratio [proportion] of natrium and kalium in the blood become greater, and consequently makes the blood pressure higher.7.由于“非典”后我国加强了公共卫生体系建设,应对突发公共卫生事件的能力有了很大提高。

Because our country intensified [strengthened / enhanced] the construction of public health system after the attack of SARS, the capacity [ability] to deal with public health emergencies was greatly increased [strengthened / enhanced].Because we strengthened the construction of public health system after the SARS incident, we can deal with public health emergencies much better.8.人类平均寿命的延长还会加重(增加)人类后代的负担。

The extended life expectancy of human beings will put on more [increase] burdens on their descendants.If average human lifespan is expanded, human descendants will have more [greater] burdens.II.表达提高、促进、改进、改善、进步:

名词及词组:improvement in sth / progress(不可数)in(doing)sth / advance in sth;rapid [good / slow / steady / significant / economic / scientific / medical] progress

动词及词组:promote / advance / enhance / raise / make progress / make improvements / 例句: 1.让病人参与的目的是为了促进在病人护理和治疗服务水平方面的改善。

The aim of patients’ involvement [participation] is to promote [increase] the level of treatment and nursing services.Patients can help improve the level of treatment and nursing services.2.空气中的负离子不仅能调节神经系统,而且可以促进胃肠消化、加深肺部的呼吸。

Anions in the air can not only regulate the nerve system, but also promote [accelerate;speed up] digestion and breathing.Anions in the air can not only regulate the nerve system, but also help the digestion in the stomach and intestines and breathing in the lungs.Anions in the air are good for the nerve system, digestion and lungs.3.只有提高人的素质和公共道德水平,我们才有一个干净整洁的公共环境。

Only after we have enhanced the quality of people and public morals can we have a clean and tidy public environment.Only the enhanced quality of people and public morals can result in [lead to] a clean and tidy public environment.We must improve people’s quality and public morals before we can have a clean and tidy public environment.4.提高对健康教育的认识才能促进社区卫生工作。

If you deepen the understanding of health education, you can make progress in community health care.We should deepen our understanding of health education before we can advance community health care.5.手术后,病人健康好转得很快。

The patient was progressing [improving / recovering] favorably after surgery.The patient was making rapid [good] progress after surgery.The patient improved rapidly(in health)after surgery.The patient’s health was getting much better after surgery.6.乡村卫生院的医疗条件现在好多了,但还有改善的余地。

The conditions in village clinics are much better now, but there is still room for improvement.7.由于竞争,公立医院的服务现在有了很大改善和提高。

Because of competition, medical services have now improved [got better] greatly in public hospitals.There have now been great improvements in medical services in public hospitals due to competition.Because of competition, medical services in public hospitals have now shown great improvements.8.近年来艾滋病的治疗研究有了很大进展,Recently great progress has been made in research on treatment of AIDS.In the recent years there have been great advances [developments / achievements] in researches on treatment of AIDS.9.我们一定要提高公众对抽烟喝酒有关的健康危险因素的认识。

We must increase [raise / heighten] public awareness of the health risks associated with drinking and smoking.10.从图表中我们可以看出,中国人民的生活质量近十年有了很大提高。

We can clearly see from the chart that there has been a dramatic improvement in the living standards of Chinese people in the recent ten years.We can clearly see from the chart that the living standards of Chinese people in the recent ten years have been improved [raised] greatly.11.现在对艾滋病毒感染的了解有了很大的提高。

There has been significant progress in understanding the HIV infection.Now we know more about HIV infection.12.我国政府的资金投入的加大,将促进癌症的研究。

The increased amount of funds by Chinese government will boost progress in cancer research.Our government will spend more money on cancer research.表达因果关系


名词及词组:cause for / reason for / factor for / explanation of / result of / consequence of / effect on / influence on 副词及词组:so / thus / therefore / as a result / as a consequence / accordingly / consequently / because of / due to / owing to 连接词:because / as / since / so that / so

动词及词组:make sb do sth / make sth happen / result in / result from / lead to / cause sb to do / cause sth to happen / affect / have an effect on / have an influence on / have an impact on /

I.表达产生、引起、造成、使得: 例句:


Natural chemical reactions cause foods to become soft or discolored.Natural chemical reactions make foods(become)soft or discolored.2.


The health problems caused by this chemical usually are not severe.The health problems resulting from this chemical usually are not severe.This chemical does not cause serious health problems.3.

锻炼似乎可以减少体内雌激素(estrogen)的产生。Exercise seems to reduce the body’s production of the hormone estrogen.Exercise seems to make the body produce less of the hormone estrogen.Exercise seems to result in [lead to] the body’s less production of the hormone estrogen.Exercise seems to reduce estrogen in the body.4.

该病常常造成患者死亡。This disease often causes its victims to die.This disease often makes its victims die.This disease often results in [lead to] the death of its victims.This disease often kills its victims.5.


This is because it produces [causes / brings about / result in] signs like many other sicknesses.II.表达影响: 例句: 1.他们研究该蛋白如何影响动物。

They study how the protein affects animals.They study what effects [impacts] the protein has on animals.2.心理的不正常严重影响了大学生的生活、学习。

Mental problems have already interfered with the normal life and work of college students.Mental problems have already had a negative effect [impact / influence] on the normal life and work of college students.Mental problems have already affected the normal life and work of college students.3.不良生活方式和行为受社会心理因素影响,要靠全科医学服务才能很好地解决。

Since unhealthy living styles and behaviours are influenced [affected] by social and mental factors, they can be dealt with [corrected] only by general medical services.Since unhealthy life styles and behaviours are under the influence of social and mental factors, they can be treated only by general medical services.Since unhealthy life styles and behaviours are linked to social and mental factors, they can be corrected only by general medical services.4.其实早餐对人体健康、学习和工作效率有着直接的影响。

In fact, breakfast has a direct effect [impact / influence] on one’s health and the efficiency of one’s learning and working.In fact, breakfast can directly affect one’s health and the efficiency of one’s learning and working.5.公立医院的服务问题,一直影响着医患关系实现正常化。

The service problems in public hospitals have always had a harmful impact [effect / influence] on the normal relationship between doctors and patients.The service problems in public hospitals have always been doing harm to the normal relationship between doctors and patients.6.忽视人的心理社会背景,影响了医疗服务的质量。

If a doctor overlooks the social and mental background of his patient, his medical service can be weakened.Ignorance of the social and mental background of a patient can have a negative effect on the outcome of the medical service.Neglect of the social and mental background of a patient can harm the medical service.If a doctor does not pay attention to the social and mental background of a patient, he can not provide good medical services.III.表达广义的因果关系:

除了上面两组有明显的文字表示的因果关系以外,大部分的汉语中的因果关系都是没有用明显的文字表示的,是暗含在上下文中的,而且可以用多种的英语的表达方式来表达,学生们要注意同一意念的多种表达方式及语法要点。中国学生写英语,一个常见的毛病是句子很散,没有连接词语将有逻辑联系的句子连接起来。现在就从学习因果关系的表达开始,学习把句子用连接词语连接起来吧。例句: 1.管理不善,问题很多。

Those problems resulted from [were caused by] the poor management.(注意!使用result in 和result from,前后的主语及宾语都必须用名词或者名词词组。)

The poor management resulted in [caused / led to] many problems.(注意!result in 和result from 的前后的因果关系正好相反。)

Because of [Due to] the poor management, they had many problems.Because the management was very poor, they faced many problems.The management was so poor that they met with many problems.(注意!so that 常常分开用。)The management was very poor, so they had many problems.The management was very poor.As a result, they had many problems.(注意!as a result 是副词性词组,不能连接两个分句,前面要用句号。)2.这个问题(情况)很严重,我们不得不制定相关法律来解决。

The problem(situation)is so serious that we have to make some laws to deal with it.The problem(situation)is very serious so that we have to make some laws to deal with it.Because this problem is very serious, we must make laws to deal with it.The serious problem results in the necessity of making some laws to deal with it.The serious problem resulted in the laws that we had to make to deal with it.3.现在许多农村人觉得看西医很贵,在大多数情况下他们更愿意去看中医。

Many rural people think treatment of western medicine is so expensive that they prefer to see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in most cases.Many rural people think treatment of western medicine is too expensive so that they prefer to see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in most cases.Because many rural people think treatment of western medicine is very expensive, they prefer to see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in most cases.Expensive treatment of western medicine resulted in the preference of rural people to see a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in most cases.The expensive treatment of western medicine resulted in the popularity of traditional Chinese medicine in most cases.The high expenses of western medicine treatment resulted in the popularity of traditional Chinese medicine among rural people in most cases.The worry about the high expenses of western medicine treatment of(among)the rural people resulted in their willingness(preference)to seek medical treatment of the traditional Chinese medicine in most cases.4.艾滋病传播得很快,已成为对社会的重大威胁之一。

AIDS spreads so quickly that it has become a dangerous threat to our society.AIDS spreads very quickly so that it has become a danger to our society.Since AIDS spreads very quickly, it has become a great threat to our society.5.人人都应养成保持公共卫生的良好习惯,这样我们就能有一个干净整洁的生活、工作、游玩的环境。

Every person should develop a good habit to maintain public sanitation so that we can have clean and comfortable surroundings in which we live, work, and play.Every person should keep a good habit to maintain public sanitation so that we can have a clean and tidy environment where we live, work, and play.If every person keeps a good habit to maintain public sanitation, we can have a clean and tidy environment where we live, work, and play.6.卫生资源短缺使他们的处境很困难。

The shortage of medical resources put them in a very difficult position.The shortage of medical resources made their conditions [situation] very difficult.The shortage of medical resources made them very difficult.The shortage of medical resources caused a great difficulty for them.The shortage of medical resources brought about [led to / resulted in] a great difficulty for them.The shortage of medical resources caused them to be in a difficult situation.7.医生粗心大意,就容易犯错误。

Carelessness of a doctor is likely to lead to [cause / result in] mistakes.When a doctor is careless, it is likely for him to make mistakes.A doctor may probably make mistakes just because of carelessness.8.医院之间的竞争十分激烈,大家都为了留住病人,纷纷打起了技术、服务、环境、价格牌。

As [Because / Since] the competition between hospitals grows increasingly fierce [intense / stiff], hospitals are taking effective measures concerning technology, service, environment and price to attract more patients.The fierce competition causes hospitals to [makes hospitals] take effective measures concerning technology, service, environment and price to attract more patients.9.人口的数量迅速增加,恶化了城市的卫生条件。

The rapid increase of city population resulted in [led to / caused] poorer sanitary conditions.Because the city population increased rapidly, the sanitary conditions in the city became worse and worse.As a result of rapidly increased population, the sanitary conditions in the city became poorer.10.环境、教育不同,人的性格也不同。

Different environments and educations result in [lead to] different personalities.Different personalities result from [are caused by] different environments and educations.Because of different environments and educations, people can develop different personalities.As [Since / Because] people live in different environments and receive different educations, their personalities are different.11.误诊是可怕的,往往会导致悲剧。

A terrible misdiagnosis often results in [leads to] a tragedy.A misdiagnosis can be terrible, for it results in [leads to] a tragedy.A tragedy often results from [is often caused by] a terrible misdiagnosis.12.疾病能给人类造成巨大损失。

Illness can result in [lead to] a great damage [loss] to human beings.A great damage [loss] to human beings can result from [be caused by] fire.13.据专家分析,城市空气污染70%以上是由汽车造成的。

According to experts’ analysis, more than 70% of air pollution in cities results from [is caused by] autos.14.洋快餐方便快捷、口味不同、环境舒适,所以在大城市很流行。

The convenience, different taste and comfortable surroundings [environment] of the western fast food centers result in their popularity in big cities.The foreign fast food is served conveniently and quickly, and in a different taste and comfortable surroundings [environment].Therefore, it is very popular in big cities.Because the foreign fast food is served conveniently and quickly, and in a different taste and comfortable surroundings [environment], it is very popular in big cities.15.体育锻炼不仅强身健体,还有助于心理愉快。Physical training results in [lead to] both a strong body and a happy mind.Physical training can make people strong and happy.16.计算机使得我们的工作、生活、生产,乃至我们的整个社会发生了巨大变化。

Computers have brought about great changes to our work, life and production, even to the whole society of ours.Computers have made our work, life and production, even our whole society, change greatly.Computers have resulted in [caused / led to] great changes in our work, life, production and even the whole society。


I.表达需要、必要、要求: 基本句型:

It is necessary [unnecessary] for sb to do sth(参见“是”句型)There is no need [necessity] for(doing)sth There is no need [necessity] [for sb] to do sth 动词及词组:

need sth / need to do sth / need sb [sth] to do sth / need not do sth(情态动词用于否定和疑问式)/ need doing / need sth for sth / meet [satisfy] a need [requirement] / require sb to do sth / require sth / want sth / want sb to do sth 名词及词组:

in need of sth / a need to do sth / a need [requirement] for(doing)sth 形容词及词组:

necessary for [doing] sth / necessary 例句:


All plants and animals need [require] carbon for growth.All plants and animals need [require] carbon to grow.Carbon is necessary for the growth of all plants and animals.Carbon is necessary for all plants and animals to grow.2.感冒不必要使用抗生素。

There is no need for you to take antibiotics when you catch cold.You have no need of using antibiotics when you catch cold.You need not use [take] antibiotics when you catch cold.You do not need to use [take] antibiotics when you catch cold.It is not necessary for you to take antibiotics when you catch cold.You need not to use [take] antibiotics when you catch cold.[wrong] 3.高校心理咨询是校园精神文明建设的必要组成部分。

College mental consultation is a necessary part of campus cultural construction.4.由于卫生资源的不足,我国有必要对新的医疗方法和设备,作出效益评价。

Because of insufficient medical resources, it is necessary for our country to conduct cost-effect appraisals [assessments] for new medical therapies and equipment.Because of inadequate medical resources, it is necessary that our country(should)conduct cost-effect appraisals [assessments] for new medical therapies and equipment.(要用虚拟语气)

Because we do not have enough medical resources, it is necessary for us to evaluate the effects of new medical treatments and equipment.5.他们不必排队挂号,不必楼上楼下跑。It is not necessary for them to have all the troubles of seeking medical attention.There is no need for them to take all the troubles of seeking medical attention.They need not have all the troubles of seeking medical attention.They do not need to take all the troubles of seeking medical attention.6.但对医疗的高水平需求越来越盛行。

There are more and more needs [requirements] for high-level medical treatment.More and more people want high-level medical treatment.More and more people are in need of high-level medical treatment.7.浩如烟海的医学信息,需要进行系统评价和统计分析。

A vast sea of medical information needs reviewing systematically and analyzing statistically.A vast sea of medical information needs systematical review and statistical analysis.A vast sea of medical information needs to be reviewed systematically and analyzed statistically.8.循证医学(evidence-based medicine)对临床医生提出很高要求。

Evidence-based medicine place [impose] strict requirements upon clinical doctors.Evidence-based medicine is very challenging to clinical doctors.9.不要对自己所做的事要求十全十美。

Do not want [require] everything you do to be perfect.You do not have to do everything perfectly.You need not do everything perfectly.You do not need to do everything perfectly.There is no need for you to do everything perfectly.10.新技术大大消除了牙科医生打钻的必要。

New techniques sharply cut [reduce] the need [necessity] for drilling by a dentist.There is no need for a dentist using the new technique to drill a hole.New techniques make it unnecessary for a dentist to drill a hole.II.表示变化、改变、改革: 动词及词组:

(sth)change / change sth(into sth)/ change(from sth)to sth / vary from …to … / vary between…and … / vary according to [depending on] sth / vary with / become / make changes in sth / make alterations to sth / make reforms 名词及词组:

change [alteration] in / change from sth to sth / social [economic] change / change of / social [economic] reform 形容词及词组:

changing / changed / changeable / varied 例句:

1.人的体温可在36 ℃与42 ℃之间变化。

A person’s temperature can vary between 36 ℃ and 42 ℃.A person’s temperature can change from 36 ℃ to 42 ℃.2.人的情绪往往随着气候的变化而变化。

A person’s moods often vary according to [depending on] the weather.A person’s moods often change as the weather changes.3.社会经济的发展,使人们的生活方式发生了很大变化,引发了一些新的健康问题。With the social and economic development, great changes have taken place in people’s life styles and led to new health problems.With the social and economic development, people’s life styles have changed greatly and new health problems arise accordingly.The social and economic developments have changed people’s life styles greatly and led to new health problems accordingly.4.医生与病人进行语言交流应注意因人而异、因时制宜和因地制宜。

Verbal communications between doctors and patients should vary from patient to patient, from time to time and from place to place.Communications between doctors and patients should vary according to [depending on] different patients, times and places.Communications between doctors and patients should change as patients and occasions change.5.在出生率不变的情况下,人类社会将变得愈来愈老化。

On condition that the birthrate is stable, the human society will become more and more aging.When the birthrate does not change, the human society will become more and more aging.6.通过改变生产和生活环境,改变人们不良的行为生活方式,降低危险因素的作用,延长寿命。

The effects of risk factors can be reduced and lifespan prolonged by means of changing the working and living environments and unhealthy lifestyles of the people.If people change their living environments and unhealthy lifestyles, they can diminish the effects of risk factors and prolong their lifespan.7.循证医学这三要素,使得传统医学行为迅速向循证医学行为转变。

The three basic elements made traditional medical practice become [turn into] practice of evidence-based medicine.The three basic elements changed traditional medical practice into practice of evidence-based medicine.8.很难开发一种长期有效的抗流感病毒的药物,因为病毒很快发生变异。

It is impossible to develop a long-term effective medicine to kill flu viruses, because the microorganisms change [vary] rapidly [easily].It is impossible to develop a long-term effective medicine to kill flu viruses which change [vary] rapidly [easily].9.现行医疗制度的改革是一项社会系统工程,要有其它社会经济制度改革的基础。

英语作文最佳框架结构 篇5



Introduction: 简要引出某社会问题或社会现象 Main Body 1: 分析它的原因或负面影响

Main Body 2: 提供解决该问题的一个方法 Main Body 3: 提供解决该问题的另一个方法 Conclusion: 概括事物的原因/影响解决方法 2.探讨双方

Introduction:在引入话题的同时,对双方观点进行一个简单的介绍 Main body 1: 深入探讨正方的观点,给出理由、证据、例子来进行支持。

Main body 2: 深入探讨反方的观点,给出理由、证据、例子来进行支持

Conclusion: 在综合考虑双方观点之后,提出自己的想法。


Introduction:简要介绍将要讨论的事物 Main body 1: 给出其中一个好处 Main body2: 给出另一个好处 Main body3: 给出其中一个坏处 Conclusion: 得出“利大于弊”的结论

注意:建议任何主题段都要由两部分组成:首先要写一个主题句(topic sentence),开门见山地指出该段路的核心思想(main idea);然后再写3-4 个支持句(又称扩展句),对主题句的核心思想进行补充、解释、论述及证明。

Main body范例:

考研英语作文框架(徐绽12版) 篇6

Given all factors I have just outlined, I can only assent that_____________________________ Judging from the ample evidence presented, we can safely conclude that is such a global issue that urges all countries to work together to address it.The relevant international communities should not only increase financial input and information sharing but also step up cooperation in research development and innovation of technology.It is high time that we called on other countries to join hands in dealing with it and promoting harmonious and sustainable development in the world.从充分的证据,我们可以有把握地得出这样的结论:就是这样的一个全球性的问题,敦促所有国家共同解决这个问题。有关国际社区不仅要加大资金投入和信息共享而且加强合作研究开发和技术创新。现在正是时候,我们呼吁其它国家携手处理、促进和谐、可持续发展在世界上。


There are various examples to support the view point in question, but the following ones are sufficient._________________________ 原因阐释段框架

The shaping factors for the phenomenon, if the possible ones are enumerated one after another may be countless.Nevertheless there are several vital causes for my preference.To begin with, I maintain that the leading reason derives from the social and economic circumstances given.Currently, China has transformed its planned economy into market-oriental economy, while the market-oriented economy system, as a matter of fact, is revealing its drawbacks.Such as energy crisis、environmental pollution and so forth.What’s more, it is widely acknowledged that greed and a total lack of social consciousness have been cited as other reasons for the dramatic rise(decline)of _________________.To sum up, reversing undesirable social trends will be far from an easy task and will require a dramatic change in attitudes.A keen awareness of right from wrong is critical for determining appropriate social behavior.We do, in fact, have a long way to go to reach our final goal, but achieving some remains will be well within the realm of possibility.这现象的形成因素,列举了一些可能会一个接一个地可能数不清。然而有几个重要的原因,我喜欢的。首先,我认为主要原因的来自社会和经济的情况下给予的。目前,中国已转变成market-oriental计划经济的经济问题,而以市场为导向的经济体制,事实上,是污染等等。更重要的是,人们普遍认为贪婪和社会意识的彻底缺乏是造成的________戏剧性的其他原因.综上所述,扭转不好的社会趋势远非一件易事,看法需要有巨大的变化。对正误的深刻认识是判定得体的社会行为的关键。事实上,还有很长的路要走,才能到达我们的最终目标,但是,取得一些遗体将很可能做到的。


This cartoon vividly describes a with a thought-provoking phenomenon 图画分两种情况

如 文化融合拼搏

文化 精神类的 现象

