
2024-08-19 版权声明 我要投稿


以an为前缀的单词 篇1

antediluvian adj. 史前的,陈旧的

antiquarian n. 古物研究者,收集古物者

achillean a. 象阿基利斯一样健壮的;勇敢的

aegean a. 爱琴海的

Afghanistan n. 阿富汗

African a.非洲的 n.非洲人

agrarian a. 有关土地的,耕地的

Arabian adj.阿拉伯的

artesian adj.自流的(井等)

artisan n. 工匠;手工艺人

以trans为前缀的常用单词 篇2

transcribe v. 抄写,转录

transcript n. 抄本,副本,正式文本,成绩单

transept n. (十字形教堂的) 袖廊

transfer vt.转移;调动vi.转移

transferable adj. 可转让的

transference n.调

transfiguration n. 变形,变貌,变容

transfigure v. 美观,改观

transfix v. 刺穿,钉住

transform vt.改变;改造;变换

transformation n.变化;改造;转变

transformer n.变压器,转换器

transfuse v. 输血,充满

transfusion n. 注入,输血; 移注

transgress v. 冒犯,违背

transgression n. 违反,犯罪,逸出

transgressor n. 违反者,犯规者,罪人

transient adj. 短暂的,转瞬即逝的`

transistor n.晶体管

transit n. 经过,通行,转变,运输线,运输

transition n.转变,变迁;过渡

transitional adj. 过渡的,转移的

transitive a. 及物的

以ab为前缀的单词有多少个 篇3

abbreviation    n.节略,缩写,缩短

abc    asd

abdicate    v. 让位,辞职,放弃

abdication    n. 逊位,弃权,辞职

abdomen    n. 腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部份)

abdominal    a. 腹部的,腹式呼吸,开腹手术

abduct    v. 绑架,拐走

abe    艾贝(人名)

abeam    ad. 向着船舷

abed    ad. 在床上

aberrant    adj. 脱离常轨的.;越轨的,异常的

aberration    n. 越轨,光行差,心理失常,色差

abet    v. 教唆,协助(罪犯)

il为否定前缀的单词 篇4

illicit adj. 违法的,违禁的

illimitable a. 无限的,无边际的

illinois n. 伊利诺斯(美国州名)

illiteracy n. 文盲

illiterate a.文盲的. n.文盲

illness n.病,疾病

illogical a. 不合逻辑的,不合理的

illotycin n. 红霉素

illume vt. 照明,点亮,启发

illuminate vt.照明,照亮;阐明

illuminating adj. 启示性的,启发的

illumination n. 照明,古书上的图案、装饰

以an结尾的单词形容词 篇5


The Ethiopian government believes that government should be an active participant in economy.


The Ethiopian government has, however, denied sending in soldiers.


Are you sure he was even an ethiopian?


The Ethiopia Civil Code is combined the Ethiopian national conditions with many unique legal systems formulated.

counter前缀的单词 篇6

counterpane n. 床单,床罩

counterpart n. 对应的人(或物)

counterpoint n. 对位法,旋律配合,重复旋律

counterpoise vt.平均,平衡,使平衡

counterrevolution n. 仮革命

countershaft n. 对轴

countersign n. 口令,暗号,副印

countersignature n. 副署,会签

countersink vt. 钻孔装埋,打埋头孔于

in否定前缀的单词 篇7


The book is historically inaccurate.


He said these figures were bogus and totally inaccurate.


The book is both inaccurate and exaggerated


The report was inaccurate.

anti做前缀的单词 篇8

7 anticipation n.期望,预料;预期

8 anticipatory adj.预期的.

9 anticlimax n. 渐降法,虎头蛇尾

10 anticoagulant adj. 抗凝的

11 antics n. 古怪滑稽的动作

12 antidote n. 解毒药

13 antigen n. 抗原(注射于动物体内能使之产生抗体的物质)

14 antihistamine n. 抗组织胺

pre前缀的单词有哪些 篇9


A precipice on the left and a deep gully on the right& a real danger spot.


The country was now on the edge of a precipice.


The King now stands on the brink of a political precipice.


I was beginning to admit to myself that our marriage was rolling toward the edge of a precipice

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