The character “茫” (“confusion”) has been elected the word of the year for by Taiwan residents.
Confusion took 12,000 votes out of more than 90,000 from among 52 candidates.
It was followed by 劳, meaning labor, and 忧, which translates to worry.
The top ten words of the year from to 2017 in Taiwan.
Feng Chi-tai, the chairman of the CTBC Foundation, said the word of the year selection suggests that Taiwan residents may feel confused about the future.
It was proposed by Peng Chi-ming, chief executive officer of the Taiwan-based Weather Risk Management Service platform, taking into consideration global climate changes as well as aggravating extreme weather.
The character 茫 (confusion) has been elected the word of the year for 2017 by Taiwan people.
Hsiao Heng-chian, chief editor of the United Daily News, said that revision of work rules as well as some major events including a massive power blackout in August that left millions without electricity at the height of summer, may also have led to the choice, Xinhua News Agency reported.
According to a survey recently unveiled by Taiwan’s directorate-general of budget, accounting and statistics, 34 percent of the workforce are short of the standard starting salary of 30,000 new Taiwan dollars (999 US dollars) per month.
In recent months, the island has also witnessed public protests from workers over concerns about longer working hours as part of controversial labor law reform enforced by the Democratic Progress Party (DPP).
The character “苦” (“bitterness”) was chosen by Taiwan residents as “Character of the year” for .
Taiwan initiated the vote for the annual character in 2008. 苦, meaning bitterness, was chosen last year, reflecting the feelings of people who had been affected by a flurry of natural disasters, including storms and earthquakes.
阅读是人们获取信息的一种重要手段。在高中英语教学中, 阅读理解一直是一大重点和难点。
1. 考查的特点
从最近这几年的高考来看, 英语阅读理解的考查一直呈现出以下几个特点: (1) 文章题材多样化, 它包括记叙文、说明文、应用文和议论文等。 (2) 阅读量和信息量较大。 (3) 语篇结构较为复杂。
2. 考查的题型
从考查的题型上看, 高考英语阅读理解的考察主要从以下几大块展开: (1) 细节理解型, 此题型要求学生根据文章所提供的信息选择正确答案, 该题型一般都可以直接从文章中找到答案。 (2) 主旨大意型, 此题型要求学生能找到文章的主题句并且明白文章的最后结论, 归纳出文章中心, 从而得出答案。 (3) 推理判断型, 此题型要求学生在了解文章线索的基础上, 根据自己的知识积累, 进行合理的、积极的逻辑推理, 得出正确的答案。 (4) 猜测词义型, 此题型要求考生通过阅读上下文, 根据已知信息和常识来推测不知道的词或词组的语义。
3. 考查的结果及成因
从以上的分析可以看出, 阅读理解考查的是学生的综合能力, 而不仅仅只是单词、句子、语法。正是这个原因, 大多数老师都把大量精力集中在阅读理解的教学上, 费时最多, 费力最大, 效果却不够理想。之所以如此, 原因如下:
(1) 在英语教学过程中, 教师忽视了对学生学习兴趣的培养、动机的激发、技能的训练。
(2) 大部分学生学习主动性差, 不会进行主动阅读, 大多是在老师的逼迫下被动阅读, 被动的阅读极大地影响了学生的阅读效能。
(3) 由于认为学生的词汇量太小, 部分教师在课堂教学时, 担心学生听不懂, 就大部分用汉语讲解, 好像是上语文课, 这减少了学生听英语的机会, 丧失了英语作为语言的魅力, 最终使学生失去了学习英语的兴趣, 极大地影响了英语成绩的提高。
(4) 在阅读教学中部分教师以讲解语言知识点为主, 缺乏对学生阅读技能的训练, 对词汇的重视程度也不够, 过于注重精读, 而忽视泛读, 对于英语基础差的班级, 教师们往往采用的是逐词逐句的传统的语法翻译法来教学。
(5) 有些教师阅读理解教学脱离考试实际, 设置问题的多以考查细节内容或判断有关内容的正误等浅层次问题为主, 缺乏对较深层次如推理、猜词和归纳能力的培养。
根据以上分析, 我们在平时的外语教学中, 应该如何做?
1. 利用各种教学手段, 提高学习兴趣, 扩充背景知识
众所周知, 兴趣是最好的老师, 在教学中, 我们要注意研究学生的阅读心理和了解学生的阅读习惯。
(1) 利用多媒体, 启发阅读。例如, 在NSEFC Book4 Unit 4 A Taste of English Humor的阅读课中, 可以预先介绍外国著名幽默大师逗笑的方式, 通过多媒体技术, 让学生在阅读之前观看Mr.Bean的短剧或Charlie Chaplin的电影片段等, 使学生对外国人的喜剧有所了解。
(2) 实际操作, 培养兴趣。例如SEFC Book1B Unit 16 Scientists at Work是说明类文章, 这类文章内容相对比较枯燥。为了使学生能对科学实验产生感性认识和兴趣, 教师在初步介绍文章内容之后, 可播放Franklin的风筝演示实验, 有条件还可让学生实地操作如何制作风筝, 从而激发他们学习科学知识的兴趣和热情。
(3) 背景知识是影响阅读理解的重要因素, 新知识的理解和吸收都应建立在阅读原有知识的基础之上。以教学The Band That Wasn’t NSEFC Book 2Unit 5为例, 学生在阅读课文前可以讨论以下问题:
(1) Do you like music?Why or why not?
(2) Have you ever dreamed of being a singer or being a part of a band?
(3) How many famous bands or singers do you know?Can you name some of them?
(4) What would you like to do most if you were a singer?
(5) When will you like listening to the music?How dose music make you feel?
通过对这些问题的回答, 可以让学生在大脑里产生一个有关音乐、乐队、歌手的学习包, 对要学习的文章有一个比较明确的方向, 也激发了学生了解更多关于音乐这个主题的意愿, 从而更好地理解本单元的主题。
2. 立足于精读教学, 积极开展课外泛读活动, 增强学生的阅读能力
阅读理解能力的提高非一日之功, 也不是靠那几本教材上的文章就够的, 课堂教学中的精读必须和课外的泛读结合起来。
(1) 选择课外泛读材料要与课内阅读有联系, 作为其延伸, 以弥补教材的不足, 进而实现课内外知识的连接和扩展。比如说, 教师可以在网上搜索与所上单元内容相关的文章, 经老师加工处理之后, 就可以作为很好的课外阅读材料;此外, 《英语周报》、《考试报》、《21世纪报》上的一些文章也很好;还有, 尊重学习的认知规律, 泛读材料的选择要由浅入深、从易到难、循序渐进地提高学生的阅读能力。
(2) 教师要对课外阅读进行指导, 指导学生做读书笔记:摘抄精彩的词句、片段、格言和警句, 并进行归类整理, 为后续的语言运用积累素材;列提纲, 列出文章的主题、框架或故事梗概, 培养学生的语篇分析能力。
(3) 持之以恒、坚持不懈地组织和开展问题讨论、阅读竞赛、学法交流等多种形式的学习交流活动。这些活动对提高学生的学习动机, 增强学生的英语语言综合能力, 有很好的作用。
3. 运用教材, 提高学生推理和归纳能力
(1) 利用课文材料, 训练学生把握作者态度和意图。把握作者的思想、未言明的态度和意向, 顺着作者的思路去分析、思考、联想和判断是高考常考的题型之一。教师应引导学生揣摩作者的用词, 这对了解作者的写作意图至关重要。在一般议论文或夹叙夹议的文章中, 作者的态度大致有三种:A.赞扬;B.批评;C.只陈述事实, 不作评论, 让读者去批判。以SEFC Book 2 B Unit 17中的阅读材料Disabled?Not me!是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。教师可以这样设问:What’sthe author's attitude towards the disabled?或The writer probably feels that the disabled…这样的题材不论在新老教材中都很多, 我们老师在平时的教学中, 多注意这方面的训练, 日积月累, 学生在做类似的题时就一定能得心应手。
(2) 利用课文材料进行推理与判断的训练。在平时的教学中, 教师要指导学生根据已知的信息进行推理和判断, 在学生理解细节的基础上向其提出几个需要学生进行推理和判断等难度相对较大的问题, 让学生思考和讨论, 这对学生推理和判断能力的提高有很大的帮助。例如, 在教学SEFC Book3 Unit7 A Christmas Carol时, 笔者组织学生开展了以下活动:
(1) 分析人物的性格特征。
组织学生讨论Scrooge、Santa、Claus、Fred和Bob的性格特征, 要求学生引用文中相关语句阐述自己的观点, 以提高学生进行分析、对比和归纳的能力。
(2) 分析人物语言的内在含义。
指导学生要由表及里, 从语言文字的表面, 深入到字里行间, 理解说话人的真实意思。讨论Scrooge说Humbug!If you were working harder, you wouldn’t be cold.If I hear another word from you, you will go where it is really cold等句子的内在含义。该活动目的在于提高学生对语篇进行分析和归纳的能力。
(3) 敢于质疑作者, 评价阅读内容。
在讨论如果小Tim真的死了的话, Scrooge需不需要负责时, 以文中的观点, 无疑是需要的。但以现在社会的价值观看, 却未必。要鼓励学生提出不同的观点, 让学生客观地评价文中人物, 力求提高学生的分析能力和批判性思维能力。
(3) 利用课文材料进行归纳主题的训练。在平时的教学中, 训练学生寻找主题句、归纳段落大意或概括文章中心思想。以议论文为例, 这种文体一般用Introduction (引论) 、Body (正文) 和Conclusion (结论) 三部分组成。该种文体通常开门见山地提出中心论点;结尾段通常含有总结性的内容, 起画龙点睛和深化主题的作用;各个段落中都有一个概括该段主旨的主题句。这样的文章不论是在新、老教材中都很多, 坚持不懈的训练, 一定会取得很好的效果。
4. 把握文章的体裁, 题材, 篇章结构, 提高阅读效率
教师应根据文章的体裁引导学生从不同的角度去关注材料的细节, 获取有用信息, 大胆剔出无用信息。阅读记叙文时, 教师应要求学生把握其五个要素, 即时间、地点、人物、事情经过和结果;阅读人物类传记文章时, 应要求学生抓住文章的主线, 注意时间词和方位词的运用、人物的年龄和出场的顺序以及作者对人物的评价;阅读说明文和科技小品类文章时, 教师应要求学生注意文中事物的名称、日期、数字、比较、功能和作用等;阅读新闻报导时, 教师应先确定行文方式是按顺序还是倒叙, 对文中提及的地点方位要找准大的参照物等。
5. 搞好词汇教学, 排除阅读难点, 为阅读理解的准确性提供保障
Century Teens,English Weekly以及New Concept English等等,在增加学生阅读量的同时,提高其阅读理解能力。不仅巩固了其所学习的基础知识,提高了阅读的速度,扩大了课外学习知识,同时也在一定程度上培养了语感。
(作者单位 重庆市大足中学)
Communicating with others on the Internet is much faster.We can chat with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world.We can e-mail our friends and they can read the e-mails within a minute.Giving all kinds of information is probably the biggest advantage of the Internet.We can use search engines to find the information we need.Just type in a keyword or keywords and the search engine will give us a list of suitable websites to look at.We can enjoy a lot on the Internet by downloading games,visiting chat rooms or surfing(浏览)websites.There are some games for free.We can meet new and interesting people in the chat now.We can also listen to music and see films.Now ,there is a lot of service on the Internet such as online banking ,job finding and ticket buying.We can also do shopping and find nearly all kinds of goods.Sometimes we can find something that is quite good but very cheap.26.How many main advantages of the Internet are talked about in the passage?
A.Three.B.Four.C.Five.D.Six.27.What fact doesn‟t the passage provide?
A.We can find almost anything we want to know on the Internet.B.Some games on the Internet are free.C.We can buy most things we need on the Internet.D.Goods on the Internet are more expensive than those in real shops.28.Which title best gives the main idea of the passage?
A.Online Shopping
B.Exchanging Information on the Internet
C.The Advantages of the Internet
D.Surfing the Websites on the Internet
You want to know about my staying inAmerica,right?Well,to tell you the truth,it is
really an eye-opening experience study here.In China,I had English classes five times a week since fifth grade.However,I didn‟t
know how different textbook English could be from everyday English until I came to
Hotchkiss School,Conmecticut.When I first studied English,I was told to say, “I am fine.”when people say “How are
you ?”But in the US,I found that people say, “I am good.”or “Ilm tired.”
One day ,someone greeted me with “What‟s up ?”It ,made me confused.I thought for
a moment and then smiled because I didn‟t know what to say.Sincethen,I have discovered more and more differences between Chinese and US
cultures.China ,girls try every possible way to get their skin paler,or “whiter.”
I alsosurprised by how hard-working.US students are.In China,schoolwork is
almost everything ,so we study hard and that‟ it.But here,a “good”student gets good
grades,does a lot for the public and plays sports or music.The kids here are so talented ,I am starting to be sorry that I gave up playing the piano
at an early age and that I have never thought about sports.61.According to the writer,textbook English is _________everyday English.A.quite different fromB.the same asC.more difficult than
62.What does the word “tan ”in the sixth paragraph mean in Chinese?
A晒黑B晒白C 能量
63.A good US student spends his/her time ________.A.only in doing homework
B.only on sports or music
C.on studies ,sports or music and public work
64.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.The writer is now in US.B.American girls love to have white skin.C.US students are talented and hard-working.65.Which is the best title for the passage?
A.My Own Travel in the US
B.My Studying in the US
C.My Opinion about the US
People often say that the Englishman‟s home is his castle.They mean that the home is very important and personal to him.Most people in Britain live in houses ratherthan flats,and many people own their homes.This means that they can make them individual(个体的);they can paint them,and change them in any way they like.Most house have a garden,even if it is a very small one,and the garden is usually loved.The house and the garden are the private(私人的)space of the individual.People usually like to mark their space.Are you sitting now in your home or on a train?have you marked the space around yourself as your?If you are on the train you may put your coat or small bag on the seat beside you.If you share a flat you may have one corner or chair which is your own.Once I was travelling on a train to London.I was in a section for four people and there was a table between us.The man on the space on my side of the table at all.I was angry.Maybe he thought that he owned the whole table.I had read a book about non-verbal communication,so I took various papers out of my bag and put them on his briefcase!When I did this he stiffened and his eyes nearly popped(瞪出)out of his head.I had invaded(侵犯)his space!A few minutes later I took my papers off his case in order to read them.He immediately moved his case to his side ofthe table.Of course,it is possible that he just wanted to be helpful to me!
If you are visiting another country you may feel that you don‟t have any private space.Hotel rooms look much the same in every country in the world.All day long ,you share public spaces with o ther pople.You see the local people in their private spaces and.Local people can create their private spaces by talking about things you don‟t know about.And you even feel that they like you to be outside one of the difficulties of being a traveler!But if you understand it then it helps you.Haven‟t you enjoyed being part of a group and “owning”a bit of space?
41.The writer was angry as he was travelling on a train to London because______.A.he had no place to sitB.someone had invaded his “space”
C.too many people shared a section with him
D.some other people talked about things he didn‟t know about
42.“… ‟”in paragraph 4 means that_______.A.you are alone outside the house
B.you feel lonely because you travel on your own
C.you are alone and therefore you go outside to have some fun
D.you feel lonely and you don‟t belong to that place or that group of people
43.In Paragraph 4 ,the pronoun “(所指)“___________”.A.public spacesB.private spacesC.local peopleD.other countries
44.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.British people dislike marking their space.B.You always feel at home in another country.C.Most British people prefer living in houses to flats.D.You can‟t mark your private space in a foreign country.45.Tha main purpose of the passage is to tell readers to _______.A.own private spaces by living in houses
B.have one corner of their own in public places
C.realize the importance of “space”in communication
D.create their private spaces by talking with local people
When I was a foreign teacher in China,every day I taught English to my students and they taught me about China.One day the topic turned to saying “I love you”.I was shocked to learn that not one of my students had saidthis to their mothers,nor had their mothers said it to them.“Does your mom love you?” “Of course ,”they answered.“How do you know ?”was my logical question.They responded that their mons cooked and always toldthem what they were doing wrong to showtheir caring.I was stunned.So mon‟s cooking and criticzing read out as “I love you ”.“Then how do you say „I love you ‟to her?”They agreed that getting good gradws,followed by god jobs would be how they showed their love.I come from a culture where most people are expressive enough,so I repeated these queries in classes over time.Gradually,I began to get different response.Some of them had exchanged those sentiments with their moms.One of my favorite stories of change came from a girl.When she came home from university,her mother met her at the door and hugged(拥抱)her.This had never happened before,but her mom said, “Now that you have gone I have more time to myself.I noticed that in some places mothers and children hug each other and I decided it was a good idea and that I would begin hugging you.”
In my family we all say “I love you”a lot.While it is true that we often say the words without having great depth of feelings at that moment,it is almost like a blessing we give each other.Those three little words carry a world of meaning ,even when said as a greeting,but most especially if they are the last words we say to or hear from those we love.52.The foreign teacher_______.A.comes from AmericaB.is a young woman
C.is expressive enoughD.knows much about China
53.Chinese people prefer to show love by________.A.saying “I love you”B.cooking
C.getting good gradesD.doing something helpful;
54.In paragraph 4,what‟s the real meaning of the mom‟s hugging?
A.She is meeting her daughter at the door.B.She loves her daughter and misses her.C.She is glad that she has more timeto herself
D.She finds it interesting to hug her daughter.55.What‟s the main idea of the passage?
A.Say “I love you”more to your family.B.Say “I love you ”a lot to Chinese people.C.Say “I love you ”as a greeting to others.D.Say “I love you ”without great depth of feelings.Every year there is a Spring Festival in China.Usually it is in January or February.It is the most important festival in China.So before it comes,everyone has to prepare things.They buy pork,beef,chicken,fruits and many other things.And they often make a special kind of food—“dumplings”.It means “come together”.On the day before the festival,parents buy new clothes for their children.Children also buy presents for their parents.On the Spring Festival Eve(除夕),all the family members come back to their hometown.This is a happy moment.Some sing and dance,some play cards and others get the dinner ready.When they enjoy the meal,they give each other the best wishes for the coming year.They all have a good time.
26.Which is the most important festival in China?
A.The Mid-Autumn Festival.B.The Spring Festival. C.Children‟sDay.
27.When is the Chinese Spring Festival usually celebrated?
A.In March or April.B.In May or June.C.In January or February.
29.What‟s the meaning of the food “dumplings” for Chinese people in the Spring Festival?
A.Look up.B.Help yourself.C.Come together.
30.The family
A.give each other the best wishes
B.buy each other presents
The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.In the morning, Mr Sawyer goes to work and the children go to school.Their father takes them to school every day.Mrs Sawyer stays at home every day.She does the housework.She always eats her lunch at noon.In the afternoon,she usually sees her friends.They often drink tea together.In the evening, the children come home from school.They arrive home early.Mr Sawyer comes home from work.He arrives home late.At night, the children always do their homework, Then they go to bed.Mr Sawyer usually reads his newspaper,but sometimes he and his wife watch television,1.Where do the Sawyers live?___________________ 2.What does Mrs Sawyer do every day?____________________ 3.Who does Mrs Sawyer see in the afternoon?_____________________ 4.Do the children arrive home early?_______________________ 5.Does Mr Sawyer arrive home early?_____________________-6.What do the children often do at night?_______________________ 7.Does Mr Sawyer usually read his newspaper at night?______________
It is eight o’clock.The chilren go to school by car every day, they are going to school on foot.It is ten o’clock.Mrs Sawyer usually stays at home in the morning, but this morning, she is going to the shops.It is four o’clock.In the afternoon, Mrs Sawyer usually drinks tea in the living room.But this afternoon, she is drinking tea in the garden.It is six o’clock, In the evening, the children usually do their homework, but this evening, they are not doing their homework.At the moment, they are playing in the garden.It is nine o’clock.Mr Sawyer usually reads his newpaper at night.But he’s not reading his newspaper tonight.At the moment, he’s reading an interesting book.1.The children go to school ______ every day.A.by car B.on foot C.by bike D.by bus 2.Mrs Sawyer is going to ___ this mornig? A.staying at home B.go shopping C.drinking tea D.watching TV 3.Mrs Sawyer usually drinks tea in the evening at ______in the living room.A.8:00 B.16:00 C.18:00 D.21:00 4.Are the children doing their homework at the moment?
A.Yes, they do.B.No, they don’t.C.Yes, they are.D.No, they aren’t
5.At the moment ,Mr Sawyer is_________ A.watching TV B.reading his newspaper C.playing in the garden
D.reading an interesting book.(C)
There is a car race near our town every year.In 1995,there was a very big race.There were hundreds of people there.My wife and I were at the race.Our friends Julie and Jack were there, too.You can see us in the crowd.We are standing on the left.There were twenty cars in the race.There were English cars, French cars, Geman cars, Italian cars, American cars and Japanese cars.It was an exciting finish.The winner was Billy Stewart.He was in car number fifteen.Five other cars were just behind him.On the way home, my wife said to me, “Don’t drive so quickly!You’re not Billy Stewart!”
1.Is there a car race near our town every year? _________________ 2.How many people are there in the big race of 1995? _____________ 3.Who was at the race with the author(作者)? ______________________ 4.Are they standing on the left?_____________________ 5.Were there thirty cars in the race?____________________ 6.Were there any Chinese cars in the race?__________________ 7.The finish was exciting, wasn’t it?_______________ 8.Who was the winner of the race?__________________
Last week Mrs Milly went to London.She does not know London very well,and she lost her way.Suddenly, she saw a man near a bus stop.”I can ask him the way,” she said to herself.“Excuse me,” she said.“Can you tell me the way to King Street, please?” The man smiled pleasantly.He did not understand English!He was a tourist.Then he put his hand into his pocket, and took out a phrasebook.He opened the book and found a phrase.He read the phrase slowly.”I am sorry,” he said.”I do not speak English.”
()1.Mrs Milly went to London last week.()2.Mrs Milly asked a man the way to a bus stop.()3.The man didn’t know the way to King Street.()4.The man was a tourist and he knew English well.()5.The phrasebook was in the hand of the man.(E)
Nigel is our new next-door neighbour.He’s a pilot.He was in the R.F.A.He will fly to New York next month.The month after next he’ll fly to Tokyo.At the moment, he’s in Madrid.He flew to Spain a week ago.He’ll return to London the week after next.He’s only forty-one years old, and he has already been to nearly every country in the world.Nigel is a very lucky man.But his wife isn’t very lucky.She usually stays at home!
1.Nigel’s job is a ________.A.teacher B.doctor
D.pelot 2.____ Nigel will fly to Tokyo.A.next month B.the month after next C.a week before D.We don’t know in the text.3.How old wil he be the next year?__________
A.forty B.forty-one
D.forty-three 4.What does Nigel’s wife usually do?
A.Goes to every country in the world with Nigel.B.Goes to work
C.Fly to New York and London.D.Stays at home.5.Is Nigel’s wife lucky? A.Yes, she is.B.No, she isn’t.C.She is lucky.D.No, she is.(F)
Eric and Susan are very good friends.They grew up together, they went to high school together, and they went to collge together.Now Eric lives in California, and Susan lives in New Jersey.Even though they live far apart, they’re still very good friends.They write to each other very often.He writes her letters about life on the West Coast, and she writes him letters about life on the East Coast, They never forget each other’s birthday.Last year he sent her some CDs, and she sent him a wallet.Eric and Susan help each other very often.Last year he lent her money when she was in the hospital, and she gave him advice when he lost his job.Eric and Susan like each other very much.They were always very good friends, and they still are.()1.Eric and Susan grew up and went go high school together.()2.Now Eric lives in California, and Susan lives in New Jersey.()3.They never forget each other’s birthday.()4.Susan sent Eric some CDs last year and Eric sent Susan a wallet last year.()5.Susan lost her job and Eric gave her advice.(G)
Joan got home late from work today, and she was very happy.When she opened the refrigerator, she was upset.There was nothing to eat for dinner.Joan sat down and made a shopping list.She needed a head of lettuce, a bunch of carrot, a quart of milk, a dozen eggs, two pounds of tomatoes, half a pound of chicken, and a loaf of bread.Jone rushed out of the house and drove to the supermarket.When she got there, she was very disappointed.There wasn’t any lettuce.There weren’t any carrots.There wasn’t any milk.There weren’t any eggs.There weren’t any tomatoes.There wasn’t any chicken, and there wasn’t any bread.Joan was tired and upset.In fact, she was so tired and upset.In fact, she was so tired and upset that she lost her appetite(食欲,胃口),drove home, didn’t have dinner, and went to bed.1.Was there anything to eat in the refrigerator?
A.Yes, there was.B.No, there wasn’t.C.Yes, there wasn’t.D.No, there was.2.Did Joan need any fish?
A.Yes, she did.B.No, she didn’t.C.Yes.she didn’t.D.No, she did.3.How did Joan go to the supermarket?
A.By bus.B.By bike.C.By car.D On foot.4.Joan bought _____________ in the supermarket.A.carrots B.milk C.tomatoes D.nothing 5.What did Joan do after she drove home from supermarket?
A.She watched TV.B.She ate dinner.C.She went to bed.D.She went to work.(H)
I’m tired of winter.I’m tired of snow.I’m tired of cold weather,and I’m sick and tired of winter coats and boots!Just think!In a few more weeks it won’t be winter any more.It’ll be warm, It’ll be warm.It won’t snow any more.It’ll be sunny.I won’t have to stay indoors any more.I’ll go outside and play with my friends.We’ll ride bicyside and play baseball again.In a few more weeks our neighborhood won’t look sad and gray any more.The flowers will bloom, and the trees will become green again.My family will spend more time outdoors.My father will work in the yard.He’ll cut the grass and paint the fence.My mother will work in the yard, too.She’ll buy new flowers and plant them in the garden.On weekends we won’t just sit in the living room and watch TV.We’ll go for walks in the park, and we’ll have picnics on Sunday afternoons.I can’t wait for spring to come!Hurry, spring!
1.Does the author like spring or winter?__________________ 2.Is it warm now?________________ 3.What will the author do in a few more weeks?__________________ 4.Where will the author’s family spend more time in a few more weeks?____________ 5.Will the author’s father cut the grass and paint the fence?__________________ 6.Will the author’s mother water flowers?___________________ 7.What will they do on Sunday afternoons?_________________________ 8.Do you like spring or winter? Why?______________________________
Amy’s apartment building is in the center(中心)of town.Amy is very happy there because the building is in a very convenient(方便的)place.Across from the building, there’s a bank, a post office, and a restaurant.Next to the building, there’s a drug store and a laundromat(洗衣店).Around the corner(角落)from the building, ther are two supermarkets.There’s a lot of noise near Amy’s apartment building.There are a lot of cars on the street, and there are a lot of people one the sidewalks(人行道)all day and all night.However, Amy’s isn’t very upset(不安)about the noise in her neighborhood(附近).Her building is in the center of town.It’s a very busy place, but it’s a convenient place to live.判断正(T)误(F)
()1.Amy’apartment is in a convenient place.()2.There’s a drug store around the corner from her building.()3.There are two supermarkets in her neighborhood.()4.There are a lot of cars on the sidewalk.()5.The center of town is very noisy.根据短文,回答问题
6.Where is Amy’s apartment building? ________________________________________ 7.What’s across from her building? ______________________________________ 8.Is there a laundromat near her building? ________________________________
a. 文章论述的主要内容是什么?
3、重复选项,得出答案( 选一个选项要有选它的理由,不选一个选项要有不选它的理由)
作为“高等学校教学质量与教学改革工程”重要内容之一的大学英语教学改革已进入全面实施阶段。美国语言学家Krashen (1981) 在他的“输入假说理论”曾指出, “可理解的语言输入”是语言习得的必要条件, 输入材料本身和输入的方式会影响到情感过滤的结果和输出的质量。这一理论对我们培养学生的听说能力有一定的启发和指导意义, 也就是说, 对缺乏英语环境、以课堂学习方式为主的中国学生来说, 英语阅读是获得“可理解的语言输入”的主要途径。心理语言学的研究也表明, 语言的使用是以认知为基础的 (桂诗春, 2002) 。因此, 本文拟通过分析英语阅读策略与英语阅读能力相关性, 从培养学生的英语阅读策略角度来探讨如何提高学生的阅读能力, 以帮助他们获得大量“可理解的语言输入”, 从而促使听说能力的提高, 使大学英语教学改革真正迈向新台阶。
2 英语阅读策略与英语阅读
20世纪80年代以来, 国外学者就开始研究成功学习者和不成功学习者在阅读策略使用上的差异。研究表明, 成功学习者在阅读时常利用如上下文来进行预测等认知策略, 在阅读过程中, 他们比不成功学习者能更好地运用元认知策略, 如他们能根据阅读内容和阅读目的不同而采纳不同的阅读策略, 阅读中他们能灵活而有意识地监控阅读过程, 遇到困难能采取相应阅读策略, 因此, 他们使用的策略种类更多 (Block, 1986) 。Anderson (1991) 还指出成功的读者不仅要知道有意识地运用多种策略, 更要知道如何恰当地根据不同的阅读材料成功地选择有效的阅读策略, 同时还要知道如何和其他策略相协调。在阅读策略和阅读成绩相关性的研究中, 李晓艳 (2006) 发现元认知策略、认知策略和阅读成绩均呈正相关, 其中元认知策略和阅读成绩还呈显著相关, 由此得出元认知策略的运用和英语阅读成绩呈显著相关。同样, 孔文 (2008) 在调查研究我国英语专业二年级学生元认知策略和认知策略的使用情况后发现, 元认知策略的使用与学生的英语水平之间存在极显著的相关。根据学生使用元认知策略的能力, 可在一定程度上预测学生的英语成绩。这可能表明, 成功的外语学习者之所以成功不是因为他们掌握了大量的认知策略, 而是因为他们能够有效地利用元认知策略决定使用或改变具体的认知策略。因此, 学生元认知策略的培养应成为外语教学中不可忽视的一个环节。也有研究调查表明, 学生因为没有有效掌握一些基本的阅读策略, 如推测、预测、查读等, 以至于CET阅读测试得分率低, 阅读能力差 (杨琼、董元兴, 2003) 。邹启明等 (2004) 在研究英语阅读目的和与篇章处理策略的关系时发现, 以获取知识和信息为目的的读者会更多地使用宏观篇章处理策略, 如预测、解释、评论等, 而以提高英语水平为目的的读者会更多地采用微观篇章处理策略, 如释义、翻译、猜测词义等。本研究还发现不同的阅读策略和阅读目的会导致不同的阅读效果, 也就是说使用宏观篇章处理策略的读者无论在书面记忆分数还是阅读测试成绩方面都优于采用微观篇章处理策略的读者;以获取知识和信息为目的的读者在阅读测试成绩方面优于以提高英语水平为目的的读者。
许多有关阅读教学和影响阅读理解因素的研究也表明, 在学生阅读能力形成和发展的过程中, 影响阅读理解的因素主要包括阅读者外部因素 (社会、家庭、学校、课堂环境和教学方法等) 和阅读者内部因素 (智力、语言能力、学习策略、风格、文化背景知识和母语水平等) (席旭琳, 2008) 。这些因素对阅读理解能力的影响是复杂的。其中, 外部因素的影响可能间接一些, 而内部因素如学习者的英语阅读学习方法的影响可能直接一些 (许余龙, 1998) , 这就表明从阅读策略的角度去探讨如何培养学生的英语阅读能力是很有必要的。
3 英语阅读能力的培养
(1) 转变教学信念, 提高英语教师阅读策略指导意识
实施课程改革的基本途径是教学。教师能否批判性地检讨自己的教学信念、改变自己的教学行为以适应改革方案的需求。这意味着教师在教学中要自觉实施阅读策略指导, 并不断地进行教学反思。
为提高自身的策略指导意识, 英语教师应首先认识到英语学习策略系统的三大特点, 即整体性、开放性和动态性。英语学习策略系统的整体性体现在学习观念和管理方法及学习方法互相制约、互相影响, 最终对英语学习成绩产生作用;开放性就是学习者不断地从外界获取新观念、新方法, 以不断发展和完善自己的学习策略系统;动态性是指学习者会根据自己英语水平和学习内容的变化而不断地对学习策略系统进行调整 (文秋芳, 1995) 。刘晓明等 (1999) 认为, 有效的策略指导应满足4个条件:一是知道做什么, 即获得关于学习策略的陈述性知识;二是知道如何去做, 即获得关于学习策略的程序性知识;三是知道什么时候去做, 即获得关于学习策略的条件性知识;四是知道努力去做。换言之, 阅读策略教学的内容应包括以下几个方面:一是教具体的策略及巩固练习;二是自我执行和监控策略的使用;三是了解策略的价值及其使用范围。
(2) 培养学生英语阅读的元认知策略能力
元认知策略是指较高层次的具有执行功能并可运用到不同学习任务中的一系列心理活动, 是对认知的认知。具有元认知策略的学生可以在英语阅读过程中选择、运用、监控和评估他们所使用的策略, 并且可以根据不同的学习任务而采用不同的认知策略或随机应变地改变策略。这意味着提高元认知策略意识可以帮助学生在英语阅读过程中形成良好的习惯, 从而培养学生的自主学习能力。
在英语阅读教学中, 教师应有意识地把元认知策略纳入课堂教学中。首先, 教师应帮助学生了解元认知知识和阅读中可供使用的策略, 分析他们各自在阅读上存在的问题和可以继续发扬的长处, 让他们明白阅读效果的好坏和自己对阅读过程的控制及所采取的不同策略或技能有关, 这就需要他们在阅读过程中有意识地计划、监控、评价和相应地调整阅读策略, 以促进阅读水平的提高。其次, 在具体的阅读活动中, 教师应先帮助学生明确阅读的目的, 并根据不同的文章决定不同的阅读方式。在阅读过程中, 教师应指导学生通过自我提问和运用已学过的预测、推理、释义等策略来监控自己的阅读过程。阅读结束后, 教师应引导学生对阅读活动进行自我评估和反馈, 及时发现自己阅读中的难点、弱点, 并适时加以调整和改正, 从而提高自身的阅读水平。
(3) 引导学生摸索出适合自己的阅读策略
“学习有法, 学无定法”。策略培训是一个具有创造性、多层面的过程, 要切实地将培训与常规的教学活动有机结合起来, 考虑学习者的不同特点及不同的学习任务、环境特点, 有针对性地进行培训。因此, 在英语阅读过程中, 教师应帮助学生诊断分析已有的策略, 学习新的策略, 并通过分析对比, 摸索出较适合自己学习风格、个性等的阅读策略。可以说, 在一定程度上阅读策略的好坏不在于阅读策略的种类, 而在于使用策略的恰当性、适合性及灵活性。
4 结语
如上所述, 影响阅读能力的因素是多方面的。Bachman (1990) 及Bachman和Palmer (1996) 曾提出, 影响考生语言能力的因素主要有两个:语言知识和策略能力。决定考生成绩的主要因素是他们的英语知识, 策略能力只能辅助性地帮助他们提高学习成绩。阅读的过程实际上就是学生自觉地把所学知识运用到实践的过程。因此, 只有注重在培养语言知识的过程中加强策略的培训, 最终获得有效的策略能力, 才能真正全面地提高英语阅读能力。
[1]Anderson, N.Individual Differences in Strategy Use in Second Language Reading and Testing[J].Modern Language Journal, 1991 (4) .
[2]蔡基刚.转型时期的我国大学英语教学特征和对策研究[J].外语教学与研究, 2007.
[3]孔文.英语专业学生元认知和认知策略使用与英语水平关系的研究[J].现代外语, 2008 (2) .
[4]李炯英, 秦志娟.第二语言阅读策略研究30年:回顾与展望[J].国外外语教学, 2005 (4) .
Wenowhave amuchbetteridea of what the year 2001 will be likethanArthur C.Clarke,who wrote a book called 2001 in 1959。
这句话的主干为We have a idea of what the year 2001 will be like(我们对2001年将会是如何的有一种幻想),其中宾语由What引导的名词性从句来充当?而后面是由than引导的比较状语从句,把我们和Arthur C.Clarke的想法做了比较;在这句从句中又含有一个从句由who来引导,是一个非限制性定语从句,用来说明1957年时Author C Clarke曾写过一篇名叫《二零零一》的书。这样一来,句子就完全清楚了。