
2024-07-26 版权声明 我要投稿


医改方案英文版 篇1



Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Deepening the

Health Care System Reform

In the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress, for the purpose of establishing a health care system with Chinese characteristics, of gradually realizing the goal that everyone is entitled to basic health care services, and of raising the health level of the Chinese people, we hereby put forward the following opinions on deepening the health care system reform.I.Fully recognizing the importance, urgency and arduousness of deepening the health care system reform

The health care sector is a major livelihood issue, as it is closely related to the health of billions of people and the happiness of every household.To deepen the health care system reform, quicken the development of health care sector, meet the people’s ever increasing health care demands, and continuously improve the people’s health is an inevitable requirement of implementing the Scientific Outlook on Development and accelerating economic and social development in a coordinated and sustainable manner, an important measure to maintain social fairness and justice and improve the quality of people’s life, and also a major task of building moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and constructing harmonious socialist society.Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, and since the beginning of the reform and opening-up in particular, China’s health care sector has made remarkable achievements.A health service system covering both urban and rural residents has basically come into being;the disease prevention and treatment capacity has been continuously strengthened;the population covered by health care has gradually expanded;health science and technology level has rapidly risen;the people’s health level has been markedly improved;and the major resident health indexes now rank among the highest in the developing countries.Since the major victory won in combating SARS in particular, governments at various levels have increased their investment, the development of public health, rural health care and urban community health care has been accelerated, and the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme and the basic medical insurance system for urban residents have made breakthroughs, all of which have laid a solid foundation for deepening the health care system reform.At the same time, however, we must be aware that there is still a rather prominent contradiction between the current development level of China’s health care sector and the people’s health demands and the requirements of balanced socio-economic development.Health care undertakings are developing unevenly between urban and rural areas and among different regions;resource allocation is unreasonable;the work of public health as well as rural and community health care is comparatively weak;the medical insurance system is incomplete;pharmaceutical production and circulation order is not well regulated;the hospital managerial system and operational mechanism are imperfect;government investment in health is insufficient;medical costs are soaring, individual burden is too heavy, and therefore, the people’s reaction is very strong.Featuring arduous health care tasks, the period from now to 2020 is crucial for China to build moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.Along with economic development and improvement of people’s living standards, the people will make higher demands on bettering health care services.Industrialization, urbanization, population aging, disease spectrum change, eco-environmental change and other factors pose a series of new and serious challenges to the health care work.To deepen the health care system reform is a strategic choice to accelerate the development of health care undertakings, an important channel to realize the goal of enabling people to share the achievements of reform and development, and an urgent aspiration of the broad masses of the people.Deepening the health care system reform is a difficult social systemic project involving broad aspects.China has a large population, low per capita income, significant urban-rural and regional disparities, and will be at the primary stage of socialism for a long period of time.These basic national conditions determine that the task of deepening the health care system reform is extremely complicated and arduous, and that it will be a gradual process.Therefore, only through long and arduous endeavors and perseverant explorations on the basis of specified directions and framework can we progressively establish a health care system in line with the country’s actual national conditions.To ensure the reform proceed smoothly and reach the expected goals, not only the reform should be pushed forward with firm determination, but also the work be well organized and steadily implemented.II.The guidelines, basic principles and overall goal of deepening the health care system reform

(i)The guidelines for deepening the health care system reform It should be guided by the important thoughts of Deng Xiaoping theory and Three Represents;it should implement in depth the Scientific Outlook on Development;it should proceed from China’s national conditions, and draw on the useful international experience;it should aim at achieving the goal of ensuring basic health care services for everyone, and emphatically address the problems concerning the most direct and real interests of the people or the ones that the people are most concerned about.It should adhere to the commonweal nature of public health care;it should adhere to the policy of regarding prevention as the main task and the rural areas as the focal point, and of laying equal stress on traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)and western medicine;it should implement separation between government agencies and public institutions, between government administration and business operations, between medical and pharmaceutical services, and between profit and non-profit;it should strengthen government responsibility and investment, improve national health policies, perfect institutional systems, enhance supervision and regulation, promote institutional innovations, and encourage social participation, so as to construct a basic health care system covering urban and rural residents, continuously raise the health level of the entire population, and promote social harmony.(ii)The principles for deepening the health care system reform The health care system reform must be firmly based on the country’s basic conditions and proceed from reality, adhere to the right reform principles.-We should adhere to the people-first principle and attach primary importance to safeguarding the rights and interests of the people’s health.We should adhere to the tenet of serving the people’s health with health care undertakings;regard safeguarding the people’s health as the center, and take the entitlement of basic health care services to everyone as the fundamental aim and outcome;make sure that the principle of commonweal nature be complied with throughout the entire process, from designing the reform program, establishing the health system, to constructing the health care service system;ensure that the basic health care system be public goods provided to the entire population;emphatically resolve the prominent problems to which people strongly react, and strive to achieve the goal of ensuring that health care services be available to the entire population.-We should adhere to finding a foothold in China’s national conditions and build the health care system with Chinese characteristics.We should adhere to proceeding from the country’s basic conditions, sum up the practical experience of the reform and development of China’s health care undertakings by seeking truth from facts, and accurately identify the law of development and principal challenges of health care undertakings;adhere to ensuring that the basic health care service level is in coordination with the socio-economic development, and in conjunction with the affordability of the people;bring the role of TCM(including ethnic minority traditional medicine)into full play;adhere to positioning on local conditions, specifying guidance for different localities, giving full play to local initiatives, and exploring with the aim to establishing the basic health care system conforming to the country’s national conditions.-We should adhere to the unity of fairness and efficiency and combine government’s leading role with the role of market forces.We should intensify government’s responsibility in the basic health care system, strengthen governmental functions in institutionalization, planning, fund-raising, service provision, supervision and regulation, etc., safeguard the commonweal nature of public health care system, and advance fairness and justice.In addition, we should emphatically give full play to the role of market forces, call on social participation, promote the formation of orderly competition mechanism, upgrade operational efficiency, service level and quality of the health care system, and satisfy the people’s multi-layer and diversified demands for health care services.-We should adhere to overall planning and all-round consideration and combine resolving currently prominent problems with improving the institutional system.We should proceed from taking the overall situation into consideration, balance urban and rural development and development among different regions, reconcile the interests of the supplier, the customer and other stakeholders, emphasize the combination of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation, and appropriately handle the relationship among government, health care institutions, pharmaceutical enterprises, health care workers and the people.We should be far-sighted and engage in institutional innovations on the one hand, and focus on current situation and emphatically tackle the prominent problems of the health care system on the other hand;We should pay adequate attention to the overall design, clarify the overall reform direction, objective and basic framework on the one hand, and highlight the key points, conduct step-by-step implementation, and actively and prudently press ahead with the reform on the other hand.(iii)The overall goal of deepening the health care system Establish and improve the basic health care system covering urban and rural residents, and provide the people with secure, efficient, convenient and affordable health care services.By 2011, the basic medical security system shall have completely covered urban and rural residents, the essential medicines system shall have been preliminarily established, urban and rural grass-roots health care service system shall have been further strengthened, the basic public health services shall have been available far and wide, pilot projects for reforming state-owned hospitals shall have made breakthroughs, the accessibility to the basic health care services shall have been improved markedly, residents’ burden of medical costs shall be effectively reduced, and the problem of “difficult and costly access to health care services” shall have been remarkably relieved.By 2020, the basic health care system covering urban and rural residents shall have been fundamentally established.We shall have set up, across the country, a fairly complete public health service system and health care service system, a comparatively sound medical security system, a secured and relatively well regulated pharmaceutical supply system, a comparatively sound health care institution management and operational system, a multi-sponsored medical configuration shall be formed, everyone shall have access to the basic health care services, the multi-layer demands of the people for health care services shall be met preliminarily, and the health level of the people shall be further enhanced.III.Improving four major health care systems and establishing the basic health care system covering urban and rural residents

Four systems covering urban and rural residents shall be established, including the public health service system, health care service system, medical security system, and a secured pharmaceutical supply system, with an aim to forming a “four in one” basic health care system.The four systems shall be constructed in conjunction with each other, supplement each other and develop in a coordinated way.(iv)Strengthening the construction of the public health service system in an all-round way Efforts should be made to establish and improve professional public health service networks, which include diseases prevention and control, health education, maternity and child care, mental health, emergency treatment, blood collection and supply, hygiene supervision, family planning, and etc.;improve the public health service functions of the basic health care service system, which is based on grass-roots health care service network;establish a public health service system featuring a clear-cut division of work, information-exchanging, resource-sharing, coordination and interaction;improve the capacity to deal with public health service and public health emergencies, and make equalized basic public health services gradually available to urban and rural residents.Efforts should be made to identify the scope of public health services.Clarify the national basic public health service items, and increase step by step the service contents.Encourage the local governments to increase, in accordance with the local economic development level and prominent public health problems, their public health service contents on the basis of the service items defined by the central government.Efforts should be made to improve the public health service system.Further clarify the functions, goal and tasks of the public health service system, optimize personnel and equipment configurations, and explore the effective means of integrating public health service resources.Perfect the major diseases prevention and control system as well as public health emergency mechanism, strengthen the surveillance, prevention and control of the diseases that severely threatening the people’s health, such as infectious diseases, chronic diseases, endemic diseases, occupational diseases, birth defects, and so on.And strengthen the construction of urban and rural first-aid system.Efforts should be made to strengthen health promotion and education.Health care institutions, government agencies, schools, communities, enterprises, etc.shall massively carry out health education, take full advantage of various media, strengthen the dissemination of medical and health knowledge, advocate healthy and civilized lifestyle, promote rational nutrition among the public, and enhance the health awareness and self-care ability of the people.Efforts should be made to implement in depth the patriotic public health campaign.Integrate the rural environmental sanitation and environmental pollution treatment into the new socialist rural construction plan, promote the construction of “Hygienic Cities and Civilized Villages and Towns”, and continuously improve the environmental sanitation of life and work of urban and rural residents.Efforts should be made to strengthen hygiene supervision services.Intensively promote environmental sanitation, food hygiene, occupational health, school health as well as the health services for floating population, such as migrant workers, etc.(v)Further improving the health care service system A rationally structured health care service system covering urban and rural residents should be established by adhering to the operational principle of taking the non-profit health care institutions as the main body, for-profit health care institutions as the supplement, with the state-owned institutions playing a leading role, while non-state-owned health care institutions making synergies in the development.Efforts should be made to energetically develop the rural health care service system.Efforts should be made to further complete the rural health care service network with county-level hospitals as the bellwether, township health centers and village clinics as the basis.As the intra-county health care center, the county-level hospitals shall be mainly in charge of the basic health care services, treating and saving patients with severe or acute diseases, as well as take the responsibility of providing professional and technical guidance to township health centers and village clinics and offering further education and training to the health care workers of two latter institutions.The township health centers shall take the responsibility of providing public health services and comprehensive services of diagnosing and treating the commonly or frequently encountered diseases, and of offering professional management over and technical guidance to village clinics, which shall, in turn, take the responsibility of the administrative villages’ public health services, the diagnoses and treatment of general diseases and other services.An integrated approach shall be adopted to manage both the township health centers and village clinics in the rural areas where conditions permit.Efforts should be made to actively promote the construction of rural health care infrastructure and capacity building.The government shall focus on the well-running of the county-level hospitals and a health center in each town, support the construction of village clinics through various ways, and ensure that each administrative village have a clinic, so as to vigorously improve rural health care conditions and upgrade service quality.Efforts should be made to improve the new urban health care service system on the basis of community health care services.Quicken the building of the urban community health care service network with community health centers as the main body, and improve service functions.With safeguarding the community residents’ health as the focal point, provide them with public health services such as diseases prevention and control, preliminary diagnoses and treatment of the general, commonly and frequently encountered diseases, chronic diseases management and rehabilitation services.Transform the community health care service mode, continuously raise the service level, take the initiative to offer services, provide household visits, and gradually assume the responsibility and duties of the “gate-keeper” for residents’ health.Efforts should be made to complete the functions and responsibilities of various hospitals.Efforts should be made to optimize the configuration and structure, give full play to the backbone role of urban hospitals in terms of diagnoses and treatment of dangerous, severe and acute diseases as well as difficult and complicated diseases, medical education, research, guiding and training grass-roots health care workers, and etc.Conditions permitting, major hospitals may, in light of demands of the regional health planning, promote the rational flowing of health care resources through means of trusteeship, reorganization, and etc.Efforts should be made to establish the mechanism of labor division and work coordination between urban hospitals and community health service institutions.Urban hospitals shall, through technical support, personnel training and other ways, lead the sustainable development of community health services.Meanwhile, urban hospitals shall take such comprehensive measures as strengthening service capacity, reducing fees and charges, raising reimbursement ratio and etc.to guide general diagnosis and treatment down to grass-roots medical institutions, and gradually achieve the goal of the initial diagnosis to be conducted in community health centers, classification of medical treatments, and dual referral.Efforts should be made to integrate urban health resources, make full use of existing sources, such as primary and secondary urban hospitals, health care institutions affiliated to state-owned enterprises and public institutions and other privately-run medical institutions, and develop and improve the community health service network.Efforts should be made to bring into full play the role of TCM(including ethnic minority traditional medicine)in the prevention and control of diseases, public health emergency response, as well as in health care services.Reinforce the construction of TCM clinical research bases and TCM hospitals, organize and carry out the joint research of preventing and treating difficult and complicated diseases with TCM.Vigorously promote appropriate TCM techniques in grass-roots health care services.Take up favorable policies to foster TCM development, and promote the inheritance and innovations of TCM.Efforts should be made to establish the system of urban hospitals offering counterpart support to rural health care.The developed regions shall reinforce their counterpart support to the development of health care undertakings in the poverty-stricken regions and ethnic minority regions.Major urban hospitals shall establish long-term stable counterpart support to and cooperation with county-level hospitals, assisting the latter to improve health care level and service capacity through clinical practice, staff training, technical guidance, equipment support and other ways.(vi)Quickening the construction of the medical security system Efforts should be made to quicken the construction and improvement of the multi-layer medical security system covering urban and rural residents, with the basic medical security as the main body, and other diversified supplemental medical insurance and commercial health insurance as the supplement.Efforts should be made to establish the basic medical security system covering urban and rural residents.The basic medical security system shall be jointly composed of urban employees’ basic medical insurance, urban residents’ basic medical insurance, New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme and urban-rural medical assistance system, covering urban employees, urban non-employees, rural population, and urban and rural economically strained residents, respectively.Efforts should be made to adhere to the principle of covering a wide coverage, ensuring basic medical services and pursuing sustainable development, proceed from emphatically ensuring the treatment of major diseases, gradually extend to the ailments for clinics, and continuously raise the medical security level.Efforts should be made to establish a multi-channel fund-raising mechanism featuring a clear-cut division of responsibility of the government, employer, family and individual, and rational expense-sharing proportions, so as to achieve social mutual-aid.Along with economic and social development, efforts should be made to uplift the fund raising and pooling levels step by step, narrow the gap between different insurance schemes, and eventually achieve the fundamental unity of those schemes.Efforts should be made to further complete urban employees’ basic medical insurance system, quicken the coverage of the employed population, emphatically address basic medical insurance problems of employees and retirees of the closed-down or bankrupted state-owned enterprises and enterprises with financial difficulties, employees of non-public economic sectors as well as temporary contract workers;fully implement the urban resident basic medical insurance in 2009, and lay stress on tackling basic medical insurance problems concerning the aged, the disabled and the children;fully implement the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme, progressively raise the government subsidy level, and appropriately increase the farmers’ contributions, so as to enhance the medical security capacity;upgrade the urban and rural medical assistance system, subsidize those who are economically strained for the premium payment,and subsidize them for their unbearable medical expenses, by this way to build a firm medical security baseline.And efforts should be made to explore the establishment of management mechanism for an integrated urban and rural basic medical security system.Efforts should be made to encourage trade unions and other social groups to carry out diversified mutual aid activities for health care, and encourage and guide various organizations and individuals to develop charity medical assistance.Efforts should be made to properly link the urban employees’ basic medical insurance system, urban residents’ basic medical insurance system, New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme and urban and rural medical assistance system.Efforts should be made to actively and properly conduct the transferal and continuation of basic medical insurance credentials from one region to another, laying stress on the migrant workers floating between urban and rural areas;improve the settlement services for treatment received allopatry, focusing attention on the retirees settled in places other than the locality where they used to work;properly address basic medical insurance issues concerning migrant workers;in light of government regulations, clarify the contribution obligations of enterprises with whom migrant workers sign employment contracts and establish steady labor relationship, and such migrant workers shall be integrated into urban employees’ basic medical insurance system;other migrant workers may participate, in accordance with their actual situation, in the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme of the places of their origin, or the urban residents’ basic medical insurance of their work locations.Efforts should be made to actively develop commercial health insurance.Encourage commercial insurance agencies to develop health insurance products to meet different demands, simplify claim formalities, provide convenience to the people, and satisfy diversified health demands.Encourage enterprises and individuals to resolve their demands beyond the basic medical insurance through participating in commercial insurance and diversified supplemental insurance.On the premise ensuring fund security and effective supervision, actively advocate, in the form of government purchase of medical security services, to explore the possibility of entrusting qualified commercial insurance agencies with handling various medical security management services.(vii)Establishing and completing a secured pharmaceutical supply system Efforts should be made to accelerate the establishment of a secured pharmaceutical supply system on the basis of the national essential medicines system, and ensure medicine safety for the people.Efforts should be made to establish the national essential medicines system.The central government shall unitarily formulate and issue national essential medicines list, and rationally determine the categories and quantities of medicines in line with China’s medication characteristics and with reference to international experience;in this process, the following principle shall be adhered to, i.e., medicines selected must be necessary for disease prevention and treatment, must be safe and effective, must be of reasonable price, must be convenient to use, and equal stress must be laid upon TCM and western medicines.Efforts should be made to establish a secured production and supply system of essential medicines, and bring market forces into full play under government macro-control;open tender and unified distribution shall be adopted for the essential medicines procurement, and the intermediary links shall be reduced, so as to ensure the people’s access to the essential medicines.The central government shall set government-guided retail prices for the essential medicines, within which, the provincial people’s government shall determine unified purchasing prices of its own region according to its actual situation of tender invitation.Efforts should be made to regulate the use of the essential medicines, and formulate the essential medicines clinical application guide and formulary.All urban and rural grass-roots health care institutions shall be equipped with and use the essential medicines for medication, and other various health care institutions shall also take the essential medicines as their primary choice remedy, and ascertain the due application proportions.All essential medicines shall be integrated into the reimbursement list of basic medical insurance, with markedly higher reimbursement proportions than those of non-essential medicines.Efforts should be made to regulate pharmaceutical production and circulation.Efforts should be made to improve development policies and programs for the pharmaceutical industry, enforce rigorous market access and drug registration and approval, vigorously regulate and consolidate the production and circulation order, promote independent innovation capacity of pharmaceutical enterprises and optimize and upgrade the structure of the pharmaceutical industry, develop modern drug logistics and chain-store operations, and promote the integration of drug production and circulation enterprises.Efforts should be made to establish the rural drug supply network offering more convenience to the people and more benefit to farmers;improve the drug reserve system;support the production of small-quantity special medication and first-aid medicines;regulate medicine procurement and resolutely crack down on commercial bribery in pharmaceutical procurement and sales;strengthen the surveillance of drug adverse reaction and establish early warning and emergency response mechanism for drug safety.IV.Improving institutional mechanism, ensuring effective and well regulated operations of the health care system

Efforts should be made to improve the health institutional mechanisms, involving management, operation, investment, price and supervision, reinforce the development of science, technology, professional talents, information and legal system, and ensure that the health care system shall operate in an effective and well regulated way.(viii)Establishing a coordinated and unified health care administration system Efforts should be made to implement localization and sector-wide administration.Each health care institution, regardless of their ownership, investor, administrative affiliation, business operation category, shall be subject to the unified planning, access and regulation implemented by the health administrative department in the location concerned.The central and provincial governments may establish limited number of medical centers or regional centers undertaking medical research and teaching functions, as well as specialized hospitals undertaking the diagnoses and treatment of the difficult and complicated diseases across the country or a region.County(city)governments shall mainly take the responsibility of establishing county-level hospitals, village and community health service institutions;and other public hospitals shall be established by the cities.Efforts should be made to strengthen regional health planning.Provincial governments shall formulate allocation criteria for health resources, organize the formulation of regional health planning and plans for setting up health care institutions, and define the quantity, scale, layout and functions of health care institutions.Efforts should be made to rationally formulate the construction and equipment configuration standards for township health centers(village clinics), community health centers(stations)and other grass-roots health care institutions and hospitals at various levels.Efforts should be made to make full use of and optimize the distribution of existing health care resources, gradually integrate and consolidate health care institutions that are inconsistent with requirements of relevant plans, strictly control the deployment of large-sized medical equipment, encourage joint construction and sharing, and enhance the utilization efficiency of medical and health resources.The newly added health resources must be in conformity with regional health planning, and priority should be given to weak areas such as rural and community health services.Efforts should be made to strengthen the connection between regional health planning and urban-rural development plans, land use overall plans and etc;establish the monitoring and assessment mechanism for regional health planning and resource allocation.Efforts should be made to promote the reform on the administration system for public hospitals.The reform shall be conducive to reinforcing of the commonweal nature of public hospitals and the effectiveness of government regulation, and actively explore diversified forms for effectively realizing the separation of functions of government agencies and public institutions, and separation of administration and business operations.Efforts should be made to further transform government functions, with health administrative departments mainly taking the responsibility of sector administration functions, such as health development planning, review of qualification and access, formulation of rules and standards, supervision and regulation on services, and etc., and other departments concerned, each according to their own functions, conducting administration and providing services.Efforts should be made to put into effect the independent corporate status of public hospitals.Efforts should be made to further improve the basic medical insurance management system.The central government shall unitarily formulate the framework and policies of the basic medical insurance system, while local governments shall take the responsibility of organizing the implementation and management, create conditions for gradually uplifting the level of fund-pooling.Efforts should be made to effectively integrate the resources handling the basic medical insurance, and progressively achieve unified administration of urban and rural basic medical insurance.(ix)Establishing an efficient and well regulated operation system for health care institutions All expenditures and revenues of public health institutions shall be integrated into budget management.In light of the duties and tasks of the said institutions, the government shall rationally determine their staff size, salary level, and budget scale, clarify the duties of various positions, exercise rigorous staff enrolment criteria, strengthen performance assessment, establish the staff placement system on the basis of competitive selection, and improve work efficiency and service quality.Efforts should be made to transform the operation mechanism of grass-roots health care institutions.As for the government-sponsored grass-roots health care institutions, such as urban health service centers(stations)and township health centers, their service functions shall be strictly defined, and the use of appropriate techniques, equipment and essential medicines be clearly required;and the said institutions shall provide the people with low-cost services, and maintain their commonweal nature.Efforts should be made to strictly verify the staff size, implement personnel employment system, and establish the human resources management system featuring competitiveness, motivation and efficiency;clarify the scope and standard of expenditure and income, implement financial management measures, including task verification, expenditure and revenue verification, performance assessment and subsidy;explore the possibility of implementing diversified effective management methods, such as separate management of expenditure and revenue, prepayment of the total amount of public health and basic medical insurance funds, exercise strict management of expenditure and revenue budgeting, and increase the funds utilization efficiency;reform the drug margin policy and implement drug sale with no markup;strengthen and improve internal management, establish an evaluation and incentive system with service quality as the core, and post responsibility and performance as the basis, and form a long-term mechanism ensuring fairness and efficiency.Efforts should be made to establish a well regulated operational mechanism of public hospitals, which shall comply with the principle of commonweal nature and social benefits, adopt a patient-oriented approach, optimize service process, and regulate medication, examination and treatment.Efforts should be made to deepen the operation mechanism reform, establish and better the hospital corporate governance structure, specify rights and responsibilities of owners and managers, and form a mechanism featuring check and balance of policy-making, implementation and supervision, and integrating responsibility, incentives, restraints, competitiveness and vitality.Efforts should be made to promote the separation between health care services and drug sale, and actively explore diversified effective ways to gradually reform the mechanism of compensating the medical cost through drug sale;gradually reform or rescind the drug margin policy through implementing differentiated price markup between drug purchase and sale and through setting up prescription service fees;meanwhile, improve the compensation mechanism of public hospitals through appropriately adjusting health care service prices, increasing government investment, reforming methods of payment, and etc.Efforts should be made to further improve the financial and accounting management system, implement rigorous budget management, and strengthen financial regulation and operation supervision.Local governments may, in line with local circumstances, conduct pilot projects of diversified management methods in hospitals where conditions permit, for instance, methods such as “expenditure and revenue verification, compensating expenditure with revenue, turning in the surplus, subsidy for the gap, clear-cut reward and penalty”.Efforts should be made to reform the human resources system, improve income distribution and incentives, promote the employment system and post management system, enforce rigorous management on total salary, implement the system of comprehensive performance evaluation and post-performance based salary in line with service quality and workload, and effectively mobilize the initiatives of health care workers.Efforts should be made to construct a sound operation system for institutions handling medical insurance, including completing the internal governance structure, establishing a reasonable staff placement mechanism and a fair distribution system, improving the incentive and restraint mechanism, and enhancing the handling capacity and management efficiency of medical insurance.(x)Working out a multi-source health investment mechanism with the government playing the dominant role Efforts should be made to specify the health investment responsibility of the government, society and individuals;establish the dominant position of the government in providing public health and basic health care services.The public health services shall be mainly provided, through government funding, to urban and rural residents in an equalized way.The expenses of the basic health care services shall be rationally proportioned and borne among the government, society and individuals.And special health care shall be directly paid for by individuals or borne by commercial health insurance.Efforts should be made to construct and improve the government health investment mechanism.Both the central and local governments shall increase their health investment, and reconcile the needs of both the supplier and the recipient.Gradually raise the proportion of government investment in the total health expenditure, and effectively alleviate individual residents’ burden in terms of basic health care expenses;the growth rate of government health investment shall be higher than that of the current financial expenditure, so as to gradually increase the proportion of government health investment in the current financial expenditures.The newly added government investment shall be emphatically used in supporting public health, rural health, urban community health and basic medical security.In light of the principle of burden-sharing at all government levels, efforts should be made to rationally divide the health investment responsibility among the central government and local governments at various levels.The local governments shall take the principal responsibility, while the central government shall mainly subsidize national immunization program, interregional prevention and control of major communicable diseases and other issues of public health, basic medical security of urban and rural residents as well as the development of relevant public-owned health care institutions.And efforts should be made to increase special transfer payments by the central and provincial governments to financially constrained regions.Efforts should be made to improve the mechanism of government investment in public health.Regarding specialized public health service institutions, the funding for their staff, development, construction and operations shall be appropriated in full amount by the government, and the legitimate service income of the said institutions shall be turned over to be kept in a special fiscal account or integrated into budget management.Gradually increase the average per capita public health funding, and complete a secured mechanism for public health service funding.Efforts should be made to improve the mechanism for government investment in urban and rural grass-roots health care institutions.The government takes the responsibility of providing funding for the basic construction, equipment purchasing and staffing for the government-sponsored township health centers, urban community health centers(stations), as well as the operational funds for offering public health services so that the said institutions can fully function.As to all the township health centers and urban community health service institutions sponsored by various non-public sponsors, local authorities may set due government subsidies through ways such as purchasing services and etc.Efforts should be made to support the construction of village clinics, and grant reasonable subsidies to rural doctors who take the responsibility of fulfilling such tasks as public health services and etc.Efforts should be made to implement the policy of granting government subsidies to public hospitals.Gradually increase the government investment, which shall be mainly used for basic construction and equipment procurement, development of key subjects, funds for retirees in conformity with the state regulations concerned, and subsidies for policy-related losses, and be also used for granting special subsidies to government-sponsored tasks, such as public health services, etc.All these shall aim to a well-regulated and sound mechanism of government investment in public hospitals.In terms of investment policies, preference shall be given to TCM hospitals(including ethnic minority hospitals), gynecology and obstetrics hospitals, children’s hospitals, and hospitals specialized in prevention and treatment of communicable diseases, mental disorders, occupational diseases, and etc.Efforts should be made to strictly control the construction scope, standards and loan-taking of public hospitals.Efforts should be made to improve the mechanism of government investment in the basic medical security.The government shall appropriate necessary funds to support the development and improvement of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme, urban residents’ basic medical insurance, urban employees’ basic medical insurance as well as urban and rural medical assistance system;guarantee normal funding of the relevant institutions handling the above tasks.Efforts should be made to encourage and guide social capital to sponsor health care undertakings.Actively promote the development of non-public health care institutions, and form a health care system with multiple categories of investors and diversified investment modes.Waste no time in working out and complete relevant policies and regulations, regulate the access conditions of social capital, including overseas capital, for sponsoring health care institutions, and complete sector-wide administration policies featuring fairness and justice.Encourage social capital to sponsor non-profit health care institutions in accordance with the law.The government shall work out guiding opinions on the system reform of public hospitals, and actively guide social capital to participate in the system reform and reorganization of some public hospitals, including the hospitals sponsored by state-owned enterprises.Steadily launch pilot projects in the system reform of public hospitals, appropriately reduce the proportion of public health care institutions, and form the configuration of public hospitals and non-public hospitals featuring mutual promotion and common development.Support the qualified personnel to start business in accordance with the law and provide people with convenient access to health care services.Improve the classified administration policy and preferential taxation policy for health care institutions.Strengthen, in accordance with the law, the regulation on the health care services sponsored by non-public investors.Efforts should be made to energetically develop medical charity undertakings.Work out relevant preferential policies to encourage non-public entities to sponsor charity health care institutions, or make charity donations to medical assistance and health care institutions, and etc.(xi)Establishing a sound health care pricing system Efforts should be made to regulate the management on health care service pricing.As to the basic health care services provided by non-profit health care institutions, the government-guided pricing shall be used, and the other services shall be priced independently by health care institutions.The central government shall take the responsibility of formulating pricing policies, items, pricing principles and methods for health care services;the provincial or municipal competent pricing departments shall verify, in conjunction with the health, human resources and social security departments, government-guided prices for basic health care services.The basic health care services shall be priced by deducting the service cost subsidized by government funding, so as to embody the reasonable cost and technical value of health care services.The services provided by health care institutions and doctors at different levels shall be priced at different grades.Efforts should be made to regulate the pricing items and standards of public health care institutions, and explore the reform on charging methods such as Diagnoses-Related Groups Payment;establish the system for price surveillance on medical device, supervision on and auditing of the service cost of medical examination and treatment and their regular pricing adjustment.Efforts should be made to reform the drug pricing mechanism.Rationally adjust the government pricing scope, improve the pricing methods, increase transparency, encourage enterprises to be engaged in independent innovations with the price leverage, and promote the production and utilization of national essential medicines.Gradually implement the pre-pricing economic evaluation system for new and patent drugs.Implement the low price system for generic drugs when it enters the market, so as to curb the low-level repeated construction.Strictly control the price difference ratio in pharmaceutical circulation.Carry out pilot projects, such as differentiated price markup on drugs sold in hospitals, prescription service fees and etc.to guide hospitals on rational medication.Strengthen the price control and management on medical consumables and the medical appliances used for implantation(intervention)during the circulation and utilization.Optimize the medical pricing surveillance system, and regulate independent pricing behavior of hospitals.Efforts should be made to actively explore and build the negotiation mechanism for medical insurance handling institutions, health care institutions and pharmaceutical suppliers, and bring into full play the restraining role of medical security over health care services and pharmaceutical expenditures.(xii)Establishing a rigorous and effective health care regulatory system Efforts should be made to reinforce the regulation on the health care system.Complete the health supervision and enforcement system, and enhance the capacity building of urban and rural health supervision institutions.Strengthen the regulation on health care service behavior and quality, improve the health care service standards and quality evaluation system, regulate the management system and work flows, quicken the formulation of the treatment protocols, and complete the health care service quality surveillance networks.Strengthen the regulation on the admittance and operation of health care institutions.Strengthen public health regulations, including drinking water safety, occupational hazards prevention, food security, medical waste disposal, etc.and rigorously crack down, in accordance with the law, the law-breaking behavior that jeopardizes the health and life safety of the people.Efforts should be made to improve medical security regulation.Strengthen the regulation on medical insurance handling, fund management and use, etc., establish the mechanism for effective utilization of medical insurance funds and risk prevention.Strengthen the monitoring role of medical security on health care services, improve payment system, actively explore the payment methods such as capitation, Diagnoses-Related Groups as well as prepayment of total amount, etc., and establish an effective restraining mechanism that lays equal stress on incentives and penalty.Strengthen the regulation on commercial health insurance and promote sound development.Efforts should be made to strengthen pharmaceutical regulation.Strengthen government regulation responsibility, improve the regulation system, and implement strict regulation on pharmaceutical research, production, circulation, utilization, pricing and advertisement.Implement regulated quality management of pharmaceutical production, and strengthen the regulation on the production of high-risk items.Strictly implement the regulations on pharmaceutical business operation and management, explore and put in place categorized and graded licensing for the administration of pharmaceutical operation, and reinforce the supervision and sampling inspection on key categories of drugs.Establish the rural drug supervision networks.Strengthen government regulation on drug pricing, and effectively inhibit bubble prices.Regulate the clinical utilization of drugs, and bring into full play certified pharmacists’ guidance on the rational medication and pharmaceutical quality management.Efforts should be made to establish the regulation system featuring open information and multiple-stakeholder participation.Encourage social organizations, such as trade unions and individuals to exercise independent appraisal and supervision on the performance of the competent government departments, health care institutions and the relevant systems.And strengthen self-discipline in the sector.(xiii)Establishing a sustainable development mechanism for scientific and technological innovation and a secured mechanism for professional talents in the health sector Efforts should be made to promote the scientific and technological progress of health care services.Treat health care technological innovation as a priority of national scientific and technological progress, strive to tackle difficult health care issues, and provide technological safeguard for the health of the people.Increase investment in medical research, deepen the health care system reform, integrate advantageous medical research resources, quicken the implementation of key projects of medical science and technology, encourage independent innovation, reinforce the research on prevention and treatment technology of major diseases and key technology of new medicine, and strive to make new breakthroughs in basic and applied medical research, hi-tech research, research on TCM, integration of TCM and western medicine, etc.Develop and produce medical appliances conforming to China’s national conditions.And extensively carry out international cooperation and exchanges on health science and technology.Efforts should be made to reinforce the development of professional health care talents.Work out and implement the development program for professionals, emphatically strengthen the training and cultivation of health care professionals and paramedic personnel in fields such as public health, rural health, urban community health, etc.Formulate preferential policies, encourage outstanding health talents to provide their services in rural areas, urban communities and the mid-western regions.Those health professionals, who have worked for a long period of time in urban and rural grass-roots health care institutions, shall be rendered appropriate preferential policies in terms of professional title promotion, professional training, compensation policy, etc.Complete the qualification system for general practitioners, complete the on-the-job training system for the health professionals working in both rural areas and urban communities, encourage the said personnel to receive academic education, promote the professional standardization for rural doctors, and realize as soon as possible the goal that all the grass-roots health care institutions are staffed with qualified general practitioners.Reinforce the development of high-level professionals in research, medical treatment, health management, etc.Establish the standardized training system for resident physicians, and intensify continued medical education.Reinforce the development of paramedic professionals, and gradually resolve the existing problem of the low proportion of paramedic personnel.Cultivate TCM professionals and expand the team.Steadily promote the rational flow of health care professionals, facilitate diversified ways of talent exchange among different health care institutions, and explore the feasibility of multiple-site practice of certified practitioners.Regulate the qualifications for hospital managerial personnel, and gradually form a professional and specialized managerial team for health care institutions.Efforts should be made to readjust the structure and scale of higher medical education.Strengthen education on general medicine, improve standardized and regulated clinical medical education, and enhance the quality of medical education.Increase investment in medical education, intensively develop undergraduate and non-degree medical college education, which should be geared to the needs of rural areas and urban communities, adopt diversified methods such as targeted free training to cultivate health care professionals for poverty-stricken rural areas, and foster a large number of qualified medical practitioners who are devoted to rural areas and ready to serve farmers.Efforts should be made to build sound and harmonious relations between health care workers and patients.Strengthen medical ethics, pay adequate attention to the humanitarian quality cultivation and professional caliber education of the health care workers, vigorously carry forward the spirit of “healing the wounded and rescuing the dying”.Optimize the work surroundings and conditions, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of health care workers, and arouse their enthusiasm to better services and improve efficiency.Improve the medical practice insurance, carry out medical social work, complete the mechanism for handling medical disputes, and enhance the communications between practitioners and patients.Foster in the entire society a good atmosphere of respecting medical science, health care workers as well as patients.(xiv)Establishing practical and shared health care information system Efforts should be made to energetically promote health care informatization.Focusing on promoting the informatization of public health, health care services, medical insurance, drugs, financial regulation, etc., efforts should be made to integrate resources, strengthen the construction of information standardization and public service information platform, and gradually realize unified standards, high efficiency and interrelated communications.Efforts should be made to accelerate the construction of health care information system.Improve the public health information system with the disease control network as the mainstay, and enhance the capacity for forecast, early warning, analysis and reporting;take creating resident health archives as the priority, construct the rural and community information network platform;take hospital management and electronic medical record as the priority, promote hospital informatization;take advantage of the network information technology to promote the cooperation between urban hospitals and community health service institutions.Vigorously develop the remote health care services geared to the needs of rural areas and remote and border regions.Efforts should be made to establish and improve medical security information system.Speed up the construction of the multi-functional medical security information system, including fund management, expenses settlement and control, medical behavior management and supervision, management services of employers and individuals participating in insurance programs, etc.Strengthen the information system construction of urban employee’s basic medical insurance, urban residents’ basic medical insurance, New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme and medical assistance system, and realize its connection with the information system of medical institutions, actively promote the “All-in-One Card”(a multi-purpose card), etc.to facilitate insurance(cooperative scheme)participants to receive medical services, and increase the transparency of medical services.Efforts should be made to establish and improve the three-tier(state, province and municipality)information network of drug regulation, drug testing and drug adverse reaction surveillance.And establish the information system of supply and demand of essential medicines.(xv)Establishing and improving health care legal system Efforts should be made to improve the health legislation.Quicken the promotion of the basic health care legislation, specify the rights and obligations of government, society and residents in terms of enhancing health to ensure that everyone is entitled to the basic health care services.Establish and improve health standard system, properly deal with the connection and coordination of relevant laws and regulations, and gradually establish and improve a comparatively complete health legal system in line with the basic medical and health care system.Efforts should be made to promote government administration in accordance with the law.Exercise rigorous and regulated law enforcement, earnestly improve the capacity of the governments at various levels to develop and manage health care undertakings through legal means.Make greater efforts in the popularization of the health care law, and strive to create a legal environment that is conducive to the health of the people.V.Concentrating on five key reform projects and striving to achieve remarkable results in the near future

In order to achieve results of the reform at an earlier date, efforts should be made to implement the commonweal nature of health care services, concentrate on ensuring the people’s basic needs of seeking health care services, and in light of the requirements that the people enjoy real benefits, health care workers be encouraged and regulators can easily understand the contents of the reform, strength shall be exerted on the following five key reform projects from 2009-2011.(xvi)Accelerating the construction of the basic medical security system The basic medical security system shall completely cover urban and rural residents, and within three years, the insurance(cooperative scheme)participation rate of urban employees’ basic medical insurance, urban residents’ basic medical insurance and New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme shall all reach over 90%;and the urban and rural medical assistance system shall cover all the economically constrained households across the country.Giving priority to improving the benefit level of insurance for in-patient treatment and major diseases treated at clinics, efforts should be made to gradually enhance the fund-raising and medical security level, and by 2010, the threshold of subsidy granted by the government at various levels shall be increased to 120 Yuan per person per annum for both urban residents’ basic medical insurance and New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme.Regarding the basic medical insurance, efforts should be made to properly conduct the credential transfer and connection and the settlement services for receiving health care services from allopatry;improve medical security management system and mechanism and effectively alleviate the burden of medical expenses on urban and rural individuals.(xvii)Preliminarily establishing a national essential medicines system Efforts should be made to establish a relatively complete system for the selection, production and supply, use and reimbursement of essential medicines through medical insurance.In 2009, the national essential medicines list shall be released, the procurement and distribution of essential medicines regulated and the prices of the essential medicines rationally determined.From 2009, the essential medicines shall be supplied to all the government-sponsored grass-roots health care institutions for medication, other health care institutions shall also use the essential medicines as required, and all the retail pharmacies shall be supplied with the essential medicines for sale.Efforts should be made to improve the medical insurance and reimbursement policies concerning the essential medicines;ensure the availability, safety and effectiveness of the essential medicines for the people, and alleviate the burden of the essential medicines expenses on the people.(xviii)Improving the grass-roots health care services system Efforts should be made to accelerate the construction of the three-tier rural health care services network and urban community health service institutions, bring into full play of the leading role of county-level hospitals, and build a relatively complete grass-roots health care services system in three years.Efforts should be made to cultivate and train grass-roots health care professionals, particularly general practitioners, and concentrate on improving the level and quality of grass-roots health care institutions;transform the operational mechanism and service modes of grass-roots health care institutions, and improve the compensation mechanism;gradually establish the system of graded diagnoses and treatment and for dual referral, so as to provide the people with convenient, fast and low-cost basic health care services.(xix)Promoting the progressive equalization of the basic public health services The state shall work out the basic public health service items, and from 2009, gradually provide urban and rural residents with the basic public health services, including disease prevention and control, maternal and child care, health education, etc.Efforts should be made to implement national major public health service programs, effectively prevent and control major diseases as well as their hazardous elements, and further improve the capacity of tackling major public health emergencies.Improve urban and rural public health service system and optimize funds provision mechanism for public health services, so that by 2009, the standard average per capita funding for the basic public health services shall be no less than 15 Yuan, and no less than 20 Yuan by 2011.Strengthen performance appraisal, and improve the service efficiency and quality, gradually narrow the gap in the basic public health services between urban and rural residents, and strive to ensure that the people shall contract as few diseases as possible.(xx)Promoting the pilot reform on public hospitals Efforts should be made to reform the management system as well as operational and regulatory mechanisms of public hospitals, and actively explore the effective forms of separating the functions of government agencies and public institutions, separating government administration and business operation.Improve the structure of hospital corporate governance.Promote the reform on the compensation mechanism of public hospitals, increase government investment, and improve the financial compensation policy for public hospitals so that the problem of “compensating the medical cost with drug sale” can be gradually resolved.Accelerate the formation of a multi-sponsored configuration for running health care institutions, and encourage non-public investors to invest in not-for-profit hospitals.Intensively reform the internal management of public hospitals, optimize service flows, regulate diagnoses and treatment behaviors, arouse the enthusiasm of health care workers, enhance service quality and efficiency, markedly shorten patients’ waiting time, and achieve the mutual recognition of the testing and inspecting results by different hospitals of the same level.Strive to facilitate the people to receive proper health care services.VI.Actively and steadily promoting the health care system reform

医改方案英文版 篇2

一个目标:建立健全覆盖城乡居民的基本医疗卫生制度, 为群众提供安全、有效、方便、价廉的医疗卫生服务。到2011年, 基本医疗保障制度全面覆盖城乡居民, 基本药物制度初步建立, 城乡基层医疗卫生服务体系进一步健全, 基本公共卫生服务得到普及, 公立医院改革试点取得突破, 明显提高基本医疗卫生服务可及性, 有效减轻居民就医费用负担, 切实缓解“看病难、看病贵”问题。到2020年, 覆盖城乡居民的基本医疗卫生制度基本建立。普遍建立比较完善的公共卫生服务体系和医疗服务体系, 比较健全的医疗保障体系, 比较规范的药品供应保障体系, 比较科学的医疗卫生机构管理体制和运行机制, 形成多元办医格局, 人人享有基本医疗卫生服务, 基本适应人民群众多层次的医疗卫生需求, 人民群众健康水平进一步提高。



《医药卫生体制改革近期重点实施方案 (2009-2011年) 》的主要内容可以概括为”四项基本“一个试点”。


新医改方案发布等 篇3















1. “‘老寒腿’经常泡泡腿。”







上海医改--实施方案 篇4






(三)加强慢性非传染性疾病预防控制。建立以社区卫生服务中心为基础、专业公共卫生服务机构和医疗机构为支撑、全社会参与的慢性 病综合预防控制体系。实施慢性病综合防治工程,积极开展慢性病的综合干预,提高慢性病管理率和控制率。开展高危人群健康管理,探索实施高血压、糖尿病、肿瘤等主要慢性病早期筛查和病人社区综合管理。健全慢性病及相关危险因素监测和信息发布制度。




(七)努力提升食品药品安全保障能力。加大食品药品安全保障相关经费投入力度,建立健全基层食品药品安全监督网络和监测信息共享平台,配备食品药品相关监督设备和快速检测装备。充分运用高科技手段,逐步建立高风险食品的溯源系统,健全药品安全实时监控系统。建 立食品安全风险评估中心,发挥好食品药品安全应急指挥中心的作用。






(二)提高基本医疗保障水平。缩小不同医保制度之间、城乡之间的医保待遇差距,搞好各类医保制度的转换衔接,逐步形成合理的医保 待遇梯度。逐步调整各类制度的医保支付比例,适度提高市民基本医疗保障水平。将城镇职工基本医疗保险统筹基金的最高支付限额从7万元提高到28万元,达到职工年平均工资的6倍,超过最高支付限额以上的医疗费用报销80%。优化城镇职工基本医疗保险参保人员综合减负办法。将城镇居民基本医疗保险统筹基金最高支付限额提高到城镇居民人均可支配收入的6倍,住院费用报销比例达到70%左右。完善新型农村合作医疗制度,2011年全面落实区县级统筹。提高新型农村合作医疗的筹资水平,逐步达到城镇居民基本医疗保险的人均筹资水平。新农合参合人员在村卫生室、社区卫生服务中心、二级和三级医疗机构门诊基本医疗费用报销比例分别达到80%、70%、60%和50%;住院基本医疗费用报销比例平均达到70%;落实新农合大病减贫补助政策,新农合最高支付限额提高到农民年人均纯收入6倍以上。相应提高新农合筹资水平,逐步与城镇居民基本医疗保险筹资水平接轨。完善新农合“以奖代补”的财政投入办法,提高财政资金使用效率。逐步提高外来从业人员医疗保障水平。



(五)发展补充医疗保障制度。完善补充医疗保障制度,推动职工医疗互助保障计划、中小学生和婴幼儿住院互助基金、市民社区医疗互助帮困计划和其他各类补充医疗保险的发展。加快发展商业医疗保险,鼓励商业保险机构开发适应不同需要的健康保险产品。促进医疗机构和 商业保险机构数据和信息共享,推动商业保险机构与医疗机构的合作,探索直接结算,简化理赔手续。












(一)规范社区卫生服务。围绕社区卫生服务机构的功能定位,进一步规范和完善社区卫生服务项目和服务标准,进一步引导基本医疗服务重心下沉社区。开展示范社区卫生服务中心创建工作。深化社区卫生服务模式改革,完善全科团队服务模式。针对社区各类人群加强社区三级预防,积极开展健康管理,每年完成一定数量的适宜技术推广应用,提高服务能力。开展家庭医生制度试点工作,家庭医生负责对一定数量的人群开展疾病管理和健康管理,形成更为紧密的服务关系。试行本市居民社区家庭医生首诊、定点医疗;需转诊患者由家庭医生根据病情需要转诊至二、三级医院;探索按服务人口付费的医保支付方式。坚持服务数量与服务质量考核相结合的原则,建立社区卫生服务绩效考核指标体系,考核结果作为政府投入、医保定点资格、医务人员收入分配等的 重要依据。采取定向培养的方式,充实农村基层医师队伍,通过镇村卫生机构一体化管理,由社区卫生服务中心统一下派至村卫生室开展工作。根据服务人群数量,按照8元/人/年的标准,对乡村医生开展社区基本公共卫生服务进行考核补助。





(二)推进公立医院运行机制改革。构建以战略规划、全面预算、绩效考核、质量管理、资产监管、审计监督为核心的专业化管理制度,促进医疗机构加强科学化精细化管理,进一步改进医疗服务。严格医院预算和收支管理,加强成本核算与控制,实施内部和外部审计制度,在大型综合医院逐步试行总会计师制度。剥离“院中院”,逐步取消公立医院特需床位。推行临床路径管理,优先使用适宜技术和基本药物。深化人事制度改革,科学合理核定人员编制,完善岗位设臵管理制度和专业技术人员聘任制度,全面实行公开招聘和竞聘上岗,探索注册医师多地点执业办法和形式。建立以岗位责任、服务质量、患者满意度等为核心的绩效考核机制。深化收入分配制度改革,实行不直接与医疗服务收入 挂钩的医院工资总额预算管理制度和以岗位工作量、服务质量为基础的内部收入分配制度,充分体现医务人员的技术劳务价值,探索建立医务人员收入的合理增长机制,调动医务人员积极性。



(五)合理控制医疗费用。不断深化医保和医疗联动改革,通过完 善医保预算管理和医保总额预付制,形成医疗机构积极主动控制医药费用不合理增长的内在动力,保障患者合理的医疗需求,提高满意度。规范医保病人自费药品和医用材料的使用。加大药品和医用耗材的集中采购力度。进一步扩大检验检查结果互认范围,减少重复检验检查。将医药费用控制作为重要指标纳入公立医疗机构院长绩效考核体系和医院等级评审体系。公立医疗机构应坚持公益性办院方向,加强医疗服务、医疗收费管理,做到合理检查、合理治疗、合理用药、合理收费,杜绝乱收费、分解收费等行为,减轻居民负担。



(一)建立住院医师规范化培训制度。按照政府主导、各方参与、统一管理、规范培训的原则,积极试点探索,逐步建立与国际接轨的住院医师规范化培训制度,培养高质量的临床医师队伍。住院医师培训基地原则上设臵在本市符合条件的三级医疗机构,少数可设臵在具有显著专科优势的二级甲等医疗机构。市卫生部门根据培训基地的培训能力和全市培训需求,合理确定培训基地数量和每个培训基地招录住院医师的数量。从2010年起,每年完成2000名左右的住院医师规范化培训,全部集中在经认定的培训基地进行,其它医疗机构不再承担住院医师培训职能。各级医疗机构应当将住院医师规范化培训合格证书作为新进人员聘任临床医学类初级医师岗位和晋升临床医学类中级专业技术职务任职资格的重要依 据之一;住院医师培训对象工资待遇参照培训基地同类人员水平,并依法参加养老、医疗、失业、生育、工伤、公积金等规定的社会保障,享受国家法律法规规定以及合同约定的相关福利待遇。将全科医师培训纳入住院医师规范化培训体系,加强全科医师临床培训基地和社区培训基地建设,探索全科医师定向委托培养方式,形成一支下得去、用得好、留得住的全科医生队伍,提高基层医疗卫生服务能力。




(二)建设覆盖医疗卫生机构的健康信息网。以政务外网为主要依托,建立覆盖全市各级各类医疗卫生机构的健康信息网。构建市区两级数据共享交换平台,市级平台为全市范围跨区县、跨医疗卫生机构的健 康信息共享协同提供支撑服务,医联平台为市级医院之间以及市级医院与其他医疗机构之间的诊疗数据共享提供支撑服务,区县平台为区县内部以及与本区县以外的医疗卫生机构之间的数据共享提供支撑服务。






(四)完善促进医疗服务业发展的配套政策。制定本市现代医疗服 务业发展规划。在行业准入、机构建设、运营管理及可持续发展等方面给予政策扶持,促进医疗服务业发展。完善非公立医疗机构医务人员职称评定、科研项目申请等政策,积极探索试行医师多点执业,创造有利于人才流动的宽松政策环境。发展商业医疗保险,促进商业保险公司与医疗机构之间合作,探索商业保险公司直接投资、参股医疗机构。培育并发挥好行业协会、学术团体等社会组织的作用,使其承担起行业自律、协调、服务和管理功能。


(一)进一步方便居民就医。加强医院门诊力量配臵,增加专家门诊次数,加强普通门诊专家把关和指导。根据居民需求,部分社区卫生服务中心可开设双休日门诊。推行门诊预约诊疗,提供网站、电话、现场等多种预约途径,逐步提高门诊预约率。试点开展专家门诊实名制挂号。推行门诊 “一站式付费”和医保病人“先诊疗、后结算”模式,减少病人排队次数和等候时间。提供网上查询检验检查报告服务,减少患者就医往返次数。推广整合门诊,加强专科协作,方便居民就医。开展优质护理服务试点,并逐步推广到全市医疗机构。方便慢性病患者配药,对诊断明确、病情稳定、需要长期服药的慢病患者,应当开具2~4周处方用量。对部分临床必需的贵重药品,以集中定点的方式保障供应。


(三)规范医保病人自费药品和自费医用材料的使用。医院使用自费药品和医用材料应当事先告知,征得病人或家属的书面同意。医院内 使用的所有自费药品和医用材料应当由医院提供,并进入医院的财务账目。明确规定各级医疗机构医保住院病人自费费用占总费用的比例,并实行严格考核。定期公示医疗机构自费项目的费用情况,鼓励居民举报医院违规使用自费药品和医用材料的行为。适度调整医保药品和医用材料报销范围,逐步将临床必需、疗效确切且无替代品的部分药品或医用材料纳入报销范围。





(三)鼓励试点探索。对改革中的难点问题,鼓励因地制宜制定具 体实施方案,开展试点,探索新路。市医药卫生体制改革领导小组负责统筹协调、指导各项试点工作。要善于总结和积累经验,不断深入推进改革。

成都市医改方案全文 篇5

中共成都市委 成都市人民政府























































































“十二五”医改规划实施方案公布 篇6




自2009年4月深化医药卫生体制改革启动实施以来,在党中央、国务院领导下,各地区、各有关部门认真贯彻落实中央的决策部署,按照保基本、强基层、建机制的基本原则,完善政策、健全制度、加大投入,统筹推进五项重点改革,取得了明显进展和初步成效,实现了阶段性目标。覆盖城乡全体居民的基本医疗保障制度(以下简称基本医保)框架初步形成,职工基本医疗保险(以下简称职工医保)、城镇居民基本医疗保险(以下简称城镇居民医保)和新型农村合作医疗(以下简称新农合)参保人数达到13亿人,筹资和保障水平明显提高,保障范围从大病延伸到门诊小病,城乡医疗救助力度不断加大。国家基本药物制度初步建立,政府办基层医疗卫生机构全部实施基本药物零差率销售,药品安全保障得到明显加强;以破除“以药补医”机制为核心的基层医疗卫生机构综合改革同步推进,开始形成维护公益性、调动积极性、保障可持续的新机制。覆盖城乡的基层医疗卫生服务体系基本建成,2200多所县级医院和3.3万多个城乡基层医疗卫生机构得到改造完善,中医药服务能力逐步增强,全科医生制度建设开始启动。基本公共卫生服务均等化水平不断提高,10类国家基本公共卫生服务面向城乡居民免费提供,国家重大公共卫生服务项目全面实施。公立医院改革试点积极推进,围绕政事分开、管办分开、医药分开、营利性和非营利性分开(以下简称“四个分开”)进行体制机制创新,便民惠民措施全面推开,多元办医稳步推进。各级政府对医药卫生工作的认识和执行力明显提高,实践经验和做法不断丰富,支持医药卫生体制改革的社会氛围正在形成。三年改革实践证明,医药卫生体制改革方向正确、路径清晰、措施有力,尤其是在基层取得明显成效,人民群众看病就医的公平性、可及性、便利性得到改善,看病难、看病贵问题有所缓解,医药卫生体制改革促进经济社会发展的作用越来越重要。医药卫生体制改革是一项长期艰巨复杂的系统工程。要清醒地看到,当前医药卫生体制改革中还存在一些较为突出的矛盾和问题,特别是随着改革向纵深推进,利益格局深刻调整,体制性、结构性等深层次矛盾集中暴露,改革的难度明显加大。医疗保障制度建设有待进一步加强,基本药物制度还需巩固完善,公立医院改革需要深化拓展,推进社会力量办医仍需加大力度,人才队伍总量和结构性矛盾依然突出,政府职能转变亟待加快步伐,制度法规建设的任务更加紧迫。同时,随着经济社会进入新的发展阶段,工业化、城镇化、农业现代化、经济全球化以及人口老龄化进程加快,城乡居民健康需求不断提升并呈现多层次、多元化特点,进一步加剧了卫生资源供给约束与卫生需求日益增长之间的矛盾;疾病谱变化、医药技术创新、重大传染病防控和卫生费用快速增长等,对优化资源配置、扩大服务供给、转变服务模式、合理控制费用和提升管理能力等都提出了更高要求。解决这些问题和挑战,必须持续不断地推 进改革。




(二)主要目标。基本医疗卫生制度建设加快推进,以基本医疗保障为主体的多层次医疗保障体系进一步健全,通过支付制度等改革,明显提高保障能力和管理水平;基本药物制度不断巩固完善,基层医疗卫生机构运行新机制有效运转,基本医疗和公共卫生服务能力同步增强;县级公立医院改革取得阶段性 进展,城市公立医院改革有序开展;卫生资源配置不断优化,社会力量办医取得积极进展;以全科医生为重点的人才队伍建设得到加强,基层人才不足状况得到有效改善,中医药服务能力进一步增强;药品安全水平不断提升,药品生产流通秩序逐步规范,医药价格体系逐步理顺;医药卫生信息化水平明显提高,监管制度不断完善,对医药卫生的监管得到加强。





(二)提高基本医疗保障水平。到2015年,城镇居民医保和新农合政府补助标准提高到每人每年360元以上,个人缴费水平相应提高,探索建立与经济发展水平相适应的筹资机制。职工医保、城镇居民医保、新农合政策范围内住 院费用支付比例均达到75%左右,明显缩小与实际住院费用支付比例之间的差距;进一步提高最高支付限额。城镇居民医保和新农合门诊统筹覆盖所有统筹地区,支付比例提高到50%以上;稳步推进职工医保门诊统筹。


(四)提高基本医保管理服务水平。加快推进基本医保和医疗救助即时结算,使患者看病只需支付自负部分费用,其余费用由医保经办机构与医疗机构直接结算。建立异地就医结算机制,2015年全面实现统筹区域内和省内医疗费用异地即时结算,初步实现跨省医疗费用异地即时结算;做好基本医保和医疗救助结算衔接。完善医保关系转移接续政策,基本实现职工医保制度内跨区域转移接续,推进各项基本医疗保险制度之间衔接。加快建立具有基金管理、费用结算与控制、医疗行为管理与监督等复合功能的医保信息系统,实现与定点医疗机构信息系统的对接。积极推广医保就医“一卡通”,方便参保人员就医。加强基本医保基金收支管理。职工医保基金结余过多的地区要把结余降到合理水平,城镇居民医保和新农合基金要坚持当年收支平衡的原则,结余过多的,可结合实际重点提高高额医疗费用支付水平。增强基本医保基金共济和抗风险能力,实现市级统筹,逐步建立省级风险调剂金制度,积极推进省级统筹。完善基本医保基金管理监督和风险防范机制,防止基本医保基金透支,保障基金 安全。








(二)扩大基本药物制度实施范围。巩固政府办基层医疗卫生机构实施基本药物制度的成果,落实基本药物全部配备使用和医保支付政策。有序推进村 卫生室实施基本药物制度,执行基本药物制度各项政策,同步落实对乡村医生的各项补助和支持政策。对非政府办基层医疗卫生机构,各地政府可结合实际,采取购买服务的方式将其纳入基本药物制度实施范围。鼓励公立医院和其他医疗机构优先使用基本药物。



(五)提高基层医疗卫生机构服务能力。按照填平补齐的原则,继续支持村卫生室、乡镇卫生院、社区卫生服务机构标准化建设,2015年基层医疗卫生 机构达标率达到95%以上。继续加强基层在岗人员培训,重点实施具有全科医学特点、促进基本药物使用等针对性和实用性强的培训项目。进一步规范基层医疗卫生机构用药行为。鼓励基层医疗卫生机构采取主动服务、上门服务等方式,开展巡回医疗,推动服务重心下沉,服务内容向基本医疗和基本公共卫生服务转变。建立健全分级诊疗、双向转诊制度,积极推进基层首诊负责制试点。明显提高基层医疗卫生机构门急诊量占门急诊总量的比例。








(二)推进补偿机制改革。以破除“以药补医”机制为关键环节,推进医药分开,逐步取消药品加成政策,将公立医院补偿由服务收费、药品加成收入和财政补助三个渠道改为服务收费和财政补助两个渠道。医院的药品和高值医用耗材实行集中采购。政府投资购置的公立医院大型设备按扣除折旧后的成本制定检查价格,贷款或集资购买的大型设备原则上由政府回购,回购有困难的限期降低检查价格。医疗机构检验对社会开放,检查设备和技术人员应当符合法定要求或具备法定资格,实现检查结果互认。由于上述改革减少的合理收入 或形成的亏损,通过调整医疗技术服务价格、增加政府投入等途径补偿。提高诊疗费、手术费、护理费收费标准,体现医疗服务合理成本和医务人员技术劳务价值。医疗技术服务收费按规定纳入医保支付范围。增加的政府投入由中央财政给予一定补助,地方财政要按实际情况调整支出结构,切实加大投入。




(五)建立现代医院管理制度。探索建立理事会等多种形式的公立医院法人治理结构,明确理事会与院长职责,公立医院功能定位、发展规划、重大投 资等权力由政府办医机构或理事会行使。建立院长负责制和任期目标责任考核制度,落实公立医院用人自主权,实行按需设岗、竞聘上岗、按岗聘用、合同管理,推进公立医院医务人员养老等社会保障服务社会化。建立以公益性质和运行效率为核心的公立医院绩效考核体系,健全以服务质量、数量和患者满意度为核心的内部分配机制,提高人员经费支出占业务支出的比例,提高医务人员待遇,院长及医院管理层薪酬由政府办医机构或授权理事会确定。严禁把医务人员个人收入与医院的药品和检查收入挂钩;完善公立医院财务核算制度,加强费用核算和控制。


(七)全面推进县级公立医院改革。县级公立医院是农村三级医疗卫生服务网络的龙头。“十二五”期间要把县级公立医院改革放在突出位置,以破除“以药补医”机制为关键环节,统筹推进管理体制、补偿机制、人事分配、采购机制、价格机制等方面的综合改革;加强以人才、技术、重点专科为核心的能力建设,巩固深化城市医院对口支援县级医院的长期合作帮扶机制,经批准可在县级医院设立特设岗位引进急需高层次人才,力争使县域内就诊率提高到90% 左右,基本实现大病不出县。2015年要实现县级公立医院阶段性改革目标。

医改方案英文版 篇7

1 公立医院改革和构建医疗服务体系的基础





2 建立规范的药品供应保障体系的基础




3 完善医疗保障体系的基础




4 健全基层医疗卫生和公共卫生服务体系的基础







[2]郝模.医药分业的利益驱动分析[J].中华医院管理杂志,2004, 24(1):42-45.

[3]陈晓玲.“看病难、看病贵”问题分析[J].经营管理者,2010 (2):76.



新医改方案三年破茧 篇8













































