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12单元教学反思 篇1



12单元教学反思 篇2


四角传球技术的教学目的是通过四角传球技术的学习, 提高同学们传接球练习的积极性, 进一步复习、巩固提高已学习的传接球技术、培养学生的篮球手感和战术配合素养。为后续的篮球战术学习打下基础。

对我院2010 ~2012级40个教学班的篮球四角传球教学情况进行统计, 学生人数1381人, 男生756人, 女生625人。课前对学生情况进行摸底, 学生在小学、中学、高中都上过篮球课, 不同程度的进行过篮球教学和训练, 但教学中却发现, 学生对篮球历史和发展的了解甚少, 对篮球场地、规则知道的懵懵懂懂, 能正确掌握篮球传接球技术的人数不足20人, 有较好篮球基础的男生186人, 女生25人。

实际教学过程中, 第一节课的练习差强人意, 一球练习持续不了三分钟, 第二节课能基本上完成两球的练习, 第三节课基本上能完成四球的传接球练习。


( 一) 练习中传接球易出现直线跑动的错误

在老师讲解练习方法、动作要领和示范后, 学生明确了四角传接球的练习形式和对角落位的原则, 但大部分学生练习中出现的的是直线跑而非弧线侧身跑技术。从而出现了传接球不到位和多球练习中“撞车”现象。


1. 熟记动作要领, 强调弧线侧身跑传接球和对角落位, 真正了解弧线 侧身跑的意义。

2. 回传球后跟随传给球的队员侧身弧线跟进 ( 不能先跑) 接下一组的 传球。

3. 设定标志物避免进入限制区域, 以防出现直线跑。

( 二) 练习中传接球不准确, 练习中断

在练习中传球随意、接球注意力不集中, 造成练习中断; 多球练习中造成一角处人多, 一边青黄不接的现象。


1. 加强学生责任心教育, 力争传好球, 接好球。

2. 加强对体育骨干、小组长的培养, 让其提醒和督促练习任务的完成, 并承担临时缺人补漏的“救火”任务。

( 三) 只为完成练习而传接球, 头脑中没有战术配合的意识

篮球技术的学习目的是为战术配合做准备、打基础, 篮球技术的练习形式、跑位都含有战术配合的因素, 培养战术配合的意识要贯穿到整个教学的始终。

纠正方法: 老师要讲清练习的目的, 强调其中蕴含的战术素养, 使学生知其然知其所以然, 让学生明白弧线跑、侧身跑、跟随跑的目的和意义。


( 一) 不可忽视篮球基础知识的学习和复习

虽然同学们在小学、中学时期不同程度的学习过篮球技术, 但从上课的情况看, 同学们大都掌握的是一些表象的东西, 会比葫芦画瓢, 想当然地去说或做技术动作, 但对技术动作的动作要领说不清楚, 技战术意识不强。进入大学学习后, 学生的心理已基本成熟, 不失时机的复习巩固已学习过的篮球技战术很有必要, 可以起到事倍功半的效果。

( 二) 加强学生身体素质练习

四角传球练习过程中, 完成的练习质量差, 与学生的身体素质素质差有直接的关系。因此, 要重视对学生身体素质的练习。身体素质训练的安排, 应围绕篮球运动的特点去进行, 力量训练是完成一切技战术的基础, 应多安排一切上下肢、腰腹肌部位的力量练习; 篮球训练和比赛短距离的急起急停最多, 一次急起急停距离不会超过30米, 应多进行短距离的速度练习; 耐力素质是高质量完成一节课的保障, 建议在准备活动中多安排徒手或持球的耐力练习, 也可安排专项的篮球耐力练习如一分钟全场运球上篮、一分钟限制区外自投自抢投篮, 规定次数及格, 增加压力, 提高学生的积极性; 同时也要重视学生的柔韧素质的练习, 篮球运动对人的肩、腰、髋、踝等关节柔韧素质要求很高, 发展柔韧素质不仅能提高关节运动的幅度, 提高肌肉、肌腱的伸展性, 也能有效地提高运动质量和预防运动伤害的发生。

( 三) 教学顺序安排的建议

首先, 安排篮球的球性练习和复习已学过的传接球技术、加大传接球练习的强度和密度; 讲解篮球传接球技术的动作要领, 进行正面、侧面示范; 重点练习双手胸前传球和单手肩上传球。

其次, 教学安排先从一球练习开始, 熟练掌握四角传球跑动的路线、传球时机、落位, 练习较为熟练后鼓励学生可采用多种方式的传球 ( 主要采用双手胸前传球、也可单手、反弹传球) , 但不要造成走步违例, 尽量不运球或少运球; 一球练习熟练后逐渐增加球数到多球联系, 多球联系可以培养学生在球场上的观察能力, 提高学生的视野, 要求学生要眼观六路, 耳听八方, 集中注意力, 真正把传接球和跑动融为一体, 多球练习可以有效地增加运动量和运动强度。

再次, 学生多球练习逐渐熟练后, 安排四角传球练习的反向练习, 反向练习可以提高学生的反应能力、应变能力和传接球技术的全面能力。练习顺序也应从一球练习到多球练习。

安排练习要遵循循序渐进, 由易到难的原则, 安排练习建议, 尽量把篮球基础好的同学分在一组, 区别对待, 这样既能保证练习的连续性, 又能很好地提高学生的积极性。反复练习才能得到好的效果, 切不可急于求成。

四角传球练习对场地的选择, 可从小半场四角传球开始, 随着学生对传接球技术掌握的熟练程度, 场地可逐渐扩大到半场———2/3场———全场。随着场地的扩大, 篮球数量的增加, 达到理想的教学和训练效果。

摘要:篮球四角传球练习, 是结合传接球技术、移动技术、跑位换位技术, 战术配合的综合性练习。在四角传球上课过程中, 存在着学生上课高涨的积极性和教学效果不理想的矛盾, 这些问题的存在, 有必要对四角传球练习的教学计划进行反思和改进, 经过多年的教学实践, 写出教学反思, 与大家共勉。

12单元教学反思 篇3












12单元教学反思 篇4

本单元以谈论“科学与幻想”为话题,使学生了解科学与幻想的区别,认识到学习科学的重要性;同时通过对法国科学幻想和冒险小学家儒勒凡尔纳(Jules Verne)及其作品的介绍,激发学生探索宇宙奥秘的兴趣。学习英语构词法。在练习写幻想短文“创造一个类似人类的生物”的实践中,培养书面表达能力,同时拓展学生创造性思维。


Word study

1.fantasy 2.league 3.distance 4.ballon 5.fiction 6.servant 7.whale 8.hunter 9.collision 10.permanent 11.guest 12.voyage 13.aboard 14.prisoner 15.gentle 16.marble 17.paraphrase 18.matter 19.phenomena 20.attention 21.labour 22.hesitate 23.butcher 24.curtain 25.lip 1.幻想作品;想象的产物 2.联盟;里格(旧时长度单位) 3.距离 4.气球 5.小说;虚构的事 6.仆人;公务员 7.鲸;巨大的人或事 8.猎人;搜索者9.碰撞;冲突 10.永久的;固定不变的 11.客人;客座教授 12.航海;航空 13.在船(飞机、车)上 14.俘虏;犯人 15.温柔的;有礼貌的 16.大理石 17.意译;释义 18.事情;物质 19.现象;奇迹 20.注意力;留心 21.努力;劳动果实 22.犹豫;踌躇 23.屠夫;买肉者 24.窗帘;幕 25.嘴唇;唇状物


expressions 1.make a sketch 2.science fiction 3.in the far future 4.come true 5.to make a living 6.lay the foundation 7.sea monster 8.set out to do sth. 9.turn out 10.from that day on 11.begin with… 12.extinct volcano 13.instead of 14.search for 15.dream of 16.throw light upon 17.attract one’s attention 18.slow down 19.in height 20.cut up 1.简单描述;列提纲 2.科幻小说 3.在遥远的未来 4.实现 5.谋生 6.奠定基础 7.海生怪物 8.着手做某事 9.结果是 10.自从那天起 11.以……为开始 12.死火山 13.而不是 14.找寻 15.梦到 16.阐明某事;使某事显得非常清楚 17.引起某人注意 18.使减速慢行 19.在高度上 20.切碎


patterns &


English 1.Jules spent many years in Paris libraries studying geology, physics and many other subjects.

2.Many of the instruments in his novels will remind the reader of Dr.Benjamin Franklin’s experiments with electricity.

3.By taking the scientific developments of his day one step further, Jules Verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction.

4.He also suggested how inventions could be used in the future to allow man to do things that were considered impossible in his own time.

5.In their efforts to survive, they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself, which turns out to be a submarine.

6.Dressed in diving suits, they walk around in this magic world, lighted by the lamps of the ship.

7.Passing through layers of coal and marble they go deeper and deeper.

8.But I found all that was taught at university very disappointing and decided that I would pioneer a new way, explore unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of nature.

9.While unfinished, he was ugly, but now he was a living horror.

10.Under water travel and space travel have many things in common.

Grammar Word-formation

Topics &Writing Write a short passage about man’s great dream of creating life.


1. The French writer Jules Verne wrote famous books, such as 20, 000 Leagues Under the Sea and Around the World in 80 days.法国作家儒勒凡尔纳写了很多著名书籍,比如《海底两万里》和《八十天环游地球》。

(1)Jules Verne 儒勒凡尔纳。法国科学幻想家和冒险小说家。

(2)such as

①like; for example 像;诸如;例如 eg:

Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare.兰花和报春花之类的野花越来越少了。

②everything that凡是 eg:

Such as remains after tax will be yours when I die.我死后全部财产除了交税以外全部给你。

(3)league n.

① former measure of distance (about 3 miles or 4.8 km) 里格(旧时长度单位,约3英里或4.8公里)。 eg:

The horse can run 50 leagues a day. 这匹马一天能跑240公里。

②group of people or countries combined for a particular purpose 联盟;同盟 eg:

The League of Nations is an international organization.国际联盟是一个国际组织。

2. Try the small science quiz below to see if you know any better. 试试下面的科学小测验,看看你是否了解得多些。

any better 更好

any adv. (used with faster, slower, better, etc. , in questions and after if/whether 用于疑问句中,与faster, slower, better等连用;用于if/whether之后)to any degree; at all在任何程度上;丝毫 eg:

I can’t run any faster. 我无法跑得更快了。

Is your father any better? 你父亲有所好转了吗?

3. What is the distance from the earth to the moon? 地球到月球的距离是多少?

(1) distance n. [C, U]

① (amount of) space between two points or places 距离;间距

A good cyclist can cover a distance of over a hundred miles a day.自行车骑得好的人一天可以行驶一百多英里。

②distant place or point 远处;远方 eg:

At a distance of six miles you can’t see much.距离六英里以外的东西很难看清。

(2) at a distance (稍)远处,表示一定的距离,近距离或用以说明具体的距离,其不定冠词a有时可以略去或改用some。 eg:

This picture looks better at a distance. 这幅画远看就好些。

(3) in the distance (far away) 在(较)远处,强调距离之远。 eg:

They were expecting to see in the distance some signs of the enemy.他们期望着发现远处敌人的迹象。

(4) keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持一定距离;不愿与某人亲近eg:

He always keeps anyone at a distance. 他总是不愿与任何人亲近:

4. How fast does a balloon travel? How about an airplane? How about a space shuttle?



①n. brightly-coloured rubber bag that is filled with air, used as a child’s toy or a decoration(用作玩具或装饰品的)气球 eg:

They bought their son a lot of balloons yesterday.昨天他们给他们的儿子买了很多气球。

②v. swell out like a balloon 如气球一般膨胀 eg:

Her skirt ballooned in the wind. 她的裙子让风吹得鼓起来了。

③go ballooning 乘气球 eg:

They like to go ballooning at weekends. 他们周末喜欢乘气球玩。

(2)How/What about …?……怎么样?常常用来打听消息或提出建议,征求对方意见,后接名词,代词或动名词。 eg:

How about your mother? Does she feel better today?你妈妈怎么样听?她今天觉得好点儿了吗?

(3)space shuttle-spacecraft designed for repeated use, eg between earth and a space station or the moon 航天飞机;太空穿梭机 eg:

I have never seen a space shuttle. 我从未看见过航天飞机。


1. Fill in the chart on the next page and make a sketch of the animal as they saw.


sketch n.

①rough quickly-made drawing, without many details素描;速写;草图

②make a sketch of … 作一个……的速写 eg:

He was good at making a sketch of face. 他擅长作面部素描。

③short account or description, giving only basic details 简短的陈述或素描

④give a sketch of …概述…… eg:

Please give a sketch of your plans. 请概述一下你的计划。

2. description n. describing; picture in words 描述;描绘

(1)give sb. a brief description of …向某人简要地描述…… eg:

Can you give me a brief description of what has happened?你能向我简要描述一下所发生的事吗?

(2)beyond description 难以描述 eg:

Her beauty is beyond description. 她的美貌难以用语言来描述。

(3)give/make a description of …对……加以描述 eg:

He made a description of the thief.他描述了小偷的模样。

(4)describe v. say what sb./sth. is like; depict sth. in words 描述某人/某事物。常构成describe sb./sth. (to/for sb.) eg:

Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene.那景色之美难以言传。

3. Why does Sam need to know the time? 为什么萨姆需要知道时间?


(1)need作情态动词,通常用于疑问句、否定句、条件句、whether/if名词从句或含否定意义的句子中。 eg:

I do not see why we need discuss it further.我看我们没有必要讨论下去了。

That’s all settled. It needn’t be talked about.那已全部解决了,没有必要再讨论了。

(2)need又是实义动词,各种变化和用法与普通实义动词相同。 eg:

①They need a rest after a long walk.长距离行走后他们需要休息一下。

②I need you to work for me, young man! 小伙子,我需要你为我工作!

③I need to consult a dictionary. 我需要查字典。

(3)need接动名词主动形式,表示被动含义,这时动名词和主语之间有动宾关系,need doing可转换为need to be done结构,意思相同。

My hair needs washing badly.(=My hair needs to be washed badly.)我的头发非常需要洗一洗。

The garden needs watering.(= The garden needs to be watered.)花园需要洗水。

4. fiction n.

(1)[C] sth. invented or imagined 虚构之事;捏造的故事 eg:

The film was very good although it was a fiction.这部电影虽属虚构,但很好。

(2)[U] (branch of literature concerned with) stories, novels and romances (作为文学之一分支的)小说 eg:

Truth is often stranger than fiction.事实往往比小说还离奇。

(3)science fiction 科幻小说

5. in the future, in future与in the far future.

(1)in the future意思是“将来,今后的时期”,但不一定就是从今立即开始,而是将来的时间。 eg:

No one can know what will happen in the future.没有人会知道将来会发生什么事。

(2)in future意思是“从今以后”(=from now on)。 eg:

In future, be careful with your pronunciation. 今后要注意你的发音。

(3)in the far future 在遥远的未来 eg:

It is possible for doctors to find a way to keep us young forever in the far future.


6. incomplete adj. not complete不完全的 eg:

The passage below is incomplete. Please fill in the blanks using correct prepositions.



7. work with sb.与work with sth.

(1)work with sb.意为“和某人一道工作” eg:

I like to work with him. 我喜欢和他一块儿工作。

(2)work with sth. 意为“从事……方面的研究工作”,“用……工作” eg:

Professor Wang had worked with bees for many years.王教授多年从事蜜蜂的研究工作。

I would rather work with the bigger brush.我宁愿用那把大一点儿的刷子干活。

8. (1) beat, defeat, win与gain

①beat和defeat属一组同义词,它们的宾语必须是人或一个集体,如a team, a class, an school, an army。defeat尤指在战场上打败敌人;beat是游戏、比赛的专门用词。二者常可换。 eg:

We beat their team by 10 points. 我们赢了他们队十分。

In the end their army was defeat/beaten. 最后他们的部队被击(打)败。

②win和gain属一组同义词。Gain表示获得需要之物,它常跟的宾语有one’s living, experience, strength, time, knowledge, attention, respect, admiration 等;win表示在较强的竞争中取得胜利,它常跟的宾语有game, war, prize, fame, battle等。 eg:

We shall gain experience through practice.我们将通过实践获得经验。

They won the battle but lost many men.他们取得了这次战斗的胜利,但牺牲了很多人。

(2)beat, hit, strike与tap

beat着重“连续性地击打”,如殴打或体罚,也指在游戏、竞赛或战争中击败对方。此外,beat还可用来指心脏的跳动。strike通常表示打一下,打若干下等意思,不一定都是有意的,还可指罢工,(钟)敲响之意。hit指“打中”或“对准……来打”,着重敲打或打击对方的某一点。tap一般是轰轰拍打的意思。 eg:

The wheat was beaten down by the rain. 麦子被雨水打得伏倒了。

The stone hit him on the head.石头击中了他的头部。

It strikes a bug’s back with is forelegs and feelers.它(蚂蚁)用前腿和触角敲打臭虫的背部。

It taps on the other’s head with its feelers, using a kind of telegraph code.


9. Doctors may find a way to keep us young forever.医生可能会找到一种使我们永远保持年轻的办法。

(1)“way”意为“方式,方法”,在其后要用to do或of doing的形式作后置定语。 eg:

Cao chong thought out a way to weigth/of weighing the elephant.曹冲想出了一个称象的办法。

(2)此外,如果way之后跟定语从句,那么这个定语从句用in which或that引导,也可省略。 eg:

This was the way that/in which they solved the problem.这就是他们解决那个问题的办法。

10. believe sb. 与believe in sb.

believe sb.相信某人(所说的话是真的)

believe in sb.信任某人 eg:

I believe him, but I can’t believe in him.我相信他的话是真的,但我不能信任他。


1. bulb n.

①(also light bulb) pear-shaped glass container for the filament of an electric light 电灯泡 eg:

If you have time, please change a bulb.如果你有时间的话,请换个灯泡。

②thick rounded underground stem of certain plants(eg the lily, onion, tulip) sending roots downwards and leaves upwards. 鳞茎;球茎(如百合、洋葱、郁金香的茎) eg:

We cooked onion bulbs for food. 我们烹调洋葱茎作为食物。

③object shaped like a bulb 球状物 eg:

The bulb of this thermometer is broken.这支温度计的球状顶端碎了。

2. foundation n.

①[U] act of founding (an institution, organization, etc.) (机构,组织等的)建立,创立,创办 eg:

He devoted all his energy to the foundation of the university.


②[C,U] principle, idea or fact on which sth. is based; basis(作为某事的)基本原则、思想或事实;基础 eg:

This success laid the foundation of his career.这次成功为他的事业奠定了基础。

③foundation course 基础课

④ foundation-stone 奠基石

⑤found v.建立,创立

⑥founder n. 建立者;缔造者

3. servant n.

①person who works in sb. else’s household for wages, and often for food and lodging 仆人;佣人 eg:

He had a lot of servants work for him. 他让很多仆人为他工作。

②employee, esp. a faithful and devoted one 雇员(尤指忠心耿耿的);公务员 eg:

He was a trusted servant of the company. 他是这个公司里的一个可靠雇员。

4. whale

(1)n. any of several types of very large mammal that live in the sea, some of which are hunted for their oil and flesh 鲸 eg:

A whale is not a fish.鲸不是鱼。

(2)have a whale of a time(习语)玩得非常愉快 eg:

The children had a whale of a time at the fairground.孩子们在游乐场玩得很高兴。

(3)v. hunt whales 捕鲸 eg:

They are whaling at sea. 他们正在海上捕鲸。

(4)whaler n.捕鲸;捕鲸的人

5. hunter n. person who hunts 猎人;搜索者;搜寻者 eg:

The hunter lost his way in the forest when he went hunting that day.


6. collision n. [C,U]

①(instance of) one object or person striking against another; (instance of) colliding; crash(物与物或人与人)相撞,碰撞,撞坏

常构成:collision with sb./sth. 与某人/某物相撞

collision between A and B A与B相撞 eg:

The collision between two cars caused 3 deaths. 两车相撞造成三人死亡。

②strong disagreement; conflict or clash of opposing aims, ideas, opinions, etc.抵触;(相反的目的、看法、意见等的)冲突 eg:

Her political activities brought her into collision with the law.她的政治活动触犯了法律。

7. overboard adv.

①over the side of a ship or boat into the water 从船上落(或抛)入水中;在船外 eg:

The sailor jumped overboard into the sea. 那位水手从船上跳入水中。

②go overboard (about sb./sth.) 对(某人/某事)极感兴趣或过分感兴趣 eg:

He goes overboard about ever young woman he meets.他对年轻的女子见一个爱一个。

③throw sth./sb. overboard 抛弃某事物;除掉或不再支持某人 eg:

After heavily losing the election, the party threw their leader overboard.该党惨败落选后罢免了党魁。

8. submarine n. naval vessel that can operate underwater welll as on the surface 潜水艇 eg:

A submarine travels under the surface of the sea.潜水艇在海面下行驶。

9. permanent adj.

①lasting or expected to last for a long time or for ever 永久的;永恒的;长久的;长期的 eg:

She is looking for permanent employment.她正在找固定的工作。

②not likely to change 不大可能改变的 eg:

She wrote down my permanent address. 她写下了我的固定地址。

10. guest

(1)n. person invited to visit one’s house or being entertained at one’s expense宾客;客人 eg:

We are expecting guests this weekend. 我们本周末要来客人。

(2)n. person staying at a hotel, boarding house, etc.住在旅馆、寄宿处等的人;旅客 eg:

This hotel has accommodation for 500 guests.这旅馆能接待500位客人。

(3)客座教授 eg:

Professor Wang, our guest tonight, will give us a speech on DNA.


(4)v. appear as a guest on a television or radio programme(在电视或广播节目中)客串 eg:

She often guests on a radio programme.她经常在一个广播节目中客串。

11. voyage (1)n. long journey, esp. by sea or in space 航行;(尤指)航海,航天 eg:

They made a voyage across the Atlantic.他们作了一次横越大西洋的航行。

(2)v. go on a voyage; travel 航行;航海;航天飞行 eg:

A plane crashed down when it voyaged through space.一架飞机作航天飞行时坠毁了。

(3)voyager n. 航行者;航海者;航天者

12. aboard adv. On or into a ship, an aircraft, a train or (esp. U.S.) a bus在船(或飞机、车)上;上船;登机 eg:

We went aboard. 我们上了船。

13. prisoner n.

①person kept in prison, as a punishment or awaiting trial犯人;囚犯 eg:

He was kept as a prisoner.他作为一个囚犯被关了起来。

②person that has been captured被抓起来的人;俘虏;失去自由的人 eg:

You are our prisoner now.你现在是我们的俘虏了。

14. gentle adj. mild; kind; careful; not rough, violent or severe 温和的;慈祥的;小心的;温柔的;文雅的;轻轻的 eg:

I met a gentle old woman yesterday. 我昨天遇到了一个慈祥的老太太。

15. extinct adj. ①(esp. of a type of animal, etc.) no longer in existence(尤指某种动物等)不再存在的;绝种的;灭绝的 eg:

If we continue to destroy the countryside, many more animals will become extinct.


②(fire or hope) ge out(火,希望等)熄灭了的 eg:

The fire was extinct.火灭了。

16. layer [′leI (r)] n. ① thickness of material (esp. one of several) laid over a surface or forming a horizontal division层(尤指数层之一) eg:

Several thin layers of clothing will keep you warmer than a thick one.穿几层薄的衣服总比穿一层厚的衣服暖和。

②person who lays sth. on… 铺设者

17. marble

(1)n. types of hard limestone used, when cut and polished, for building and sculpture 大理石 eg:

These steps are made of marble. 这些台阶是大理石建造的。

(2) marbles (pl.) collection of marble sculptures; works of art in marble 大理石雕刻品;大理石艺术品

(3)adj. like marble 像大理石的 eg:

She has marble skin. 她有着大理石般光洁的皮肤。

18. paraphrase

(1)v. express the meaning of (a piece of writing, statement, etc.) in different words, esp. in order to make it easier to understand将(一段文字等)释义或意译(尤指为易于理解) eg:

He paraphrased a speech in colloquial English.他用通俗英语意译了一篇演讲稿。

(2)n. rewording of a piece of writing, statement, etc. , especially in order to make it easier to understand

(对一段文字等的)释义,意义(尤指为易于理解) eg:

The paraphrase of the sonnet is easy to understand.该十四行诗的意译易于理解。

19. definition [U] n. stating the exact meaning (of words, etc.)(词语等的)释义 eg:

Dictionary writers must be skilled in ther art of definition.


20. misbehave v. behave badly or improperly 行为不端;举止不当 eg:

She misbehaved. 她行为不端。

21. subtitle n. (usu. pl. 通常作复数) (esp. cinema 尤用于电影)

words printed on a film that translate the dialogue of a foreign film, give those of a silent film or (on television) supply dialogue for deaf viewers 字幕 eg:

Without the subtitles I would not understand the film.没有字幕的话我就理解不了这部电影。

22. interchangeable adj. that can be interchanged, esp. without affecting the way in which sth. works 可交换的,可互换的,可交替的(尤指不影响操作的) eg:

The two words are interchangeable. 这两个单词是可互换的。

23. underpants n. short undergarment worn by men and boys covering the lower part of the body(男用)内裤 eg:

He stood there in his underpants. 他只穿内裤站在那儿。

24. study law study 研究;学习;求学。 study law意为“研究法律”,law前不加冠词,类似的用法还有study medicine“研究医学”。 eg:

He wanted to study law. 他想学法律。

25. make a living与make one’s living意为“谋生”,这里的make也可换成earn/gain/get。在表达“靠做……以谋生”之意时,常用短语earn/gain/get/make a/one’s living by doing sth./as a…。 eg:

Before liberation, her grandfather made a/his living by working for a land owner.解放前,她爷爷靠给一个地主干活为生。

26. …allow man to do things … ……允许人类做……, allow可构成以下结构:

allow sb. to do sth.→被动:sb. be allowed to do sth.

allow doing sth.允许做某事 eg:

Mother doesn’t allow me to go out at night. 妈妈不允许我晚上外出。

They didn’t allow smoking here. 这儿不允许吸烟。

类似用法的动词还有:advise, permit, forbid等词。

27. set out与set off

(1)set out意为“出发/启程”,表达“动身去某地”时用“set out for sp.”此时可与“set off for sp.”互换。 eg:

They set out for town at dawn.他们在拂晓动身进城了。

(2)set out to do sth.意为“开始做某事”。 eg:

When everything was ready, the doctor set out to perform the operation.一切准备就绪,医生就开始动起手术来了。

28. on board上船(或飞机、火车、汽车等);在船上(或飞机上、火车上、汽车上)。 eg:

As soon as we went on board, our ship left the port.我们一上船,船就出港了。

29. from that day on从那天起,“from+时间+on”表示“从……时候起”,如“from then/now/ on”表示“从那时/现在/起”之意。可与现在、过去、将来的时态连用。 eg:

From then on she knew she would win. 从那时起她就知道她将取胜。

30. defend … against/from …保护/保卫/防御……抵御/免遭 eg:

The soldiers defended their country against enemies.战士们保卫他们的祖国抵御敌人。

It is the nature of a mother to defend her child from harm.保护自己的孩子不受伤害是一个母亲的天性。


1. electric与electrical


an electric current/torch/iron 电流/电筒/电熨斗 eg:

He bought an electric torch yesterday.昨天他买了一个手电筒。


electrical engineering电机工程学 eg:

He majored in electrical engineering in the college.他在大学里主修电机工程学。

2. discover, find out与invent


(2)find out常用来指“弄明白、搞清楚、查出(某一真相)”,做“发现”讲时,是指发现一种无形而隐藏的东西。

(3)invent表“发明”之意,意思是发明出以前没有的东西,往往是物质性的东西。 eg:

Gilbert discovered electricity, but Edison invented the light bulb.吉伯特发现了电,而爱迪生发明了灯泡。

Think over and you’ll find out that you are wrong.仔细想想,你就会发现你错了。

3. instead与instead of

instead是副词;instead of为介词短语,后接名词,代词,动名词或介词短语,从句等形式。一般情况下,含有instead of的句子可以改写为含有instead的句子。 eg:

He stayed in bed all day instead of going to school.

=He didn’t go to school. Instead, he stayed in bed all day.他没去上学,而是在床上躺了一整天。

I didn’t drink water. I drank juice instead.

=I drank juice instead of water. 我没有喝水,而是喝的果汁。

4. late, lately, latest, later与latter

(1)late指比预料的或正常的时间晚。 eg:

I was late for work again.我上班又迟到了。

(2)lately“近来”,常用于疑问句,否定句,或与only连用或用于as lately as中。肯定句中用recently。 eg:

Have you seen her lately?你最近看到过她吗?

(3)latest adj.“最近的”、“最新的” eg:

Have you got the latest news about him? 你有他最近的消息吗?

(4)later“后来”,“较晚的时候”,也可和段时间连用,表示从过去或将来某一时间起,多长时间以后。 eg:

Later the boy found his mother. 后来那个男孩找到了他妈妈。

(5)latter用来表示两事物之间的顺序,意为“后一个/后者”,与the former(前者)相对。 eg:

Of these two men the former is dead, but the latter is still alive.此二人中前者已死,但后者仍活着。

5. at the beginning与in the beginning

(1)at the beginning通常接of短语,表示“在……初”,“在……开始的时候”,它的反义短语是at the end of。 eg:

Great changes took place at the beginning of the century.在那个世纪初发生了巨大的变化。

(2)in the beginning表示“起初”,“开始的时候”,不与of介词短语连用。但at the beginning偶尔也可单独使用,在意思上与in the beginning区别不大。 eg:

In the beginning nobody took any notice of his words.起初没人理睬他的话。

6. finally, at last与in the end

(1)finally一般指一系列事物或论点按排列的最后一项内容,或用在动词前,表示等了好久才……,没有感情色彩。 eg:

Finally, let’s do some exercises.最后我们来做一些练习吧。

(2)at last往往表示经过一番努力或曲折的过程之后的意思,常常有较浓的感情色彩。 eg:

At last, he got hold of the elephant’s tail. 他最后终于抓住了大象的尾巴。

(3)in the end可与finally和at last通用。 eg:

The war lasted four years before the North won in the end.

这场战争持续了四年,最后北方取得了胜利。(但in the end可预卜未来。)


1. Jules spent many hours in Paris libraries studying geology, physics and many other subjects.



spend money/time on sth./(in) doing sth. 在某事/做某事方面花费钱/时间

eg: He does not spend much time on his homework.他在做作业上花费不了多少时间。


Take的用法是:It takes/took/will take sb. Some time to do sth.“做某事花费某人多少时间” eg:

It took him two hours to finish the work. 完成这份工作花费了他两个小时。

2. Many of the instruments in his novels will remind the reader of Dr Benjamin Franklin’s experiments with electricity. 他小说里所提到的许多设备会让读者想起本杰明富兰克林用电做的实验。


(1)remind sb. of sth./sb. 使某人想起某事/某人 eg:

Please remind me to answer that letter.请提醒我回复那封信。

(2)remind sb. of sth./sb. 使某人想起某事/某人 eg:

He reminds me of his brother. 他使我想起他哥哥。

(3)remind sb. that从句。 提醒某人某事 eg:

He reminded me that I didn’t finish my work.他提醒了我,说我没完成自己的工作。

3. By taking the scientific developments of his day on step further, Jules Verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction. 通过将他所处时代的科学发展向前推进一步,儒勒凡尔纳奠定了现代科幻小说的基础。

by在本句是介词,说明手段或方式,可译作“通过,用,以,由于”等,其后常跟名词或动词-ing形式。 eg:

This pair of shoes is made by hand. 这双鞋是手工做的。

By helping them we are helping to save ourselves. 帮助他们就等于救了我们自己。

注意by表达这种含义时与with和in的区别;表示使用有形的工具或器官时要用with,其后的名词前一般应用冠词。使用某种语言,表示用墨水、颜色、颜料等“原料”或“材料”都用in,且名词前不用冠词。 eg:

It is my practice(习惯) to do my writing with a pencil. 我习惯用铅笔写。

Can you sing this song in English? 你能用英语唱这首歌吗?

It is impolite to write a letter in red ink. 用红墨水写信是不礼貌的。

4. In their efforts to survive, they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself, which turns out to be a submarine. 在他们努力求生时,发现自己就在怪兽身体的表面上,结果怪兽竟然是一艘潜水艇。

(1)这里的which引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the monster itself。

(2)in their efforts中的in表示“正在进行的动作或状态”。 eg:

He is always in action.他总是在行动中。

W seem to be in agreement on the matter.在这件事上我们的意见看来是一致的。

(3)turn out to be“结果是……”,“最后情况是……” eg:

Though it looked like rain this morning, it has turned out to be a fine day.尽管今早看起来要下雨,最后却是晴天。

The meeting turned out to be very successful. 结果那个会议很成功。

5. They are taken on board and Captain Nemo decides not to kill them but makes them his permanent guests.


(1)decide to do sth. 决定做某事;decide not to do sth.决定不做某事 eg:

We decided not to go abroad for the time being. 我们决定暂时不出国了。

(2)not…but…“不是……而是……”,连接两个并列成分,如连接两个并列宾语,两个并列表语或两个并列主语等。注意当not…but…连接两个并列主语时,句子的谓语动词要采用就近一致的原则,即与but后的主语保持一致。 eg:

He can speak not Chinese but Japanese.他不会讲汉语会讲日语。

He is not a poet but a writer. 他不是诗人而是作家。

Not I but he is fond of football. 不是我而是他喜欢足球。

(3)…makes them his permanent guests中的his permanent guests用来作them的补足语。

6. The furniture is precious and huge glass windows that can be opened and closed give a view of the underwater world. 摆设很精致,巨大的玻璃窗可以打开或关上,让人看到水下世界。

(1)这里的that引导一个定语从句(that can be opened and closed)用于修饰先行词huge glass windows.

(2)a view of …“……的景色”或“看;眺望;观察”之意。 eg:

There’s a view of the river from my windows.在我的窗前可看到河上风光。

If you stand here you’ll get a better view of the procession.如果你站在这里,就可以更清楚地看到游行队伍。

7. All that is needed for life on board comes from the ocean.艇上所有生活所需全部来自于海洋。

That is needed for life on board是定语从句,修饰先行词all。

注:(1)当先行词是不定代词all, everything, few, little, much, something, anything, nothing等时,宾语从句只能由that引导。 eg:

The boy handed in everything that he had picked up in the street to the police. 那个男孩把他在大街上捡到的一切东西都交给了警察。

(2)all that=what eg:

All that the said was true.=What he said was true.他所说的一切都是真的。

8. Dressed in diving suits, they walk around in this magic world, lighted by the lamps of the ship. 他们穿着潜水衣,在船上灯的照射下在这个魔幻世界中四处走动。

(1)dress ①vt. “给某人穿衣服”用于“dress sb.”结构中。dress oneself意为“给自己穿衣服”;be dressed in意为“穿着……”。 The gentleman is dressed in a modern coat.那位先生穿着一件很新潮的衣服。

②vi. “穿着/打扮”之意 eg:

She dressed well. 她穿得很好。

(2)walk around四处走动 eg:

He walked around in the room. 他在房间里走来走去。

9. (1)They find themselves surrounded by colorful rocks, fishes, shells and plants, all waving and moving slowly in the blue waters. 他们发现自己被彩色的岩石、鱼、贝壳和植物包围着,这些东西在蓝色的海域中慢慢地摇曳移动着。

(2)But at other moments you will find him gentle and weak, when he cries about the lost lives of people drowned in ships that have sunk. 但是在其他时刻,当他为了那些随着沉船一起被淹死的人而哭泣时,你又会发现他温柔又脆弱。

上面两句中的find themselves surrounded和find him gentle and weak都是find的常见用法。这里surrounded是过去分词,gentle和weak是形容词,它们都用来做宾补。find的此种用法可归纳为:find+sb./sth.+adj./介词短语/doing/done/adv./n. 。 eg:

I found the ground covered with snow when I opened the door.当我打开门的时候我发现地面铺满了雪。

When he came in, he found a thief stealing his money.他进来的时候,他发现一个小偷天在偷他的钱。

10. Passing through layers of coal and marble they go deeper and deeper. 穿过煤层和大理石层他们走得越来越深了。

deeper and deeper越来越深

这种“比较级+and+比较级”结构表达“越来越……”之意。 eg:

summer comes, the weather is hotter and hotter.夏天已经到了,天气越来越热了。


1.病句:We are not allowed playing with fire.

诊断:We are not allowed to play with fire.

点拨:把句中的playing改为to play。本句使用的是allow sb. to do sth.的被动语态,应该是sb. be allowed to do sth.

2.病句:He has set out to Beijing.

诊断:He has set out for Beijing.

点拨:把句中的to改为for。“动身去某地”用“set out for sp.”是固定搭配。

3.病句:This machine has an electric fault.

诊断:This machine has an electrical fault.


4.病句:Columbus found out America.

诊断:Columbus discovered America.

点拨:found out表示“弄明白,搞清楚”之意。而“哥伦布发现了美洲”很明显应是发现本来就存在而以前未能发现的美洲,应用discover表达这种含义。

5.病句:We’ll have a party in the open air instead in the house.

诊断:We’ll have a party in the open air instead of in the house.

点拨:instead是副词,而介词短语instead of后面才能跟介词短语。若用instead,上句可改为:We won’t have a party in the house. Instead we will have it ni the open air.。

6.病句:What have you been doing latest?

诊断:What have you been doing lately?

点拨:“latest”是adj. ,表达“最新的;最近的”之意,而句中需要一个副词表达“最近”之意。

7.病句:I took 3 hours doing my homework.

诊断:I spent 3 hours doing my homework.

点拨:spend表“花费”之意,其结构是“sb. spend(s)/spent/will spend some time on sth./(in) doing sth.”。而take当“花费”讲时,结构是“It take/took/will take sb. some to do sth.”。

8.病句:These old pictures reminded me my childhood.

诊断:These old pictures reminded me of my childhood.

点拨:remind不能跟双宾语,即不能构成remind sb. sth.结构,表达“提醒某人某事”时要用“remind sb. of sth.”结构。

9.病句:What have you done by the old things?

诊断:What have you done with the old things?

点拨:by之后加手段或方式,with之后加有形的工具或器官。The old things是工具,所以用with。其次,do with还有“处理”,“放置”之意。

10.病句:All which she did made us very surprised.

诊断:All that she did made us very surprised.

点拨:当先行词为不定代词时,定语从句应由that引导,不能用which。all为不定代词。其他的不定代词如everything, something, little, much等也符合这种用法。




(1)合成名词highway 公路

(2)合成形容词hand-made 手工制作的 good-looking相貌好看的 dark-blue 深蓝

(3)合成动词ill-treat 虐待 mass-produce 大规模生产 safe guard 保卫

(4)合成副词however 然而 downstairs 在楼下

(5)合成代词 anybody nobody something



常用give, take, have, make等动词与其搭配构成动词词组,表示一个动作。 eg:

give a smile 微笑 give a tick 踢 take a seat 就座

take a bath 洗澡 have a swim 游泳 have a talk谈话 make a wish 许愿


How long is the road?那条路有多条?(形容词)

How long have you been working there? 你在那里工作了多久?(副词)

(3)形容词转化为动词 eg:

The storm slowed down to half its speed. 风暴速度减慢了一半。

The girls gradually quieted down. 女孩子们慢慢安静了下来了。

(4)名词转化为动词 eg:

The hall can seat two thousand people.大厅能坐人。

The passengers have booked their plane ticket.旅客们已经订了飞机票。


Something has gone wrong with the tool.工具出了点毛病。(形容词)

Little children didn’t know the difference between right and wrong.小孩子不能辨别是非。(名词)



前 缀 例 词

a-构成形容词、副词 Alive(活着的), abroad(在国外), alone

dis-(否定) discourage, disagree

en-(使可能) enrich, enable(使成为可能),endanger

in-(ill, im-, ir-)(不,非) invisible(看不见), illogical(不合逻辑的), impossible, irregular(不规则的)

inter-(相互,之间) international, interchange

mis-(误) mislay, misunderstand(误会),mislead(误导)

re-(重复,再) recycle(循环),remarry, rewrite

tele-(远程) telephone, telegraph, telecommunications(电信)

un-(不),non-(不,非) unfair, unknown, noon-conductor(非导体)

后 缀 例 词

词 -er……者 foreigner, traveler, speaker, reader

-ese……地方的人 Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese

-ian 精通……的人,……地方的人 musician, technician(技术员), African, Asian

-ist 专业人员 pianist, physicist, scientist, violiinist

-ment性质,状态 movement(运动), development, encouragement

-ness性质,状态 illness, shyness, sadness, business

-or器具,……者 tractor, visitor, professor, actor

词 -tion表示动作、过程、结果 ageneration(世代),suggestion, invention, action

practical(实用的),international, final

American, Italian, Australian

southern, northern, eastern

helpful, useful, harmful

reasonable, capable, eatable

foolish, British, English selfish

active, native(本族的),expensive, adoptive

windy, sleepy, healthy, sunny

careless, selfless(无私心的),harmless, useless

词 -fy使……化 simplify(简化), terrify(恐吓), satisfy

-ize使……成为 realize(实现), organize, stabilize, modernize

词 -ly表示方式、程度 badly, truly, angrily, suddenly

-ward(s)表示方向 toward(s), backward, outward(s)(向外)

词 -teen十 fourteen, eighteen, thirteen

-ty整十位数 forty, fifty, eighty, twenty

-th序数词 twelfth, twentieth, fourth


1.collision n.碰撞,冲突

a head-on collision正面冲突或相撞

He was killed in a car collision.他在一次汽车相撞中死亡。

His car had a collision with a bus.他的车与公交车相撞了。

A collision with Parliament could ruin the government’s plans.与议会的冲突可能会破坏政府的计划。

be in collision (with)/come into collision (with)(与……)冲突,相撞,发生矛盾

The two ships came into collision.那两只船相撞了。

People with revolutionary ideas may find themselves in collision with the forces of the law.


2.permanent adj.永久的,固定的,长期不变的

permanent peace 长久的和平

a permanent job 固定的职业

The drug may cause permanent brain damage.这种药可能会引起永久性的脑部伤害。

This is my permanent address.这是我的固定居所。

After doing odd jobs for a week, he got a permanent job.做了一个星期的零工后,他找到了一份固定工作。

3.voyage n.航海,航行

The ship set out on a long voyage.那艘船出发进行长途航行。

The voyage to England took seven days.这次去英国的航行时间是七天。

We made a voyage to Australia.我们航行到了澳大利亚。

He is now on the voyage home.他正在返航途中。

David went on a voyage around the world.大卫作了环游世界的航行。

When I give up work I shall make/take a long sea voyage.我离职后要作一次长途航海旅行。

4.aboard adv.在船(飞机、车)上,上船,上飞机

All aboard! 各位请上船(飞机、车)!

Welcome aboard! 欢迎大家乘船(飞机、车)!

All 257 aboard died in the airliner crash.那次飞机失事中,机上的257名乘客全部遇难。

We got aboard though the boat was crowded.虽然船上很拥挤,我们还是上了船。

He came running along and climbed aboard just as the train was to pull out.


5.gentle adj.温和的,温柔的,有礼貌的,文雅的

Mothers are always gentle with their children.母亲对待孩子总是温柔体贴。

My new teacher is both gentle and encouraging toward me.我的新老师对我既温和又鼓励。

Mary is very gentle; she never talks roughly.玛丽很文雅,她从来不说粗话。

She was small, and gentle in her voice and movements.她小巧玲珑,声音温柔,动作文雅。

She gave the baby a gentle pat on the back.她在小孩的背上轻轻地拍了一下。

6.throw light on/upon使……显得非常清楚

The modern scientific development has thrown light on this question.现代科学的发展已使这个问题明朗化。

Can you throw any light on the problem? 你能把这个问题阐述清楚吗?

The information throws light upon the mystery of Dr Bake.这个信息可以解开贝克医生之迷。

7.matter n.事情,问题[C];物质,内容[U]

a private matter 私事

the matter under discussion 讨论中的问题

Political matters interest him greatly.他对政治问题深感兴趣。

It’s no laughing matter.这不是开玩笑的事。

The world is made up of matter.世界是由物质组成的。

Matter exists in three states: solid, liquid and gas.物质以三种形态存在,即固体、液体和气体。

The matter in your essay is excellent.你文章的内容写得很好。

8.phenomena n.[pl.]现象,奇迹(单数形式是phenomenon)

Rain and snow are phenomena of the weather.下雨和下雪是天气现象。

The phenomena were observed by astronomers throughout the world.全世界的天文学家都观测到了这种现象。

That’s a natural phenomenon.那是一种自然现象。

An eclipse is an interesting phenomenon.日食是很有趣的现象。

Beethoven was a phenomenon among musicians.贝多芬是音乐家中的奇才。

A child who can play the piano at the age of two would be called a phenomenon.两岁就能弹钢琴的小孩可称为奇才。

9.labour n.努力;劳动,劳动果实

mental labour 脑力劳动 physical labour 体力劳动

Workers are paid for their labour.工人以劳动获得报酬。

His new book is the product of some three years’ labour.这本新书是他大约三年努力的成果。

It is labour to read the Bible through.读完圣经是件相当吃力的工作。

10.hesitate vi.犹豫,迟疑,踌躇

She hesitated before picking up the phone.她在拿起听筒前犹豫了一下。

She’s still hesitating about sending her son to college.她对于要不要送儿子进大学一事仍然犹豫不决。

We seldom hesitate about where to stay in Paris.去巴黎要住哪儿,我们很少有拿不定主意的情况。

Don’t hesitate to tell me if you have any requests.如果你有什么要求,请告诉我,不要犹豫。

I hesitate to ask you, but will you recommend me for the post?


hesitation n.犹豫,踌躇

without hesitation毫不犹豫

I had no hesitation in telling the truth.我毫不迟疑地说出了实情。


1.distance n.距离


What’s the distance to London? 到伦敦的距离是多少?


It’s a good distance away.离得很远。

The villagers have to walk a long distance to get water.村民们要走很远去取水。


within walking distance“在步行可及的地方,几步之遥”

The park is within (easy) walking distance of my house.公园离我家只有几步之遥。

My parents live within walking distance of me.我父母住在我家附近。

at/from a distance (of)“从远处”

This picture looks better at a distance.从远处看,这张画更好看。

Now and then he stepped back to look at his work from a distance.他不时地退后几步从远处看一看他的作品。

One can see the ancient ruins at/from a distance of 20 miles.人们从20英里之处就能看到这个古迹。

in the distance“在远处,远方的”

A ship could be seen in the distance.可以看到远方有一艘船。

I made out three figures moving in the distance.我看到远处有三个黑影在活动。

keep sb.at a distance “与某人保持一段距离,不很亲密”

Mr.Smith is kind to the workers in his store, but after work he keeps them at a distance.


It was difficult to get to know her because she always kept everyone at a distance.


2.attention n.注意力,注意,留心,关心

It is difficult to hold the students’ attention for more than an hour.


This matter requires our close attention.这件事我们必须密切注意。

He drew attention to the rising unemployment.失业率日渐升高引起了他的注意。

We listened with attention to what he said.我们倾听他所说的话。

My grandfather is over eighty and needs a lot of attention.我的祖父年过八十,需要经常照顾。

The patient needed immediate attention.这位病人需要立即治疗。


pay/give attention to 注意 attract/catch/draw/get one’s attention 吸引某人的注意

focus one’s attention on 集中注意力于 devote one’s attention to 专心于

turn one’s attention to 将注意力转向


Jules Verne

Jules Verne(1828~1905),French writer and pioneer of science fiction,whose best known works today are Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea(1870)and Around the World in Eighty Days(1873).

Jules Gabriel Verne was born on February 8,1828,in Nantes,France.His parents were of a seafaring tradition,a factor which influenced his writings.As a boy,Jules Verne ran off to be a cabin boy on a merchant ship,but he was caught and returned to his parents.In 1847 Jules was sent to study law in Paris.While there,however,his passion for the theatre grew.Later in 1850,Jules Verne’s first play was published.His father was outraged when he heard that Jules was not going to continue law,so he discontinued the money he was giving him to pay for his expenses in Paris.This forced Verne to make money by selling his stories.

After spending many hours in Paris libraries studying geology,engineering,and astronomy, Jules Verne published his first novel Five Weeks in a Balloon(1863).Soon he started writing novels such as Journey to the Center of the Earth(1864),From the Earth to the Moon(1866),and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea(1873).

Because of the popularity of these and other novels,Jules Verne became a very rich man.In 1876,he bought a large yacht and sailed around Europe.His last novel The Invasion of the Sea appeared in 1905.

Jules Verne died in the city of Amines on March 24,1905.
















12月教学反思 篇5





12单元教学反思 篇6

Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare. 兰花和报春花之类的野花越来越少了。

Such as remains after tax will be yours when I die. 我死后全部财产除了交税以外全部给你。

2. any better 更好

any adv. (used with faster, slower, better, etc. , in questions and after if/whether 用于疑问句中,与faster, slower, better等连用;用于if/whether之后)to any degree; at all在任何程度上;丝毫 eg: I can’t run any faster. 我无法跑得更快了。 Is your father any better? 你父亲有所好转了吗?

3. at a distance (稍)远处,表示一定的距离,近距离或用以说明具体的距离,其不定冠词a有时可以略去或改用some。

This picture looks better at a distance. 这幅画远看就好些。

in the distance (far away) 在(较)远处,强调距离之远。

They were expecting to see in the distance some signs of the enemy. 他们期望着发现远处敌人的迹象。

keep sb. at a distance 与某人保持一定距离;不愿与某人亲近eg:

He always keeps anyone at a distance. 他总是不愿与任何人亲近。

4. collision n. [C,U] 物与物或人与人)相撞,碰撞,撞坏 抵触;(相反的目的、看法、意见等的)冲突

The collision between two cars caused 3 deaths. 两车相撞造成三人死亡。

Her political activities brought her into collision with the law. 她的政治活动触犯了法律。

5. In their efforts to survive, they find themselves on the surface of the monster itself, which turns out to be a submarine.

in their efforts to ….“在他们努力。。。。时”

In their efforts to solve the problem, they proved themselves a group of strong team.

Make an effort; make every effort; without effort; spare no effort; in a common effort.

Turn out “结果是。。。, 最后情况是。。。。”

It turned out (to be ) fine. The meeting turned out (to be ) a success.

6. voyage (1)n. long journey, esp. by sea or in space 航行;(尤指)航海,航天

They made a voyage across the Atlantic. 他们作了一次横越大西洋的航行。


A plane crashed down when it voyaged through space. 一架飞机作航天飞行时坠毁了。

(3)voyager n. 航行者;航海者;航天者

7. beat, defeat, win与gain

①beat和defeat属一组同义词,它们的宾语必须是人或一个集体,如a team, a class, an school, an army。defeat尤指在战场上打败敌人;beat是游戏、比赛的专门用词。二者常可换。 eg:

We beat their team by 10 points. 我们赢了他们队十分。

In the end their army was defeat/beaten. 最后他们的部队被击(打)败。

②win和gain属一组同义词。Gain表示获得需要之物,它常跟的宾语有one’s living, experience, strength, time, knowledge, attention, respect, admiration 等;win表示在较强的竞争中取得胜利,它常跟的宾语有game, war, prize, fame, battle等。 eg:

We shall gain experience through practice.我们将通过实践获得经验。

They won the battle but lost many men. 他们取得了这次战斗的胜利,但牺牲了很多人。

(2)beat, hit, strike与tap

beat着重“连续性地击打”,如殴打或体罚,也指在游戏、竞赛或战争中击败对方。此外,beat还可用来指心脏的跳动。strike通常表示打一下,打若干下等意思,不一定都是有意的,还可指罢工,(钟)敲响之意。hit指“打中”或“对准……来打”,着重敲打或打击对方的某一点。tap一般是轰轰拍打的意思。 eg:

The wheat was beaten down by the rain. 麦子被雨水打得伏倒了。

The stone hit him on the head.石头击中了他的头部。

It strikes a bug’s back with is forelegs and feelers. 它(蚂蚁)用前腿和触角敲打臭虫的背部。

It taps on the other’s head with its feelers, using a kind of telegraph code. 它(蚂蚁)像使用一种电码的方式一样,用触角轻敲对方的头部。

Integrating skills :

1. throw light upon/on 使某事显得非常清楚

The modern scientific development has thrown light on this question. 现代科学的发展正使这个问题明朗化。

The information throws light upon the mystery of Dr Bake. 这个信息可以解开贝克医生之谜。

5. hesitate犹豫;踌躇;迟疑;(因有疑虑而)停顿 (hesitate about/over sth, hesitate to do, )

She replied without hesitating.她毫不犹豫地作了回答。

Please don’t hesitate to contact e if you have any questions. 如果有疑问请尽管与我联系。

hesitation犹豫 She agreed without hesitation. 她毫不犹豫地同意了。

Unit 12 fact and fantasy 知识清单

Warming up

1. such as _____________

Wild flowers such as orchids and primroses are becoming rare.

Such as remains after tax will be yours when I die.

2. any better 更好

any adv. (used with faster, slower, better, etc. , in questions and after if/whether 用于疑问句中,与faster, slower, better等连用;用于if/whether之后)to any degree; at all在任何程度上;丝毫

I can’t run any faster. Is your father any better?

3. at a distance 与 in the distance区别是什么?

This picture looks better at a distance.

They were expecting to see in the distance some signs of the enemy.

keep sb. at a distance __________________

He always keeps anyone at a distance.

4. collision n. [C,U] ___________ ; __________________

The collision between two cars caused 3 deaths.

Her political activities brought her into collision with the law.


5. in their efforts to ….______________

In their efforts to solve the problem, they proved themselves a group of strong team.

引申:Make an effort; make every effort; without effort; spare no effort; in a common effort.

Turn out ______________-

It turned out (to be ) fine. The meeting turned out (to be ) a success.

6. voyage (1)n. long journey, esp. by sea or in space 航行;(尤指)__________

They made a voyage across the Atlantic. A plane crashed down when it voyaged through space.

引申:voyager n. 航行者;航海者;航天者

7. beat, defeat, win与gain 区别

①beat和defeat属一组同义词,它们的宾语必须是人或一个集体,如a team, a class, an school, an army。defeat尤指在战场上打败敌人;beat是游戏、比赛的专门用词。二者常可换。 eg:

We beat their team by 10 points. 我们赢了他们队十分。

In the end their army was defeat/beaten. 最后他们的部队被击(打)败。

②win和gain属一组同义词。Gain表示获得需要之物,它常跟的宾语有one’s living, experience, strength, time, knowledge, attention, respect, admiration 等;win表示在较强的竞争中取得胜利,它常跟的宾语有game, war, prize, fame, battle等。 eg:

We shall gain experience through practice.我们将通过实践获得经验。

They won the battle but lost many men. 他们取得了这次战斗的胜利,但牺牲了很多人。

(2)beat, hit, strike与tap 区别


The wheat was beaten down by the rain. 麦子被雨水打得伏倒了。

The stone hit him on the head.石头击中了他的头部。

It strikes a bug’s back with is forelegs and feelers. 它(蚂蚁)用前腿和触角敲打臭虫的背部。

It taps on the other’s head with its feelers, using a kind of telegraph code. 它(蚂蚁)像使用一种电码的方式一样,用触角轻敲对方的头部。

Integrating skills :

1. throw light upon/on ___________

The modern scientific development has thrown light on this question.

The information throws light upon the mystery of Dr Bake.

5. hesitate____________________ (hesitate about/over sth, hesitate to do, )

She replied without hesitating. Please don’t hesitate to contact e if you have any questions.

12单元教学反思 篇7


教育能传递人类积累的经验, 丰富人类经验的内容, 增强经验指导生活和适应社会的能力, 从而把社会生活维系和发展起来。广义地讲, 个人在社会生活中与人接触、相互影响, 逐步扩大和改进经验, 形成道德品质和习得知识技能, 就是教育。新学期, 按照“课程标准”中的要求, “识字写字”是第一学段的教学重点, 词串识字更是教学任务的第一步。

虽然表面上看起来仅仅是几组词语, 但排列整齐、意义上有联系、读起来朗朗上口、便于记忆、教学设计新颖多样且深受孩子们的喜爱, 教起来却并不轻松。但是, 第一个单元的教学围绕识写词串展开, 一个单元的词串教学进行下来, 伴随着孩子们的成长, 我感受最深的是低年级孩子们的语文素养有了很大的飞跃, 课堂上思维活跃, 想象能力、朗读能力、语言表达能力大大提高, 我在日常教学工作中颇有成就感。

在教学过程中, 我习惯于运用多媒体教学, 将自己游玩的一些照片, 有意识地给孩子们看, 一起分享快乐。快乐之余, 有意识地培养孩子们识字、表达的能力。杜威说:“教育即生活。”教师将自己的生活感悟、生活回味和孩子们分享也是很好的教学手段。

在《识字2》第二课时的教学伊始, 我和孩子们一起欣赏了几张我在各地旅游时的照片。孩子们很羡慕, 一直追问我:“这是什么地方?真美啊, 下次我也要去玩!”等诸如此类的问题。我笑着看看他们说:“孩子们, 让我们跟着书中的小导游一起去游览祖国的广西桂林山水, 那里的景色也十分美丽, 你们想去看看吗?”话音未落, 37双炯炯有神的眼睛紧紧地盯着大屏幕, 小身板坐得笔直, 齐声回答:“想!”美好的一课拉开了序幕。

在备课的过程中, 我仔细观察了教材中的插图, 本篇插图色彩鲜艳清晰, 大篇幅的山水画给人强烈的视觉震撼。另外三幅小的插图分别展示了桂林最有特色千姿百袋、惟妙惟肖的山峰, 以及具有独特民族风貌壮乡人对歌的场景。看完照片我指导孩子们回到课本上, 细致看图, 问他们在图上看到了些什么?孩子们纷纷举起小手, 用完整清晰的话语表述出了图中的景物。观察插图, 培养孩子们细致观察图画的好习惯, 此时相机鼓励孩子畅所欲言, 爱上自我表达。

这时, 几位去过桂林的孩子都不甘寂寞, 绘声绘色地为大家介绍了桂林很多的景色。如游览过漓江清澈见底的水, 看见一座像大象一样的山, 还有跟着爸爸妈妈一起在竹筏上漂流, 等等。听了同伴们的介绍, 孩子们学习的兴趣更高了。他们纷纷举起小手, 表达看完图后自己的感受。而陈西恩同学的感受, 让我印象最深。她说:“我看到了图中的倒影。”“你能告诉大家你看见了哪些景物的倒影吗?”她说:“只有水特别清的时候我们才能看见倒影, 我在清澈见底的碧波上看到了秀峰的倒影, 就像有两个世界。水上一个世界, 水下一个世界!”此时, 孩子们情不自禁地为她鼓掌。有了好的榜样, 词儿自然就能读好了。我鼓励孩子:“你们说得这么好, 能读得更好吗?”伴随着轻音乐, 孩子们陶醉在桂林美丽的山水画卷中, 一边读着词语, 一边用心细致地感悟着中国文字的魅力。词语读得更好了, 话也说得更加连贯流畅。书本里一个个凝固的词语被孩子们优美的朗读赋予了新的生命力, 仿佛跳跃到了一幅幅秀美的风景图画中。这一节课, 我和孩子们一起享受了美景、美词, 插上想象的翅膀, 和着动人的语言, 向着美好的方向翱翔。

在第一单元的《识字1》教学过程中, 我与孩子们一同分享了我国传统的风俗和习俗。民俗知识与语言的完美结合, 让孩子们兴致盎然。他们谈论着自己在节日里与家人、伙伴们一起玩耍着丰富多彩的游戏, 仿佛也把我带回了童年时代。在理解的基础上的深层次朗读, 不仅夯实了基础, 而且韵文读出了韵味、读出了甘甜。

又如《识字4》中的词串, 孩子们找到了自学的方法, 也是我之前有意引导的方法———借助书本中的插图, 将词与图有效地结合起来进行理解, 比起死记硬背, 可以取得事半功倍的效果。孩子们还学会了自己利用字形分析生字、理解词义, 如“晴空、温暖、晾晒”都有日字旁, 因此一定和太阳有关;“眼睛、瞄准、眺望”都和眼睛有关;“东海、黄河、长江”一定和水流、江河有关, 等等。课堂此时成为了学生自学自悟的乐园, 孩子们积极思索, 探寻出了一条又一条学习词串的捷径。而我不仅轻松教学, 内心还充满了自豪和满足。我相信, 采用自己的学习方式, 孩子们习得的知识, 记忆会更加深刻牢固。枯燥的授课变成了表达自己、心与心碰撞的平台, 每个孩子都找到了属于自己的那片快乐的天地。

12单元教学反思 篇8

一、 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母,写


1. We must set a l______ to the expense of the trip.

2. He made an a______ with the doctor at eight.

3. We must take m______ to stop the environment pollution.

4. Drunken driving is often the c______ of accidents.

5. There has been a s______ of accidents at the crossing.

6. She finally achieved her g______.

7. I had no c______ but to wait there.

8. Do you know the t______ of your blood?

9. No w______ he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day.

10. All the morning he was busy repairing his bike, not even stopping for b______.

二、 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空

1. It______(seem) to him that he would not solve the problem.

2. I______(remind) to live up to my promise.

3. Four______(add) to five is nine.

4. The sports meet______(hold) next Saturday.

5. I suggested that he______(adapt) himself to his new conditions.

6. The result of the experiment is______ (satisfy).

7. His parents are dead and he lives with a family that______(treat) him badly.

8. A fire started in a hotel, and it soon______(spread) through the whole of the town.

9. The building______(build). I cant standthe noise.

10. As the final exam was coming, the teachers were busy______(prepare) the test papers.

三、 根据句意,用适当的介词或副词填空。

1. She is going to compete______him in thesecond round.

2. Years of fighting left the area______ruins.

3. Her letter brought______to me the days when we stayed among the mountains.

4. There were signs everywhere warning people to look out______falling rocks.

5. Ill communicate______my lawyer about this matter.

6. He is quick to adapt himself______new circumstances.

7. The climate here doesnt agree______me.

8. The lights died______suddenly.

9. I dont know what to do______the naughty boy?

10. I believe him, but I dont believe______him.

四、 根据句意,选择适当的短语填入下列句


1. Tom,______his parents, has gone to theparty.

2. The houses were______ , but they were in good condition a few years ago.

3. Youd better take some medicine with you ______ someone gets sick.

4. Who do you think will______now that the governor has been dismissed?

5. —What does ESL______ ?


6. Ill______you at 7 oclock and well go to the cinema together.

7. Mary is never happy here. She has to be ______ all the time.

8. The twins have a lot______ .

9.______many girls, Kate was indeed lucky.

10. Yao Ming has______just size.

五、 单项填空

1. We have history on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, that is, we have it______ .

A. every other daysB. every three days

C. every other dayD. each two days

2. I bought a bike yesterday,______was very reasonable.

A. which priceB. the price of which

C. its priceD. the price of whose

3. Beer______alcohol; drinking too much of

it will do harm to health.

A. includesB. contains

C. holdsD. remains

4. Everyone arrived late at the party for______ reasons.

A. a large amount of

B. a good many of

C. a great deal of

D. a variety of

5. Many people came to the meeting, of whom______left early.

A. numberB. the numbers

C. the numberD. a number

6. A bomb______two buildings and damaged several others.

A. injuredB. damaged

C. destroyedD. harmed

7. She wanted to buy four______eggs, but there were only two______eggs left in the shop.

A. scores of; dozens of

B. score of; dozen of

C. score of; dozen

D. scores; dozens

8. —Shall we go shopping or stay at home?


A. would you rather

B. do you rather

C. should you rather

D. will you rather

9. He has changed a lot, and many of his friends say that he is not the same man______ .

A. like what he wasB. as he used to

C. like he wasD. as he used to be

10. It rained for three weeks, completely______our holiday.

A. ruiningB. to ruin

C. ruinedD. ruins

11. The little boy______out in the dark at night.

A. dares not go

B. does not dare going

C. dare not go

D. dares not to go

12. Without more coal______the fire, it would soon go out.

A. added toB. added

C. adding toD. added up to

13. Filled with great______ , he lifted the heavy bag onto his shoulder.

A. powerB. energy

C. strengthD. force

14. Who______has seen the film doesnt admire it?

A. thatB. whoC. whichD. as

15. His face was badly______by the hot sun while he was working in the countryside.

A. hurtB. shoneC. hitD. burnt



Mr. Zhang aged 70 years old is a retired worker. He has been r______(1) for 15 years. Although his children all have a well?鄄paid job and are kind to him, he prefers to live alone. He is very i______(2). Early in the morning, he goes out pulling a cart to collect any old items which can be sold for money such as old newspapers, books, tins, bottles and something else.

One day, Mr. Zhang and I were drinking and chatting when a woman about 40 years old came over, with a wine b______(3) in her hand. She said: “a Mao Tai wine bottle is 30 Yuan. The trade mark of mine and the bottles lid are both intact, so I think the bottle ought to c______(4) more ...” “40 Yuan,” the old man o______(5) a higher price. The woman handed the bottle out, c______(6) the money and left.

Mr. Zhang suddenly p______(7) up a stone at hand, and hit the bottle heavily, breaking the bottle into p______(8). I stared in s______(9). “Why did you d______(10) it?” “In this way they can not make fake wine.” The old man answered lightly.



In our life, we have rarely expressed our gratitude to the one whod lived those years with us. In fact, we dont have to wait for anniversaries to thank the ones close to us—the ones so easily overlooked. If I have learned anything about giving thanks, it is this: give it now! While your feeling of appreciation is alive and sincere, act on it. Saying thanks is such an easy way to add to the worlds happiness.

Saying thanks not only brightens someone elses world, it brightens yours. If youre feeling left out, unloved or unappreciated, try reaching out to others. It may be just the medicine you need.

Of course, there are times when you cant express gratitude immediately. In that case dont let embarrassment sink you into silence—speak up the first time you have the chance.

Once a young minister, Mark Brian, was sent to a remote parish of Kwakiutl Indians in British Columbia. The Indians, he had been told, did not have a word for ‘thank you. But Brian soon found that these people had exceptional generosity. Instead of saying thanks, it is their custom to return every favor with a favor of their own, and every kindness with an equal or superior kindness. They do their thanks.

I wonder if we had no words in our vocabulary for ‘thank you, would we do a better job of communicating our gratitude? Would we be more responsive, more sensitive, more caring?

Thankfulness sets in motion a chain reaction that transforms people all around us—including ourselves. For no one ever misunderstands the melody of a grateful heart. Its message is universal; its lyrics transcend all earthly barriers; its music touches the heavens.

1. Which does the author prefer: to wait for

anniversaries to thank the ones close to us

or to give thanks now?


2. Besides brightening someone elses world,

saying thanks brightens__________________


3. What had Mark Brian been told?


4. Do the Indians do their thanks?


5. What is the best title for this passage?



一、 1. limit2. appointment3. measures4. cause5. series6. goal7. choice8. type 9. wonder10. breath

二、 1. seemed2. was reminded3. added4. will be held5. (should) adapt6. satisfying / satifactory7. treats8. spread9. is being built10. preparing

三、 1. against / with2. in3. back4. for5. with6. to7. with8. out9. with 10. in

四、 1. together with2. in ruins3. in case4. take over5. stand for6. call for7. on the go8. in common9. Compared to / with10. more than

五、1-5 CBBDD6-10CCADA 11-15CACAD

六、1. retired2. independent3. bottle4. cost5. offered6. counted7. picked8. pieces9. surprise10. destroy
