
2024-06-15 版权声明 我要投稿


高二班法制教育征文 篇1













向上。我们大家都对犯罪进行自我防范,使自己健康成长,就必须做到尊重自己,严于律已,自强不息。一个人倘若自甘堕落,或者自我毁灭,那么,任凭社会怎样保护,也是爱莫能助,无济于事。另外我这里所说的闲事也不是平常意义的闲事,大家到社会上多学一点、多看一点根本无可厚非,而且还要鼓励、表扬,我指的只是与自己、与社会没有意义的纯粹是别人个人的事情,不要出于讲江湖义气,不要去染指那些不良行为。对于哪些是不良行为,相信大家应该有所了解。但聚众斗殴造成重伤、死亡者,就应按照刑法规定,以故意伤害罪、故意杀人罪定罪。故意伤害就要判处三年以上有期徒刑。这起案件中有三人因在聚众斗殴中故意伤害了他人的身体致人重伤,构成了故意伤害罪,刑法规定对故意伤害他人造成重伤要处以三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。俗话说:退一步海阔天空,大家,人生活在社会中,难免相互之间有磕磕碰碰,但只要我们心胸放得开阔一点,大事化小,小事化了,就能避免发生许多恶性事件,又何必逞一时之强,酿终身大错呢? 所以说我们一定学会面对矛盾时能正确处理各种事情,觉得自己无法解决时,别忘了还有你们身边的老师。当然我说了上面的不要多管闲事,不是说事不关已就高高挂起,不是碰到与已无关的事情就一味地退缩,如果你们自己或者身边的人碰上坏人坏事,不要一味地忍让,而是要通过正当的法律途径来解决。这就要求我们进一步增强自己的法律意识。大家在课堂上肯定也学过一定的法律基础知识,但是可能不太全面,所以在假期里可


高二2班生命安全教育月活动方案 篇2









第一周1. 班主任会议得到开展安全教育活动由班主任宣传发动班组教师和学生积极参与活动

2. 师生讨论,初步形成活动方案

3. 印发育英学校高二2班学生生命安全小报









四年级三班国防教育征文 文档 篇3





高二班班级公约 篇4











校第一名: +5分;校第二名: +4分;校第三名: +3分; 校前六名: +2分;参加者: +1分。












高二班作文 篇5




3、参考词汇:排放物 emissions一次性的 disposable

Sample Writing 1


As we know, the environmental problem is becoming more and more serious.Of course, human beings can’t be casual about this problem.We should pay considerable attention to it because it concerns our life.Why did this happens? One of the reasons is that the forests are disappearing day after day.Further more, the human beings burn too much fuel so that it produces a large amount of carbon dioxide called greenhouse gas.Additionally, the air is polluted and the environment is badly damaged.All of these do great harm to our common home-earth.So what should we do? To control the problem, we must cut down the quantity of carbon dioxide, and also plant some trees and grass.More importantly, we should do our best to protect our environment.After that, we’d better forbid ourselves to use disposable products

All things considered, if we do things above well, I think our common home will be better tomorrow.Sample Writing 2


Global warming, a problem which is becoming more and more serious, has drawn world wide attention.There is no doubt that it is human activity that has caused this problem.There are various reasons causing global warming, the most important one of which is the burning of fossil fuels.As a consequence, a large quantity of carbon dioxide is produced during this process.In addition, the amount of forests declines rapidly.Also, air pollution is also a big problem.For all these reasons, our environment is seriously damaged.Here are a few suggestions on how to deal with it.Above all, we ought to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide.Furthermore, we are supposed to plant more grass and trees in order to protect the environment.Eventually, don’t use disposable products if possible.Remember-your contributions count.Let’s make joint efforts to help.Sample Writing 3 G0Z201JK421011503

Man is now facing a big problem of global warming, which is becoming more and more serious.How has this come about and does it matter?

The factors that contribute to this situation involves the reduction of the forests and the pollution of the environment.I subscribe to the view that the increase in the earth’s temperature is due to the burning of fossil fuels.What’s more, today an increasingly large numbers of cars can be seen on the street, which have brought a lot of harm in our daily life.In addition, carbon dioxide plays an indispensible role in global warming.Needless to say, what we should do is using something that is economical with energy.We should also plant more green trees!Your contribution counts!Take actions to do anything you can!

Sample Writing 4


Nowadays, global warming attracts many scientists’ attention.As a student, it’s necessary for us to understand how global warming happens.There is no doubt that it’s the increase in carbon dioxide that has caused global warming.In addition, the damage of the forest also results in global warming.It’s air pollution and the damage of environment that have a bad effect on it.As far as I’m concerned, we’re supposed to do something about it under the circumstances.To begin with, we should advocate planting trees and grasses and protecting environment.What’s more, we should make an objection to using disposable products and lead a low-carbon life.Sample Writing 5


These days, our living environment is threatened by global warming.There is no doubt that it is human’s excessive activity that has given rise to climate problems rather than a randomphenomenon.As we all know, carbon dioxide increasing greatly results in greenhouse effect.Apart from that, forest declines swiftly.Atmosphere is polluted by gases caused by the burning of fossil fuels.The environment is being destroyed by people unconsciously.In consequence, the earth is becoming warming.It is extraordinarily necessary to place emphasis on solving this severe problem.It is must for factories to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.What’s more, we are supposed to plant grasses and trees.What is essential to protect environment is that in no circumstances should we use disposable products.All in all, we should put these into action from each little thing.Sample Writing 6


Suffering global warming, the earth becomes warmer and warmer.The temperature increases rapidly, which in turn results in more melted icebergs and more frequent flood and drought.On the whole, global warming does exert great impacts on us.Global warming mainly results from the increasing carbon dioxide, the reduction of forests, the pollution of the air and the damage of the environment.Obviously, all of these are caused by human activities.So aiming ate slowing down the speed that the earth turns warmer, we human must play a responsible role to do something to make a difference.Some factories should reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide.It is wise to plant more trees or grass to protect the environment.And it is necessary to stop using disposable products as well.There is only one earth.We should protect it, shouldn’t we?

Sample Writing 7


With society developing, our earth is becoming warmer and warmer.It is human activities that causes global warming.There are a number of reasons causing this kind of serious phenomenon.It is believed that the main reason causing global warming is the emissions of carbon dioxide.At the same time, forest are reduced rapidly.What’s more, air pollution worsens the environment as well.Our common home is in danger.Everyone is supposed to make contributions to protecting environment.At first, we should try our best to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide.On the one hand, we ought to plant trees as much as we can.On the other hand, disposable products shouldn’t be used any more.Sample Writing 8


Nowadays, global warming develops into a more severe problem.Here are some consequences most of us are facing.The forest is reduced in a rapid way due to the need of human beings.At the same time, the burning of the fossil fuels result in the increase in carbon dioxide and if also has a bad effect on the environment.There is no doubt that all humans are to blame.Confronted with this, it is necessary for us to take effective measures to save the earth where we live.Firstly, don’t rely on electrical appliances too much.You’d better not use them frequently.Secondly, it may make a big difference if everyone goes out on foot or by bus.Thirdly, planting more trees is also a good way.When it comes to the global warming, all of us are responsible for it.Don’t hesitate to take actions to protect our environment before it is too late.Sample writing 9


As everyone knows with the fast development of society, global warming becomes a serious problem facing many countries.We are really in a dangerous situation.Face with the environmental problem, shouldn’t we attach importance to environmental protection?

As far as I am concerned, it is the emissions of carbon dioxide, the reduction of forests, the pollution of air and the damage of environment that result in global warming.With the aim of protecting environment, we should reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide, plant more trees and grass and stop using disposable products.I am convinced that if we do the things above, we’ll get ourselves out of the trouble which put human beings in an embarrassing position.Let’s spare no effort to put them into action.Sample writing 10


Nowadays, it has been a tendency that the globe is warmer and warmer.Most of the people may not take it seriously, but I do think it’s an extraordinarily serious problem.First, let us see how this phenomenon comes about.There are a variety of reasons, such as the emissions of carbon dioxide, the reduction of forests, the air pollution and the environmental pollution, etc.among these, a huge quantity of emissions of carbon dioxide is the main reason.And we should all be responsible for it.As you may wonder what measures we can take to face this worrying problem, I think the following ideas will work.Firstly, it is an excellent idea that we should reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide.Secondly, it is planting trees which can absorb a large amount of carbon dioxide that really matters.Thirdly, it’s wise of you to protect environment and not to use disposable products.Sample Writing 11 XYZ20142301151AS1

As time goes by, the temperature of the earth becomes higher and higher.This sort of phenomenon is called global warming.What leads to the environment issue? Needless to say, it is human activity that has caused this global warming.First of all, a large amount of carbon dioxide has been released into the atmosphere.It prevents heat escaping from the earth.Next, the reduction of forest is also a reason why the phenomenon comes about.There are other causes, such as polluted air and destroyed environment.It is our duty to do something to slow down the process.We can act like reducing the amount of emissions which contain carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.Plant more grass and trees to absorb carbon dioxide.The most important thing is to protect environment.In our daily life, try to use disposable products as little as possible.I am fully convinced that our earth will rid itself of the problem in the near future.Sample Writing 12


As is known to all, global warming has done great harm to Earth.There are several reasons for global warming.Firstly, carbon dioxide emissions are to blame.Secondly, more and more forests have been cut down.Thirdly, the air is being polluted and the environment is being damaged.In my opinion, to stop Earth from becoming warmer and warmer, we must firstly try our best to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.Secondly, we should plant more grass and trees and take effective measures to protect the environment.Lastly, we should not use disposable products.Let’s make a great effort together to stop global warming and make Earth a better place to live in.Sample Writing 13 AIN201422M01151Q3

There is no doubt that the earth is becoming warmer.And as we know, it is mostly caused by human activities.During these years, the burning of more and more fossil fuels has resulted in the increase of the temperature.The use of fossil fuels has produced a large quantity carbon dioxide.Meanwhile, the number of trees has decreased.It means that more and more carbon dioxide will be added intothe atmosphere.And for other reasons, the air has been seriously polluted.As a result, the environment is becoming terrible.We really should pay more attention to this and it is our duty to protect our home.In the daily life, we should try to reduce carbon dioxide and plant more grass and trees.We also should refuse to use the disposable things.In a word, we should try our best to protect our common home.Sample Writing 14 XTA2014210115DR14

During the 20th century, the temperature of the earth rose about one degree Fahrenheit.The phenomenon called global warming is becoming more and more serious.Technology has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well including global warming.It becomes worse as we add huge quantities of extra carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.So there are high levels of carbon dioxide into the air.In addition, forests that can change carbon dioxide to oxygen is disappearing.What can we do about it? How can we reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? First, plant trees.Don’t forget they can absorb carbon dioxide from the air.Second, get your parents and friends to buy things that are economical with energy.Thirdly, don’t use disposable products which are non-renewable resources.To sum up, the earth is our home, so we should protect it.Sample Writing 15 M0P201421011M51L5

高二班学生评语 篇6

2) 你尊敬老师,关心集体,热爱劳动,团结同学,勇于表达自己的感受。对待学习,你的执着坚持也比以前大有进步,老师喜欢你那种不甘落后永不服输的精神。希望你能把它用在学习上,争取早日提高各门功课。

3) 你性格温和、为人坦率,尊敬师长,与同学和睦相处。遵守学校各项规章制度,集体荣誉感强,班级工作认真负责,身为体育委员,除自己积极参加锻炼外,还能带动和组织其他同学进行锻炼.你很有上进心积极参加力所能及的各项活动。希望你各方面都能更加严格要求自己,珍惜时间,刻苦钻研,发扬拼搏的精神,力争在下学期更大的突破!

4) 你乐于助人,关心集体,和同学和睦相处,各项集体活动积极参与,班级工作认真负责。学习目标明确,上进心强,但成绩还有上升的空间。希进一步严于律己,静心攻读,持之以恒,力争稳步提高。只要有恒心,有毅力,老师相信你会取得更大的进步的。

5) 你乐于助人,关心集体,和同学和睦相处,各项集体活动积极参与,但你总是安静地坐在位子上沉思着,沉默的你在想些什么?是为学习不能进步而烦恼吗?其实,如果你能认真听好每一节课,作业及时完成,单词一课课过关,也不会有多难。如果你能克服你的缺点,为自己确定一个明确的目标,那么,在以后的学习途中,你的障碍就会越来越小。你愿意从现在开始努力吗?

6) 你尊敬师长,团结同学,自觉遵守校规校纪。但对于学习你还有很大的空间和潜力可挖,努力提高自己的学习成绩,各方面都努力向前。望你在以后的学习生活中,增强主动性,成为全面发展的学生。成功不是将来才有的,而是从决定去做的那一刻起,持续累积而成。

7) 你为人友善,与同学友好相处。有积极要求进步的良好愿望。但有时自控能力不是很强,导致成绩有波动。在学习上如果能多一些耐心和恒心,踏实前行,那么各科成绩都会有更大的提高的。你前面还有很多的路要走,希望你自已明确方向,脚踏实地,积极主动,相信你一定会做得更加出色。

8) 你遵守纪律,关心集体,尊敬师长,工作认真负责,。在今后的学习中希望你能确立远大的人生目标和近期的学习目标,并为之刻苦努力,若能变被动为主动,多花时间,相信凭你的聪明,一定能明显进步。行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。

9) 你性格温和,待人诚恳,关心集体,和同学和睦相处。热爱班集体,在学习上如果能多一些耐心和恒心,增强信心,继续努力,同时注意学习方法的积累,多些专心和耐心,不断努力,持之以恒,一定能取得满意的成绩。

高二(四)班 班级公约 篇7

















高二班演讲稿 篇8








