
2024-06-24 版权声明 我要投稿


科技英语-翻译 篇1


I did not buy good seat for movie last day.2.这个车间既做来料加工,又做来样加工。

This workshop processes raw material on client’s demand and processes according to investor’s sample as well.3.她在中国留学服务中心工作。

She works at Chinese service center for Scholarly Exchange.4.烤烟,苹果,羊毛和甘薯是延安的四大农产品,年产量3.12亿元,占农业总产值的52.5%。

Cured tobacco, apples, wool and sweet potatoes are the four main agricultural products in Yan’an, their output values at 312 million yuan RMB, according for 5.2% of its total agricultural output values.5.可以预言,钛材在飞机或各种飞行器上的应用将会与日俱增,并且在其他工业中的应用也会扩大。It can be prophesied that titanium materials will be used increasing in aerospace and in other industries.6.If rise of blood pressure occurs with some other disease, it is called secondary hypertension.某种与其他疾病伴发的高血压,称为继发性高血压

7.Change of information, if any, concerning the contents of this section will be found in the appendix at the end of this book.本节内容如有更改,均见本书末附录。


That a microganism is capable of destroying one of anther species was first discovered by Pasteur, who pointed out that can be used to the therapeutic use.英汉句子中心的差异


It’s truly amazing that they can produce cells that look like embryoric stem cells.2.1968年12月阿波罗8号宇宙飞船上那些想家的宇航员们在太空拍下了整个地球的彩照,此后在1970年4月很快就出现了第一个地球日,这绝非是历史的偶然。

It’s no accident of history that the first Earth Day in April 1970 came so soon after the color photograghs of the whole earth from space were made by homesick astronauts on the Apollo 8 mission to the moon December 1968.3.你们已经取得了进步,对此我毫不怀疑。

There has been no doubt in my mind of the progress which you have achieved.4.由于贵国政府的提议,才得以这样快的重新实现访问,这使我感到特别高兴。

I was all the more delighted when as a result of the initiative of your government, it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly.5.由于现代世界的发展和近年来在单门学科狭窄前沿上的研究进展,出现一些极其复杂的难题,单凭一两人的力量是无法对它们进行透彻研究的。

One cannot properly investigate the incredibly complex problems thrown up by the modern world and by recent development in our knowledge along the narrow front of a single discipline.6.这种小型热带鱼由于具有自行修复受损和患病的眼部细胞的独特能力,长期以来一直为科学家所关注。The tiny tropical fish has long interested scientists because of its unique ability to repair damaged and diseased cells in their own eyes.7.不努力就不会成功。

One can never succeed without making great efforts.8.想到要出国深造,他激动不已。

He felt greatly excited at the thought of going abroad for further study.9.如蒙早日寄来样品或产品册,将不胜感激。

I would appreciated if samples or brochure could be soon forward to us.10.如能尽早回复,我将非常感谢。

I would appreciated it if you can reply as soon as possible.11.他本来在天津开会,会议一结束,他就上北京去度假了,昨天才坐飞机回来。

He had flown yesterday from Beijing where he spent his vocation after finishing the meeting he had taken part in Tianjing.12.In practice, the selected interval thickness is usually a compromise between the need for a thin interval to maximize the resolution and a thick interval to minimize the error.为保证最大的分辨率必须选用薄层,为使误差最小必须选用厚层,实际上要权衡一下来选择厚度。


Aluminum remained unknown until 19th century, because no free aluminum can be found in the nature, due to the metal can connected with other elements, most commonly with oxygen for aluminum and oxygen having strong affinity.14.It was to test the effect of mercury on the heart that the two new studies compared the mercury levels in clipping from toenails, where heavy metal tend to be deposited.重金属通常是富集在指甲内,于是两项新的研究比较了脚趾甲剪取物中的汞水平,以此来考察对比心脏的影响。


1.人体T细胞白血病病毒:human T-cell leukemia virus 2.国际经济新秩序:a new international economic order 3.第五届全国化学生物学学术会议:The 5th National Conference on Chemical Biology 4.Nation Academy of Sciences:国家科学院

5.Overview of GMP, Quality System and Compliance in the US:美国的GMP和质量体系合规性概观

6.common side effect of the chemotherapeutic drugs used to treat cancer:治疗癌症的化疗药的一般副作用 7.这个通信卫星可以在任何时间向任何地点有效的传递语音信号和数据信号。

The communications satellite can send voice signal and data signal to any place at anytime.8.昨天在真空中进行了这个反应。

The reaction is carried out in a vacuum yesterday.9.中国南京江宁区龙眠大道639号。

639 Longmian Avenue, jiangning district, Nanjing, China 10.When the gene is activated, mice exhibit symptoms that mimic depression.基因被激活,小鼠表现出抑郁的症状。

11.The temperature is between 20-25℃ in the lab no matter when it is measured.无论什么时候测量,实验室的温度都保持在20-25度之间。12.无论出于固态,液态或气态,水的化学成分都保持不变。

The chemical constituents of water remains constant whether it is in solid, liquid or gaseous state.13.SELDL-TOF-MS is a rapid and sensitive proteomic technique that has been applied to identify biomarkers in various diseases.14.由于甜椒中的亲脂性成分,用极性洗脱液洗脱的甜椒样品表现出更高的生物活性。

The sweet pepper samples eluted with polar eluents exerted high bioactivity due to their lipophilic component.15.该项准则随后成为了全球公认的评价口服固体剂型均匀度的非药典测量方法。


1. 地球绕轴自转,引起昼夜变化。

The rotation of earth its axis causes the change from day to night.2. 采用这种新装置可以大大降低废品率。

The adoption of this new device will greatly cut down the percentage of defective products.3. 为使物体克服惯性而运动,就需要一个力。A force is needed to move an object against inertia.4. 许多学贯中西的大师的经历证明,学不好母语的人,也不可能真正学好外语。

The experience of many great master well versed in the learning of both Chinese and Western cultures have shown that without a mastery of his native language, it is impossible for one to be truly at home with a foreign language.增词减词 增词

1.After the football match, he’s got an important meeting.2.He said he’d come to the discussion.3.Her job was sweeping, scratching, cleaning.4.I could knit when I was seven.5.This typewriter is indeed cheap and fine.6.Because of its reliability and simplicity evaporation is often applied on a large scale, normally using steam as the heat source.7.Oxidation will make iron and steel rusty.8.During an EL Nino the pressures over Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines are higher than normal, which results in dry conditions or even droughts.9.Were there no gravity, there would be no air around the earth.10.The sun warms the earth, which makes it possible for plants to grow.11.The frequency, wave length, and speed of sound are closely related.12.Human beings have not yet been able to make an element by combining protons, neutrons and electrons.13.Air is a mixture of gases.14.Things in the universe are changing all the time.15.Plastic bowls marked microwavable are probably safer than those that aren’t.16.Matter can be changed into energy and energy into matter.17.The earth’s population is doubling, the environment is being damaged.18.The chief effects of electric currents are the magnetic, heating and chemical effects.减词

1.由于失业率增高,美元币值下降,股票市场处于困境之中,经济问题将是总统所面临的最严峻的考验。With high unemployment, the low dollar and the distr stock market, the economy will be the president’s trail.2.你参加过花样滑冰项目的比赛吗?



Various channels and ways should be explored to promote the language development of children.6.这家航空公司需要加强改进和完善运行机制。

The airline company should make intensive effort to change and improve.7.回顾过去病史,未发现感染反复发作。



11.抗氧化剂是某种存在于食品中的化学物质。Antioxidant is a chemical in food.12.这台较复杂的电脑又能设计出一台更为复杂的电脑,而且还可以一代代更加复杂精密的开发,研制下去。This more complex computer could design one still more complex and soon…

句意反译 肯定译为否定

1. 这份说明书不够详尽。The specification lacks details.2. 我们不应该再把海洋当成人类的生活污水和工业污水的垃圾场了。We should stop treating the sea as a dump for human and industrial effluent.3. 精密仪器必须保持无尘。

Precise instrument must be keep free from the dust.4. 铁箱能使地球磁场影响不了指南针。

An iron case will keep the Earth’s magnetic field away from the compass.5. 我们无权签此合同。

It’s beyond our power to sign the contract.6. 他们公司在产品的包装和宣传上明显比不上竞争对手。

Their company is obviously inferior to their rival in product packing and davertisement.7.There are many other energy source in store.有很多能源尚未开发。

8.In the high altitude snow and ice remain all year.高海拔处冰雪常年不化。

9.As rubber prevents electricity from passing through it, it is used as insulating material.由于橡胶不导电,所以可以用作绝缘材料。

10.We have found your terms and conditions agreeable.我们对你的章程和条款没有异议。


1.The study of genetics will never be so all encompassing as to gobble up every subject from medicine to sociology.遗传学几乎包含了从药学到社会学的所有学科。

2.The advantages of nano-structured materials do no end here.纳米材料的优点一言难尽。

3.Until recently geneticists were not interested in particular gene.基因学家最近才开始对特定基因感兴趣。4.Don’t lose time in posting this letter.请及时送达这封信。

5.No deposit will be refunded unless ticket produced.凭票退押金。

6.It was suggested that such devices should be designed and produced without delay.这意味着这个设施需要按时设计和生产。

7.Ice is not as dense as water and it therefore floats.冰的密度比水小,因此能浮在水面上。

8.These bacteria will not die until the temperature reaches 100℃ 100℃可以杀灭细菌。

9.Its importance can’t be stressed too strongly.它的重要性怎么强调也不为过。

10.We don’t consider melting to be chemical changes.我们认为熔化不改变化学成分。

11.The doctor do not expect that the patient with breast cancer will recover.医生认为乳腺癌患者康复机率小。

12.One could not be too careful in a new neighborhood.搬到一个新住处要越小心越好。


1.Pork has priced itself out of his dish.猪肉太贵,他吃不起。

2.Space does not allow us to further analyze this problem here.限于篇幅,我们不能在此对这个问题做进一步分析。3.By now optimism had given way to doubt.至此,人们不再盲目乐观,而是疑惑重重。

4.Aminophylline does not share the usual objection to vasodilators.人们通常反对使用血管扩张剂但并不反对使用氨茶碱。5.The exigency of the case admitted of no alternative.情况紧急,别无选择。

6.It never occurred to me that she was dishonest.我从来没想过她不老实。

7.There was a strike participated in by five thousand workers.五千个工人参加了罢工。

8.“There is an increased level of anxiety disproportionate to the actual risk,” says Jerrold Bushberg, who directs programs in health physics at the University of California at Davis.“It’s the dose that makes the poison.It’s not a binary thing.”


9.The resistance can be determined provided that the voltage and current are know.已知电压和电流可以确定电阻。

10.Some things have been said here tonight that ought not to have been spoken.有人在此讲了不该讲的话

11.It is said that the rhythm of tides is affected by moon.月亮影响潮汐规律。


Suddenly I got an idea./Suddenly an idea struck me.13.不同的人对食物持不同的态度。

Different people have different attitude towards food./Attitudes toward food vary from person to person.14.人们一致认为植物病毒不会感染动物,反之亦然。

It has always been assumed that plant virus cannot infect animals and vice versa.15.Friday started with a morning visit to the modern campus of the 22000-student University of Michigan in nearby Ann Arbor, where the Chinese table tennis team joined students in the cafeteria inn for lunch and later played an exhibition match.中国乒乓球队在星期五早上参观了坐落于安娜堡附近,拥有2200名学生的密歇根大学的现代化校园,并在学校自助餐厅与学生一起进餐,然后进行了一场表演赛。

16.There has been a striking continuous, but unexplained decline in the reported death rate of gastric carcinoma in the United States from 34 per 1,000,000 population in 1930 to 8 per 100,000 currently.据报道,美国的胃癌死亡率一直在明显地持续下降,从1930年的0.034%到目前的0.008%,但原因不明。17.The journey from embryonated egg to the ligase chain reaction has embraced an enormous amount of work involving tissue cell culture ,enzyme immunoassay, fluorescence ,and molecular techniques.从最早的鸡胚(中分离得到衣原体)发展到用连接酶链锁反应(诊断衣原体感染),医学专家们进行了组织细胞培养、酶免疫测定、荧光反应和分子技术等大量工作。


1.Qinghao has been used to treat malaria in China for over 2000 years.在中国使用青蒿治疗疟疾已经有2000多年历史了。2.There problems must be solved before the tests start.考试开始之前必须解决这些问题。

3.Pain may be treated with drugs, physical measures or surgery.药物,物理治疗,外科手术可以治疗疼痛。

4.The patient is questioned by a doctor about his present complaint and the date of the onset of the disease.医生询问病人现在的情况以及疾病开始的时间。

5.Several elements and compounds may be extracted directly from seawater.一些元素和化合物可以从海水中直接提取出来。

6.While a current is flowing through a wire, the latter is being heated.电线有电流通过后会发热。

7.Weak magnetic field are know to come from the human body.已知人体会产生一定的微弱的磁场。

8.Air resistance must be given careful consideration when the missile is to be designed.导弹设计时要特别注意空气阻力问题。

9.It is claimed that soap powders polluted the water we drink.有人声称肥皂粉污染了我们的饮用水源。10.心脏往往被看作是人体最重要的器官。

The heart is often regarded as the most important human organ.11.雄性Wistar大鼠20只随机分成对照组和糖尿病组。male Wistar rats were divided into two groups randomly :control group and diabetes group.12.本文以前没有发表过,目前也没有考虑投寄其他杂志发表。

This paper has not been previously published, also not been considered in other journal at present.13.Replication is normally carried out by the A, B, or C family polymerases with high fidelity and high processivity.复制过程通常是由具有高保真性和高持续合成性的聚合酶家族A,B或C实施的。

14.The conflict between the urgent need for new antimicrobial agents against resistance bacteria in clinic and less development of new antibiotics should be resolved by the cooperations among enterprises , government and institutions.企业、政府和科研机构之间的合作将是解决临床对于治疗耐药菌感染的新型药物的迫切需求与抗菌药研发处于低谷之间矛盾的方法。or耐药菌感染治疗急需新型抗菌药物,而抗菌药物的研究开发处于相对低谷,由此所产生的矛盾应该由企业、政府与科研机构合作解决。

15.Although an association between migraine and chest pain has been described, an association between migraine and coronary events has not been firmly established.虽然先前已有过关于偏头痛和胸痛之间关联的描述,但是偏头痛和冠心病之间的关联尚未确立。



If things are not properly handled, our labor will be totally lost.2.要了解中国,可以有很多视角。

There are different angles to approach China.3.学习先进,才有可能赶超先进。

Only by learning from the advances is it possible for one to catch up with and surpass them.4.与其说海洋把陆地分开,不如说海洋把陆地连在一起。The ocean do not so much divide the world as unite it.5.从他家到公园很近。

It is only a stone’s throw from his house to the park.6.我的家乡冬天很少下雪。It seldom snows in my hometown.7.可以采用各种方法使温度下降。

We can take all sorts of measures to bring the temperature down.Various methods can be adopted to keep the temperature down.8.首先要保证产品的质量。

The quality of the products must be guaranteed.9.操纵这些机器时必须小心。

Be careful when operating these machines.10.要着力解决经济社会发展中的突出矛盾。

Efforts must be made to resolve the prominent conflicts in economic and social development.11.使用电子显微镜,能获得大得多的放大倍数。

Much greater magnification can be obtained when electronic microscope is used.12.该项实验中肯定困难很多。

There must be many difficulties in the experiment.13.没有顺利,无所谓困难;没有困难,也无所谓顺利。Without facility, there would be no difficulty, and vice versa.14.对母语是英语的人来说,根本不可能4个星期就学会汉语。

It is impossible for native English speakers to master Chinese in just four weeks.15.已经决定几个月后进行生产。

It has been decided that production should begin in a few months.16.建议采用中国生产的设备。

It is suggested that the equipment made in China be adopted.17.随信附上我们新开发产品的样品。

Enclosed are samples of our newly developed products.定语从句

1.Space and oceans are the new world which scientists are trying to explore.太空和海洋是科学家们努力探索的新领域。

2.Fever is a condition in which the body temperature is higher than normal.发烧是提问高于正常的情况。

3.Essential hypertension is the name given to the type of hypertension for which no cause can be found.原因不明的高血压成为原发性高血压。

4.The chemicals that make metabolism possible come from the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.使新陈代谢成为可能的化学物质来自我们呼吸的空气、所饮的水和所吃的食物。

5.The body consists of a large number of organs, each of which has its own particular function to perform.人体由大量器官构成,每种器官都有特殊的功能。

6.Glycogen is stored in the liver, which is released as needed in the form of glucose.糖原储存于肝,需要时以葡萄糖的形式释放出。

7.Operation can be performed with acupuncture analgesia, which is a great contribution to the development of medical science.手术可用针刺痛法进行,这对医学的发展是一大贡献。

8.The blood flows from the small arteries into the capillaries in which it gives up oxygen to the body cells and removes wastes from the tissues.血流由小动脉流入血管,在毛细血管血液把氧释放给身体的细胞并从组织中排除废物。

9.We know that a cat, whose eyes can take in many more rays of light than our eyes, can see clearly in the night.我们知道由于猫的眼睛比人的眼睛能吸收更多的光线,所以可以在夜间看的清楚。10.The disease, which may occur at any age, is most frequent in early adult life.此病可发生于任何年龄,但以年轻的成年人常见。

11.Cancer should be suspected in persons who have any of these symptoms and signs for unaccountable causes and for an unreasonable period of time.如果病人具有任何这些症状和体征,病因又难以说明,而且持续时间长,就应怀疑癌症。

12.Third world countries export their mineral deposit and tropical agriculture products, which bring them desired foreign exchange.第三世界国家出口矿物和热带农作物以换取所需的外汇。13.The purpose for which electricity is used is numerous.电的用途是很多的。

14.Fortunately, there are some chemical fuels that are clean and smokeless.幸好,有些化学燃料是洁净无烟的。


1.It was believed that perhaps during its existence inside the body of the mother, the growing embryo becomes fixed on the sound of the heart beat;if this is so, then the discovery of this familiar sound after birth might have a calming effect on the infant, especially as it has just been thrust into a strange and frightening new world outside.据说,在母体发育期间,胎儿的注意力可能会集中于心跳的节律;如果是这样,那么外界相似的声音可能会对出生后的婴儿产生镇静作用,特别是刚来到这陌生又可怕的新世界的婴儿。

2.Studies show that most doctors sincerely believe that the seriously ill patients do not want to know the truth about their condition , and that informing them risking destroying their hope , so that they may recover more slowly , or deteriorate faster , perhaps even commit suicide.研究表明,大多数医生深信重病患者并不想知道他们的真实病情,冒着会毁灭他们希望的风险告知他们事实,会使他们恢复得更慢,或者会加速恶化,甚至导致自杀。

3.He had cleared up those confusions which arose from different medicines that had been given a same name and different names that had been given to the same substance.同名不同药,同药不同名,由此造成的混淆,他都一一予以澄清。

4.It was to test the effects of mercury on the heart that two new studies compared the mercury levels in clippings from toenails,(where heavy metals tend to be deposited).因为重金属容易在脚趾甲富集,为了测试汞对心脏的影响,所以两项新的研究比对了从脚趾甲上剪下的碎片中的汞水平。

5.What should doctors say, for example, to a 46-year-old man coming in a routine physical checkup just before going on vacation with his family who, though he feels in perfect health, is found to have a form of cancer that will cause him to die within six months? 比如说一个46岁的男子----在与家人外出度假之前进行常规身体检查---尽管他自己感觉很好,但医生发现他患有某种癌症,6个月内会死亡,这时医生该怎么对他讲呢?

6.There is no more difference, but there is the same kind of difference, between the mental operations of a man of science and those of an ordinary person ,as there is between the operations and methods of a baker or of a butcher weighing out his goods in common scales , and the operations of a chemist in performing a difficult and complex analysis by means of his balance and finely graded weights.科学家的思维活动和普通人的思维活动之间存在着差别。这种差别就跟面包师或卖肉的人与化学家在操作方法上的差别一样——前者用普通的秤称商品的重量,后者则用天平和精密的砝码进行艰难复杂的定量分析。其差别不过如此而已。

7.This hope of “early discovery” of lung cancer followed by surgical cure, which currently seems to be the most effective form of therapy, is often thwarted by diverse biology behaviors in the rate and direction of growth of cancer.肺癌早期发现,随后进行外科治疗,这可能是目前最有效的治疗办法,但这个希望由于肺癌生长速度和方向等生物学特征不相同而破灭。

8.Over the periods the snakes’ saliva, a mild, digestive juice like our own, was converted into a poison that defies analysis even today.在演化的过程中,蛇的唾液——一种温和、助消化的像人类唾液一样的液体——变成了甚至在今天也难以分析的毒液。

科技英语-翻译 篇2


(一) 词汇上的特点

1. 频繁使用名词

科技英语的一个显著的特征就是大量使用名词或名词词组, 即所谓的名词化倾向。名词化 (nominalization) 的词主要指表示动作或状态的抽象名词, 一般由动词派生, 也包括具有动作意义的名词 (如use) 和由形容词加后缀-ability, -ity, -ness等构成的名词。在一般文体中使用动词、形容词的地方在科技英语中常代之以抽象化的名词。


为了快捷简练而又严格准确地描述客观事物的特性、大小、数量、程度等科技概念, 科技英语中经常采用复合词, 即由两个或两个以上的单词联合在一起, 有时其中用连缀符“-”, 构成新的词汇和术语。其中有三类复合词最为常见, 一是复合名词, 比如gas turbine 燃气涡轮, heat transfer 传热;二是复合形容词, 比如dust-free无尘, water-proof防水;三是复合动词, 比如trial-produce试产, periodic-clean等。


派生词 (derivative) 指通过合成、转化和派生构词手段而构成的词汇。这种词汇在科技英语文献中占有很大的比重。例如, 由前缀hydro-, hyper-, hypo-和inter-构成的词条在科技英语中就有二千多条;以表示学科的后缀-logy, -ics和表示行为、性质、状态等的后缀-tion, -sion, -ance, -ence, -ment等结尾构成的词汇在科技英语文献中俯拾皆是。


科技文章中有很多纯科技词汇, 即只用于某个专业或学科的专门词汇或术语, 如hydroxide (氢氧化物) 、diode (二级管) 、isotope (同位素) 等。其词义精确而狭窄, 针对性极强。阅读专业性强的文献, 就要了解该领域的专门词汇和术语。一些日常词汇在不同的专业也有不同的词义, 被称为通用科技词汇, 即不同专业都要经常使用的词汇。如power一词日常生活中词义为“权利”, 在机械力学中的词义为“力”、“电”、“电力”、“动力”、“电源”、“功率”等, 在数学中的词义为“乘方”、“次方”、“幂”。这样的词我们要注意它使用的具体环境, 选择正确的词义。

(二) 句法上的特点


与非科技英语比, 科技英语中长而复杂的难句显得多, 长达数行、数十行, 包含几十个乃至上百个单词的句子在科技英语中屡见不鲜。在标准资料、专利说明书和规范等文献类型中尤为多见。究其原因:科学技术是研究外界事物发展过程、演变规律及其应用的学问, 而这一切事物又是处在相互关联、相互制约的矛盾运动之中。


被动语态句在科技英语中的使用比在其它语体中的应用更为广泛。有人发现, 科技英语中被动语态至少占三分之一。国外其它一些语言学家统计后也发现, 在物理、化学和工程类科技英语教科书中, 约三分之一动词用于被动语态。


这一语法现象在科技英语中有着独特的地位。例如, All radiant energy has wavelike characteristic, analogous those of waves that move through water. (所有的辐射能量的波浪特征, 类似波浪那些通过水移动。) 这类形式定语可以看作是定语从句的省略形式, 因此, 上面例句可写为:All radiant energy has wavelike characteristics, which are analogous to those of waves that move through water.


科技英语的动词非谓语形式使用偏多, 尤其是分词短语做后置定语现象较多。分词、动名词、动词不定式及其复合结构常常同时出现在一个句子中。

(三) 修辞上的特点

1. 句型和时态的使用

科技英语文体用来客观陈述事实和问题, 描写过程和状态, 说明特性和功能, 所论情理多为一般性、频繁性和特征性。因此, 在这样的文体中, 大量使用陈述句型, 谓语动词主要以一般时为主, 如一般现在时、过去时和将来时等。

2. 语气的使用

科技作者在说明事理、提出设想、探讨问题和推导公式时, 常常涉及各种前提、条件和场合。为了避免武断, 总是从假定、猜测、建议和怀疑的角度出发, 这就往往需要采用虚拟语气。

3. 祈使句的使用

在使用说明书、操作规程、作业指导、注意事项等科技文章中, 更多使用祈使句以告诫、建议、劝告和命令用户或操作者的行动, 以达到基本目的。


(一) 词汇的翻译

1. 意译法

意译法就是根据原词的实际含义译成对应的汉语术语。这种译法广泛运用于科技术语的翻译, 具有概念明确、易懂易记的优点。例如: guided missile 导弹; automobile 汽车; software 软件; barometer 气压计; input 输入; hard-wired modem 硬线调制解调器; insulation resistance test 绝缘电阻测定等等都是采用意译的方法来翻译的。


音译法就是按原词的英语发音译成相对应的汉语。这种译法适用于计量单位名称、人名、地名、公司名、首字母缩略语以及一些还未完全了解的新术语。如:gallon 加仑; clone 克隆; pound 磅; Coco cola 可口可乐; watt 瓦特; Franklin富兰克林; Mercerdes-Benz 奔驰 (汽车) ; AIDS 艾滋病; TOEFL 托福等, 这种方法是不得已而为之, 无法揭示词汇的真正意义。 随着新术语的认识, 对不少词已用意译来代替, 如:engine (引擎) 发动机; vitamin (维他命) 维生素; microphone (麦克风) 话筒等。

3. 半音半意法

这是音译与意译的结合。如:Einstein equation 爱因斯坦方程; Noble prizes 诺贝尔奖金; beer 啤酒;card卡片等。

(二) 句子的翻译

科技英语是用来陈述自然界、科技界所发生或出现的事情, 描述其规律、特点、过程等的语言, 表达客观准确、逻辑性强、结构严谨, 这样才能更好地记录自然界和科技界的动态。用来记录的语言当然不会很简单:句子偏长、结构复杂。 从句法的角度来分析, 造成长句难的主要原因是:修饰、限定及附加成分多, 从而造成分隔结构 ( 修饰与被修饰成分相隔很远) 。对长难句的处理, 首先理顺语法结构;然后根据句子特点采取不同的手段, 如分译法、顺序法或变序法等。

(三) 被动语态的翻译

英语中, 尤其在科技英语文体中, 被动语态使用范围很广。这种语态能更客观、准确地描述事物的发展和变化。在汉语中, 被动语态的使用范围有限, 更多使用主动语态。在英译汉时, 一般说来, 大部英语被动语态要译成汉语主动句、无主句、判断句, 有时也译成被动语态, 尤其是原文表示强调时。比如:

A detailed examination was made of energy partition in an impacted solid propellant.

参考译文:对于固体推进剂受撞击后的内部能量分布情况, 已经进行了详尽的研究。

(四) 数词的翻译

在科技文献中, 数词的使用十分频繁, 表达方法多种多样, 还有英、美表达上的差异, 这些给翻译带来不少的困难。因此, 要掌握如何翻译倍数、倍数的增加、倍数的减少等数词, 还要了解英国和美国英语在这方面不同的表达方式。比如:

On the moon you could lift weights which are six times heavier than the heaviest weight you can lift on the earth.

参考译文:一个人在月球上所能举起的重物要比他在地球上所能举起的最重的物体重5 倍。

总之, 在翻译科技文体的文章时, 要根据科技英语的语言特点, 确保译文忠实于原文, 表达通顺流畅, 并掌握英汉基础知识和一定的翻译理论知识, 拓宽知识面, 养成严谨的工作态度, 这样才能较准确地译好科技文体。


[1]王泉水.科技英语翻译技巧[M].天津:天津科技出版社, 1991.

[2]方梦之.英语汉译实践与技巧[M].天津:天津科技翻译出版公司, 1994.

[3]刘宓庆.文体与翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 1998.

英语科技术语泛化及翻译策略 篇3

关键词: 科技术语 术语泛化 翻译技巧











机械专业术语brake原意为“制动器、刹车”,而在日常生活中用来指“阻碍、遏制”。例如:The warming climate could favor some disease,but it also could exerts a brake on other diseases.温和的气候的确对某些地区的疾病有利,但对其他疾病却会起到阻碍作用。

生物专业术语viable原指“能够发芽生长的”,在日常用语中意思则是“可实施的、切实可行的”。例如:An equitable commitment can and should exist for every phase of the project if the project is to remain viable.如果项目能够保持可行,那么项目的每个阶段应该存在一个公平的承担义务。

计算机术语input的意思为“输入信号”,日常用语中常用来指“投入”。例如:Energy is one important input of economic growth.能源是经济增长的重要投入要素之一。



以explode这个词为例,科技词汇当中explode指“炸弹爆炸”,如:The bomb hidden in the car exploded when the parade began.游行开始的时候藏在车里的炸弹爆炸了。而在日常生活当中,我们常会用到其引申含义,例如:They help you cool down when you feel like your anger might explode.这个句子当中把explode的典型意思“炸弹爆炸”引申到人的身上,用来形容人因为生气、怒火中烧而感觉自己像炸弹一样要爆炸,这里的explode就引申为“爆发、发火”的意思。又如:This is a major problem because Saudi Arabia is about to see its population explode.这里explode一词的意思由“爆炸”产生的后果不断增加扩展到日常生活当中表示“急速增长”。











在英语科技术语中,有些术语采用部分音译,另一部分意译的方法,例如:ampere-meter(安培表);kilovolt(千伏);Morse code(摩尔斯密码);Doppler effect(多普勒效应);neon sign(霓虹灯);motor-cycle(摩托车)等。


针对科技术语当中的词组型复合术语,即由两个或两个以上的单词组成短语的形式术语,我们可采用类似汉语从左至右的顺序进行翻译。如:direct sowing(直接播种法);small grain crops(小粒谷类作物);crop improvement(作物改良)等。








科技英语——名词化结构翻译 篇4

General Use of Nominalization Nominalization In linguistics, nominalization is the use of a verb or an adjective as a noun, with or without morphological transformation, so that the word can now act as the head of a noun phrase. 名词化指的是把动词、形容词通过一定的方式如加缀、转化等转换成名词的语法过程。



例1.The paper analyzes the problem and solves it.在科技英语中则通常说:

The paper gives an analysis of the problem and offers a solution.例2.You can rectify this fault if you insert a slash.插入一条斜线便可以纠正错误。

在科技英语中则通常说:Rectification of this fault is achieved by insertion of a slash.在这组例子中,名词化发生在两个地方,rectify-rectification, insert-insertion, 经过名词化处理后,含有两个诸位结构的复合句变成了只含一个主谓结构的简单句,从而使句子的结构更加精炼,也由于使用抽象名词替代原来的人称代词做主语而使句子的语体更加正式。2)用名词替代形容词

例3.It is doubtful how accurate the results are.结果的正确性值得怀疑。也可以表示为:The accuracy of these results is doubtful.3)用名词替代句子

例4.If the experiment is done by this method, there will be some loss of equipment.用这种方法做实验设备会有一些损失。可以表示为:

The doing of the experiment by this method will entail some loss of equipment.使用名词化结构的动因

1)名词与动词相比较,名词更具有静态性,不像动词那样生动具体和活跃。假如简单地述说一个事实或概念,仅指出动作和技术的特点,不需要动词那样生动具体,可用动作名词来替代动词。科研技术人员关心事物的现象、事实、特点,特别是抽象化的逻辑思维,因而名词化结构的使用,尤其符合科研技术人员表达 的需要。比如:

例5.The rate of evaporation of a liquid depends enormously by on temperature.The dependence of the rate of evaporation of a liquid on temperature is enormous.液体的蒸发速度很大程度上取决于它的温度。



词作主语,称之为无人称论述(impersonal statement)。实现无人称性的一个手段是使用被动语态从而避免使用 “I”等人称代词,其另一个手段是使用名词词组。例如:

例6.We can normally regulate the temperature by using a thermo-couple.通常可用热点偶调节温度。

Regulation of the temperature can normally be effected by the application of a thermo-couple.另外,用名词替代动词也可避免了与动词相关的人称和时态。例如 :

例7.While it is being compacted, considerable lateral pressure is exerted by the concrete.在压实过程中,混凝土加上了相当的侧压力。

Considerable lateral pressure is exerted by the concrete during compaction.3)前置性(fronting)。主语在英语中所处的位置很重要。科技英语把较多的信息置于句首,这是一种语体特征。例如:

例8.Hypersonic speeds are quite commonly attained now.现在达到超音速相当普遍。

The attainment of hypersonic speeds is now quite common.4)文章简洁明了。名词词组替代从属语句,这样做使文章更为精练。例如: 例9.If the thickness of the lagging is increased, it will reduce the heat losses.增加隔热厚度会减低损耗。

An increase in the thickness of the lagging will reduce the heat losses.名词化结构分类(根据修饰词不同)



water purification system 净水系统

laser noise amplitude modulation 激光噪音调幅 heat treatment process 热处理过程

illumination intensity determination 照明强度测定

computer programming teaching device manual 计算机编程教学仪器指南 force fit: a fit by means of applying force, 即借外力压人的一种配合,简称压人配合

depth gage 测量深度的规或尺;深度规或尺 汉译中,名词迭加型一般采用顺译法。2)复合名词化结构(名词化名词性词组)


英语的修饰语有些前置,有些后置,扩展主要有LR(由左往右)语序。多个汉语修饰位次关系一般是:紧靠中心名词的是表示类别、性质的名词、形容词,其次是动词或动词词组,再是数量词或代词,离中心名词最远的是表示领属、时间、地 点的名词和代词。而英语修饰语序可前可后,单个修饰语一般在前,词组、短语、从句在后。

英语修辞一般来说遵守以下原则:限定词-描绘性形容词-表示大小、新旧的形容词-表示颜色的形容词-表示类别的形容词-表示类别的名词-中心名词。基本语序是:专有性-泛指性-名词 ;次要意义-重要意义-名词;程度弱-程度强-名词;大-小-名词。意思愈具体、物质性愈强,与中心名词的关系愈密切的就愈靠近中心名词。例如:

acute bacterial peritonitis 急性细菌性腹膜炎

special strengthening filler material特殊的强化用的填料

low average stress values较低的平均应力值

a non-uniform temperature field 非均匀的温度场

a mechanically worked surface layer经过机械加工的表层

a precise differential air pressure meter一只精密的差动气压表

a reversing variable-displacement reciprocating pump 可反置的变容积往复式工作泵



Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies.阿基米德最先发现了固体排水的原理。

句中的名词化结构displacement of water by solid bodies由displace的名词加上两个介词短语构成,用来补充说明the principle。一方面简化了同位语从句,另一方面强调displacement这一事实。

The building of these giant iron and steel works will greatly accelerate the development of the iron and steel industry of our country.句中的名词化结构The building of these giant iron and steel works由build的动名词加上介词短语构成,充当句子的主语,其逻辑结构为动宾结构。


1.将名词化结构译为动词。许多名词化结构是由实义动词派生的名词作为中心名词并搭配介词短语构成,在翻译时根据汉语习惯可以还原成动词来译。All substances will permit the passage of some electric current, provided the potential difference is high enough.名词passage在翻译时要译为动词“通过”。此句翻译为:只要有足够的电位差,电流便可通过任何物体。

Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves.句中名词化结构the transmission and reception应翻译为动词“发射和接收”。此句译为:电视通过无线电波发射和接收活动物体的图像。

2.将名词化结构译为动宾关系。大多数复合名词性词组可以使用这种翻译方法。As a small-scale illustration of the artificial modification of physical weather processes, take the frost prevention in an orchard.句中名词化结构the artificial modification of physical weather processes中,physical weather processes是中心名词the artificial modification的修饰语,根据中文的特点,将这个名词化结构译为动宾结构“对天气的物理过程进行人工影响”。此句译为:我们可举果园中防霜作为说明对天气的物理过程进行小尺度人工影响的例子。


The slightly porous nature of the surface of the oxide film allows it to be colored with either organic or inorganic dyes.氧化膜表面具有轻微的渗透性,因此可以用有机或无极燃料着色。

This position was completely reversed by Haber’s development of the utilization of nitrogen from the air.由于哈勃发明了利用空气中的氮气的方法,这种局面就完全改观了。

Translation Practice I.Reference Answers for Exercise I(P.17)1.无线网状网的首次应用时在社区接入网中,例如在加州的Cerritos社区、采用Tropos Networks 或Garland得设备,有NexGen City 建网,所用的专用芯片来自MeshNetworks。





III.Chinese-English Translation(《汉英科技翻译》,严俊仁,P.36)1.储箱中装的东西是用泵排出的。

Discharge of the contents of the tank is effected by a pump.2.人的体温是靠消耗血液中的糖分来维持的。Our bodies are heated by consuming sugar in the blood.Our bodies are heated by the consumption of sugar in the blood.3.将现代风洞设备同其历史上的先驱相比较,很容易对风洞试验技术的进展情况作出评价类。

An appraisal of the advances in wind tunnel test techniques can be readily obtained by comparing the modern wind tunnel facilities with their historical predecessors.4.然而,数控技术更灵活,装配机床的花费更少,更换更快,而且停机维修时间更短。

Numerical control, however, offers more flexibility, lower tooling cost, quicker changes and less machine down-time.5.记录为知识的传递提供了条件,并帮助它不断继续发展下去。Records provide for the transmission of knowledge and aid its continued growth.6.这类预言要是试验所验证,那么,理论即得到了支持,并可导致形成某个定律或原理。

Verification of these predictions by experiment supports the theory and may lead to formulation of a law or principle.7.预言要是得不到试验的验证,也不会推翻理论,而会使该理论得到修正,并使常常会丰富这一理论。

科技英语翻译技巧与实践 篇5












如有的人把the newly developed picture tub(最新研制成功的显像管)错译为“新近被发展了画面管”;又有人把“a unique instant-picture system”(独特的瞬时显像装置)错译为“独快的图像系统”等等。



如进口的收录两用机的使用说明书上有“checking the cassette”和“to insert cassette”两个小标题,究竟应当怎么译呢?看来分别将其的 译为“检查盒式磁带”和“装上盒式磁带”,要比分别译为“检查磁带盒”和“装上磁带盒”更好一些。







a The production of various stereo recorders has been increased four times as against 1977.(各种立体声录音机的产量比1977年增加了三倍。


b The output of color television receivers increased by a factor of 3 last year.(去年彩色电视接收机的产量增加了二倍。


应当指出,有些书认为by后面的倍数是净增加的倍数,汉译时应译为“净增加多少倍的 ”,而不该减一倍。

本人认为这种译法未必妥当,因为“by n times”的意思是“用n数乘”。

如15 increased by 5 times是15×5 = 75之意,75与15相比显然是增加了四倍,而不是五倍。


(1)“n times + larger than + 被比较对象”,表示其大小“为……的n倍”,或“的 比……大n-1倍”。

例如:This thermal1 power plant is four times larger than that one. (这个热电站比那个热电站大三倍。

) 这是因为英语在倍数比较的表达上,其传统习惯是larger than等于as large as,因此汉译时不能只从字面上理解,将其译为“比……大n倍”,而应将其译为“是……的n的 倍”,或“比……大n-1倍”。

(2)“n times + as + 原级 + as + 被比较对象”,表示“是……的n倍”。

例如:Iron is almost three times as heavy as aluminum2. (铁的重量几乎是铝的三倍。





英语表示倍数减少时第一种表达方式为:“…… + 减少意义的谓语 + by a factor o的 f n或by n times”。


(1)The automatic assembly line can shorten the assembling period (by) ten times. (自动装配线能够缩短装配期十分之九。

(2) This metal is three times as light as that one. (这种金属比那种金属轻三分之二)第二种表达方式为“n times + 减少意义的比较级”。


在英语的否定结构中,由于习惯用法问题,其中部分否定句所表示的意思是不能按字的 面顺序译成汉语的,因此,翻译时要特别注意。

英语中含有全体意义的代词和副词如all every both always altogether entirely等统称为总括词。




(1)All of the heat supplied to the engine is not converted into useful work的 .(并非供给热机的所有热量都被转变为有用的功。


(2)Every one cannot do these tests.(并非人人都能做这些试验。

错译:每个人都的 不能做这些试验。

(3)Both instruments are not precise.(两台仪器并不都是精密的。


(4)This plant does not always make such machine tools.(这个工厂并不总是制造这样的机床。


) 但是当(这些总括词 + 肯定式谓语 + 含否定意义的单词……)时,则是表示全部否。


(1)All germs are invisible to the naked eye. (一切细菌都是肉眼看不见的。

(2) Every design made by her is impossible of execution. (她所做的一切设计都是不能执行的。

(3) Both data are incomplete.(两个数据都不完整。

(4)In practice, error sometimes always seems unavoidable.(在实践中,差错有时似乎总是不可避免的。




(1)The speed of wave is the distance it advances per unit time. (波速是波在单位时间内前进的距离)。

(2)The light wave that has bounced off the reflecting surface is called the reflected ray(从反射表面跳回的光波称为反射线。

(3)stainless steel, hick is very popular for its resistance to rusting4, contains large percentage of chromium.(具有突出防锈性能的不锈钢含铬的百分比很高。




(1)Each kind of atom seems to have a definite number of“hands”that it can use to hold on to others.




(2)Let AB in the figure above represent an inclined plane the surface of which is smooth and unbending.




(逆序合译法)上面两种译法,看来也是用顺序分译法比用逆序合译法更为通顺 简明。




(1)Such a slow compression carries the gas through a series of states. each of which is very nearly an equilibrium5 state and it is called a quasi-static or a“ nearly static” process.


(2)Friction wears away metal in the moving parts, which shortens their working life.


4、There + be句型中的限制性定语从句汉译时往往可以把主句中的主语和定语从句溶合一起,译成一个独立的句子。



(1)There are bacteria that help plants grow, others that get rid of dead animals and plants by making them decay, and some that live in soil and make it better for growing crops.


(2)There is a one-seated which you could learn to drive in fifty minutes.










石油科技英语的翻译技巧 篇6

相对于汉藏语系来说, 英语属于印欧语系, 在词汇方面或在语法方面, 不同语系都有很大的不同。更不用说遣词造句及表达思想的方式。就词性来说, 同一意思在不同语言中可以用不同词性来表达。动词不定式、动名词、分词、冠词等在英语中常见, 而汉语则不存在。名词尤其在英语中常见。因此, 在英汉翻译的过程中不能根据原文词性对应, 而应根据汉语习惯进行转换词性, 达到信达雅。

(一) 名词改译动词

英语名词数量巨大, 使用灵活和广泛的汉语动词把名词译成汉语动词。

例如:The developmentofthe oilfieldis progressed.


(二) 名词改译形容词

以信为前提, 汉语译文要求通顺易懂, 因此某些英语名词可以译为形容词。

例如:Insome reservoirs in-situcombustionis a necessity.


(三) 动词改译名词

动词可以翻译为汉语名词。常规的词性转换还有动词转译成名词, 因为有些英语动词直译为汉语较难。

例如:It is well-known that waterflooding acts differentlyfrom gas flooding.

大家知道, 注水驱油作用与注气不同。

(四) 形容词改译名词

石油科技英语中, 物质特性常使用形容词及其形容词比较级, 因此, 译为汉语时, 可加“度”、“性”等词成为汉语名词。

例如:As some rocks are permeable and porous, they can be take n as re s e rvoirs.

由于很多岩石具有可渗透性和孔隙度, 因此被视为油藏所在地。

石油科技英语翻译中的词性转换问题不能局限于某些固定模式。最好的翻译是“化”境, 翻译不留痕迹。


源语言的语法结构与汉语差别较大。因此句子成分变化是必要的, 目的为逻辑正确、通顺流畅、重点突出。

(一) 谓语改译宾语

汉语中“得到”、“将”、“使”、“受到”、“把”、“获得”、“有了”, 可使英语的谓语改译为汉语宾语。

例如:The oilrecoveryhas beengreatlyimproved.


(二) 宾语改移主语

在石油科技英语翻译中, 宾语、介词宾语改译为汉语中的主语, 符合汉语习惯。

例如:Gas is foundin producedfluid.


(三) 主语改译定语


例如:Alarge dieselengine ofthe rig mayhave as much power capacityas 400, 000 hors e s.


(四) 定语改译谓语

有时, 在充当定语的形容词或分词转译成动词时, 常常发生定语转译成谓语的情况。这时原句中的主语常被译成定语, 谓语动词多被略去。

例如:Waterhas agreaterheatcapacitythansand.



英语分为主动语态 (active voice) 和被动语态 (passive voice) 。英语中被动语态用得很多, 尤其是在科技英语中使用非常频繁, 至少有1/3以上是用被动语态的。


1) 被动结构比主动结构更少主观色彩, 科技论著重客观事实, 正需要这种特性。

2) 被动结构更能突出主要论证, 说明对象, 引人注目。

3) 在很多情况下, 被动结构比主动结构更简洁。

(一) 改译主动句

石油科技英语中被动句, 可以改译为主动句。

例如:Various measures are takentopreventcasingcorrosion.


(二) 改译无主句

如原句不愿或不可以说出主动者时, 则采用无主句来表示。

例如:Sandcontrolshouldbe paidattentionto.


以上所有翻译方法和技巧, 其目的都是促成译文准确, 通顺, 符合汉语表达方式, 提高石油科技英语翻译的质量。


[1]冯庆华.实用翻译教程[M].上海外语教育出版社, 1995.

[2]张增基.英汉翻译教程[M].外语出版社, 1980.

[3]金惠康.跨文化交际翻译[M].贵州教育出版社, 1997.

[4]张为.石油工程专业英语[M].石油工业出版社, 2000.

[5]贺强等.石油工程专业英语[M].石油大学出版社, 1989.

科技英语-翻译 篇7

【关键词】石油科技英语 石油地质学 翻译案例 翻译策略

【Abstract】This article is based on the translation practice on the the first chapter of classic textbook of Oslo University in Norway: Petroleum geology: From Sedimentary Environments to Rock Physics. The author selected some typical translation cases and discussed the language characteristics both in vocabulary and syntax in English for petroleum science and technology and translation strategies. By doing so can we build a bridge for people engaged in the oil industry to follow the latest developments in foreign Petroleum geology. Meanwhile we can also draw conclusions about the translation of petroleum science and technology English, deepen the understanding of translation theory and skills, and accumulate relevant translation experience.

【Key words】English for Petroleum Science and Technology; Petroleum Geoscience translation cases; translation strategies


本人在完成翻译硕士(MTI)毕业论文时,选取网上还未有译文的挪威奥斯陆大学石油地质教材Petroleum Geoscience: From SedimentaryEnvironments to Rock Physics 作为翻译项目报告的文本。该书作者是Knut Bjrlykke,2010年由Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York出版社出版。

阅读原文,笔者总结原文特点:从题材写作风格上看,原文属于石油科技英语同时又涉及物理化学等领域,专业性强,多用陈述句,表述客观、逻辑严密、行文规范、句式严谨,给人以正式、客观、可信的感觉,在内容理解上有一定难度;从语言上看,原文用词专业,术语丰富,句式复杂,被动语态和定语从句反复出现,it 结构多等;本文笔者主要从词汇和句法两个层面探讨石油科技英语的语言特点及其翻译策略。


1.大量缩略语和非言语表达体现了石油英语的简洁性。石油工程英语属于科技英语范畴,具有科技英语的共同特征:行文简洁,表达客观,内容确切、信息量大,专业性强。使用了大量首字母缩略词,例如:GWC(air-water contact)气水界面,OWC(oil-water contact)油水界面,mD (millidarcy毫达西),DST(drill stem test)中途测试,API(American Petroleum Institute)美国石油协会,LPG(1iquefied petroleum gas)液化石油气,PVT(压力,体积和温度),EOR(enhanced oil recovery)提高采收率/强化采油,OIP(oi1 in place)地下原油储量等。


首先,石油英语与其它科技文体一样也从拉丁语、希腊语中大量借用术语,包括众多石油地质方面的词汇,如矿物、海洋生物以及地质年代等。如:well-logging 测井,carbonate trap 碳酸盐岩圈闭,Chalk 白垩岩,primary porosity 原生孔隙度,spill point溢出点,the closure 闭合,cap rocks 盖岩pinching out 尖灭,growth faults 同生断层,Silurian志留纪,Permian二叠纪, the matrix permeability基质渗透率/原生渗透率,the calcite cement方解石胶结物,appraisal wells评价井,production wells 生产井,roller bit牙轮钻头等等。



3.部分词汇通俗形象幽默,翻译时要充分考虑其文化因素。石油科技英语翻译的基础是词汇的翻译。其基本词汇虽仍属于英语的共用核心部分,但在石油科技文体中,有些词汇具有丰富的文化内涵。石油工业开始于荒野,曾一度被认为是低贱下等的体力劳动,现场的工作者大多不具备较高的教育水平,对现场工作的设备的称呼通常来自最直观的感受,从而产生了很多形象而有趣的词汇,例如:用大量动物名称命名的专业技术词汇有fish(落鱼:某些钻井设备掉在井里后就被称为“落鱼”),monkey board (猴台:井架二层工作平台,因为在二层平台工作时常常攀爬,后被称猴子待的台子),bulldog(打捞矛),goose neck(鹅颈管),wildcat(野猫井,即初探井),dogleg(狗腿:指水平井开始弯曲,酷似狗腿的部分),horsehead(驴头:指抽油机的顶部,中国工程师认为它更象驴头,故不称“马头”),rat hole(鼠洞:在钻台角上用于放置方钻杆的类似鼠洞的部位),dead cathead(死猫头,上卸扣猫头)。翻译此类形象、生动、通俗词汇时要求译者不望文生义,应在了解文化信息的前提下,根据专业内容谨慎处理,准确使用。当今,翻译不仅仅被看成一种符号转换的文本活动,更被看成一种社会行为,一种文化间的交流与传通。翻译家Nida认为:“真正成功的翻译,双文化甚至比双语更重要,因为词汇只有在它们起作用的文化背景中才有意义的。”,换而言之,一位称职的翻译工作者不仅要懂得词语含义,更要懂得它们的文化意义,由此更好的促进国际间的技术交流。


1.大量使用被动语态以体现石油英语的客观性。据统计,科技英语中的谓语至少有三分之一是被动语态。科技论文注重事理和活动的客观叙述(impersonal activity seen objectively),力戒作者的主观臆断,因而常常避免提及施动者。然而英汉两种语言中被动语态的使用频率和使用方式不同,因此在英译汉时,译文中的被动语态并不一定完全遵循原文里的语态,要根据情况作适当的选择。被动语态惯用处理有四法:


例1:Very large amounts of fossil fuels are stored in organic-rich mudstones or shales that have not been buried deeply enough for the organic matter to be converted to petroleum.



例2: Barrier islands often form stratigraphic traps because they may be separated from the coast by fine-grained lagoonal facies.



例3:Structural traps that are formed by structural deformation (folding, doming or faulting) of rocks.



例4:In the ocean, the lighter components will dissolve quite rapidly, while the heavier asphalt fraction will sink to the bottom and be degraded and recycled.




例5:Where trees and plants sink into black mud, preventing them from being oxidised, there is a net contribution of oxygen to the atmosphere and a corresponding reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere.



例6:Petroleum geology comprises those geological disciplines which are of greatest significance for the finding and recovery of oil and gas.


原文是一句含有定语从句的复合句,those geological disciplines为先行词,which是关系代词,该定语从句与先行词关系紧密,所以要先翻译。







