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新编英语语法教案 篇1

Chapter One The Hierarchical Structure of Grammar Ⅰ Teaching Aims:

This chapter aims to: 1.help students to know the hierachial structure of English grammar.2.get students to learn morphemes words, phrases and sentences and their classification.Ⅱ Teaching Procedures 1.Introduction The grammatical structure of English is a hierarchical one, which can be divided into five levels, i.e.Sentence, Clause, Phrase, Word and Morpheme.A sentence is the largest unit and highest level in a grammatical structure while a morpheme is the smallest and lowest one.2.Morphemes A morpheme is the smallest unit in English grammar, and also the smallest meaningful unit of language.1)Free Morphemes Free morphemes are morphemes which can constitute words by themselves, e.g.boy, girl, work, water.2)Bound Morphemes Some morphemes like de-, dis-,-ness,-ly are never used independently in speech and writing.They are always attached to free morphemes to form new words.These morphemes are called bound morphemes.Bound morphemes are mostly affixes.Affixes are attached to free morphemes either to form new words or to indicate grammatical categories.Affixes can be divided into two types: prefixes and suffixes.3.Words 1)Simple Word, Derivative, Compound Word a)simple words(morpheme words):at, far, hand, get b)derivatives: prefixes: dislike, unhappy, pronoun, prewar suffixes: worker, widen, foolish, manly c)compound words: handbook, outline, moreover, anybody 2)According to grammatical function, English words can be classified into Closed Class and Open Class.a)Closed Class Closed class refers to all the Function words.The number of this type of words are limited.No new comers will enter into this class.Therefore, this kind of words are called Closed Class.They include:

Preposition: in, on, without

Pronoun: you, he, one, this

Determiner: a, the, his, that, some

Conjunction: and, or, but, when

Auxiliary: do, can, must, will b)Open Class Open class refers to all the Content Words.In this type of words, new words appear continuously.Therefore, they are called Open Class.They included: Noun: Smith, Paris, man, book Adjective: old, big, cheap Adverb: here, fast, early Main Verb: work, make, give 4.Phrases A phrase is a grammatical unit which is formed by one word or more than one word.A phrase is usually a string of words built up around a head word which determines both the class that the phrase belongs to and the way the phrase is structured.Noun Phrase(N P):

all the college students the tall boy sitting there Verb Phrase(V P):

looks pale arrived last night Adjective Phrase(Adj P): very difficult careful enough Adverb Phrase(Adv P):

very clearly

so slowly Preposition Phrase(P.P):

before the war in the north 5.Clauses In logical terms, a clause is a construction of a subject and a predicate.In view of grammatical relations, clauses are divided into two broad categories, the main clause and the subordinate clause, the latter of which may function as a nominal clause, a relative clause, or an adverbial clause.1)Nominal clauses He said that he had done his best.What he said was true.2)Relative clauses This is one of the best films I’ve ever seen.He failed to pass the test, which was a pity.3)Adverbial clauses If I were you, I would not quit.I was having dinner when he came.6.Sentences In terms of sentence structure, sentences can be classified into three kinds:(1)simple sentences,(2)compound sentences and(3)complex sentences.(1)You throw a stone at the window.I’ll scream.(two simple sentences)

新编英语语法教案 篇2






又比如全 书增加了 一个新的 词类——“ 限定词”(determiner),这一概念未曾出现在传统语法书中,但章振邦在《体系特征》一文中论述到“限定词作为一类功能词 (或结构词)早已在现代英语语法中确定下来。”学生理解其中内涵之后,能更好地将原先散乱的词类,如冠词,代词,名词属格等加以整理归纳,并且对某些代词,如物主代词,指示代词,不定代词等涉及的范围形成更为科学合理的认识。


初中英语教学语法教案研究 篇3

关键词:初中英语 语法 教案

中图分类号:G420 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-9795(2012)11(c)-0046-01


1 初中英语牛津版教材语法教学研究

1.1 教材分布及语法项目分析


1.2 语法内容与实践教学方式分析


2 初中英语教学语法教案实践策略

2.1 初中英语语法教案应科学呈现实践反思


2.2 明确针对性,优化教案设计


2.3 深入设计,体现创新性


3 结语




新编英语语法教案 篇4

Time Teaching Aims:

In this unit students are required to : 1)get to know some useful information concerning the topic of the reading passages in this unit and to know more about English culture;2)do some preparation activities such as discussion, group work, etc.to practice their spoken skill and communicative skills;3)grasp some new words and try to use these words which help them to enrich their vocabulary;4)read the in-class reading passage in a limited time and grasp some expressions and grammatical points in the in-class reading passage to improve their reading comprehension;5)do some post-reading exercises and some after-class reading to practice what they have got to know in class to improve their English comprehensive skills.;6)translate some typical sentences into Chinese or English by using some expressions learned in the reading passages to acquire some translating skills and better their translating abilities.I.Preparation 1.Proverb about time •Time is money.•Time is life.•Time and tide wait for no man.•To idle away one’s time amounts to killing oneself.•Everything can be bought except time.•Money lost, little lost;time lost, everything lost.Idioms •arrange one’s time

kill time •have a good time •afford the time •make up time •run out of time •save time •spare time •take one’s time •waste time •value time •make up lost time •at a time •ahead of time •behind time •for the time being •from time to time •in no time •against time(争分夺秒,尽快地)

2.Discuss the following questions 1.Are you often late for an appointment or for class? If so, for what reasons? •(No.I am always on time for appointments.I think it shows respect for other people.It’s rude to be late.If I am going to be late, I will try to let other person know.)•(Yes.But I am only a few minutes late.The reason may be that I don’t like to wait for someone else.Sometimes I’m late for class.That’s because I find getting up early in the morning really difficult.)2.Have you any suggestions for people who are always late? •(For people who are always late.I think first they should realize that it is impolite to keep others waiting.You are wasting other people’s time and you are giving them a bad impression.You should always pretend that the appointment is five or ten minutes earlier than it actually is.You can find someone such as a roommate to remind you of the appointment or class so that you won’t forget the time.If you find it difficult to get up in the morning, you should have an alarm clock.You might also get into the habit of getting up early to do morning exercises.II.Passage-Reading Activities 1.Finishing reading the passage within 16 minutes, and point out the main idea of the passage.2.Filling the blanks in the reading comprehension exercises.3.Language Points 1)to interact with sb/sth: to act on each other;to have an effect on each other or sth else •相互影响/作用/交流

•a scientist studying the complex way in which people interact with each other at parties(研究人们在聚会中互相交往的复杂方式的社会学家)

•All things are interrelated(相互关联的)and interacted with each other.•Help parents interact with their babies •(帮助父母与幼儿一起活动和沟通)

2)to insist on: to declare firmly(when opposed)坚持说,强调

•I insisted to everyone that he was wrong.•I insisted on my correctness.•to insist on: to order(sth.to happen)坚持要求,一定要 •I insisted on him going.•He insisted on her staying in London.•Then she insisted on John keeping silence.•to insist that…(should)do/be… •I insisted that he go with us.3)synchonize with(cause to)happen at the same time, speeds etc.使…同步

•The sound on a film must synchronize with the action.影片中的声音必须与动作配合一致。•The voyages of discovery synchronized with the emergence of capitalist economy.发现新大陆的航海与资本主义经济的出现同时发生。

4)in unison with sb/sth;in the same pitch •acting together in close agreement齐奏,齐唱,一致,协调

•The banks have acted in unison with the building societies in lowering interest rates.银行降低利率来配合房屋建筑协会的行动。

•The feet of marching soldiers move in unison.•When people sing in unison they sing the same tune at the same time---ie.They don’t sing in pairs.5)to bring back  return or cause to return •All the library books must be brought back before June 20.•Bring us back our books.[same as return]  obtain and return with 带回来

•When you go to the post office, will you please bring me some stamps back? •You bring something back from somewhere. cause to return to the mind使回想起

•Something brings back memories if it reminds you of past times.•The place brought back memories of happier times. cause to return(to health, existence etc)使恢复

•to bring back to life/health使复生/恢复健康

•And anyway he was dead, I couldn’t bring him back to life.If you say that a dead person cannot be brought back you mean they cannot be made to live again.6)to differ from…(in): to be unlike

• Things or people differ if they are unlike each other.• The twins look alike ,but differ in personality.• Wisdom differs from cunning.• John differs from his brothers in any ways.• to differ: disagree(持不同意见,有分歧)• People differ about something when they disagree.• He differed with his brother about/on a political question.7)to frown on/upon sth.: disapprove of sth不赞同,不同意,不许可

• People frown on or upon something if they disapprove of it.Smoking is frowned on at most public gatherings.• Gambling is frowned on by some church authorities.• My parents always frown on late nights out.to frown at sb./sth.: bring the eyebrows together皱眉

• You frown when you draw your eyebrows together in worry, disapproval or deep thought.• He frowned angrily at me.• She read through the letter, frowning at its contents.她把信看完一遍,从头到尾双眉紧锁。

• She was frowning with concentration.8)priority(over):right to do/have sth.before others优先(地位),更大重要性 • This project has priority over all others.• Military personnel often have priority over civilians.• The badly wounded take priority for medical attention over those slightly hurt.• One person or thing has priority when they have the right to be dealt with or be put first to get your priorities right: to understand what is most important and should be dealt with first • The health service should get its priorities right and concentrate on making people better, rather than trying to save money.9)to summon up • If you summon up your courage, your strength or the energy to do sth, you make a great effort to be courageous or have enough strength or energy to it.• I couldn’t summon up the courage to tell him.• to summon up: to gather /call together召唤,召集

• The shareholders were summoned to a general meeting.已召集股东开全体大会.10)in harmony with sb/sth.: in agreement with 和…一致,协调一致,相配 • His tastes are in harmony with mine.• He lives in harmony with his neighbors.他与邻居和谐相处。

• We must ensure that tourism develops in harmony with the environment.• My cat and dog never fight---they live together in perfect harmony.• [the opposite out of harmony]

III.Post-Reading Activities 1. Finish the reading comprehension exercises on page 2000 and 2001.2. Finish the vocabulary exercises on page 2002 and 2003.3. Translation • He insists/insisted on driving her home.• I am also aware of the importance of completing the task on schedule.• All things are interrelated and interact with each other.• I think of him as someone who will always help me.• The twins look alike, but differ in personality • We must ensure that tourism develops in harmony with the environment.• I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them.• Does it never occur to you that I might like to be on my own occasionally? 4.Writing Write a description of an event when time seemed to pass extremely fast or slow.Try to focus on your perceptions of time.Your composition should be no less than 120 words.Sample

Time Flies

新编英语语法教案 篇5

Unit 1(1)Greeting and Introducing People

Teaching purposes:

1.The students should be able to understand greeting and introducing people and make a short conversation to greet and introduce other people.2.The students should be able to communicate personal information.3.The students should be able to master some words and expressions in greeting and introducing people.(Key words and expressions: welcome, present a project report, business card, on business, care for, introduce)Teaching procedures: I.Talking face to face II.Being all ears III.Assignment I.Talking Face to Face Step 1 Lead-in: business cards.1.Warm-up questions:

1)When are business cards exchanged between people? 2)What are usually written on business cards? 3)When do people use passports?

2.Students read and translate the business cards under the guidance of the teacher.Sample1:

International Exchange Section Binhai Foreign Languages School

Prof.Lu Yang


Address:5 Binhai Road, Binhai City, 116000 Tel & Fax: 0411-4673289

E-mail: FLI603@pub.bl.lnpta.net.cn Sample2:

Binhai Electronics Ltd.Li Tiegang

Electronics Engineer Address: No.50Chang-Jiang, Binhai E-mail: ltg6@pub.bl.lnpta.net.cn Tel: 0411-4673289 Handphone: *** Step 2 Sample dialogue: 1.Warm-up questions:

1)How much do you know about the way Americans greet people and give responses? 2)How much do you know about the way Americans exchange their personal information? 3)How much do you know about the the Americans say good-bye to each others? 4)How much do you know about the the Americans introduce themselves to each other? Students speak out the sentences and expressions under the guidance of the teacher.2.Students read the sample dialogues after the teacher and try to find out the useful sentences and expressions for greeting people in the dialogue.Practice the following sentences:

1)Ladies and gentlemen, now let me introduce to you the renowned football star David Beckham.2)Businessmen often exchange business cards to each other when they meet for the first time.3)Would you care for a cup of coffee with me?

4)Our American English teacher told us to call her by her first name instead of her family name.Step 3 Students practice the dialogues in groups.1.Give students several minutes to prepare short conversations in pairs by simulating the five small dialogues.(P 3 in students’ book)

2.Students role-play the similar situations they create, first in groups, and then in front of the class.e.g.Please make a dialogue according to requirements.Task: Imagine you are Zhang and you meet Mr.Smith, an English teacher from the USA at the airport for the first time.The following dialogue is provided for your reference.Zhang: Hello, are you Prof.Smith from the United States?

Mr.Smith: Yes, Robert Smith.Please call me Robert.Thanks for coming to meet me at the airport.Zhang: My pleasure.Welcome to China.My name is Zhang Lin.You can call me Zhang.Here is my card.Mr.Smith: Thank you.Here is mine.And this is my wife.Zhang: How do you do, Mrs.Smith?

Mrs.Smith: How do you do? It’s nice to meet you.Please call me Mary.Zhang: How was the journey, Mary?

Mrs.Smith: Well, it was Ok, although a little tiring.Zhang: Then let’s get your luggage and go to the hotel now.Mr.Smith: Oh, thank you.It’s very kind of you.3.Students do Put-in-Use exercises in groups by reading out lout all the three dialogues they have completed.II.Being All Ears Dialogue 1:

Teaching Procedure(It aims to train the students with proper listening strategies.)

Pre-listening: provide the students with the new words and expressions;read through the questions and the chart in exercise 1 and 2, and make some predictions as to the content of the dialogue.While-listening: ask the students to listen to the dialogue for the first time and ask them just to understand the main idea of the dialogue not to finish the exercises;listen to the dialogue again and ask them to finish exercise 1;ask the students to repeat the dialogue sentence by sentence after the tape while the teacher will press the button “pause” on the tape recorder;listen to the dialogue as a whole for the last time.Post-listening: ask the students to finish exercises, i.e.answering questions.This step aims to change listening to speaking.Notes: The following dialogue and the passage listening can be done in a more or less similar procedure.III.Assignments

1)Pair work: Prepare conversations about introducing oneself to other members of the groups.2)Do all the exercises in the section.Unit1(2)The Way Americans Greet Teaching purposes: 1.Understand the two passages as a whole;

2.Learn to use the strategy of scanning to locate specific information in a passage(reading skills development).3.Master some useful expressions in Passage I(Key words and expressions: greet, speaking of , leave a …impression on, prefer…to…, get/become acquainted with)Teaching procedures: I.Passage I II.Assignment

I.Passage I: The Way Americans Greet Step 1 Warm-up questions:

1.What is the common way for Chinese people to greet others?

(In greeting people, they usually ask personal questions to show intimacy, such as: “Have you had your lunch/dinner? / Where are you going? / What did you do last night?)2.How do Americans greet each other?

(They use greeting clichés like “Hi/Hello/Good morning!/How are you?/How do you do?/ Nice to meet you!/ How is everything going on? Step 2 Students read the passage

1.Comprehension Questions(The students will be asked some compression questions after they have skimmed the passage to help them develop reading strategies.)①.What does an informal greeting really mean to Americans? ②.Why don’t most Americans like using titles in introductions?

③.What do your American friends want to show when they address you with your first name? ④.Why do Americans ask you some personal questions?

Or: The teacher asks one question for each paragraph and the students read the passage paragraph and give their answers to the teacher’s questions:(参考教参P27和ppt.)

In this step, some related information will be provided for the students.)Formation of Common English Names

A common English name is usually composed of two or three parts: the first name is also called forename.If the person is a Christian, his first name will be given at his baptism, so it is also called the given name or the Christian name.Middle name is the second given name.When written, middle name is often shortened to the initial letter.Surname is often the father’s family name, so it is also called family name or last name.For example: Anne Louise Strong, George W.Bush.Step 3 Students summarize the informal ways American use for greeting and bidding farewell in Passage 1.(参考教参Page 27 and ppt.)

Step 4 Students read Paragraph 2 loudly and then complete the following sentences without looking at the passage.(参考ppt.)

Step 5 Students do dictation practice of Paragraph 3.Step 6 Explain the passage in detail 1)Difficult sentences:

①(Title)The Way American Greet

Analysis: In this title, “in which” is omitted after The Way.“in… way” means(to do something)by means of a certain method.Translation: 美国人的致意方式

Example: I think the way she studies is worth studying.②(Para.1)Speaking of „ time, I’ve got to run.Analysis: “Speaking of” is a present participle clause used as an adverbial of cause/time.It means “when it comes to time, I’m reminded of …” Translation: 说到时间,我得赶紧跑了。

Example: a.Speaking of English, I’ve go to a class.谈到英语,我得上课去了。

b.Speaking of business cards, I’ve got to print some more now.谈到名片,我现在得再印一些。

③(Para 2)However, American introductions are usually rather simple.Analysis: However is a conjunct to denote a contrast of this sentence to the previous one.It means “然而,可是” in Chinese.Translation: 然而美国式的介绍通常相当简单。

Example: a.In China, family relationships are usually rather close.在中国,家庭关系通常都很紧密。

b.In my hometown, companies are usually rather small.在我家乡,公司通常都很小。

④(Para 2)“Glad to meet you.I’m Miller.But call me Paul.” Analysis: Miller is the family name and Paul is the given name.Addressing others by their given name usually implies a sort of informal and friendly relationship.Translation: 比起正式称呼,大部分情形下他们更喜欢直呼其名。

Example: a.These boys prefer football to basketball.比起蓝球来,这些男孩子们更喜欢足球。

b.I prefer Chinese food to Western food.比起西餐来,我更喜欢中国食品。

⑤(Para 3)But Americans do sometimes ask such questions.Analysis: Do is used here to emphasize the following verb.It means “的的确确,真的”

Translation: 但是美国人有时确实会问此类问题。

Example: I do appreciate your help.⑥(Para 3)In this way they can get better acquainted with you and have a topic for beginning a friendly conversation with you.Analysis: And is used here to introduce a coordinate clause, which further develops the topic being discussed.Translation: 他们想要得到你对这些询问的回答,这样就能更多地了解你,并以此为开端与你友好地侃上一场。

Example: In this way you can improve your spoken English and do(2)Useful Words and Expressions

①.Greet: v.say words of welcome to, express one’s feelings on receiving sb.Example: It is important for the students to learn how to greet people in English.Practice: a.我们经常用微笑表达喜悦。

We often express our happiness with a smile.b.她说话经常带浓重的乡音。

She often speaks with a strong local accent.②.Similarly: 同样

Example: Similarly, there are also many proverbs in Chinese.Practice: a.同样,格林教授也无法忍耐惰性。

Similarly, Professor Green couldn’t bear laziness.b.同样,他们也不愿意依赖他人。

Similarly, they don’t want to depend upon others.③.To sb.:对某人来说

Example: To the parents, a healthy child is the most essential thing.Practice: a.对一个商人来说,利润是最重要的事。

To a businessman, profit is the most important thing.b.对我来说,一个幸福的家庭是最有价值的东西。

To me, a happy family is the most valuable thing.④.leave an impression on/upon sb.给某人留下印象

leave a deep/good/nice impression on/upon sb.Example: 一个友好的问候会使谈话有一个良好的开端。

A friendly greeting will make a good beginning for a talk.Practice: 一个幽默的句子会给一堂课增添一股活力(lively touch)。

A humorous sentence will give a lively touch to the lesson.⑤.such: 如此的,这样的

Example: Such a life may be too hard to the little girl.Practice: a.这样的结局对我来说是太匆忙了。

Such an ending maybe too hasty to me.b.这样一种天气对游客来说是太热了。

Such weather maybe too hot to the tourists.⑥.acquaint: v.make familiar with, get to know, reveal to sb.结识,认识

Example: You should try to acquaint him with the facts of the case.Practice: a.I have become acquainted with my new duties.b.The overseas students have make themselves acquainted with their Chinese peers.⑦.prefer: v.like better, would rather do 更喜欢,宁愿

Example: I prefer to have the meeting in the morning rather than in the afternoon.Practice: Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? II.Assignments

1.Students tell the way the Americans greet.2.Recite the first paragraph of Passage I.3.Finish all the exercises in this section.Unit1(3)A Little about Me Teaching purposes: 1.Writing a business card.2.Master the basic sentence structures.3.Learn to use the strategy of scanning to locate specific information in passage II.Teaching procedures: I.Passage II II.Applied writing

III.Sentence Writing and Grammar Review IV.Assignment

I.Passage II: A Little about Me Step 1 Warm-up activity:

T: First ask the students the question “If you write a short passage to introduce yourself, which aspects should be included in it?” and then make some conclusions as follows:

Self-introduction can be made according to different requirements and should be appropriate in different situations.Generally speaking, such aspects as name, personality, interests, appearance, etc.are included.1.The teacher asks a few students to introduce some of their classmates and lets the other student guess who they are.Words for describing appearance and characteristics.(参考教材P28和ppt)Step 2 Students read the passage.T: Today we’ll read a passage concerning self-introduction from which we can get a glimpse of how to write a self-introduction.Step 3 Students try to describe Mike according to the information given in the passage.(教参P29和ppt.)Step 4 Acting out

The students work in pairs to make up and act out an interview between a reporter form the college radio station and Mike Adams about his life and work in China.Step 5 Language points:

1.move to : to go from one residence or location to another e.g.The pressures of city life forced him to move to the countryside 2.be kind to :to be friendly, generous, or warm-hearted e.g.The doctor is always kind to the patients.3.change one’s mind: to reverse a previously held opinion or an earlier decision e.g.The old man is very stubborn and it’s difficult for him to change his mind.4.have everything under control: everything is controlled by … e.g.Some parents want to have everything of their children under control.5.look neat and tidy: to be clean and in order

e.g.She spends a few hours cleaning her house everyday.So it always looks neat and tidy.II.Applied Writing Trying Your Hand

1.Sample analysis: The teacher summarizes the format and the language used in business card.2.The teacher introduce some items often included in a business card.3.Simulated writing and create exercise.III.Sentence Writing and Grammar Review.1.英语五种基本句型列式如下:

基本句型一: S V(主+谓)

基本句型二: S V P(主+谓+表)

基本句型三: S V O(主+谓+宾)

基本句型四: S V o O(主+谓+间宾+直宾)

基本句型五: S V O C(主+谓+宾+宾补)

2.Students do Exercises 5,6 and 7.IV.Assignments

新编英语语法教案 篇6



(1)能够说,认识和口头运用happy, sad, cold hot tired

(2)使学生能理解并能口头回答How do you feel? I feel_____.2、能力目标:



二、教学重、难点: 教学重点:单词和句子

教学难点:学生对于“How do you feel ”和“Do you feel happy?”的区分。




Step 1:Greeting and Review(1)Hello!How are you?

(2)Sing a song“How are you?”(老师和同学之间边握手边唱)Step 2:New Concept

(1)T:Do you feel happy? I feel happy!(唱完歌曲,自然引出happy,让学生先感知)Okay ,today we’ll learn our new lesson.(2)把表示高兴的卡片贴在黑板上,或是画一个笑脸,让学生自然的说出笑,或是高兴的,然后播放录音,让学生通过录音模仿happy的读音,板书,分组读单词,并且做动作。以此方法教授sad。

(3)“小老师”领读单词,“Quickly answer”快速单词卡。(两个词都比较简单,练习时间不用很长。)(4)老师做动作,带表情说句子。“I’m happy(可做高兴状)”,“I’m sad(可做伤心状)”。学完单词后,我们只要做出这个动作,学生就能很容易的说出这个句子,鼓励学生大胆模仿。T: I’m happy接着说I feel happy!引出feel,板书这个句子,feel用彩色粉笔写,领读feel。

(5)出示歌谣:Happy、Happy、Happy!Sad、Sad、Sad!I feel happy!I feel sad!边做表情边说歌谣。

(6)利用手偶,教师可用不同的声音模仿Jenny 和Li Ming 的对话;引出句子,Do you feel happy? 学生上讲台当小老师,领读句子。(利用手偶引入新知,直观、有效)和学生做几组练习。然后,用Danny 和Li Ming 的手偶演示下一个小对话,板书How do you feel ? 练习。小组分别练习这两个句子,表演。(由于这里是难点,所以要分开练习。)

(7)Game:准备两张圆片,一张画笑脸,一张画哭脸,背对背粘在一根小棍上。找一名自告奋勇者到前面转动小棍,同时全班提问How do you feel? 问完即停止转动,哪一面面向大家,该生就要回答出那一面的感觉,如I feel happy.(8)T: Are you tired? 你们累了吗? 学唱歌曲How do you feel?

Step 3:homework

1、自己画一幅自己的画像,标出Happy 或是Sad,板书设计

Lesson 13: How do you feel? How do you feel?




cold tired I feel ____.Lesson 14 My Body







二、教学重、难点: 教学重点:单词和句子




1Stand up!活动一下我们的Body!

老师先领着锻炼,Head、head 动一动,head、head; Hand、hand摇一摇,hand、hand;arm、arm 晃一晃,arm、arm;leg、leg抬一抬,leg、leg;foot、foot 跺一跺,foot、foot;身体body锻炼好,妈妈夸我好宝宝。

(2)然后出示利用人体挂图,放录音,学单词head, hand, arm, leg, foot;出示刚才的歌谣,让学生做动作自由朗读。

3)趣味操练:有三种游戏可选择:①可师生一起来做“Simon says”游戏,让学生动口、动手来练习身体部位单词;②也可利用 Chant 来激发兴趣,如arm-arm-hand,leg-leg-foot等边做动作边说的形式,调动学生的热情。③还可以全班分组做“Joining game”游戏,当把两个部位连接起来变得困难时,就会出现有意思的场面,看看谁能首先完成这些动作而又不手忙脚乱。如:Hand and head!Foot and hand!Head and leg!

4)学习第三部分英文歌曲前师生可以一起做动作练习短语:clap your hands, stamp your foot, wave your arm, shake your leg;歌曲曲调学生已经很熟悉,在歌词读熟练的情况下,可放音乐学生自己跟唱。

Lesson 16:Warm,Cool

一、教学目标 ●语言知识











Step I Class Opening

Sing a song “Do the Hokey Pokey”.Step II New Concepts 1Warm or cool?

(1)Let the students touch a piece of ice and ask“How do you feel?” S1:I feel cold.S2:I’m cold.(学生表现出寒冷哆嗦的样子)

(2)Let the students get close to the flame and ask “How do you feel?” S1:I feel hot.S2:I’m hot.S3:Ouch, hot!


(3)Let the students touch a glass of warm water and ask“How do you feel?Do you feel warm?” Ss:Yes,I feel warm.(4)Let the students pass the glass of warm water.The one who gets it should tell his/her feelings.S1:I feel warm.S2:I’m warm.(5)Fan the students and ask“How do you feel?Do you feel cool?” S1:I feel cool.S2:I’m cold.(6)Let one student fan another one and ask “How do you feel?/Do you feel cool?/Are you cool?”引导前面的同学用扇子给后面的同学扇风。边扇动扇子边问:

a:How do you feel? b:Do you feel cool? c:Are you cool?

(7)Write the new words on the blackboard and practice.① read by themselves ② read in pairs

(找几组同学到前面来演示。一个说单词warm,一个表现出冬天穿上棉衣时温暖的感觉;一个说单词cool,一个表现出炎热的夏季吃冰淇淋的样子。学生配合得很默契。)③ read one by one ④ read together 2What is it?

(1)Let the students touch my hands and ask“How do you feel?”Then put up two hands and ask“What are they?”

Ss:I feel warm.Ss:They are hands.(2)Point to the shoulder and ask“Whats this?”(学生摇摇头,显出疑问的样子。)T:Its a shoulder.(手指一个肩膀)Ss:Shoulder.(学生惊喜地瞪大了眼睛)T:They are shoulders.(双手指两个肩膀)Ss:Shoulders.(3)Put a picture of body on the blackboard and teach the new word“shoulder”.(齐读,小组读,个别读,一条龙读)

(4)Let the students look at the picture and study the other new words:stomach, elbow,knee,toe and finger.(个别学生发音困难。针对这一问题,我用口腔侧面图来演示舌头在口腔里的运动,使学生准确发音。)




(5)Put the cards on the picture of body and practice.① read one by one ② read by themselves ③ read in pairs Step III Consoliation 1Play a game.老师说单词,学生指向相应的身体部位;老师指身体部位,学生说出对应的单词。可以加上head,eye,ear,mouth,nose,left,right这些已经学过的词。2Sing a song.(边唱边指向身体的各个部位)

3引导学生换掉身体部位的词语填上自己的歌词。(边唱边表现出相应的表情)Step IV Class Closing

Let the studeats put the feeling words in their new song.Sing the song to their friends and their parents.六、板书设计

Lesson 16:Warm,Cool warm--------cool

shoulder stomach elbow knee finger toe 课后反思:

Lesson 17 Are You Okay ?




How are you? I feel sick.My ____hurts./ I have a ____ache.Are you okay?Yes/No.What’s the matter? I curt/hurt my ____.2、情感与态度:






How are you? I feel sick.My ____hurts./ I have a ____ache.Are you okay?Yes/No.What’s the matter? I curt/hurt my ____.三、教学难点:


四、教具:椅子、录音机、手偶、医用白大褂 教学过程:


Hello,boys and girls.How are you? How do you feel?

二、唱<> 达到既复习又活跃课堂气氛的目的。



How are you? I feel sick.My ____hurts./ I have a ____ache.Are you okay?Yes/No.What’s the matter? I curt/hurt my ____.可用Touch your ____.句式进行此游戏,以复习身体部位单词。



四、教授How are you? I feel sick.My ____hurts./ I have a ____ache.1、示范

2、利用一手偶与师完成下列对话: 手偶:How are you,today?

师:I feel sick.Sick.I am sick.Sick.(配合动作和表情)让学生重复sick.用自己的身体部位演示:My ____hurts./ I have a ____ache(ear, head ,stomach)如可捧着头说:My head hurts./I have a headache.出示句子及单词让学生重复说。



Are you okay?Do you feel sick?

What’s the matter? I curt/hurt my ____.1、示范


师:How do you feel? Do you feel sick?

手偶:My ____hurts./ I have a ____ache./I cut my ____.2、教给学生用How do you feel?或Are you okay?作为一般问候语来询问别人的健康状况,以示关心。关心他人是我们应具有的一种美德。

向学生说明cut 用来描述任何如小刀之类锋利东西的动作。What’s the matter?一般是护士或医生询问病情时的句子。出示nurse,认读。





6、小组展示对话 板书设计:

Lesson17: Are You Okay? I feel sick.My _____hurts.How are you?

I feel sick.I have a ____ache.Are you okay?Yes/No.What’s the matter?

Lesson18:Look at ME 教学目标:


能力目标: 通过本课的学习,使学生能正确表述头发的颜色、曲直、长短。情感目标: 通过过游戏、歌曲等多种活动,激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣。教学重、难点:

教学重点:使学生掌握hair,long,short,straight,curcle,blond,big,little等词汇。教学难点:使学生能正确表述头发的颜色、曲直、长短。教具、学具:自制头饰、poster、录音机等等 教学过程

Step 1:Class Opening and Review 1.Sing “Head,shoulders,knees,toes”

2.Greetings: Hello!Nice to see you again!3.Game: “Simon says” 垫。

Step 2:New Concepts


(1)呈现新知识:教师由上一环节的游戏引出:“Simon says,touch your head.”“Class, what’s on your head? Do you know?”“hair, this is hair,”教师引导学生练习hair。

(2)教师在黑板画简笔画,呈现几个小朋友的头部,边画头发,边呈现新单词long, short, straight, curly.例如:“Look at the girl, her hair is long.”“ Look at the boy, his hair is short.”“Look!She has straight hair.” “Look!He has curly hair.”(3)练习:

a.Look, listen and judge:教师手指简笔画,让学生在最短的时间内判断出“long or short”“straight or curly”

b.Listen and draw: 学生根据教师提示在纸上画不同的头发。

c.Describe the different hair: 让学生们把自己画的头发用英文描述出来。(4)What colour is your hair?

a.回到黑板上的四副简笔画,先让学生集体描述不同的头发:“He/She has __长短_ _曲直_ hair.”然后教师继续提问“What colour is his/her hair?”同时用彩色粉笔在头发上涂色,引出black, brown, red, blond,重点教读blond.b.Song(自编):(用“两只老虎”的曲调)

A Long hair ,short hair;Long hair ,short hair, My hair’s _____ My hair’s _____

B Straight hair, curly hair;Straight hair, curly hair;Straight hair, curly hair;My hair’s ____ My hair’s _____.C What colour’s your hair? What colour’s your hair? My hair’s ____ My hair’s _____.(5)Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.(L21,N1—N2)(6)综合运用:


例如:Look!My hair is long/short.My hair is curly/straight.My hair is _颜色.B.拓展:(机动)让学生描述一下自己的头发。例如: I have ___长短___ ____曲直__ __颜色 hair.设计意图:综合运用学习的新知识,并能用完整的句子描述自己的头发,达到真正的学习致用。

2、long short big little

①教师呈现图片,提问:Look at them.Who are they? 让学生用中文说出,从而引出big , little.②Drill:


T: What is this?(画上一个器官)Ss: It is a.T: Is it a big or a little ?

Ss: It is a big It is a little.T: Yes.It is a big little.Say it after me.Ss: A big little.然后给一些脸画上长的或短的胳臂、腿、手指、脚趾,给一些头上画上长短发继续引导对话:

T: What is this?

Ss: It is long short hairarmslegs….③出示poater(同书上L21,N3),让学生们用英文描述。Step3: Class closing


2、Homework: 画一画你及你家人的头(头发),讲学习的新单词在图上标出,并用英文给自己的家人描述一下。板书设计

Lesson18 Look at Me

long hair short hair straight hair curly hair 课后反思:




(1)复习arm,body,ear,foot,hand,elbow,eye,finger,head,knee,leg, mouth,nose,toe,shoulder等身体部位名称的单词


How are you? I am(I’m)____.How do you feel? I feel____.Are you okay?Yes/No.What’s the matter? I cut /hurt my ____.等句式。






教具、学具:自制教具,录音机,教学课件,学生自制单词卡等 教学过程:

Step 1:Class Opening

Greeting:“How are you? Boys and girls!Do you feel happy or sad?” Sing“If you are happy and you know it” Step 2:Review 1.body

A.Give the order:(由浅入深)Touch your head.Touch your arm.Touch your left foot.Point to your right ear.Put your fingers on your toes.Open your mouth.Close your eyes.教师发出指令,学生们快速反应。B.Game: “Go fish”


2、head,hair, eyes

(1)Draw a body,a face,two big eyes, little red nose,a mouth, long black straight hair,long arms, little hands,short legs and big feet.(2)Ask and answer: 同学自由结组,带上课前老师准备好的头套及眼睛道具,互相进行询问,例如:S1:Look at my hair.S2:Your hair is……

S1:Look at my eyes.S2:Your eyes are……


a.课件呈现不同感觉的图片,与学生们用“歌谣”的形式问答练习,例如:How does he/she feel? He/She feels ……

设计意图:让学生们在有节奏的说说唱唱中较好的掌握表示感觉的词汇happy,sad,hot,cold,warm,cool等。b.Game:Guessing game

两人一组到台前,一人做动作,一人面向同学猜,“Is he/ she ………?”同学们用“Yes 或No”来回应。Step 3:Test


Lesson24: Again,Please!(课件呈现)Are you ____?

上一篇:写景要抓住景物的特点 教学设计下一篇:小学德育心得体会