
2024-07-18 版权声明 我要投稿


主持稿中英文 篇1

R:Ladies and gentlemen.R&X: Welcome to our English Corner!LMN: 尊敬的校领导,各位外宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家晚上好!

X: In order to inspire the students‟ interest in learning English and to improve our spoken English, our School Ministry of Education and the Teaching and Research Group of Senior English have launched the English Corner.They have provided us with more opportunities to practice our Oral English as well as our real communicative skills in a pure English language environment.I believe all the students will appreciate your consideration.Thank you all.LMN:为了激发同学们学习英语的兴趣、提高我们的英语口语能力,总校教育部和高中英语组发起了本次“英语角”活动。他们想方设法为我们提供了纯正的英语环境,让我们能够练习口语,提高英语交际能力。

R: It‟s our great honor to be today‟s host and hostess.My name is Zhao Rui.X: My name is Xu Hang.I hope everyone here will have a nice time today.LMN: 我是梁漫妮,很荣幸能主持今天的活动。

R: Now please allow me to introduce the honorable guests present here today.They are Ms.Ouyang Xi, on behalf of the School Ministry of Education;总校教育部欧助理;Ms.Zhang Shanshan, also from the School Ministry of Education;总校教育部张珊珊女士; Mr.Yu Yuebin, from the Strategy Department of our school;总校企划部余跃斌主任;Ms.Ma Huaying of the English Teaching and Research Group.高中英语教研组马化英老师。接下来介绍我校几位靓丽的外教。X: Let me introduce our lovely and respectable foreign teachers.Rose Anne from Ireland;爱尔兰外教露丝安妮 ;Nadya from Ukraine;乌克兰外教娜迪亚; Richard from England;英格兰外教理查德;and Matt from the USA;以及美国外教马特.Let‟s show them our warmest welcome to all of them for their great support.(cheers and applause)R: Do you want to know our foreign teachers?(Yes!!)Do you want to make friends with them?(Yes!!)OK.Let‟ s welcome them to introduce themselves.(cheers and applause)(The foreign teachers introduce themselves one after another.The last one asks 2 or 3 students to introduce themselves as well in return so that they can make friends with each other.)(When that finishes, the host or hostess passes the Microphone to You Zhangming who is seated at the desk with her desk-mate on the side of the stage.Quietly a short play begins.)Game 1【Short Play】

You Zhangming: “I‟m a new student here.My parents are working in our hometown very far away.So far I have only one friend here.She is my desk-mate.Whenever I come across a problem in study, I will turn to her for help.She is very kind and patient.Except her, I dare not ask anybody else questions.I‟m not good at some courses and I‟m afraid that other people will laugh at me or tease me.I hope that I will have many good friends here one day, but who should I trust and make friends with?”

Some students come onto the stage and gather around the little girl.They talk with her, send her gifts, help her carry the school bag, make faces to amuse her, etc.Finally, she smiles and began to laugh happily with the words “I‟m very happy with so many good friends.”

The foreign teacher,(), comes onto the stage to tell everybody the truth of real friendship – Friendship is about sharing.A real friend is someone who makes you happy.X: Thanks,().Thank you for telling us the truth of friendship.At the same time, I have a question for all of you.Can you precisely describe what your friend looks like in English? Now()is going to play a game with us to see whether we know our friends well.The game is called „Find Your Friend‟.Welcome!Game 2:

The foreign teacher(R)walks onto the stage with 3 or 4 pictures of different faces together with3 or 4 volunteers.He/ she asks them to hold the pictures in front of themselves to cover their faces.Then he/ she allows another 3 or 4 students to describe what their friends look like.After each description, the foreign teacher asks the audience which one his/ her friend is.If he/ she makes it, he/ she will be allowed to come onto the stage to make friends with the one holding the picture.When that finishes, the host or hostess comes to the stage.R: Have you found your friend?(Yes!!/ Not yet!!)If I am your friend, please take me to your heart.Now, my dear friends.Coming up next is a song called “Take Me to Your Heart” performed by He Shuo and Zhu Junxian.Let‟s enjoy the happy moment together!

LMN: 如果我是你的朋友,那就请你把我留在你心中。接下来由何朔和朱俊贤为大家献上英文歌曲《把我留在你心中》。

(Music & singing begin and the students can sing along.)R: Thank you for your wonderful performance.A life without a friend is a life without sunshine.X: Yes.A long long journey is no longer boring and winding with a good company.So far how do you understand friendship? Do you know how to make friends? Now let us welcome another honored guest()from()to give us a talk about friendship and how to make friends.(The foreign teacher asks 5~8 questions and choose any volunteer to answer them.)

1.Have you ever made any friends on the Internet? 2.Have you seen them in person? 3.How do you maintain a good friendship? 4.What is a good friend? 5.What do you usually do together? 6.What should a friend never do? 7.What do you like best about your friend? 8.Do you fight or quarrel with your friend?(Then the guest asks if the students have any questions to ask him/ her in return and offer immediate and brief answers.)1.____________________________________________________________________________________? 2.____________________________________________________________________________________?

R: Thank you very much.I believe everyone here must have a clear understanding of friendship right now.Let‟s welcome()from Class __ Senior 1 to share with us his/ her brilliant thoughts.LMN: 相信在座的各位对于友谊肯定都有了更加清晰的理解。下面我们欢迎来自高一____班的________同学来为大家阐述友谊的真谛。

Individual Speech-1.……..X: What a wonderful speech!At this very moment,()from Class __ Senior 2 would also like to present his/ her personal opinions about friendship.Welcome!

LMN:(简单点评……)下面我们欢迎来自高二____班的________同学来为大家谈谈自己对友谊别样的感悟。Individual Speech-2.……..R: That‟s really excellent!Once a friend is made, we should be kind and helpful to each other in order to maintain the new friendship, to keep it longer.If you stay away from your friends for a long time, will you forget them or will you keep in touch with them? Following up next is our New friend()from __________.He/ she will lead us to sing a very famous English song named Auld Lang Syne.Let‟s all rise, cross our arms and hold our hands close together.LMN: 以诚相待,友谊长青!我们欢迎外教_____________ 带领大家共同唱响《友谊地久天长》。请大家起立,双臂交叉,与两边的同学手拉手。

(The foreign teacher leads the song and everybody sings together.)

主持稿中英文 篇2


2010年上海举办世博会, 这是中国人民历史上的一件大事, 为了把上海2010年世博会办成一个成功的世博会, 我们必须关注上海世博会英文宣传稿这一重要问题, 同时应以这一重要历史事件为契机, 进一步完善我国对外传播的翻译实践的现状。


1. 优秀的英文稿能有效地宣传上海世博会

翻译是人类有目的的行为, 就翻译的本质而言, 起主要作用的是译文在译语文化中所要达到的交际目的。翻译的最终目的就是要使读者或听者接受相关信息, 译文的功能就是在译语语境中发挥预期的作用。它旨在向不懂中文, 但却关注中国的受众提供第一手真实的信息, 以帮助外国受众了解中国相关事务, 并对中国形成一个正确的认识。在今日“地球村”翻译的涵盖范围几乎涉及各个领域:政治、经济、社会、文化等, 无论涉及什么领域只有优秀的翻译稿才能真正有效地传达相关信息, 达到既有效度又有信度的对外传播的目的。当然, 对外传播的工作者如能直接操纵相关的异族语言, 那是最理想的境界。但是, 目前我国的现状往往是先由编辑选定中文稿件, 然后交给译者, 最后由译者完成整个信息传播的翻译过程。因此, 翻译质量就成为有效对外传播的一个重要因素, 而上海世博会的优秀英文稿就是中国人民向世界各国人民正确有效宣传世博会的一大重要途径。

2. 优秀的英文稿能保证上海世博会的正常进行

迄今为止世博会已有150多年的历史, 世博会是人类文明最新发展的成果展示大舞台。世博会作为一个世界性的博览会起到了推进各国间的经济、文化和科学技术交流与发展的极大作用。我国是世界贸易组织的成员, 在中国举办如此高级别的世界博览会毫无疑问具有重大历史意义。中国申博成功以来, 各项相关工作逐渐展开, 而对外正确传播这一重大事件理所当然地成为上海人民的一大重要任务。毋庸置疑, 优秀的英文编译稿在承办世博会中能起到良好的指南作用, 协调各项工作的作用并有利于各国人民积极参与世博会, 从各个方面保证世博会的正常进行。


1. 我国翻译界的传统译论

提及翻译理论人们极易想到极具影响的近代严复的“信、达、雅”;现代鲁迅的“宁信而不顺”;当代傅雷的“神似”等翻译理论, 但这些译论基本上都是针对文学翻译而言的, 讨论的都是如何使文学翻译尽可能做到艺术上形式与内容的完美统一, 如何使译文充分体现文学原著的语言艺术美感和文学价值。而对外宣传稿作为一种应用翻译是一种以传递信息为主, 又注重信息传递效果的实用型翻译, 与文学翻译有极大不同之处。应用翻译从某种意义上讲, 它的文本功能决定了它的翻译目的不是“求异”, 而是尽最大可能地去“求同”, 以尽量减少信息交流的障碍, 有效实现译文预期达到的功能和目的。从这个意义上来说, 对策性和方法论等问题是应用翻译中值得深入细致考虑的理论问题。

2. 西方的现代翻译理论

西方翻译理论林林总总, 学派分呈, 对应用翻译的理论问题不乏精辟独到的见解, 特别是西方功能翻译学派的观点。对于什么是功能翻译理论, 德国学者偌德曾给过一个明确的定义:“翻译的‘功能主义’就是指专注于文本与翻译的一种或多种功能的研究。”现代功能翻译理论基本以德国功能翻译学派为主流, 其先导人物是赖斯。她在认同以原作为中心的等值论的同时, 在实践中发现有些等值是不可能实现的, 而且有些根本是不该追求的。翻译应有具体的翻译要求, 有时因特殊需求, 要求译文与原文应该具有不同的功能。在这种情况下, 赖斯认为译者应该优先考虑译文的功能特征而不是对等原则。


我国传统译论偏重人文艺术而疏忽自然百科, 系统单一而非多元的倾向, 导致其理论系统的极大局限性, 对于应用翻译这一专门领域更是缺乏应有的重视。“案本”“求信”过于注重原文形式, 往往导致直译、硬译甚至误译 (即译文符合目的语的语法等习惯, 具可读性, 但读者通过译文获得的信息与原文不符) 。笔者曾翻阅过一些有关上海世博会的英文宣传稿, 发现目前上海世博会英文编译稿中存在不少常见的错误如标点符号的明显错误;动词形式的使用错误;整个句子的表达错误;时态的错误;词性的错误;介词的使用错误;语体的错误;冠词的错误;动词词组的使用错误;名词单复数的错误;印刷错误等。如笔者最近翻阅了由上海世博会事务协调局;上海世博会 (集团) 有限公司;上海世博会文化传播有限公司;《上海世博》编辑部为主管主办单位的“上海世博2008年”第1期, 总第26期, 国内统一刊号CN31—1947/F的世博会英文宣传册, 发现该册从第90页到91页中就存在不少英语语言的编译错误。这一页的第二段第十行中, 原句为“Vivid and lively mascot standing for the city and interactions between urbanians and urban planets profoundly express the internal relation between footprints and dreams。”。该句中的vivid前少了定冠词the, 动词express少了es。下一段原句为Human beings are cells and souls of a city-People brings a cultural atmosphere to a city…该句中“-”符号应为句号而bring后面不该有“s”, bring这个词往下第八行manifestation后面多了一个逗号而这之后的第4行的In addition后又少了一个逗号。下面一段的第四行原句为The blue color stated Chinese brand-new gesture to embrace the world.其中的stated为错误动词形式, 应该为states。下一段的第六行原句为…embodies the anticipation of the well-off both urban cities and countryside.该句正确英语表达该是…embodies the anticipation of the improvement of both urban cities and countryside.下面的第二段原句为In the past, for the purpose of mascot collection, public announcements are made on media to wait for voluntary“contribution”of designs.这里are显然是个错误时态形式, 下面第二段原句“After 3-month hard work, everybody look much thinner but are very happy”said by Song Nan when taking about the journey of that time.这里多了by不符合英文表达习惯而且look后要加s, are要改成is, taking要改成talking, 往下第十五行原句为The car where Mr.Luo Zhongxian, the Party Committee Secretary and President of Xihua University is sitting in is also in the traffic.应该改成The car in which Mr.Luo Zhongxian, the Party Committee Secretary and President of Xihua University is sitting is also in the traffic.这样语体更正规, 同样这一段原句为This time President Luo will go to Beijing to in conjunction with leaders from the Ministry of Education accept education and teaching assessments of the Ministry.该句有明显错误, 可改成This time President Luo will go to Beijing in conjunction with leaders from the Ministry of Education for education and teaching assessments of the Ministry.下一段原句为Suddenly his mobile phone is ring…为错误表达。下面第四段第三行原句为…Wu Yongjian is drinking coffee while thinking.应该为Wu Yongjian is thinking while drinking coffee, 因为根据上下文主要动作为thinking而不是drinking。下一段第二行wordings应改为words并且前面要加上the而且要去掉介词of, 下一段第九行原句为In addition the bill also has a“Da”type, smiling and non-repetitive mascot with decorative pattern containing any single picture or the combination of several picture.应为In addition, the bill also has a“Da”type, smiling and non-repetitive mascot with decorative patterns containing any single picture or the combination of several pictures, 下面第三段第一行原句为In this way the embryonic of“HAIBAO”is born.其中embryonic是形容词, 应改为embryo。边上一页的第十二段中的第三行原句中的taking about及下一段的professional ethnics很有可能是印刷错误, 应分别改成talking about及ethics。另外还存在由于编译不妥及由于不同文化背景形成的理解差异上的问题。


1. 译者的职业素养

在当前的翻译领域里, 译者的职业素养最终表现为译者的职业能力。职业能力由中外文功底、专业知识和IT技能组成, 而其中的中外文功底和专业特长构成译者所具备的翻译能力。但这种能力的发挥在信息科技化时代, 还往往有赖于IT技术。如果缺乏IT技术, 译者就难以达到当今社会信息快速传递的要求。下面笔者就从上述提及的三个方面进行叙述。首先, 熟练地掌握外国语和本国语是从事翻译工作的最基本条件。精通外语是正确理解以外语为原作的思想内容的前提而加强汉语素养, 其目的主要在于提高语言对比的起点, 提高汉语的表达能力, 否则译文的质量肯定上不去。其次, 专业知识又是一名优秀翻译者不可或缺的, 它包括职业知识和技能, 以及与翻译内容相关的专业知识。职业知识和技能包括译者对翻译的理论认识如对翻译原则、标准、方法等的认识和掌握, 以及一定的翻译技能和熟巧程度而与翻译内容相关的专业知识的掌握也是极其重要的一个环节, 因为在日常的翻译中, 经常有因不谙专业知识而误译的情况。最后, IT技术又是信息时代向译者提出的一个要求。当代, 信息量越来越大, 传递速度越来越快, 与之相适应的翻译量与日俱增, 翻译速度成倍增长。译者利用网络与委托人的及时快速沟通无疑会对其编译工作带来极大益处。

2. 加强审稿、校对工作

审稿校对工作是一份优秀编译稿出炉前的一个重要环节。一份编译稿不能向受众提供第一手真实信息, 不能帮助外国读者正确了解相关事务的原因众多, 除了上述提及的由于某种原因而导致的误译及过于直译外, 审稿校对工作的疏忽亦是其中的一个原因。任何编译文稿, 相关人员都应本着认真、仔细的精神和态度审稿校对, 以期将错误率降至零点, 只有这样我们才能最终拿出一份优秀的编译稿。

3. 加强编译工作

我们知道应用翻译传递信息往往是有选择性的;或综合地、或概要地或部分地传递。应用翻译无论是在译法上, 还是在译品形式上, 可变性更大。同时应用翻译所具备的特点也要求译者在翻译中更多考虑如何使译文传递的信息便于读者理解和接受, 如何最有效地实现译文预期的功能和目的, 原文的形式和内容往往要服从于译文的需求, 服从于文本的交际功能。因而译者必须根据相关情况对原文作些调整和修改;或抽象概括原文信息, 改换原文形式, 或增删补改原文内容进行篇章整合, 甚至将翻译变成写作, 这些做法在应用翻译中是常有的事, 是应用翻译行之有效的惯用方式。正由于应用翻译与文学翻译之间存在如此大的差异, 所以在应用翻译中我们要尤其注重编译这一过程, 只有确实加强了编译工作, 相关的编译稿才能更为有效地达到对外宣传的目的。

4. 关注语言文化的一般差异

任何一种语言都生长在一定的文化土壤中, 语言也是一种文化现象, 而思维方式、心理意识、习俗信仰等都属于语言的文化特征。英文编译稿质量的完善与提高需要综合各方面的因素, 我们在编译过程中除了要关注以上提及的几个问题之外还要同时关注以汉语和英语为代表的东西方两大区域所呈现出的不同的语言文化特征这一问题。


[1]方梦之:翻译新论与实践.青岛:青岛出版社, 1999年版

[2]罗常培:语言与文化.北京:语文出版社, 1989年版

[3]陈福康:中国译学理论史稿[M].上海外语教育出版社, 1996年版

[4]陈小慰:翻译功能理论的启示[J].中国翻译, 2000 (4)

新发中英文学校主持稿 篇3

男:的各位领导,各位来宾: 女:的老师、同学们:





女:踏着新年的脚步,展望2016,我们更加踌躇满志:2016,我们怀揣灿烂的梦想,我们走在快速发展的星光大道;2016我们将描绘出大步跨进的新奇迹!男:今天,我们相聚在这里,用歌声唱出我们的 快乐与感动!女:今天,我们相聚在这里,用舞姿传达出我们的幸福和欢喜!




男:先,让我们以热烈的掌声,感谢所参与 旦文艺汇演的学校领导、老师,参与表演工作的同学们,以及各位尊敬的家长们因为你们的到来使得我们的汇演更加精彩!






























男:谢谢John为我们带来的歌曲,你的歌声回荡在我们的脑际,为新发元旦汇演增添了些许乐趣与激情,Thank you very much.女 :钟坚,你发现没?下面有一群姑娘手里都拿着一个小小的铃鼓,这是要干嘛呢? 男:发现了,其实这些小铃鼓是舞蹈道具呢。美妙的音符在回荡,舞动的旋律开始绽放。下面请欣赏校舞蹈队带来的舞蹈《快乐的铃鼓》,掌声欢迎。






结尾:《难忘今宵》背景音乐起。男:难忘今宵 难忘一片沸腾的热情!女:难忘今宵

难忘这一段相逢的征程!男难忘今宵 缤纷的心愿迷离,如春天的雨!女:难忘今宵 精彩的才艺绽放,如感受春风!



英语节主持稿(英文) 篇4

Good afternoon.Frist,let’s appreciate a song called “My Love”which is sang by grils(boys/students)from class 9.Beautiful voice tell us the truth ou love completely.How cathy it is!Next,Let’s enter the fairy world to remind ourselves of the past.Look, the sonw white which is acted by class 8 is coming.We grew up at a moment.When we enjoy those classical stories again,the scences of our childhood walk back and foth our minds.Then,we are going to go into a big big world.Welcome class 3!

The unforgettable song shows the big love in the big world to us.Now ,it is the portry declamation by class 3,called”life is a present”.Life is truly a gift.Let’s share it together.After,the students in

class 6 will bring us a classical song,” Right here waiting”The High-pitched singing voice shows us around the classical.Next,we’ll go back to the fairy world again.Here is a short play called three littile pigs from class 3.How cute the three little pigs are!Do you find something through the lovely story?A series of English songs

To carry on the classic ,show the gloss of the superstar again.Next,some students of class 6 will bring us a famous opera called “waterloo bridge”.--------give us deeply moving of Audiovisual.After,we are going to listening a pop music comes from class 4 called”Be What you wanna be”The moving song is so cathy.Next,here is a song which is sang by class 8 called”We will rock you”!

So as the song said,we are rocked by them.it is story timenow.The play calledcomes from classis on.The fantastic act make us fell ourselves in their play.Let’s listen a song from class 2.After finish listening the song,why don’t we watch a play called sleeping beauty from class 7?welcome!

I’ve never seena play better than it.we haven’t heard a portry declommation for a long time.elcome class1give it us.A pome called ‘ bead,but never break’

英语歌唱比赛英文主持稿 篇5

W: The purpose of the contest is to arouse students’ interest in English learning and motivate them to practice their English.X: First of all, please allow us to introduce our distinguished guests here who are: W: the foreign teacher Mrs.Moore, X: and our head teacher Mr.Ye.W: Today, there will be 11 students to sing for us.X: And all of you will be the judges of the contest.W: Thank you very much for joining us.X: Now, ladies and gentleman, let’s welcome the first contestant Peng Kailun with warm applause!W: I can’t wait!Now please enjoy her song Tik Tok.Please make a good start!

W: I couldn’t imagine a cute girl had a voice with strong rhythm before her singing.X: Yes.What an amazing performance!And I love it very much.X: Life is like a show, we should show our best.Let’s welcome Qin Ye.Her song is The show.X: Her voice is really beautiful.Don’t you think so? W: I approve of you.X: And I have strong desire to see next show.W: We know, music is created for expressing our spirit.Just sing a song for who you love and who love you.My Love, hope you will like it.W: Thanks for her nice performance.My Love is really classical!I love it.X: I also enjoy it.Next one is Mao Yangbo.His song is My Love, too.W: Let’s listen to him.X: His voice gives us another feeling.His singing is quite different from Zhou Yu’s.W: I think so.However, their shows both are very nice.X: Let’s enjoy Zhou Bo’s Beautiful in White.X: If I remember correctly, Beautiful in White was originality sung by Westlife.The group is really popular!So Zhou Bo, why did you choose this song? X:(Free Play)W: Love is the most beautiful thing in the world, love should be kept in our heart.Next song is Jar of Love, it will be sung by Huang Zhe.X: Her voice made me feel a little distressed.I reveled in the beautiful song just now.W: Me too.I want to enjoy it once more.X: I hope you will.We often wish we can turn back time, though it’s impossible.Please welcome Liu Fuhan and her song Back to December.W: Let’s enjoy.X: I love her voice, it’s different from others.It’s simple but real.W: I agree with you.I think she is a little nervous.I once said that love is the most beautiful things, and somebody even against the world in order to love.Let’s enjoy Us Against the World, which will be sung by Huang Yuqing.W: How great her performance is!I still remember the beautiful lyrics.X: You are right.The lyrics are like the beautiful poem!W: In our life, we usually pray for wealth, health and everything we want, because we believe the God will help us.Let’s enjoy Zhu Rui’s Pray.X: The song is really beautiful.I fell in love with it.It makes me forget the unhappy things and trouble in life.W: Yes, I love this kind of songs very much.When I am at a loss, those songs will help me find the right direction.X: After a peaceful song, we will enjoy a pop song.Then let’s enjoy Dynamite, it will be sung by Zhang Jiacheng.W: When I heard the melody, I can’t help feeling like dancing!It’s really rhythmed.X: His performance is really nice.In our life, we should have a clear direction showing us where to go.So we need holding our heart in our hands.Then it’s my turn.My song is Holding a Heart.W: You voice is really nice.I have never known you could sing well before today.X: Thank you very much.W: Everybody knows that time is really valuable, especially when you spend your time with someone who is important to you.So never close our eyes, cause we got no time to lose.Please enjoy the song Never Close Our Eyes which will be sung by the last contestant, Ye Yihang!

W: Thank you.From now on, I will try to make good use of every minutes of myself because of your song.X: Me too.Thank the last contestant’s wonderful performance.You really did a good job!The most exciting part of the contest is coming!Now let’s welcome our English teacher Ms.Lan.And she will choose some student to give an extra show for us!

(After the extra show)

W: Now please all of you to choose the best contestant today.(……)X: Oh!Congratulations!XXX, you are the best contestant!What do you want to say to our classmates and our teachers?
