
2024-10-16 版权声明 我要投稿


英语演讲话题 篇1

32.Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous person in your country.Who would you choose? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.33.What do you think are symbols of Chinese culture? Can you name at least one and say something about it? 34.7 How do you feel like your college life? What more do you expect? 35.If you were an animal, what would you be? 36.Beauty is more than skin deep 37.What changes would you like to see in your life? 38.Tell us about a well-known personality you admire.39.Define: “Happiness is…”

40.How do you respond to criticism? 41.What is the greatest book you have ever read? Why? 42.8Comment on this: “Honesty is the best policy.” 43.Do you believe in LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? 44.What is your favourite color? Why do you like it? 45.If you were born in another time, what would you like to be? 46.What is your favourite TV program? How does it influence you? 47.What type of music do you like to listen to? Why? 48.People attend colleges, universities for many different reasons(for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge).Why do you think people attend colleges? Use specific examples and details to support your response.49.Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants.Others people prefer to prepare and eat food at home.Which do you prefer? Use specific examples and details to support your response.50.It has been said: “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books.In your opinion, which source is more important? Why? 51.Every generation of people is different in important ways.How is your generation different from your parents’generation? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.52.You want to persuade someone to study your native language.What reasons would you give? Support your answer with specific details.53.9Some people say that phyical exercise should be a required part of every school day.Other people believe that students should spend the whole day on academic studies.Which opinion do you agree with?Give reasons to support your answer.54.If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific example to support your answer.55.In general, people are living longer now.Discuss the causes of this phenomenon.56.What are you most concernd about when you look for a job? Why? 57.11

Money is very important in one’s life.Someone says money is everything, while others don’t think money can buy everything.What is your point of view? 58.Since the employment situation for college students is not good enough in recent years, many college students are trying to strengthen themselves in all aspects.What do you think are essential preparations for future employment? Why are they important? 59.Is it good for college students to have part-time jobs? 60.Do you like to live in the countryside or in big cities? When choosing a place to live, what are your major considerations? 61.Are you satisfied with the traffic situation in your city? Do you have any suggestions to improve it? 62.Does gender discrimination still exist in today’s society? Use specific examples to support your viewpoint?

英语演讲话题 篇2

《新目标》教材以话题为主线, 兼顾交际功能的语言知识结构, 教学内容贴近学生生活。因而我尝试在第一轮的按册复习中, 以话题为主, 引导学生把词汇、短语、句型综合运用在口述中, 然后让学生把口述的内容写出来, 或老师批改, 或课堂上全班学生一起完成。避免了学生孤立地去背诵单词、短语、句型, 而且学生在这个活动中可以取长补短, 避免自己犯同样的错误。

1.整合话题, 精选语篇

第一轮的复习时间一般只有八周, 如果在这么短的时间内把每一个单元逐一复习, 根本没有时间留给学生, 那学生只能竖起耳朵来听了。没有学生参与的复习课更加沉闷。因而教师在复习前应整合五册书的所有话题内容, 分门别类, 把相关的知识、内容串在一起, 帮助学生总结归纳相关的单词、短语、句型, 让学生在谈论话题时能运用自如。这样的复习会更加激发学生的学习兴趣。例如, 复习到失物招领时是这样引导的:

“Lost and found”

Teacher:Most of people have picked up others’things.Do you know how to give it back to the owners?Do you know how to write“Lost and found”?


(1) 想一想, 你曾经捡过别人丢失的东西吗?是什么呢?

(2) 如果捡到别人的东西, 你怎么归还给主人呢?

(3) 如何写失物招领呢?看课文范例。

(4) 试着为你捡到的东西写一份失物招领。


(1) pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, dictionary, backpack, baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring, etc.

(2) Is this your...?

(3) Is that your...?

(4) Please call...

(5) Phone 637-892.


2.围绕话题, 激活词汇

根据语言习得的规律, 孩子在学习语言时, 往往是在交流中需要什么词就直接使用这个词来表达意义, 并在不断的使用过程中掌握和积累词汇的。所以教师首先要以话题为中心处理教材, 重新组合单元教学内容, 再围绕话题展开词汇教学, 让词汇教学一开始就与重点句型的学习相结合, 并融于话题情境中, 为话题服务。例如, 复习到“What would you like?”这一话题时, 教师适时将食品类的词汇进行整合并重现, 学生记忆词汇并利用这些词汇进行写作, 这很好地激活了他们大脑中曾经记忆的词汇。

3.围绕话题, 分层指导

针对班上参差不齐的学生, 我的话题复习也采用分层进行, 让每个学生主主参与, 使学生各尽所能, 各有所获, 以体验成功的喜悦来激活学习兴趣和学习动力, 全面提高各层次的学生学习成绩。例如,

在复习写作训练时, 话题:某人的一天:My day/...day。

要求成绩较差的学生以第一人称写, 成绩较好的以第三人称写:以“My aturday”为题写一篇60-80字左右的短文。参照已给的词组:get up, have breakfast, go shopping by bike/on foot, have lunch, have a short break, do one’s homework, play basketball, have supper, watch TV, read story books, go to bed。

这样由易到难, 成绩较差的学生就可以跟上了。

4.拓展思维, 巩固话题

在课堂教学过程中, 面对学生的讨论发言, 我历来不轻易否定学生的想法, 也就是说不把自己的想法强加给学生, 而是让学生能够充分表达他们自己的思想和情感, 既维护了学生的表达欲望, 又训练了他们的语用能力。这样, 学生会由于综合英语素质的提高而考得更好。复习课中可坚持每节英语课用课前五分钟训练口语, 根据话题需要值日生报告。报告时经常会有说:“I am the student on duty.Last weekend, we visited the zoo.The weather was...”

5.课外阅读, 提升话题

由于在中考中, 阅读占有较大比例, 所以教师应以学生需求、特点为基础, 以所复习的话题为基点, 为学生选择适当的阅读材料, 将话题与阅读相结合, 从而促进学生的听、说、读、写全面发展, 提高学生的英语综合能力。如复习到名胜古迹这一话题时, 教师可提供诸多关于旅游的短文, 以话题为线索, 让学生进行课外阅读, 让他们走出去, 进入更宽的天地。

初中英语“话题教学”思路初探 篇3


中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-010X(2015)15-0053-03



人教版教材《新目标英语》”Go For It”每个单元都围绕一个话题,让学生通过体验、实践、参与、合作、交流和探究等方式,学习和使用英语,完成学习任务,体现了语言教学的整体性和综合性。从内容来看,每个单元的话题联系社会生活,贴近学生生活实际,富有时代气息,体现时代精神,有很强的时代感。教学可在学生的知识和信息存储的基础上拓展新的知识目标,同时给学生大量的活动空间,让学生在交流合作中习得语言知识和交际能力。教师需要有系统地、有针对性地对相关话题的语言材料进行整合,采用任务型语言教学法,按照语言生成规律“词—句—篇”进行训练,遵循“低起点,小步子”的原则,在步与步之间辅设分析、构建一个个小的教学层次,由易到难,循序渐进,最后达成目标。



话题的选择要紧密联系课本内容和学生实际,每堂课或每个单元适宜选择一个教学话题。这样可以使课堂讨论内容相对集中,有利于提高教学效率,同时充分考虑相邻话题之间的关系。如Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball? 和Unit 6 Do you like bananas? 这两个小话题是人们生活中最基本的话题,可作为相邻话题,构成话题群。






如人教版七年级上册Unit 9 My favorite subject is science 这一单元中,我们共设计了四个学习任务。学习任务一:根据本单元内容,独立进行词汇构建(包括subjects, description words, reasons, time, dates, conversations about ones favorite subject, composition and grammar.)学习任务二:分享、补充。学生组内交流、明确与他组分享的素材,形成团队的词汇,要求贴近实际,不追求难词、怪词。教师根据学生的掌握程度补充本课时必须掌握的词汇及句型,围绕中心句型Whats your favorite subject? 采用师生、生生对话练习来对新知识进行内化。学习任务三:听力大比拼。课堂辅以相应听力训练内化所学知识并进行适当的语言输出,在听力练习过程中,穿插根据听力材料随机给出的问题并引导学生进行抢答,激发学生的求知欲望,引导学生集中精力迅速捕捉听力任务中的有效信息。在激发学习兴趣的同时提高学生的听力技能。在此基础上布置新的调查任务,(如调查本组同学最喜欢的科目),并在班内进行汇报,使学生在不知不觉中将所学的知识转化成了使用语言的技能。在各种“任务”中,学生能够不断地获得知识或得出结论,从而获得运用语言的能力,随着“任务”的不断深入,整个语言的学习过程会越来越自动化和自主化。


“话题教学”中的展示形式可以多样化。教师应该鼓励学生通过多种途径寻找各种信息,可以分组讨论,也可以由个人阐述自己的观点;可以是以对话的形式进行交流,或是采用辩论的形式,也可以写下自己观点,以课件展示的形式向同学们介绍自己的看法。讨论不必每堂课都有,最好是在一个单元学完之后对这个单元的话题有个整体的认识后再进行讨论,并且最好给学生有比较充分的思考过程和讨论过程。课堂上的这种讨论不是对课文进行简单的重复,而是在此基础上进行更深入的思考。例如,人教版七年级上册Unit 1 My name is Gina 和Unit 2 This is my sister主要介绍自己的家人情况,可以引导学生在理解课本基本内容的基础上,引发学生进一步思考,谈论自己家人的基本情况,理解父母工作的辛苦,爱父母、帮助父母做力所能及的事情。这使学生在“话题教学”的讨论过程中加深对课文的理解并落实了情感目标。



















大学生英语即兴演讲话题 篇4










下面我们给出一段非常好的即兴演讲的例子,是2002年比赛的冠军选手孙宁当时所作的演讲。他即兴演讲的题目是“假如你是中国第一名登月的宇航员,你可以在月球上留下三件物品,那么你会留下哪三件?” 谢谢!如果我是中国第一位登上月球的宇航员,我会带下列三件物品:首先,我要带一个玩具,更确切地说是一个小型的玩具熊猫。熊猫是我们中国的国宝。众所周知,我们中国的自然环境、生态环境以及自然气候是得天独厚的。大家也都知道四川是熊猫最佳的天然栖息地。当你看到熊猫那滑稽的外表,憨态可掬的举止,你会发现它有着温和的习性。它同其他物种相处和谐,和大自然和平共处,这些都是我们需要向大熊猫学习的。


最后,我想带一张世界地图。也许你们中间有些人会感到很惊讶,为什么不是中国地图呢?从各方面而言,我知道自己是一个中国人,然而我也意识到了在这个世界联系日益密切的时代,我们还是世界的公民。我不能把我的视线仅仅局限在中国国界中,我要把目光放远,我也应该清楚我们国界以外的海洋和陆地也是广阔的。走出国门去了解它们对于我们来说是很重要的。我的讲话完了,谢谢!上面一字不差就是孙宁当时演讲的原稿,你可能发现到他在措辞中犯了一些小错误,但整篇演讲内容清晰、思维连贯、组织有序,以至于没有人会注意到那些细小的错误。读这篇稿子的时候,请注意孙宁是如何一开始便明确他要带上月球的三件物品。之后,演讲的过程中,他又这样引出所选的三件物品: 首先,我要带一个玩具,更确切地说是一个小型的玩具熊猫。




从辩论题目和作文题目看即兴演讲的解题范围(1)1.13many teachers assign homework to students every day.do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? use specific reasons and details to support your answer.(2)1.14是否要在繁忙时间对繁忙路段课税(3)1.19 agree or disagree: most people often let others make decisions for them rather than make decisions by themselves.(4)1.26speaking important or writing important?(5)2.3看电视比看书学的多(6)3.3because people are too busy doing many things,they can do few things well.(7)3.4intodays world, the ability to cooperate well with others is more important than before.agree or not(8)3.10老师给学生自信比教专门知识更重要(9)3.23你喜欢看严肃题材的电影还是商业题材的电影?(10)4.21电影和电视[movies and television]对年轻人的行为方式[the way young people behavior]主要是消极的影响。给出理由。(11)4.29there are so many events happening everyday in the world, we dont have to know(12)5.18it is better to spend money on something that lasts for a long time, such as an expensive piece of jewelry or spend on something that provides a short-term pleasure such as a vacation?(13)5.19教师是否应该获得跟doctors,lawyers,business leaders一样的收入(14)6.920years from now, people will have more leisure time篇二:2012年“外研社杯”_全国大学生英语演讲大赛江西赛区__即兴演讲话题

第12届 “外研社杯” 全国大学生英语演讲大赛江西赛区 即兴演讲话题 1.it is great to be great, but it is greater to be human.----------rogers 2.failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience.----------elbert green hubbard 3.no man is enough rich to buy back his past.----------wilde 4.behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his image.----------goethe 5.character is what you are in the dark..----------moody 6.if you would be loved;love and be loved.----------franklin----------bacon 8.laughter is the shortest distance between two people.----------borge 9.it is no use doing what you like, you have got to like what you do.----------churchill 10.to go for great goals, you have to start from minor ones.----------sukhomlinsky 11.the shortest way to do many things is to do one thing at a time.----------smiles 12.education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.----------yeats 13.the world is a ladder for some to go up and others to go down.----------anonymous 14.all the advantages isn’t in running fast, but rather in getting an early start.----------rabelais 15.happiness, l have discovered, is nearly always a rebound from hard work.----------grayson 16.the farther a man knows himself to be from perfection, the nearer he is to it.-----------groote 17.a mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.----------fisher 18.the more things a man is ashamed of, the more respectable he is.----------george bernard shaw 19.we must be prepared to displease the dearest ones for the sake of principle..----------gandhi 20.a handsome woman is a jewel;a good woman is a treasure.----------saadi 即兴演讲题目(参考)

2.make the internet clean for youths 3.in harmony with nature 4.the online media’s social responsibilities 5.on intellectual property protection 6.laughter is the shortest distance between two people.7.job opportunities are lacked or not? 8.dressing up and personal charm 9.a teacher-centered class or a student-centered class? 10.on overseas study 11.reading selectively or extensively 12.on trying to renew knowledge 13.on-line shopping 14.advantages and disadvantages of the cell phone 15.no man is rich enough to buy back his past.16.treat guests in the restaurant or at home 17.public transportation or private cars 18.on the price of pollution 20.beauty is no use without brains 21.no road of flowers leads to glory.22.expectation and reality 24.what you have learned from sichuan earthquake 25.on delaying retirement 26.friendship and cooperation 27.population policy and life quality 28.quality supervision and problem food supply 29.low-carbon and green development 30.impact of micro blog篇三:学生英语风采大赛即兴演讲题库 第二届“格灵威杯”风采大赛即兴演讲题库 高中组演讲题目-------senior school speech 1.are school uniforms a bad thing? why? 2.should hobbies be fun or useful? 3.do school children need mobile phones? 4.what is more important? talking or listening? 5.who do you think are good models for children? 6.who do you think are bad models for children? 7.what is your favorite english word? 8.school should teach social skills as well as academic skills? 9.which teacher has influenced you the most? 10.what is the most important lesson you have learned? 11.if you could talk to anyone alive, who would it be? 12.if you could talk to anyone from history, who would it be? 13.who is the most important sports star of your country? 14.is social media good or bad? 15.weichat, do you think this is good or bad, why? 初中组演讲题目-------junior school speech 1.how useful do you think english is? 2.do school children need mobile phones? 3.do you like travelling?why or why not? 4.what makes a good friend? 5.who is the most important person in your life? 6.what is your favorite english word? 7.my favourite book.8.what is the most important thing you look for in a friend? 9.what is the most important job in the world? 10.who is your hero? 11.what is more important? talking or listening? 12.my parents.13.my hometown.14.my school.15.what job do you want?篇四:第16届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛即兴演讲话题总结

即兴演讲话题必备 1)is it right to publish the names of those offenders who violate the traffic rules? 是否应该对外公布违反交规人的名字? 2)should i work to help my parents? 大学生应该靠打工来减轻父母负担吗? 3)city life fails to bring happiness do you agree or disagree with this idea.why? give specific examples to support your idea.4)now students should earn more degrees than practical skills.do you agree or disagree? 5)get married without money? 裸婚is it a good event or bad beginning? why? 6)ban buskers on subways? 是否应该取缔街头艺人。为什么? 7)today more college students attend beauty contests than ever.what’s your point of view on this issue? 8)buy more brand names? 你是如何解释现在中国购买奢侈品?为什么? 9)a classic case of change? 在中学的课本应该取消很多中国文学著作吗? 10)do you really believe that getting into top universities or colleges may enable you as a step closer to success? 11)we have to use our real names online? do you agree or disagree with this proposal? 12)do you agree or disagree with the point that students have the right to choose to live on campus or outside campus?why.give specific example to support your ideas.13)college students can decide by themselves to wear brand names or not.what do you think of this point? why? 14)volunteers only stand out in case of disaster and accident.do you think it is good phenomenon or not? why? 15)we should give up dialects and move to mandarin chinese.do you agree or disagree? 16)are criticism leveled upon post 80s generation justified? 对80后的评判正确吗?

17)are pre-university students too young to live in foreign countries? 高中生就出国学习是否太早? 18)the study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives.do you agree or disagree with the point? why? 19)which is better solution to city traffic problems, to raise gasoline price or restrict the number of cars? why? give specific examples to support your ideas.20)college students have the right to choose their courses.do you agree or disagree? why? 21)product placement(植入式广告)should appear in spring festival gala.22)fireworks should be banned in cities all the time.23)lady first is an outdated concept.24)pets should be allowed in university dormitories.25)ant tribe(蚁族)should go to smaller cities.26)the use of animals in sports should be banned.27)corporal punishment on children is justified.28)china should impose drinking age limit.29)great movies or tv series should be followed by sequels.31)should university students start their own business as soon as they graduate from universities? 32)should parents set limits on internet access for their teenage children? 34)people have been alienated by the internet.35)science is a threat to humanity.36)sex education should take place at home.37)should photos of pickpockets be pasted on the windows of buses as a warning for passengers? 38)china should restrict private ownership of automobiles.39)historic buildings should not be sacrificed to make room for urban development 40)government officials should reveal their property information to the public.41)teachers pay should be based on his/her students performance.42)

china should continue to adopt real-name system for railway transportation.43)museums should be made free.44)zoos should be banned.46)fines should be made relative to wealth.47)the preferential policy for students from ethnic minority groups in college entrance examination should be abolished.48)advertising aiming at children should be restricted.49)violent sports should be banned.50)condom vending machines should be allowed on university campus.51)junk food should be taxed.52)we should not protect a dying language.53)image of children should be prohibited in advertisement.54)cyber manhunt(人肉搜索)should be made illegal.55)china should ban the production and sales of tobacco.56)international working womens day should be cancelled.57)cultural relics should be returned to their countries of origin.58)gambling should be legalized in areas afflicted by economic recession.59)who need more care in our society, men or women? 60)men and women should retire at the same age.61)universities should abolish the practice of cutting off electricity at dormitory at night.62)p.e.class should be made elective in universities.63)english band 4 and band 8 tests should be abolished.64)high school students should be allowed to choose their major after entering universities.篇五:大学英语演讲话题及范文及注意事项(全)the morality of zoos * three keys to a happy life * reality tv shows * beauty * you are what you eat * love is a choice * professional athletes are overpaid * dogs are better than cats 3rd 10 good impromptu speech topics * bottles versus cans * real or fake christmas trees * peer to peer technology * motorcycle helmets * the worst/best book you ever read * all time favorite movie * your first memory 4th 10 good impromptu speech topics * the best things in life are free * clothes make the man/woman * good versus evil * your favorite sound * your least favorite sound * exams are/are not good forms of assessment * why its important to meditate * what are you grateful for? * speed dating 5th 10 good impromptu speech topics * your favorite relative * your favorite holiday 京翰教育中心/ * internet affairs * the greatest gift we can give others is...* if i were invisible for a day...* what i would do if i knew i could not fail * the most successful person i know * good grades matter * everyone should be a volunteer 77 回

1.some one says “to be a class leader will affect one’s study results,” what is your opinions about it? 2.speak out your ideas of smoking in public places.3.when you are misunderstood(误解)by your headmaster or your parents or your friend 4.sports and human life 5.virtue is fairer far than beauty.6.a friend in need is a friend indeed.7.is money all powerful? 8.life on campus 9.to know one’s self is true progress.1.how have i made use of the english-speaking activities in the english dormitory? 2.what can we benefit from the education ministry’s evaluation of our university’s teaching quality? 3.my understanding of our university motto: honesty, persistence, diligence and plain living 4.my understanding of the principles of evaluation from the ministry of education: to promote the construction with evaluation, to promote the management with evaluation, to promote 京翰教育中心/ 5.my understanding of our university’s target positioning: to build our university into a multi-subject university with total academic level ranking among top universities of zhejiang province and some subjects ranking in top subjects of china 6.my understanding of our university’s subject positioning: with economics and management subjects as the main body, promoting economics, management, science, engineering, literature and law subjects to develop in a coordinated way 7.zhejiang gongshang university and its children strategy in my eyes.8.a higher-pay job with long hours or a lower-pay job with shorter hours.which would you choose? 9.our university’s teachers and faculty members in my eyes.10.what does “greeting market challenges by improving ourselves” mean? 11.what would you consider most in choosing a job? salary, job satisfaction, status, the use of your specialty or location? 京翰教育中心/ 12.the best way to keep a harmonious relationship among roommates in a dormitory 1.how to balance study and antivities in school ? 2.honesty is the best policy 3.it is necessary to say “no”sometimes 4.a good beginning is half the blttle 5.it is better to give than receice 6.going to college is not the only way to success 7.a person who has influenced my life 8.my views on blogging 9.experience is the best teacher 10.tourism and the environment 11.how to solve chinas transport problems? 12.if i were a billionaire 13.my ideal university 14.the role of the internet for college students 15.if i were the head of the environmental protection bureau.回答陈述尽量在一分半钟以内 请大家帮忙,能回答几个就回答几个 1.how to balance study and activities in school ? 2.honesty is the best policy 3.it is necessary to say “no”sometimes 4.a good beginning is half the blttle 5.it is better to give than receice 1,学习的重要性,和课外活动的重要性。







英语演讲开场白之话题集锦 篇5


Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests:

Good morning/afternoon/evening.1.Let me start by thanking...2.I’m very pleased to be here.3.I’m very happy to have this opportunity to...4.I feel great honored to be here.5.It’s a pleasure for me to share my experience with you all.6.We have the great pleasure to have Mr.President with us.7.We are honored today to be joined by our distinguished guest,...8.Today I’d like to say something about...9.Well, the topic I’m going to deal with is...10.I’m sure everybody is interested in...so I will share with you some...结束语

Thank you very much.That is all.Thank you/Thanks for your attention.Thank you.告知演讲的话题

-the subject of my presentation is...-I shall be speaking today about...-My presentation concerns...-Today’s topic is...-Today we are here to give a presentation on...-Today we are here to talk about...Before we start, I’d like you meet my team members...-A brief look at today’s agenda...(告诉听众所讲内容的先后顺序)

-Before we start our presentation, let’s take a brief look at the agenda...-I shall be offering a brief analysis of...-the main area that I intend to cover in this presentation is...-Take a moment and think of...-Thank you for giving me the opportunity to tell you about...告诉听众发言的长度

-During the next ten minutes, I shall...-I shall be speaking for about ten minutes...-My presentation will last for about ten minutes...-I won’t take up more than ten minutes of your time...-I don’t intend to speak for longer than ten minutes...-I know that time is short, so I intend to keep this brief

以成功为话题的英语演讲稿 篇6

When it comes to success, different people have different opinions about what makes it come true. Some people regard hard-working as an essential quality to success while others believe being clever would lead to success. From my point of view, I think perseverance and hard-working are indispensable for those who want to make an achievement.

Firstly, perseverance let people step closely towards success. Most people want to make a big difference to prove their value. People who set their goal and keep moving would make their dream come true. However, there are some people who set their goal but they stop at the difficulty would fail in the end. I think the difference between success and failure is perseverance. If we have perseverance, even if we are not clever, we will make a great difference, but if we not, we are doomed to lose. As we all know, Edison is a great inventor in the world. However, before he invented the bulb, he kept trying for tens of thousands of times to find a suitable wire. Let us imagine, if he gave up at the 999th, then how he couldn’t become so successful. So, I strongly believe that perseverance produces success.

Secondly, there is also a kind of people who are born with cleverness, I think they are lucky. Nevertheless, if they don’t make a hard work on their way to their goal, they, absolutely, will become loser. Whether we are gifted for intelligent, we must be hard-working so as to success. I regard hard-working as an efficient approach to be successful because I believe ‘pains and gains’. As for those who do not make great efforts on work, failure follows. In old times, there is a clever boy who can make excellent poem when he can talk. When his father found the little child’s cleverness, he just let the child make poems to show around while never let the boy learned anything. When the boy grew up, people forgot him because he lost the ability to compose poems and became ordinary as others. From this matter, we can see that only by hard-working can we get knowledge and make a good future.

中考英语话题的复习实践与思考 篇7


中考英语写作命题关注“学生话题、现实生活、热点焦点话题”, 同时, 与教材阅读语篇有着紧密的联系, 对教学具有较好的反拨作用。回顾近三年的中考英语作文真题:

这些话题贴近学生的学习和日常生活, 都能够在课本中找到原形, 所以平时训练中要紧扣教材, 广泛积累重点话题的表达方式, 熟悉基本写作思路, 灵活应对考试, 做到有话可说。

结合课文语篇来看, 七年级上册写作话题:Myself /My Friend / Teacher / Father…… (主要从姓名、年龄、生日、电话号码、兴趣爱好包括喜欢的学科、教师、运动、水果、颜色、学具、衣服等方面写作) , My Family, MyClassroom / School / Room, My day / Jack’s day等。

七年级下册写作话题:Myself / My Friend / Teach-er / Father…… (主要围绕外貌特征、职业、个人技能、学习生活, 其中包括作息安排, 去上学或上班的方式;兴趣爱好从喜欢的动物、饮食等方面来介绍) , My Fa-vorite Animal, My School / Family Rules, A Photo ofMy Family, My Last School Trip / Weekend。

八年级上册写作话题:A /An Interesting / Unforget-table / Unusual / Busy / Pleasant Day / Trip / Vacation /Experience, The Movie / TV Shows I Like Best, My BestFriend and I (会使用形容词的比较级、最高级描写两人的性格、外貌、兴趣爱好等) , My Dream / Resolution /Plan (I’m Going to...) , My Life in the Future / in TenYears, My Spare Time, If I’m Rich / If I Have a Lot ofMoney, I Will...等。

八年级下 册写作话 题 :How to Keep Healthy?Smile to the Life ( Believe in Yourself ) , Being a Vol-unteer is Great (Helping Others Makes Me Happy) , Howto Relax / Control your feelings / Protect Ourselves / Careabout Yourself? A Book / Story / Song I Like Best (ABook / Story I Have Read) , A Beautiful Place (I LoveChina / My Hometown) , My Favorite Thing from Child-hood (A Gift) 。

九年级紧扣写作话题:How to Be a Good / Suc-cessful Learner? How to Be a Winner? My FavoriteChinese Traditional Festival, Great Changes in MyLife, Should Teenagers Do Homework / Play Computers ?My Favorite Music / Star, My Lucky / Unlucky Day, How to Save / Protect the Earth / Environment / Animals? ( Low-carbon Life ) , The Best Moment in My Memory (Sunshine in My Life / Love from.../ Love around us /Mother’s Love) , I should Say Sorry / Thanks to...等。


1.引导学生体验语篇, 激活思维, 建构提纲, 开展仿写训练

毋庸置疑英语课文语篇主题突出, 内容丰富, 表达方式灵活, 是引导学生模仿写作的极好素材。教学中教师先引导学生阅读课文语篇, 阅读体验后鼓励学生对文章要点做提纲式的记录, 其中包括人物、时间、地点等细节, 帮助学生根据所梳理的要点用自己的话仿写一遍。写完后, 对照原文并修改自己的习作。通过这些仿写训练活动, 为学生下一步自由写作打下了一定的基础。例如新人教版英语八年级上册Unit 7Will people have robots? (Section B 3a, 3b and 3c) 教师可以引导学生先通读短文, 再选择恰当的单词填空。在核对答案后引导学生运用“思维导图”讨论并整理出短文中包含的Jill的居住地, 爱好和穿着等信息, 进而帮助学生借助黑板上补充完整的“思维导图”来完成Section B 3b, 并围绕“places to live, hobby和dress-ing”做适当的拓展。接着教师给出任务:亲爱的同学, 你对未来的生活会有怎样的期待?请以“My Life inthe Future. ”为题写一篇短文, 畅想自己未来的学习、工作和生活。写前, 教师先引导学生紧扣写作体裁、相关时态、人称及要点信息等讨论写作思路和要点, 在学生小组汇报的基础上, 教师归纳小结:该文体为记叙文;时态需运用一般将来时态 (尤其是含will的一般将来时和There will be ...句型) 和一般现在时态;采用第一人称的手法;突出学习、工作和业余生活等要点信息。课堂上学生仿照3a并根据3b记录的信息围绕职业名称, 家庭状况, 业余爱好, 居住地, 穿着和未来计划等信息较好地完成了写作任务。

可见通过课文语篇积累一定的情景和语料, 激活学生的思维、建构写作思路、丰富写作经验, 有利于促进学生多角度思维及多样化的思想表达。

2.引导学生积累语篇素材, 循序渐进开展段落改写训练

首先, 教师呈现一个段落, 并作出具体明确的要求, 即要求学生根据课文语篇的逻辑关系, 用不同的语言形式重新改写文章内容, 改变人称, 提出字数限制等。例如 教学新人 教版英语 九年级Unit 11 Sadmovies make me cry. Section B 3b教师拟定写作题目“My unforgettable experience”, 要求学生运用第一人称, 紧扣What happened? When did it happen? Wheredid it happen? How did it make you feel? What didyou learn from the experience? 等问题, 借助以下表格改写Section B 2b的语篇, 字数控制在80字左右。

由于学生写前借助语篇材料积累了大量的语言素材, 掌握了一定量的固定结构, 扩大了写作视野, 改写训练有利于提高学生遣词造句和组织篇章结构的能力。

3.引导学生使用三段式篇章结构, 创新写作训练

中考写作虽然字数有限制, 但要求结构清晰完整, 一般采用三段式:开头段、主体段和结尾段。开头段应开门见山, 点明主题;主体段是文章的主体, 根据体裁不同, 或解释说明或论证辨析或分析入微, 围绕主体展开;结尾段应该与开头段首尾呼应, 或总结归纳, 或提出建议, 或表达愿望。例如, 新人教版英语八年级下册Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Islandyet? Section B 3b写作前教师可先利用video创设真实语境, 激活学生关于音乐的背景图式, 激发学生进一步探究学习的好奇心和兴趣。其次, 根据3a所列的问题与学生探讨自己喜欢的歌手或作家, 围绕该话题从思维图式中 提炼出相 关信息Who is the... ?When did he/she first become famous? How did he/she become famous?Is he/she still popular? Howdo you feel about his / her ...?接下来教师引导学生再次阅读课文2b, 复习该文章的段落结构和各段落可供模仿的句型, 其中第一自然段围绕Who is Sarah?Where is she from? What does she like? 这三个问题的问答写作, 在此基础上, 得出段落大意:Sarah isan American girl and she loves American country mu-sic. 第二自然段围绕What is country music? 和Whatis country music about?这两个问题写作, 总结出段落大意为Country music is a traditional kind of musicfrom the southern states of America which is aboutbelonging to a group and reminds us of a time when people were kind to each other and trusted one another.第三自然段针对What is Sarah’s dream?Who is Garth Brooks?写作归纳出本段落的主题Sarah’s dream is to visit Nashville the home of country music and she hopes to see the great music concerts with famous musicians and singers.这样做既为该话题的写作构建了一个语料库, 又为模仿文章框架、建模、书面输出和写作创新做好了语言、内容和形式上的准备。由于前几个环节的铺垫, 学生在教师的引导下, 运用三段式很快完成了作品“My favorite...”。

参照一些同类体裁的范文, 熟悉作文所必需的开端、衔接、结尾等基本技巧, 对于谋篇布局、行文有很好的借鉴作用, 为实现自主创新写作奠定了坚实的基础。而且, 在实际教学中针对学生写作中易犯的错误及薄弱环节, 拟定语境, 有意识地进行专项纠正训练, 体现技巧与练习水乳交融, 有利于学生在积极参与的过程中切实提高英语写作的水平。

英语演讲话题 篇8


现行初中英语教材Go For It基本上采用了一个单元一个话题的编排方法,即每个单元都有一个中心话题。要想使学生通过三年的初中学习最终达到较高的写作水平,教师要根据教材的特点和编排体系,在以单元为单位的教学过程中,积极渗透写作教学。



① 表层谈论 由远及近或由近及远;从上到下或从左到右。

② 深层挖掘 透过图的表象来引申、挖掘插图所蕴涵的深层含义。

以Grade 8 (II) Unit 1 Section B 2a Picture 2 为例。

It is a quiet night. I can see two people lying on the grass. They are very relaxed. Maybe they are talking about their future. The boy will be an astronaut. He’ll fly rockets to the moon and build a space station. Then he’ll live there. I think this is an exciting dream. I believe it can come true.

从上面的叙述中,我们可以看出学生谈论图片的顺序为从下到上,既有环境的描写,也有学生根据图片表象引申、挖掘出的插图所蕴涵的深层含义(下面画线的句子)。同时,紧扣本单元的话题,即谈论未来或对未来进行预言,用到will+ V.原形。这样,通过谈论图片,积累了写作的素材,为课后的My Future 短文的写作打下良好的基础。




例如:(1).Grade 8 (I) Unit 10 Section B 2b

Student A acts Kim.

I want to make the soccer player. I am going to summer camp. I am going to play soccer every day and practice really hard.

Student B acts Lucy. Student C acts Manuel.

(2). Let’s talk about them . (Kim、Lucy and Manuel )

Student D talks about Lucy.

Lucy wants to learn an instrument. She is going to take piano lessons. Maybe she is going to become a pianist in the future.

通過一定的顺序, 用适当的连词将这些句子连接在一起,就形成一篇较成功的短文。这样,既练了学生的口语,学生的写作水平也得到了巩固。

