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背诵的经典英语短文 篇1


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Firstly, health is the secret of happiness(the key to happiness).Only a strong man can enjoy the pleasure of life.Secondly, happiness consists in contentment.A man who is dissatisfied with his present condition is always in distress.无疑的快乐是世界上最宝贵的东西。没有它,人生将是空虚的而且毫无意义的。如果你希望知道如何获得快乐,你须注意下面两点。


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Health is the best treasure(which)a man can possess.Money can do many things, but it cannot buy happiness.However, so long as man has good health, he can enjoy the pleasures of human life.In order to insure good health we must pay attention to three things.They are-nourishing food, fresh air and proper exercise.我们大家都希望快乐,所以我们应该好好保重健康。一个病人因为失去健康而很少快乐。健康是一个人所能拥有最好的财富。钱能做许多事情,但是它却不能购买。然而,只要一个人有良好的健康,他就能享受人生的乐趣。


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hundred false ones.Friends who flatter you to your face are not true friends.We must make friends with those who have good character and kindness of heart.On the other hand, we should do our best to a void keeping company with bad people.一个小心选择朋友的人一定会从他们那里获得益处。为什么?因为在这个世界里假朋友比真朋友要多。有一个真朋友要比有一百个假朋友来得好。凡是当面奉承你的朋友不是真朋友。我们必须和凡是具有良好品格和心地善良的人交朋友。反过来说,我们应尽力避免结交坏人。

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However, she is good-natured and treats others sincerely.For this reason, all her neighbors are only too glad(pleased)to make friends with her.They consider her a model woman.She is a typical housewife.She keeps the(her)house neat and clean and looks after us with extreme care.She often says to us, ―You cannot study too hard.‖


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当有人和你意见不同或开罪你的时候,你切不可发脾气。为什么?因为这样做是无用的(用of no use)。你应当忍耐并且保持冷静,唯恐和他争吵。你必须知道忍耐不是弱而是一种美德。我希望人人都实行它。


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无疑的,中 山 先生是我一生知道的最大的人物。他建立中民國,所以我他為我的國父。他致力革命凡四十年。他的目的是清朝手里解放中國。他曾遭遇屡次的失败,但他却一点也不灰心。那是不需说的。结果,他终于达到目的。

背诵的经典英语短文 篇2



一般而言, 学习任何一门语言都需要语言的输入, 克拉申曾经提出了关于“输入假说”的理论, 其中写道:“学习外语要想获得胜利, 首先要丰富自己的语言资料, 一旦达到某种程度时, 学习者才能把获得的新信息输出来, 提高了自己的语言表达能力。”为了达到这样的积累效果, 就得依靠背诵, 光理解是不行的, 通过背诵才能不断输入、输出语言信息, 这是一种十分有效的渠道。

一直以来, 在学习母语的时候, 我们也是通过背诵来达到记忆的效果, 学习一门外语更应该如此。但是, 随着新课程的改革, 教师往往不再重视课文的背诵, 而是让学生去理解, 这样的情况最终会导致学生对基础知识记不清楚, 在语言的应用中, 即写作、口语表达方面, 总是会出现很多错误。为了缓解这一情况, 教师在进行单元教学的时候, 首先要给学生布置背诵的任务, 在学生背诵的过程中, 教师也要进行及时的监督, 以防学生口头答应、实际上不执行的状况, 长时间下来, 学生会积累很多的词汇量, 在语言表达方面也有了提高, 学生能够积极准确地应用英语。 (教育部, 2012)


为了学好外语, 背诵是必要的, 这具有很重要的意义。如今, 学生接触英语的机会多, 但都是被动地在进行英语学习, 基本不再背诵英语短文。针对以上现象, 教师要多举一些英语学习成功者的例子, 激发学生学习英语的兴趣, 告诉他们这些成功人士都是通过背诵来学习英语的, 引起学生的共鸣, 使他们更努力学习。

第一, 背诵在培养英语语感方面起着很重要的作用, 这是一种主动的、积极的语言活动, 能够促进学生对英语的学习。学习外语, 语感很重要, 但语感是非理性的, 而是一种感性的体验, 而这种体验, 往往需要长时间的模仿、感知而获得。背诵, 就是长时间反复模仿语音、语调和语言, 使之在大脑中逐渐形成固定的语言思维, 从而逐渐形成语感, 而语感一旦形成, 英语学习就事半功倍了。

第二, 在语言建构的过程中, 学生通过背诵掌握有用的语法、词汇知识等, 并将其应用在学习情景中。一般而言, 为了促进语言的学习与进步, 学生需要积累语法和词汇等基础知识。为了达到好的积累效果, 除了泛读大量书籍来增加更多的词汇外, 还要不断精读文章, 尽量追求语法、词汇的准确性。而在进行背诵的时候, 学生往往特别关注语法、词汇的准确性, 把其放在具体的情景中, 进一步去学习这些基本的语言知识, 提高理解性, 最终建构好的语言能力。对于背诵, 以短文为方式, 把其放在具体的语境中去理解语法、词汇, 会更加有意义。 (周志忠, 2012)

第三, 在背诵的基础上, 理解阅读材料, 效果更好。背诵属于一种可理解的、进行输入的活动。一般而言, 在理解的基础上才能完成背诵。而学生背诵短文, 首要做的是比较透彻地理解短文。其一, 从浅层次的字、词、句去认识。其二, 从深层次去认识。根据我们的经验来说, 一般学生要结束背诵任务, 即使一段话也要背诵七八遍。俗话说:“书读百遍, 其义自见。”这样, 在七八遍的阅读、研究、感知的过程中, 对于浅层次、深层次的理解, 均能实现强化。

第四, 为了提高学生的写作水平, 以及口语交流的准确性, 背诵往往能实现很好的效果。一旦记忆过的短文, 深深印在学生的脑海中, 而且这些记忆的语言能够真正地实现输入活动, 所以, 更快内化为学习者自身的语言。而学习者的语言, 输入达到一定量时, 才会输出语言, 即在写作、口语交流中, 不仅有内容, 还能表达准确。 (张舒畅, 2012)

第五, 为了提高学生的记忆力、思考能力, 背诵往往能达到增强的效果, 进而培养学生使用英语的能力。不断的背诵练习既是对记忆技巧方法的练习, 又会反过来增强人的记忆力。


(1) 慎重选材, 把握时机, 降低学生对背诵的畏惧情绪

学生学习主动性差, 一般都会畏惧背诵, 所以, 教师要选择适于背诵的语言资料。所选的材料, 应与现实接近, 具有实用性, 或是具有模仿性的材料, 或是能够启迪学生的材料, 从而提高学生背诵的兴趣;另外, 在语言上有一定的规范性, 自然、纯朴、可生性强, 利于学生模仿与应用。所以, 老师布置任务时, 选择材料要慎重, 避免学生产生畏难感。例如, 教师选择单词、短语、句型让学生记忆, 这些是最基础的, 需要积累;在每个单元, 很多重点词语、短语、句型等一定要过关。另外, 选择一些对学生有启发的好句子, 对写作有用的佳句, 让学生进行记忆;在每篇课文中, 找出知识点比较集中的段落, 让学生记忆。

(2) 合理的方法指导, 让背诵简单易行

对于中、低水平的学生, 为了确保他们能完成背诵, 老师要运用恰当的方法进行指导, 主要从以下几方面谈起。

1在背诵时, 明确目标, 集中注意力。一旦背诵的目标不具体, 学生背诵不用心, 效果可想而知。不管是背诵母语还是外语, 都要求大脑快速运转, 才能实现很好的效果。所以, 要积极鼓励学生慢慢学习, 同时, 要让学生不断加强记忆与巩固。

2在理解的基础上, 指导学生重新编码这些语言材料。对于背诵英语短文, 除了理解材料的文面之意, 即主题、思想、字面义、深层之意、结构、框架等, 还要对句子进行深入理解, 即每一句子的语法、结构、句型, 句与句之间的关系, 及上、下文之间的联系等, 进而重新编码语言材料。

(3) 完善监督、检查机制, 以保证背诵实效

1通过小组合作, 相互督查。对于背诵任务, 中低水平学生往往很难完成, 尤其学生不勤奋, 更是难以实现。所以, 为了达到好的背诵效果, 就要及时检查、监督等, 以小组合作的方式来进行, 优、中、差搭配分组。另外, 规定任务完成的时间, 教师及时抽查, 以口头作为背诵方式, 或以默写方式进行, 检查之后有赏有罚。

2在平时, 通过检测题, 加大力度检查学生的背诵情况, 能够引起学生重视学习, 同时, 让其感受到背诵的重要性。比如, 为了体现出背诵的意义, 可以出一些短文的填空题、单选题、短语的翻译、单词的填空题等, 这样, 学生才能认识到背诵的意义。另外, 教师应当指导学生学习方法, 尤其让学生在精力充足时进行背诵任务, 即在早读时, 与同学共同互相激励而完成背诵活动, 或采取集体背诵的方式。背诵属于一种单一形式又具有较大强度的劳动, 因此, 背诵应在精力充足时进行, 这样, 才会强化对英语的学习, 才能背诵得越来越好;相反, 在不佳的状态下背诵, 以前对英语的兴趣也会被消磨掉。所以, 背诵具有十分重要的意义, 遗忘是学习中是最大的敌人, 而记忆属于一个进一步加强的过程, 不断背诵, 不断巩固记忆。

总而言之, 语言的学习是不断模仿、不断记忆的过程。根据学生学习的效果分析, 只要学生能够坚持背诵, 英语学习成绩就会有很大提高。背诵活动, 在语言学习中很重要, 对于培养学生的语言综合运用的能力, 特别是表达能力具有巨大的促进作用。


[1]教育部.高中英语课程标准[M].北京:人民教育出版社, 2012.

[2]张舒畅.任务活动中合作学习的有效性探究[J].中小学教材教学, 2012 (25) :28-29.

英语经典短文 篇3


一、How to use an English-Chinese dictionary? When you are reading something in English, you may often come across a new word.What’s the best way to know it? You may look it up in an English-Chinese dictionary.It will tell you a lot about the word: the pronunciation, the Chinese meaning and also how to use this word.But how can you know where the word is in thousands of English words? How to find it in the dictionary both quickly and correctly? First, all the English words are arranged in the alphabetical order.In the dictionary you can first see the words beginning with the Ietter A, then B,C,D,E…That means if there are two words “desert”and “pull”,” “desert”will be certainly before“pull”.Then if there,are two words both beginning with the same letter,you may look at the second letter.Then the third, the fourth…For example, “pardon”is before “plough”, “judge”is before “just”,etc.Do you understand how to look up a word in a dictionary? The dictionary will be your good friend,I hope you’ll use it as often as possible in your English learning.二、Travel by bike

If you go to visit London, you’ll see a lot of buses and cars on the road.You’ll also see a lot of bikes because more people travel by bike.There are a lot of reasons for this.First, it is very cheap to buy a bike, and it is quick, too.You often have to wait for a bus for half an hour.When the bus comes, there are so many other buses and cars on the roads that the bus moves very slowly.I traveled to work by bus for about four years.I often arrived at work late and tired.Then one day, about two years ago, a friend of mine said, “ I go to work by bike.Why don’t we travel together?”

“Because my bike is old.” I answered, “And there are so many buses and cars on the roads.I’ll feel frightened

“You needn’t feel frightened!” said my friend.“If you follow me and we ride slowly, you’ll be fine.”

The next day I brought myself a new bike.Although we went slowly, we arrived ai work quickly.It took 40 minutes to go to work by bus, but only half an hour by bike!Now I don’t feel afraid.I love going go work by bike.I take a different road every day.I arrived at work very quickly.I’ve got a little more money now, and more important, I feel healthy.Many people think in the same way as I do.That’s why you see a lot of bikes on the road.Next year you’ll see more, I am sure.Perhaps in the future we will have roads for bikes only.I hope so.三、American food habits

Generally speaking, American food is rather bland and inspired.Salads are popular and are served all the year round.Many American people are “calorie” conscious.This is evident in menus offering “low calorie” or “weight watchers” meals.In markets one can find “No Cal” drinks(meaning without calories)such as ginger ale or cola.“Diet” foods without sugar or salt are also available in food stores.Waiters in American restaurants tend to assume that everyone drinks coffee.If a waiter suddenly asks “Now or later?” what he means is “Do you want coffee with your meal now or later?” Many American drinks

Coffee with their meal.When dining out in the US we can ask for tea, milk,coke,bear and so on, if we prefer these to coffee, American restaurants cannot serve beer, wine, or liquor unless they are licensed to do so.The main course in American meals is usually meat, fowl, or fish, but rarely is more than one of these



七、Insects We often think of insects as being harmful.This is not quite true.Many insects are harmful.For example, flies carry disease.Other insects carry disease, too.Farmers are at war with insects most of the time.Hungry insects kill plants in the fields.Farmers spray the fields to get rid of these insects.Does this mean that all insects are harmful? No.Many are of great help to man.Bees make honey.Without bees and other insects, many trees would have no fruit.Silkworms make silk.Some insects eat other insects that kill fruit trees.Have you ever seen a praying mantis? People who do not know about the praying mantis sometimes kill it.They think it is harmful.But this insect is of great help to farmers and gardeners.It eats insects that kill plants.Long ago, many people thought of most insects as enemies.Today, we know the difference between harmful insects and those that help us.八、Special language Can you see the rabbit’s tail? When a rabbit sees something dangerous, it runs away.Its tail is white and moves up and down as it runs.Other rabbits see the tail moving, and they run, too.They know that there is something danger.The rabbit has told them something without making a sound.It has given them a signal.Many other animals use this kind of language.When a cobra is angry, it raises its hood and makes itself look fierce.This warns other animals.When a bee has found some food, it goes back to its home.It cannot tell the other bees where the food is by speaking to them, but it does a little dance in the air.This tells the others where the food is.Some animals say things by making sounds.Sometimes we humans speak in the same way.But we have something that no animal has-a large number of words.No animal has the wonderful power of language.People living in different countries make different kinds of words.Today there are about fifteen hundred different languages in the world.The words you know are called your vocabulary.You should try to make your vocabulary bigger.Read as many books as you can.When you meet a new word, find it in your dictionary.Your dictionary is your most useful book.九、A good idea Mike and Tom had studied in the same class.After they had finished middle school, Mike went to college but Tom found work in a factory.The young man likes smoking very much and it’s bad for his health.Now he coughs day and night and he’s too weak to work.So he was sent away.He spent all money on smoking and sometimes he has little food to eat.Once Tom met Mike in the street.Mike finished college and began to work in a post office and was paid much.When Tom knew about it, he asked Mike to lend two hundred dollars to him.Mike found it was difficult to refuse and agreed.A year later Mike was going go marry and needed a lot of money.He told Tom about it.Tom said he would pay off the debt the next month.But three months passed and Tom did not pay off his debt.And one day Mike went to his house again and said, “Haven’t you found any ideas to pay off your debt?”

“Yes, I have.” Answered Tom.“ If you help me, I’ll pay off my debt at once.” “what’s it?”

中学英语经典短文读背 篇4

编者按:对绝大多数中国学生来说,阅读是吸收英语语言材料,增加语言知识,扩大词汇量的最重要的手段。而且阅读能力的提高又能为听说口语能力和写作能力的发展打好基础。因此,看你的语言知识能否巩固,在很大程度上取决于你能否真正学会阅读。阅读能力是影响英语学习的最重要的因素。正因为这样,不同时期的《英语教学大纲》都明确规定要“侧重培养阅读能力”。而英语阅读能力只有通过大量的英语阅读实践才能培养起来。这正吻合了英国著名的语言教学家、新阅读法创始人韦斯特(Micheal West)的观点:“通过阅读学会阅读”。


一、My mother

1.My mother is the loveliest person in the world.She loves her children very much and is always kind and gentle to them.Every mother is kind to her children but my mother’s kindliness to us is unlike others.She never gets angry and never loses her temper.When we are naughty and do not listen to her words , she only pretends to be angry and walks away.She will come back to us sometimes later and asks whether we like to be good boys and good girls again.She is so gentle and patient to us.My mother is busy all day.She cooks for us ,washes our clothes and also teaches us to do our homework.We all love and respect our dear ,dear mother.2.My mother is a very kind and gentle woman.I have two brothers and two sisters , so she has five children in all.She takes good care of all of us and keeps the house in good order.My mother has too much to do used to get up very early and sleep very late.She works hard and is always busy.Yet she never makes a complaint.She often says :“Work while you work , play while you play.If you do not work hard and become lazy,My mother is kind not only to her children but to all other people.She is tender-hearted and cannot keep her tears when a sad who know her and we are proud of this.二.My friend

3.I have many friends.Among them , there is one I like much better than all the others.I became acquainted with him when I first went to school and since then we have been living together for over six years.He is sweet and patient, clever and active ,andall who know him..He is good in many subjects and is always glad to teach me and answer my questions.I have much to learn from him and 1

4.Wang Ying is my classmate and good friend.She is as tall as I am and is a lovely and clever girl.She likes pictures and is learning to paint.She also likes swimming.We used to go to swim together and gather sea-shells on the beaches.Wang Ying is the best student in our class.She studies hard and always pays attention to what the teachers say.She also likes to help her classmates to do their homework and

三.My teacher

5.We have many teachers in our school ,some of them old and some of them young.There are women as well as men.We have Englishmen as well as Chinese.He is Mr Liang , an old man of over sixty.He teaches history and is very gentle and kind.He teaches well and seems to know everything.He also tells stories well.We all like him and admire him.6.My teacher ,Miss Fang , is the best teacher I have ever known.She not only teaches us well but.She is our teacher in the classroom and our friend and playmate after class , for she likes to play and joke with us.She is very patient in her teaching.She is never tired of helping us in our work.Sometimes , she pays us visits at home to see how we do our homework.四.My---

7.My cat

I have a furry kitten.She is tiny , naughty but clever.filled with cotton and covered with a little piece of blanke

My kitten is named Mimie.She is clean and lovely.I used toplay with her.Mimie is my good friend.I shall always be friendly and kind to her.8.My dog

My father bought me a little dog on my last birthday.We named him little Huang because he is yellow in colour.Little Huang loves to run in the garden and play with a ball.He is very clever and can barks atlittle tricks.Everybody in the family loves him.He is be unkind to him.五.My school

9.Our school lies in a peaceful and quiet place off the city.It has its own buildings and its own playground.The school building has five stories and twenty classrooms.We have nearly one thousand pupils.We are very happy because the teachers treat us like their own children and the school is just like a large family to us.Our school-master is a very kind old man.He has been school –master for the past fifteen years and looks upon us as his own sons and daughters.All the boys and girls respect and love him.10.Our school is a very lovely place.We have many kind teachers children.We work and play together happily like brothers and sisters.We help each other like good friends.We have ten classes and there are about forty pupils in a class.Our school lessons begin at eight o’clock in the morning.We also have morning exercises.All pupils gather in the playground before school begins and one can see many bright and smiling faces there.We learn many useful things in school.Our dear teachers are teaching us all useful subjects when we grow up.We love our school.It is just another home of ours.六.My home town

11.Singapore is my home town.I was born there and my family has lived in Singapore for many generations.Singapore is a beautiful city and a good place to live in.It has grown intoscenerybotanical gardenon public holidays.One can see rubber trees , coconut trees and palm trees everywhere.12.Hong Kong is the place I love most.I love it because it is my homeland and my family has lived here for many , many years.I love it also because it is a beautiful place and its name has become known“the pearl of the east”.I am proud of it.Hong Kong is a modern city.It is a good sea port and has a good harbour and a modern equipped airport.It has a population of about five million.It has also first-class hospitals and clinics.Ninety-eight per cent of the population of Hong Kong is Chinese.They have lived here for attractive place for world-wide touristsI am proud of Hong Kong and of

七、My Boyhood

13.My boyhood has gone and can never come back.Yet I still cannot forget the happy days when I was a little boy and was a prince in the family.My family was not rich, but as there were only two of us in the family , my younger sister

and myself , we naturally became our parents’ treasuresshared more of my mother’s affection than my sister.I well remember the evenings when , after supper ,we sat together and begged our parents to tell us stories.How I liked those tales told byfairy stories having a brave and honest boy as the heroine.It is a pity that I cannot remember even one of them now.I also remember the days when I fell sick and had to be confined to bed.My parents were then the most unhappy persons on earth.There would be no more fairy tales to be told and thegot well again.The recollectionmy youththe sorrows of life.Let me stand up and walk on like a man and a hero in the tales.八.My family

14.There are seven persons in my family.They are my father and mother , my grand-mother, my three sisters and myself.My parents are just over fifty, and are still strong and healthy.Among the seven , my three sisters are naturally the youngest.Although our family is not very rich , we live a happy home-life.My grand-mother is a very kind woman and helps to look after the children.She is seventy-two , but her eye-sight and hearing young person’s.She is also a good story teller.On weekdays , my father goes to his office and my sisters and I go to school.On

Sundays and holidays, we used topicnic.15.I have a good and happy family.We have altogether five persons : my father , my

mother , my two sisters and myself.My father is a merchant.He is very busy and is seldom at home except after office and

on Sundays and holidays.My mother is very busy too.She has to look after the house and take care of all of us.The evenings at home are the happiest and liveliest moments in our family.After that he has seen or heard in the day-time.After that , my father would begin to enjoy some music from his record player ,leaving us children to do our homework by ourselves.九、My profession

16.Everyone must have a professionserve the publicmankind.I do not desire I believe wealth cannot absolutelyor help one to

My profession must be useful to all and should add value to my life.I have chosen to be a doctor when I grow upcure people of their illnesses and make them live By making other people happy, I myself of

course will always be happy.17.I wish to be a teacher.Some say that a teacher’s life is a very dull one.I do not agree with this.As a teacher , one has the opportunity of all sorts of

among the younger generation Some of your pupils may become prominent citizens after some years.They may be famous politicians, artists , doctors ,professors, etc.Imagine has broght up.I look forward to the day when I can stand before a class of lovely children and being my as a teacher.十、The year

18.A year is divided into twelve months.Every three months make a season , so we have four seasons in a year.When winter comes , the weather is cold.In northern countries , snow falls and all trees and grass are covered with snow.In spring , the days become warmer.The trees put forth new leaves and the voices of birds are heard

背诵的经典英语短文 篇5

Study the following set of pictures carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words.Your essay must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2.Your essay should cover all the information provided and meet the requirements below:

1.Describe the pictures

2.Deduce the purpose of the artist of the pictures.3.Suggest counter-measures.真题分析:




The picture unveils a drastic change of ocean ecology during the past century due to the expanding scale of world commercial fishing.There were few fishing ships on the sea in 1900 when an enormous number of fish swam freely;in contrast, in 1995 a large fleet of ships were endeavoring to search for the only fish in the sea.The tremendous contrast presented by the drawing alarmingly reminds us of the detrimental deterioration of oceanic ecosystem by the greediness of mankind.The industry of commercial fishing had undergone a booming expansion along with the growing public awareness of the merits of seafood, which made fishing unusually profitable.Lacking knowledge regarding the significance

of ecological balance, businessmen sent out ships that insatiably chased fishes and thus posed a severe threat to all life in the sea.However, this trend may in turn endanger humankind.To prevent the exhaustion of ocean resources, governments should unite to work out effective measures against commercial fishing.For instance, there should be limitations on fishing time and location so as to reduce the exploitation of the sea.Moreover, people also call for laws and regulations that are responsible for punishing excessive fishing.Last but not the least, the public attachment to the importance of balance preservation would play a decisive role in saving ocean species from extinction.译文:






enormous:adj.巨大的,庞大的search for:寻找


along with:与……一起


pose a threat to:对……造成威胁



call for:要求


The picture unveils a drastic change of…
