
2024-10-25 版权声明 我要投稿


一般现在时的教学设计 篇1


这节课我先引出一般现在时态的定义,然后给出一些句子让学生配对,熟悉在什么情况下用 the simple present tense。接着我让学生造了两组句子:一组be动词句子,一组行为动词句子,这些句子不是很难,所以造起来比较容易。然后我把一般现在时提出来,通过这两组句子引导学生说出一般现在时的用法,在讲构成时,我充分利用小组合作的优势让大家讨论动词的形式,通过两组句子的比较,热烈讨论,同学们基本都能看出规律,许多同学抢着说出有两种情况:1.主语+ be(is/am/are)+谓语 2.主语+行为动词(do/does)我让同学们讨论比较在叙述时动词有什么变化,他们很快发现加了s和es,而且一部分同学根据小学已有的知识基础,就能说出是第三人称单数,所以我就顺势告诉他们,当主语是第三人称单数时,动词要用三单式。一般现在时中的第三人称单数是难点。针对代词I, we, you, they,后面跟动词时用动词原形,这一点学生一般都没有问题,可是代词He, she it,后面跟动词时用动词的第三人称单数形式,这方面学生出错很多。究其原因,主要是两个:一是对动词词汇掌握不够,二是不同动词变第三人称单数的规则容易混淆,比如有些动词要直接加“s”,有些动词要加“es”,有些动词要变“y”为“i”再加“es”,我觉得学生出错最多的还是变“y”为“i”再加“es”这种情况,比如动词fly, hurry等,学生容易直接加“s”。针对这些错误,我觉得教师在平时除了让学生多做变动词形式之外,最重要的是在教学的过程中,教师应该让学生自己去摸索规律,这样学生可能做掌握得更好。针对几个特殊词汇,让学生去边找规律边记忆。同时,结合英语课堂作业,我让学生在句子,语篇中练习这些词汇,并与第一人称直接为动词原形的句子在一起比较教学,让学生对语法规则记忆更深刻些。

一般现在时的教学设计 篇2


导入是微课环境下初中英语一般现在时教学的第一个环节, 也是有效激发学生的学习兴趣, 为整堂课奠定良好氛围的一个重要的环节。在该环节, 为了有效降低学生在进行语法学习时的焦虑感, 为了将一般现在时的学习与学生的实际生活有效地结合起来, 教师可以运用实际的语境来进行微课堂的导入。首先为学生展示几幅自己日常生活的照片, 如在周末和好友购物的照片, 放学之后健身的照片, 以及午餐吃水果的照片, 等等;接着引导学生运用一般现在时造句, 如I go shopping with my best friend every weekend.I play sports after class every day.I eat a lot of fruits for lunch every day.等等;然后这样指导学生:“Boys and girls, you should watch these sentences carefully and find out the common features in these sentences.”通过图片展示, 不仅能够激发学生的学习兴趣, 而且能有效地引导学生发现一般现在时的构成。

二、教师进行清晰的讲解, 并突出重点

和传统的语法课堂相比, 微课堂的特征便是能在较短的时间之内 (一般情况下是10分钟之内) 将一个语法点讲解清楚, 并配以一定的练习或者小测。因此, 教师一定要做到“微而不薄”、“微而高效”。在讲解一般现在时时, 教师需要在较短的时间之内对该时态的用法进行清晰的讲解, 并在讲解过程中注意详略得当、突出重点。具体来说, 主要包括一般现在时的定义、一般现在时的用法以及一般现在时的结构, 因此在设计微课时, 这三个部分应该条理清晰、环环相扣。当然, 在讲解完毕之后, 教师也应该和学生一起进行课堂小结, 也可让学生自行总结。


微课环境下的初中英语一般现在时教学的第三个环节便是实现课堂的“翻转”。因为教师在课堂上不仅可以播放相关的微课视频, 还可以在课下将录制好的视频传到相关的网络平台供学生在课下进行复习和强化。通过这种方式, 学生学习的渠道得到了有效地拓展, 同时也为学生提供了查漏补缺的机会, 让他们能够有课下学习和巩固的平台。例如, 在讲解由译林教育出版社出版的牛津初中英语教材中关于simple present tense的内容时, 教师可以在课下给学生上传两个微课学习内容。第一个视频上传课堂上已经学习过的内容, 并这样指导学生:“Boys and girls, do you master the usages of the simple present tense?Do you get good grades in the class tests?If not, you are required to take the micro lesson again after class.After that, you are required to write down what you gain and what you still do not understand.”而为了满足更多学生的拓展学习需求, 帮助他们得到有效的提升, 教师所上传的第二个微课视频应该是有利于巩固学生基础知识的强化学习、拓展学习。比如对初中英语阶段simple present tense中的用法, 教师可以在第二个微课程中为学生讲解一般现在时的特殊用法, 即在时间状语从句、条件状语从句和让步状语从句中如何用一般现在时表示将来, 如I will call you as soon as I get there.If it rains tomorrow, I will not go to the concert with you.She won’t forgive me even if I apologize.等等。通过这种方式, 便可以在充分调动学生学习主动性和积极性的基础上实现课堂的“翻转”。


一般现在时的教学是初中英语教学中的一个难点和重点, 因此, 在实际的教学过程中, 教师千万不能闭门造车, 而应该广开思路、拓展思维, 积极利用新的教学模式, 微课教学便是其中一种较为有效的方式。但是, 这一方式的成长、成熟还需要很长一段时间, 在实际的运用过程中遇到问题也是很正常的。因此, 教师和学生一定要戒骄戒躁, 一边运用, 一边总结, 将好的方面不断发扬, 将不足的地方加以弥补和改正。只有这样, 才能使微课这一新的教学模式真正落到实处, 并有效发挥其作用。


[1]张琛, 刘正.微课的设计与制作——以《火车过桥问题》为例[J].教育理论与实践, 2014 (23) .

[2]钟莉传.微课刍议[J].广西教育 (职业与高等教育版) , 2014 (7) .

一般现在时的教学设计 篇3


一般现在时通常表示现在经常发生的或习惯性的动作或目前的状态。一般现在时常与often, always, usually, sometimes, seldom, every day, on Saturdays, once a week, twice a year, four times a day 等时间状语连用,这些时间状语可看作是该时态的标志。例如:

She sometimes talks with foreigners in Japanese. 她有时用日语和外国人交谈。

He goes to the cinema once a month. 他每月看一次电影。




be 指is, am, are,我们要会区别运用:我(I)用am 你(you)用are, is 连着他(he)她(she)它(it)。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。例如:

I am from England. Are you from England, too? 我来自英国,你也来自英国吗?

Her pencil sharpener is blue. 她的铅笔刀是蓝色的。

These girl students are all 16. 这些女生都16岁了。



I often go to bed at 11 o’clock. 我经常在11点睡觉。

Jack studies in a famous middle school. 杰克在一所有名的中学学习。



变否定,很容易,后加not 就可以;变疑问,要知晓,一提二改三问号。


They are Chinese.

→ They aren’t Chinese.

→ Are they Chinese?

肯定回答与否定回答:Yes, they are./No, they aren’t.


改疑问,变否定,do 或does 就要用。改疑问,一添二改三问号;变否定,don’t, doesn’t 动前添。注释:肯定句改写为疑问句时,句首添上do 或does(用于单三),动词改为原形,句尾加上问号;改为否定句时,在动词前面加上don’t 或doesn’t(用于单三),动词改为原形。例如:

Tom does his homework in the afternoon.

→ Tom doesn’t do his homework in the afternoon.

→Does Tom do his homework in the afternoon?

肯定回答与否定回答:Yes, he does./No, he doesn’t.



Mr. Wang usually goes to work on foot. 王先生通常步行上班。

Do you call your parents every morning? 你每天早晨都给你父母打电话吗?


Many western people don’t like the number 13. 许多西方人不喜欢数字13。

Four plus two is six. 四加二等于六。

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起,从西方落下。


I’ll tell you as soon as Li Xiao comes back. 李晓一回来我就告诉你。

We’ll visit the Great Wall if it is fine tomorrow. 如果明天天气好的话,我们就去登长城。

(4)在某些以here, there 开头的倒装句中,用一般现在时表示正在发生的动作。例如:

Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。

There goes the bell. 铃响了。


Jack throws the ball to John and John catches it. He jumps and casts it into the basket.



一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或存在的状态,还表示过去习惯性、经常性的动作、状态。一般过去时经常与表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday(昨天), the day before yesterday(前天), last night(昨天晚上), last week/month/term/spring/year(上周/月/学期/去年春天,去年), three days ago(三天以前), in 2000(在2000年), just now(刚才), at the age of 12(在12岁时), one day(一天), long long ago(很久很久以前), once upon a time(从前)等,也可以用在when, since 等连词引导的从句中。例如:

Bob went to Shenzhen three weeks ago. 鲍勃三周前去了深圳。

Children got up early on the morning of June 1. 孩子们在六月一日的早晨起床很早。

When I was a child, I often went to the park with my father.




动词be 有was, were 两个过去式,was是is, am 的过去式,用于第一、三人称单数;were是are 的过去式,用于第二人称及其他人称的复数。



walk→walked, play→played, work→worked, need→needed


一般现在时的句式变化口诀 篇4


be后加not,就是否定句。置be于句首,便是一般问。再加疑问词,则是特殊问。人称后无be,若要变句式,单三用does,not紧随后,句尾加问号,选对疑问词,无论be和动,划线包含动,一句现两do,后是实意动,问人用who,方式和程度,询问哪一个,不可how much,注意有一点,英形无差错,规律挺简单,应是实意动。只加助动词。其余都用do。动词复原形。便是一般问。去掉主语词,只要变特问,what来提问,功能不相同。代替原句动。问地用where,都用how问。which来引领。二者不能混。原句人称我。汉意也通顺。是你不明白。该句本无be,选择does/do,要变否定句,前置助动词,只有问主语,加上剩余词,定有划线词,人称后加do,前是助动词,确定是否要,问时用when,只是用whose,若是问数量,用法同whose,变成疑问句,二者相一致,含be变特问,变化不用be。关键看人称。人称后加助。


词序不需变。肯定没问题。相应疑问代。千万不能少。本身无意义。一译便可知。问物用what,, 其后不丢名。

可数how many, 其后必加名。



英语一般现在时课件 篇5

如: We clean the classroom。 我们打扫教室。


如:The classroom is cleaned (by us)。 教室被(我们)打扫。


助动词be +及物动词的过去分词+(by+宾语)其中by意为“被;由”,表动作的执行者。 如:The glass is broken by that boy。



如:English is widely spoken around the world。 (肯定式)

English is not widely spoken around the world。 (否定式)

Is English widely spoken around the world? (疑问式)

Yes, it is。/No, it isn’t。


在没有指明动作的执行者或者不知道动作执行者的情况下可用被动语态。如:This coat is made of cotton。这件大衣是棉制的。 ·要强调动作的承受者而不是执行者时,用被动语态。 如:Her bike is stolen。她的自行车被偷了。





1。 主动、被动互转时,时态不变,但有人称和数的变化。主动句的主语是代词的主格形式,变成被动态by的宾语时,要用宾格形式。主动句的宾语是代词的宾格形式,变成被动时,要转换为主格。如:

(1)People grow rice in the south。

(2)Rice is grown (by people) in the south。

(3) She takes care of the baby。

(4)The baby is taken care of (by her)。

2。含有情态动词的被动语态 情态动词 + be + 及物动词的过去分词 +(by+宾语) 如:

The work can be done。


Other planets may be visited in the future。


3。主动句中的宾语补足语如果是不带to的不定式,在变被动句时,要加上to 。使役动词make/ have/ let sb do sth 及感官动词see/ hear/ feel/ notice sb to do sth 如:

they heard a girl sing in the next room (by them)。


肯定句:主语+ am / is / are + 动词的过去分词 +(by+人代宾格 )+ 其他

eg 。English is studied (by us ) every day。

否定句::主语+ am / is / are + not + 动词的过去分词 +(by+人代宾格 )+ 其他

eg。 English is not studied (by us ) every day。

疑问句:Is English not studied (by us ) every day。?

一般现在时的教学设计 篇6

表示经常性或习惯性的动作或存在的状态。通常与副词sometimes、often、usually、always、every day ( year、month ) 、once ( twice、three times) a day等时间状语连用。

1. 如何表示经常性或习惯性的动作?


I get up at six every day. 我每天六点起床。

I go to school at seven in the morning. 我早上7点去学校。

2. 如何理解经常性存在的状态?


He is a student. 他是一个学生。

He can swim. 他会游泳。

There is a picture on the wall. 墙上有一幅画。

The earth goes around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。


1. be 动词: 主语 + be( am,is,are) + 其它。如:

I am a student.

He is a boy.

You are a girl.

2. 行为动词: 主语 + 行为动词 + 其它。如:

We study English every day. 我们每天学习英语。


1. be 动词的变化

1) 肯定句: 主语 + be( am,is,are) + 其它。如:

I am a student.

He is a boy.

You are a girl.

2) 否定句: 主语 + be + not + 其它。如:

He is not a student. 他不是学生。

3) 一般疑问句: be + 主语 + 其它。如:

Are you a student?

Yes,I am. / No,I’m not.

4) 特殊疑问句: 疑问词 + 一般疑问句。如:

Where is my book? 我的书在哪里?

2. 行为动词一般现在时的句型变化。

1) 肯定句: 主语 + 行为动词 + 其它。如:

We read books every day. 我们每天都看书。

注: 当主语为第三人称单数( he,she,it) 时,要在动词后加“- s”或“- es”。如:

Tom likes Chinese. 汤姆喜欢汉语。

2) 否定句: 主语 + don’t( doesn’t ) + 动词原形 + 其它。如:

I don’t like coffee. 我不喜欢咖啡。

注: 当主语为第三人称单数时,要用doesn’t构成否定句。如:

He doesn’t like coffee.

3) 一般疑问句: do( does ) + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其它。如:

Do you often play football?

Yes,I do. / No,I don’t.

注: 当主语为第三人称单数时,要用does构成一般疑问句。如:

Does she go to school every day?

Yes,she does. / No,she doesn’t. ( 位置提前)

4) 特殊疑问句: 疑问词 + 一般疑问句

What do you often do?

3. 主语为第三人称单数的一般现在时,在肯定句形式中动词词尾 + s的变化规则

( 1) 一般情况下,直接加 - s,如: cook→cooks;

( 2) 以s、x、sh、ch、o结尾的动词,在词尾直接加 - es, 如: guess - guesses,fix - fixes,wash - washes,watch - watches, go - goes;

( 3) 以“辅音字母加y”结尾的词,变y为i,再加 - es, 如: study - studies

注: be( am,is,are) → is,have→has

四、一般现在时的肯定句形式中,主语为第三人称单数 时,动词加 - s 变化专项练习

( 1) drink _____( 2) make_____ ( 3) plant_____

( 4) guess_____ ( 5) fix_____ ( 6) wash_____

( 7) watch_____ ( 8) go_____ ( 9) fly_____

( 10) study _____( 11) stay _____( 12) do_____

( 13 ) have_____ ( 14) be_____


1. She often _____( have) dinner at home.

2. Tom and Mike_____ ( be) in class one.

3. We_____ ( not watch) TV on Monday.

4. Jim_____ ( not go) to the zoo on Sunday.

5._____ they_____ ( like) the World Cup? ( 世界杯)

6. What_____ he often _____( do) on Saturdays?

7. _____your parents_____ ( read) English every day?

8. The girl _____( teach) us Chinese on Tuesdays.


1. Jim watches TV every evening.

( 改为否定句)_______

( 改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)___________

2. We go to school every morning.

( 改为否定句)______

( 改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答)_________

3. I often take photos in the park.

( 对划线部分提问)________

4. She does her homework in the evening.

( 改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)_______

5. Tom and Jim go shopping on Sundays.

( 对划线部分提问)_______

参考答案: 四、1) drinks 2) makes 3) plants 4) guesses 5) fixes 6) washes 7) watches 8) goes 9) flies 10) stud- ies11) stays12) does 13) has 14) is

五、1. has2. are 3. don’t watch 4. does’t go 5. Do , like 6. does,do 7. Do,read 8. teaches

六、1. Jim does’t watch TV every evening. ( 改为否定句)

Does Jim watch TV every evening? No,he does’t ( 改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)

2. We don’t go to school every morning. ( 改为否定句)

Do you go to school every morning? Yes,we do. ( 改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答)

3. What do you often do in the park? ( 对划线部分提问)

4. Does she do her homework in the evening?

No,she does’t. ( 改为一疑问句,作否定回答)

常和一般现在时连用的动词 篇7

He starts next week.


We leave very soon.


The train starts at 10 o’clock in the morning.


这类用法限于表示“移动”的动词:go去,come来,leave离开,start出发,begin开始,arrive到达,take off起飞,等等。


To tell you the truth, I hate to do it.


I hope the weather would be fine.


I am looking into the room, and I see a strange man in it.



1. 表示心理状态的动词

know知道,realize意识到,think (that)认为,suppose (that)料想,doubt怀疑,forget忘记,remember记得,understand明白,regard看待,love爱,like喜欢,prefer偏好,hate讨厌,hope希望,want想要,need需要,wish期望,等等。

2. 表示感觉的动词


3. 表示状态的动词

be是,have有,belong属于,own拥有,possess拥有,suit适合,fit适合,contain包含,depend依靠,smell有……的气味 ,taste有……的味道,seem显得,look显得,appear看來,turn out变成,等等。

一般现在时的教学设计 篇8






教学内容: 一般现在时


I like sports.Sue enjoys reading novels.The Smiths go on a trip to Disney every summer.The libraries open at 9 o’clock and close at 6 o’clock.Sam works very hard.The earth goes round the sun.They do a lot of different things in their spare time.It costs a lot of money to live in big cities.They play football every Sunday afternoon.二.一般现在时的频度副词有:always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never 等:

Sue always arrives on time.I usually go to work by bus.Judy sometimes has breakfast in the dining hall.Tom lives near us.We often see him.Sue is an honest girl.She never lies to others.三.动词第三人称单数形式的构成:当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词需加-s或-es: 规则 动词原形 第三人称单数形式

一般在词尾加-s play leave read work plays leaves reads works

以字母s, x, ch, sh,o 结尾的的词加-es pass teach wash fix do passes teaches washes fixes does

以辅音字母加y结尾的词,先变y为i,再加-es study cry carry fly studies cries carries flies



boil, close, cost, like, meet, open, speak, teach, wash

1.Margaret __________ four languages.2.In Britain the banks usually ____________ at 9:30 in the morning.3.The City Museum _____________ at 5 in the afternoon.4.Tina is a teacher.She __________ maths to young children.5.My job is very interesting.I __________ a lot of people.6.Peter ____________ his hair twice a week.7.Food is expensive.It ___________ a lot of money.8.Shoes are expensive.They __________ a lot of money.9.Water ___________ at 100 degrees Celsius.10.Julia and I are good friends.I ________her and she __________me.答案:

1.speaks 2.open

3.closes 4.teaches 5.meet


7.costs 8.cost





1.______________________ at work early.(Sue/ always/arrive)

2._____________________ TV very often.(we/ not/ watch)

3.How often ____________ your hair?(you/ wash)

4.I want to go to the cinema but ____________ to go.(Chris/ not/want)

5.____________________ to go out this evening?(you/want)

6._____________________ near here?(Ann/live)

7.____________________ a lot people?(Sara/know)

8.I enjoy traveling but ____________ very much.(I /not/ travel)

9.What time _______________ in the morning?(you/ usually/ get up)

10.My parents are usually at home in the evening._______________ very often.(they/not/go out)

11.________________work at 5.(Tim/ always/ finish)

12.A: What ______________?(Jill/ do)

B:___________________in a hotel.(she/work)


1.Sue always arrives

2.We don’t watch

3.do you wash

4.Chris doesn’t want

5.Do you want

6.Does Ann live

7.Sarah knows

8.I don’t travel

9.do you usually get up

10.They don’t go out

11.Tim always finishes

12.does Jill do---She works


1.---How are you?

---Fine.Thank you.2.This is my classmate, David.3.What’s this in English?

4.---What are these?

---They’re dictionaries.5.---How many dictionaries are there?

---There are nineteen dictionaries.6.---What color is the bird?

---It’s black.7.---What’s your favorite sport?

---Swimming.8.I can write Chinese, but I can’t type.9.---What’s the weather like in London in autumn?

---It’s cool.10.---Nice to meet you!

---Nice to meet you, too!

11.I’m from Beijing.I’m twelve years old and I’m Chinese.I’m in Class Eight.12.---Where are you from?

---I’m from London.13.---How old are you?

---I’m thirteen.14.Sam is twelve years old.He’s from England.He’s in Class Three.He is a new

student.His favorite color is green.His favorite season is spring.He can play

football and basketball, but he can’t play tennis.15.This is my family.There are three people in my family.These are my parents.This is

my father, Alex.He is an engineer.He is 42 years old.He likes playing tennis.He

can play the piano, but he can’t sing songs.This is my mother, Jenny.She works in

a university.She is 40.She likes her work.She goes to work by bus every day.Her

favorite movie start is Tom Hanks.I---.16.There are a lot of /lots of people in the meeting room.17.There is some milk in the cup.18.Is there any good news today?

19.---Are there any computers on your desks?

---Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t.20.---Is there a magazine on the table?

---Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.21.---Where is the library?

---It’s next to the gym./It’s in front of the science lab./ It’s behind the

playground.22.---How many students are there in your school?

---There are about 1,000.23.---Have you got any brothers or sisters?

---I have one brother and two sisters./I haven’t got any brothers or sisters.24.---Has she got a big family

---Yes, she has./ No, she hasn’t.25.---Have you got any water?

---Yes, we’ve got some water in the bottle.26.---Have you got any carrots?

---Yes, we’ve got some in the fridge.27.---Would you like to go to the cinema with me?

---That’s a great idea!28.The film is on in the evening.29.---Let’s go to the park after class.---All right./ A good idea.30.---What day is it today?

---It’s Tuesday.31.---When is your chemistry lesson?

---It’s at half past two.32.In the afternoon, we have three classes, have a break and play football.33.Lessons start at 8 in the morning.Lessons finish at 4:1 0 in the afternoon.34.I don’t go to school on Sunday.I go to the library or visit my grandparents on

Sunday.35.He never goes to a football match.He often listens to music.He sometimes downloads

music.36.He always gives me flowers as birthday presents.He usually makes a cake for my

birthday.37.Welcome to Beijing Zoo.The kangaroo comes from Australia, the polar bear comes from

Arctic and the wolf comes from Europe.38.---Does the tiger come from Australia?

---No, it doesn’t.39.Lingling’s father watches the football on television on Saturday and Sunday.40.She doesn’t like table tennis or basketball.41.---How often do you use a computer?

---Once a day./Twice a day./ Three times a day.42.---How do I open a new document?

43.I also get information for my lessons on the Internet.44.Sue is in China with her parents.45.Have you got any English novels? I’d like to borrow one.46.Would you like something to drink?

47.What about a birthday party?

48.What about/How about going to Paris for a holiday 49.This pair of shoes/glasses/ trousers is my sister’s.50.Do you often send postcards or emails to your friends? 51.What do you usually do on your computer?

52.Usually at home in the evening and at the weekend.I visit my website at the weekend.53.How many emails do you send?

一般过去时与现在完成时的区别 篇9

一般过去时与现在完成时都是发生在过去的动作,但一般过去时就象used to do something 一样,是过去曾经做过某事,现在不这样了,与现在毫无延续性,补做性,影响性,是完全无关系了。一般过去时是已有历史定论的,与现在无关的,已尘封的历史往事,没有重做,补做的可能或必要。而现在完成时则强调过去动作对现在有影响,如未完成时极需及时重做,补做。如“Have you had breakfast?Where did you have it?When did you have it ?”强调你现在是饱还是饿的状态,如还没吃早餐那在时间上还完全来得马上去吃。询问的时间肯定是中午十一点之前问的,十二点时就没必要这样问了。因为不可能补吃早餐了,可以吃中餐了啊。至于用Where,When来提问过去动作,有了吃早餐的时间和地点,那吃早餐就立刻成为确定尘封的历史往事,肯定已经吃过早餐,无所谓重吃,补吃,无所谓饿的影响了。“你看过这部电影吗?”,问你现在知道这电影的内容吗,可以和我交流对这电影的看法吗?如你还没看过可找时间去补看。这些都是现在完成时的特点。下面判别一下那一句应该用现在完成时,那一句应用一般过去时?

1. 我明天去武汉,你去过武汉吗?I am going to Wuhan,have you been to Wuhan?


2. 范仲淹去过武汉吗?(尘封的历史往事,用过去式)did Fan go to Wuhan ?

3. 你学过钢琴吗?能弹一首曲给我听吗?Have you learned playing piano ?Can you

play some music for me ?(对现在有影响)

4. 你小时候学过钢琴吗?你在北京的时候去过长城吗?(有确定时间,地点“小时


5. 老人家,你年轻时谈过恋爱吗?(有确定时间,地点“年轻时”“小时候”“在北


解读一般现在时 篇10



You are students. 你们都是学生。

We often practice English in the morning. 我们经常在早晨练习英语。


一般现在时常有often,usually,always,sometimes等频度副词或表示经常性的时间状语如every day/week/month/year,on Sundays等。如:

They usually watch TV in the evening. 他们通常晚上看电视。

My father goes to work by bike every day.


His mother often goes shopping on Sundays.



1.含系动词be(am/is/are)。be动词的用法为:I 作主语,用am,you作主语用are,单数的人或物以及不可数名词作主语用is,两个或两个以上的人或物作主语,用are。如:

I am a student. 我是一个学生。

Are you a musician? 你是一个音乐人吗?

He is a businessman. 他是一个生意人。

My brother and sister are both students. 我的哥哥和姐姐都是学生。

Two cups are on the table. 两个茶杯在桌子上。


He can swim. 他会游泳。

They can dance and sing. 他们既会唱歌又会跳舞。


(1)第三人称单数主语作句子主语具体指下列情况: a.人称代词he, she, it。b.单个人名、地名或称呼。c.单数可数名词或“this/that/the/形容词性物主代词+单数可数名词”。d.不定代词someone, somebody, nobody, everything, something, one等,及指示代词this, that。e.不可数名词。f.数字、重量、算式、时间、距离或字母等。如果是这些第三人称单数作句子主语,谓语用单三动词,单三动词的构成与名词的单数变为复数的规则基本相同,主要掌握:一般情况在动词末尾加s。如closes、starts等;以s、x、sh、ch、o结尾的动词在词尾加es。如:does、washes、watches等。以“辅音+y”结尾的动词,先将y改为i,再加es,如studies、carries等,have的单三形式为has,如:

He does his homework in the evening. 他在晚上做作业。

She has a brother. 她有一个哥哥。

My mother often goes shopping on Sundays.



I have an English dictionary. 我有一本英语词典。

They like playing basketball. 他们都喜欢打篮球。

You have a football. 你有一个足球。




My mother gets up early every morning. 妈妈每天早晨起床很早。

The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。


His sister is a teacher. 他的姐姐是一名教师。

I feel very happy. 我感到非常高兴。


She is reading a book. 她在看书。

They made cakes. 他们做了蛋糕。


He gives me a piece of paper. 他给我一张纸。

She tells me a story. 她给我讲了一个故事。


We must keep our school clean. 我们必须让学校保持干净。




(1) 谓语动词有be动词(am/is/are)或情态动词(can,must,could,would等),把它们提到主语前(即跟主语位置对调),可用口诀“一调、二改、三变”来概括这种方法,“一调”指把句中的be(am/is/are)或can等词调到主语前;“二改”指句中的主语若含有I(my/we)等第一人称代词时,需将它们分别改为you(your/you),谓语为am时,常改为are;“三变”指把句末的句号变为问号,如:

My brother is a teacher.(改疑问句) Is your brother a teacher?

She can dance and sing.(改疑问句) Can she dance and sing?

I am a student. (改疑问句) Are you a student?


He studies English.(改疑问句)→Does he study English?

They have a good teacher.(改疑问句)→Do they have a good teacher?



——Where do they work? 他们在哪里工作?

——They work in a factory. 在工厂。

——What does she do? 她是干什么的?

——She is a teacher. 她是个老师。

——How much are these pants? 这些裤子多少钱?

——They are twelve dollars. 他们12美元。

——When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?

——It’s June 3rd. 6月3日。



——Is your friend a boy or a girl? 你的朋友是男孩还是女孩?

——A boy. 男孩。

——Does she work in a factory or in a shop?


——In a shop. 在商店。



They are at home today. (否定句)→They aren’t at home today.

He is at work. (否定句)→He isn’t at work.

She can dance well. (否定句) →She can’t dance well.

(2)没有系动词或情态动词则加don’t/does not构成否定句,如原句是单三动词的要改为原形,如:

He studies English. (否定句)→He doesn’t study English.

They have a good teacher. (否定句)→They don’t have a good teacher.


(1)I think…句型变否定句时要以think为中心,如:

I think it is right. 我认为它对。

I don’t think it is right. 我认为它不对。

I think she is at home. 我认为她在家。

I don’t think she is at home. 我认为她不在家。

(2)因no=not any/a,所以不少名词前也常有no构成否定的(尤其是在there be或have/has句式中)。如:

I have time to do the housework. 我有时间干家务活。

I have no time(=not any time) to do the housework.


There is a book in my backpack. 我的双肩背包里有一本书。

There is no book in my backpack. 我的双肩背包里没有书。

(3)肯定句含有always, sometimes, often, usually等时,常把它们改为never变为否定句。如:

He always does some reading at the weekend. 他在周末经常阅读。

He never does some reading at the weekend. 他在周末从不阅读。

My sister often goes to school by bus.


My sister never goes to school by bus.



He has a pen. 他有一支笔。

Does he have a pen?/Has he a pen? 他有一支笔吗?

He doesn’t have/hasn’t a pen.他没有一支笔。

They have lunch at school. 他们在学校里吃午餐。

Do they have lunch at school? 他们在学校里吃午餐吗?

They don’t have lunch at school. 他们不在学校里吃午餐。


She wants some chalk.(否定句)→She doesn’t want any chalk.

There are some beautiful flowers for them.(疑问句)→Are there any beautiful flowers for them?



1. We often ____(play) football after school.

2. He ____(get) up at six o’clock.

3. What ____ your sister usually ____(do) after school?

4. Helen____ (study) English, Chinese, Maths, Science and Art at school.

5. Bob sometimes ____(go) to the park with his sister.

6. Her brother ____(watch) TV with her parents every night.

7. ____ Cindy ____(read) English every morning?

8. How many lessons ____ your brothers ____(have) on Monday?

9. Her sister ____(have) a tennis racket.

10. What time ____ you ____(go) to school?


1. I have a soccer ball.(改为否定句)

2. Grace’s sister likes playing table tennis. (改为否定句)

3. Mike has two letters for him. (改为一般疑问句)

4. I always play football on Friday afternoon. (改为否定句)

5. Su Yang usually washes some clothes on Saturday.(对划线部分提问)

6. I can see some kites in the sky. (改为一般疑问句)

7. There are some men near the river. (改为否定句)

8. I like actions and comedies. (对划线部分提问)

9. They want to go to a movie. (改为一般疑问句)

10. Jane watches sports on TV. (改为一般疑问句)
