After completing this lesson, student should be able to;---understand and use basic travel-related vocabulary---understand procedures related to checking-in, clearing customs and checks at the airport---effectively use communication skills to: Enquire about flights Reserve airplane ticket Enquire about facilities and services in a hotel Book a hotel room Request services in a hotel Business profile
Making enquiries about flights, luggage, and check-in times Booking airline tickets Checking in at the airport Going through customs Making a reservation in a hotel Checking in at a hotel Checking out
Teaching plan
I.Check the homework of unit 4
II.part 1 Warm-up Let students have a discussion about what people will usually do when they travel by air?
III.Part 2 listening practice Task I and task 2 a.Ask students what they should let the ticket agent know when booking an airline ticket
b.Have students discuss the question above in pairs c.Select one pair of students to present d.Check the answer with the whole class while listening
IV Part 3 language focus A Present theses important sentences Making enquiries for your trip: Could you tell me about the flights to pairs, please? Do you have any flights in the morning? How much is the fare? How much is the one-way trip? What time do I have to be at the airport? Checking in at the airport May I see your passport, sir? Your tickets and passport, please? Can I take these small bags with me ? Ask students what may be examined at the check-in counter of an airport List what students suggest on the board Listen and check the answer with whole class Follow-up practice
V.Part 4 Video 1 going through customs Show students an abstract of “PRC customs regulations on clearance on entering and exiting passengers”.Highlight the information about duty-free and dutiable articles.Ask students to think of as many duty-free and dutiable articles as possible Have a few students share their ideas with the class Watch the video and do the task Check the answers of this part
VI.Part 5 language focus B Present the important sentences to students Follow-up practice Divide the students of the class into pairs and have students choose the roles Ask the students to role play according to the given situations Have a few pairs perform the role play in class Invite other students to give comments and suggestions for improvement
VII.Part 6 Video 2 making a room reservation Let students watch the video and do the tasks post-viewing Divide the students of the class into pairs and have students choose the roles Ask the students to role play according to the given situations Have a few pairs perform the role play in class Invite other students to give comments and suggestions for improvement Business culture How to behave appropriately on a business trip
Answers of listening and video Part 1
a f g j e b c o d h part 2 in a taxi at a hotel on an airplane at customs in a booking office reserve a room check for rather full ticket and passport boarding passport tags room service plain black declare subject to belongings check out comes to receipt part 3
seats c and d row 12 two kilos
gate 7
now Part 5 From January 15th to 18th No there isn’t By credit card He is booking a small conference room He is asking for a wake-up call for tomorrow morning Approximately 8 hours The price for a single room with garden view is us 150, and that for a similar room with rear view 125
Unit 6 Company Presentations Teaching objectives After completing this lesson, students should be able to Understand and use basic vocabulary for introductions and presentations Identify the structure of a company presentation Effectively use communication skills to Talk about a company profile Answer general questions about a company Give a brief self-introduction Give a short business presentation Business profile
Organization of the information Delivery of the information Use of language Audience Participation Types of company Company corporation Firm Enterprise Township enterprise State-own enterprise Privately-owned enterprise Wholly owned foreign enterprise Foreign capital enterprise Sino-foreign joint venture Multinational corporation Group corporation Limited corporation Parent company Subsidiary
affiliate company Partnership Share holding company Listed quoted company Cooperation Industrial corporation Consulting corporation
Teaching plan Part one warm-up Divide the class into pairs Have each pair choose two logos they are familiar with and talk about the history, location, type of the company, etc Have a few students share what they know about particular companies with the class with telling the name of the companies Have the rest of the class guess at the name of the companies
Part 2 listening practice Task I and task 2 Keys of this part Products leading global first connecting London car Address audience PR department information china 2 5 minutes Largest first china 1977 California 42000 11 billion 1989;
Part 3 language focus A Introducing yourself and your talk Key sentences I am in charge of the PR department of…..Ladies and gentlemen, it is an honour to address such a distinguished audience.Lets start with the first point.Firstly, I’ll tell your about…..Secondly, I’d like to talk about…….Now we move to the second point.A final point is…….Follow-up practice Present Part 4 Video 1 making a start Post-viewing Divide the students of the class into pairs and have students choose the roles Ask the students to role play according to the given situations Have a few pairs perform the role play in class Invite other students to give comments and suggestions for improvement
Krashen (1980) 年的语言输入假说指出, 语言学习必须经过三个必要阶段, 首先学习者要获得大量的可理解性的语言输入, 才能吸收必要的语言材料, 奠定语言输出的基础, 语言学习者需要接收足够的语言输入, 才可以习得语言。语言输入的三个必备条件是:第一, 语言输入必须是能够理解的;第二, 语言输入必须是大量的;第三, 语言输入应该是有趣的、关联的。视听说教程的听说设计包含了大量的语言材料, 音频、视频材料穿插其中, 编写贯穿了语言输出能力的培养是以一定量的语言输入为前提的指导思想。教程中针对不同的主题设计了大量的交际练习, 使学生在掌握了足够量的语言输入后, 有机会可以锻炼语言输出。
《新标准大学英语:视听说教程》改变了传统的灌注式教学模式, 提倡以学习者为中心, 最大限度地发挥学生的潜能, 使其在课堂上能够围绕某一主题多说英语。该教程的每个单元设置情况如下: (1) Starting point:以调查问卷、趣味测试、话题讨论等多样的口语练习导入单元主题。 (2) Inside view:专为中国大学生量身定做视频故事, 以3个大学生在英国的生活情景为主线, 讨论日常生活、兴趣爱好、关注热点、思想感情等, 帮助学生了解异域文化, 熟悉不同语音, 学习地道表达方式。在这部分包括与视频内容相关的导入性练习, 形式多样的听力练习, 泛听与精听有机结合, 各有侧重。在语言与文化版块中讲解视频中的重要语言文化信息, 在每日英语版块中提炼视频中的日常口语, 帮助学生理解与应用, 并配有按功能分类的常用表达和口语练习, 引导学生灵活使用。 (3) Talking about:通过形式多样、生动有趣的口语互动引导学生探讨单元主题, 调节学习节奏。在交际活动中巧妙设置信息差, 营造真实语言环境。 (4) Outside view:选取真实视频材料, 展现社会万象, 开拓学生眼界, 引发深入思考。本部分视频内容丰富、题材多样, 涵盖纪录片、新闻、访谈、专题节目等多种形式。听前的导入练习, 帮助学生理解视频主题, 进行语言准备;听中的听力理解练习, 考查对视频内容的理解与分析;听后的讨论题则引导学生独立思考, 培养创造性思维并总结视频材料中突出的语言特点, 深入分析, 提高学生的听力策略。 (5) Listening in:选取两段与主题相关的真实听力材料, 包含各类问题, 从不同角度探讨主题、介绍文化讲话者身份差异, 语音自然生动, 语言鲜活地道。本部分也配有听力策略讲解和多种形式的听力练习。 (6) Presentation skills:以本单元视频、听力材料为基础, 引导学生进行某一形式的presentation, 不仅详细讲解表达技巧, 还提供相关表达用语。 (7) Pronunciation:以本单元视频、听力材料为例, 讲解和训练学生发音及听力中的弱点和难点。本部分包括辨音与跟读练习, 逐步纠正学生发音, 提高语音技巧及进行语音技巧讲解, 帮助学生有意识、有策略地训练语音。 (8) Unit task:要求学生综合运用本单元的语言知识和语言技能, 完成一项实践活动。学生可课下准备, 课上演示。
三选材内涵丰富, 极大地激发学生的学习兴趣
贴近学生生活的内容可以极大地激发学生的学习兴趣, 调动学生的学习积极性。《新标准大学英语:视听说教程》在选材上结合新一代大学生的知识结构与思维特点, 主题内容以人与人、人与自然、人与社会的关系为主线, 涵盖生活、学习、情感等日常话题及政治、经济、历史、文化、科技等深层问题。所选视频材料注重语言质量、文化内涵。以第一册视听说教程为例, 第一单元Staring out, 符合学生刚进入大学生活的背景;第二单元Food、glorious food, 以新颖的西方食物引起学生兴趣;第三单元Learning to think从思维方式的角度引导学生适应大学生活的学习模式;第四单元Person to person以学生非常熟悉的电话以及网络为主题, 使其感到有话可说;第五单元All you need is love以人类永恒的爱情话题为主题, 其交际活动的设计使学生能够尽兴投入;第六单元Shop till you drop以购物为主题, 向学生展现西方的购物环境;第七单元Family affairs以家庭为主题, 从现代家庭男性、女性承担的角色转变来引导学生讨论;第八单元Arrivals and departures以旅游为主题, 向学生展现全球不同地域的美景;第九单元Body and mind以身体健康为主题, 讲解健康方面的英语表达方式;第十单元Environmental matters以环境保护为主题, 引发学生对环境保护的持续关注。
四视、听、说三者有机结合, 提高学生语言能力与思维能力
《新标准大学英语:视听说教程》在练习与活动设计上注重对学生综合能力的培养。每一单元内各版块环环相扣, 内容彼此联系, 技能互为补充。丰富的语言材料、形式多样的活动、具有启发性的训练, 既能培养学生的英语综合应用能力, 又能提高学生的学习策略与创新思维能力。尤其在听说训练上, 始终围绕着培养学生整体理解及摄取特定信息能力这一宗旨, 在题目的设置上着力训练学生从听懂某一主题的内容到可以表达相关的思想和观点。同时, 编者结合四级考试中听力的考试题型, 针对考试中失分率最大的复合式听写这一题型, 反复锻炼学生的听写与速记能力。
五优化教学模式, 构建自主学习平台
《新标准大学英语:视听说教程》提供课堂教学与网络自主学习所需要的立体化资源。学生可根据个人需要, 通过多媒体光盘巩固所学知识, 通过网络课程拓展学习内容。在网络平台中, 学生可以在教师的指导下, 设定自己的学习目标与进程, 选择相应的练习, 加强语言训练;也可以在线完成作业、参加测试、查询练习记录、与教师或同学进行交流。丰富的教学资源与个性化、自助式的学习环境有助于学生进一步提高语言能力与学习能力。
总之, 《新标准大学英语:视听说教程》在教材内容和形式上进行了探索与创新, 为我国大学英语教学注入了新的活力, 引发了新的思考, 探索了新的标准, 是一套不可多得的好教材。
[1] (英) Simon Greenall、文秋芳.新标准大学英语[M]北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2009
[2]教育部高等教育司.大学英语课程教学要求[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2007
[3]Ellis Rod.Understanding Second Language Acquisition[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 1999
[4]Nunan David.Second languageTeaching and Learning[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2001
[5]Nunan David.Task-Based Language Teaching[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2004
Sherlock Holmes is probably the greatest detective ever known –well, at least he’s one of the most famous.But he never actually existed…he’s an imaginary detective who appears in sixty stories created by the Scottish author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.Doyle was not always a writer.He started his career as a doctor.Fortunately for us, he did not have many patients.He needed money and so he started to write stories.The first Sherlock Holmes story was pubished in 1887, and was called A study in Scarlet.Later, a magazine published The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and readers loved it!
What makes Sherlock Holmes so special? Well, he was very intelligent and successful.He always arrested the criminal-every single time –with the help of his partner, Dr.Watson.In the stories, Holmes lived at 221B Baker Street in London, England.Thousands of people visit that address every year.There’s also a Sherlock Holmes Museum in London.Activity TwoMike: …So, we can look forward to warmer temperature.It’ll be a good weekend for the beach.Over to you, Alexa.Alexa: Thank you for that weather report, Mike.And finally, this story just in.… We have a report that a local man, Nick Brown, saw some strange lights.He was driving home at about 10 p.m.He said the lights were bright and they moved across the sky.He stopped at a gas station and talked to a police officer about the lights.The police officer had seen the lights, too.M: Hmmm, … that’s strange story.What happened next?
A: Well, Mr.Brown took some pictures, but there was no film in his camera.Finally, he called his wife on his cell phone.But by that time, the lights were gone.M: Well, I know that there is a legend around here about mysterious lights … a lot of local people have seen the lights.It’s starting to seem like those lights really exist..What do you think, Alexa?
A: I don’t believe it.I think it’s some kind of hoax!
Activity Three
It was raining heavily.I couldn’t see clearly.I drove slowly.Suddenly, I saw a young girl.She was dressed neatly and standing in the middle of the road.I was surprised!Somehow, I stopped the car quickly.“What are
you doing?” I asked.She looked at me strangely but didn’t answer.“Are you OK?” I asked.“I’m fine,” she answered.Then she smiled happily and walked away quietly.Nervously, I drove to my hotel and checked in.I told the clerk about the little girl.“Do you know her?” I asked.“Oh yes,” he said calmly.“That’s Mary Anne.She died five years ago on that road.It was a car accident during a rainstorm.”
Activity FourIt was early morning, June 30, 1908, in eastern Russia.Suddenly, a terrible explosion rocked the forest in Tunguska.People fell to the ground, and all the trees for 2000 square kilometers were down.People heard the explosion 800 kilometers away, and the fire burned for many weeks.A century later, scientists are still trying to find the answer.Here are some possible explanations.1.An asteroid: Asteroids are very large pieces of rock that goes around in space and sometimes hit the planet.They can cause lots of damage.Some of them weigh as much as 100,00 tons.If an asteroid hit the earth, it would cause a huge explosion.2.A comet: Comets are giant balls of gas, ice., and rock with long tails.They travel through space in a regular pattern.Encke’s Comet was near Earth in1908, and it’s possible that a part of it broke off and hit the earth.3.An UFO accident: Some people believe that a spaceship crashed into the ground in Siberia and its engine exploded.4.An extraterrestrials might have wanted to destroy the earth, so they aimed their weapons at Earth and set fire to the forest.5.A scientific experiment: Another idea is that scientists made a mistake during an experiment with electricity.A man named Nikola Tesla tried to build a “supergun” that used electricity.Maybe it was a test of his gun and it didn’t work correctly.Activity Five
Q(question).Where is Marfa and what exactly is it famous for?
A(answer).Marfa is a small town in west Texas in the United States.It’s famous for the “Marfa mystery lights”.Q.What are the mystery lights exactly?
A.No one knows for sure.There are many different ideas about that.Q.Can you describe them?
A.That’s a difficult question.Different people see different lights.They are not always the same.I can say that they appear after sunset in the sky.They dance mysteriously in air and vanish.Then they suddenly reappear.Q.Some people say they are car headlights.Do you think so?
A.No.I don’t.A man first saw the mystery lights over 100 years ago.The man was Robert Ellison and the year was 1883.Of course we didn’t have cars in 1883.Q.What do you think causes the lights?
A.There are many theories.The Native Americans thought the lights were stars falling to Earth.Some people think uranium gas causes the lights.Other people suggest that ball lightning does it.Ball lightning is lightning in the shape of circle.It often appears just after a rainstorm.Q What are some of the weirdest ideas about the lights?
A.Well, some people call them “ghost lights”.They think ghosts do it.That’s the strangest idea.Some say they are UFOs.I don’t think so.Q.What do the experts say?
A.They can’t figure it out.Some engineers even came from Japan one time.They studied the lights, but couldn’t solve the mystery.Q.Are the local people scared?
1、通过学习,认识封建社会人才被埋没的根 本原因。2、在把握文章中心的基础上,了解托物寓意的写法。3、通过多种形式的诵读,训练文言语感,逐步加深对
教学方法:朗读法、讨论法 教学手段:课件 教学过程:
② 作者要借马来表明自己的观点,请同学们在结尾处找找,哪句话最等体现作者的思想感情?
东塔初中 勾春文 头来看看前面的课文。
②伯乐不常有,造成了千里马怎样的命运?在课文中找出原句。(“故虽有名马,辱于奴隶之手,骈死于槽枥之间,不以千 里称也。”)
②食马者无知会造成什么样的恶果呢?用书中原句回 答。(“食不饱,力不足,才美不外见。”)
小结:策之不以其道,食之不能尽其材,鸣之而不能通其意 执策而临之,曰:“天下无马。” 把不识马者的虚妄无知的嘴脸刻画的入木三分。
最后发出感慨:并非没有千里马,而是“不知马” ③作者对食马者抱着一种什么样的态度?对千里马又是怀着什么样的感情呢?
作为学生成为“伯乐”的机会不多,但每一个人都有可能成为“千里马”,在我们遇到伯乐之前,我们需要做些什么? 交流:如何做一个人才?
一、导语: 说一说
本文大约写于贞元十一年至十六年间,其时韩愈初登仕途,很不得志。曾三 次上书宰相要求重用,未能如愿,心中郁闷不平,所以有“伯乐不常有”之叹。
策之不以其道: 虽有千里之能:
文中的千里马、伯乐、食马者各比喻什么人? “千里马”: 寓指人才。(被埋没摧残、怀才不遇明主的人才)
“伯乐”: 寓指识才的明君。(让人发挥作用的封建统治者)
“食马者”: 寓指愚妄浅薄、不识人才的统治者。(昏庸的统治者)
作者借“千里马”不遇“伯乐”的遭遇,寄托了怎样的思想感情? 表达了作者对无知的统治者埋没人才、浪费人才的痛惜和嘲讽,寄托了自己怀才不遇、壮志难酬的愤懑心情。
注意读出五个“也”字的感情色彩。——不以千里称也。——是马也,„„ ——安求其能千里也?
世有神探,然后才能捉贼。盗贼经常有,而神探不常有。故虽有奸贼,出没于大街之上,往来于高楼 之间,却从不会失手也。
教育界的专家和学者 (Halliday:1978、Starkey:2002、许国璋:1980、邓炎昌、刘润清:1989、陈申:2001、张国华:2010、马冬:2011、张丽丽:2011等) 普遍认为语言是文化的载体, 文化则影响并制约着语言和语言的使用, 当学习者学习一门语言时, 他们也在学习一门文化, 因此从某种意义上讲, 外语学习就是文化学习, 外语教学即是文化教学。
1 研究问题
本课题通过对视听说教改中文化教学的研究, 拟解决以下一个关键问题:与传统的视听说教学方式相比, 融合文化因素的教学方式对学生的口语成绩有无更大的促进作用?如果有体现在哪些方面?
2 研究方法
本课题主要采用文献分析、实验对照、数理统计、实证研究等方法进行研究工作。通过对两个班级进行前测和后测进行实证性实验对比研究, 开展对照组 (采用传统教学方式的班级) 和实验组 (采取文化因素融入的教学方式) 文化教学研究, 探讨文化教学在大学英语视听说课程改革中的教学效果, 即对口语的促进作用, 教学效果的体现主要通过后测成绩, 为研究问题的阐释提供更加真实可靠的数据支撑, 从而验证文化教学的教学效果。
3 研究过程
2013年9月本课题组对所教两个理科班 (齐齐哈尔大学13级一级41班和42班) 进行了口语前测, 测试采用百分制记分, 前测成绩运用专业数理统计软件SPSS 20.0进行了独立样本t检验, 结果如表1。
由表1可以看出这两组受试对象在口语前测中, 成绩基本相当, 不具有显著性差异 (t=-1.260, p=0.213>0.05) , 本次实验可以继续进行。
随后, 本课题组随机选取了以化学专业为主的一级41班作为实验组进行了时长一个学期的融入文化因素的口语教学, 而选取以机械专业为主的42班作为对照组也进行了时长一个学期的传统口语教学, 不涉及文化因素的讲解。
在口语教学完成之后, 本研究进行了后测, 由于本研究是在口语教学完成后就进行的后测, 因此也就保证了测试的时效性。
4 结果与讨论
本研究使用统计软件SPSS20.0, 对实验组和对照组两组口语后测成绩进行了独立样本t检验, 结果如表2。
表2表明:实验组和对照组这两组受试对象的口语后测成绩经过独立样本t检验, 结果存在极其显著性差异 (t=3.241, p=0.002<0.01) , 实验组受试对象口语后测成绩要明显高于对照组。
这表明, 采用融入文化因素进行教学的实验组, 口语学习效果要明显好于采用传统方式进行口语教学的对照组, 从而也表明, 与传统的视听说教学方式相比, 融合文化因素的教学方式对学生的口语成绩有更大的促进作用, 更有利于增强学生的跨文化意识, 从而有效提高学生的口语交际能力。
在视听说教学实践中, 学生在融入文化因素的课堂里练习口语, 随着他们对英语的文化了解更为深入, 他们也就获得了较为丰富的背景知识, 这样一来他们也就有话想说, 有话可说了, 从而他们在增强口语地道性的同时也为语言的准确性赢得了时间, 从而提高了语言的流利性。
这更进一步表明, 文化教学是语言教学的本质要求, 也符合语言教学的基本规律有助于培养学生的跨文化交际能力, 激发学生学习兴趣, 提高其应试能力, 增强其竞争力, “越深刻细致地了解所学语言国家的历史、文化、传统、风俗习惯、生活方式以至生活细节, 就越能正确地理解和准确地使用这一语言, 反过来说, 不了解英美文化, 要学好英语是不可能的” (胡文仲, 1994) 。
5 结论
基于以上研究结果, 本课题组得出以下结论:在视听说教改的过程中积极进行文化教学, 有利于更好地促进学生口语交际能力的提高, 有利于学生跨文化交际能力的培养, 也是高校大学英语与时俱进的必然趋势, 广大英语教师如果能不断提高文化教学意识, 就会进一步优化视听说课程教学效果。
摘要:无论是培养学生的实际运用能力, 还是增进学生跨文化交际素质, 视听说作为培养学生口语交际能力的一门课程, 都具有重要的作用;该课题旨在研究文化教学在视听说课程改革中的教学效果, 通过与无文化教学的传统视听说教学方式对比, 研究发现融合文化因素的教学方式对学生的口语能力有更大的促进作用, 促进作用主要体现在学生口语交际的流利性, 准确度和地道性三个方面。
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《马说教案》 (语文版九年级上册)06-21